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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 405 KB, 900x675, basmati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6197724 No.6197724 [Reply] [Original]

What is the shittiest rice, and why is it basmati?

>> No.6197729

because if rice isn't really sticky or ground into flour for idli the texture is nauseating

>> No.6197730

Because white people think big/long is good when it comes to food despite the fact that this is demonstrably WRONG, and as for Indians they're putting salt and fats into it which can make this, the worst rice on earth, taste good

>> No.6197733
File: 30 KB, 251x249, 1419782464263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a really high opinion of your opinion, buddy.

>> No.6197738

Brown rice is pretty fucking awful too.

Even when cooked properly, it still just doesnt feel right when you chew on it.

>> No.6197739

if you don't have a high opinion of your own opinion it means your opinions are shit and you're wasting your time and i don't think anyone wants to feel like they're purposely wasting time so they start to act and feel like their opinions are the best opinons ever

>> No.6197741

Basmati can taste really good if you cook it properly.

>> No.6197742

i never liked brown rice either, but i just thought about the fact that it's pretty similar to a bean when it's left whole. you might want to try simmering it for an hour or two like beans instead of steaming.

>> No.6197754

You misspelled no stick long rice.

>> No.6197757

You're a ricist.

>> No.6197760

why is it bad? Because it has taste that doesn't work with ketchup?

>> No.6197762

all rice is shit

>> No.6197764

I like basmati. It's the only rice I've cooked with that doesn't turn into a gluey mess.

>> No.6197767
File: 166 KB, 268x423, unclebens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and everything like it.

>> No.6197814

it goes great with certain earthy tastes that other rices are not as good for. its also a dryer rice which also has its uses.

>> No.6197838

It's not, you're just cooking it wrong.

>> No.6197844

>come from Iranian family
>all family uses almost exclusively basmati rice
>exclaim their love for basmati regularly, won't have anything else

what is wrong with it? It's fucking delicious

>> No.6197846

My main issue with it is that it's so dry compared to other rices.
Throw some leftovers in the fridge and it turns to stone.

>> No.6197853

This is the correct answer.

Basmati is good provided you bought proper basmati. Uncle Toms parboiled shit is what horrible rice is.

>> No.6197855

>as long as it's not uncle ben's it's good

You sound like a wisconsin cheese apologist saying pasteurize process cheese food is good provided it's not kraft brand.

>> No.6197859

This is all my mom would make when I was little. It has this awful taste that I can't describe, but I got a whiff of it the other day at her house and had flashbacks.

>> No.6197861

And you sound like a retard defending rice stripped of it's starchy goodness.

>> No.6197863

the hell is wrong with y'all? Basmati is pretty tasty. i make it often and love it.

>> No.6197866


What the hell are you even talking about? Starchy goodness? You sound like you don't know anything about rice and you're going crazy over the basmati you found at whole foods because it's the first rice with a name you ever ate.

>> No.6197870

Have you ever had that parboiled yellow shit they call rice?

>> No.6197873


Yes, but your attempt to derail this conversation and make it about uncle ben's brand nutritional rice isn't going to change the fact that basmati is dry garbage for indians and impressionable whites.

Parboiled has its uses. It's more nutritious for people who don't know anything about cooking. Something tells me you might be the type to benefit.

>> No.6197874

Something tells me you were dropped on the head as a kid and have never had decent basmati.

>> No.6197878


Pick one.

I get it, you just found out rices have names and you're very excited. Like a child discovering rice for the first time.

>> No.6197879

Nice projecting there, chef.

>> No.6197881

>projection! ad hominem!

Whelp, looks like this debate is over. Better luck next time and enjoy the cool new basmati rice.

>> No.6197897


Fuck off back to tumblr with your buzzwords.

>> No.6197901

Add a little extra water than normal, and once it's done add some butter to it. It's great.

>> No.6197902

>words and ideas come from the editors of the tumbeler web site
>opinions come from contributors to reddit dot com
>I have to go to wikipedia to look up lentils and I'm 23 years old
>avocados are a meme from youtube

I worry about the youth today

>> No.6197905

Ever try pressure cooking it with "pan in pot" method?

>> No.6197909


I think the main issue people have with brown rice is that they're buying it at places that have low turnover, not realizing it's highly perishable (really should be kept in the fridge). Plus, what you mentioned, although soaking it or just using the "brown rice" setting on a decent rice cooker will do the same.

Fresh brown rice is really delicious. Alas most people don't even know what it means.

>> No.6197918

>'what's the shittiest rice /ck/?'
>'it's definitely parboiled shit like Uncle Ben's'
>'no no, you're derailing the thread by answering the question!'


>> No.6197921

Brown rice is the only acceptable rice. But it's often higher in arsenic, so don't have more than two servings a week.

>> No.6197930

>But it's often higher in arsenic

Easy solution to that. Stop buying Chinese and Indian rice.

If you live in the US, California brown rice is going to be fresher, not to mention safer.

>> No.6197960

Southern U.S. rice is pretty bad too.

>> No.6197967


Yeah it's why I didn't mention Texas, although I generally avoid buying anything Texas grown when it's reasonably convenient simply because, fuck Texas.

>> No.6197998

you elitist retards need to die in a fire. Rice from the river delta region can be amazing if you aren't a pretentious douchebag that decides to hate it before giving it a chance.

>> No.6198019

>decides to hate it before giving it a chance

What, do you suppose Texas rice is something obscure? Every grocery store in America sells it. The discussion was about arsenic, and how California rice is cleaner.

Why don't you just secede already, we don't like you and you don't like us. inb4 you start throwing around insults about people who live in California. Wrong coast m8

>> No.6198024 [DELETED] 

are in isis you fuckin apoo

>> No.6198025

I have a bag of Arkansas rice in my fridge. I'm not saying it tastes bad. I just won't have more than two servings a week because it's high in arsenic from cotton pesticide and chicken shit. I usually have a sweet potato instead of grain.

>> No.6198026

>indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?")

Global rule #3

>bbq king

Global rule #9

>> No.6198043

uh...the delta region isn't part of Texas, I simply included you in my comment due to you being a fucktard.

>grew up in ar/tx/la, live in ca.
>still not a pretentious douche spouting off shit only a hipster would buy in to.

all those poor people falling over dead from rice grown in texas or the delta region, sad stories....

enjoy your cali rice, fag.

>> No.6198063 [DELETED] 

Who is the faggiest poster, and why is it OP?

>> No.6198069

>falling over dead

Arsenic accumulation is a lifetime thing. One bag of Texas rice isn't going to kill you, hence why I eat it sometimes when it's the only thing in the store. With the emphasis on "sometimes".

>it's genetics

Yeah, you're one of those.

>> No.6198073

Rice is disgusting. I can only eat it swimming in ranch dressing.

>> No.6198078

I didn't say shit about genetics, only that you are a retarded hipster douchebag that buys in to bullshit theories.

>> No.6198092


No, I'm just someone who has been eating rice every day for the last 35 years and maybe has some stake in what my rice contains. You may have trouble with this, so sit down before reading on, but: Asian people exist outside of the anime universe.

You eat rice once a month? Fine, not worth a moment's thought. You are right to focus your attention on other things, like how much gluten is in your Ezekiel 7;21

>> No.6198097

here some more food for thought; arsenic in rice is organic and extemely less harmless. drinking a litre of water gives you more than fucking rice.

i swear, most americans are so stupid i almost wish we didn't exist... read a story, ohmygawd arsenics, stay away from the rice!

why is so hard for most people to vet their news??

>> No.6198098


>> No.6198100

what the hell does me being asian have anything to do with this?

>> No.6198101


You're forgetting the other reason not to buy Texan rice: fuck Texas.

Vet that, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.6198103

>tfw texas is a lot like any other state
>hating a state that much just b/c 'fuck xxxxx)

yeah sure, i'm the dumb piece of shit. w/e you say, as always.

>> No.6198402

>arsenic is organic therefore it's safe
you know what else is organic you fucking backwater hick? gasoline. must be safe to eat right? fucking die in a fire faggot

>> No.6199272

not him but he is absolutely right.

arsenic is found in a lot of our foods and is perfectly fine in low leves; we even build natural tolerances to it. and yes there is a huge difference between organic and inorganic arsenic.

read more, don't fall for trendy fad news.

>> No.6199275


Who is the shittiest poster on /ck/ and why is it OP?

>> No.6199281



That's why I buy it in 25 pound bags.

>> No.6199311
File: 730 KB, 1164x1467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticky rice is absolute ass unless its used for whatever oriental meal your weaboo self tries to cook.

eating a bowl of sticky rice is torture. pic related is the only rice worth buying in bulk.

>> No.6199410

>Asians only exist in anime
Flyover land please

>> No.6199418

I'm eyranian and we only eat basmati

Weeaboo detected

>> No.6199432

Christ, yeah, this stuff is bad. Tried the microwave ones in college, gave up and bought a cheap rice maker instead. So much better.

>> No.6199458

My family is from Southeast Asia. You enjoy your pilaf, ayatollah. It's not the same as normal rice.

>> No.6199466

>there are over 40,000 kinds of rice

>> No.6199484

Red mountain rice is pretty damn good.

But I agree with the other posters, each kind of rice has it's purpose and it's good as long as it's not uncle ben tier shit.

>> No.6199500
File: 110 KB, 640x640, f395412c52c311d01c694274_original-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6199884

basmati is pretty much my favourite rice, i like that subtle fragrance that reminds me of pandan leaves and i like the texture when it's only just cooked but the grains aren't completely separated and you get clumps amongs the individual grains. just personal preference.

>> No.6199894
File: 201 KB, 572x380, Trad.Hnd Hrvested WilldRice-dry-large photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best rice comin on through

>> No.6199912

enjoy you're anti-nutrients, retards

>> No.6199921
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you find out every fruit and vegetable has some kind of anti-nutrient

>> No.6199925
File: 216 KB, 752x507, CGI-Henry-thomas-the-tank-engine-19231565-752-507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if you activate them

>> No.6199927

>best rice
>doesn't post rice

>> No.6199949

ok babe, if wild rice isnt rice what is it

>> No.6200008

So /ck/, I have jasmine rice. Should I only cook it with water, or can I sub it with some broth or something?

>> No.6200043

I think basmati is pretty good if cooked well. Being from Louisiana I eat rice with 80% of dishes so I have tried it all. Regular long grain is the best but basmati has a nice taste to it to mix it up

>> No.6200048


>> No.6200052


of course you can sub with broth, don't go overboard with flavour though. rice has a fragile enough flavour of its own.

>> No.6200220

A grass in the Genus of Zizania.

>> No.6200446

What's a good broth to use with jasmine? Chicken with some wors sauce?

>> No.6200461
File: 28 KB, 350x350, 41Mh4LxFGEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone go home

although I always mix the 6grain with regular medium grain rice, 50/50 for texture and balance.

best korean rice is the bag with the mountains on it and a river

>> No.6200465

Why is everyone trying to besmirch basmati these days? I don't get it.

>> No.6200467

What's the shittiest way to ask a question, and why is it this way?

>> No.6200470


That stuff is great. It cracks me up how weeaboos will insist that "asians don't eat brown rice" when any korean store has about a million varieities of mixed and brown rice.

>> No.6200560

>tfw asian and grew up on a blend of black/red/brown/white rice

white people, lol.

rice of colors are your friend, eat and enjoy with no diabetes.

>> No.6200658

I say this will full confidence and emphatically: You are a fucking RETARD.
You obviously don't know how to cook basmati rice, otherwise you'd know, like everyone else does, that basmati is fucking GOD TIER. It is without a doubt the best overall rice in the world. And people like >>6197730 are right up there with you on your idiot pedestal. Fucking morons......

>> No.6200687

Spic here. It's not just you Asians. We also have no difficulty with different kinds of rice.

It's pretty much only weeaboos who think that the "real" rice is the relatively glutinous short-grained japonica that they have only ever seen an approximation of (Your Nishiki/Select Kagayiki/etc. is NOT the same).

Long, short, medium grains, I have seen and enjoyed it all. Different rice for different purposes.

And anyone who thinks basmati is the worst has NEVER tried a really good biryani, pilau, tahdig, etc.

And no one has lived until they've tried the crispy layer of rice on the bottom of a properly cooked pot of rice. That shit's better than candy.

>> No.6200725
File: 74 KB, 608x527, 127333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow...best reply i have received in a while...y-you get it....

>> No.6200742

How in the fuck do you gooks cook that shit, logically wouldn't the white grains be completely overcooked by the time the brown grains were cooked through?

>> No.6200744

Man, I can't even imagine what it's like to be this retarded.

>> No.6200755

you do realize the top can be opened at any time and things added in, right........? not that you even need to go that far, honestly.

>> No.6200804

"anti-nutrients" prevent butt cancer.

>> No.6200807

I usually just add some turmeric.

>> No.6200811

Because it's a very common rice enjoyed by lots of people. Liking what other people like detracts from how special you are and that cannot be allowed to happen.

>> No.6200814
File: 5 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice master race checking in.

>> No.6201241

>you're anti-nutrients

no u

>> No.6202334

Jasmine rice master race reporting

>> No.6202409
File: 379 KB, 1024x768, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either this or uncle ben's

>> No.6202416

>implying I'm not the same person who shat on basmati

>> No.6202428
File: 132 KB, 500x500, 1327365789koshihikari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> master race not eating koshihikari


>> No.6204349

I really, really hate sticky, mushy rice.

I want my rice to be dry and not sticky.

What kind of rice should I buy?

>> No.6204357


If you want to avoid stickiness then don't buy short grain. Short grain = sticky.

If you want to avoid mushy, then stop overcooking it. Mushy = overcooked

>> No.6204359

I've bought some long-grain rice, tried all kinds of cooking and it always turns out sticky.

I've had the kind of rice I wanted (pretty much seperate, dry grains) years ago and was never able to reproduce it.

>> No.6204377

Teach me the way of Tah-Dig please.

>> No.6204473

Sticky and mushy are totally unrelated

Christ, no wonder white people think basmati is good. They're the ones bragging that they can cook rice in a pot, not realizing that in fact, they cannot.

>> No.6204489

>Sticky and mushy are totally unrelated

I'm aware.I' haven't said a fucking word about mushy in that post.

>> No.6204494


It might help to rinse the rice well first to wash the surface starches off.

>> No.6204502


>sticky, mushy rice

>> No.6204503

I don't understand why so many people have this problem. I never do with long-grain rice. Definitely make sure you rinse your rice as per >>6204494

You should also never follow the package directions too precisely. The general rule is to use a little more rice and/or a little less water than the package indicates.

>> No.6204504

Which isn't the post you were quoting.

Guess I'll wash it some more next time and use a little less water. Thanks.

>> No.6204508

Why don't you niggas eat parboiled rice?

All those nutrients, man.

>> No.6204511


>Which isn't the post you were quoting.

...yes it was.

>> No.6204514

Sorry, thought you were quoting my other post.

Yeah, I'm aware it's unrelated, I just suck at cooking rice the way I want it.

>> No.6204516


i'm actually not the guy who berated you in the first place. sticky and mushy are actually related, both to do with the swelling/bursting of starch granules. i just thought it was funny that you were contradicting yourself so flagrantly.

>> No.6204520

Well, yeah, I'm an idiot.

Funny thing is, the one time I got the rice the way I wanted is when I used about 6 times the amount of water that the rice called for.

Shit's weird to me.

>> No.6204592

I kind of doubt that. At 6x water, you would have had a pot of thoroughly waterlogged rice.

>> No.6204620

except you can?

>> No.6204956
File: 144 KB, 600x801, 10945527_10203683332226627_448068906536170265_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this buttmad about basmati
>thinking brown rice is good, ever, for anything other than gruel
>actually deluding yourself into thinking the nutritional content matters when determining the kind of rice to eat
>again, eating brown rice ever
>eating rice at all

>> No.6206874

>crispy layer of rice on the bottom of a properly cooked pot of rice
My dick. That's the best stuff. I wish someone found a way to make it by itself.

>> No.6206922

Wash your rice before cooking

Use less water

Cook less

Fluff with fork to allow steam to release

>> No.6207028

Japanese rice is the only good rice.

>> No.6207114

If you use a shallow pan like the Spaniards it's like a whole pan of socorrat

>> No.6207792


>> No.6209444

which kind of japanese rice

>> No.6209600
File: 295 KB, 480x556, tilda-pure-basmati-rice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried a few basmati rice, and really like Tilda.

I think the key is prep too, I wash and soak the rice and cook it in my food steamer seasoned and salted.

>> No.6209684


they have this at my gf favorite thai place but I just can't get into it. It's so fucking bland.