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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6193364 No.6193364 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat the rind on cheese? I want to like it, and every time I buy Brie or something I retry it, but I just find the taste and texture unpleasant. I'm not generally a picky eater and it kind of bums me out.

What's your opinion? Best cheese rind? Should I kill myself?

>> No.6193392

Everyone has certain texture or flavor aversions. I prefer ripe bries with a soft rind.

>> No.6193437
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her name was brie

she has a weird cooter.
it didnt work out

>> No.6193438

dude please dont cut off the rind of brie. it's really easy to enjoy.

>> No.6193472


>it's really easy to enjoy.

I'm trying to. It seems like a waste not to be able to appreciate it.

>> No.6193741

I've always wondered if I should eat Stilton or other blue cheese rind.

>> No.6193786

I like blue cheese rind.

I tried brie a couple times and just didn't like the stuff. I don't know what kind I had, but the rind overpowered the actual cheese and it tasted like semen. I'll have to give it another try but I wasn't impressed. Any recommendation s?

>> No.6193795

Oh and the best cheese rind is parmigiana reggiano. I love gnawing on them, and you can also throw them in a pot of soup or sauce for a nice umami flavor.

>> No.6193796


>it tasted like semen

I hadn't really thought of it that way, but you're right.

>> No.6193797

I love brie but the rind tastes and smells like cum

>> No.6193832

I hate parmigiana rind. It just feels too waxy and hard or something. In a sauce sounds nice though

>> No.6193842

it does not taste like semen. it has a strong taste, yes, but it's nothing like semen. stop this crazy, crappy, myth. only 17 year old people find this amusing.

>> No.6193858

Yes, save that shit and use it when you cook liquid based food for good flavor. It won't even make your soup taste like cheese, you just get that savory kick. Throw the rind away when its done though. I always save the fresh rinds for soups, or chew toys.

>> No.6193875

I think maybe it's people who have an infection or other issue.

Guys (and gals with boyfriends I guess), semen is supposed to have a mildly alkaline or "swimming pool" smell, but if it smells putrid or sour you should talk to your doctor.

>> No.6193879

It depends on the brie. There's some where it basically tastes like hard brie and there's some where it smells like a concoction of cum, bleach and ass

>> No.6193883

Mine smells like brie and seawater.

>> No.6193893


Do you eat a lot of red meat?

>> No.6193908

Its not amusing. I wish I could taste anything but semen when I ate it. I want to like it so much but my brain made the connection and I just cant enjoy it much now knowing it does in fact taste like cum

>> No.6193960

Not particularly, I eat more grains and dairy than I should though. One time I binged on pineapples and quit eating meat so my gf would swallow. Pineapple makes it sweet.

On that note, would I get banned for starting a thread about foods that make cum taste good, or how different foods effect the smell and taste? I'm interested in the topic.

>> No.6193969
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Why are you using an ajikiri to cut up a wheel of underripe brie? Go ask an adult for help, you're ruining food and you might get hurt.

>> No.6193987
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>Implying it's not a random Google image.

>> No.6193994

>shopping on amazon

You seem a little confused on the whole privacy thing, little buddy. You need some help?

>> No.6194002


Well I'm not ordering a deep fryer off of Silk Road.

>> No.6194015

>it does not taste like semen
It straight up does, though.

>> No.6194022
File: 60 KB, 628x353, Fromager-d-Affinois-628x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat pic related instead of brie. The rind has no jizz flavor and the center is lovely.

>> No.6194025
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>not buying used deep fryers in the dead of night with non-sequential small bills and carting them away via a truck you hired via craigslist arranged through a remailer based in finland

It's like you're asking to get busted by nanny bloomberg

>> No.6194029

It tastes like semen smells. I personally don't know how it actually tastes.

>> No.6194034

>Pineapple makes it sweet.
another idiotic, made up, myth

>> No.6194039

dude if you can't even find the taste difference between brie and sperm then you should leave this board.

>> No.6194058

yes you would

>> No.6194060

I haven't posted about it yet, but add me to the list of those who agree that brie smells strongly of semen (musk). The taste is different, and I dislike its earthiness. I'd much rather eat >>6194022. Everything that is good about brie, minus the gross rind.

>> No.6194094
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>Everyone on /ck/ knows what cum tastes like

>> No.6194119

We've all been young teens and tasted our own. Its 4chan, don't be prudish. I bet every man ever born had a sample of his own, curiosity.

>> No.6194163
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/ck/ has quite a bit of female traffic.

Also I lick up my loads every time I masturbate.

Hopefully that clears it up for you.

>> No.6194174

I've always heard here that it's normal. But I've honestly never tasted mine, the smell is enough

>> No.6194200


what if

guys listen


what if brie



what if brie is actually cow semen and the rind is cow smegma

>> No.6194224

joke's one you, I feed all my bulls with pineapples

>> No.6196007

I like to dip my cheese rind in ketchup.

>> No.6196061

i always thought the rind was just wax

>> No.6196220
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Yeah, I eat it. Gotta problem?

>> No.6196225

I don't give a fuck

>> No.6196254

I have only ever got banned by the soulless mods on /ck/
Niggas don't know how to take a joke.

>> No.6196265

You're supposed to have gay, shemale and bestiality porn tabs open when you take a screen shot.

>> No.6196269
File: 3.47 MB, 1341x904, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/ck/ mods are weird, sometimes weeks will go by with no apparent moderation, and then all of a sudden you say the wrong thing and they stalk you and issue multiple overlapping bans out of sheer vindictiveness

>> No.6196302

>>6196220yea, I don't like throwing away half a perfectly good cheese in the name of civilization

>> No.6196326

brie rind is flavourless and too soft to have a texture. I wonder how bad is the cheese you get in your country.

>> No.6196334


>Implying soft isn't a texture.

>> No.6196342

>Implying soft isn't a texture.

He didn't imply it, he flat out stated it.
Leave the lingo out until you have been around for a bit, you'll look like less of a twat.

>> No.6196343

>Gets banned
>Bitches about getting banned
>Banned again

You can just leave, you know

>> No.6196347


How is it possible you've never gotten a ban before? I get probably five or six a year.

>> No.6196353


>I don't agree, so you must be new.

>> No.6196355

so you're not curious how it tastes?

>> No.6196359


>> No.6196374
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More lolsorandum moderation

>> No.6196392

Well, it's not. The rind is penicillin mold -- same stuff that kills the bacteria that are infesting your brain. So eat a lot of it.

>> No.6196400
File: 154 KB, 823x497, diarrhea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bacteria that are infesting your brain

/ck/ has the most interesting medical conditions

>> No.6196401

Oh, gross, a Chinese crested. I met a chick who had a pair of those once. She was exactly the sort of person I would expect to own those ugly, weird, little fru-fru dogs.

>> No.6196613

I shouldn't really be surprised.

>> No.6198378


My grandmother had one of those. His name was Fuzzy and he was shaped like a sausage. He was also covered in blackheads, which she would regularly pop.

>> No.6198395


I've always enjoyed the rind, but everyone has their own preference? I die a little inside when people try to cut the rind off of brie, but it could seriously just not be a taste/texture you enjoy. Everyone is different.

>> No.6198410


That.... Just opens up a few more questions. No judgement, though. I mean, we don't call girls lesbian whores when they want to lick their own taste off of a dick.