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File: 86 KB, 2084x1389, Sushi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6193931 No.6193931 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love sushi but I'm poor.

What's the next cheapest thing that gives me that same bite?

>> No.6193947
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not op but lets set a price barrier at $5-$7? a roll. 5 preferably being under 5, at like $4.75

>> No.6193972
File: 196 KB, 640x631, tumblr_ncp13k0HMA1t0kdb4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you not live near sushi go round places? shit is like 1.50 a plate usually. Just stay away from the 3.75 a plate places. And don't go to places that serve entire rolls- that's how it gets expensive.

>> No.6193974

Make it yourself, it's dirt cheap

>> No.6194018

Not OP but I fail so hard at making the rice.

>> No.6194041

I live in bumfuck indiana. We have a whole foods tho.

>> No.6195912

cut your arm off and chew.

or just make your own. like someone else above said, iti's cheap and not hard. you don't need special tools for the rice or rolling to make it decent enough, just follow rice instructions you can find all over the net to the best of your ability and tada, lots to enjoy.

>> No.6195915

When OP makes his own then dies of food poisoning because he didn't use the right kind of fish, his blood will be on your hands. Hilariously.

>> No.6195962

Making your own is pretty easy with a little practice.
I use raw beef instead of fish since I live inland .

>> No.6195975

Japanese people rarely make sushi at home. But if they do temaki is an easier alternative. You just make a ton of sushi rice, put all toppings on a plate, cut seaweed up in squares, and then everybody make their own rolls.


>> No.6195984

Dies of food poisoning? The fuck is he gonna use, fugu? He'll be fine.

>> No.6195985

Get a better job to support your eating habits

>> No.6196071

Not all fish is sushi-grade or suitable for raw consumption.

>> No.6196079

That's fine, but if he says he loves sushi, don't you think he'll probably stick to, oh I don't know, what's used for sushi? What fish is used for sushi that has killed people, besides fugu?

>> No.6196088

>What fish is used for sushi that has killed people, besides fugu?
a fish with parasites

>> No.6196098

Expound. Be specific.Because it seems like you're making food poisoning jokes and don't know what you're talking about. What wrong fish could a sushi lover choose that would have a sure chance of parasites?

>> No.6196099

parasites can't survive in fish silly.

>> No.6196142

Got it straight from the horses mouth (a japanese woman i know through my brother): When budget is tight in Japan and you can't afford fresh tuna the dutiful japanese housewife buys semi-ripe avocado. Cut into slices and dipped into light soysauce it tastes almost exactly as tuna.

She made seafood karē that day and we had the avocado slices as an appetizer, it's perfect.

>> No.6196160

well excuse the fuck out of me for thinking he isn''t a retard.

unlike on /b, i give people some credit here at times and assume they have a brain that is functional.

>> No.6196163


That is why it is the basis for the California roll, which is an intro sushi to ease people into eating raw fish.

>> No.6196171


ironically I liked raw fish from the first time I tried it over 20 years ago when I was like 6ish (because my parents loved sushi), but I've never liked california rolls

I don't find them gross or anything, they're just fucking boring and I don't understand why they are so popular

also I feel like tuna has less of a fishy taste than kani does

>> No.6196172

Kaiten style is the most expensive kind in pretty much all of the US.

>> No.6196178

You can make sushi grade fish by buying fresh fish and freezing it. Though, OP does live in Indiana so...

>> No.6196183

>Kaiten style is the most expensive kind in pretty much all of the US.

where in flyover land are you?

>> No.6196184

Try some strongly flavored canned fish, like kippers. Mixed in with a big bowl of rice and some soy sauce and spicy stuff, it makes a good lunch. Canned salmon is also pretty good.

>> No.6196195


For many people it was their first exposure to sushi.

I live near the ocean so we get our ahi fresh. The fishermen brought in a lot of ahi in the past few days prepping for Superbowl parties, ahi is down to $4.99/right now. I eat fish fresh because after a day or two it starts getting the fishy taste and I throw it out.

>> No.6196203

buy sushi rice
don't attempt to make it with basmati or jasmine

>> No.6196218

>What's the next cheapest thing that gives me that same bite?
It's a refreshing cold food. Put some energy into making some delicious asian-themed pasta or rice salads. Or try you hand at making some onigiri of various types (my favorite website for those is Justbento lady).
For pasta or rice salads, cook and cool your rice or pasta, al dente of course. Blanch and cool crunchier vegetables like squashes, broccoli, etc or shred or dice carrot, cucumber, cabbage. Toss all with a delicious rice vinegar vinaigrette, and going bland and yummy like sushi with basic soy and maybe a touch of ginger and wasabi flavors, or add even more oomph with toasted black sesame, sesame oil, fish sauce, bonito flakes (some of the table seasonings are good kelpy blends, find it in packets and transfer to a shake container). I think you can go as cheap as you wish, with shredded chicken, frozen shelled edamame for protein, or even some canned tuna. Your call. Thoroughly chill of course. Sliced almonds are a nice crunch as a topping. You can buy giant canisters of fried shallots at asian stores. I love cilantro on asian salads.

>> No.6196222

Oh, and OP, you might enjoy buying a packet of rice wrappers, and making your own summer rolls. Frozen shrimp are very inexpensive, quickly cooked, and have the same chilled kind of mood, like sushi.

>> No.6196226

Not that anon but:

Youtube the show Monsters Inside Me and look for episodes involving Sushi from bad fish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsters_Inside_Me

The episodes regarding the anisakis worm had an expert testing fish from local fish markets in ... Boston, I think? And it turned out that they were more often contaminated than not (I do believe that freezing kills them, though).

>> No.6196261

..the fuck are you smoking??? must be powerful shit to make you that stupid.

>> No.6196319

you obviously dont knwo how much Sushi Grade fish is. yes there is a difference.

>> No.6196336

and you obviously can't prepare a fresh fish correctly and buy it from a fancy-pants store that loves idiots like you.

congrats, you hipster douchebag.

>> No.6196358

you're disgusting. there is certain attributes a fish has to have to make it sushi grad.e my fucking family owned a sushi restaurant in one of florida's most thriving tourist areas. Maybe you should do some fucking research before assuming that you're right without any experience.

>> No.6196361

raw chicken kinda tastes like sushi.

>> No.6196364
File: 84 KB, 500x281, 2215803978_c54d494b0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken sushi

>> No.6196369

>tfw japanese
>family owns kaze no ko in funabashi
>learned it all

you got me beat, mr. florida. sure.

>> No.6196375

If this is true then you should understand the important of high quality fish in sushi.

>> No.6196383

What I understand is how to prepare a fresh-caught fish correctly myself. I don't need someone to do it for me and it's not exactly rocket science, you just have to be accurate and detailed in your examination of the fish and preparation.

>> No.6196386

well i hope all is well and i wish you no parasites or mishandling.

>> No.6196390

>my fucking family owned a sushi restaurant in one of florida's most thriving tourist areas
wow florida tourist sushi you are an expert

>> No.6196395

4chan brings out the bitter attitude in all of us i guess. gl to you and your family too.

>> No.6196570

>tfw ayce sushi all you can order for 17.95 just a block from my house 22.43$ tax and 15% tip

dunno tfw op feels

>> No.6196574


>> No.6196599

Does anyone else ever get peculiar cravings for California rolls? They're cheap and fairly delicious.

>> No.6196614

nigiri is all i really care for.

except for mother fucking spider rolls. mind blown after giving those a shot.

>> No.6196622

I like nigiri a lot, but it's just way too expensive for me.

>> No.6196658

stop getting doubles ffs.

where do you live kinda btw? nigiri i would think should be close to a roll price, at least where i live..unless you go somewhere fancy or trendy that hipsters have defiled.

>> No.6196665

that wasn't very clear..I meant if you order enough pieces to equal a roll, it is usually close to the same price in my area at least.

>> No.6196673

>there was a time when this would have made me cringe

what has 4chan done to me

>> No.6196675

Oh wow, I didn't even notice I got doubles both times.

I live in Seattle and I think good nigiri is at least $2 per piece. I wonder how hard it would be to buy the sushi-grade cuts of fish I see at the local Japanese supermarket and cut it up myself for sashimi...

>> No.6196694

I posted above and had a slightly heated exchange with mr. florida, or at least that is what i called him.

growing up in a place that does this every day morning to night, i can tell you it is not hard at all. you can spend your life learning how to cut the best way and some old fart will still find a a way to say you fucked up, so to speak. that is more on preperation, taste will be the same.

the hard part is, if not going and buying something marked 'sushi grade' on the package - which automatically raises the price - is to learn how to inspect freshly-caught fish yourself, and then clean it and prepare it for use safely.

You can do it either way, but the latter is immensely a less hit to your wallet. just takes a lot more work and focus.

>> No.6196717

>plates of less than half a shitty roll for $2.50
>can get entire roll for $3 elsewhere
>2 pieces of a nice roll cost $3 per plate
>entire roll with 6-7 pieces is $5
>what is math

>> No.6196729
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>comparing everything to your podunk place of existance.

whatever you say, sherlock.

>> No.6196735
File: 34 KB, 853x480, Uuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i first started training the master told me i was making sushi for poor people because it had too much rice

>> No.6197761
File: 158 KB, 319x480, shamefurdispray2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-gomen, s-s-sensei.....