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File: 82 KB, 1024x714, 1024px-Raw_egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6185268 No.6185268 [Reply] [Original]

I know is really not healthy but on the other side is the most delicious part of the egg.

>> No.6185272

No point eating an egg if you are not going to eat the yolk. Unless you are one of those faggots who enjoys egg whites by themselves.

>> No.6185277

>I know is really not healthy

Don't tell me people still believe the whole cholesterol thing?

>> No.6185281

It's not unhealthy. Egg yolks being unhealthy is a meme perpetuated by the jews to get you to buy more eggs to compensate for the yolks you're throwing out. They're only a problem if you have high cholesterol or if you're eating literally 10 a day. Eat your yolks, son.

>> No.6185292

Yolks are only good runny. I hold people who like their yolks hard on the same level as those who eat steak well done. Great way to ruin delicious food.

>> No.6185294

This message brought to you by the National Egg Board™

>> No.6185295

egg yolk is fine, it's not fine when you eat 6-12 egg yolks per day and no fruits or vegetables

also, can someone tell my why rabbit starvation is a thing but people keep breeding meat to be leaner and leaner, and people keep saying lean meat is what you need to eat to beat the heat of obesity as it gets meaner and meaner?

native americans said that people who ate lean meat with no fat would keep eating and never feel full.

>> No.6185296


nothing wrong with eating yolks. just don't eat too many of them, as you would moderate everything else.

>> No.6185319

i bet you still think bacon fat is bad for you

egg yokes are best on steak tartare

>> No.6185320

Eating lean meat is no problem if you eat other shit as well. Rabbit starvation only happens if you ONLY eat lean meat for an extended period of time. You can eat all the rabbit you want if you have some veggies on the side once in a while.

>> No.6185323

but i thought you can't absorb some vitamins and minerals as well without fat? unless you're counting nuts and avocado as a vegetable.

>> No.6185330

>can someone tell my why rabbit starvation is a thing but people keep breeding meat to be leaner and leaner,

Rabbit starvation isn't really a "thing" except rare cases from the texts of old explorers. It's not unique to rabbit either. Basically if you eat a whole lot of protein but very little fat then you can suffer acute malnutrition. That might have been a legitimate worry for a fronteir explorer grilling rabbits on a stick over a fire, but it's pretty much a non-issue in the modern world, because nobody's diet is that restricted. Even if you ate rabbit every day you'd get fat from elsewhere, like the oil you put in the skillet you cooked the rabbit in. Rabbit starvation only exists in the most extreme of circumstances as even a little fat is enough to stop it.

As for meats getting ever-leaner? Blame the health fads from decades ago. People decided that "fat is bad" so consequently the market responded.

>> No.6185337

>but i thought you can't absorb some vitamins and minerals as well without fat?

Correct, but it takes *very* little fat for you to be able to absorb those things.

>> No.6185339


>conspiracy theories

Anyway OP, just make yolks a rare treat and have whites the rest of the time.


>egg yolk is fine, it's not fine when you eat 6-12 egg yolks per day and no fruits or vegetables

The limit health officials put on egg yolks is 1 a day, assuming the rest of your diet is also low in animal products. It doesn't take much to considerably increase your risk of heart disease


>> No.6185342


>As for meats getting ever-leaner? Blame the health fads from decades ago. People decided that "fat is bad" so consequently the market responded.

The hell are you talking about? Doctors discovered that saturated fat is bad and made guidelines to reflect it. How is it a fad?

>> No.6185350

What's unhealthy about egg yolks?

>> No.6185355

Did you even read that before posting the link?

>> No.6185356


My grandparents used to own a small farm. Even back in the 1940's and 50's there was pressure to make the animals leaner. At the time there was a "fat makes you fat" sort of diet fad (like in the 80's, just before the 90's low-cholesterol wave), but the fundamental research you are mentioning hadn't even been conducted yet.

>> No.6185357



>> No.6185361


Well fat is the most calorie-dense macronutrient, so that makes sense

>> No.6185364


Yeah, why?

>> No.6185368

People today are fucking pussies. Walking outside your door increases your chance of dying manifold, but that doesn't stop you, does it? You just keep hearing talk about how fucking everything is dangerous and/or bad for you. Might as well live in a bubble if you're gonna be scared of every little thing.

>> No.6185371

i see, thanks.

fatty meat is more filling though... but i guess the market wouldn't have a problem with people buying 1.5 pounds of lean meat instead of 1 pound of fatty meat

is eating the bare minimum of everything really the best for people though? you can be underweight and not die, but that doesn't mean it's the best thing for you.

>The limit health officials put on egg yolks is 1 a day, assuming the rest of your diet is also low in animal products. It doesn't take much to considerably increase your risk of heart disease
what about the rest of their diets? eating a soft-boiled egg on dry toast with an orange is different from eating an egg fried in butter with buttered bread and bacon.

if some foods raise cholesterol, and some foods lower them, wouldn't problems of high cholesterol be from just not eating enough food from other food groups? not that the fat or cholesterol is inherently bad.

>> No.6185372

You should do so again, and then delete your post when you realize how fucking retarded you are.

>> No.6185373


Some things are good for you, some things are bad. Sucks if you enjoy the things that are bad, but no reason to get mad at the science for enlightening you

>> No.6185376


Want to point out the problem?

>> No.6185379

No. Nothing is good for you. If there is no study for why something is bad for you, it will be made sooner or later.

>> No.6185397
File: 562 KB, 946x1000, nm.3145-F6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what about the rest of their diets? eating a soft-boiled egg on dry toast with an orange is different from eating an egg fried in butter with buttered bread and bacon.

Definitely, eating an egg with healthy food is better than eating an egg with more unhealthy food, but that doesn't mean that if you eat the egg with healthy food that it isn't still working against you and undermining the rest of what you're eating.

>if some foods raise cholesterol, and some foods lower them, wouldn't problems of high cholesterol be from just not eating enough food from other food groups?

More of a balance of both; eating the wrong foods while also not eating enough of the good foods. Good foods may not necessarily undo all the harm the bad foods cause though, especially if you're still eating the unhealthy foods regularly. Interestingly with eggs though, they're known to harm your arteries even when they don't raise your cholesterol, through increased oxidation of the LDL already in your blood, and if you eat them often enough they may cause a selection of gut bacteria that have the ability to turn the choline in them (normally considered an essential nutrient) into trimethylamine n-oxide, which has atherogenic properties. This also happens with red meat and other foods. It's pretty neat

>> No.6185442

>gut bacteria
could problems with these foods be from people just having unhealthy gut bacteria?

have there been studies showing how animal products affect someone on a fast food/soda diet compared to them eating the same amount of animal products, but switching to water, fresh juice, fermented vegetables, and other foods that would promote healthy gut bacteria?

>> No.6185718


runny egg yolks are repulsive, how do you like that in your mouth?

>> No.6185739

>not taking into account salmonella

>> No.6185742

I agree when they are by themselves, but on a sandwich that soaks up the yolk that shit is heavenly.

>> No.6185753

How do you like my cum if your mouth?

>> No.6185762


disgusting, but i like sucking cock so i just deal with it.

>> No.6185783

they are delicious and not unhealthy.
here's some facts, essentially nothing is "unhealthy" unless you simply eat too much of said thing.
people say lettuce is healthy,right?
try eating ONLY lettuce for a year and see how you feel
everything in moderation is the key

>> No.6185795

>like over-easy eggs
>and also well-done steak
now what

>> No.6185904


Our data suggest that infrequent egg consumption is not associated with the risk of HF. However, egg consumption of > or = 1 per day is related to an increased risk of HF among US male physicians.

>> No.6185916

What if you aren't a physician? Maybe you are, say, a programmer or a construction worker?

>> No.6185934

Biopharmaceutical major here, we learned this shit in class, the cholesterol you ingest isn't stored in the walls of your arteries. Your body synthesizes cholesterol from fats in your diet and then stores it in the wall lining the outside of your blood vessels. Low-cholesterol diets are a marketing fad, maybe if you didn't fry your eggs in butter you wouldn't have to worry about cholesterol.

>> No.6185987

you never eat custard or pudding?

>> No.6186445


yes, love em, but egg yolk isn't even close to being the same. tastes/feels like pure molten fat. fuckin nasty

>> No.6186665
File: 29 KB, 272x366, choline tmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The closest is studies on meat eaters versus vegetarians and vegans. They've even fed steak to vegans in the name of science and found that TMAO levels didn't really increase since they just don't have the bacteria that does that. This article talks about a study on red meat, which is talked about more often in regards to TMAO, but the mechanisms are the same, just the thing being converted is carnitine rather than choline


>When the scientists asked people to consume a beef steak and a carnitine supplement, regular meat eaters produced more TMAO than vegans or vegetarians. When participants took antibiotics to suppress gut microbes, they produced less TMAO after eating carnitine
>The team assessed the types of microbes in the participants’ digestive systems and discovered differences between the meat eaters and non-meat eaters. They also found links between carnitine consumption and plasma TMAO levels, suggesting that eating habits may influence gut microbiota and thus the ability to form TMAO from carnitine.

In this case, the issue isn't really about junk food. The bacteria in your gut are naturally selected based on what you eat, and bacteria that feed and thrive on meats and eggs can produce the compound. It may be a good idea to eat these things less often and infrequently

>> No.6186686


Right, consumption of 1 or more egg per day was found to be significantly associated with heart failure. That's not 6-12 a day like the guy insisted. It doesn't take very much at all.

Data like this makes me wonder why people believe eggs are good for you. They're really not particularly nutritious, maybe a good source of riboflavin and protein if you're a bodybuilder (might as well just eat the whites though), and the fact that 1 egg yolk a day is about the most that health officials will allow you to eat by their guidelines should raise some flags. It's a bit like saying "ice cream isn't bad for you, just don't eat more than 1/4 a cup a day or else you'll dramatically increase your risk of diabetes."

We can all agree that eggs are tasty, but why can't we leave it at that?

>> No.6186697

I always feel satisfied and slightly lewd when I pop the yolk over the toast.

>> No.6186700

Who the fuck thinks eating the same thing every single day is ever really healthy?

>> No.6186702


>> No.6186710

apparently the guy he was responding to? you egg people sure are buttmad

>> No.6186715

interesting. I took a choline supplement as part of some cognitive snake oil nutraceutical product for a few years. i wonder if I hosed myself for heart disease

>> No.6186728


Usually with healthy food, eating it every day isn't a problem. I eat oatmeal almost every morning

>> No.6186746

And look what it's done to you. you've become gay and nobody can help you not even Superman.

>> No.6186752


Damn, that sucks. Atleast it apparently improves the makeup of my gut bacteria


>> No.6186754

>limiting the range of possibilities
I love it runny but there are situations where it works hard. Open your mind to the possibilities, friend.

>> No.6186778

>tfw eat at least 6 whole XL eggs in one sitting once a week
>hardly eat vegetables or anything not fast food
Im gonna die a happy man

>> No.6186789
File: 341 KB, 1024x921, pleblvlbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a fellow patrician has posted in this thread. Behold all these plebs who consume hard disgusting egg yolk.

>> No.6186804

How is it not healthy? It contains loads of nutrients and vitamins. Explain please.

>> No.6186818

Hard yolks are the work of Satan. I have my eggs poached or lightly fried on hot buttered toast, with loads of ground black pepper and a little salt. Sometimes I scramble them. Anyone who likes hard yolks should be summarily executed. On the spot, with a bullet to the back of the head.

>> No.6186840

The biggest issue with salmonella is on the outside of the shell.
I've eaten plenty of raw egg, as have many others all through history, and never had an issue. It's quite safe so long as they aren't being pooled (cracked and stored) for longer periods. If it's freshly cracked and the surface is cooked, still keeping the yolk runny, it's really close to as safe as hard cooked.

>> No.6187093

nothing better for helping you seal up a pastry like a conolli or a spring roll.

>> No.6187104


>> No.6187317

They're only repulsive because you're thinking about it too much. Do you like bearnaise, or hollandaise?

>> No.6187335

I can't eat it without bread

>> No.6188525


>really not healthy

U wot m8? Yolks are a great source of protein, fats, and fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

>is the most delicious part of the egg.

There you go.

>> No.6190071
File: 208 KB, 312x322, eternal, hedonistic pleasure reverbrating into you endlessly, twisting and pulling your mind to tattered, horny bits until your entire being is lost in a luscious sea of carnal euphoria, washing away all traces of identity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaking a runny yolk over some hashbrowns

>> No.6190077
File: 76 KB, 500x566, HHNNNNGGHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dipping a hot, fresh biscuit into a runny yolk, letting it burst and soak into it
>runny eggs over toast
>runny eggs over grits

>> No.6190088


What Sort of shitty third wold nation still has salmonella?

>> No.6190114

eggs, yolk included, are incredibly nutritious.

despite what a bunch of numbuts are saying itt, they can be something you should avoid if you have a history of dangerously high cholesterol; not thinking a cholesterol problem can end up killing you is like a diabetic tossing sugar packets down their throat.

and for the salmonella faggots...

>tfw living next to a lake the past 5 years and harvesting duck eggs with yolks the size of a toddler's fist.

>not sick one time, and delicious.

so much bs in this thread lol...man.

>> No.6190118

The yolk is the best part and has more flavor than the white.

For some reason, unfortunately, eating the gooey yolk of a fried egg gives me diarrhea every time.

>> No.6190134

...s-sauce on that gif anon-kun?

>> No.6190158

I add extra yolks to my scrambled eggs.

>> No.6190682
File: 78 KB, 1151x809, egg vs slice of bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they contain VITAMINS, unlike other food!
>the egg industry told me so themselves!


>> No.6190983

I would tell you, but I don't know.

>> No.6190995

>not vegan propaganda
Pick one.

>> No.6191000

>egg has vitamin A, D, B2, B12


>> No.6191006


>vegan propaganda
>the USDA

>> No.6191010


The image just makes the point that eggs aren't some amazing source of nutrition that you can't do without. Decades of marketing has made people think eggs are some magic perfect superfood, when a quick look at them shows us they not only aren't very nutritious but also contain things we don't want to be eating.

>> No.6191014

if you dissect food long enough, you'll find something in all food that isn't good for you in some way.

that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with eggs, it means there's something wrong with marketing.

if people are selling something and telling you it's perfect... you probably shouldn't believe them no matter what it is.

>> No.6191025


Sure, but then you have to look at things practically. The bad things in egg are known to noticeably affect your health, with nothing else in the eggs that appear to balance it out towards good health. In contrast, if we look at that slice of whole wheat bread, it's recognized as positively contributing to health. What we don't want to do is ignore the confirmed harm of a food by trying to pointing out the relatively minor good. I've had a girl justify eating ice cream for lunch one time because she believed it was a "good source of calcium." Hell, a serving of ice cream has more vitamin A than an egg too. We still have to recognize it for what it is though, a treat food not particularly nutritious, not particularly beneficial, and not meant to be eaten regularly

>> No.6191044

>eggs have b12
>b12 deficient vegans
>foods high in b12 went out of style and b12 deficiencies went up
>animal protein more digestible than plant protein
i don't consume that much fat in my diet, so i have no reason to be worried about eggs. and i still consume vegetable fats too, not always animal fat.

you people only pick arguments that support your claims and NEVER assume that you're wrong and try to think that they might have more benefits than you think about.

>> No.6191073
File: 69 KB, 871x417, protein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, with B12, eggs are known to have very poor absorbability.


If vegans want B12, the best and most reliable way to do so is the same as for anyone else; supplementation


For plant vs animal protein, that's really not a practical problem but I'm only really talking about the yolks to begin with. I don't know what you're labeling me as when you say "you people," but I'm trying to steer people towards rational food choices and away from emotional arguing and special pleading. Eggs are delicious, but just because we like them doesn't mean we have to assert that we should be eating them.

>> No.6191087

Native Americans weren't fatphobic and also weren't fat (now, however, lots of them on American reservations ARE fat). If you eat meat you don't want to eat nothing but lean protein.

>> No.6191094

Aren't we actually breeding animals to be fatter and fatter, since they now are forced to grow so fast they can't even move?

>> No.6191102

The studies about saturated fat were minimal and fundamentally flawed, from what I've read. The myth perpetuated because it was very convenient for marketers of industrial fats.

If it was such a problem, I don't think obesity and heart disease would have exploded as we ate less and less of it. Processed food appears to cause obesity more than anything.

>> No.6191110

It's only unhealthy if you have serious cholesterol issues (which are not caused by egg yolk by the way).

>> No.6191438

>you people
that was mostly a joke, and i'll agree that we don't HAVE to eat a single food, but that doesn't mean we should go the opposite way and say you should never eat it and there's nothing good about it and you only eat it because it tastes good

>> No.6192200


>The studies about saturated fat were minimal and fundamentally flawed, from what I've read. The myth perpetuated because it was very convenient for marketers of industrial fats.

This is what is known as a "conspiracy theory." The link between saturated fat and heart disease has been very well studied and established. Thousands of animals have died in experiments, nobel prizes have been awarded, medicines have been invented, every health institute in the world is on board. It's best to treat the saturated fat deniers the same way we treat the people who deny the germ theory of disease or that HIV causes AIDS. Just ignore them.

>If it was such a problem, I don't think obesity and heart disease would have exploded as we ate less and less of it.

Unfortunately, as a country, we didn't start eating less of it as an absolute amount. We just ate proportionally "less" of it as a percentage of calories because Americans began eating more calories from other sources on top of it


But even if we had, and we still saw health problems plague the country, it wouldn't necessarily mean saturated fat isn't unhealthy, it just means it isn't the only unhealthy thing that exists.

>> No.6192272

Two yolks a day everyday. Maybe cut back when you get old.

>> No.6192290

That graphic is ridiculous.
The egg has less calories, more nutrients and way less sodium which also contributes to heart disease.

The only bad thing about the egg is the high fat level. To be honest anon I'm concerned about the level of manganese you're getting from your bread.

>> No.6192317


If you want to compare something more matched by calorie, an ounce wheat bran makes it look even worse


But I think the point of the image is to just show the reality of the nutrition of the egg, where even next to a common slice of bread it doesn't look very good. A lot of people consider eggs incredibly nutritious, on the level of vegetables, because that's been drilled into them by marketing. In reality, eggs just "contain nutrients" as all foods do.

Manganese absorption is also tightly regulated, there's no such thing as "manganese toxicity" from food


>Manganese toxicity resulting from foods alone has not been reported in humans

Maybe more important is that eating plenty of whole grain bread may reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, alzeimers, certain cancers, etc and it's recommended as part of the foundation of a healthy diet, whereas eggs are at best recommended to be limited to about 1 a day, mainly because they're such a concentrated source of dietary cholesterol

>> No.6193773 [DELETED] 

Make sure you're counting correctly, drinking nothing but water, and try to get plenty of fiber from vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits, lentils, etc. Fiber makes you feel really full and doesn't count towards caloric intake

>> No.6193782
File: 90 KB, 500x624, confuseddisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this post reminded me that I know an AIDS denier

>> No.6195148

Late arrival, but rabbit starvation is not to do with it being lean, I believe it's because rabbit lacks certain nutritional elements that are essential to our survival that are present in other meats.

>> No.6196085

Had a really good dessert the other night. It was sugared egg yolk inside a glutinous rice wrapper; the outside was dusted with coconut flakes.

There was a tiny bit of maraschino cherry stuck on top; I'm not sure if it was purely decorative or if it was to plug the hole that the egg yolk was forced through.

>> No.6196556

>literally the most perfect description of ahegao

holy shit