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6181890 No.6181890 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody have any experience cutting sashimi

Just buy the salmon and slice?

>> No.6181898

No. Is salmon the most aesthetically pleasing meat?

>> No.6181899


Yep. I lost the pictures, it looked disgusting. Tasted good but there's sort of an art to making appealing looking slices, it would seem. Who knew?

>> No.6181907


you can use tuna, yellow tail, snapper and a bunch of others. I don't think much difference comes down to it aesthetically

salmon is just one of the more common cuts

>> No.6181911


Yes, lots of experience. I have a sharp-ass Japanese knife, a local Japanese grocery store that sells it by the 1/4 pound, and no senpai telling me I have to do it for 20 years before I get good at it.

>> No.6181914

It is just sliced fish.
It is not hard

>> No.6181915

how much fish did you have to mutilate before you were able to make consistently good slices without a lot of waste? I gave up after doing it with a salmon and a mackerel, I'll stick to ceviche where it all gets mixed up anyway.

>> No.6181923

Gaijin plz leave.

>> No.6181926
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>> No.6181934


>> No.6181939


I really didn't have much of a problem, but then again I have a sushi knife that is well-maintained.

Your knife isn't sharp enough if you're mutilating the fish.

One stroke is all it should take.

Even a gaigin could do it. . . .don't overcomplicate things. Fucking Jiro and his 20 years worth of cutting in order to learn how to slice fish to me is a mental disorder, not a badge of honor.

>> No.6181946
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what's your opinion on sushi in the grocery store deli case?

>> No.6181952


My knife is sharpened to a mirror finish and stropped on chromium oxide, it wasn't a sharpness issue. It's just that on some pieces one corner was slightly thicker, or the cross section didn't look right, or I used the wrong angle because I was still trying to figure out the right direction.

Maybe I need a slicer though, I was using a 15cm petty knife which is my thinnest knife, but not long enough. Which knife are you using, specifically? Is it a suji? A yanagi?

>> No.6181956
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>> No.6181957


Not that guy, but. . . .

Which country?

Deli case in Japan? Pretty good.

Deli case in NY, parts of D.C. Metro, California, and Washington state, ok.

Don't turn your nose up at it. If you like it, you like it. Elitist blanket statements don't help anyone.

Also grocery stores run a much higher chance of infecting more people if they serve bad fish, so they'll be extra careful with their stock.

>> No.6181962

I'm sick of avocado being in every fucking specialty roll people make now. 2012-2013 it was mango that was being put into everything, but now its avocado.

seriously getting sick of this shit

>> No.6181968
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I always grab a free sample when I walk through the section but I know they're holding back the good stuff. also, I'm a little concerned about the white dude that makes it.

>> No.6181979


wait, I'm confused. Do you just not like avocado, which is just crazy or is it some hipster aversion to the ingredient because you liked it before it became popular?

>> No.6181990

I never really had it until last year but it just seems really underwhelming. Just because yuppie places charge you out the ass for a side of avocado dip doesn't mean you have to put it in everything. I can't imagine what a Japanese person would think if they came to america and saw all these avocado rolls. They'd probably throw up.

>> No.6182004


how do you know they wouldn't just be super impressed with our culinary tribute and artistic interpretation of their cuisine through the use of exotic ingredients?

>> No.6182007


It's a yanagi. I have no idea what sujis are, but with Japanese knives it's almost like English cutlery: there's a knife for everything and a funky name that varies by region.

Another thing I like about Chinese cooking is their knife culture. One knife to rule them all.

Anyway it's a 240mm Kikuichi. Cost $210 seven or eight years ago. I have three kikuchis and this one I use the least.

>> No.6182018


A sujihiki is to a yanagi as a nakiri is to an usuba. For whatever it's worth, when I ate at morimoto last year they were using sujis behind the counter, so I think unless you are a really hard core traditionalist it probably doesn't matter much.

I'm not really interested in making sushi at home on a regular basis, so I'll probably skip the yanagi thing. I bought an usuba a few years ago for curiosity value, it's a fun knife but I rarely actually use it. No more single bevel knives for me.

>> No.6182022

>I can't imagine what a Japanese person would think if they came to america and saw all these avocado rolls. They'd probably throw up.

Oh, don't be so hasty, Anon-san. The nihonjin do some pretty crazy shit with their rolls too that are far from the traditional Edo crap that was street food. Try a natto roll some time.

The Japanese eat a lot of fish but not as much sushi as you'd imagine. It's expensive. But if you want to throw up, how about a roll with Mickey Mouse inside. Talk about vomit-inducing.

But one thing you won't see is avacado out of season, or lemon for that matter, which is endlessly irritating when you want something with lemon in it and they stick their noses in the air and say it's out of season, when in Kyuushu they're growing citrus almost all year long.

Oh, Japan. . . .

>> No.6182026


I'm trying to figure out what else to do with it. It's a good knife, but even when I am slicing raw fish it's really not my go-to knife. Not the best purchase I ever made, but it was fun at the time.

>> No.6182034


You ever tried shaving with it? I bet with the hollow backside the angle is pretty close to a hollow ground razor blade. I've tried with some of my double bevel knives but it's just not the same as an actual razor. And by "not the same" I mean excruciatingly painful.

>> No.6182044

I don't care about avocado, but it does bother me that people shoehorn it into fucking everything.
I 9/10 rolls in a restaurant have avocado in it and its out of place because it gets in the way of the subtle fattiness of the fish

>> No.6182048


Oh hells no! Yeah I almost got into the straight razor/shaving cream fad. . .but the risk to reward ratio just wasn't there for me. I'll let the straight razors stay with the Victorian reenactors and however their skin must feel. Ugh.

>> No.6182053


I'm going to take off before the nihon worship gets too deep in here. . .enjoy!

>> No.6182056
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>pic related

>> No.6182068


It's pretty nice, I'm not sure what "risk" you mean except the risk of spending money on stupid bullshit when a fifty cent feather does the same thing. People who are afraid of giving themselves a fatal cut have obviously never held a razor to their own throat before. Believe me, the self preservation instinct is stronger than you would expect.

>> No.6182083

My school's food court sells sushi rolls with avocado and I always see the nips and ching-chongs eating it.

>> No.6182089


Terrible. The rice is almost always congealed and hardened.

>> No.6182093

that's because they are Westernized nips and chinks.
An authentic slant would be eating burgers, just like they do in Tokyo and Beijing.

>> No.6182105

Same. My campus has a lot of korean and chinese exchange students and they eat up the squid salad and various maki rolls. Even I have noticed that the sushi quality has gone down in the past two years (different catering company ships it in; nigiri slices are often botched), but nope, asians are still eating it faster than any whiteys I've seen.

Grocery store fish isn't that good, IMO. I travel around 1-2 hours to go to any good asian restaurants, and I can always tell the difference in fish quality from the filets I buy at the store. Store fish is often imported from overseas, has color added to it to appear fresh, and it's been thawed/frozen at least four times.
That's just my neck of the woods, anyway.

>> No.6182142



even as a first timer it'll most likely come out better if you just DIY

>> No.6182156

A shitty cash grab

>> No.6182168

depends if you want salmon or not but that's it.

>> No.6182324

Yes, but make sure your slices are even and use a FUCKING SHARP knife.

>> No.6182506


>> No.6184329

Just slice the fillet at a 45degree angle. U also cut the skn off the bottom if u do it right

>> No.6184369

>OP probably used wild caught salmon
hahahaha enjoy your parasites

>> No.6186103

Like your picture, mostly shit with imitation crab, mushy rice and they don't even bother to roll it in an aesthetically pleasing way. Asian supermarket with real raw fish are pretty good.

>> No.6187740

almost none of the asians usually employed to do that job are japanese

>> No.6187753

my kroger has such a high number of new customers that those samples run out quick. they tried it durign a summer every day and it was the best thing ever, but they stopped doing it because of how many people there were and the sushi booth being close to the entrance

real sushi might be japanese or whatever, but the usa took in alot of japanese, so sushi si njow also our thing

shits so good

>> No.6187766

>university chinks more westernized than maps
Upper heh.