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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6195819 No.6195819 [Reply] [Original]

Spinach did not work out for my 5:2 diet.
What other quick and easy food could I eat that is under 200kcals ?
Preferably from a can since that takes only about a minute to consume.

>> No.6195826
File: 54 KB, 450x300, Obese-450x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did not work out

What does this mean? Your genetics kicked in?

Maybe you should try breaking a sweat for once in your life.

>> No.6195836

>What other quick and easy food could I eat that is under 200kcals ?

Also, fuck short term diets. Eat a little less of everything and move your body in some way.

>> No.6195842
File: 30 KB, 610x202, body-fat-percentage-men-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5:2 is not short term.
Its forever.

>> No.6196026


>> No.6196490


Green beans.

When I am hungry and don't feel like cooking, I take 350 g of frozen green beans (because 700 g package), add garlic, parsley, salt, pepper and here we go. Full for not even 200 kcal and almost no cooking.

>> No.6196494


I also add olive oil since I'm not fat anymore, and it tastes divine.

>> No.6196505

How do people stand eating huge quantities of the same food.
Inb4 not huge, beans are light as.

>> No.6196512

>is under 200kcals
a spoonfull of butter.
But if you literally acutally believe cutting down on vegetables will ever work you are too dumb to achieve any sort of diet, ever.

>> No.6196558

>Open can of green beans
>Dump in Bragg's

Best low calorie dinner ever.

>> No.6196952
File: 28 KB, 387x357, twiggy13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might put my fast days back to back since the second day of a fast us easier.
Constantly being on the first day of a fast just sucks.

>> No.6196958

I eat a lot of raw cauliflower

Just keep it in fridge and munch it when i'm hungry.

The crunch helps.

>> No.6196975

What the hell is the matter with you lard barges? Can't you just eat reasonable portions so you don't have to go on these starvation diets?

>> No.6196987

Fasting is far from starvation anon and it has health benefits that far outweigh just weight loss.
Just the fact that it cuts your igf1 to nothing is worth the sacrifice.

>> No.6197051

The fuck is Bragg's?

>> No.6197140


>> No.6197145

You eat them frozen?

>> No.6197325


That's pretty dumb then

>> No.6197335



>> No.6197502

Occasional fasting is the only diet proven to extend lifespan.

>> No.6197812


kek, my point was that I recommand cooking frozen beans over canned beans because of salt.

>> No.6197820


This is only when I don't feel like cooking. Of course a true meal with lots of ingredients is always better. When you are fat or former fat, you find ways of avoiding processed foods. In this case, a huge quantity of one ingredient is better than a ready-to-eat meal or snacks.

>> No.6197899

P3ta funded garbage.
That guy is an idiot.
Far less unbiased than fox news.

>> No.6197904


Oh oh I got this one. Bragg's is a sort of soy sauce like product that you dump on your dietary restricted slop so you don't die of nutritional deficiencies because you're too lazy to do veganism properly.

A dirty vegan I knew used to use that when I was in school. Took me years to realize that she did not represent all veganism and they are vegans aren't necessarily all retards.

>> No.6197936

>vegans aren't necessarily all retards.

That's like saying all pedophiles are not perverts.

>> No.6197963


I would say there is nothing wrong with a 13 year old boy being into 13 year old girls, but then you'd probably advocate trying them as an adult and locking them up for life.

>> No.6198006

A 13 yo cannot be a pedophile.

>> No.6198010
File: 184 KB, 230x538, lohan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an EPHEBOPHILE guise, there's a difference

Why don't you take a seat over there.

>> No.6198030

well at least you got the whole brevity thing down.

>> No.6198034
File: 69 KB, 460x276, Michael-Mosley-in-Horizon-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the healthiest most invigorating lifestyle you can adopt.
You don't even have to give up meat.

>> No.6198467


Why not just say "oh, thanks for showing me something I didn't know before" and accept the new information if your goal is to find what's best for you?

>> No.6198534

Because nobody should trust a "medical expert" that puts his name on all these stupid nonsensical articles.

>The Top Three DNA Protecting Spices
>The Top Four Anti-Inflammatory Spices
>Foods for Macular Degeneration
>Foods for Glaucoma
>How Long to Avoid Fish Before Conception?

>> No.6198550

noice authority appeal m98

>> No.6198552


How about watching the videos? They're basically just repeats of peer reviewed studies. As someone who buys into the 5:2 shit especially, you don't have much ground to complain

>> No.6198566


How would that be an appeal to authority? If any kind of fallacy is being made, it's >>6198534 with an ad hominem

>> No.6199250



Diet and exercise works almost as well as exercise alone.

>> No.6199361

>They're basically just repeats of peer reviewed studies

Not even close.
He is misrepresenting the living fuck out of those studies.
That assclown has ZERO credibility outside the vegan movement.

>> No.6199525
File: 336 KB, 2000x1000, o-TOM-MAGLIOZZI-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DNA protecting spices.

My sides!
Oh yeah, he's a scientist!

>> No.6199530



>> No.6199537
File: 44 KB, 400x300, IMG_1353 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should try 7:3.5?? thank me later.

>> No.6199600

OP is looking for 200 calorie snacks.
How is that /fit/ related?
OP may have zero interest in exercise.

>> No.6199946

Isn't he the doctor that invented anus stretching nanites ?

>> No.6200325
File: 29 KB, 120x187, Wright Samantha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diet and exercise works almost as well as exercise alone.

>> No.6201225

Every person on this planet has a diet.
In fact every animal and plant also.

>> No.6201231

>animals and plants go on diets

Is this the kind of thinking that our emasculated cuckolded SJW population believes these days?

In the good old days animals ate MEAT because, newsflash, hippie: they are ANIMALS.

I bet you apologize to your food before you eat it.

>> No.6201245

>zero interest in exercise

then he's a retard

>> No.6201246

Did not say "goes on diets"
Reread my post you stupid twatsy.

>> No.6201248

>Is this the kind of thinking that our emasculated cuckolded SJW population believes these days?

how dare you make me read this word vomit with my own two eyes.

>> No.6201249

Every human that is not interested in fitness is a retard?

>> No.6201252

>your rights end where my feelings begin


>> No.6201255

there it is again.

>> No.6201284

That's absurd. I did the 5:2 diet for about half a year, lost a bunch of weight, but during that time I realized that there was no way I could maintain my weight on it. I do still like to fast ocassionally, but not that often. I like being healthy, and that means maintaining a healthy weight, and not being a borderline anorexic.

>> No.6201316

He says "has a diet". Because a diet is what you consume. Learn to read retard.

>> No.6201337

you have to be over a certain age to be a pedophile, look it up

>> No.6201441

That has not been my experience at all.
After six months I have only lost 20 pounds.
I feel fantastic and could not imagine life without fasting.
Most of the weight loss was within the first 3 months.

>> No.6201540


A non-practicing pedophile is not a pervert, actually.

>> No.6201596


Would you like to point out what you mean? Right now you just sound irrational


Believe it or not, DNA damage is an actual thing, and this is the study being talked about


So why don't 5:2 fad dieters learn to eat a healthy plant-based diet?

>> No.6201598


Make yourself a plate like you normally would.
Then immediately throw half of it away.
Eat meal.
Not be a slob.

>> No.6201608

butter milk.
I drink them very often and somehow they fill you up really well.
In Germany you get 500ml of butter milk for 35 cents in every supermarket. Its nice and cool and even if you are really hungry afterwards you wont be anymore. It has somewhere close to 200ckal but if you go for those with less fat its even less. I really like it now, idk why

>> No.6201614

exactly, healthy. Not like skinny.
>I dont want to be the way humans where since forever, because food was scarce.

HAHA dumb idiot. I really like losing weight, I was never fat or something but losing more weight actually feels pretty good.

>> No.6201617

>So why don't 5:2 fad dieters learn to eat a healthy plant-based diet?

Same reason you seem to be suggesting a "plant" diet: people can't be bothered to take on all aspects of nutritioun and diet as a whole, so they single out something to make it easier on themselves:
--oh I'm fat because of these CARBS
--the key to losing weight is FASTING
--the best diet is a PLANT one
--all this modern stuff is silly, you need to go PALEO
--I'm so much healthier now that I've gut out GLUTEN
--I can't eat that--it has too much CHOLESTEROL
...and so on.

It's all the same shit--making an oversimplification of the system and focusing on one little detail that will supposedly make your life better. Blame your fat on the _____.

(And my apologies to anyone who actually has coeliac and therefore has a legitimate medical reason to avoid gluten)

>> No.6201632


Personally I don't need to lose weight, but having a good diets a smart thing to do for long-term health, which is what originally started this string of posts with the IGF-1 comment. As any health organization would agree, a healthy diet is based mainly on plant foods. Eat lots, get them nutrients, avoid the bad stuff, be healthy, and weight loss/maintenance becomes a passive thing anyway. Doesn't need much thinking

>> No.6201634

>Believe it or not, DNA damage is an actual thing

No one doubt's that.
Using spices to heal it is pants on head alternative retarded.

>> No.6201642


Not to heal it, but to help prevent excess damage from occuring. Why get mad at something before you've even read it?

>> No.6201927

Alternative medicine should be illegal

>> No.6201967


Pretty sure a healthy diet is considered preventive or atleast complimentary medicine

>> No.6201984

That guy is an alternative medicine quack you slippery assclown.
Quit with the constant fucking vegan shilling , no one here is interested.
You are doing your cause more harm than good.

>> No.6202008


>That guy is an alternative medicine quack you slippery assclown.

How so?

>Quit with the constant fucking vegan shilling

It's pertinent to the discussion when someone brings up IGF-1. Animal protein raises circulating levels of this hormone, plant protein decreases it and increases the amount of IGF-1 binding proteins. I don't see why talking about science and nutrition upsets you so much

>> No.6202021

>. I don't see why talking about science and nutrition upsets you so much
Because you only claim to follow science.
Its lip service.
You are a shill and a troll.
When mainly of your post say "why are you so mad I am just informing you",
you are almost certainly a troll and a shill.
Pls go.

>> No.6202032


>When mainly of your post say "why are you so mad I am just informing you", you are almost certainly a troll and a shill.

But I actually don't get why you're so mad. Science was posted, you seem to be extremely unwilling to accept the science for whatever reason, and now you're blindly yelling about quackery and alt medicine when you have no grounds to do so. Why not accept medical facts?

>> No.6202098

>Science was posted
This is the premise in your argument I do not accept.

>> No.6202104


Well then you're an idiot

>> No.6202807

Just because you say something is science and have some clearly biased youtube shill backing you up, does not mean you are correct.

>> No.6204245

Using a variety of spices to treat a condition that is poorly understood, preventative or otherwise, is clearly in the realm of alt medicine.

>> No.6204917
