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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 533x400, oasis-falafel-461-lghtbx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6201408 No.6201408 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met people that are just plain *afraid* of new foods?

I live and work in Kansas City, and yesterday we were going out to a team lunch. I pushed a place called Habashi House, which does falafel/shwarma/etc.

Out of 12 people, 4 were so scared of this food they hadn't tried before that they opted for the burrito place next door. I was amazed. I'd never seen anything like that.

>> No.6201428

I met a girl that was scared of eggs once. Wouldn't eat anything with eggs in it.

>> No.6201440

im afraid of new experiences
but not food that's weird.

>tfw runnig out of new food to try
>tfw small negro city

>> No.6201445

There are always fussy people, but there seems to be a culture of it in the Midwest. I have in-laws there, and I've heard them say (when choosing a place to go out to eat) they want "normal" food. When I ask them what the fuck normal food is they usually reply with something like, "You know, regular food. Nothing weird."

If you're a fan of adventurous eating I'd really recommend getting the fuck out of the Midwest.

Here in NYC the felafel sandwich is a common food. Maybe not as ubiquitous as pizza, burgers and hot dogs, but not far behind them in popularity. And it's cheap, too. You can still get a good example at Mamoun's for under $4. (The rent here is another story, unfortunately).

>> No.6201447

913 reporting in. Habashi House is GOAT.

>> No.6201450


Went to the one in New Haven. It was good, but Sultan's Market in Chicago is better (for falafel sandwiches anyway)

>> No.6201469

I wouldn't say Mamoun's is the best. It's just a classic that's still good and cheap. (And if you didn't get it with the homemade hot sauce you missed out. That stuff has a crazy enough pleasure/pain ratio to get a masochist excited).

>> No.6201471
File: 26 KB, 300x457, Rubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly the definition of Flyover.
Fear of new things until it becomes accepted enough to be not judged by your soccer mom idiots.
In ten years your coworkers will be ready for falafel.
Until then, save up to move to somewhere with a little more culture and civilization beyond sweetcorn farms and American football.

>> No.6201472
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>You know, regular food. Nothing weird."
fuck 'em, go where ever to eat. don't let this filthy flyover plebs stop you from eating good food

whenever my dad comes up to visit he always wants to only go to bars and get bar food to eat. i'd finally talked him into indian food last time and he just ended up complaining the whole time. but at least i got to eat something tasty

>> No.6201478

Volunteered at a high school cafeteria once as a favor to my friend, who was a teacher there. The kitchen helper never showed up for work or something.

Anyway, it was around Halloween, and the school went all out. Halls were decorated, doors, lockers, etc. We had beef stew as an option for lunch. It was slow cooked beef, potatoes, mushrooms and carrots. To get with the theme, the cafeteria named their stuff with a Halloween twist. Spaghetti became brains and meatballs, Caesar salad was monster skins with dressing, etc. I decided to name the beef stew "Horse". Because, you know, with all the baby-tier naming, something simply named "Horse" would be unnerving.

I guess it scared everyone off, because we had about 14 out of 15 liters of the thing leftover. Told the lady to just thicken that stuff up and put pastry on top of it to sell it as beef pot pie.

>> No.6201479

Wow you don't know any soccer moms. They're the exact people these "new" things are marketed to. The pinterest-lurking, yoga-obsessed harpies with children. Restaurants pray they accept their "exotic" cuisine, because it guarantees success. No judging involved. Soccer moms live for these things.

>> No.6201484
File: 47 KB, 135x162, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose the definition of Soccer mom has changed slightly. I suppose they'd be more accurately classified as commoners or plebeian.
The point being, the kind of simple folk that live by the motto "What're ya bettern' me?" and "It was good ennuf fer mah daddy, it's good enuff fer me."

>> No.6201501

Those people who eat a dish once and find it incredibly tasty
There's actually an ingredient in it they don't like
The second time they eat it you tell them and they don't like it anymore

>> No.6201502


Fuck, I never understood that.

>> No.6201595

I live in Brooklyn. Adventurous eating is literally just a few steps outside my apartment. When I go to visit relatives in the Midwest I can suck it up and eat boring food for a few days. The good local beer takes the sting out of it.

Though I was shocked when one of my wife's high school friends invited us over to dinner with her family in their beautiful suburban house, then proceeded to serve us frozen pizza and salad from a bag with out choice of various flavors of ranch dressing. When I asked if she had olive oil and vinegar she said she had some white vinegar she used for cleaning. When I made a little vinaigrette for my salad she was amazed. "I didn't know you could do that!" This woman was neither poor, nor stupid. She simply had no idea salad dressing didn't have to come from a bottle. (Obviously she had no idea frozen pizza was an odd thing to serve guests, either, but I was not going to be a snob toward her when she was kind enough to invite me over).

There is some scary eating going on in the Midwest.

>> No.6201644

I lived in Iowa for 1 year and my roommate had never tasted soy sauce.

I shared some of my cherries with him once and it was exactly like watching a toddler eat. He didn't know how to eat them without biting the pit so he chewed on the sides and ended up spitting out most of the cherry. It was genuinely confusing to him.

Some nice people there, but you can nuke the midwest and lose nothing of value.

>> No.6201653

You weren't creative enough, need to be over the top with these things, especially around kids.

Could've easily made it swamp water or baba yaga's kid soup.

>> No.6201654

>but you can nuke the midwest and lose nothing of value.
I'd rather start with California. It's slipping into the ocean, anyways. Let's go ahead and preempt mother nature.

>> No.6201657

I'm only afraid of food that's gotten me sick before since my stomach is literal trash when I get food poisoning.

I'll eat anything but Ethiopian food because of that.

Every other cuisine has a safe/americanized food that even the pickiest of eaters can handle.

Also how the fuck is falafel scary that's stuff is pretty bland/safe with most people. Hell I ate falafel when I still had my "I refuse to eat foreign foods" phase.

>> No.6201663

>Some nice people there
That's the thing. I really like my in-laws in WI and MI, but eating with them is like eating with toddlers (as you so aptly put it). I think my mother in law lives entirely on cereal, 2% milk and microwave mac & cheese.

One of my best friends grew up in Iowa. Dude made it to 30 without ever tasting lamb. How do you do that?

>> No.6201676

The funny thing about all the Midwest food hate is that most Midwestern people eat traditional food that would seem exotic, but chose to keep it in house. When entertaining people they don't break out the beef tongue sandwiches or the pickled heart or realy weird traditional shit because the city folk wouldn't get it. Think : pickled stuff, weird fish preparations and lots of game. It's there if the snobbey foodies don't roll into town and exclaim "where is my meme food you fucking heathens". As far as introducing your friends and family to shit, it sounds like your a pushy cunt and the people who couldn't reach consensus with you were sick of your shit.

>> No.6201690
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Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.

>> No.6201693

>If you're a fan of adventurous eating I'd really recommend getting the fuck out of the Midwest.
u wot

Some of the greatest and most "adventurous" foods I've ever had were served in Minneapolis and Chicago.

>> No.6201698

>most Midwestern people eat traditional food that would seem exotic, but chose to keep it in house.
This has not been my experience. Sure, hunters have venison, and a handful of German, Scandinavian and Polish dishes hang on regionally. But the vast majority of people I've met seem to live off chain restaurant food, bar food and convenience foods from the supermarket. And sandwiches. Those who actually cook do it in a semi-homemade way, dumping all manner of mixes, canned goods, bottled sauces and frozen foods into slow cookers or casserole dishes to get very mild chili, slow boiled meat in BBQ sauce or some manner of "hot dish".

>> No.6201700

Those are sort of exceptions, them being large popular cities.

>> No.6201713

>Minneapolis and Chicago.
You just named the only places where it's easy to get a good bite to eat in an 822,000 square mile area.

>> No.6201716

and 3 hours south of chicago, where i grew up, you're lucky to get 1 vietnamese place, 1 thai place, and a couple taquerias as ethnic food.

>> No.6201725


Lots of good eats in that market area. The burrito joint is good too and the sandwiches at Carollo's are out of this world

>> No.6201736

Drive around your eastern states and I promise you that you get out into lower population areas and people don't eat ethnic fijian sea cucumber suprise like you're convinced they do. Small town life is different. I would say Midwestern small towns have pretty good selection. If your comparing large and medium sized towns to small ones your strawman is just going to confirm what you want it to, so why even post?

>> No.6201740


I live and work in Kansas City

>Not going to Anthony's

Yeah Peotone or wherever sucks. Enjoy your one generic Chinese buffet

>> No.6201741
File: 40 KB, 549x439, fly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for more flyover butthurt

>> No.6201752

>Have you ever met people that are just plain *afraid* of new foods?
Yes, and it just seems so silly.
If you don't like it don't eat any more of it, or spit it out if you're a real pussy.

Its fucking embarrassing when a grown ass man won't eat food.

>> No.6201757

And 6 hours north of Chicago I'm lucky to have a viatenamese, thai , Cantonese medeteranian, Jamaican, 2 authentic mexican , 2 polish 1 german and 2 french restaurants in a town with less than 30k people. That's forgetting all the farm - to - table restaurants and fresh catch places serving fish just dragged out of the lake. Is the impression that we just eat burger King and scrambled eggs here?

>> No.6201760

I'm glad I don't live in a fly-over state, but with that being said. Midwest food ain't bad. They make American classics well, with nicely sized portions, and decent prices. Definitely sucks that the communities aren't willing to expand their pallet though, but fuck'um.

>> No.6201770

Where the fuck do you live? Some kind of upper middle class yuppie winter resort town?

>> No.6201791

soccer mom has never meant that

you think you're so fucking slick but you don't even know english

>> No.6201799

Shit nigga lamb is hard to get around here.
We've got all kinda of cow and pork and chicken bits (muh chicken liver mac n cheese), and shit like crawfish, bison, salmons, imported preserved meats, but no lamb.

at least I'm in walking distance of ox tails, ham hocks and liver sausage.

>> No.6201806

>Drive around your eastern states and I promise you that you get out into lower population areas and people don't eat ethnic fijian sea cucumber suprise like you're convinced they do.
The difference is that in the Northeast the cities aren't very far apart. If you're passing through a place where the only options are a chain pizza joint, a Chinese takeout and a Waffle House you're not much more than an hour or two away from better options. D.C., Philly, NYC and Boston all have Chinatowns. That's four major cities in a row in about the distance from Chicago to Minneapolis.

Sure, plenty of folks in the Northeast eat like shit. We have chain restaurants and supermarkets full of crap just like anywhere else in America. But if you want to eat something better or more interesting here you've got options. Even upstate NY and western PA are easier to find a bite to eat in than, say Eau Claire, WI.

>> No.6201820

>Kansas City

There's your problem.

>> No.6201825

And by afraid to try new things you mean unable to accept anything other than processed crap/ bad fake mexican food?

>> No.6201844

I sort of get where they're coming from, from a social anxiety perspective - they don't want to order something which they have no idea what it tastes like, take a bite, and be greeted with something they despise, then having to dispose of the entire meal and order something else, or go hungry. In front of co-workers, no less.
>b-but it's g-good to exp-periment
Yes, on your own time, not company lunch time.

>> No.6201873
File: 335 KB, 1024x662, hsaerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-bbut anon, why would anyone ever vacation in a f - flyover state. We aren't even worth stopping in mmmrn.

>> No.6201884

I'd trade lamb for fresh bison, crayfish, pork
and salmon any day.

>> No.6201892

>small negro city

dat soul food doe

>> No.6201893

hell, NYC has a china town in every borough. most people refer to the one in manhatten but the one in queens is best in my opinion. hell, manhatten even has a china town, a koren town and an asiatown

>> No.6201900

well you be a fucking adult and you eat that shit still. even if you don't like it, food is food, don't act like a fucking asshat cause you think something might taste yucky

>> No.6201907

Or maybe the mid westerners are just proud enough to fucking enjoy their lunch and not give a fuck about what you think?

>> No.6201912

>dem Korean french bakeries

>> No.6201917

>You HAVE to experiment and eat shit you may not like and choke it down
>You are not allowed to go to the place next door that has food you know you like
Seig Heil.

>> No.6201923

I've been posting, but don't want this thread to turn into piling on the Midwest for unsophisticated taste and unwillingness to try new things.

There could be a reason for this as far as culture goes. The Midwest has stronger ties to farming than other parts of the country. Farmers generally don't go in for "fancy" anything; they have to be pragmatic in order to survive. "Exotic" meant imported for much of American history, and a farmer had no use for imported goods. That sort of farmer attitude hangs on in the Midwest.

If you go to Pennsylvania Dutch country you find an analog of it in the Northeast. But most of the cities in the Northeast were founded facing across the Atlantic. Interaction with Europe (and later the rest of the world) has always been part of their history and economies. So foreign things weren't necessarily shied away from. And the concentration of wealth meant fancy things weren't considered frivolous, either.

My theory is that the "not wanting to try new things" attitude that annoys you in Kansas City is a legacy of farmer attitudes. Agriculture is still huge in the area, so those kind of attitudes won't be disappearing anytime soon.

>> No.6201931

what soul food
blacks eat chain shit and frozen stuff. the only non chain places here are strictly yt establishments

>> No.6201936

People from Chicago go to the UP all the time. Your town would not have those nice things if not for Chicagoans wanting to get away from the crime for a weekend.

>> No.6201937

The pretentiousness in this thread is at critical mass.

>> No.6201940

there is also autists of course

>> No.6201943

Statements like this are truly ignorant. Did you know Michiganders have an abbreviation for people from Illinois?


They could also be known as fudgies or conesuckers.

>> No.6201948
File: 407 KB, 600x597, 1422133756156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I detect some flyover butthurt

>> No.6201952

and yet your economy depends on these people. of course, I moved away from the midwest, because I want to do something important with my life

>> No.6201963

Ayy I don't live in northern Michigan just relaying what I know

What is it that you've decided to do with your life that matters? Genuinely curious

>> No.6201965


a: not the UP. 6 hours North into Michigan is either Escanaba or landlocked, so don't be a faggot.

b: either chicago is part of the midwest, and therefore part of the culture, or its an extension of the east. "omfg u dumb Midwesternrs....you can't have a city.....all your foods outside of cow and tree bark must be from the east" . This is an example of food, 350 miles away from a city center, that is not "normal food". I would say that jose who owns one of the taquerias would even disagree with you that all his buisness is from chicago. Yes brown and yellow people can live around trees. Please move the goal posts more.

>> No.6201969

I am from Peoria, IL. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to average midwestern food. Your town is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.6201979

What about Detroit and the surrounding area. Largest population of middle easterners outside of their native land and definitely the best middle eastern food that can be had in America

>> No.6201983


Perhaps Illinois is just the shit hole of the United states that we are taught growing up or your arrogant fucking view of the world can' extend outside of your own fucking shonees in town? Wisconsin and the few towns north of Chicago in Illinois have some good food, wtf is wrong with your city?

>> No.6201991

There's middle eastern food in Peoria, too. The town is practically run by the Lebanese. Do the inner city black people eat that shit? No. Do the farm kids eat that shit? No. Do most the white suburban people eat that shit? No. You're confusing what the upper middle class does with what the rest of the country does. You're an elitist 1%er.

>> No.6201995

What's funny is the arrogant coastal folk couldn't eat all their fancy fag food if we didn't grow it and raise the animals slaughtered for it.

>> No.6201996

And lansing and Ann Arbor are decidedly asian. Great food and a huge love of french pastries and sweet shit(I am looking at you Chapelure)

>> No.6201997

there you go.

How much traveling have you done in the midwest? Have you been to Indiana? Iowa? Kansas? Nebraska? Because they, and their food, have a lot more in common with my town than anything close to Chicago.

>> No.6201998

placebo effect

>> No.6202004

Epic troll friend. So the 1% is living in one bedroom duplexes now....

>> No.6202010

Yes. Because your rent is ridiculous because you live in a yuppie town full of annoying yuppies. Might as well be in New Haven.

>> No.6202013

Felafel is vegetarian.

>> No.6202016

My rent is pretty low and I live in between uncouth nigs. What is your next generalization?

>> No.6202018

Actually they have a lot more to do with my home town than peoria. I grew up in a town with 8k people. Fuck your shit midsized asshole of the country town. Richmond, Indianapolis, canton, toledo Cincinnati, grand Rapids, Duluth, traverse city, greenbay, Marquette ... search these towns and what ever cuisine your looking for. Bet you find them.

>> No.6202024

That you live in the poor part of an otherwise upper middle class yuppie town. Someone's gotta sweep the floors.

>> No.6202028

My brother is like that.
>hey man come try this food I made
>"What is it?"
>tell him
>"ewwww no I don't like onions/tomatoes/mushrooms/carrots/any vegetables"
>when's the last time you tried it?
>"uh... well... I just know that I won't like it."
Motherfucking fuck. All he eats is fried/junk food.

>> No.6202030

why u so mad?

Also, I agree that Peoria sucks. It's representative of everything wrong with America in general and the midwest specifically, and I'm glad I left. The midwest is a good place to go and die, I guess.

>> No.6202038

Oh look, I can find all kinds of ethnic food in peoria. Sounds like this asshole is just lazy and mad walmart doesn't stock Sambal Oleck so he can try that crazy thai recipe he found on pint rest without leaving his comfort bubble and actually trying for himself.
The non adventuresome redneck anon who is too lazy to try.... its>>6201997

>> No.6202043

Grand Rapids here. Hated Michigan til I moved here. Hopefully won't ever have to leave the area now. And you're right about the food, we have pretty much everything. Gonna check out the new Thai place that just opened across the street from me after work.

>> No.6202047

But if I live in the poor part how am I part of the 1%, as you originally claimed?

>> No.6202050

Those restaurants cater to their actual ethnic population and yuppies. Real people don't eat at those places. They go to golden corral and mcdonalds and chilis and Buffalo wild wings. but please, tell me more about the shithole i was born, raised, and escaped from.

>> No.6202053

Isit-is it better anon, to be amongst your own timid kind and be able to move in packs? I bet you and your hipster kind spit on people who want to just order comfort food. Do you secretly scarf some tendies and dream of the amber waves of grain, quietly wishing you had just learned how to use Google maps when you were back home?

>> No.6202060

bitter poorfag who couldn't afford to leave the midwest detected

>> No.6202063


>> thanks for proving my point

>> No.6202067

stay mad, poorfag. i'm glad i don't ever have to deal with people like you IRL ever again.

>> No.6202083

what's going on here? I don't get it.

>> No.6202084

So what mecca did you move to sir? The one we're all the ethnic restaurants keep the dirty ethnic people out? And weren't you just telling me I'm a 1% er? Go buy some guns and bitch about being forever unhappy you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6202093

One thing that Midwesterners are good at is being kind and respectful to others. You'll find that the concept of human kindness is something that seems to have been lost somewhere along the way in the northeast. I hope you find what you're looking for and I'm sure your original home would be happy to welcome you back if you should ever decide to return

>> No.6202097

I thought I was talking to more than one person. Now that I know it's just you, I kind of feel bad. You seem really pathetic.

And I'm not unhappy. A smile came upon my face the moment I left, and it hasn't gone away since.

>> No.6202100

Unless you're gay. Or black. Or dress funny. Or have political opinions anywhere to the left of Rand Paul.

>> No.6202105

seems like you're making more stereotypical/ignorant remarks than he is

>> No.6202108

Some bitter faggot from peoria is bitching about suburbia's lack of successful diverse restaurants because he hasn't left his mother's basement prior to moving to some other part of the country. Some one else is making a counter point, and they are getting asshurt and demonstrating their insecurity in being around other cultures, but their odd insistence that the fact he can't try their food (without being around them) means that an entire region of the country which he aknowledges has this food availible but not for "real people" is without humus or kebab.

>> No.6202109

You poor butthurt Midwesterners

>> No.6202110

I know it from experience, jackass. I wouldn't have left if it were a pleasant place to live.

>> No.6202111

>Those restaurants cater to their actual ethnic population and yuppies. Real people don't eat at those places.
There you have it folks. That's exactly the attitude that keeps people from trying new things. Yuppies and ethnic types aren't "real" people. "Real" people don't eat that kind of food.

The hayseed terrified of anything to do with foreigners and city slickers.

>> No.6202113

My mom used to refuse buffalo sauce because she thought it contained buffalo. She also wouldn't eat blue cheese dressing because muh moldy old cheese. One new years she was pretty tipsy and we got her to have a buffalo wing with blue cheese dressing, now she LOVES both. She even eats salads with blue cheese now.

>> No.6202115

How horrifying.

>> No.6202116

I ate the food. The ethnic people ate the food. Most of the yokels ate at chain restaurants. How would I know what kind of people go to these places if I never went there myself?

>> No.6202117

I was expecting this response. You have a very warped view of the Midwest. I have never once seen an open display of racism or any type of bigotry. At the most if someone doesn't like you, you will be ignored.

Or are you a super SJW who can find racism and social injustice in Sesame Street?

>> No.6202120

Lol your mom's a fag

>> No.6202122

are you gay black and a hippy?
if so why were your parents allowed to settle in the midwest if it was so terrible?

>> No.6202123

>never once seen an open display of racism or any type of bigotry

A black friend of mine was jumped at a gas station by four white dudes in a pickup truck. This wasn't even out in the sticks, but a fairly busy part of town.

>> No.6202125

blue cheese sauce is fucking disgusting. no idea how people can eat that

>> No.6202127

>anecdotes: the post

>> No.6202131

>have housemate, white "country" boy (I'm also white)
>asian housemate brings home these chili lime potato chips
>I try some, they're the best chip I've ever had
>white guy asks if they're spicy
>"meh, a tiny bit but not really. They're good, try it."
>we all get on him until he takes one
>goes red in the face and starts gagging and coughing
>sweating profusely, tearing up
>we all ask if he's alright
>apparently it was too spicy for him and he's never, ever eaten anything with any level of spice in it before
>not even flyover

>She simply had no idea salad dressing didn't have to come from a bottle

These people, man. Bottled dressing is shit. If there's no oil and vinegar, it's almost well enough to have without. Ranch is nasty and that bottled Italian makes me want to hurl. Tastes like a cheap vinaigrette with a cup of sugar dumped in it.


There is no lamb in the grocery store. Maybe a butcher shop in a nice area. Can't eat what isn't sold.

>> No.6202132

My mother was the product of an English immigrant and a fourth generation Mexican-American who was from Texas but living in Chicago at the time. She was adopted by a German-American family. My dad is from a prominent German family in the area that's been here for generations.

I was friends with black guys and gay guys, and they got treated like shit.

>> No.6202133

A white person (me) was jumped at a WalMart by three knife wielding blacks. This wasn't even in the ghetto but a fairly white part of town.

Blacks confirmed subhuman

>> No.6202136

Hey now, this moron is obviously so pleased he moved away. >>6202100
He can suck every dick he wants while burning the bible AND the Koran in an Asian fusion martini bar! Oh those Midwesterners! The restaurants in his home town probably run by actual imigrants weren't making real food for real people because you couldn't get sodomized in the men's room while piss ing out your 4th apple-razztinni! >> protip: most Midwesterners support gay marriage, you could do all that shit too.

>> No.6202137

>I have never once seen an open display of racism or any type of bigotry. At the most if someone doesn't like you, you will be ignored.

And what is that? Well researched scientific data? You've never seen bigotry because you only hang out with white people.

>> No.6202139

So you're full of shit. And a shitskin.

>> No.6202141

Shit its turning /pol/ in here

>> No.6202142

jesus christ you're mad. calm down, jethro. everyone knows the midwest sucks. i'm not delivering any news here.

>> No.6202146

It's not an anecdote if it's exclusively about white people.

>> No.6202147

>full of shin
how so?
pale skin, blue eyes. sorry buddy, but most latin americans you meet on a daily basis, you have no idea that you're latin american. I love it when people start going off on mexicans; I pretend to agree with them so they're comfortable and say really horrendous shit, then I tell them my ancestry. They always get so flustered; i laff and laff and laff.

>> No.6202151

Bro you been btfo just stop.

What have you done since moving from Peoria? What is your life's current course?

>> No.6202152

That's really gross.
I bet you shit all over white people too, pedro.

But I'm sure you're life is so much better now that you're getting railed in the ass daily by colorful minorities.

>> No.6202153

>a bunch of angry rednecks say some dumb shit

>> No.6202159

It doesn't matter if you don't look like a shitskin, it goes deeper than that. You still are one and you yourself are aware of that. That's really all that matters

>> No.6202160

How is that gross? It's hilarious. Nothing funnier than a backpedaling white person.

Tell me more about how midwesterners aren't bigoted, Cletus.

>> No.6202161

that's the natural course of discussion on this site. If it doesn't go full /pol/ you're in a general or /mlp/.

>> No.6202165

But midwesterners aren't racist, right? lol.

>> No.6202166

>Literally refuted at every point
>getting angry when others don't agree with you

You still haven't answered what you've done since leaving the Midwest to become so successful

>> No.6202167

>m-muh anecdotes! W-why does no one take me seriously ;_;
back to >>>/pol/

>> No.6202169

If they back pedal they aren't really bigoted.

When you whip out your 'I'm a shitskin' card and they beat you senseless then you can whine about bigotry.

>> No.6202171
File: 26 KB, 250x284, 1381366931292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but you are proving that you lack the mental capacity to understand satire.

>> No.6202173

>all bigots are violent
very funny 10/10

there are currently three different midwesterners calling me a shitskin in this thread. i have seen plenty of discrimination happen to my friends. if you ever left your basement, you might realize that "anecdotes" are another word for "life experience"

>> No.6202175

>oh no my irrational hatred of my hometown is blinding me to my pathetic pretentiousness

keep fighting the good fight though, comrade. we'll wipe out all the evil white folks soon!

>> No.6202176

Who were you satirizing? An angry /pol/tard? Because if you were, 10/10, I really thought you were an angry /pol/tard

>> No.6202178

>impotently rageful white guy detected
I love people like you. They make me feel so much better about myself, knowing that I don't go through life angry at the black/feminist/jewish boogeyman that I think is oppressing me.

>> No.6202179

>implying you being called a shitskin has more to do with the Anons being midwestern than with this being 4chan

Anecdotes prove nothing. In my experience, I've never encountered any racist midwesterners. In fact, quite the opposite. Look at how my anecdotes refute yours. Look at how they equally prove nothing.

>> No.6202180

>anecdotes = life experience = irrefutable truth! p-please take me seriously ;_;
I guess those human lampshades made of jews really were trufe after all.
>expecting people to NOT call you shitskin/nigger/etc. on 4chan

>> No.6202181

I would be glad you lived in the Midwest where people would be secretly or passive aggressively racist to you. Rather than Texas where you would get dragged behind a truck or Boston where they would bash your head in with a steel pipe.

>> No.6202184

>> or it is one person using a tactic to get your Jimmie

>> This from the douche who used the "real people" comment.
peoria is better for your absence, shit skin

>> No.6202185

How many minority friends do you have? Have much time have spent in the company of minorities? Because if you only ever hang out with white people, you're never going to see people be discriminated against.

>> No.6202187

Ur a fag, faggot.

Now, for my dad. He will not eat anything green and I've seen him dry heave when they fuck up his order and bring guacamole on his plate. He call it 'cat squat'. He's very adement when ordering that they put it on the side nowhere near his plate, my mom eats it. If they fuck up and put it on his plate he will hand the plate to my mom and have her spoon it off onto her plate, along with all the food a half inch circumference from the guac so his dinner isn't tainted.

Now, my turn. I won't eat crustaceans. If shrimp, lobster, crab, crawfish, or anything w more than 4 legs is even involved in a dish I will straight refuse to eat it. I haven't tried any of those, and never plan on it.

>> No.6202188

Racists are in every state in the country

>> No.6202189

stay mad, Cletus.

>> No.6202190

I am a minority. I am black as fucking tar, and YOU'RE the one being racist.

>> No.6202193

>your anecdotes are wrong! Mine are irrefutable facts that are laws of the universe! White people don't discriminate when there's other white people around!
pfffft, you're not even trying anymore.

>> No.6202194

True, but you're not going to make anyone angry and get a funny reaction by saying that, are you?

>> No.6202195

Damn a whole family of fags

>> No.6202197

That really makes no sense. White people who hang out with non-white people will be more racist? Where and when do you think the majority of racist jokes happen? Hint: it's when the target of the joke isn't around.

>> No.6202199

10/10 I'm done you win. you are a far better troll than me.

>> No.6202201

What does racism have to do with some racist shit skin being to stupid to find all of the ethnic food in his town of 120k?

>> Oh yeah, he's rascist. Don't like the WASPs

>> No.6202202

Your family sounds like a barrel of fun to dine with. Everyone has their own little lists of which foods they've never tried but will not eat. Nice way to go through life.

>> No.6202203

>racist jokes are racism now
You're a fucking idiot if you believe that. I've been making racist jokes my whole life, and I'll never stop.

What IS racism is attacking or harassing someone because they're black or because they're gay, which you would only know about if you talked to people who were black or gay.

>> No.6202211
File: 374 KB, 568x2598, themidwesthasnofood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot mexican btfo or btfo

>> No.6202212

This is asinine.

>> No.6202214


>> No.6202216

>I've been making racist jokes my whole life, and I'll never stop.
That means you're racist. It's n0ot a big deal. Most people are to at least a small degree.
>What IS racism is attacking or harassing someone
That's racism in a more extreme form we like to call hate crimes.

>> No.6202217

He was so sickened by all the white people he couldn't enjoy all the haram offerings on tap? I would buy that.

Why don't we discuss all the truly out there quinine on tap in the mid west? What's your weirdest?

>> No.6202218

So as long as I never attack you directly and personally, I can talk constantly about how niggers and spics are monkeys and grease-stains and deserve to be shipped back to where they came from, and can teach my children this, and can foster this sort of attitude in the workplace, my social life, etc., and you don't think that's racism?


>> No.6202224

One World is good but extremely expensive

PV II is garbage

Irish food is not ethnic

Pita's is crappy

Haddad's and Khoury's are good

The Fresh Market is a supermarket, dumbass

Chinese buffets are not ethnic food, they're American

but please, tell me more about my hometown

>> No.6202226

You know youre on 4chan right?

>> No.6202230
File: 19 KB, 184x181, 1417403541247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Korean or Japanese? For shame.

>> No.6202232

>Irish food is not ethnic

Oh my god you're an idiot.

>> No.6202233

I'm not a racist. I don't believe the things I say when I'm joking. Do you know what a joke is? But keep trying to spread that ebin "everyone is a racist" meme. It's probably my favorite of all the stormweenie maymays

no, that's racism. you can joke and pretend to have those views, and you won't be racist. surely you people see the difference between something said in jest and something said in earnest.

>> No.6202234

>it's only ethnic if i say so

then newyork has no ethnic food either

newyork confirmed flyover trash

>> No.6202240

There's a very fine line there, and plenty of actually racist people hide behind "It's just jokes!"

>> No.6202241

There's a German restaurant, too. Not ethnic. Do you know why? Because fucking everyone is German-Irish, including myself.

>> No.6202246

Lol. We all argue every time its time to go out. My dad likes seafood but me and sister won't touch it. My mom likes healthy shit but my dad is fat and refuses. I like more diverse foods (excluding seafood) and they tell me to go eat weird shit with my friends on my own time. So, 9/10 times I go out with them its TeX Mex. Which is cool I guess, I love TeX Mex.

>> No.6202247

>Ethnic means not like me

Holy shit

>> No.6202248

Shut the fuck up, SJW. Being against racism doesn't mean I'm on your side, faggot.

>> No.6202250

then nothing is ethnic

>> No.6202254

No everything is ethnic

>> No.6202257

Every food comes from somewhere, so by your logic, everything is ethnic.

>> No.6202258

You might legitimately be retarded. or just a troll in which case 2/10 got me to respond.

>> No.6202261

I grew up in NYC and I'm always up for trying new food but I'm also always afraid to go into ethnic restaurants because I just know I'm gonna be that stupid white person that doesn't know how to pronounce shit.

>> No.6202263

>I cannot separate real life from jokes
>If you joke about the holocaust you are literally Hitler

>> No.6202264

If you're an Indian person living in a place where 70% of the people are Indian, would you say you're going out for ethnic food when you go to an Indian restaurant?

>> No.6202266
File: 221 KB, 864x644, rowlfatdrums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, peoria has no - kill animal shelters.

>> Bdump-tst

oh wait, that will offend our tumblr-ite

>> No.6202270

If your great great great great grandfather was Indian and you lived in Taiwan, would going to an Indian restaurant be eating ethnic food? That's what you're saying.

>> No.6202271

Peoriafag here, I laughed.

Don't confuse me for an SJW. I'm not. I have those people just as much as bigots.

>> No.6202275

Only flyover fags use the term "ethnic food"

>> No.6202276


Is it a town in Taiwan where the vast majority of people are of predominately Indian descent?

>> No.6202286

No, I wouldn't call any food "ethnic food" because it's a fucking stupid thing to say. Chinese food and mexican food are the same because they're not from my culture? Just call the food what it fucking is.

Where did I say I couldn't separate? Have you ever lived anywhere actually racist? I grew up in the south. The way most of the racism there gets expressed isn't through lynchings and shit, it's through a generally racist attitude expressed largely through jokes that also reflect actual racist thoughts.

There's a difference between joking about race, or even making a racist joke to be an edgy faglord, and saying things about niggers being chimpanzees because you actually believe it. If you don't get that distinction, you're an idiot.

>> No.6202293

Are you the one who was raging on jethro? Or are you in Peoria and believe that fighting racism is as simple as recognizing wrong doing and doing what you can to stop it? Cause the first person is a fucking coward and is just as guilty of closed mindedness as some guy dragging a fag behind his truck in montana. Running and hiding is bad too sjw ' s.

>> No.6202302

I am both.

>> No.6202312

Are you me?

>> No.6202315

>But keep trying to spread that ebin "everyone is a racist" meme.
I got it from the song in Avenue Q, which is funny as hell.

Racism can be as subtle as being more dissatisfied with the lousy service from a black server in a restaurant than you would have been with equally bad service if the server had been white. It's not just hate crimes and having to ride in the back of the bus. It's also stop and frisk policies, and demanding anyone who looks vaguely Latino carry papers with them at all times to prove they're in the country legally.

It's all around us.

>> No.6202316


>> No.6202318

After reading this post I immediately checked my privilege then sent my wife to the interracial breeding grounds.

>> No.6202325

Where'd the Peoria fag go. I wanted to talk some more about how wrong he was.

Peoria fag, sound off.

>> No.6202329

and I don't do those things because I'm not a racist

it's pretty cut and dry

>> No.6202331


>> No.6202333

According to harvard university's implicit racism test, pretty much everyone is racist to some degree

>> No.6202337
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, 20130808_162455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdest for me was snapping turtle soup at a big social event. It started at a golf course, when a big social event and then this big fucker climbed his ass out of a swamp and got caught. 2 days later we have soup at one of the organizers house.

>> the turtle climbed his ass out and interrupted a course of limburger and onion sandwiches and pig hocks, at a dinner attended by millionaires on a golf course and expected to not get eaten.

>> No.6202338
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>> No.6202339

I'd even tip the black server extra and try to get the white server fired, not assume anything about an upstanding african-american gentleman or try to stop him just because he happens to be running from crime a scene, and if anyone in my presence insinuates a latino is in the country "illegaly" I will remind them that We live on stolen Mexican land.

>> No.6202341

No, only white people can be racist.

>> No.6202343

He doesn't look very appetizing.

>> No.6202345

I am sure she is happy she finally gets that horse dick she has been craving you cuckold faggot.

>>beastiality is a crime bro

>> No.6202350

I trust she is happy with finals getting the horse dick she has been craving you cuckold faggot.

>> beastiality is a crime

>> No.6202352

What you're trying to make a jab at is a different thing.

It's not that only whites can be racist, it's that racism only really affects anything when it's held by people who actually can do something to enforce it. If a bunch of black people living in squalor in a ghetto want to talk about how much they hate white people, yeah it's bigoted and racist, but it has very little effect on the lives of most white people. If a bunch of white lawmakers and police officers are racist, we get Jim Crow laws.

>> No.6202354

I met this dude from england one time who had never tasted peanut butter and refused to try a reeses peanut butter cup

>> No.6202357

ITT: cu/ck/s

Debating ethnic food and you idiots jump to discussing racism, kill yourselves.

>> No.6202358

The Harvard study shows most blacks were also slightly racist against blacks.

Can't escape the culture you live in.

>> No.6202360

shut the fuck up, bigot.

>> No.6202361

>racism is black and white
that's incredibly racist of you, and you belittle the plight of people struggling against racism.

>> No.6202365

And the little scheming yellow fuckers. They suffer racism to

>> No.6202368 [DELETED] 

No, blacks can't be racist. How dare you try to tell me what racism is, as white people you can't understand it.

Racism is power+prejudice, only whites can be racist, period. Deal with it.

>> No.6202371

Im fine with it

>> No.6202380

Oh I will. I will do everything in my power to keep it that way. Them collored folk gonna fuck up my world if they ever make up more than a tiny sliver of my national population

>> No.6202382

So, we've established that the midwest is literally /pol/: the region

>> No.6202384

>Racism is power+prejudice,
That's institutional racism. Just one of the flavors racism comes in.

>> No.6202386

turtle isn't my thing, but we had coppius amounts of very good beer so it was fine.

>> No.6202388
File: 36 KB, 789x269, replace-CIS-with-JEWs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's give some posts in this thread the ol' rtrixie treatment.

I'd even tip the black server extra and try to get the JEW server fired

How dare you try to tell me what racism is, as JEWS you can't understand it.
Racism is power+prejudice, only JEWS can be racist, period. Deal with it.

>> No.6202392

good job, you picked two /pol/tards pretending to be SJWs.

>> No.6202394

I knew the jews would show up at some point

>> No.6202395

>yfw poe's law

>> No.6202396

I have a friend that up until recently wouldn't try anything new. He basically grew up on frozen pizza and chicken tenders. Honestly always thought it was ridiculous and childish. It irritates me sometimes as choice of what to eat is really limited. Faggot wouldn't even eat cheese unless it was on a fucking pizza.

Also had a friend that cried when he had to eat a green bean.

Fucking hell man.

>> No.6202404

nobody takes extremists seriously. whether they browse /pol/ or tumblr, you should always assume they're trolling

>> No.6202410

If only.

>> No.6202423

>only whites can be racist

Well, only in places where they: 1. See themselves as a single ethnic group/race, and 2. Have political power. Per your definition.

>> No.6202433

Isn't it more racist to have different sets of white people, like jews vs italians?

>> No.6202436

Different guy, but I grew up in a town that was 50 percent black. One of my best friends was Cuban, and I have several good friends that are of other ethnicities and yet, in the end, I am still pretty racist. I would think that it's natural to want to stick to people you can identify with even just on sight.

>> No.6202438
File: 46 KB, 661x655, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my midwestern town has it's own old ass website

>> No.6202445

I guess some people are just born dicks.

>> No.6202447

It's all pretty arbitrary.

>> No.6202451

it's my favorite form of racism. there's nothing funnier to me than an old white person who is incredibly racist, not just against browns and yellows, but against different versions of whites.

See: Grandma Ida in MitM, Pierce's dad on Community

>> No.6202454

if i go to lunch at work i want something that i know i will like and will fill me up

not taking a chance on some random meme food OP.

>> No.6202455

I'm not a dick though. I'm nice to everyone I meet. I just think that while every culture has something to offer, I don't think that we can ever get along as a whole. If you think that I'm racist simply because I am white or so then you're the fucking idiot as most of the blacks and Latinos I've known are super racist and assblasted about white people. It goes both ways.

>> No.6202457

I know this old italian dude who calls asian people frying pans. He thinks there faces look like they got smacked flat with a frying pan

>> No.6202460

no, I think you're a racist because you said that you were a racist. i don't approve of or excuse racism from other races, and i'll call them out on it just as quick as i would with a white person.

>> No.6202462

also, culture and race are separate. you can hate a culture all you want; it only becomes racism when you believe that people of a certain race act a certain way even if they're raised outside the culture.

>> No.6202465

I'm not racist but I do hate catholics, whether they are white or not.

>> No.6202466

>I know this old italian dude who calls asian people frying pans.
That's gotta be an old European slur. I dated a Portuguese girl who did the same.

>> No.6202468

Catholics are by far the most tolerable Christians, because they don't try to convert you to Catholicism, and would probably prefer if you didn't convert.

>> No.6202471

Fair enough. But everyone is racist to a certain extent and that will never change.

I tend to agree with this for the most part. I still don't want a multi culti or ethinic paradise outside of the place like the US or so though.

>> No.6202473

I like how the theme of this thread has expanded from prejudice against unfamiliar foods to prejudice in general.

>> No.6202475

Well that's one thing but Popery is still a pedophilic sham. Completely despicable.

>> No.6202476

All because I made one remark about midwesterners being bigoted.

Mission accomplished.

>> No.6202480

*tips fedora*

>> No.6202498

Soccer moms NEED things to be "marketed" to them because they're scared to venture out of their bubble. If you can get something from the frozen foods aisle and microwave it, that's within their comfort zone, as opposed to going to some greasy falafel place in the middle of the ghetto.

>> No.6202510
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>> No.6202516

Niggers making soul food is largely a my or at least it is now days. I'm from a shithole southern town with a 60% black population and all they actually eat is fast food and freezer aisle dogshit thy can get with their EBT. The only "soul food" places ther are owned by white hipsters or white rednecks.

>> No.6202530

That's because "soul food" is just a name attached to southern food by blacks living up north during the whole "afrika #1 soul brotha" phase

Any "country kitchen" or meat and three type place in the south will be serving basically the same thing, black or white operated.

>> No.6202557

OP described me. I have an irrational problem with trying new foods. I'm trying to overcome it, but I'm so overwhelmed with how much there is, I never try anything else. Probably why I'm a hungry skelly. When I grew up, everything I tried always made me gag a little. I wanna eat better now that I have a will to stick with it, but never know what, so I've developed a poor picky eating habit.

What do, /ck/? I feel like it isn't nearly as easy as "opening up a cook book," at least for me.

>> No.6202565

stop being an insufferable faggot and eat. do you think you ancestors had the luxury of being special snowflake picky eaters?

>> No.6202575

being an autist is perfectly fine

>> No.6202578

I want reddit to leave

>> No.6202579

literally reddit: the post

>> No.6202582

>tfw /ck/ is Reddit: The Image Board

Haha, faggot

>> No.6202585

literally tumblr: the post

>> No.6202587

Whoa, beef stew is uncommon in america? over here in spain it's a super regular meal. or was just the uncommon part the horse bit? Because while that's not common, it tastes quite good, though not as good as Kangaroo.

>> No.6202591

Horsemeat is illegal for human consumption in the States, and most Americans are squeamish about the idea of consuming it. Labeling beef stew as horse assured no one touched it.

>> No.6202595

Beef stew is a common food item in america

>> No.6202596

the answer to your question is clear if you read and understand the post

>> No.6202602

>>ITT: /pol/ visits /ck/

And I had just come for tips on how to make thinner pizza bases.

>> No.6202603

Hell no it isn't. They probably just didn't eat it as its not a "cool" food and all the normalfags want to eat is plastic pizza, and fries and socially acceptable food(basically anything you eat with your hands). You can thank the junk food industry for this.

>> No.6202614

>>Horsemeat is illegal for human consumption in the States

What the fuck and then you complain about haram food and weird mooslim food customs. Horse meat is great and there's no good reason not to consume it if it's raised correctly, like any other cattle.

>> No.6202616
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>> No.6202649

My girl isn't scared, she never dated an adventurous eater, so me I love all different types. She's nervous at first because she never had first hand experience but she's willing to try and it's nice. But I had a cousin who didn't like anything outside of an amusement park or a panda express
How many flips are you doing with that fedora tipping?

>> No.6202654

>You know, regular food. Nothing weird

I would agree this is most common in flyover hellholes, but I know a guy from the midatlantic who says shit like this.

But it's a slave state (maryland) so hey, there you go.

>> No.6202666


majority catholic, yuck

>> No.6202671

wow the midwest is MAD

>> No.6202673
File: 30 KB, 305x307, satan-wants-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh hey there satan, how come you never answer my calls?

Anyway I'm not from maryland, but I'd rather live among catholics than among baptists.

>> No.6202700

gtfo of brooklyn you trustfund hipster baby

>> No.6202712

Manhattan here, I think I recognize his writing... Food critic, older than most of 4chan. Not a trust fund kid

>> No.6202961
File: 43 KB, 332x396, 1418530450304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i go to lunch at work i want something that i know i will like and will fill me up
>not taking a chance on some random meme food OP.

>> No.6203451

>I think people that want to eat something they like and are familiar with during lunch is fedora hurrrr. Why won't they try this new place when it could take longer than their lunch and maybe be bad? Duurrrrr huuurrr

>> No.6203492

>Have you ever met people that are just plain *afraid* of new foods?

Nope. But you live in a flyover shithole so it's expected, really.

>> No.6203498

>omg no pls new foods make my butthole explode!!

Typical flyover reaction

>> No.6203505

>I live and work in Kansas City

sooo flyover

>> No.6203550

Pretty pleb but I'm afraid of wasting my money when I don't have much.

>> No.6203556

>oh yes, I love it when foods with more than 2 seasonings bust my white suburban asshole open for 2 hours
typical coastfag scat fetish

>> No.6203557

Na we just got stronger bungs

>> No.6203558

>I'm a picky eater

>> No.6203560

>this new place when it could... maybe be bad?
This is the "I'll stick with what I know because I couldn't bear being disappointed" mentality that also ruins the Midwest. I get it, hayseeds are suspicious of the foods they yuppies and foreigners eat. Fine. Some of these foods might contain vegetable matter. But the "meat and potatoes" generation is dying out as we speak. That's mostly Depression Era and WWII shit.

I understand some folks have been pretty much isolated since then, with only chains and supermarkets as references for how to eat. But if you have even half a brain and the slightest inclination toward eating something more interesting you can do better.

That was what OP's post was all about. "I require food that won't offend my toddler-tier concept of what food ought to be."

>> No.6203580


When I have the money to eat whatever I'd like then I will begin considering new exotic foods. Until then, I'll stick to what I know.

>> No.6203588

>>6201995 <----btfo


Flyover mad is at critical levels.

>> No.6203591

You make living in the Midwest sound like dining experiences out of Dickens or Orwell.

>> No.6203595

Yeah he besmirched the midwest a little there

>> No.6203615

I'm legitimately scared of having an adverse reaction to something I've never had before. I'm an allergyfag. Almost died once due to eating Brazil nuts which I didn't know I was allergic to Another time, I had some mixed seafood dip in Mexico and spent the next two hours on the toilet puking my guts out. What if I'm allergic to sesame sees or garbanzo beans or whatever spices they use in the Middle East?

"Normal food" can be repetitive yes, but it's safe.

>> No.6203619

You probably think cilantro tastes like soap too

>> No.6203622

No you misread everything I was pointing out. I'm personally for adventurous eating. But I was pointing out how it's not fedora to stay with something familiar on a lunch break. On your own time outside of working and not trying new things? No reason not to try.

>> No.6203623

not from midwest btw

>> No.6203625
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>> No.6203645

The cilantro thing is literally a genetics issue.

>> No.6203654

They also say there's a gay gene now too

>> No.6203661

Funny thing is horse meat is halal.

>> No.6203670

I dated a girl from Eastern Washington state. She was 18 and never had lamb. Drank milk with her dinner( she thought drink wine with dinner was incredibly fancy) and thought that olive garden was a good restaurant, and that panera bread was high tier. She had coffee for the first time when she was 18 and when she went to new York for a day she only stated in Manhattan and ate at the times Square olive garden.

I'm embarrassed that I was with her.

>> No.6203683

Easy there. Not everyone was born privileged into a rich family

>> No.6203685

It's called having some fucking taste, flyover trash.

>> No.6203690

Was she a good lay or did you not get to that part? I'd honestly settle for a chick like that as long she's good in the sack. Low maintenance > high maintenance.

>> No.6203694


Psst... horse meat is not illegal in the states. There's no law preventing you from buying a horse and having it privately slaughtered at a place that doesn't mind doing it. I know a few places near where I live in Oregon who will. It only needs to be inspected if you plan on selling or otherwise distributing it through charity.

I worked at a livestock auction for several years, and there's a fairly large community of Russian immigrants (they look like mennonites but I don't think they are) and those guys friggin LOVE their horsemeat.

It's a cultural thing. Horses are such a huge part of American lore that we think of them as on par with dogs and cats in the "DO NOT EAT" category. There was a time in this country when horse thieves were considered as heinous or even more than murders.

>> No.6203699

She was okay, got better as it went on. And no you don't, you want a girl who you wouldn't be embarrassed to introduce to your friends or family

>> No.6203710

Eh, the lamb thing isn't too bad. I dated a girl who had never ate it either, but it wasn't from lack of exposure. sheep were like her favorite animal or some shit.

>> No.6203725

The only bad thing in his whole story is olive garden.

He's just a gigantic snob.

It's another thing entirely if she was against trying new things, but some people don't have the luxury of growing up to horrendous rich snobs who are more concerned with how sophisticated their dining choices than with how it actually tastes.

>> No.6203728

Hate it to say, bud, but you sound kinda snobby. Fuck what your friends and family think. If you get a homely chick to satisfy your basic needs and she's easy to please then fuck what anyone else thinks - that's all you need.

>> No.6203755


That's okay. I just know what kind of people I like and what kind of people I don't. Now I know I want to be with someone with my tastes, there's nothing wrong with that.

And you poor faggots can date the pleb girls. Everyone wins!

>> No.6203761

PEORIAAAAA Illifuckinnois.

tell mudvayne to get their shit together

>> No.6203765

The "pleb girls" will probably never cost me more than $100 on dinner. Wasnt there a thread on here a couple of days ago about an anon who spent like $500 on his girlfriend's dinner at a steakhouse. Yeah I think i'd go with the pleb. To each his own.

>> No.6203772

I'd rather date someone who likes to stay home and cook, tbh.

>> No.6203783

You realize how agriculturally important that shitty liberal state is to American, right?

>> No.6203788
File: 407 KB, 469x463, Tip fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy there with your fedora

>> No.6203855

>4 were so scared of this food they hadn't tried before that they opted for the burrito place next door. I was amazed. I'd never seen anything like that.
It's Muslim food, they might have taken a bite and sworn eternal jihad for Allah.

OP is obviously an ISIS stooge.

>> No.6204039

>mentality that also ruins the Midwest
lel did the midwest rape ur mum ur sumthin m9

>> No.6204080

>ethnic fijian sea cucumber suprise

Is this a real thing?

>> No.6204533

Your privilege is as obvious as a beer belly.

>> No.6204545

>only stated [sic] in Manhattan and ate at the times Square olive garden.

When will the cast of Girls (TM) learn that there's actually more to do in the city than times square. Brooklyn is for broke poorfags for whom midtown dining is off limits so they sperg over muh tacos de lengua. Inb4 Cesar Ramirez, like you could even afford it

>> No.6204564

Unless you live within 200 miles of new york city, stop talking. I don't eat flyover foods grown by robots that you have never even seen so there's no reason for you to take credit

>> No.6204567

not him but
lol fuck off
I'm French and we have wine with every meal and make everything from scratch but we're hardly rich
its just you being a dumb shlub with no taste

>> No.6204574

No, I've just had to eat there more often than I would have liked.
>fijian sea cucumber suprise
Sea cucumber is an expensive dish that has very little in the way of flavor. The Chinese are crazy for it because it has a very particular squishy texture that they love. Most Western diners would consider it a disgusting waste of money. It's one of those dishes that really illustrates the differences between Chinese and Western tastes.

>> No.6204589

I've never understood why so many Americans are afraid of falafel, etc. It's fucking fried. It's the most American thing ever.

Kebab/schawarma/etc? It's seasoned meat. Optionally on a stick. What is not American about eating meat on a stick?

>> No.6204640

ayyy kcbros

habashi house is good shit, i like Tikka house more actually (that's the indian/spice place, also in city market) their samosas are huge and delicious

The best falafel sandwiches in town come from Pigwich though

Any of you guys been out to 888 Int'l market? the chinese/korean cafes in there are baller as shit

>> No.6204657
File: 766 KB, 2880x2136, kc-western-auto_8514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also live in KC. Where do you work OP?
I worked at this place in Corporate Woods for a while and one of my brotier co-workers was horrified of anything that was remotely exotic or spicy. He would go through the Hardee's or whatever drive through and get a completely plain burger, no cheese even, with just mustard on it. One time we managed to get him to try some Indian food (company tab) and he really liked it. I think most of these kinds of people are just sheltered. This dude was from the sticks (bootheel) and had never even tried 'good' food.

FWIW some people are just flat out racist and can't be helped

>> No.6205568

Americans are more familiar with it under the name "gyros", since the Greeks were the ones who set up restaurants everywhere serving it.

>> No.6205608

>Blacks confirmed subhuman

>Implying there aren't niggers of every race.

I'm from Springfield, Ohio. It's a small city of 60,000 which is also where John Legend was born and raised. I've been in more danger on the white side of town than on the black side. I got robbed by a bunch of methheads before over there and the wiggers are worse than the "hood niggas". on the black side of town.

My town is full of degenerates and while I've had to deal with ignorant black people, all in all, the whites are worse.

>> No.6205624

mehh mehh

>> No.6205637

All good threads come to an end. RIP thread

>> No.6206193


hey moot

>> No.6206270

I know a swedish chick that can't eat anything spicier than black peppercorn. Banana peppers scorched her mouth. Once I found she couldn't eat the peppers from poppa johns, I gave up.

>> No.6206730


Lel you mad.

Keep it under control or I will have them start rationing your daily shipment of activated almonds you limp wristed faggot