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6182476 No.6182476 [Reply] [Original]

>Alcoholic feels

That feel when you walk to the liquor store and puke outside from the night before and go in and buy a 5th of vodka anyway

That feel when waking up hungover is normal and you power right though it like a minor back pain or something like that

>> No.6182507

That feel when rotating several liqour stores so nobody knows how much I drink. That feel when I take a shot of vodka each morning to wake up and keep from shaking.

>> No.6182513

That isn't normal?

>> No.6182545

I uh, don't know that feel. As you can tell by the fact that I haven't shown my face in here for three days, I am definitely NOT an alcoholic. This is for me and my girlfriend we're going to drink it together tonight ;_;

>> No.6182558

>That feel when rotating several liqour stores so nobody knows how much I drink.
I know that feel. Sometimes I drive 20 minutes to the other side of town simply to save a shred of dignity.

>> No.6182565

That feel when you have been going to the same one daily for 4 years and you are a regular and feel like they talk about you

>> No.6182593

I thought about this once but I don't do this for the precise reason that I know alcoholics do that and I don't want to be an alcoholic.

In other news I haven't drank in 3 days now. I feel I could easily last the 7 days at this point, but I want to have a drink tomorrow as I finish work early and there's football on and my gf is away so may as well.

>> No.6182596


I do the same thing.

Even though the other one across town is run by ghetto black people, I soldier on.

I have to force myself to remember to use cash so the charges stop showing up on my cc statements.

>> No.6182599

your off the deep end
if you ever want to quit you better go to the loonybin to do it because your going to be seizure city

>> No.6182608

I drink liquor everyday but I don't see the real harrm either. I have a decent-paying job and only drink when I get home for the evening.

Haven't grown accustom to the taste of beer yet so I just substitute the "beer after dinner" with a couple shots of Bacardi Gold rum, sometimes mix it with cranberry juice and ginger ale.

>> No.6182621

At least you can drink in your house. I am forced to live with my grandmother for the time being and since she is super ridiculously religious or just... I don't know, I can't drink.

No alcohol allowed in the house. I can't even make fish and chips. When asked she'll say "because I said so" and when I press she'll retort with "because no one ever only has one." I return with, "you can't get drunk on fish and chip batter," to which she replies "I don't want it in my house."

It's no wonder my mother was quite rebellious and never got along with her mother because that is how she does everything. When I mention anything at all she will make an excuse for why you can't do it or that she doesn't want it. Even something as productive as removing a tree that is tearing up her walk way with its roots. It's ridiculous.

I just take Benadryl every night until I get the shakes and fall asleep twitching.

>> No.6182628

>I have to force myself to remember to use cash so the charges stop showing up on my cc statements.

This. If the place you go to has something in the name to suggest it is a liqour store you can't use card or it will show on your statement as you blatantly buying booze every day.

Also you can see the time of transactions made on your cards. I work at a bank and I have my main current account with the same bank, so I only ever use cash for anything I can use cash for (booze or not) and I will take loads of cash out for the week. Reason being, if I go out drinking at the pub then someone looks up my account at work and they seem me taking cash out at 1am the previous night they'll start asking question and my hangover will be revealed.

I don't know why people think negatively of alcoholics, it is so much work and commitment to enjoy one's passion for getting inebriated.

>> No.6182631

>"because no one ever only has one.

She seriously says this about fish and chips? If so that's hilarious.

>> No.6182635


No, beer or alcohol in general. I just want to drink my troubles away, not black out and vomit everywhere.

>> No.6182640

I remember you posting that same story before, complete with the Benadryl ending.

I think that you should probably focus more energy on getting away from that or you can deal with it and be happy that you have a place to live.

Just my two cents, have a good day.

>> No.6182653


Don't get me wrong, I am happy I have a place to stay. You are probably right that I should deal with it but I am frustrated over it because I can't even use alcohol to cook with.

The worst part is, before a few months ago, this wasn't an issue. In fact, she would watch me pour the beer and fry up the fish. She would then eat it and compliment it. I don't understand what changed except the fact that she started watching a specific televangelist on TV, but I don't get why there would be a problem now as opposed to then.

>> No.6182661

>someone looks up my account at work
Am I being paranoid, or does this actually happen? HOW does this actually happen? This seems like a massively illegal breach of privacy for an employer to be able to access your bank records.

>> No.6182683

>haha, yeah man, thanks for the regular's discount... you know id never go to a different store than you

>> No.6182688

>live with parents
>no job
>wake up 1pm hung over every day
>drink 3 40ozs a night of steel reserve
>have been doing this for like 5 years now

>> No.6182702

>This seems like a massively illegal breach of privacy for an employer to be able to access your bank records.

It could happen. Where I work we work on the systems which all the accounts are operated on all day and often if you need to do something with your finances you'll just get your colleague to go onto your account and do it for you. Then some people might take the liberty to poke around and see what transactions you are making. This is how I came up with taking larger sums of money out on a less regular basis.

I used to take money out as I needed it for booze. So I would take like 20 out a day from the cash point after work, then one day at work I got someone to move some money on my accounts for me and the guy then looked at my transactions and asked what am I doing taking out £20 after work every day. I told him I always do a bit of shopping after work and he of course didn't question it, but it was close enough of a call for me to change my approach.

if you don't work in financial services though I'm sure this wouldn't effect you at all. You just don't want liqour store showing up on your card statements as you often need to give your statements for potential jobs, renting new apartments, mortgages, credit cards etc so best not have 'Bob's Booze' plastered all over it.

>> No.6182721

just buy your booze by the case
you dont have to go out everyday
stock up

>> No.6182727

I do this as well. Luckily I'm on a college campus so there's 4 different stores within walking distance

>> No.6182732

I just always need some kind of "enhancement", I actually prefer weed but have a hard time finding it. When I have weed, I don't drink at all, maybe once a week. When I don't, I drink 4-5 times a week

>> No.6182739

The records can be subpoenaed in the case of a DWI, see Rosemary Limburgh.

>> No.6182740

Out of curiosity, how old are you guys? I'm 22 and feel like my drinking is already getting out of hand. I usually justify it with "I'm in college, it'll stop once I get in the real world and get a job", but I don't want it to be a lifelong problem

>> No.6182743

Same here. I prefer weed and have no interest in booze when I can smoke, but I live with my parents and while they don't mind drinking they think smoking weed is worse than doing heroin so I'm forced into drinking a lot as a replacement. Bad times.

>> No.6182744

start by not drinking during the week
if you can do that your pretty golden
go nuts on Friday night and Saturday

>> No.6182746

I'm 22 as well

>> No.6182751

I try, I just get so damn bored. I live by myself and don't have a gf and not many friends

>> No.6182759

drinking because your bored is the worst thing you can do thats like a highway to alcoholic town

>> No.6182764

that feel when you drink the better part of a bottle of rum friday night, drink whatever is left over saturday morning + whatever beer is there, do the same thing saturday night and have the shakes all sunday/monday

finally went to the dr a few weeks back. apparently alcoholism is a disease.

>> No.6182765
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>mfw I am actually at work right now (remote) and I've almost finished a bottle of wine

Not really as bad as most of you guys though, I think

>> No.6182766

oops wrong picture but I'm gonna roll with that

>> No.6182777
File: 72 KB, 960x540, south-park-s09e14c05-daddys-very-sick-16x9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stan...I have a DISEASE
>Now go get daddy another beer

>> No.6182786


i thought it was pretty lulzy. especially when he tried to link my dads boozing to mine.

i was just REALLY stressed, having panic attacks, was already a heavy weekend drinker, started drinking all the time.. last bing before i went to the doc was two 24's of beer and a 750 ml of rum in 5 days. i was shaking in bed and went to work after two hours of sleep. that was my rock bottom

>> No.6182945

How do you afford the 40s with no job?

>> No.6183026
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Quit cold turkey when I was 33 after around 10 years of the life. I did it because I enjoyed the hell out of it, until I didn't, and it took a while to figure out how to stop. My shit turned white-ish, which was fucking scary. But...

>that feel when chugging a half pint cocktail and crawling into bed
>only time all day you feel just right

>> No.6183040

my parents give me some money weekly not tons

>> No.6183052

sad cunt.

>> No.6183058

i enjoy living at home

>> No.6183063
File: 197 KB, 294x256, percy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God, you "people" are pathetic.

>> No.6183066

We know. So what?

>> No.6183069

So I'm going to continue expressing my displeasure with you.

>> No.6183073

>he thinks that has any effect when we're alreaddy displeased with ourselves

>> No.6183074
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That's kind of the point.

>> No.6183076

It entertains me, you selfish bastard. Why don't you go have another drink?

>> No.6183098

Getting drunk and watching Trailer Park Boys is probably my favorite past time

>> No.6183100

Pfft you're all newbs. I have all you beat.

>be 35, drinking for 15 years
>didn't finish high school
>never had a gf (aside from being a huge loser I'm also ugly)
>practically no resume what so ever because drinking and online video games
>lives with parents
>they dote on me because sister was killed in 2001 and i'm all that's left
>screwed up every opportunity in my entire white middle class suburban life
>get drunk as much as humanely possible while going to college for the last 6 years and still not done with a bachelors
>really falling apart now, might not finish college
>thinking about suicide, but can't leave my folks who need someone there for when they die

But tonight - tonight is going to be all right. Gona get lit and play some Ultima Online and CS:GO.

I always like to think about a poem I read in the Lord of the Rings:
Ho ho ho, to the bottle I go
To heal my heart and drown my woe
Rain may fall and wind may blow, and many miles be still to go
But, under a tall I will lie
And let the clouds go sailing by.

>> No.6183109

under a tall tree*

>> No.6183117

Post pics of your dead sister so I can fap, please.

>> No.6183118

You're killing my buzz man.

>> No.6183124

Who in fucks sake still plays Ultima. I was thinking last night though how many girls I used to have sex/mess around with. And then the river just ran dry, which correlated with my heavy duty drinking. I lost sleep over it. We need to quit, guys.

>> No.6183127

I didn't go and see her afterwards. She was killed by walking on train tracks, and was struck from behind. She didn't hear it because another train was starting up next to her on the adjacent tracks.

She was my bestest friend too. Sucks so much. It helped lead to my drinking I am sure of it.

>> No.6183129

same bro. been following the 24/7 stream on vaughnlive for like 5 years now. seen every episode at least 100 times. how did you like the new season

>> No.6183133

Lots of people still play Ultima! It has a very unique social thing going on, and the pvp is till pretty lulzy :]

>> No.6183140

I loved it. I just basically start from season 1 and just let it keep going, it's kind of a comfort tradition for me when I drink. I've seen every season at least 3 times.

>Let the liquor do the thinkin'

>> No.6183144

i really liked it too but i really think a lot of it was just fan service. most of the shit that happens already happened in previous seasons. i'm gonna watch the microphone assassin now and chug some wine.

>> No.6183156

Been dry for 2 weeks now, the hell of drying out is nearly over. Started sleeping, no more liquid shit (holy fuck though, I never realised how bad a condition my insides were, I had to sleep sitting up because digestion was so painful sober). Been to the gym the last few days, eating well, feeling good. Wish me luck bros, I will miss it but I really want to kick it this time. Have one for me!

>> No.6183161

Good luck brother.

>> No.6183163

Crazy idea: get your own place

>> No.6183167


how about you do something crazy like getting a job

>> No.6183168

dude im you in about 7 years im 28 now and same as you

>> No.6183176

Stop right now man. I wish I could go back to 28. My best advice is try and work a lot. When I did work I drank a lot less.

>> No.6183184


>work my ass off
>drink and waste the day away

>> No.6183186

I'm you in about 5 years.

>> No.6183256

I'm 21, in college, have a job, and I've been drinking all day everyday since I was 18. Hell, I'm at work right now at McDonald's and drinking in front of my coworkers. No one cares because "lol anon will be anon."

I skip school a lot because every time I go to a bar I end up drinking so much that I can't wake up in the morning.

If you feel like it's starting to affect your life, it's time to take a break. But that's obviously easier said than done.

>> No.6183257

>she started watching a specific televangelist on TV
That's exactly it. Old people live in extremely tiny worlds; they interact daily with so few people and changes to the routine are so rare that they put alarmingly large significance to any action.

Thus, people they dislike become unbearable demons. People they like become shining angels they fawn over. People they trust become gods, and they absorb each word they say with rapt attention.

They're very easily scared, and their fear will motivate them to do things we would think of as absurd. Entire industries exist whose main business model is scaring old people. Televangelists make most of their money by scaring old people into thinking that X is evil to capture their attention. This televangelist apparently picked booze as his thing to scare old people with.

He convinced her that alcohol is the devil so she would be afraid of it, so that in her fear she would continue to watch him, and thus watch his advertising, and thus buy the products, and thus fund his show.

>> No.6183276
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>Tfw tell myself every day I'll stop drinking
>Don't even make it to lunch

>> No.6183303

I had jobs when i was like 21-24 got fired from them all or just snapped and left, now i live at home with parents who support me, i dont go out much either i really enjoy it

>> No.6183334

I could feel the alcoholism slowly taking over despite my best efforts to try and moderate my drinking. It wasnt until I was prescribed with lexapro that the urge to drink finally stopped which I am pretty thankful for. Now I can actually drink if I want to instead of needing to drink like I used to every night.

>> No.6183420

Dull men live dull lives. Go do something interesting.

>> No.6183427

I try, but I'm very socially awkward. It's easier to fall back on drinking

>> No.6183456

Do interesting things while drinking. This will both help you ease out of addiction and will introduce you to more interesting ways to spend your time.

Go to parties (You're in college FFS) and start simple games. Most people at parties love to play games, but hate being the one to start them. They want to observe/join games in progress. Be the bro that starts things.

Outside parties, get people together to play poker or watch sports. It's much less socially stressful to ask people to get together with a set agenda than to just hang out, plus those are commonly done while drinking. On the opposite end of the spectrum, get into interesting things you can do alone, like playing a musical instrument or outdoorsmanly things like hiking, kayaking, and rock climbing. Meditating alone in the woods is incredible. If you like the outdoorsmanship, hunting (including fishing) combines ubiquitous drinking with action-driven social interaction and is considered very interesting. When people ask what you did over spring break, telling them you went on a fishing trip prompts a lot of questions and a lot of interest, when telling them you sat on the couch watching TV makes them hate you, even though both activities are minimal energy opportunities for people to talk to each about about nothing while drinking heavily.

>> No.6183486


This is eerily spot on. Jesus.

>> No.6183491
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Other than DeLorean tremors the worst alcoholic feel is waking up in the morning and being completely overwhelmed by just how much you've destroyed your life. It only happens when you are half asleep and it's like your psychological defense mechanisms haven't kicked in and you see everything for how horrible it is for a few seconds. I don't know if other people have experienced what I'm talking about.

30 years old, 2+ liters of whiskey a day, cirrhosis, pancreatitis a few times, puking blood on occasion, kidneys seem to be holding up at least. I don't even want to think about the damage I've done to by brain.

If I had just died as a child it would have been so much easier on my family. I really can't handle human relationships and alcohol is my only friend.

>> No.6183506


Fuck, uh off faggot

>> No.6183519

I feel you

>> No.6183521

lol ya its so weird those half asleep dreams or whatever they are. everything comes crashing down on you at that point and you feel scared helpless and just eh

>> No.6183528

are you at least a wizard or did you fuck that up too?

>> No.6183529

Why do you think con men target the elderly? When the scope of your life shrinks as much as the average retiree's, it becomes disturbingly easy to manipulate you.

This is more directed to everyone ITT who DOESN'T live with your grandmother, but if your grandparents are still alive, be sure to visit them a lot. Invite them out to do things, like to eat dinner, or see plays at a theatre, or go to local landmarks. After I got my house, I invited my grandparents over for dinner one night. They were overjoyed, and I found out that I was the only grandson (my family is fuckhuge) to ever invite them specifically over for dinner. Many people had invited the family as a whole, but I was the first to ever invite *them*.

I stop by their house unannounced every once in a while too. Sometimes they're gone, at which point I just go home (their house is between mine and my work) but almost every time they're there, and they love seeing me. Grandparents love their grandchildren; having you stop by for an hour or two is often the highlight of their day. The more you interact with them, and thus the bigger their world stays, the more alive they remain.

>> No.6183535

Not him, but 25 year old here. I've had sex exactly once, to a 5/10 I met on OKCupid. We dated for months, but she was hardcore religious and we only actually fucked once. I sometimes wish it hadn't happened so I'd at least just be a pure virgin fuckup instead of this weird fuckup-fuckup where I've even managed to fuck up being a fuckup.

>> No.6183542

What are you going to do when your parents can't or won't support you?

Working is lame but it gives me something to do during the day, and gives me money for essential shit and a little extra for better booze. You can still work a 9 to 5 white collar job and get drunk every night of the week.

>> No.6183544
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All of my grandparents were dead before I was in high school. Three of them died of lung cancer. My mother's father burned to death in his RV after he fell asleep while smoking.
Thanks for the feel trip.

>> No.6183551

I would be a wizard, but apparently I was molested a lot as a kid. I have no memory of it thankfully. But my parents started taking me to therapy when I was 5 and I only recently got them to tell me why.

please don't ban me for this post nazi janitors I'm not trying to be funny at all

>> No.6183555

You guys should quit, yeah life isnt the best thing ever, but it is a whole lot shittier when youre slowly killing yourself by guzzling poison.

Quit and get a new coping mechanism. Nobody is as worthless as alcoholism makes you feel. You can do better, its hard, but worth it

>> No.6183561

house is paid off and in my name as is stocks some bonds savings etc.... id sell the house move to some cheap as fuck state buy something cheap and basically just rot away, once they die i prob wont want to live much longer anyway

>> No.6183564

now I feel like a cocksucker for not ever visiting them or hating when i was forced to

>> No.6183568

No you wont.

You'd miss 4chan too much to die too early.

>> No.6183584

buy that point this board will be all but kill, hell its clinging on now.

>> No.6183593

Unless they're dead it's not too late.

If they are dead, you're probably an old fuck and the same things apply to your parents. If you hate your parents, give it time. When they're 70 the old shit won't matter so much.

>> No.6183601

they are dead. I am very close with my parents though. They are the only people i really talk to hang out with and live with. For whatever reason everyone who isnt them I hate and resent

>> No.6183602

4chan will die before he does. Moot is kill

>> No.6183606

Hell yes. Cheers.

>> No.6183610


moot will come back one day, and lead 4chan to soaring profits and record sales.

moot is the new Steve Jobs.

>> No.6183615
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 00002.m2ts_snapshot_00.23.19_[2015.01.27_22.02.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you had to stop drinking because it made your type 2 trigeminal neuralgia much worse.

>> No.6183618

i hope moot has a Grand Master Plan

some kind of second coming or whatnot

with l33t scripts n shyt to oust sjws

>> No.6183624

Maybe he'll hit a shit point in life and come back to us. The whole reason he left was that his real life finally become more satisfying than 4chan. He would rather take picture of dinner, ride bicycles, and have sex with the woman he loves than post bullshit on an imageboard.

Maybe if it all comes crashing down he'll crawl back and lurk among us again, but it probably won't.

>> No.6183626

> Big Pharma detected.

>> No.6183636

I heard he is leaving because he now has a sugar daddy that wants to spend more time with him.

>> No.6183643
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Well, except that's a lie. Some part of me does feel that way about not being able to drink, but it was for the best I stopped. I spent a year and a half drunk almost constantly, trying to kill more than just physical pain (it never worked anyway, barely touches nerve pain). Spent a lot of money, did a lot of stupid things, and just generally withered.

Realized I had to stop. For me to drink I know it can easily mean a return to hell. But not always. Whenever I drink I will end up hammered however, this hasn't changed at all.

At the time I more realized I had to stop and just felt like I was losing more ground. I could suddenly do less, was more trapped, my world got more harsh and narrow. But I stopped and it got better. Better in the sense that I could experience my misery through a new lens. Turned to new self made lies for a while. Have to stop running eventually, and laboring under delusions of false affordances and false progress, though.

>> No.6183654

>currently stealing roomie's tequila and will replace it in the morning in the same place

>so he doesn't know i do this when i run out of my booze

>i think he knows

>> No.6183655
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Bring prescribed an ssri made me start drinking over twice as much as I usually did.

I'm not exaggerating at all when I say it made drinking 5x more enjoyable. At the maximum dose I would actually hallucinate mildly when drunk. Normally drinking has brief periods of feeling really good, but mostly you are dependent on other things like tv/movies/vidya to make it really enjoyable. With antidepressants the entire process was crazy enjoyable.

It was probably mild serotonin syndrome or something, but if somebody likes alcohol I would be willing to wager they will like it a lot more on an ssri

>> No.6183657

I know Staniel.

I don't care as long as you keep replacing it.

>> No.6183666

I do that all the time.

I'll replace his half bottle with a full one and he still complains like he was ripped off, its weird. I guess he just feels violated somehow but I just think hes a prick.

>> No.6183696

Well, you *do* drink half of the new bottle anyway, so he's not getting anything out of the deal really.

>> No.6184080

I haven't been drunk since Friday night and tonight I'm getting plastered as a reward for it.

>tfw excited about drinking for the first time in ages

>> No.6184083

Yes, it is as easy as "getting your own place". Why doesn't everybody just do that? You're so right. How did you ever come up with this idea? It's amazing.

No, I'm lying, you retard.

>> No.6184084

>being an alcoholic
>having a stable enough income to have your own place

>> No.6184086



I remember being 22 and thinking my drinking was "out of hand". Tokpep.

>> No.6184087

The only times I don't drink is when I have something else that makes me not think of it. I'll obsess on a video game for a week and realize when I'm burning out that I haven't drank in like, 6 days, I'll bet the game would be better with booze.

Or marathoning a tv show, but that's rarer because a lot of television sucks and makes me want to drink so it's good.

>> No.6184089

Why don't you just smoke the weedstuff that gets you high when you smoke it?

>> No.6184097

weed a shit

But to actually answer your question, weed gives me fucking terrible panic attacks. I get no pleasure from it either. It's like slamming your hand in a doorway for fun.
It's not fun.

>> No.6184112

I feel sorry for you, weed is wonderful. It's like adding salt to life.

>> No.6184147
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>every thread

Are you the same person posting this in every al/ck/?

>> No.6184185

i do this with pharmacies. i try to remember what i bought where and get the same shit in the same stores to avoid people knowing all the stuff i need/use. lol

>> No.6184250

>buying more beer than usual at my regular store
>"having a party?"
>"yeah, sure!"

>> No.6184252

>you both laugh after, but you both know there's no party
>you hope the cashier bought it
>the cashier hopes you don't realize they know
>they try to think of something to say but you're already halfway out the door
>as you get into your car you look at all of the receipts from your alcohol purchases stacked up in the back
>you think about taking them to the trash first but you just want to get home and drink more
>every time you hit a red light your heart sinks a bit
>as you pull up to your home, you can't wait for the door to close behind you so you can open a beer
>every sip you take is like swimming out into deeper and deeper parts of the ocean
don't drown

>> No.6184293

I was a clerk in a grocery store and yes, we all talk about the regular alcoholics.
It's cool though if you aren't one of those drunks that come in everday and can't even speak properly anymore because they are already drunk at like 10am

>> No.6184442
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feel you bro. your body needs it now, but the psychological side is what will keep you drinking. you gotta just plug your nose and look into the abyss and see:

drinking is a replacement for doing something better. learning an instrument, cooking, investing, looking at the sky sober and feeling the great joy and sadness of our shared awareness of our doomed fate like a stoic, giving someone your time and loving. it is resistance to change.

it's time to confess like a distressed catholic wife. but do it to a doctor so s/he can give you meds for withdrawal. cause it's gonna be bad but it's also gonna be lifechanging.

>> No.6184449
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>it's time to confess like a distressed catholic wife

I have absolutely no idea what this means

also, I am not a pitiful self loathing alcohol so maybe that's the reason

>> No.6184455
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How do you even become an alcoholic? Drinking sucks.

I can see how people become stoners though, I think if I had regular access to weed I'd probably be a huge one.

>> No.6184461


>I AM the liquor

>> No.6184462

Anyone else drink way more when it's cold? i love winter coats, such big pockets

>> No.6184463

drinking is fun!

>> No.6184864

What stuff do you say? Like i said been going for 4+years daily buy massive quantities but im never drunk when i go in or look like shit. what type of things do you say?

>> No.6184867

>Not having regular access to weed
Are you 12? Wait, that can't be, even most 12 year olds have regular access to weed

>> No.6184871

Shit hawks, bo-bandy

>> No.6185045

what is it about 1pm? I also usually wake up around 1pm?
Is this the al/ck/s special waking time?

>> No.6185063
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Im 22, 23 in a few months, My family worries about how much I drink but I always say im fine

>Implying men have dull lives
Pretty hard to find a man who can understand me drinking everyday, some grills are also pretty dull I guess

Also I start getting shakey in the afternoons when I get sober, is that something I should be worried about at this point?

>pic not related I'm just hungry it looks yum

>> No.6185225

Pretty easy. Part of it is intrinsic, some people are more physically and neurologically laid out in a way that is conducive to it. The other is acquired, your mindsets and life conditions.

For me I started drinking when I was 16. 18 started drinking heavily to dull out chronic pain. It didn't work. Got sadder and sadder, just kept drinking. Was the only time I felt open or remotely alright, and I could rely on the embrace of unconsciousness. Just kept doing it.

Eventually you do get an urge to drink. I was never consumed by this urge, I always made the choice through reason, but it did exist. I can imagine that urge being stronger in others. Eventually stopped cold turkey year and more later after being blackout drunk no less than 3 times per week. Got sick of being sick, sick of being hungover, and fuck all of this. Stopped.

The urge is now gone. I've had half a fifth of vodka sitting right on my couch for... I don't know, a few months now. Left it there when I was hammered, walked home from somewhere, and passed out on the floor. No urge to drink it, still. But if I were to start I'd probably end up hammered, eventually, why bother otherwise.

Point is it's easy. Some people just have a harder time with their own excuses and taking responsibility for the fact that when they pick up that bottle, it's all them. There is no one else, and nothing else. And that urge I described, can definitely one's reasoning to an extent. Like hunger.

>> No.6185236

>Worried about tremors
Your B vitamin levels, and magnesium.. And some of that sounds like ethanol withdrawal.

Recommend your stop drinking for a while, otherwise you might be full on delirium tremens at some point.

>> No.6185240

>fucking delirium for at least an hour upon waking up
>wash down my Ativan with 100 proof vodka
>eventually feel some semblance of normalcy

It just isn't fun anymore.

>> No.6185278

Gotta stop then. Taper down.

>> No.6185282

>moved out of home again recently
>"i won't drink everyday this time!"
>wake up next to an empty bottle of wine each morning
>carry a flask of vodka in my purse
>regular bar gives me free shiraz because i'm there most week nights on my own
>what am i doing

>> No.6185307

>tfw would probably have ended up as an alcohol if not for being a masochist

It hurts so good. But it's not any better than being an alcoholic. Because I like feeling like shit, I often do things that makes me feel that way.

>> No.6185354

>regular bar
I'm past that point, 17.99 for a 1.75l of pearl vodka is a lot cheaper than going to bars

>> No.6185358

>drink heavily
>drink a little more
>wake up
>still drunk
>Spend the rest of the day disoriented, eventually hung over, eating greasy food, acting a little off
>night fall begins to wash over
>time to repeat

>> No.6185365

Female, usually have drinks bought for me so it ends up pretty cheap. I go to speak with strangers and feel less pathetic about myself (which doesn't work)

>> No.6185370

You know once i had one of your kind buy me a drink...Only to find out it was because she felt bad for me
Rough night

>> No.6185398

I'm sorry anon, I'll buy you a non-pity drink sometime if you're in Melbourne by any chance

>> No.6185415

That's a bit far away for me

>> No.6185416

Maybe you just need a good dicking?

>> No.6185423

Wouldn't hurt, I am lonely here

>> No.6185441

u can be my bf :)

>> No.6185459

pls be in michigan

>> No.6185498


>I feel sorry for you, weed is wonderful. It's like adding salt to life.

truer words have not been spoken.

>tfw used to smoke weed every single day, even during finals
>tfw did really well on finals
>tfw scared I wouldn't be able to quit
>tfw move out of parents house
>tfw quit cold turkey
>tfw nothing at all happened

now I only smoke on the weekends every three or four weeks. drugs that aren't physically addictive are just inherenty superior.

>> No.6185506

Holy shit, this thread is depressing

Thank fuck I don't know these feels

>> No.6185542

>worked in a liquor store for 5+ years
>saw this stuff all the time
>used to keep cold pints for regulars
>lunch time was the best
>would talk with doctors, nurses, and surgeons that had patients scheduled in the afternoon
>a few times had a local attorney come in during a recess and buy a handle of cheep vodka
>it was easy to tell how realtors and people in sales month were going by their buying habits

>> No.6185564

hahaha dunno my body just feels comfy waking up at 1

>> No.6185593

We didn't used to have these threads back in the days.

What have you become /ck/?

>> No.6185597

>Recent death of a relative
>Easily willing to feign being upset and use this as an excuse if the rest of my family catches me heavily drinking, when I told them I had stopped

I'm going to fucking burn in hell and I entirely deserve it

>> No.6185707

Al/ck/ohol threads have been here for quite some times now. Not a years old tradition yet, but still.
I like when it turns into an AA thing, with moral support and shit. This one gives me the feels...
But then, I'm going to the hospital in 2 weeks for a month, after reducing due to a pancreatitis. I do hope this time will be the last. Hospital food is terrible.

>> No.6185716

2 years 8 months since my last drink here

went into AA at age 47, drank every day since age 17 or so

life has improved

would go to AA again/10

>> No.6185778

I get up around then too, but I'd be surprised if it's a thing. Let's do a strawpoll.

Hey al/ck/, what time do you wake up?


>> No.6185792

I went there once and everyone was really nice and supportive but not my cup of tea

maybe when I finish drinking that will be where I go to find people to hang out with irl

>> No.6185797

In my area all the liquor stores are government run so they are more or less run by the same "company". They rotate the employees on a daily basis around 5 or so stores so you never see the same clerk more than once a week. I like that arrangement quite a bit.

>> No.6185803

Are you from Scandinavia?
Sweden, probably?
I'm from Germany, there are no liquor stores.
You get everything in most supermarket, normal markets and beverage stores.

>> No.6185839


it's great if you want to not drink that day

otherwise not as great

>> No.6185844

I rotate a little bit, but mostly to spare the various employees from feeling bad these days. They're all well aware that this place is lousy with alcoholics, but I think I would feel a little morally off about continuing to sell booze to someone in quantities clearly above "this guy has a few strong drinks every evening."

My offie's a fun guy though. I think he's Iranian, kinda looks like Mansour Bahrami.

>> No.6185851

I want to ask the guy who works at my local liquor store out sometime. We have nice chats whenever I'm in there, last time we talked about the chicken pie I was making. I don't know if he's interested or feels sorry for me buying $8 bottles of wine every second day.

>> No.6185866

I just payed $1980 in credit card debt, accumulated from a term of drinking, buying weed, and eating out. I failed one of my courses as well.

It's not all bad. I emptied my savings account to pay off my debt, and with any luck nobody will ever know about my drinking habits. I'll be graduating in 8 months.

>> No.6185871


holy shit this thread just reminded me I've been sitting here eating my delicious spicy beans and sausage and forgetting to drink!! I'm not gonna catch a buzz with a full stomach awwww shitfuck!!!!

>> No.6185889


I know how you feel bro. Before I started working full time, I felt depressed and suicidal. I didn't become an alcoholic until I started working full time because before I couldn't afford it. Honestly though, having a job and a steady income will help. It gives you a lot more freedom, especially if you can afford a car. The first job I had was night shift at a copy shop and it legit made me cry, because customers will treat you like human garbage. But stick around for a few months and you can use that experience towards moving up. I got the job I have now by applying for a lesser job, and then got asked to interview for a better paid position that wasn't even advertised at the same company, based on my resume.

You should apply to some local jobs at your experience/education level. Worst thing that can happen is you hate it and get fired or quit, and make a few bucks in the meantime. You might even make some friends.

>> No.6185937
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25, m, drink 1.75 liters of whiskey in 3 days. I will be pouring my first drink of the night in 40 minutes.
I will finish off the handle tonight. Im telling myself i won't buy more tomorrow but we all know how that goes

>> No.6185953

One handle every three days is a pretty sustainable level of alcoholism imo. I drink one of those every day, but I'm going to die young. I start to get scared when I'm down to half a bottle. Which reminds me I still have 30 minutes left to go to the liquor store but I smell like a skunk corpse right now.

>> No.6185974

It may be sustainable in that I won't die early, but its similar in that ive wasted the last 4 years, i havent even hung out with my friends in 2 years.
And I did read thru the thread..a lot of you have it way worse than me. I can't imagine how bad it must be.

>> No.6185975


it's not that you need it for the night but you just don't want to run out, amirite?


>> No.6185976

When I wake up with a hangover the last thing I want is to drink more alcohol.

I smoke weed almost every day, I wake up for work feeling pretty much fine every day. I have stopped for a couple of months here and there and nothing happened. I just stopped.

Alcoholics what are you doing? Alcohol isn't even that pleasant alone. Sub tier drug at best.

>> No.6185977

and yeah i fucking hate having to get booze at the last minute. I'm only comfortable buying it in routine

>> No.6185988

Damn son, that's a lot. A handle lasts me 2 or 3 days and I feel like I'm rotting. I rotate stores. What's worse is that if I'm running low and went to my close store last time, I'll walk there if I'm already drunk and buy something fancy that isn't cheap vodka, under the pretense that I still have all the vodka and just want to mix things up. And sometimes I buy orange juice with my vodka so he thinks I'm not drinking it straight. I don't think he really gives a fuck, its embarrassing though when I buy a handle and walk in half drunk two days later.

>> No.6186005


I do one in 4 nights plus a half gallon of wine.

I rotate through 3 stores including my super secret surprise open until 10PM on Sunday store and yeah they all know me and what I buy but so what?

they exist to sell me booze, unless I'm incompetent or have no bucks they should sell me booze.

>i'm sure they think i'm damaged scum
>jokes on them
>i am

>> No.6186011
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Been enjoying this, lately.

>> No.6186084

Is it true that it's all god and jesus and whatnot at AA?

>> No.6186086


>> No.6186100

It might be in some of them. But most of them have given up forcing that stuff on you, you just have to surrender to something, you don't have to think of it as god or anything like that. You just have to admit you are powerless to stop drinking alone basically.

It was preventing a lot of people from trying to utilize them for help and secular rehab programs were getting very popular.

>> No.6186123

Embracing the notion of one's own slavery sounds like a horrible approach, honestly. For me quitting drinking and getting it all under control had to do with learning to just stop, understand all of my excuses, and learn to take responsibility for my choices, their causes, and their ultimate effects. So I could make life and the world around me what I wanted it to be. In the end, it's all you, it always was, it always will be.

Did the same with amphetamine. Stopped cold turkey after 6 months or so of heavy use, began to progress into amphetamine psychosis, developed erectile dysfunction because my vascular system was so constricted. I coulda kept goin', but I didn't. And that was just as much a choice then as not getting up in the morning and reaching for the bottle.

Maybe it's different for other people, but I think that kind of deconstruction sounds like a bit of a destructive approach. But eh, maybe it's the only way some people can get through their own bullshit and start making real changes, don't know. Some part of me wonders, but oh well.

>> No.6186128

>tfw you pull into your closest liquor store one day and it closed down
I did that a few weeks ago. I rotate between 4 local stores 2 are fairly close to my house the other 2 are further out. Now I have to go out of the way, or take the walk of shame several times a week into the same store.

>> No.6186149

you pretty much have to accept no personal responsibility and say god controls you

>> No.6186151


I stopped alternating liquor stores a while ago. There is a mom and pop liquor store 2 minutes from my house and I go there every day.

I imagine they think I'm the most horrible degenerate piece of shit in the world, but I can't be bothered to go to other stores anymore. Sometimes I like to imagine they think I share my booze with friends and that is why I buy so much.

>> No.6186152

>tfw your all of your grandparents died before you learned to appreciate them

>> No.6186154


They don't think that.

>> No.6186161

I know, hence "I like to imagine"

I also like to imagine they don't pay any attention to their customers, but they always look concerned for me

>> No.6186168

are you a hot chick?

>> No.6186170

I remember one low point (of many) going into a small liquor stall at 10 in the morning on a Tuesday to buy some cask wine and the guy gave me a discount for being the first customer of the day.

>> No.6186172

Kek me too, this is my first time in this board. I thought, ok, let's see what's the deal with /fa/ since lately I've been cooking stuff and besides I'm hungry so I bet there are some threads with pics of tasty foods.
Mfw this is the first thread I read
Although I empathize with the people in here 'cause my dad's an alcohol. It kinda helps me to understand what's going on inside him.

>> No.6186181

>tfw both of your grandfathers died over a decade before you were even born
Only one of my grandmothers is dead now. And yes, like most things in life, I took too long and never really got to know her.

>> No.6186217

This has been one of the most depressing, intriguing, and funniest threads I've ever read on /ck/. It's not often that you hear about people speak about their problems so candidly. Many of you seem highly intelligent and have a very well-developed understanding of your issues. You don't often find such "realness" amongst general society.

Saying that, doesn't a hangover turn you off drinking? I hate waking up with head spins, nausea, and just feeling shitty.

>> No.6186221

You been alright bro? Haven't seen you on much lately. I feel like I'm burning out, gonna take a break soon but its hard with work.

>> No.6186240

They get a lot more depressing that this one too. You should have read the one where everyone was describing DT symptoms. It's like living your worst possible nightmare.

This is what is so great about being anonymous, we could never admit a lot of these things even to trusted friends/family.

I don't get a headache type crippling hangover, just extreme nausea. But it's a small price to pay for not being completely overwhelmed by fear for a while.

>> No.6186264

Not him, but I worked a shift by myself so never talked to anyone. I had one guy that was a manager at a place that would get at least one 40 oz king cobra a night, 2 or 3 if his money was better. I liked him, and the only people I could see talking shit about him would be really catty bitches working at a gas station that no one would care about what they say anyways.

>> No.6186306


man, a single 40 wouldn't even touch me right now, I feel bad for a dude that works for

>> No.6186324

I basically view the hangovers as something like a minor back pain or whatever, its something daily I deal with but feel its normal and just power through them, i really dont get them heavy though, just feel extra tired when i wake up groggy, feel like shit for an hour then im good. but its so normal to me its just like nothing anymore.

>> No.6186333

Anyone else drink exclusively malt liquor? 2-4 40ozs a night for years now. Its so economical and i enjoy it more then hard liquor

>> No.6186335


6 am. Because I have a job. Fuck your poll.

>> No.6186345

Who else is very strict on there daily routine and the timing of it? I start drinking at a certain time, have to be at the liquor store at a certain time, time my meal so its not too close to when i start drinking etc...? If this gets disrupted im not a happy or nice person to be around

>> No.6186357

how big is your belly

>> No.6186368


Ya'll niggas need Jesus.

>> No.6186373


I actually enjoy malt liquor, it's like beer but with less flavor and I really don't mind that.

The problem with malt beverages, miller high life, things like mikes or smirnoff ice; they give me a bad headache. No other booze gives me a headache even when very hung over. The headache starts before I even stop drinking.

>> No.6186375

i look like Mac from always sunny when he gained weight

>> No.6186379

no I hate that shitty flavored shit, im talking just strictly stuff like Steel Reserve, St Ides, Olde English etc....

>> No.6186410

Fuck no man. I drank tall boys of steel reserve for a couple weeks when my problem first started, that shit made me puke. I eventually switched to 12 buds a night but my sister kept drinking them so I went to whiskey.
Yep. Drink a handle in 3 days, 3 drinks a night, 8pm when i start, and if i have to go buy anything after i get home for the night it really stresses me. Things like cigs, soda. or the booze.
I bring multiple glasses of water to my bed before I pass out so that works for me to not get hungover

>> No.6186412

I was just making a list of things that affect me like that. Olde English is the malt liquor I've had the most of and it gives me the same kind of headache as those terrible flavored drinks.

>> No.6186414

"Hi early death."

>> No.6186417

OK i read that as malt beer for some reason.
>Sorry guys, I'm drunk!

>> No.6186424
File: 122 KB, 800x600, highland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And on the malt stuff
>Pic related
This was gas station brand beer I used to buy. Was like 5$ for a 12 pack and at 5%
Worst beer ive ever had

>> No.6186443

>tfw checking into a Japanese alcohol clinic tomorrow

Sigh. Hopefully it`ll help though

>> No.6186446

I invite it

>> No.6186509


>> No.6186578

I can admit to being an alcoholic but before I even discovered booze I was depressed, unmotivated, had trouble sleeping and found no enjoyment in anything. I was an awkward looser. After gaining a taste for alcohol I have made more friends, landed more jobs, picked up more hobbies other than vidya , etc. etc. where I live every average person drinks a couple of beers a night and the only folks who don't are the ones you want to be careful around because they usually have some excessively strong religious background, are up to no good or cannot trust themselves with one beer.

I have made a fool of myself when I have drunk too much but on a general basis a couple of beers gives me the motivation to push on with a task or get out into the world and socialize. I have quit cold turkey for six months one time when things were getting out of hand and I just could not handle sobriety. Ended up with no work, no projects, no numbing against my family's stupidity, hardly seeing my friends, can't sleep, tired from lack of sleep, depressed. Went to see someone and only got referred to a list of medication.

Like right now thanks to my wife's complaining that "we drink too much, we don't need to drink on weekdays" I haven't drank for two days and where I was sleeping at 9 pm getting towards waking up fresh an energized for the next day on Monday evening, here I am tonight sat bolt upright at 1:15 am with tired eyes but a racing mind. I am going to perform poorly tomorrow.

>> No.6186853

If I take supplements will it help ?
ty btw

>> No.6186866

sometimes a dicking just isn't enough

>tfw when bf is not really interested in sex, not that good anyway
>Ex bfs couldn't get enough from me

What the hell, what am i doing wrong here ????

>> No.6186871

When you drink enough the hangovers arent as bad as they once were, also depends on your pace/ what kind of alcohol you are drinking

>> No.6186879

It's about ten past seven here in England. I had 5 pints of Guinness last night at my local pub, slept with a good friend and am now drinking vodka to wash away the shame. All I did was to ask her to help me with the jukebox and she started feeling me up. The rest is a bit of a haze but she woke up next to me and I vaguely remember having sex. Fucking alcohol. As Homer Simpson said "the cause and solution to every problem", or something. I've got to see her today. I'll either fuck her again, or curl up in a ball of embarrassment.

>> No.6186889

I get hangovers from not drinking. I drink vodka mainly or good whisky. The longest time I didn't drink was four days and I had convulsions and the most horrible nightmares imaginable; worse than any horror movie you've ever seen.

>> No.6186896

If embarrassed instead of fucking, take solace in the fact that she probably is too.

>> No.6186902

I'm told I look like a heroin addict cause I sell my plasma to make money. But at least I don't have to work and the less plasma in my body the faster I get drunk

>> No.6186910

Yes exactly, I know I dont have ut as bad you, that sounds really rough.
If I take a few days break the next morning after is pretty horrible.
To keep hangovers at bay I just continue drinking and that works out for me pretty much

>> No.6186930


u me
do you ever drink close to donating? i took the "not drink 24 hours before donating" shit and it sucks but i don't know how much it applies. almost did it tonight before going to donate tomorrow but need that money bad

i do have a job interview tomorrow as well but i know i'll still keep going because it's like 50$ extra in alcohol money and the liquor store is only a couple blocks away.

i noticed that too though. when i drink after donating it takes me about one drink to ge fucked up

tldr i want it to just be fuckin tomorrow so i have some money and can drink

>> No.6186938

sad cunt

>> No.6186975

>all these 'alcoholics'
>not one drunk post

yeah nah youre all lying cunts or need to take another swig or five

>> No.6186982

lol whatever you say man ijm sttrauight fucking wasted

shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.6186997

>not one drunk post

What do you mean not one drunk post? I've posted in this thread a bunch of times in the last few days and I was drunk for all of them including this one.

If you are expecting typos or something, my misspelled words get a red squiggle under them and I know to try again

>> No.6187020

After a while you start to be pretty articulate when you're drunk,

Or, like, you learn to feign being sober. To the point where you don't even have to think about it. I'm ten drinks deep right now.

>> No.6187037

I have 2 inches left out of a 1.75 liter bottle and I still can type fine. Been drinking since I woke up this afternoon. I just have to go slow and I'm ok.

tghe oinly people that type loikl thjey are drunk are kids

This is literally what I typed on my first try with no delete key, but it's not difficult to correct your sentences.

>> No.6187042

Well, that and it takes a lot more booze to really mess you up. The sheer volume I drink on a daily basis probably would have killed me when I was a relatively new drinker.

Also you kind of learn to stretch out your drinking so you're drunk but not too fucked up, because you need to keep drinking all day and not start vomiting.

>> No.6187082

>Sometimes I like to imagine they think I share my booze with friends and that is why I buy so much.
This so much. I walk into the store trying to think up all the ways my roommates, friends, and/or roommates' friends have drunk up all my stash and somehow I'm always the one stuck buying the communal alcohol.

I literally start getting pissed off at imaginary roommates and friends who don't even fucking exist.

Not malt liquor but lately I've been almost exclusively a beer alcoholic. There are far fewer liquor stores than grocery stores, convenience marts, and gas stations around so I can rotate my purchasing locations. I used to drink half a bottle of whisky, vodka, or gin, and a 12-pack of beer every night. Or 2-3 bottles of wine and a 12-pack every night. Now I drink almost a full 30-pack of beer every night. Even with cutting back my food intake to dangerous levels, I'm bloating way the fuck up so I need to cut that out. Plus it's destroying my GI tract, but I'm pretty sure spirits and wine do that anyway.

>> No.6187191

R u a grill?

>> No.6187225

OK, I came to /ck/ in 2008 when I was severely alcoholic. I've been sober for 18 months now, and since 4chan is kill, I think it's time I just leave for good. Bye /ck/.

ps I was a grill all along and you never knew

>> No.6187228

>I think it's time I just leave for good. Bye /ck/.

Cool, I have to go to work too. See you this evening.

>> No.6187235


bye sober girl rest in pieces

>> No.6187241


you learn to create your own personal idea of something greater than yourself and then use that as a tool to help you not be an asshole (for me, several times a day sometimes)

no one mentions jesus specifically at least at the 600 or so AA meetings i've been to in nyc

it's really pretty mellow, you can believe in a hazy cloud of good vibes. one dude told me his higher power was gandalf.

frankly i think it's kind of a mental trick or technique but it is for sure an effective and useful one, and ultimately pretty harmless

there are atheists in aa too but it's not geared towards atheism

i definitely don't think it should be court-mandated though, at least not without secular alternatives. but it definitely works.

personally i'd rather have a fuzzy harmless delusion about the existence of goodness in the universe than be a raging asshole fuckhead like i was for 30 years

>> No.6187279


I just wanted to say that I did manage to get drunk tho it took about 6 more oz of vodka than it should have, and that the shit I just took thanks to those beans was just delightful. solid, smooth, satisfying.

>> No.6187477

fuck it. i was 3 days sober. just broke up with the gf now drinking a carton of heineken and playing fifa.

i think this is my purpose in life.

>> No.6187523

I'm the clerk guy.

If you're normally groomed and aren't annoying we don't say anything bad, we just take pity in you.
We only talk bad about grumpy and in general consistently annoying alcoholics, most women were the first ones to complain about the smell or if he didn't look groomed.

But you can still be a likeable alcoholic. My favorite customer was a drunk hobo who always bought the cheapest vodka available just a few minutes after the store opened.

>> No.6187625

At least half of a fifth of vodka, energy drinks, and a protein shake or two are all I consume on a daily basis

>> No.6187713

>tfw Korean liquor store clerk orders 1.75 liter bottles of my favorite cheap vodka for $11.98 just for me.

>> No.6187828

Yall need to lift. Every day. Depression is largely caused by bio-chemical imbalances and can be fought using strenuous physical exercise.

Go hike up a mountain in good weather and gaze upon God's glorious creation and know that he loves you.

You are mostly whites living in first world nations with amazing technology at your finger tips. You have nothing to feel bad about. This is the apex of human civilization.

The only place I've seen unashamed white drunks in public is Norway and Sweden. Those people have no shame. In America any white drunk would have the common decency to do his drunken debauchery at home in front of the TV.

>> No.6187836


>Dissing Norwegians

Hey, given that a beer is like 5$ here, I feel we have the right to bitch. Also, if you think it's bad here - in the soberest nation in Europe, please go to a small town in England.

>> No.6187946

I'm still around but just haven't been posting as much and just lurking reading stuff

hope all is well!!

>> No.6187986

I came here for the first time looking for something good to eat. Instead I find compatriots. 4 hours to sundown boys! (I'm not hardcore enough to keep the day drunk on)

>> No.6187993

>go to England

LOL, why don't I just go to Pakistan and get killed by Muslims the easy way? I'll NEVER visit England, of this you can be sure.

>> No.6188006

>tfw cocaine is a shit drug

Guess ill stick to vodka

>> No.6188055


Im sorry anon

>> No.6188156

no lie I used to bring a spraks to the gym, so id drink while lifting


>> No.6188177

Shitty cocaine is a really miserable drug actually. Find a crackwhore, tell her you don't want a five dollar blowjob, offer to buy in on some crack, smoke it with her.

>> No.6188188


I do lift. I drink before I go the gym. I drink when I get home.

>> No.6188216

>Find a crackwhore, tell her you don't want a five dollar blowjob, offer to buy in on some crack, smoke it with her.

Wow, you must be a guru over on /adv/

>> No.6188223

Word, same to you. I've barely been posting at all anymore either but still lurking all the time.


>> No.6188618

Yeah, i know that feel man. Usually i have so much control over my own mind, i feel so i charge. But if i smoke i get incredibly anxious, start hyperventilating and my thoughts seem to attack me, i also hallucinate sometimes. Never touch that shit anymore, and its weird because most of the day im just a regular joe.

>> No.6188633

When i wake up with a hangover, i instantly crave a cold delicious beer. Just feeling it run down my throat as i get in the shower sends shivers down my spine. And then i just keep going, every day.

>> No.6188643

Not an alcoholic but worried I might become one. Last weekend I sort of gropped/fondled my friend's friend at a concert. I was super drunk and did a bunch of other dumb shit but that was the worst.

So if I'm trying not to drink until St least Friday night even though I have a little bit less than a half of a handle of new Amsterdam gin in my freezer.

It's Thursday and I really want to drink though.

I've been considering buying a bowl and getting weed connections.

>> No.6188646

Holy shit, I just remembed that I had a dream about malt liquor last night.

Nvm, might be an alcoholic

>> No.6188681

>tfw you're sober and time goes insanely slow

>> No.6188690

i don't think you're an alcoholic

you sound like a cunt though, i think that's your biggest problem right now

>> No.6188716

I'm glad for you that you've never experienced depression, I guess.

>> No.6188813

Okay, that's not too bad then.

Anyway, I decided to drink tonight since I don't have class until after noon tomorrow and I haven't drank since Saturday, which I think is a good thing.

I'm going to complain about relationships with my friend.

>> No.6188922

I'm going to start smoking weed so that I don't get so drunk all the time.

>> No.6188970

Different people have different sex drives, which leads to them typically having less experience and thus less overall skill. I, for instance, only get spontaneously aroused and actively pursue sex a couple times a month, while my gf would go everyday if I were into it. If its important to you, you should talk with him candidly about it and see if he'd be down to go more often, or at least provide oral or help you masturbate so it is still a shared, intimate sexual activity. Or, depending on his disposition, you could ask if he'd be OK with you fucking other guys. That's what we do: gf sleeps with one of my best friends relatively often, with the mutual understanding that its just done to satisfy her sexual appetite.
>inb4 cuck
I really, genuinely don't care. Knowing that she's banging my fried doesn't enter my thoughts very much, whether as a fetish or a problem

>> No.6188998

After a really bad night of drinking, while vomiting into the toilet, and the bathroom in my dorm feeling like it was spinning, I fuckin promised Jesus I would stop drinking hard alcohol for the next year.

I'm not a religious man, but I felt like a promise I make is important.

Only have had beer and wine so far, haven't fucked up nearly as hard as I did that night, 11 months to go.

>> No.6189366
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After I started drinking regularly and heavily, I found that I don't really get hangovers anymore.
I always thought that one friend that talked about not getting hangovers was trying too hard to sound tough. But mine are actually gone now too.

Is this what happens after you start heavy drinking?
I really hope I don't jinx myself, or this isn't a sign that I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.6189400

How did anyone quit?

>> No.6189409
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>tfw been boozing for the better part of a decade, come clean with the doc, and your blood, liver, and kidney tests come back normal

I'm still working on it, along with working out and eating right, but feels good mayne

>> No.6189574


I don't get hung over anymore. I mean, I don't feel good or anything, but it's nothing like some people complain about.

I don't know how much water you consume, but I have a theory that alcoholics learn to drink a lot more h2o without even thinking about it and this helps us not get terrible hangovers like normal people

>> No.6190087


I eventually stopped getting them for a pretty long period of time, which led to me drinking even heavier because I couldn't feel any downside. I now get what are probably mild DTs if I stop for an extended period of time. So take that as you will.

>> No.6190142
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>tfw drinking view

>> No.6190148
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>> No.6190165
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When I have time I slowly paddle my kayak around the windward side and pause out in the blue, lay back on the kayak and let myself get blown back around, then climb the old fort, on the island behind the one pictured, be humbled by the fact that man had dragged hundreds of thousands of lbs of material up sheer cliffs with out electrical or hydraulic assistance and on the way back down prop myself up on the rock face and face inland while sipping my drink.

This weekend I will mix it up and paddle around the headland in the first image, hang out by another rock formation and then head to another beachside bar and have a couple there and paddle back.

When that becomes normal, I will head in the other direction and one day I will have to own a small hobie cat or something to extend my range.

I think that turning my drinking into mini adventures has helped cut me down a little.

>> No.6190168
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You sure it's safe?

>> No.6190196
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Honestly admit your sins without making excuses.

>> No.6190197


I may be predominantly white, but I grew up on that beach. Also I am not a particularly pretty looking person and when pushed I tend to loose it fairly quickly.

All the above is well known around here.

>> No.6190199

goddamn, if only

>> No.6190203

>tfw you can drink responsibly or down a handle of vodka or drink nothing at all and it totally doesnt matter because you're not an alcoholic piece of shit with no self control

>> No.6190204

>there are people actually lonely enough to imagine these conversations and go through the effort of turning them into simulated facebook chats

brb fixing my life before it gets this bad

>> No.6190226

I've been sober for almost a month now. At first it was one of the hardest things I've had to do, imaging having to be sober every single minute of every single day. Even now it's still rough, but it is slowly getting easier, though I do still miss it and it gets especially hard when at work or around people who don't understand the severity and freely discuss alcohol all around you.

I don't know if I'll ever be able to drink again without relapsing, and that kind of makes me sad because the sober life can be rather dull. But I guess there's always pot...and whatever else. Nothing ever quite measures up to alcohol after having drank it so much and for so long though.

>> No.6190231

Drank a fifth on tuesday, got to bed around noon woke up at 6. Started again around midnight, went till noon yesterday. Went to bed, just woke up. Hope nothing big happened yesterday.

my back hurts from so much bed time though. And my right side aches a bit. Hopefully failure in the year, don't want to go through another xmas.

>> No.6190238

My dad and I both have/had(father died of painkiller overdose when i was 16, different story) trigeminal neuralgia. I learned two years ago when I finally went to the doctor dreading the diagnosis, I saw what it did to him, and how alcohol made it worse, but he didn't stop. Neither did i..

>> No.6190414


That's not really something you can hold over someone's head when you are a raging cockaholic.

>> No.6190445

>That's what we do: gf sleeps with one of my best friends relatively often, with the mutual understanding that its just done to satisfy her sexual appetite.

I thought the nickname cu/ck/s was just an in-joke.

>> No.6190474

This is the biggest problem that I see happening.
Knowing that I can go hard without having to worry about the next day makes drinking too much really easy.

>> No.6190510

Damn. That fucking hit home

>> No.6190545


>> No.6190597

Have you considered a career as a drug counsellor? This is genius. I'm sure no alcoholic has ever thought of just tempering down. Shit, this is some kind of panacea for all addictions. You should be on stage bro.

>> No.6190601

Some people are addicted to cannabis. Everyone has different tastes, tolerances and addictions.

>> No.6190758
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Ugh... every night I say "not gonna drink tonight, need to wakeup early and be productive"

every night end up drinking at least a 750 of vodka and a bottle or two of wine... and waking up feeling tired and shitty at 1pm... never getting anything done...

managed to start a wine blog though... called WineJump at blogspot... meh.. helps me... at least I got somthing started

any other Boston fags in here?

>> No.6190763


HOLY FUCK ARE YOU ME???? everything in my life is the same... except I'm 27 (will be 28 in march)

yeah.. I wake up at 1pm... whats the deal with everyone eaking up at 1pm?

>> No.6190768
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sometimes I wake up thinking... "this is the last day I'll drink all fucking day"

>> No.6190781
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>whats the deal with everyone eaking up at 1pm?

cuz your Mom turns down the heat when she goes to work and it's about that time that her basement starts to get too cold to sleep

I leik your Mom

>> No.6190863
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That feel when curing your hangover with more booze because that actually works. That feel when your daddy told you that when you were 7y old. That feel when you had your first bottle of beer at 5, watching your grandpa moonshining.

>> No.6190873
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>mfw sleeping in to 2:30pm in the Aussie summer, no aircon

My room smells like nothing but sweat no matter what I do.

>> No.6190881

i do not understand alcoholics.
alcohol can be enjoyed so much more if it's only once in a while with friends.
otherwise you'd just build a tolerance. and those people who over drink to the point of passing out are also missing all the fun.

>> No.6190888

>otherwise you'd just build a tolerance
A litre of chilled vodka will get anyone somewhere.

>> No.6190890
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/a/ was making me feel feel's that i didn't want to feels
so i came to /ck/ to find a potato thread (i have a history) and instead an wild alcohol appears,
yeah 12 is late enough to drink right?
i love you guys

>> No.6190901

Just curious, do you bad alcoholics have jobs? What do you do?

>> No.6190908
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>own apartment
>tea/coffee instead of booze
I shouldn't be in the booze thread, but 1pm masterrace reporting in anyway.
Its just such a comfy time to wake up.
You're well rested, and its still not late enough to feel like you've slept the whole day away, so you might get something productive done if only you'd get off your fat ass and DO something.
If only it wasn't so fucking cold outside, I could be more active.
Cold weather just makes me want to hibernate and do fuck all

>> No.6190927

I always wake up at 8, or earlier even after a night of heavy drinking. Doesn't necessarily mean I get up though. Sometimes I lay in bed til the afternoon before I get up and get dressed.

>> No.6190958

>more or less purposefully ruining my life
>keep shooting myself in the foot
>constantly blaming others
>"if only they would just leave me alone, I'd do the right thing"
Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.6191031

I'm not this bad, but fuck...

>get drunk every day at work without people noticing
>last week got so drunk I passed out for 3 hours
>buy only the cheapest shit so I can get drunk
I never get hung over, because it's one of the worst experiences to me. I stop drinking around 9pm every night, sober up, then go to sleep thinking about how fucked up I am.

I think I drink, because if I get high, my wife will smell the weed.

>> No.6191034


I put in my 40+ hours a week. I just occasionally get told early in the morning that I smell like alcohol. Then again I also can't make it through an 8 hour shift without drinking, mostly to avoid dry heaving and vomiting by the afternoon.

>> No.6191061

>straight edge all my life
>history of alcoholism in my family
>graduate with business degree
>start working at small firm
>meet girl who likes to be a little bad sometimes
>we fuck
>smoke cigars
>fuck, this is fun as shit
>she wants me to try half this pint of blueberry beer with her
>drink some
>meh, it's okay
>try some lager
>heh... this is breddy good
>try some wiskey
>shit, I like this
>get piss drunk on gin
>fast forward 5 years
>smoke a pack a day, drink a fifth of "rum of the gods" each day ($8/fifth)
>wake up hung over each day, work at restaurant
Fuck me. If it wasn't for my dick, I'd probably be 10x smarter and managing hedge funds by now

>> No.6191253

You've got as much chance being killed by a Muslim in England as you do finding a light and healthy lunch in flyover ville

>> No.6191293

Literally every diner and fast food joint have salads with chicken breast

>> No.6191295


congrats dude

it gets better and easier, one day at a time

>> No.6191298


I quit by going to AA and getting a shitload of help

>> No.6191443

managing hedge funds is a shit life goal anyway

>> No.6191943

not quite as much as i'd like to hear, since the thread is dead please elaborate in the new one