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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6173894 No.6173894 [Reply] [Original]

So, cats aren't supposed to be able to taste sweet, but mine go crazy for sweet things. Any time I have anything sweet they go straight for it; donuts, honey buns, some candy I can't remember. They really enjoy anything with flour too- I shared a bean burrito with one of them, and two others also enjoy flour food stuffs.

>> No.6173896


>> No.6173898


That's cute. They're probably craving some other nutrient found in your sweets. What do you feed them?

>> No.6173917

Yeah, damn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to end it there.

I was pretty much wondering what's with them and sweets?

Purina indoor formula and canned food. Forgot which brand canned.

I dunno, though, they just seem to go nuts and gobble it up. Can't eat anything sweet around them if the SO is around because they flip out that I'm sharing with them and I'll end up with worms and all that.

>> No.6173923

they just like the texture of bread
your cat is gonna get real fat

>> No.6173927


You ought to try a grain-free brand of cat food. It's a little extra dough, but it really stretches, since the main ingredient is usually meat or meat product. Maybe that'll curb their appetite a little bit, if it's getting to be a problem.

Here's the way I see it: cats don't live long. What life they do live is spent mostly in a sedentary malaise. I say, let 'em live it up a little. I say, let them eat sweets every now and again.

>> No.6173936

Or, you know, if you cared about your pets you could feed them home made food.

You can get frozen squid for ext to nothing, ot whatever fish they use for bait in your are you should be able to buy in bulk for cheap.

Then make a stew.

then portion and freeze.

healthy happy pets.

>> No.6173941

Oh, great. I'm sorry guys. I was supposed to post this on /an/.

That's what I thought until they gobbled up some candy. They do love bread and tortillas though.

>> No.6173947


Well, it has to do with food, so I'm not too bent outta shape about it. Anyway, it put a smile on my face.


Aw FUCK. Why have I never thought of this!?

>> No.6173966

I had started typing that I DID try homemade, but deleted that part of the post.

I diced up some chicken and pureed the rest, cooked it a bit, added egg and water, just to see if they'd like it. 2 didn't 3 did and the 3 that ate it threw up for 2 days. I will try that.

Once I start making more money, in a bit of a pinch right now.

>> No.6174512

>You can get frozen squid for ext to nothing, ot whatever fish they use for bait in your are

That's fine as an occasional meal, but fish is not an appropriate diet for cats- they may really like the taste, but they evolved from desert-living ancestors and don't naturally spend much time around water, their natural prey actually tends to be small birds and mammals which are nutritionally not comparable to fish.

Fish can be a beneficial part of their diet in small quantities, but if you feed it to them long term, they can end up with serious thiamine, taurine and vitamin E and K deficiencies (commercial fish-based cat food has to supplement with these). They also have high allergy rates to fish, and the levels of heavy metal, pollutants and contaminants (especially in shitty bait fish that is considered too poor quality for human consumption!) can be dangerously high for tiny little cat organs.

>> No.6174517

Every cat I've ever had loves tomato sauce and ketchup.

>> No.6174631

Cats can barely fucking "taste" anything.
It all comes from scent, and they can smell sweet things perfectly well.

>> No.6174689

Yea because animals cook their food in the wild usualy. It's just cruel not to see them home made food like stew.

>> No.6174728
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>cooking for your PETS
>white people

>> No.6174753

>feeding your pet the same brown dry kibble chunks every day for its entire life
sub human scum

>> No.6174785

>tfw rentfag
>not allowed to have pets
>can't adopt three cute, grey kittens
>can't cook for them
>can't put them in frilly dresses and bonnets and laugh at them for being faggots
>can't make them do backflips by teasing them with string


This. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they can ONLY eat meat. A healthy cat doesn't even drink much water besides a sip here and there. If you feed a cat grain, it'll get the beetus. Most storebrand food is full of grain and filler.

If you love your cat, get them actual meat.


Animals are not likely to change their ways. You need to start them on that diet as kittens. Same with brushing their teeth--they need to be started as puppies/kittens.

You DO brush their teeth, don't you?

>> No.6174796

I've never had a rental where cats are forbidden. Dogs occasionally, but only in buildings that have a lot of scummy poor and college aged tenants

>> No.6174867

Really? It's super common around here, usually it'll say no pets at all but if you question the landlord they actually just mean cats and dogs. That's why we keep birds.

>> No.6174910
File: 50 KB, 311x311, 1307117803448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing, raping, murdering, drugs, violence, gangs, rap "music", poverty, ghettos, housing projects, general monkey business
>black people

>> No.6174941
File: 238 KB, 1145x734, 1285190585482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monkey business
pun intended I hope

>> No.6174983

>being brainwashed by the media
>white people

>> No.6175000

The brainwashing is the other way around m8
>trayboon dindu nuffin
>michael brown wuz a gentle giant
>it's the fault of white police officers and republicans

>> No.6175118

My cat used to love olives

>> No.6175220
File: 83 KB, 800x600, black-labrador-puppy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Years back, I had a black Lab (miss you, Odie.) who would eat anything... as long as he saw you take a bit first.

But if you just handed him something without taking a bite, he'd suspiciously sniff at it and if it wasn't something dogs normally liked, he'd walk away.

Me: *eating seedless green grapes*
Odie: "Hay man, what'cha got there? Gimme one!"
Me: "They're grapes, here you go."
Odie: *confused look on his face*
Odie: "Wha... WTF is this shit?!"
Me: "Its a grape, you wanted one."
Me: *eat another grape*
Odie: "Hay man, what'cha got there? Gimme one!"

>> No.6175225


shoo /pol/

>> No.6175238

>shoo truth

>> No.6175543

Dude, you should not be giving your dog grapes

>> No.6175642

Not the owner but why, dogs and wolves are naturally omnivores, most wolves supplement their diet with berries

>> No.6175660

ITT: niggers realizing that cats are omnivores and will devour anything that they want to

>> No.6175871


>> No.6175882

god, he's so cute

>> No.6176198

Huh, didn't know that. Thanks.

>> No.6176210

Not any of those other posters, but I've given my cat boiled unseasoned chicken gizzards and hearts which is mega cheap. Had to chop it up for him, but no intestinal problems or anything. Worked out pretty well.

He's usually on a diet of half dry food and half wet food, so he's certainly not used to this kind of thing.

I've also given him fresh catfish eggs once (from catfish that was caught earlier that day), he seemed to like those pretty well too.

>> No.6176227

I use ground pork for mine. ground pork is cheap as fuck. Just fry it up in a nonstick and then drain off the grease.

>> No.6176242

I wouldn't do ground meat from the supermarket unless you picked a cut and had them grind it there. Their packages of ground meat typically have additives (flavor, color, preservatives), and unless you boil it there's still more grease than cats should have.

Most packaged organ meats are fine though. Pork tripe is especially cheap.