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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6198116 No.6198116 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have to use apple juice for this? It's gotten kind of expensive in my area lately.

>> No.6198121
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>> No.6198147


Of course not. Yeast will metabolize any form of sugar. You could use whatever other fruit juice you might want.

the trick is finding one that doesn't contain any preservatives though.

>> No.6198158

no you don't, i used to make sugar wine all the time when i was a kid. also i think instant yeast will work better

and putting napkins over the top is fucked, your shit's gonna go straight to new vinegar city. there are a couple things you can do. do you have a hot glue gun? or are you willing to spend $5 at a shop to get a true airlock?

>> No.6198160

just remember though, if you're using shit tier ingredients you're gonna end up with a shit tier drink. Not to mention this is already pretty shit instructions, proper ones should be followed. Basic shit too like sanitizing the container and using at least some sort of proper airlock.

>> No.6198170

it's not gonna taste great. when i used to make sugar wine we'd a two liter bottle of alcohol with two packets of crystal light. it tasted like wine cooler, was dirt cheap and gave me enough to sell on the side (i used a 23 gallon storage container to brew in)

>> No.6198176


>> No.6198182

>enough to sell on the side

do you live in a bad neighborhood of Detroit?

>> No.6198234

Hey, man. Hooch is hooch.

>> No.6198240

He said he did it when he was a kid, depending on where you are (i.e. not some backwards shithole) its sometimes difficult to come by alcohol at an exceedingly young age.

>> No.6198250

if you got an aquarium heater and some active charcoal you could make your own 80 proof moonshine instead

>> No.6198256


depends what strains of yeast they use for fermentation but theres no reason why it couldn't easily reach 12% alcohol.

5 gallons at 12%, gonna get fucked m8e

>> No.6198257

>this much effort for shitty alcohol

Underage b&

>> No.6198258

>apple juice


>> No.6198261

>>"this much effort"

Lol. It's just dump a bunch of stuff in a jug. The "effort" is five minutes tops.

>> No.6198291


>wait 2 months

Why didn't you mention that part? Also cel phone use is banned in American classrooms, isn't it? Why are you posting when you should be learning how to add fractions in 11th grade special ed?

>> No.6198298

>put something in a corner of the house somewhere and forget

The puerile insults are great though, keep them coming.

>> No.6198438

My black roommates in college used to do this. Tasted like fermented garbage and made them sick but LAWD did they love it.

>> No.6198449


lol, hardly surprising blacks in america would be doing it. Thats prison hooch

>> No.6198463

They didn't use just applejuice either, they used sunny d, grape juice, orange juice, anything they could get their hands on.

>> No.6198547
File: 77 KB, 850x768, STOP POSTING THAT IMAGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting that troll image.

>> No.6198798

>more than likely

So it IS possible, even if highly unlikely?

>> No.6198891

>Stop posting that troll image.
lol you got epic troled friend <]:^{D

>> No.6201033 [DELETED] 


>> No.6201088

>and putting napkins over the top is fucked, your shit's gonna go straight to new vinegar city


>> No.6201922

>tape hose to end of bottle
>run hose into glass of water


Just make sure all the water doesn't evaporate

>> No.6201930

I've actually done something similar, it does work

>Pour a packet of yeast into a "fresh" bottle of grapejuice
>Poke a hole in a balloon and secure it to the opening with a rubberband [this serves as an effective airlock]
>Wait 3 months

Shit was strong and tasted similar to $25 bottles of dry red wine that I've bought.

>> No.6201951

>baking yeast
maximum kek

more like 3-4%
get some champagne/wine yeast off amazon

>> No.6201994

Posting a troll image is like laughing at your own fart. We're not comedic simpletons because we don't enjoy it. When you grow up, you'll also prefer things that are enjoyable to things that smell like shit. Come join us. We'll wait for you in adult land.

>> No.6202001

Chinese brewer's yeast from the asian grocery store is really cheap. It's pretty strong too.

>> No.6202046

Would that really work? Seems like some cheap hooch people in the south go blind drinking.

>> No.6202048

*tips fedora*

>> No.6202061

Here OP, easy hard cider recipe:

I don't usually use sugar at all. Just some cheap wine/champ/beer dry yeast and apple juice (no preservs) ends up somewhere 6-7% and tastes like strong dry apple cider. Sugar adds a strange taste (like a clue or something) thats not good.

>> No.6202087

>uses an actual air lock

Of course it worked.

>> No.6202090

thats moonshine you worthless scumfucker

>> No.6202135

Fuck me /ck/
I was doing this when I was 12 years old using baking yeast and hiding the bottle in my wardrobe.

>> No.6202242

So, last year?

>> No.6202948


>> No.6202968

It was after I posted that that I noticed the napkin "airlock"

>> No.6203010


you're welcome

>> No.6203092

Not OP, but thanks for that

>> No.6203369

Jesus /ck/, at least invest in some decent brewing equipment instead of trying to make shitty hobo wine.

Something like this is decent to get you started:
tiny(___)url com/of2atas

After that buy some yeast that is meant for making wine instead of baking yeast which will not get you any decent ABV% at all. Yeast will cost you all of $10 for enough to last you several batches.

After that, look up a simple guide online or even youtube for mixing ratios and what to do. After the initial investment in the equipment you can turn out cider pretty frequently for nothing more than the cost of the juice and time investment.

>> No.6203726

Great, let me get in my time machine to two months ago and start making it. I want to drink NOW!

>> No.6203729

Then buy a six-pack, faggot. Homebrewing takes time.

>> No.6203731

then start rotating batches fgt

>> No.6203943


This. Having 4-6 batches working at once keeps a constant supply available. What's a real bitch is keeping it bottled if you don't plan on drinking 5 gallons all at once, and keeping enough bottles around that you don't run out as you make new cider.

>> No.6205586

Does it go bad quickly if you open the carboy for some dank drink and don't finish the whole thing in short order?

>> No.6205632

Someone who would consider using the OP image probably doesn't have the $60ish to spare on that.

>> No.6205645

b-b-b-but can I make beer with that?!?

>> No.6205652

If you're doing this why even use juice? What not just use sugar water? It's not like a shitty preparation like that is going for something tasty.

>> No.6205654

>Ignore it for 2 months
You're a special kind of stupid.

>> No.6205665

People go blind when the person distills it improperly, making methyl alcohol instead of ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol will make you go blind.

Straight fermentation (Like is being discussed here) isn't going to produce any methyl alcohol, but the ethyl alcohol it produces will be relatively dilute compared to distilled.

>> No.6205668

You can do that too.
Speaking from experience though, making it from fruit juice results in a less awful taste.

>> No.6206417

Yeah, sure you could spend $15 and get shit faced drunk off awful "cider" that's going to be all of 3% ABV and taste like sweet shit. Or you could spend $60, once, and make half decent cider that isn't going to get infected with wild bacteria due to not having an air lock. It will also be anywhere between 7%-14% depending on the yeast you buy (which is the same price for baking yeast).

The time investment is the same, the equipment is better, it can be used to make beer or other wines if you want. You also don't have to worry about how to get the booze out of the carboy because all you have is a funnel you found in the garage, the carboy, and empty coke bottles (though buying actual bottles can be expensive).

>> No.6206446

Someone answer this.

I'm about to move into a house with a huge garage. When I learn a new skill, I like to start at the bottom, so brewing some beginner's hooch is appealing to me. I'd like to see just how junk it is. Then I'd like to upgrade to hard cider, mead, and finally start doing some proper beers.

Shit, I'd be interested in just doing sugar + purified water + yeast.

>> No.6206451

>Shit, I'd be interested in just doing sugar + purified water + yeast.

Couldn't you add some Kool-aid and basically make MD2020?

>> No.6206463

Fuckin' hell yeah. I'm doing it.

>> No.6206476


Poke a hole in a condom and stretch it over the top.

Make sure to rinse out the spermicide first.

>> No.6206707

In addition to everything mentioned here, it won't come anywhere near 14% ABV.

>> No.6206717

Allowing air into the carboy will cause the alcohol to oxidize and taste kind of cardboard-y. I'd say you need to finish it in a day or two if you're not going to bottle or keg.

Beer is piss-easy. Learning to do it properly rather than by stating with some crap prison wine is also going to help you avoid bad habits in the future. Buy a beginner kit (~$100-$150) and good book (Joy of Homebrewing or How to Brew) and go from there.

>> No.6206784

What's "racking"?

>> No.6206812

Transferring the booze from one fermentation vessel to another. It's usually done to get the beer/cider off the sediments that collect after primary fermentation, when you want to age it for a while.

>> No.6206950

What the fuck is 'hard cider' when it's at home?

>> No.6206996

Frozen cider

>> No.6207729

Or you could use a balloon like a normal person

>> No.6208435

a proper air lock costs $5 and is far better than using a fucking balloon.

>> No.6209409

do more expensive airlocks perform better/provide better quality?

>> No.6209422

For starters, they're actually an airlock as opposed to a balloon with a hole in it.

>> No.6211140

I'm not talking about a balloon, I'm talking about the difference between cheaper and more expensive airlocks.

>> No.6211956

There's only really a couple types that are common (pic related). I personally prefer the one on the left just due to it's shape, but the other style works just as well.

There's really no difference between these two for most home brewing, but there will be a huge difference between a proper air lock and a balloon.

>> No.6211958
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And of course I forget to attach the image.