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File: 43 KB, 800x600, mcdonalds-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6174327 No.6174327 [Reply] [Original]

Literally perfect

>> No.6174331

I don't see the sausage mcmuffin, so it can't be

>> No.6174464


>> No.6174496

I think you're confusing McDonalds with Carl's Jr.
>not getting a Bacon Bacon Biscuit and hash rounds with orange juice
>what are you even doing?

>> No.6174497

i think a mcdonald's breakfast might be my favorite meal in the whole world.

i'd probably enjoy it more than anything served by a 3-star michelin restaurant.

>> No.6174500

I'd switch out the current sandwich for a sausage mcgriddle, add some sort of frozen coffee with ice and syrup and whipped creme.

Otherwise, yeah McD's orange juice and hashbrowns are not a bad start.

>> No.6176529

Underrated person

>> No.6176536

imagine if you got extra cheese on that, and something fizzy instead of acid juice and also had some ketchup packets mmmmm

>> No.6176540

>Go to McDonalds
>Order hashbrowns and breakfast sandwich
>insist hashbrowns be used as sandwich biscuit and sandwich biscuit be deep fried as a side

>> No.6176544

>hating orange juice

>> No.6176551

>the employees look at you in silence for 15 seconds

>flash forward to you getting thrown out by three of them through the door like a comic strip

>> No.6176556

>all at 6pm

>> No.6176573

I usually get a SE&C McGriddle with the hash brown, coffee, and OJ (which is for some reason the best OJ in the world [probably sugar]). The problem I have with the biscuit is that I imagine it would fall apart.

>> No.6176583

>Not a bacon egg and cheese McGriddle

nice try

>> No.6176592

2 sausage McMuffins
2 hash browns

Done. Perfect.

>> No.6176705

>I usually get a SE&C McGriddle
The sandwich is called the "McGriddles".

>> No.6176721

K thx

>> No.6176723

>eating a fastfood breakfast at mcdonalds instead of jack's


>> No.6176729

>Literally perfect
Literally a perfect example of why I don't eat at McD's. Just about any corner deli in New York does a better breakfast sandwich.

>> No.6176733

get out jew boy go bite baby penises

>> No.6176734

McDonald's hashbrowns are the best. Chick-fil-A is a proper Southern restaurant chain that does a proper sausage egg and cheese biscuit. Strangely, Chick-fil-A's hashbrowns are disgusting. I really wish they'd stop serving those tater rounds and get with the program and deep fry hashbrown patties or potato cakes (like Arby's).

>> No.6176771


>> No.6176780

>going to macdonalds instead of getting a diner breakfast

>> No.6176787
File: 25 KB, 348x348, sausageggandch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6176790


>gets folded egg out of a bag instead of a fresh cracked round egg

you are literally the scum of the earth.

>> No.6176800


I could eat an infinite amount of those delicious hash browns.

>> No.6176820

>getting oj


>> No.6176832

>not getting 2 sausage and eggers with two hashbrowns and a large coffee for $7.00 with a coupon from A&W

Its like you dont even want to be satisfied

>> No.6176953

OP literally doesn't know what the word "literally" means.

>> No.6177068


make em homestyle and replace the battery acid for oj and you are dead on the mark!

i love coffee, but a&w coffee is rancid. i will go to a gas station and get coffee to go with my a&w breakfast

>> No.6177094

>not southern style chicken biscuit with round egg and cheese

i appreciate what you're doing, but sir, you're not doing it right

>> No.6177106
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How did you know what my breakfast last Wed was?

>> No.6177121

i always found breakfast fast food overpriced.

>> No.6177124

I love mcdonalds hash browns, but I cannot drink OJ with anything oily. It has a terrible after taste and you're all bad people for drinking OJ with oily food.

>> No.6177168

>ctrl+f burrito
>0 of 0
What the fuck, do you guys not understand that godsend?

>> No.6177170

the burrito is no joke but I love me some delicious mcbiscuit

>> No.6177175

That's not perfect, you need to add hookers and bourbon.

>> No.6177179

Go fuck yourself

>> No.6177187

I completely agree with you it's disgusting don't be discouraged by some die hard traditionalists to tell you otherwise. It's an intensely flavorful thing to drink with that food.

>> No.6177190

>replace the battery acid for oj

I'm going to need you to think about what you just wrote for a little bit.

>> No.6177272

I'm not sure if it's the oil OJ combo, but McDonalds OJ always either gives me stomach cramps or makes me feel bad afterwards. No other kind does that to me.

>> No.6177309

not a bojangles smoked sausage biscuit


>> No.6177419

That's not a mcgriddle. also you need at least 2 more hashbrown things

Add chick fil a chicken biscuits because no breakfast is perfect without fried chicken

>> No.6177424

>buy bacon egg and cheese biscuit
>buy sausage mcgriddle
>take the sausage patty and put on bacon egg and cheese biscuit
>two pancakes with preinjected syrup for dessert
>literally perfect

Should replace the square egg with the round egg when you do this, though.

>> No.6177478

ITT: fat fucks

>> No.6177496
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you understand me

>> No.6177529

Go to Chic Fila and get a spicy chicken patty on a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit with a simply orange, then head over to McDonalds for 2 hashbrowns, and if you have enough time or money head over to Hardees for 2 raisin biscuits.

that's perfection.

>> No.6178100

Why don't they serve hasbrowns all day? I would love a hashbrown with my mcdouble.

>> No.6178118

I've never thought about that, and now I'm annoyed that it isn't an option.

>> No.6178124

why does everything have cheese on it? ditch the cheese and it's almost ok for you...

>> No.6178292

>cheese is the worst part of that meal

you have a very poor understanding of nutrition.

>> No.6178318

I feel like the only person who doesn't want breakfast food outside of breakfast hours. And that includes cooking at home. I used to hate it when my parents would make breakfast for dinner. Lazy fucks.

Now that I live on my own, I never, ever make breakfast before 5:00 AM and past 8:00 AM.

>> No.6178363

McD's breakfast is gross. Only stupid people and fat neck beards who can only wake up early enough once a year to have it think it's good.

Not only does it taste like shit, but almost any diner has better (or maybe $1-2 more) breakfast which actually fills you up.

I'm hungry five minutes after eating a McDonalds breakfast. Breakfast is the worst value on their whole menu.

>> No.6178390

eh... a round (real) egg would be better but yeah that's pretty god tier

Madonis orange juice is like nectar from the gods

>> No.6178788

best $3 meal in the world

not everyone has bodegas though, so why bring them up

>> No.6178817

>not everyone has bodegas though, so why bring them up
Simply to counter the claim of McD's anything being perfection.

>> No.6178846
File: 280 KB, 444x460, mcdonalds-Sausage-Egg-Cheese-McGriddles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm hungry five minutes after eating a McDonalds breakfast

How fat are you...jesus you must be obese, one of these is so heavy on your stomach by itself even without sides.

>> No.6178892


thought about it for years

>> No.6178929

>eh... a round (real) egg would be better

I worked at McDonalds, the folded egg is "real" as well....it's just frozen, how does freezing something somehow make it fake? What's the logic behind this.

>> No.6179141

It's the same as minute made premium

of course we just get the syrup from Coke and calibrate and add the chilled water to it.

>> No.6179161

>fucking love mcdonalds breakfast
>was getting it 3 times a week minimum
>have been eating healthy past few months
>eat shit health food instead.

kill me.

>> No.6179345


Jack's is GOAT

McDonald's and Popeye's tied for second

>> No.6179370
File: 246 KB, 1550x1011, 976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6179377
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>> No.6179378

Should get the oatmeal, that shit is great with the fruit in it and stuff.

>> No.6179460

I love getting McDonald's Big Breakfast plate with oj. Only get it once a year though, gives me nostolgia of getting it once in a while when I was a kid.

>> No.6179483

>>Pleb tier west coast fast food chains

>> No.6179489

>not sausage egg and cheese biscuit with a hashbrown

>> No.6179538

It's better if you crash through a window like in a cheap western movie. No bar fight is complete until someone crashes through a window and the mirror behind the bar gets broken.

>> No.6179540


Do you enjoy eating shit?

>> No.6179543

Life is pain

>> No.6179544
File: 28 KB, 451x488, a try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6179546

You sound fun

>> No.6179553

People who eat fast food more than twice a week are equivalent to smokers, slowly destroying their health for a short term gain.

>> No.6179568

>everyone that has ever enjoyed fast food eats there several times a week
fuck you're such a little bitch

>> No.6179575

>most people in this thread eat fast food only once a week

>> No.6179586

i eat fast food like once a month maybe. stop projecting like a faggot

>> No.6179594

i like your style, greg

>> No.6179685

>not going full McGangbang and putting the griddle buns under the biscuit
Did you even try?