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6171013 No.6171013 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to prepare for a night of heavy drinking?

I'm going to face off in a drinking contest with a good friend of mine soon.

>> No.6171029


>> No.6171035

>drinking contes
That's just fucking stupid.

But as a drinker I make it a point to eat sensible meals and keep hydrated suring the day. Once I start drinking (usually around 7PM) I make sure I don't have to drive anywhere. Also I know my limits and pace myself so by the time I go to sleep I've got a decent buzz on, but I'm nowhere near double vision or stumbling around. Hard liquor at the end of the night is always a bad idea.

>> No.6171040


Lots of carbs and water, assuming you get piss breaks.

>> No.6171041
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Eat something, like a sandwich or something light. You get drunk faster on an empty stomach.
Also make sure to take a shit before you go, so in case you pass out you don't shit on yourself.
The "Beer before liquor" saying is false. Beer goes with everything, even sake, until tequila and his 5, 6 or 7 friends show up.

>> No.6171042

Stay super hydrated before the match, but no matter what you're going to have a killer hangover and puke.

>> No.6171083

Drink a cup of milk or have a scoop of icecream beforehand. Dairy products coat the stomach's lining, combating the acidty of alcohol and slowing it's absorption into the bloodstream.

>> No.6171099


40 year old alcoholic here, don't listen to those earlier posts. If you are drinking heavy you need heavy food, but 2 or 3 hours before drinking. Steak and potatoes, burger and fries, heavy shit like that. With lots of water. Your body will thank you for that in the morning.

>> No.6171108


>> No.6171285


A thousand times this.

>> No.6171289


>> No.6171291

Large breakfast, small late lunch(avoid starchy foods, I suggest a small steak and salad) 2-3 hours before drinking

>> No.6171326

Listen to the dubs. One more thing though: chug several glasses of water just before you go to bed. Works like charm.'

>> No.6171359


Or just become a heavy drinker and drink everyday

Hangovers get easier

jk (Kinda)

If you plan on staying up all night
>drink slowly and try to have periods of 30-45mins throughout the night of no drinking
>Always have something to eat, (dont eat a big dinner than continue drinking without food
>Eat slowly and drink slowly
>Eg: have a drink sip or shot or whatever I don't know what you will be drinking, have a bit of food have a sip of water

>> No.6171361

have a bite* of food and sip of water

OP what will you be drinking and in what kind of establishment?

>captcha: EFPRO

>> No.6171362

In japan I bought a bottle of something that you drink beforehand and starts breaking down the alcohol in your stomach or something. I used it to drink a few friends under the table.

>> No.6171384

Korea has similar things and also the next morning day drink to make you feel better

>The perks of living in a country full of alcoholics who need to work the next day

>> No.6171386

Enjoy your organ abuse, risk of alcohol poisoning and hangover

>> No.6171402

stay mad neckbeard
>Cant into socials

>> No.6171412


Enjoy being so autistic that you need to consume a literal poison to get rid of the crippling inhibitions that riddle your shitty and uninteresting personality in order to socalize with your faggot friends

>> No.6171427



>> No.6171431

You gotta drink heaps for a few days before it, build up some tolerance. If you go a week without drinking and then try to drink as much as you can in an evening it will smash you way quicker.

>> No.6171433

>Going outside
>Being autistic

Pick one

>> No.6171443


>house arrest

Pick one faggot. Go drink yourself a personality bitch

>> No.6171445


confirmed for 12 year old

>> No.6171447


Fuck go take a shot and get wittier, youre embarassing yourself you fucking bore

>> No.6171450

Top kek

>> No.6171580

This is your best bet, OP.>>6171099

>> No.6172109


>Hard liquor at the end of the night is always a bad idea.

I agree with this guy, especially on this part - I usually drink liquor when I'm not wanting to get drunk. If I'm with the guys, I'll hit the beers - my tolerance for beer is worse than with liquor (makes no sense to me either) and the easily measured pint/bottle system makes for simple knowledge of when is good to stop.


this guy's pretty right too. The best morning after happens when you eat before drinking and stay well hydrated.

>> No.6172113

drink water before going to sleep, like as much as you can fit so you don't get a hangover

>> No.6172131

>I usually drink liquor when I'm not wanting to get drunk.
Right. The problem with liquor when you're already half drunk is that it's really hard to judge, and your judgment is already off. This is why the kids at the bar doing shots while drinking beers end up totally smashed by the end of the night. If I'm hanging out at a bar and the bartender wants to do a shot with me I'll accept, but that usually means I'll plan on leaving after the next drink or two so a pattern doesn't get established. Because experience has taught me that's a pattern I'll end up regretting.

Otherwise I'll enjoy a little liquor after a meal, then switch back to wine or beer if I intend to keep drinking.

>> No.6172235

>my tolerance for beer is worse than with liquor (makes no sense to me either)
when did you start drinking liquor compared to beer? as a teenager, i started with hard drinks straight away, because i wanted to look cool ( stupid, i know)
Now i can't drink more than 1,5l beer without getting really drunk, but i can drink hard drinks until i'm broke and will still not get that drunk

>> No.6172322

Drink a big Gatorade. On that note I just got fired from two jobs, probably due to drinking. Thank God I have a third. Just don't drink anons. It isn't all fun and games, I wish I never started. Its not worth it guys.

>> No.6172329

>What's the best way to prepare for a night of heavy drinking?
years of heavy drinking

>> No.6172406

Have a drink once an hour or so for a few hours before, so you're still sober, but it will ramp up your tolerance before the heavy drinking starts

>> No.6172450


Srs, no amount of drinking will stop you

>> No.6172503


This doesn't seem like it makes sense, can anyone atest to this?

>> No.6172511

I read this in Mr. Weebl's voice

>> No.6172536

Drink lots of water.

Buddy of mine used to mix vodka with equal parts diluted gatorade, he could drink all night and wake up with no hangover.

>> No.6172544

The more you drink, the drunker you will get. You cannot affect your tolerance at all in one day.

>> No.6172568


Booze makes you lose your hair and grow a pair of tits.

>> No.6173961

It made me grow a massive beard. And a pair of tits