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File: 13 KB, 350x177, Amero Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6188162 No.6188162 [Reply] [Original]

>American Cheese is best cheese

Prove me wrong, it is the best cheese par none that goes on a hamburger.

>> No.6188165

grilled cheese for that matter as well

>> No.6188166

It works well for grilled cheese and burgers because it melts so easily, but the flavor is shit.

>> No.6188167

>par none

>> No.6188170

American cheese is fine, however most people think it means "kraft singles" exclusively which is wrong.

>> No.6188175


>> No.6188189


>> No.6188191

All of this. Kraft singles and Velveeta give decent american cheese a bad reputation. The real stuff is decent. Its like saying american beer is shit because you had a Budweiser. There are other options. I get so pissed when you tasteless faggits diss american cheese, it melts and tastes like cheddar for a grilled cheese or burger. I also eat other cheeses. Come at me faggits.

>> No.6188199

I think it's time for everyone to accept that there is a semantic difference between "American cheese" and "Cheese made in America" and we should all move on with our lives.

>> No.6188201

ive never had it :<

>> No.6188206

> American cheese is a type of processed cheese.
> Wikipedia

Sometimes I feel like having some, and yeah, it's okay for burgers. Not sure if it's really cheese, though.

>> No.6188211

american cheese is an unaged cheddar m8

>> No.6188213


>> No.6188227

>Not sure if it's really cheese, though.
I think it is. But in the end it's just a bland cheddar dyed a funny color that happens to melt well while being easy and cheap to produce. Not worth going out of your way for unless you're really fond of the way it melts.

>> No.6188236


>> No.6188243

I'm really sorry that you're Americlap, and therefore have no earthly idea what "Cheddar" is, but there's an entire internet out there that can clear up your ignorance in under five minutes.

So, no.

>> No.6188246

>Even though the term “American cheese” has a legal definition in the United States as a type of pasteurized processed cheese, products called "American cheese" are by no means identical. Depending on the additives and the amounts of milk fat, oil, and water added during emulsification, the taste and texture of solid American cheese varies. As a result, some varieties (e.g. "American cheese" and "American processed cheese") bear remarkable similarity to natural/unprocessed cheeses, while other varieties (e.g. "American cheese food" and "American cheese product") are much more like Velveeta or Cheez Whiz.

>> No.6188250

By processed they mean that its a blend of several cheeses. The Kraft "singles" that alot of people know as American Cheese actually isn't cheese and is basically just a really shitty, cheap version of the idea of American Cheese.

>> No.6188270

>By processed they mean that its a blend of several cheeses

That isn't what it means. See >>6188246

American Cheese is an emulsified mixture of fat, oil and water, combined with colors and flavorings. There may be some actual cheese mixed in, but it's never the majority of the product.

The "process" in "processed" is that emulsification.

>> No.6188290

>cheddar can only be made in a specific cave formation cuz da eu said so
no pdo in america
we do what we want bitch

ps cabot makes great cheddar
try it

>> No.6188302

American Cheese is a cheese made from blends of other cheeses, commonly with cheddar as the main part.

>> No.6188309

No. Cheddar is made from whole cows milk. American Cheese is not.


Would that be named after John Cabot who sailed from Bristol, which is located close to Somerset where Cheddar comes from, and whom discovered a new land to the west before Columbus? The more you know.

>> No.6188312

>american cheese is good because it melts well on sandwiches!
no it gets cold and sticky really fast

every cheese has a different texture when it melts, why not enjoy them all?


>> No.6188315

you are just wrong. If it is labeled cheese in the US, it contains mostly cheese. If you go to any deli counter and ask for American Cheese, you will get a product which is almost entirely made up of a blend of other cheeses.

>> No.6188318

>American Cheese is a cheese made from blends of other cheeses

It's like you can't even read >>6188246

American Cheese is an emulsified mixture of oil, fat and water.

>> No.6188320

American cheese is usually made out of Cheddar and a mix of other cheeses, so I don't see how you could claim that it isn't made from whole cows milk.

>> No.6188322
File: 147 KB, 800x601, brilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it is labeled cheese in the US, it contains mostly cheese

>> No.6188326

That article is wrong. If it is labeled as "cheese" in the US, it contains cheese. If you ever look on a package of "singles" you'll see that it is not actually called cheese.

>> No.6188328

babe i aint talkin about american cheese im talkin about cheddar idk what that other nigga was on about
ps that makes sense cuz they make bomb cheese

>> No.6188330

Tilamook (Oregon) medium cheddar was voted worlds best cheddar in 2010, so there's that. Their factory is like 30 mins away from me.

>> No.6188337

>That article is wrong

So go edit and provide better sources it you fucking nigger.

>Spoiler: you can't

>> No.6188344

No fuck you, you can just continue being fucking wrong for all I care.

>> No.6188351

>you can just continue being fucking wrong

Wikipedia has sources. You have nothing but your impotent rage.

>> No.6188378


1. Provolone
2. Pepper Jack
3. Mozzarella
4. White Cheddar
5. Sharp Cheeses
25. Yellow Cheddar
26. American

9001. Cheese Wiz

>> No.6188394

That article literally has zero references for the paragraph mentioned.

>> No.6188404
File: 265 KB, 334x393, 1391057117394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking Wiz

>> No.6188411

Impotent. Rage.

>> No.6188417
File: 25 KB, 308x308, 1394042171465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M-m-Muh cheesesteaks

Go provolone or go home. Provolone with onions and mushrooms is the only way to go. Maybe some hot sauce

>> No.6188424

Cheese fries faggot

>> No.6188432

>muh meltability

If you can't properly melt a real cheese then you probably should just stick to your awful tasting plastic "cheese" and ready meals instead of cooking.

>> No.6188437
File: 582 KB, 780x1198, Laughingrodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't get a blend of mozzarella and parmesan on his fries

>> No.6188483

process cheese is all cheese

processed cheese food must be 51+%

>Federal regulations require that any pasteurized processed cheese spread contain at least 51 percent cheese.
consider yourself btfo

>> No.6188485

>processed cheese spread

Try again.

>> No.6188489
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Galtee Cheese Block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even the best shitty processed cheese

>> No.6188501

bruh face it you're btfo and being a petulant kid wont change that
ps 133.169

>> No.6188507


I'll take cheddar, swiss, provolone, gouda, or any cheese for that matter, over this processed crap.

>> No.6188514

>ps 133.169

What does the class B netblock of the Nikon Corporation have to do with cheese?

>> No.6188536

you're pathetic

>> No.6188548
File: 12 KB, 200x247, Douglas_Engelbart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quotes chapter & section of US Government standards concerning processed cheese
>Calls others pathetic

>> No.6188565

'Real' cheddar cheese, the yellow white-ish one tastes pretty damn good actually, unfortunately it's not sold where i live, but eh atleast i still have my Gouda.

>> No.6188573

>not knowing american cheese is real
>thinking of processed slices.

>> No.6188616

It's like you didn't read the article and just believed the cherry picked part mindlessly.

>federal (and even some state) laws mandate that it be labeled as "processed cheese" if simply made from combining more than one cheese,[2] or "cheese food" if dairy ingredients such as cream, milk, skim milk, buttermilk, cheese whey, or albumin from cheese whey are added.[3]

>Today’s American cheese is generally manufactured from ingredients such as one or more cheeses, milk, whey, milkfat, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, saturated oil(s), emulsifiers, and salt

>> No.6188620

Was meant for

>> No.6188626

>one or more cheeses, milk, whey, milkfat, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, saturated oil(s), emulsifiers, and salt

So...exactly what I said then? Cool, glad you agree with me.

>> No.6189133
File: 34 KB, 640x480, I came here to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes like cheddar

>> No.6189144
File: 75 KB, 958x677, Goat what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it is labeled cheese in the US
>it contains mostly cheese
>it contains mostly

>> No.6189149

I really pity Americans, they have been served crap their entire lives and they think it's normal. Hell, they even defend this crap like good little drones because if someone criticises something, but that something happens to be American, then the persecution complex dials up to 10 and you are burning the flag in their eyes.

>> No.6189153

So basically, he came to America and gave us the "authentic" cheese to use as American cheese. Checkmate, faggot

>> No.6189169
File: 78 KB, 1600x1200, 1d UnieKaas Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore aged gouda. With some good toast, little butter spread on. And the gouda sliced thinly and covering the top.The breakfast of my childhood.

>> No.6189175

National pride is a good thing. It means things get done when they are needed. Unlike, say...


>> No.6189186

>Federal regulations require that any pasteurized processed cheese spread contain at least 51 percent cheese.
>51 percent

Well, talk about shooting oneself in the foot.
>Be American
>Get shot

>> No.6189194

>Today’s American cheese is generally manufactured from ingredients such as one or more cheeses, milk, whey, milkfat, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, saturated oil(s), emulsifiers, and salt

How awful sounding.

>> No.6189200

The American default is damage control, it's always amusing to see.

>Americans eat complete and utter shit but due to their brainwashing simply must defend it
>Hurr child rape so there

>Bong problems

>> No.6189393

Cheddar and American Cheese have a very similar taste, the only real difference is the texture.

>> No.6189568

There was a time when "American cheese" meant actual cheese, similar to cheddar but not aged.

Unfortunately, that time was roughly 100 years ago. Now, American cheese is just yet another medium for the food conglomerates and farming megacorps to shove refined oil and other corn products down our throats. And no, pouring the same Kraft cheese batter into a loaf-sized mold and slicing afterward does not make it "real" cheese.

The name is tainted now, no one making real cheese would call it "American cheese", because consumers would assume that it's "pasteurized process cheese food" that we now know by that name. If you want an American cheddar-like cheese that's actually cheese, have some Colby or something.

American cheese has its uses (mostly involving melting) but it's still a hell of a lot closer to Velveeta or nacho cheese sauce than it is to any true cheese.

>> No.6189761

its absolutely worthless unheated.

>> No.6189791

well then it's a good thing we're talking about it on a board about cooking and not eating food raw like plebs, isn't it.

>> No.6189797

>par none
trolling or you're a fucking idiot

>> No.6189798


uhh what

I guess you could maybe say that mild cheddar cheese has a somewhat similar flavor, but not very. And it doesn't have a similar flavor to any sharper cheddar cheeses.

>> No.6189825

>par none
bar none

Fucking retard.