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File: 32 KB, 480x360, egg-genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6169697 No.6169697 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to eat healthy, to save time I use an egg boiler thingy like one pictured. I'm sick of boiled eggs but they're very convenient and cheap.
What quick dips, sides, spices or whatever can I use to make them interesting?

>> No.6169700

Toast soldiers to dip into the runny yolk

>> No.6169741

Poach them in spicy tomato sauce

>> No.6169764

Egg yolks causes high cholesterol
eat something else for health

>> No.6169808

I've heard so many conflicting information on this that I'm just going to ignore calls for their avoidance and continue trying to enjoy them for their other nutrient benefits, convenience and cheapness

>> No.6169811


Oh fuck, it's one of those guys...

>> No.6169827

>trying to eat healthy
>boiled eggs

Pro-tip: When you're trying to eat healthy, focus on whole plant foods

>> No.6169873

The fuck's wrong with boiled eggs?

>> No.6169890

Just eat something else, doofus.

>> No.6169894


Like the other guy pointed out, the huge cholesterol burden isn't worth the paltry amount of nutrition they offer. The American Heart Association's guidelines for dietary cholesterol for example is 300mg/day for the general public, meaning 1 egg is about the max you could fit into your diet without going over the guidelines, as long as the rest of your diet was very low in any other animal-sourced foods


Don't let conflicting information confuse you into continuing to buy harmful foods, industries thrive on confused customers.

>> No.6169984

Use salt. or if you're daring, hotsauce.

If you need anything else for fucking eggs you can piss off

>> No.6169992

some tards still think that dietary cholesterol matters

>> No.6170012


Those "tards" include basically every health organization. The only people who believe eggs aren't bad for you, or even that they're good for you, are people who like eggs and people who sell eggs.

>> No.6170028

christ you're retarded

>> No.6170033
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>> No.6170038
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>> No.6170041
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>2015; having faith in the FDA

>> No.6170044


What made you distrust them?

>> No.6170070


>American heart association

bruh cholesterol = testosterone
why do you think meat eaters are so jacked while vegans and vegemitarians look like starving ethiopeons?

>> No.6170080



>> No.6170081

get a rollie

>> No.6170087


When they okayed pink slime after they condemned raw milk as the devil. They have some agenda and it is not mine. It appears to be the agenda of varying companies. Just like any large American institution of any kind.

>> No.6170097


If you eat red meat to begin with, "pink slime" shouldn't bother you at all. Raw milk is also a serious public health problem, that's why pastuerization was invented


>> No.6170109

i have a boiled egg everyday for breakfast, with toast. i spread some basil pesto and hummus on the toast, and place the sliced up egg inside to create a sandwich.

>> No.6170127

Nah man, vegetarians who look like that are just eating unhealthly. Their basically what a fat meat eater looks like, they don't care about their bodies. I'm vegetarian and I'm not skinny in the slightest, I'm slightly overweight but I also exercise regularly. Your'e just an idiot

>> No.6170145
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I don't think he was being serious. People either work out and have muscle, they don't work out and are fat, or don't work out and are skinny. Meat eaters are more likely to be fat, vegetarians/vegans are more likely to be thin. Either will look jacked if they lift weights

>> No.6170155

Egg yolks have a lot of cholesterol dont they?

Just fry egg whites, they take seasoning a bit better and you can use less salt.

Also if you're trying to eat healthy switch over to whole wheat bread, cut down the amount of butter you use when frying foods, eat your vegetables, leafy greens and drink plenty of water instead of soda and even some juices.

Heck you can literally just cook greens like spinach with rice if your trying to be cheap.

>> No.6170175
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Whole grain pasta's also an easy way to get some whole grains in your diet. Inexpensive, healthy, and takes like 5 minutes to cook. Add some herbs and tomatoes and eat some leafy greens on the side and you've got a healthy meal

>> No.6170201

Herb salt is amazing on eggs.

Eggs have tons of benefits though. Raw eggs are preferred as they keep the enzymes(as long as the eggs aren't processed), but it's not an organic choice.
I've eaten 2-3 eggs a day for years. Mostly near-produced and eco ones. My cholesterol levels are still fine.
Just keep the rest of the diet healthy, and you won't find any problems with eggs.

>> No.6170215
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Anecdotes aside, it's a general consensus that egg intake should be kept fairly low. OP probably doesn't have to worry about an egg or two here or there if he keeps the rest of his diet clean, but the message that should be taken is that when trying to improve the healthiness of the diet, plant foods should be the focus. Most people don't need to be encouraged to eat more eggs, meat, and dairy, but people rarely think about the whole grains and legumes that experts say ought to make up the bulk of a healthy diet.

>> No.6170219

Yeah what this guy said. The impact of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol is pretty small. Don't listen to egg science from the 1960s.

>> No.6170230


>The impact of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol is pretty small.

It varies from person to person, from negligible to large

>Don't listen to egg science from the 1960s.

Rather, listen to the scientists of today who say the same things but with more scientific support. See >>6169894
Raising blood cholesterol isn't the only reason dietary cholesterol can be harmful either.

>> No.6170235

>American Heart Association

>> No.6170244

wreaks of pseudoscience bullshit
vaccinate you kids, faggot

>> No.6170251


>science is stupid if it doesn't say what I want it to

I like eggs too but don't be stupid about it