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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6182677 No.6182677 [Reply] [Original]

I'm hosting a small (~12-15 people) Super Bowl party. I don't drink but want to have a good selection of quality adult beverages for guests. Suggestions on what to get - and what mixers people like?

I'd prefer things that I can store for later if they aren't imbibed.

>> No.6182682

kill yourself

>> No.6182693

200 cans of Budweiser® Beer, the Beverage of Kings™

>> No.6182696

Just tell everyone to BYOB, you provide the food.

>> No.6182701

coors light
apple cider (for the ladies)
some white wine
a single large handle of whiskey (jameson)

thats all you need.

>> No.6182704 [DELETED] 

>I don't drink
Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.6182725


Do this. Anything else will just create waste.

>> No.6182733

>Tell everyone you're a cheap fag
Good guest bring alcohol anyway but only a cheap hosts doesn't have some. You go through the host's alcohol first and then every one else's. Anything left over belongs to the host

>> No.6182776

you should make apple pie
gallon of apple juice
gallon of cider
cinnamon sticks
bring to boil in large pot
let cool below 160
dump in a 750 of grain alcohol
that and a couple thirty racks and some jameson and ginger ale you good nigga

>> No.6182818

I'm not that kind of host. When I do dinner parties, one of the frequent guests brings a nice bottle from his travels, and that's fine. But I figure people will bring stuff, too. I don't mind.
I don't know my beers. I was thinking High Life in the glass bottles along with some of that stuff from Mexico that people enjoy with lime. I know I need a vodka, a scotch, and... I have some Bailey's already. A good white and a good red.

I have food covered. This is what I've got:

- Fresh Guacamole, Tomato Salsa and Salsa Verde with Tortilla Chips
- Ad Hoc fried chicken wings
- Pickled Carrots
- Citrus Cured Salmon on Potato Rosti with Fresh Mayo
- Chicken, Sausage and Bacon Perlo (a rice dish from South Carolina)
- Tzatziki and Roast Beef on Pita Bread
- Pavlova S'More Pie with Pineapple Dust (my own creation)
- Hot Chocolate Espuma with Chocolate Pop Rocks and Whip Cream Caviar

This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.

>> No.6182875

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.
actually just kill yourself h o l y shit

>> No.6182902

Bud and Bud Light. Even if your friends are beer snobs, you can explain you're subsidizing their commercials, and it's rare they don't have at least one good Super Bowl ad. Plus a shitty light beer of any brand is great for friends who aren't into beer, but want to be able to swallow a few sips to fit in.

Snacks sound great. Have fun!

>> No.6182910


> no tv

why bother

>> No.6182915

I can't imagine anyone is going to show up...

>> No.6183241

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal

too poor for cable?
or too poor to get a new tv?
have you been diagnosed with autism? who would want to come?

>> No.6183252

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.

lol thanks for the laugh

>> No.6183254

>no TV
I would come for the food but that's it.

>> No.6183265

>Host doesn't drink
>So cheap he doesn't want to provide any alcohol
>Poorfag that doesn't have a tv for a SUPER BOWL party

Jeez what a shit party

>> No.6183284


>>So cheap he doesn't want to provide any alcohol

The point of this thread is to ask what alcohol I should buy for my guests.

>>Poorfag that doesn't have a tv for a SUPER BOWL party

My TV is better than yours. It's a 3D 64". It has everything I need already built into it: Amazon, Netflix, HBO, Xbox, etc. stream torrents from my cell phone, etc.

I just never bothered to plug cable into it because a schedule telling you when to watch TV is for fatasses who channel surf because they've got nothing going on in their lives.

Folks have offered to bring TVs, bring me a TV tuner for my TV, etc. I've turned them all down.

This is intentional.

>I can't imagine anyone is going to show up...

It wouldn't surprise me but I've got quiet a few RSVPs.

>> No.6183289

>I've got quiet a few RSVPs.
Do they know that they won't be watching the superbowl at your party?

Why are you using a tripcode?

>> No.6183291
File: 249 KB, 432x657, img_4879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6183307

If you aren't full of shit then why can't you stream the game over the internet. Or you know drop $20 on a tuner to make your party not shit.
The people who offered to bring that stuff were politely telling you its a shit idea and I doubt they'll show up.

>> No.6183319
File: 65 KB, 900x584, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do they know that they won't be watching the superbowl at your party?


>Why are you using a tripcode?

1) Makes it easy to find my posts on the thread. I can also mouse-over in Catalog and see if I was the last poster on a thread or if someone else is. In general, makes the board easier to use.

2) It lets me live in people's heads, rent-free. Some people are so pissed they save photos I've posted months ago and then post them in threads where I post. I post in threads I don't really care about just to draw draw them out. I don't think I can have an orgasm anymore without inciting their rage. Pic related.

>why can't you stream the game over the internet

Because I want to host a party where we listen to it instead. It's a different experience and it's a party for people who want to try something different. You're acting like the game matters. For fuck's sake, it's called a "game." By definition, it can't matter much.

Enjoy watching it from a loud pub with shit food and over-priced beer. To each his own.

Besides, I'm a huge troll and get a kick out of the whole concept. I initially just thought just the idea was funny; actually doing it brings it to a whole new level of trolldom.

>> No.6183323

>I just never bothered to plug cable into it
ok too cheap to pay for cable.

> It has everything I need already built into it:
except for watching the superbowl

don't worry it'll be old timey you'll huddle around the radio like the 1920's and just imagine what's going on the field in your mind.

>> No.6183325

I used to work in a really high end liquor store. I helped people plan for parties like this all the time.

>Hard liquor never goes bad and requires little storage space so go ahead and stock up

A handle of Skyy vodka
A handle of Bacardi silver rum
A handle of Jim Beam

A fifth of Chivas scotch
A fifth of Patron silver tequila
A fifth of Crown Royal

>Football crowds drink a fucking SHITLOAD of beer so be ready

a case (24) of Corona
two cases of Miller Lite
4 assorted six packs of popular craft beer. I would recommend an IPA, a wheat beer, a stout, and something local.

>Wine. remember that you can take back anything you don't open.

six bottles of ~$12 pinot grigio
six bottles of ~$12 pinot noir
six bottles of cheap bubbles


a 12 pack of canned club soda
a 12 pack of canned tonic water
a gallon of OJ
a big bottle of cranberry juice
a case of coke
a case of diet coke
a case of sprite
a six pack of ginger ale, maybe more if your crowd drinks a lot of it.
10 lemons
10 limes

>> No.6183329

>ok too cheap to pay for cable.


>huddle around the radio like the 1920's and just imagine what's going on the field in your mind.

YES! That's what I'm going for!


>> No.6183332 [DELETED] 


*tips fedora*

>> No.6183339

>1) Makes it easy to find my posts on the thread.
What is (You)?

>2) It lets me live in people's heads, rent-free.
So you just want to be a famous internet celebrity. Wow, your life is pathetic. No wonder you're throwing a 'party' for the superbowl without a tv to watch the superbowl.
>hai guize this party is about me, not that silly game. look at me! look at me!
Attention whore is sad.

>> No.6183340

SB paty. Not watching SB....

A few of your guests will be mad. At least have the TV ready for those who DO want and expect to watch the game. Otherwise you are a really bad host.

>> No.6183345 [DELETED] 

Not OP, but why so butthurt over a trip? It makes no difference whether OP is tripped or not.

It is time to take off that fedora, anon-kun.

>> No.6183347

I'm not going to say this is the worst idea in the world. I kind of like it. It reminds me of the episode of Home Improvement where Tim and Jill go to a fancy dinner, and Tim keeps a portable (ye olde cellphone brick-sized) radio in his pocket so he can sneak to the bathroom and listen to the play-by-play.

But speaking as someone who really doesn't give a shit about football and just goes online later to watch the commercials, make sure you have a backup strat.

>> No.6183351 [DELETED] 

>What is (You)?

Some of us have more than one device for browsing. Cell phone, computer, tab. Other computer.

>So you just want to be a famous internet celebrity

No, I enjoy pissing a handful of dicks off because *muh anon board culture

>those who DO want and expect to watch the game

Oh, they all know. I made it really, really clear.

>> No.6183354

A super bowl party is about the game. People are going to come, eat up your food, drink up what little booze you have and try to get to a sports bar during half time.

>> No.6183356

hook your PC up to the TV and stream the game for people who want to watch.


mute it and put the game on the radio.

This is how I watch all the OU games. I picked it up from my dad.

>> No.6183358

Streams are always behind the broadcast, sucks because unless its an official stream I can't browse /sp/ at the same time because whenever a big play happens I'm always 2 minutes behind

>> No.6183362

Quality of stream is very shitty unless is ESPN3 or some big network stream and that's if you are lucky.

>> No.6183365 [DELETED] 

>It is time to take off that fedora, anon-kun.
Weird that you say that because fedoras are a reddit thing. If tripfag wants to be in a culture that uses names then reddit is where she should be.

Also, you know nothing about me so I don't see why you'd imply that I have a fedora. I, however, know a few things about tripfag now and any assessment of her future posts will be based on the persona that she created for herself and not necessarily the point that she tries to make.

>I enjoy pissing a handful of dicks off
How is that not attention whoring? It's akin to trolling for guaranteed replies.

>> No.6183366

>A super bowl party is about the game.

There was one SB party I'd only go to for the salsa and ribs the host made.

>hook your PC up to the TV and stream the game for people who want to watch.

If they want to watch, they can go somewhere - anywhere - else. I have SiriusXM and if that's not working, can stream any local AM audio from TuneIn through my cell to my home speakers. OR just play a radio. I think I have one of those around here somewhere...

>> No.6183371

Are you one of those asses that insist on having a big long off topic conversations at the super bowl party while the majority of people are trying to watch the game because you don't like football or any sports for that matter. Those people are the worse but thankfully they never stay the whole time so people can actually watch the game.

>> No.6183372

>There was one SB party I'd only go to for the salsa and ribs the host made.
That's because you're a massive faggot.

I bet you go to strip clubs for the finger food. You massive faggot.

>> No.6183378

>If they want to watch, they can go somewhere - anywhere - else
You are guaranteeing that no one will ever attend one of your "parties" and you're probably hurting your chances at being invited to any of theirs

>> No.6183380

I'd just like to point out that tripfaggot isn't just a tripfaggot. it's a SECURE tripfaggot.


>> No.6183381

Damn... hawt bartender... grabbing that handle... wish it was my dick...

>> No.6183387

baby boomer pls go

>> No.6183392

>insist on having a big long off topic conversations at the super bowl party

No, I try to get busy in the kitchen or just focus on food.

People interested enough in football to go to party over a game are typically too plebe to hold any kind of conversation that would interest me.

I kind of think this party will repel that type.

>it's a SECURE tripfaggot

Of course. You'd start imitating me if I wasn't. I feel like we're so close I should get invited to Thanksgiving dinner. And maybe even have a stocking hung from the fireplace with care.

>> No.6183396

>Of course. You'd start imitating me if I wasn't.

That ought to tell you something, but apparently the signal isn't getting through?
Why the name (read: narcissism)?

>> No.6183399

>People interested enough in football to go to party over a game are typically too plebe to hold any kind of conversation that would interest me.
Tell that to your guests when they arrive.

>> No.6183406

He won't because somebody will bring a TV tuner anyway and everyone will thank that person and OP will be the faggot in the back of the kitchen crying by himself because all his guest will be talking about how shit an idea it was to have a super bowl party without a tv

>> No.6183408

>A handle of Skyy vodka
>A handle of Bacardi silver rum
>A handle of Jim Beam
>A fifth of Chivas scotch
>A fifth of Patron silver tequila
>A fifth of Crown Royal

I've gone ahead and ordered this, but can't get Chivas scotch. Can you recommend an alternative?

>> No.6183413

>That ought to tell you something, but apparently the signal isn't getting through?

No, I mean, it actually happened. I use to not use it and then...

You can ignore it, right? or is there some kind of blocking extension for Chrome? If it's causing you to have a complex, talk to your doctor.

>> No.6183416

Johnny Walker red label, or black label if you're feeling generous towards your friends

>> No.6183418

This exactly. All while they drink OP's shitty cheap booze because free booze is free booze.

I'll bet they'll be pissing in OP's pot plants too.

>> No.6183425

>This exactly. All while they drink OP's shitty cheap booze because free booze is free booze.

Your doctor would call this 'projecting.' Get some new friends. nvm that requires old friends.

Got it. I use to give engraved bottles of blue as gifts but I heard that's kind of meh.

>> No.6183430

Not him but OP you could probably do without. You're still responsible for your guests after they leave so you want them to have fun watching the game, not have fun watching them get drunk off their asses and giving you trouble.

A lot more shitposters than usual on /ck/ tonight, that's pretty sad. Just ignore them.

>> No.6183431

>You can ignore it, right?

I personally don't give a shit.
I just find it odd that someone would post under a name in a forum whose whole fucking point is anonymity. It doesn't make any sense, really, so narcissism is the only possible explanation.
Carry on; you're not bothering me. I just think if you want attention by name you're in the wrong place for it.

>> No.6183434

>you want them to have fun watching the game
People are giving him shit because he specifically doesn't want this

>> No.6183436

You really shouldn't use words that you don't understand.

You're a pathetic soul with a learning disability.
That's not a projection. It's an assessment.

>> No.6183440

4chan is a failed experiment. Being anonymous doesn't encourage a free exchange of ideas. It encourages extreme poorly thought out ideas because there are literally no consequences for being an asshole or being wrong. You post your garbage one day and its thoroughly dissected as being wrong and then the very next day you can post the same thing.

>> No.6183443

It's his party, he came here looking for suggestions for alcohol not how to have a successful party. We know nothing about him or his guests nor should we care, it's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Anything else just makes this board look petty.

>> No.6183444
File: 128 KB, 1000x728, ardbeg 1990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use to give engraved bottles of blue as gifts but I heard that's kind of meh.

It's not that blue label is exactly meh... the issue is that you could buy three different bottles of single malt scotch that would all be MUCH better than blue label for the same amount of money.

>> No.6183448

>whole fucking point is anonymity

But I am anonymous. Just not "glory hole" anonymous like you'd prefer. You could just ignore me.

Yeah, that's what happens when a non-drinker gives alcohol as gifts.

>> No.6183450

Rohypnol martini.

>> No.6183453


Whether it is successful or not is irrelevant. The point is that it is an anonymous board. So if you want a name, why post here? It's a bit like someone who wants to discuss romance novels posting on a college football board. Why? If you want to discuss romance novels a football forum seems like a pretty poor choice of vencue. If you want to talk about romance novels, there's a place for that--but it ain't ESPN. Likewise if you want to develop an online identity under a name or nickname or whatever, 4chan seems like a really poor place to do that.

>> No.6183454

>You could just ignore me.
Can't ignore cancer because then it will spread.

Source: science.

>> No.6183458

>Just not "glory hole" anonymous like you'd prefer

I've already pointed out that I don't care. I'm just wondering what your motivation is. This seems like a poor choice of forum for naming, you know?

>> No.6183469

I just think of it as tripfags having an air of superiority about them. Going to a place that is specifically anonymous just to slap on a name to use, because even though everyone else is not using one, they clearly think they are important enough to need one. I just wish they would admit its purely for attention, instead of shit tier excuses, like "It helps me keep track of my posts.". I mean really, how often does anyone go looking for their old archived posts?

>> No.6183476
File: 39 KB, 500x374, 500px-Rustle-mania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you're mad

>> No.6183478

You aren't anonymous, you're screaming to the boards GIVE ME ATTENTION! every time you post with an unneeded trip.There is literally no reason for a trip except for attention

>> No.6183480


They just like to stand out in a crowd.

>> No.6183483

Calling a retard retarded doesn't make someone mad. Don't tell me you think acting stupid is trolling?

>> No.6183487

>Likewise if you want to develop an online identity under a name or nickname or whatever, 4chan seems like a really poor place to do that.
The problem with that is that they think its the perfect place for it. They already know that they are terribly uninteresting and annoying, so they would have no chance at all for attention on reddit or sites that all have usernames. So they purposefully seek out anon sites to try and make a name for themselves.

>> No.6183489

>Some of us have more than one device for browsing. Cell phone, computer, tab.
>Owning a tablet
>Calling a tablet a "tab"

OP is working a masterful troll in this thread. Even after you get past the core conceit, it's like there are layers under layers of insufferability.

>> No.6183492

>ou could just ignore me.
>Can't ignore cancer because then it will spread.
>Source: science.

Science also tells you cancer has no cure.

>> No.6183496

>Not owning a tablet
Do you not read? Having every single textbook I could possibly want all the time has encouraged me to study way more than I did when in college. Have a bunch of apps for reviewing as well.

>> No.6183498

Anonymous culture didn't originate on 4chan. This is merely the ultimate incarnation of the culture.

You take the good with the bad. Anonymity provides everybody with the opportunity to express themselves freely without fear of social persecution. Everybody. From the lows of society saying things that you don't want to hear to high profile people with brilliant minds discussing taboo subjects that they couldn't discuss on twitter. You, the reader, could gain a valuable insight that you wouldn't ordinarily obtain.

>cancer has no cure.
It can be extracted if caught early enough.

>> No.6183505

>It can be extracted if caught early enough.
You are only thinking of solid tumors.

>> No.6183508


not the guy you're referring to, but I greatly prefer books. instant page flip. no lag. no batteries or charging required. plus, a lot of what I want to read simply isn't available on a tablet. It's a gizmo I have little use for, at home that is.

I do like them for work; we use them for tracking inventory in my business--and they've been awesome for that. The ability for employees to see what they need to do on the screen, combined with a camera that can read barcodes & allows them to document their work has been a huge productivity boost.

>> No.6183522

The Super Bowl will be streamed free
online and on mobile phones for the first time

The game will be streamed online at NBCSports.com and NFL.com through SNF Extra, which features an HD broadcast, DVR-style controls, additional camera angles, in-game highlights, live statistics and interactive elements.

>> No.6183534

fuck yeah

>> No.6183867

one keg of Honey Brown (keep it in your room for the next day)
2 kegs of PBR for your friends' friends.
Several Bottles of cheap vodka mixed in with random shit for the plebs.
Several backup bottles of the cheapest vodka you can find and koolaid for the backup plebs
5 bottles of bombay sapphire gin and tonic for you and your friends along with an expensive trey of cured meats and cheese

and whatever condoms are on sale

>> No.6183872

Everyone is going to have their phones out at the "party"

>> No.6183921

*cough cough*
Shit man, I don't think I'll be able to make it to your party I'm coming down with something
On a real note, you're doing more than enough by providing all that food so having people bring their own fucking liquor is fine
HOWEVER, no one wants to listen to the even on the radio you fuck

>> No.6183977

thank you goodell i can watch this from work

>> No.6183980

/sp/ here, you absolute jew you know you can stream via laptop right? use vipbox.tv or whatever site it redirects to now. or better yet use reddit's /r/nflstreams and find an HD online stream. connect your laptop to your tv via hdmi cable and you'll have tv, though it might be laggy if your internet/stream host is shit.

i seriously hope all of the people attending actually understand that they will not be physically viewing the game.

>> No.6183985
File: 291 KB, 619x406, 1422251928285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super bowl party
>no super bowl

>> No.6183998
File: 41 KB, 500x501, alpha kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listening to the game on the radio instead of watching it on TV

That is the memest idea I have ever heard.

>> No.6184006

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.

LO-Fucking-L. Honestly double the amount of drink you intended because you would need to be tanked to tolerate that party.

If you want your guests to leave with 15 units in them buy 30 bottles of wine or equivalent.

>> No.6184011

> Hey I'm throwing a superbowl party, will you come?
> Depends, how big is your TV?
>It's a super duper 63 inch with all the mod cons. You'll love it! (please like me)
> I dunno. Will there be booze?
> Sure thing! I don't drink so I don't have a clue but my friends at 4chan will tell me what to buy. Did I mention the 63 inch TV?
> OK, fine. I'll come. See you there.
> arrive at party
> Steel Magnolias playing on the TV
> Hey tripfag, change the channel. The game's about to start!
> What game?
> The fucking superbowl, you cunt!!
> Oh, didn't I tell you? You can't watch that here because I don't have cable.
OP's gonna die.

>> No.6184012

the super bowl isn't even on cable

motherfucker just needs to buy a converter box i think

>> No.6184013

>"experimental" party
Lol, not even close.

You want a REAL experimental party? Get a fucking TV and hook it up so that you have audio but no video. Why? Because there's no greater test of imagination and intellect than trying to decipher what the fuck Cris Collinsworth is on about while you're in a vacuum.

>> No.6184018

are you giving your guests lsd also?

>> No.6184131

It´s a fucking game.
Why would one need anything else than beer.
Champagne, whiskey? Alcohol snob anyone?
"Mortimer, could you by chance refill me two fingers of this splendid Glenmorangie?" Well, of course old chap. Right when this Quarterback guy lines up all this monstrous negroes on the field again and explains them what to do."" Excellent."

>> No.6184220

Not everyone likes beer, especially if its not going to be a total sausage fest.

But I can't imagine that the tripfag op has any friends that are women.

>> No.6184225

>watching sports with women

>> No.6184230

>voluntarily hanging out with 12-15 men and no chance at meeting a girl

>> No.6184238

dude, it's the superbowl. I want to watch the fucking game.

>> No.6184240

I meet up with people, speak no words, eat in silence, and then leave as soon as the game is over too.

oh god i'm so lonely

>> No.6184241

Unless you're team is in it, pussy should still be in your thoughts.

In fact especially if your team is in it. She'll understand if you're watching intensely. Girls love winning shit and if they lose you can console them after the game.

>> No.6184534

>People interested enough in football to go to party over a game are typically too plebe to hold any kind of conversation that would interest me.

Then why not just hold a party on a day that isn't the Superbowl? Then you won't even have to bother with tuning in to the radio and you'll g

>> No.6184551

britfag doing a party here

most people have a stock of spirits in a cupboard somewhere that gets raided at these things. you might wanna grab some nice rum, whisky, vodka and kahlua or something and put it in a cupboard somewhere, that's your party nest egg that might not get raided on sunday but will be there for the next time. then just get a crate of cheap beer, do a lethal fruit punch and tell people to bring their own shit on top of that.

>> No.6184567

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.

WTF? Get out.

>> No.6184583


syn confirmed as Irish stew guy

thread over, everyone carry on now.

On topic: I'll be working during the SB and we're always slow as fuck so I'm just gonna sit at the bar and have a beer until an order actually comes in.

>> No.6184597

>For fuck's sake, it's called a "game." By definition, it can't matter much.

By that logic, Britain and Russia were just wasting their time playing The Great Game.

>> No.6184604

Listening to a game on the radio can actually be an interesting experience, but the sort of crowd who is willing to attend a SuperBowl party where they can't watch the SuperBowl is probably not familiar with or into football enough to enjoy it.

>> No.6184607

Best commercially available beer?

Trying to pull a party as well, not a huge beer drinker, so we let some fag choose, and he brought some shitty coronas.

>> No.6184677

Either get a cheap local beer (Narragansett in New England, lone star in texas, etc.), or enough for ONE kind of mixed drink, like rum, strawberries, ice (for daiquiris) so people can regulate how much alcohol they consume and customize their drink for themselves, without getting too invested in bringing a stupid amount of variety (and ca$h) to give tons of options.

Benefit of the 2nd option is men and women alike enjoy daiquiris, and if the men feel emasculated by drinking something sweet, they can just drink the rum neat (or heat it up and mull it for grog)

>> No.6184694
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lol, i dont even drink.

i just say chmpagne because after the game, everynes gonna be too drunk to fucking care. finish off with a few clean drinks, or if everyones hanging out and wants to stay over, theres whiskey.

not to mention a bottle at a party will be done in liek 3 or 4 rounds among everyone anyway

project much faggit?
you cant handle my football parties

>> No.6184701


Haven't you ever read the Bible?

> When the master of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But you have kept the good wine until now.” This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.

You serve the good stuff FIRST so people taste it and say "Wow, what wonderful booze you bought us, you are so generous". After they get drunk enough to not care, THEN you bust out the natty light.

>> No.6184707

God, she really is just perfect. Any woman who doesn't look like that is a fucking hag.

>> No.6184729

lol my bad

>> No.6184734

no one drinks narragansett in new england
its piss

>> No.6184742

after next week he aint gonna have any friends at all

good job 10/10 troll AND tripfag OP you win the faget of the week award and most cancerous thread of /ck/ of the week award

also Go Team!

>> No.6184750

>tfw grew up in Boston
>tfw went to school at UMass Amherst
>tfw The Harp had $2 pints of gansett on tap
I'm 25 and still default to gansett. It's the best $5 six pack money can buy.

>> No.6184757

i mean some people do enjoy the taste of urine

>> No.6184765

>a good selection of quality adult beverages

if this is how you talk then serve some comfort foods

>> No.6184780


Apparently quite a few people like it. For $5/six pack, you can't beat it. The only other beers I see in that sort of price range are natty light, natty ice, miller high life... all of which are literal piss compared to gansett.

In fact, even Yuengling, which many people think of as a pretty good cheap beer, has a similar pro rating on beer advocate, and a MUCH lower "bro rating" (aka real people).

>> No.6184818

>$5 six pack

Is that supposed to be cheap? Genuinely asking I have no idea about beer prices.

>> No.6184820

>watching sports with women

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.6184828

Yes. Don't know where you are, but in Boston, the average price for a six pack of anything decent (eg: craft) is $10. Boston Lager? $10. Sierra Nevada? $10. Dogfish 60? $12.

>> No.6184836

shut the fuck up faggot
god youre the worst kind of person
rating sites for beer jesus christ
go die in a lithium fire

>> No.6184849

>huehuehue that beer tastes a piss i only drinkz scotch ales imported from england
No, you're the worst kind of person, jackass. I used that to prove a point-- most people actually enjoy the taste of gansett, and just because you have some faggy superiority complex doesn't mean it's not a good fuckin choice.

>> No.6184860

shut up bitch i drink all kinds of swill keystone natty mickeys even fucking genesee cream is better than that shit

>> No.6184861
File: 18 KB, 200x268, 8f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody I know drinks mixed drinks at a super bowl party.
Buy beer - some light/some not
in bottles
buy name brands of beer
buy a box of white wine (for girls)
buy a fifth of whiskey (Canadian blends are fine), Jim Beam, Vodka (Smirnoff is fine).
monkey wearing fur coat optional

if folks want anything else, send them n a beer run
stores are all open
non drinkers, light drinkers will sip anything
boozers will drink beer and do some shots
when the drinking starts don't ever say "adult beverages" or you will probably get the shit kicked out of you

>> No.6184866

Then you must have a shit palate, because everyone disagrees with you.

You probably don't like it because it has too much flavor for your trailer trash ass.

>> No.6184872

hey buddy lemme let you in on a little secret
there are times for forties
and there are times for dopplebocks

but theres never a time for gansett

>> No.6184874
File: 4 KB, 161x90, douchebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you that douche bag from the Sams Adams commercial?

you sure sound like a douche bag
pretentious asshole

>> No.6184882

Wow... so you replied exactly 43 seconds later?

No one likes a samefag.

There's a time for dopplebocks, triple IPAs, and barleywine, and there's a time for bud/gansett/pbr, but NEVER a time to drink literal frat boy piss, you enormous cunt.

>> No.6184918

>but NEVER a time to drink literal frat boy piss

don't you mean "never ENOUGH time"?

cuz that's what we think you do
all the time

>> No.6184935


>> No.6184947

Can I come?

>> No.6184952

i aint no samefag your just a bitch
ps gansett is made by genesee in rochester now
probably why it sucks so bad

>> No.6184958

Actually, the lager and lights are brewed in upstate new york, but there are plenty of variations brewed in RI and CT. You're just a fuckhead.

And yes, you are a samefag.

>> No.6184959


>> No.6184962

Yeah! He's a samefag. If I... erm... we respond enough times, maybe he'll think there's more than one of us!

By the way, >>6184959 isn't me. Look at the timecode. Only 9 seconds apart.

>> No.6184966

yeah, the narragansett is brewed in rochester
the shit that costs 8-10 a six pack and no one buys is brewed in CT and RI
maybe that dells monstrosity too

>> No.6184968

The bock is $7 for a six pack of tallboys, and the porter is $8 for the tallboys. STILL far less money than your typical "craft beer," and just as good.

>> No.6184973

ive never even seen it

>> No.6184976

seen what?

>> No.6184980

anything from narragansett besides the lager or dells

>> No.6184987
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>> No.6185020
File: 106 KB, 350x263, heroin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.

how did I miss this?

oh wait, I'm addicted to heroin

>> No.6185025
File: 36 KB, 472x599, 472px-William-Tecumseh-Sherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is all you need

>> No.6185041

Looks like you're getting drunk on cock juice tonight!

>> No.6185176

EVERYTHING is better than gennessee cream, dude.

>> No.6185186

you would think
but they make it at the same fucking place!
i mean you think the guys at genesee are like 'hey i know we make total shit for beer but lets try extra hard on this crap we export to rhode island'

>> No.6185212

Not him, but if they're paid to do it and are provided with the correct ingredients, then yes.

Just like how china produces apple products AND lead laced childrens toys.

>> No.6185224


>> No.6185251


you sound like a really cool dude, also loving the menu. all those autistic sports fags rambling got me skirkin'

>> No.6185274

I'm pretty sure the game is shown on local channels.

>> No.6185388

>This is an experimental party because my TV doesn't get signal, and we will be listening to the game on the radio.
Take a jaunty ride on your reclining bicycle to the nearest beverage purveyor. "Greetings, good sir! I would like to purchase two cases of your douchiest, most pretentious ale. Money is no object!"

>> No.6185701
File: 3 KB, 175x110, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you ment 'potted' plants, you should never piss on a pot plant kid

>> No.6185737

If it's any kind of a modern tv it should have the digital tuner built in, all this cheap ass faggot needs is an antenna

>> No.6185743

This is the only way to make this party acceptable

>> No.6185764

Corona is one of the best commercially available beers though and a lot of people enjoy it, hence it's party popularity. But If your not hittin it with limes and salt you're fucking up hard

>> No.6185810

The only people who think this are people who have been to Mexico and have had a good time. I find its just barely drinkable with the lime and total shit without. Nearly all the other macrobrews are better

>> No.6186972 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 634x443, gisele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems I got 'warned' for an innocuous post on this thread.

>So if you want a name, why post here?

>I'm just wondering what your motivation is.

It's not a name as much as a personal bookmark. Why are you paying attention to it? Do you see me referring to comments I've made in another thread? Get a life.

>specifically anonymous

Actually, this board has trip codes allowed in it. /b/ does not. So take it up with /b/.

>even though everyone else is not using one

I don't make decisions like that. Fuck your conformity, you fucking coward. You'll never be anything. I might not either, but it will be because I made my own calls, to because I differed to the herd.

>to try and make a name for themselves.

We couldn't do that if you didn't keep bringing it up. I'm encouraging you to ignore me - you know, the person who wants attention - but you keep bumping this thread to the top and making a big deal about it.

Yes. The food will make Gisele Bündchen tevo the game with no regrets.

>all this cheap ass faggot needs is an antenna

That is correct. I could even use the wire hangar your mom tried to abort you with.

>> No.6187059

tripfags are a special kind of faggot

>> No.6187090

>I might not either, but it will be because I made my own calls, to because I differed to the herd.
You can't actually feel this way about yourself.
You can't be that narcissistic. No one is that far gone. C'mon...

>> No.6187129

why are tripfags always so cringey?

>> No.6187132


the act of tripping itself is cringey, unless it actually serves a productive purpose.

>> No.6187461

The only times I can see tripping as productive are:

>A string of threads, where people need to keep track of the OP, so we don't get 500 duplicate threads
>A specific known personality, where people need to know someone is who they say they are

>> No.6187464

Tripfags are by definition, shitposters

>> No.6187471

One example I can think of where it was useful was on /x/, some shithead was making up a spoopy story about shapeshifters. He tripped, but only when talking about his spoopy story. It was useful, because only his contributions to his own story counted, and people couldn't impersonate him.

What pisses me off is when people trip for the sake of tripping, and ALWAYS leave the fucking thing on.

>> No.6188535

>That is correct. I could even use the wire hangar your mom tried to abort you with.
Are you 13?

>> No.6188567

>Douchebag detected.
Do a byob because if you don't drink you're not obligated. It's not being a cheap ass. It will generate waste.
Op just get a simple wheat beer or pilsner, white wine , and Jameson if you want. It's not a rager

>> No.6188595



>> No.6188613

At normal party this is the custom, but it was unclear that OP was such a massive faggot at that time.

>> No.6188843

First I need to know where this person bartends.

Second byob with a 12 pack minimum and hope your friends don't have shit taste.

>> No.6188908

Right my mistake.

>> No.6188919

If they watch the superbowl more than likely they do

>> No.6188993

Is this babby's first party?

>> No.6189082

>because I differed to the herd.
Attention whoring 101. At reddit you'd just blend in with all the other users because everyone has a name. You can trying all caps or special characters in your name to stand out but that only attracts automatic down votes. So you lurk in an anonymous community with a name to stand out for attention.

It could also be a form of rebellion. Using a name in an anonymous community could be your sad little way of raging against the machine.

Trying this hard to get attention on the internet says a great deal about your personal life.
Enjoy your radio party.

>> No.6189455

>Trying this hard
>What pisses me off
>tripping itself is cringey



Nah. I know I'm not obligated, but I want folks to have a good time and not have to worry about bringing stuff. And I want to make sure we have only good stuff. There were a few folks in this thread who helped me in that regard. Any excess I can just store for next time.

>> No.6189613

>I know I'm not obligated, but I want folks to have a good time and not have to worry about bringing stuff. And I want to make sure we have only good stuff.

>bribing people to be your friend
>hai guize plz cum 2 my house and i'll give u free wine and anything that you want!
>plz liek me
No wonder you beg for attention on the internet.

>> No.6189847

>poorfag detected

>> No.6189868

>I want folks to have a good time
>refuses to put the super bowl on tv
>refuses to accept peoples help to put the super bowl on his tv
>expects everyone to listen to the biggest game of the year on the radio because of his own pretentious hipster attitude
Everyone you invited is going to have a good time, because they aren't coming to your party. They will probably even shit talk you at other parties they go to. "Omg, did you hear anon wanted me to go to a party to listen to the game on the radio? What a faggot haha"

>> No.6189969


>I don't make decisions like that. Fuck your conformity, you fucking coward. You'll never be anything. I might not either, but it will be because I made my own calls, to because I differed to the herd.

oh jesus christ syn, and you expect us to believe you're not a 14 year old child?

>> No.6190230

>No wonder you beg for attention on the internet.

I didn't have to beg; you gave it to me without asking. I honestly don't think most people even notice the name, that their eyes are used to ignoring since it's really irrelevant.

You can't stop me from doing it. You can't appeal to mods. You can't do anything. Yet you continue to post about it.

*why is that?*

>inferring he knows me.

I'm 100% sure that my radio only party will have more guests than yours would with TV.

Don't you have some carrots to peel?

>you expect us to believe you're not a 14 year old child?

It would be foolish to have any expectations for you at all.

>> No.6190245

I never made the connection between syn and irish stew guy... I guess syn didn't seem intelligent enough, but aside from that, there are enough parallels to make it obvious

>> No.6190248

>calling a tripfag any other name besides a tripfag

>> No.6190249

Going to ask here because this is the most general alcohol thread.

I got some burnett's lime. I think it's fine, but my housemates won't drink it. I don't want to kill the whole bottle myself because it was intended for party night. What is something I can mix it with so it will taste good to them? I was thinking generic brand sprite (poorfag) but didn't know if that would be double-lime overload. We don't have a blender. Or anything in particular. No ice, either.

Apparently they hate burnett's in general, but I think it's alright for bottom shelf.

I also got creme de menthe, which I love but they think it's too strong/mouthwash-like. What do? Or fuck maybe that'll be my personal wares...

>> No.6190279
File: 109 KB, 295x500, schlitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend this beer

>> No.6190308

Ever since they switched back to the old 1960's recipe schlitz has become the absolute mastergod of cheap beers

>> No.6191072


>> No.6191106 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 396x597, pink-question-mark-clipart-4ibA64big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any information on exactly who the girl in OP's pic is, or how good she is in bed?

Reverse image search turns up nothing definitive.

>> No.6191766

>getting this invested

You are worse than OP.

>> No.6191773

Beer is disgusting. Just have some cider or rum instead