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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6167210 No.6167210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>server writes in own tip on credit card check
>customer calls and complains
>server gets fucking fired

I wanna hear stories about server getting owned hard.

>> No.6167213

yeah you typed every story ever

>> No.6167217

Once had a server literally chase me and some friends out of a restaurant screaming "you didn't pay! You didn't pay!"

Except we all did. Turns out it was literally because he thought the 20% tip we each left wasn't enough. It was incredible. I have never had worse servers than I did in California,

Conversely I have a friend who insists on tipping waitresses (it's always waitresses; we've had waiters who get normal tips) like 50% or more, even when things are wrong or its fucking take out. It's like he thinks tips are buying you solidarity with the downtrodden masses or something. And he loves reading that "if you can't afford to tip" blog

>> No.6167227

Isn't servers pay based on tips?
I would also be an angry douche if suddenly most of my pay was basically 5 dollars and the rest is upon the shoulders of greedy, fat assholes who you can't yourself blame for actually wanting to keep a stable economy.

>> No.6167247

>servers should get paid 10% in tips flat
>no they should get 20% if you even get your food
>30% flat, anything else is a gratitude

Servers are the most whiney people on the planet. I will never tip and if your children starve to death I will laugh and piss on their grave

>> No.6167277

Yep, worked in a restaurant around the most whiniest worthless servers ever. Some are great but the majority of the ones in bottom tier restaurants are absolutely retarded and worthless.

>> No.6167302

I was working as a pizza delivery driver. We had a new female manager who was learning the ropes. She looked like a chicken with her head cut off, but my first impression was that she was working really hard to improve her standing in life. A decent job if you could last. Then one day her trashy boyfriend (who looks just like serial killer Richard Ramirez) came to see her, and I realized that she, like him, was going to be nothing but trouble.

Fast forward a week later, and we get this huge delivery. She insists on taking it. I helped her load up her truck, and there was no less than a dozen pizzas, four 2 liter sodas, multiple appetizers and sides (wings, sandwiches, salads), etc. I rarely ran more than a few pizzas, maybe a drink here and there, at a time. I'd delivered to a kid's pizza party once, and it wasn't even a fraction that big.

When she gets back she brags non-stop about the huge tip they gave her. She says that from now on she wants to take big orders like that because we can't risk losing that kind of business on a bad delivery.

Fast forward a few days later, and as I walk into the freezer to get some ingredients for the cooks, I notice she's in the manager's room being grilled by the GM.

Well, as you can probably guess it, she thought a big order like that deserved an automatic gratuity charge, and filled it in on the customer's receipt. The customer called their credit company, and the pizza company was notified. Of course, everybody and their grandmother knew she was the one who handled that delivery.

They fired her, and she called everyday for a week sobbing for her job back. I was genuinely afraid Richard Ramirez might come and shoot the place up.

>> No.6167306

Jesus, that's one hell of a story. The food service industry really has some of the worst people though.

>> No.6167328

They get minimum wage when they don't make tips. Most servers make much more than that. I've dated two and they both come home with a hundred or more dollars a night, plus their regular checks. Do not pity servers. If they don't like being paid like this, they can find different jobs

>> No.6167339

Kekked hard muh nigger

>> No.6167338

They get minimum wage when they don't make tips. Most servers make much more than that. I've dated two and they both come home with a hundred or more dollars a night, plus their regular checks. Do not pity servers. If they don't like being paid like this, they can find different jobs

>> No.6167364


Lets say that the server works a comfortable 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

An average of 2 tables per hour tip her $5, thats $60 a shift, $300 per week. 15k a year in tips,

And I deliberately chose an unrealistically small amount of tips.

Fuck servers

>> No.6167388
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>tfw making 300 a shift in the busy season

i know people who make 30-40,000 over the summer and then go down to florida in the winter and make just as much

>> No.6167394

Had a problem with a pizza hut delivery driver writing in their own tip for a extra $4, called in and told them about it and they had another driver run out the extra he wrote in + a $10 gift card, trying to say that they "used a different receipt" that just happen to be exactly $25. Asked the guy that brought the money back where the driver was and he apparently got sent home for the day, so much for him "accidentally" charging for a different receipt.

>> No.6167622

Why do people not just do a chargeback if they're charged wrong by a server?

>> No.6168024


>> No.6168052


This. Then you get the entire bill refunded to you. Free meal is free.

>> No.6169095

"I don't get paid enough, so you should pay me extra money or I'll spit in your food"

All American meals come with a threat

>> No.6169338

They do not.
The majority of servers make SUBminimum wage, they live on tips an are often paid as little as $2/hr. God forbid the business owner pay their employees, they'll just make their customers do it instead!
God bless America.

>> No.6169348

Go read wage law for tipped employees and come back here.

>> No.6169349

The restaurant I worked at last year, the servers would walk with at least 150 on a slow day and 300+ on a good day and they didn't do shit and complained about everything I became unable to feel empathy for them and proceeded to curse them out on the floor and embarrass them as much as possible in front of customers

>> No.6169350

I doubt most people ever notice.
I never take the time to keep my receipt and double-check it against my bank statement later. Pretty lazy of me, but I rarely eat at restaurants that accept tips.

>> No.6169352

>oh my god that poor waiter
>they have to deal with such a terrible supervisor
>let's make sure and leave an extra nice tip
Did you realize you were earning extra tips for them, or are you just a dipshit?

>> No.6169355

That's no excuse for credit card fraud.

>> No.6169358


> you're greedy if you aren't charitable

>> No.6169359

This. My wife's brother was a waiter for a while, because it's a fucking goldmine with tips.

Waiter/waitress is honestly probably the best paying unskilled job there is, especially if you work in more expensive/fancier restaurants where people tend to tip more for exactly the same service.

>> No.6169363

When did I say I was the sup asspull more

>> No.6169367

The employer has to make up the difference if the server doesn't make at least minimum wage in tips.

That said
If you believe that employers are actually following this law you're crazy. (Not that it matters much because it's rare for servers to not at least pick up minimum wage in tips.) I'm not that concerned with the legal problems servers face anyway since I've never met one who accurately reported their income for tax purposes.

>> No.6169371



Workers being given tips, cash in hand which they then have the option of telling the government about or keeping tax free.

No-one is reporting their tips properly, sure they'll probably have some of it taxed so it doesn't look too obvious. But honestly you have all that cash that can't be traced, would you really tell someone who wants to take a fat slice of it.

>> No.6169379

Even if you're just a coworker that likes to be a cunt, charitable types will tip more if they see a waiter being treated like shit. Period.

>> No.6169382
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/b/ saw this and then lodged a lot of complaints about her, getting her fired.

>> No.6169383

A lot of the ones I've known don't have anything but their credit card tips and base wage taxed. What's funny is, outside of social security, most of them had a low enough income that they'd have gotten it all back anyway.

>> No.6169389

serves the cunt right

>> No.6169390

It's one of the easiest entry level jobs you could ever want. That's why they give it to the young and uneducated. That's why it's ENTRY level. So is dish washing, where you don't get tips.
Go ahead, get a dish washing job. See how much more you make when you're doing work and not bringing refills and carrying plates.

>> No.6169391


fucking karma, bitch deserved it

>> No.6169396

There was another picture with some guy filing a complaint to her Chili's branch and receiving a response saying they would fire her

>> No.6169397
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>> No.6169402
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>> No.6169404
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>> No.6169405
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>> No.6169406


never happened


never happened


never happened



>> No.6169407
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>> No.6169409
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Excuse me, this is America (land of the free, home of the brave. God bless.), where if you can imagine it happened, it really happened.

>> No.6169419


inb4 moon landing conspiracy

>> No.6169424

My sides

>> No.6169429
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> laughing at a never happened

>> No.6169435

Sometimes jokes are funny even if they didn't happened
Amazing, uh

>> No.6169437

This, I never enjoy anything fictional.

>> No.6169439


I take it you don't like any stand up comedians then?

>> No.6169444

No. I don't even tip them

>> No.6169446

When I was with my ex and friends at that overpriced American Chinese place that I can't PF Chang's that's it.

It was late at night and we had a group of six people and our waitress was shit. The serving size was pathetic in the first place for the quality and the price, so I asked for some more rice. Bitch never brought me the rice and kept hanging around her two friends that came in drunk.

When I left, I didn't leave anything and everyone looked at me like I just took over at Auschwitz.

I rarely go out to eat anymore, but I just don't leave a tip. They are doing their job and if they don't get paid for it then that is not my problem. I am already purchasing their goods, I am not going to pay their employees too. That is the owner's job.

>> No.6169451
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Whatever you say brah

>> No.6169453

>at that overpriced American Chinese place that I can't PF Chang's that's it


>> No.6169454


> i am poor

i believe you

>> No.6169462


> literally the thing they send to everyone who complains about anything

so you are a moron on top of your edginess?

>> No.6169465

This attitude is so fucking stupid, and it's so common now thanks to 4chan inventing "trolling" as it is today. You can't go anywhere without everybody crying out, "fake" because they just HAVE to let you know that they didn't get "trolled".
Nothing can be a joke anymore. It's always a trolling attempt. If your joke was funny, you were a successful troll (joke teller) and that's fucking stupid.

>> No.6169468
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Sorry, but servers are entitled to your money. You are paying for the food, yes, but that goes to the restaurant. You are paying me to SERVE you. Do you know how fucking low it makes you feel when you realize your job is to "serve" others? Like a fucking butler but for shit pay?

>> No.6169471


I am on my phone and I hate going back so I just corrected it mid-sentence.


You're not going to trap me, you fucking faggot. Pay your employees because I sure as fuck won't. Doesn't matter since I just cook my meals now. There's no point in going somewhere when I can get the same quality or higher without using ingredients from Cysco.

>> No.6169474


You are having a telephone conversation while posting on 4chan?

>> No.6169476


Haha, get fucked, dork.

>> No.6169478


> raise the prices because im poor

this makes no sense

>> No.6169486

>implying i recorded a phone conversation just in case someone on the internet says it didn't happen
Sure thing brah

>> No.6169487
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Is this bait?

In your picture it literally says

>"Servers in the US are paid $2 to $3 per hour because restaurants are permitted to bypass the federal minimum wage requirements. Servers accept this with the understanding that they'll be tipped based on their performance."

If you give shit service, you'll get no tip. Is this the fucking twilight zone, are you actually this retarded. Do your fucking job as per the socially accepted agreement you prescribe to, if you do a good job, you'll get a tip. If you act like a deserving twat who doesn't WAIT on your customers with attention and courtesy then you'll get nothing.

>> No.6169488

No, I am paying folr you to serve me when I pay the amn restaurant. You are THEIR employees, not mine. I should not be paying the restaurants dam wages.

You should be earning MINIMUM WAGE. Instead you can pull home 50k a year from tips in an unskilled, no experience nessecary job. You should only be getting about 18k at MOST. I would happily pay an extra $1.66 on my bill then be obliged to pay you an extra 5. It has nothing to do with the money, I'm just not going to pay someone elses wages when they earn more then me.

>> No.6169494


> i got the same response from pizza hut about credit card fraud that a person who complains about their toppings get

sure you did, jackass

>> No.6169495

I can't WAIT on you, I'm fucking busy with 2 other tables. Either tip up front so I know to give you special attention, or get out instead of stiffing me. How is this so difficult for you?
You get special treatment if you tip me well.

>> No.6169497

Me again, I will top you if you have made my service extrordinary. If you serve me normally by bringing my foo ina timely mannor and take my order, you get nothing. If you fuck around I will complain. However, if you ar epleasantly nice, chatty, friendly and funny an have actually improved the quality of my day out as it were then I will tip you

>> No.6169498

do NOT, under any circumstances, EVER reply to ANY tripfag at all for ANY reason.
Never. Never ever do it. Fucking stop it. Just don't. They don't care if they're right, they don't care if they're wrong, they just want replies. Replies are attention. You are giving them attention. Stop it. Have some self control.

>> No.6169501

No, I should get special treatment and then I will tip you well. Otherwise you're a fucking dickhead. If I get special treatment THEN I will tip you well

>> No.6169507


No amount of "you're poor" will change my mind. Get smashed, nerd.

>> No.6169508
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>mongoloid dipshit

which one do you want to reveal yourself as

>> No.6169509

Used to work at a few delivery places as a driver and black people would almost never tip and almost never save their receipts or mark the tip or total spots. Myself and a few other drivers would write in (reasonable) tips on a semi-regular basis. Never heard a single complaint. None of them would ever check their receipts or CC statements.

If you don't tip because the person gives you shit service or the food is an hour late I understand. If the food is on time and you're just a huge nig every fucking time then serves you right.

>> No.6169511

How do I know you will tip decently if I don't get tipped up front? Your first few days working (like you've ever done that) you do have high hopes and work hard for everybody...but then you find out it doesn't mean anything, people don't notice it because they're too involved in themselves to notice how hard I'm trying for them and they leave me less than the person I didn't expect to tip so I ignored.

>> No.6169514


How about you take your payments up with your employer and have them actually pay what you're worth.

Oh wait, nevermind they already do and you rely on charity for the rest.

>> No.6169518

You don't. However it doesn't matter. Your job is to dam well serve me, you chose it, so suck it up. And like any job, you should dam well try your best. If you are barely paying attention to me I'm not going to tip poor service. You should be earning minium wage as it is. Reason I hate American tipping culture, at least England has that much right. We tip if you actually of our of your way to make our experience more pleasant yet you still earn minimum wage regardless.

Anyway, actually do your job decently instead of bitching about people. You fucking chose it

>> No.6169522


Heres a hint as to how you can get tips from customers.

>always pay attention to your tables.
>if they're looking at you when you're on the other side of the room make sure you pass the table incase they want to order something, some people are uncomfortable with signalling their server across a crowded restaurant
>always smile and make eye contact
>be curteous
>body language says alot, stand up straight, don't slouch or look away

You must be a fucking antisocial/lazy cunt if people arn't tipping you, put in the work and you'll get the reward.

>> No.6169524

That won't happen. They can fire you and replace you since it's an entry level job. They'll probably shit on you if you use them as a reference as well. Any dipshit can waitress, they don't need you causing them problems. That 17 year old would LOVE to make $15 an hour because she's young and tippers think they'll get to fuck her.

>> No.6169527

Exactly, ANYONE can do it. So you should get minimum wage and be happy

>> No.6169528


No we used to get like $5-6 / hour + a small per run charge that was like .5-1 $ (both depend on employer quality) which really just covered gas and wear and tear on the car.

Seriously don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.6169541

Minimum wage would be fine, but then servers would get paid too well. Too many people would still tip.
Waiters/Waitresses have it fucking made. They get to whine about how much lower their "minimum wage" is with one mouth, while pocketing tips with the other mouth. Fuck them.

>> No.6169544

im a server for the time being, and as a guy, it sucks. at best I average 20%, and sometimes [because i work in a very fast paced, busy restaurant] people will leave me a 0% tip saying "server has too many responsibilities, needs more help" which really sucks dick because not only do i miss out on the tip, but i still have to tip 3% of my sales to my bartender and busser... so i lose money, miss out on the tip, and miss out on a potentially way better table. if you tip 10%, its fine.... if you tip 0%, the next time you come in it might take me an extra 30 minutes to remember to put in your order

>> No.6169547

is that copy pasta or are you that butthurt over someone using a feature that is available to everyone?


>> No.6169549

I love about how everyone complains that ALL waiters make below minimum wage when in reality a shit ton of them make above minimum wage base pay. I've known tons of waiters over the years and all of them made more than minimum base pay BEFORE tips. The only waiters these days who make less than minimum are the old hags who work at Denny's.

>> No.6169554

>They can fire you
And then you call up the state department of labor and get them to shit all over your boss. The pencil-pushers take this shit seriously. They investigate it for free, they pursue legal action for free, you get compensation for wage theft, and on top of that you can hire an actual lawyer if you want to, and most of them will work for a cut because it's such an easy slam dunk for them.

>> No.6169556

It's not my job to subsidize your wages.

>> No.6169561


if you dont want the food there to cost more it is

>> No.6169569

I would rather the food cost more and the server get a stable wage.

>> No.6169570

That would be perfect. Tipping ruins the feeling of the trip out. I like going out and paying for food, and eating it, and maybe talking with friends. Please, let me get up and pick up my food when it's ready, I don't need you. I'll refill my own drink or go sit at the bar and wait, and not tip the bartender.
But I don't like tipping. It just ruins it. Fuck.

>> No.6169574

Most people would happily pay more. Especially since the amount you tip wouldn't be the amount they added onto the bill. As the waiters/waitresses would just earn minimum wage instead of earning the large sums they do

>> No.6169578

Tipping came into practice as a means of subsidizing labor costs during prohibition. Primarily because alcohol fetches a tidy profit.

>> No.6169580

Yeah that's true. However only America has this tipping culture and it's so stupid

>> No.6169632

Tipping I agree is so fucking stupid but unless they put up giant signs saying "DO NOT TIP", people would still tip because it's such a part of American dining.

The only thing I like about tipping is that it allows you to pay based on how well the server did. If the server is rarely around and is a piece of shit then you can tip little to nothing. A big problem with this is that often the kitchen is to blame and the server gets a bad tip for it. You just have to be aware what are kitchen issues and what are server issues.

>> No.6169662

I wouldn't, they're barely motivated as it is. Pay them the same no matter what they do and you're relying on them getting fired for bad service. It's fucking shitty that you have to put a spigot on their wages to make a lot of them actually work hard but it's the only thing that even sort of works.

>> No.6169678

I think tipping with credit card in general is weird. I'm probably just not used to it, but to me it the whole system with writing the tip on the bill is so strange.

In Europe you mostly pay in cash and round up or leave some coins on the table.

>> No.6169775

I once paid with cash and got cash+coins as change and left it (which ended up being more than the normal tip amount)

Everybody looked at me like I was the fucking devil because I left coins. So now I just don't tip at all, especially not in cash. If you're so fucking picky about not just how much I give you but I'm what tender its in, then I don't want to waste my cash on your bitch ass

>> No.6169796

do you actually provide better service to generous tippers?
what would you consider a generous tipper?

also, unrelated, how low does it take to become a regular at a restaurant? do you have any regulars?

>> No.6169806

where was this?

>> No.6169840

My uncle is a bartender in the hard rock hotel in vegas and he gets mad amounts of tips.

>> No.6169874

Bullshit. If they do bad service then they can be fired. Also, like in England, tipping is done by not constantly. Waiters and waitresses still earn tips ifthey do a great job. So if anything it would make them work harder to earn a tip, rather then think they are obliged to it

>> No.6169908


isn't this the one by the lesbian? it was proven to be fake. not only did the couple tip a generous amount but the server wrote that on the receipt herself.

>> No.6171688

Don't u die on me

>> No.6171695

That would depend on where you are in the world.

I know it's amazing and hard to believe, but not everyone on 4chan is from god's chosen nation.

>> No.6171807

Why not include tip in the price of the food?

>> No.6171812
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>> No.6171836

Because that would take money out of the higher ups pockets and the US is a plutocracy, so we couldn't have that.

Someone who lives off tips here.

>> No.6171935

Ostensibly it's because the tipping custom is meant to inspire better service by having the server paid directly by the customer. Practically speaking it's because then the cost of service would be rolled into the sticker price of the meal which would make people more apt to realize the actual cost of eating out, and thus less likely to eat out.

>> No.6171964

>Sorry, but servers are entitled to your money.
I'm not even sure if this is quality bait or just delicious wrong opinion.

>> No.6172056


>> No.6172123

The best thing about the US is their $1 notes. The worst thing is their absolutely worthless coins. Which means whenever I'm there I basically throw my shrapnel on the nearest flat surface.

Anyway I was at some Hotel in Sanfran and got talking to some cleaner as I was walking to my room, she was flirting pretty hard and I had just got her number when I got to my door. When she saw I was going in she straight up started abusing me for treating her like a servant, she didnt deserve to pick her tip up off the floor and I was an arsehole for leaving it there.

>mfw I didnt even realise she had been stealing my change.

>> No.6172153

i think the whole moot crisis has really brought out the best in 4chan

>> No.6172184

>america's craaaaaziest burgers


>> No.6172200

>eat out at only one place
>food is cheap so tips are regularly over 50%
>get extra food and good service
>waitress is a hot milf with great ass

>> No.6172208

gitgud or gitgone faggot

>> No.6172209


>> No.6172213

>it's free speech when I do it but hate speech when you do
kill all degenerates

>> No.6172218

k bruh point me 2 the kitchen ill git my own food 2kthnx

>> No.6172476

Nice pun.

>> No.6172486

I had a guy do this to me at a restaurant once. Absolutely horrendous service, and I left nothing. He wrote in an almost 30% tip. The restaurant wouldn't do anything, so I had to dispute it with the credit card company.

Eventually got it removed, but now if I'm not leaving a tip, I write in $0.00 in the tip field and write the total with no tip again on the total line. Hasn't happened since.

>> No.6173599

you bring food to someone table. you're not a goddamn butler.

>> No.6173624

That's what you're supposed to do, dumbass.

>> No.6173640

I don't understand that mindset, you do that and you're still not going to get a tip. So why would you purposefully sabotage yourself if getting tipped is so important?

>> No.6173664
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Is this a meme like clapping at theaters, or is this an actual thing in America?

>> No.6173670

I cross that line out. I should start saving my receipts to check if it matches my bank one.

But one time
>Spend $10
>Tip server $2
>gets mad at me because tip should at least be $5
Was I wrong?

>> No.6173675

I just use cash, I don't have any plastic.

>> No.6173677

No 20% is a great tip, and any server should be happy with it.

Fuck I'm so tired of tipping threads. As a former server, I was happy to get ANY amount as a tip. I wasn't entitled to anyone's money. I was being rewarded for providing good service or being punished if it was lackluster on a bad night. It's easy money for a dumbass job that anyone can do, and one person not tipping isn't going to hurt the server. Self-entitled assholes.

>> No.6173684

If I could put in my own order and grab it myself I would.

>> No.6173708

>moot crisis


>> No.6173783

I can't believe how much this fires so many boards up. /b/, /pol/, /ck/, /int/, ect. What about this specific topic rustles you guys so hard?

>> No.6173811


>> No.6173817

>All American meals come with a threat

America sounds pretty hardcore

>> No.6173828
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That's worse than my experience

I went to a restaurant with a group of friends and the waitress was being really fucking short with us and we didn't leave a tip. She ran to us in the parking lot and told us that we "forgot" to tip in a tone that masked her agenda.

I hate this country sometimes.

>> No.6173829

Tipping? Tipping is an actual thing, and one that some people get highly emotional about. Customarily for servers it's 15% of the bill before tax baseline (some people hold to 20%) and more for good service or special requests. You might also do less in the case of exceptionally bad service.

If you mean servers adding a tip to your bill when you didn't leave one, that happens but it's somewhat rare. It's also credit card fraud since they can only do it on a credit card bill.

>> No.6173838


>> No.6173897
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Courtesy of ifyoucantaffordtotip.com

>> No.6173926

>work at a hotel
>drive our free shuttle around town for people who want a ride
>regularly get $20 tips for doing basically nothing

cry harder servers

>> No.6173929

A large argument for tipping is that the servers are paid less than minimum wage.

In some states (like the one I live in), the businesses are required by law to pay at least minimum wage (an no, not sub minimum and then make it up, they get paid minimum flat out and tips are just gravy). Most wait staff don't want you to know this, because most people think they have to tip to help them survive.

Haven't done any research on this, but I wonder if people tip less here, or if they even know our waiters make minimum wage already.

I don't tip unless I like the people (the hard working Korean family or the coffee guy I talk shop with for example) or they provide above and beyond service.

Knowing this, would your tipping habits change?

>> No.6173939

My biggest problem with servers bitching about tips is that almost everyone I've known who's been a waiter/waitress absolutely makes bank on tips as far as entry-level jobs go. Friend of mine said she was pulling in $4000 a month at her waitressing job when she factored in tips. I don't feel bad for ya'll.

>> No.6173962

Research from Cornell shows no correlation between service provided and tipping, and says the reasons and amounts people tip tend to be vast and obscure.

States requiring tipped employees to make regular min wage Alaska, California, Minnesota(Depends on size of business), Nevada, Oregon, Washington. Also Guam

If I don't wanna spend extra money I get the food as carry out, I wouldn't want to take up a spot for an extended amount of time where someone would be willing to tip.

>> No.6173967

Servers at fancy places, or with liquor tend to make more money.

Servers at dinners or just basic restaurants don't make as much.

>> No.6173969

>working in the food industry

>> No.6173977

maybe its a regional thing, but up here in the upper midwest pretty much every restaurant besides fast food sells alcohol

>> No.6174001

Lmao get paid $2 an hour. You are delusional. They aren't paid that low.

>> No.6174014

All that picture says to me is that you're entitled doing the least work and demanding the most. You don't clean, or cook, or anything. You expect everything handed to you.

>> No.6174017

I work in the industry. Servers are usually paid 2.50 and hour.

You sound like the kind of prick that doesn't tip

>> No.6174021

Okay Tyler durden

>> No.6174045

2.50 if maybe your an illegal alien. I'm very familiar with the restaurant industry and no they aren't paid that low. Plus they do the least amount of work and get most of the money.
You sound like an entitled brat. I tip when I get good service but you're not owed anything for doing your job.

>> No.6174059

Look fucker I worm with servers. The servers that serve the food I Cook get paid $2.50 an hour. Just like everyone else in this town. I'm entitled cause I tip people who most of the time get treated like shit from entitled people like you?your server is not your endentured servant. And they work there ass off running for food around taking care of at least 10 tables at once. I would love to see you work a 12 hour shift on your feet the entire time with no break. You obviously do not work in the industry unless your flip mcdoubles or are flinging out micro dishes at 3 star restaurant and I HIGHLY doubt its the ladder. So shut the fuck up before you make yourself look even more stupid.

>> No.6174061

I don't want to start shit but I was paid 3.50/hr when I was a waiter years ago, and yes, I am a natural citizen. I guess it depends on state laws really.

>> No.6174071
File: 12 KB, 262x196, 2dhy9e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boo fucking hoo. I work as a chef also dipshit and you actually sound like a waiter. I'm the one that comes in for prep and cooks and stays cleaning. Yeah they don't have twelve fucking tables to serve. "Oh no I have to be attentive and run food. Wahhhh wahhhhhh, tip me for doing my job! Wahhhh wahhhh!" So yeah I do twelve hours but dipshit and I don't see that money. The servers make more than me and they bitch the most. So shut your entitled mouth you whinny bitch. I don't mean to insult female dogs.

>> No.6174073

It depends on state and national average for tipped servers is 11.28

>> No.6174083

my general rule for tipping is to double the tax
maybe tack on a few extra dollars if the service was good

>> No.6174099


>> No.6174111

>If you don't give me your money for free you're turning it into my problem!

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.6174115

Haha chef that comes in for prep. That's fucking rich. Nice try kid. Make sure your name tag is on straight when you go into work tomorrow.

>> No.6174130


You didn't tip he when she did that, did you?

>> No.6174132

Were a bit short staffed. Hurr

>> No.6174144

All posts refers to America by default. If it's about some other shit country, the post will start off with, "in my country."

>> No.6174153

It is not unheard of for that to happen.

>> No.6174176

my general rule for tipping is that i tip if the service is amazing, otherwise i won't bother. thank god i don't like a 3rd world country like usa

>> No.6174208

I worked just as hard regardless of how much I was tipped or not tipped.

>> No.6174211 [DELETED] 

>claims to gate 'murica.
>uses 'murican site.
That's some poor Europoor shit right there

>> No.6174221
File: 256 KB, 494x359, good-good-let-the-jimmies-rustle-through-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to hate 'murica.
>uses 'murican site.
Europoor logic right there.

>> No.6174235

I do not tip for average service. I only tip for good service.

>> No.6174239

I had this exact scenario happen. The only reason I found out about it is by chance when I crossed paths in a parking lot days later with another waitress who worked at the restaurant and she told me what happened. Called the CC company and got it negated but I doubt anything happened since the asshole that did it was the owner's son, and apparently he does this routinely.

>> No.6174276
File: 47 KB, 580x324, Steven-Universe-Episode-3-4-Cheeseburger-Backpack-Together-Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after reading this thread I've realized I have the wrong job.

How do I get a job as waiter with no serving experience

>> No.6174284

In Norway an uneducated waiter earns about $15/hr on average. This excludes tip of course. They also make extra when working evenings and/or weekends.

>> No.6174299

This, I live in California so I would make at least $9 an hour without tips at all. I gotta start applying at restaurants.

>> No.6174305

Dude other service jobs don't get tipped why should you
I don't get tipped to get shit from a below zero freezer or clean up spills at walmart
Stop being an entitled cunt

>> No.6174314


Tell me you got her fired

>> No.6174433

Why would I do that?

>> No.6174442

>an uneducated waiter

As opposed to one who got a degree in waiting tables?

>> No.6174445

>get someone fired for making an honest mistake

>> No.6174535

Thank God I live in Australia and don't have to deal with tipping ever. Only time I ever tip is just giving the extra change to the pizza driver or maybe if there's a tip jar at a restaurant I'll leave change if I use cash.

>> No.6174549

Canada has it too.

>> No.6174552

>writing in your own tip


>> No.6174579

As a professional server in a medium-high class restaurant (like 25-60$ a plate) I can tell you the amount I make is pretty insane. I don't have to know a ton of wines, just a few pairings. As long as I'm cordial, complement the women and make people laugh I get a lot of fun bucks.

I don't even care when people don't tip me because I make so much it's not worth getting angry over or making a scene. And I know it's because they are against the principal and it's not against me personally.

That said, if I wasn't in the place I am I would probably make half or less what I make now (which is still easily livable). My cousin worked at a sports bar in downtown Calgary where all the NHL players would go and she would regularly make 2-5 grand a NIGHT. It helped a lot that she is very attractive and the patrons are mostly millionaire sports players who have no idea the value of a dollar.

>> No.6174583

I don't understand this mindset. Working a table worth 138$ isn't that much more work than a table that orders 20$. She would be happy with a 5$ from the 20$ table but it's not good enough from the other table? The amount of work between the two is negligible. It should be tips per table not a %.

>> No.6174593

>Working a table worth 138$ isn't that much more work than a table that orders 20$
I'm not a server but I'm pretty sure the workload that goes into a 100$+ table is going to be a lot more than the 20$ table, if only because I assume the 100$+ table has more people.

More people means more drinks needing refills, more... requests, I guess? I don't know, I don't eat out a lot. But that is what I thought when I read your post.

>> No.6174598

>being this delusional as to think you will remember people who don't tip

You have to work in a shit ass restaurant or those customers would have to come in in very quick succession for you to remember them. I can't take these dumbass waiters with their idle threats.

You're telling me if I tip you 0% and come back a year later you're going to remember me? Go fuck yourself idiot. If that's the case you're an autistic savant.

>> No.6174600

Tipping is a relic of prohibition. Thanks government for possibly the stupidest thing to happen in the 20th century. If they never had prohibition or speakeasies nobody would fucking tip.

Why do you think it's just an american thing?

>> No.6174602

We have it in Canada too, and I'm pretty sure we didn't have prohibition.

I actually wonder about that. A lot of our culture comes from across the pond, and a lot of it comes from America (and some of it is even our own!). Why did we get tipping, of all things?

Then again, I am in BC, which is basically a colder, wetter California.

>> No.6174606

That's the theory but it doesn't really work out like that. Refilling 6 peoples drinks the same distance travelled to the kitchen and refilling 1 persons drink. You put them all on your little platter and take them to refill them.

Whether you do that for 1 glass or 15 glasses is irrelevant. And someone will say

>implying they want refills all at the same time

When was the last time you ate out at a place that wasn't 70$ a plate that gave a fuck about your refills? You have to flag servers down to get refills.

If I'm dining alone and I order lobster why does the server get a bigger tip than if I ordered a hamburger? The work is the same. They just brought something different. Why should I need to leave a 10$ tip for the lobster and it's fine to leave a 2$ tip for the burger? The amount worked is the exact same for the server. Why would they be outraged if I left a 2$ tip for the lobster?

It's fucking insane and retarded.

>> No.6174611

We have tipping but the law is different. There is NO REASON to tip in Canada. It's all fucking cultural retardation that came from the US. In Canada a server will make a flat fucking wage. You tipping them is retarded.

If you find a server in Canada making less than minimum wage then they are probably an illegal worker. It irritates me to no end that people tip here in Canada. You make gauranteed minimum wage (NO MATTER WHAT)+tips. So here in Alberta that's over 10$/hour +tips. You work 2 tables an hour (lol) with a 5$ tip each and congratulations you are making 20$/hour!


>> No.6174612

Correction: the laws are different by province. I forgot that part. But the vast majority of Canadian servers make at least minimum wage.

>> No.6174622

He's kind of right. The minimun wages for servers in Canada is way higher. It's usually the provincial standard besides I think 3 provinces where it is like a dollar less (so quebec is like 9$, alberta is like 9.50$, etc). So they don't quite make minimum wage but it's nothing like the states.

Tips are automatically, and legally required, to be broken up across all workers at the restaurant. Now of course some greedy people don't when you cash tip (give them 10$ they say you gave them 5$ and they divide up that 5) unless it's electronic. So when you tip in Canada it automatically goes tot he cooks, the dishwasher, the front of house, everyone. It's pretty great, speaking as a cook. It means people do leave bigger tips when they really like the food, it's not so service orientated.

Also tipping here is less than the states. Most servers would be fine with 10% up here. 20% is pretty fucking high. That said lots of people only leave maybe 2-5% (especially older folks, since they never really did it until maybe 20 years ago. Everytime I eat with my parents I have to remind them of the tip and calculate it). So since it's so recent, relatively speaking, it's still pretty low (compared to the US).

>> No.6174627

>tips are automatically, and legally required, to be broken up across all workers at the restaurant
Damn, born and raised in Canada and I didn't know that. We certainly have never done that in any kitchen I've ever worked at or heard of.

>> No.6174634

It might be a provincial thing then. Or I could be completely wrong about it. I just assumed since every restaurant I've ever worked at split the tips with me and everyone else. Doing some google-fu I could be wrong but I've never heard of anyone around here not getting tips while working kitchen.

>> No.6174637

I've mostly worked seedy, hole-in-the-wall places. You could be right, I'm by no means an expert on the subject. Let me know what google tells you though.

>> No.6174661

It looks like it is. I've read probably 9-10 news articles regarding abolishing "tip-outs" laws which is a mandatory % tips to kitchen/front of house/managers.

But reading some of the laws on the Canadian govt site it looks like it depends whether it is a "controlled" tip or a "direct" tip and it could just be the case that all the places around here used controlled tipping since it would be WAY easier for taxes. So I'm leaning towards not legally obligated to split but they just do for convenience (and so the managers can get a cut too)

If anyone knows the absolute correct answer let us know. I seriously don't have the time to comb through the govt website though.

>> No.6174720

Something very similar happened to me. I ordered one pizza from papa johns and when the guy shows up he "forgot" the receipt. I told him it wasnt that big of a deal and that he could write in a five dollar tip for himself when he got back to the store.

Fast forward a few week and I look at my credit card statement and the fucker wrote in a 20 dollar tip. I called AMEX and they said they would handle it, but I also called Papa Johns and talked to the manager. Come to find out they fired the cock sucker earlier for doing that to almost all of his customers and he was taken to jail because the amount added up to a punishable offense.

I was mad as fuck at first, but I got my money back and like 10 free pizza coupons. Not too bad

>> No.6175044

Walk in with a half assed work ethic and a huge sense of entitlement that customers owe you because reasons and make sure to size up every customer and if they look cheap make sure to treat them like you don't want to be there and then complain to the people that do more work that they didn't tip you and how much you get treated like dirt and didn't get a 1000000% tip.

>> No.6175095

I do tip delivery drivers because they have drive in all weather, little reimbursement if any for gas, and get stiffed for tips because someone didn't get their pizza ASAP

>> No.6175100

>ITT: People writing edgy things on the Customer Copy and taking pictures of it

>> No.6175111

How does an order that big generally get handled? Like that's obviously going to result in a bigger than normal tip, is it just luck of the draw or dibs or how do they decide who gets to deliver it?

>> No.6175184

How would a server know you weren't going to tip before you got your food?

>> No.6175237

So many times I've had a shitty waitress give bad service. How anyone can sit behind a counter and chat with their friends and expect to get paid for it is beyond me.
I've seen older customers get better service than me, probably because they assume I won't tip as good. Self-fulfilling prophecy dumbfucks.

My favorite thing to do is put 0.01 and a frowny face on the tip line. On the total I ignore the extra cent. I can only hope they have to explain to their boss why.

>> No.6175242

Whats the deal with people tipping qt grills more? Do they think that they're going to go out back and suck their duck? I dont get this mentality of sucking up to strangers unless you know they can influence you.

>> No.6175246

they dont, they assume.

black people = 30% chance of tip
ppl under 25 = 30% chance of tip
old people over 65 = 2$ every time

>> No.6175248

same reason why bars usually have cute female bartenders.

Guys are stupid and think the girl likes them just because they're being nice to them. They don't realize it's their job to be nice, and will therefore tip more

>> No.6175263
File: 81 KB, 827x755, 1406201496537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously guys, give me tips on how to become a waiter

>been a pharmacy technician for 2 years
>make 10 dollars an hour
>busy as all fuck
>people are ravenous cunts
>have to know a wide range of things in order to keep the pharmacy functioning
>constantly juggling several things at once
>make only 10 dollars an hour
>even though at work my stress levels are high
>have to constantly do training through my employer or the state to keep my license

I want to be a server, I think it'd be easier than being a pharmacy technician, and at least I'd get tips for working hard instead of my boss telling me our store hours are getting cut so I'm going to have to work alone on Saturday.

>> No.6175264
File: 30 KB, 217x259, yLTPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many poor people in this thread.

>> No.6175271

I can write only for Italian restaurants, but here a dish of pasta may be around 6 or 7 Euros, at most 10 Euros.

We also pay a forfeit for having seat at the table(2 euro), which grants waiter a better wage, since they are paid around 900 Euros monthly.

>> No.6175283

I'm literally thanking them for pandering to me with their fake smiles and feigned interest. Sometimes it's just nice to be doted on by a beautiful woman and I'm not the type for strip clubs or hookers. I think I can toss them a fiver for that service every now and then

>> No.6175291

You're so bad off you would pay a girl to smile at you m8? Re-evaluate your life.

>> No.6175306

Yes. I am. Thank you for the concern

>> No.6175329

I was a snot nosed teenage dishwasher/prep cook that basically sat around most of the time and I still got my paycheque + tips

felt gud

>> No.6175363

>it's every servers dream to give tips back
maximum kek

>> No.6175370

>your server is not your endentured servant.
that means i don't have to pay them, right?

also, your writing style betrays your subhumanity

>> No.6175405

>old people over 65 = 2$ every time

god, why is this so true

>> No.6175408


>getting tips

jesus fucking christ where the fuck did you work

I'm a line cook at a fine dining restaurant and I make $10/hr (which is nothing here, I have to work 50 hours a week to pay for rent and gas for my shithole apartment)

>> No.6175417

You're already a waiter sans the food and tips. Yes, anybody can be a waiter, but it isn't easier, and the money is better depending on where you work. Don't try to get a job at most chain restaurants because they usually over staff and send people home if it's not busy enough for all of them to be there, resulting in you wasting the gas to get to work. You don't need food service to become a waiter, just have a good personality and be able to be on your feet for 6+ hours straight.

>> No.6175423

*food service experience

>> No.6175887

>old people over 65 = 2$ every time
>god, why is this so true

It's called small to non-existent pensions as well as fix incomes.

>senior citizens shouldn't go out to eat if they can't afford to give a 200% gratuity or sign away their pensions.

>into the oven you go grandma, it's for the good of the country, believe me. ;^)

>> No.6175892

so close!

>> No.6175905

>required by law

I'm sure about half of them don't care and underpay their workers anyway. Not that that makes it our problem.

>> No.6175991

good lord your like the Tip-Extremist
what are you gonna do? bomb a Darden restaurant?

>> No.6176002

Once I worked some holiday at Red Lobster and made $40 because I got sent home early due to it being so dead. I'm fairly certain it was either Mother's day or something that should have been busy, it was also lunch instead of dinner.

As a former server, I can say I would have rather made $9 base with no tips for damn sure

>> No.6176006


wanted to also say that the only thing great about having a job that pays shitty with tips is that you take home the money every night

having cash every night is a dream come true to a broke person, getting a big check intead made me spend it all at once.

>> No.6176102


no, simply not tip when it isn't deserved

>> No.6176271


This. I have gone full take out only and never tip for that. If a friend or whatever wants to sit down the tip is on them

>> No.6176307


> stealing
> honest

>> No.6176440

I keep seeing people pull things out like "30-40k per year" and I'd really like to know where people are getting this. I'm a waiter at Olive Garden, and even working an average of 30 hours per week and almost always getting more than 15% tips (which, considering most people spend $15-30 each there, is quite a lot) I pull in less than $20k per year.

Also, tipping a lousy server due to pity is bullshit. A lot of servers have a shitty work ethic, and have no incentive to get better at their jobs since so many people tip so well for mediocre service. It can be stressful at times, but it's really not that hard.

>> No.6176645

You're basically doing the same thing already, and until you can work your way up to a good restaurant you probably aren't going to make that much more on average than you do now. On top of that you won't really be able to predict your income reliably, making your personal budgeting more difficult.

You're better off seeing if you can find another pharmacy that will pay you a better wage than becoming a server. (Or, you know, getting a real job.)

>> No.6177030

In Florida to have liquor you either have to buy a liquor license $870,000 where I am, or you have to have a place with 500 seats, which will get you a "special liquor license"

Anyone can serve beer or wine with a beer and wine permit for $500 a year.

>> No.6178270

Some places have a tip jar or they pool all tips and divide among the other unseen workers.

>> No.6178592

>family dinner / 4 of us
>shitty service
>get check / billed for 6 drinks + other stuff not ordered (extra $15)
>complaining loudly to server
>manager comes over and comps our entire meal
>server fired
Apparently she had been doing this on a regular basis to pad her tips and the manager got tired of fielding complaints about her "mistakes".

>> No.6178695


If you serve an average of 3 tables an hour, which is hardly a rush for a waiter and each table seats an average of 3 people.

lets say that each person spends the midpoint of your range at $22.50.

22.5 x 3 x 3 = $202.50 spent per hour, in a 6 hour shift (of which you would work the equivalent of 5 a week) $1215 would be spent on the bill.

lets say you receive 15% of the bill spent which would even out what you get and when you don't get tipped

>and almost always getting more than 15% tips

0.15 x 1215 = $182.50 in tips per 6 hours

you work 30 hours per week

$182.50 x 5 = $911.25

Since you're a waiter in a chain restaurant i'll assume you don't get much time off, olive gardens own website says they close only on thanksgiving and christmaas day.

so you'll work 52 weeks a year

$911.25 x 52 = $47,385

Tell me again how you don't earn a fuckload in tips?

>> No.6178900

It's like you're all oblivious. Servers are forced to claim tips and even at a generous 30 hours a week, my girlfriend sometimes only gets $60.00 on her bimonthly paychecks. That's after tips deducted and taxes.

If you're not tippin, fine, you're just an asshole.

Source: Restaurant employee for five years, currently a line cook

>> No.6178922


the maths don't lie son


>> No.6178934


>assuming a bunch of waiters don't take multiple days off every week and fail to factor this in their "desired" wage

Of course I'm just speaking from a personal anecdote here but two waitresses I knew would be scheduled for four days a week, work two and a half days, and then complain that they had no money because no one tipped them enough (not, again, because they didn't put the hours in). Gotta hit up that beach though and get drunk every day and then compl--

Too bloggy, but that was my experience with the FoH crew.

>> No.6178937

Tipping is stupid. If a waitress is good, she gets a tip. Shit service? No tip. It is extra and you earn it, it is not automatic. Entitled assholes. All you do is run orders and plates, it's not like your job is hard. Shut the fuck up and be grateful anyone hired you at all.

I put down a dollar or two. I'm not calculating percentage. If you're running some fries or some lobster, it's the same amount of work.

I worked in fucking HEALTHCARE and got paid minimum. Why should some tray jockey get xxx in tips a night? Your job isn't important, you aren't shit, shut the fuck up and go back to college you worthless cunt.

>> No.6178948


You must be a lot of fun at parties.

>> No.6178968

You sure told him. Nothing he said was wrong though. Why should tips be based on percentage?

>> No.6178973

Didn't say they should be. We don't tip here that much, the entire system is pretty retarded.

He was just super aggressive. It was off putting

>> No.6179066

Tips as they currently function are basically sales commissions that the restaurant doesn't have to pay out of pocket. It'd be better if we could just have 15 - 20% gratuity as part of the cost of the food and have that split between all the workers on shift not just the servers, but that's not really culturally acceptable so whatever.

In any case, if you hate tips you must realize that you'll never be rid of them as long as legal frameworks exist that expect employees to be tipped.

>> No.6179129

Yeah our head executive chef regularly helps prep with them team before a big dinner service.

>> No.6179147

That's what I do.
Although I didn't get promoted to Chef until a lot of Prep.

>> No.6179167

Damn was she black or spoiled white?

>> No.6179178


Damn man I make $14 as a busser/server at a banquet hall. And I make $13 on the weekends working catering.

>> No.6179388


yet to see an actual response to this from a waiter.

Prove it wrong.

>> No.6179445

Your assumptions are wrong. I served in a near-fine dining restaurant in a hotel on the Las Vegas strip and didn't get tipped that much. About a third of my tables would leave nothing, another third left less than 15%, and the remaining 15% or higher. I earned around mid $40ks so I'm sure Olive Garden workers make less

>black people don't tip on $400 bills
>foreigners don't tip ever

>black people don't tip

>> No.6179446


foreigners don't tip because tipping is retarded

>> No.6179468

>if you hate tips you must realize that you'll never be rid of them as long as legal frameworks exist that expect employees to be tipped.

All I have to do is look up a restaurants menu on my phone, call in an order, and pick it up myself. Make damn sure I mark 3 large zeros on the tip line, and the total is the actual cost.


>> No.6179492

I'm not even going to argue, because I was reading about a place that doesn't allow tipping, pays all the workers $32k. They do this by keeping the staff number small so everyone gets a good amount of hours and the food is a couple bucks more a plate. If I still served I'd love this

>> No.6179502

"Hey honey, how about we have your birthday dinner at home, I'll just order in! You won't mind, right?"

King me.

>> No.6179528

You got me there because I actually do tip delivery drivers. It's because somebody else driving around and finding where I live to deliver me food sure as shit is actually more deserving of a tip than someone who walks 20 ft.

>> No.6179545

That's why I pointed out that it happens for chefs to come in for prep. He acted like it was not something that ever happened and to do so would rip the fabric of space and time

>> No.6179558

Depending on region , doing it in all weather.

>> No.6179562

And as a former server, I agree. Best friend was a driver for a while, said the most common tip was $2, the second most common was literally nothing, and that those two amounts made up 90% of his tips. Wasn't THE greatest area, but there were worse parts of town

>> No.6179572

Tipping is so you can say fuck you to poor service, and thank you to great service. Tell her again she was a shitty server and that her attitude sucks.

>> No.6180379

because it's not wrong depending on where you work

I worked at a diner in a local casino and made at least $100 per night in tips. I'd say an average of $150, and I pulled in about $25k just in tips every year, and that's just from working that venue for 3 nights a week.

It was a whole different story for room service. That's where the real money is at. Since high rollers usually bring a bunch of friends to their rooms to get liquored up instead of drinking at one of the bars, the bills would be crazy high for drinks. Plus there was a gratuity already added to each check, in this establishment it was 18%. Add to that the fact that a lot of people either didn't realize the gratuity was there or actually wanted to tip on top of it, you're talking $100+ gratuity/tip per room for just a booze order.

>> No.6180955

They closed. Reviews from yelp says it was too expensive (they had a forced 18% tip.)
The owner's blog is interesting, he explains tons of shits about tipping.


>> No.6180972

Luck of the draw mostly. Once I got 3 orders of 10+ pizza's each. Made about $150 in tips that night. I miss my delivery job.

>> No.6180975

Are you retarded. If your reported tips don't equal the amount you would have received in on minimum wage they pay you the difference. YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON

>> No.6180990

How does this work exactly? Is it by the hour, by the shift, by the pay period? I really am curious.

>> No.6181171

Pains me to no end every time people see foreigners s assholes because they don't tip, when it's just because of cultural differences.
America is litterally the only place in the entire world where there is 'forced' tipping.

No one, I repeat, NO ONE from any country in the known world, without being specifically told, will even think of leaving near a fifth more of what they spent out of sheer goodwill.
Anywhere else in the world, tipping means you're leaving a coin or two out of generosity, and that's it, that tip isn't going to break the equivalent of an american fiver even in a luxury restaurant. And in a luxury restaurant you wouldn't even find that because tipping would be considered uncouth.

>> No.6181245


truth right here

>> No.6181276

That's because in civilized countries, waiters actually get paid reasonably and the tip really is just seen as a reward for good service.

>> No.6181289

Happened to a friend's sister. She went to a TGIF and happened to realize her credit card was over charged that night. They looked at the receipt the next day and they had scribbled in an amount on the receipt, even though she left a cash tip.

I always put a line through that spot when I leave a cash tip, but I always try to tip damn well enough to not have a problem.

>> No.6181316

Christ, is the service industry really that bad in America? It seems to me, that you are either treated like a slave by customers, or the workers will go out of their way to fuck with customers.

In my country, the service fee is already included in the price, so we don't really give a fuck if people don't tip, because we are already provided with good wage.

>> No.6181318

Dogg, they mean foreigners that come to the US. Nobody is mad that other countries have different standards.
But when you visit a foreign country you either adopt to their important cultural rules while you're there, or you're an asshole.