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File: 64 KB, 640x640, c266428993af4f36e87cf51962c64ad6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6164175 No.6164175 [Reply] [Original]

There's no beer thread so why not.
Anyone pick up anything good this week? I got a pack of Founders Imperial and pic related (2014 release though). Haven't opened any of them yet though.
Also got a 12 pack of Grainbelt. I'm happy with my decisions.

>> No.6164228

ugggh i really shouldnt
i wanna drop like forty bucks on pilsner urquell though
someone buy me a plane ticket to prauge so i dont have to play this ridiculous game anymore

>> No.6164289

Where do you live that it's that expensive?

>> No.6164295
File: 15 KB, 297x232, lasko_dark_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this good and cheap dark beer

>> No.6164394



>> No.6164409

You've never had a good lager? Sad.

>> No.6164561

Got the following in by cupboard

>Fullers ESB
>Fraziskaner Heffe-Weiss
>Thornbridge White Swan
>Kernel Moscaic Pale Ale
>Westmalle Dubbel
>Camden Town India-Helles-Lager
>Westbrook White Thai

What one should I drink?

>> No.6164587


>> No.6164597

Do the dubbel.

>> No.6164598
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>implying lager beer is not palatable and nice

>> No.6164627

>being retarded
Lagers are just beers that have been made with bottom fermenting yeast at lower temperatures. It is not one type of beer that is always the same. I guess you have never had a good dopplebock or one of Weihenstephan's lagers.

>> No.6164678
File: 62 KB, 600x600, IHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot about this thread; went for pic related. Really tasty actually, their stuff is generally really mediocre but this is v. good.

>> No.6164689
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Fuck wit' it.

>> No.6164692

Good standby. If there wasn't a cheaper local alternative, I'd get pabst

>> No.6164699
File: 52 KB, 620x310, 15575835-mmmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been drinking a lot of this lately. Delicious and affordable at 7.99/6pk

>> No.6164711

I'm hooked on the shit. I buy Kirin Ichiban when I can find it, though.

>> No.6164743

I wish it was that cheap in my area. There are great alternatives, but I'd really like to try this without having to commit to a 10.99 6 pack

>> No.6165816

I gotta get some of this year's Founders Imperial Stout.

I've got two bottles of last year's release. Haven't tried it fresh.

>> No.6165823

>$10.99 a 6 pack

Where the fuck are you from? 6 packs of Corona cost 10.99 here.

>> No.6165841

Where the fuck do you live? Canada?

$10.99 is extremely expensive for all but the top beers almost anywhere

>> No.6165859


6-packs in Australia cost upwards of $18-21.

>> No.6165901

oh man, thats awful

most of the very best beers in america don't even cost that much

>> No.6165986

you must live in one of them poofy big citys

>> No.6165993

>$10.99 is extremely expensive for all but the top beers almost anywhere
Excuse me, what? Unless you are talking about beer that it is brewed in the state you live in, you are going to spend around $10 - $13 on a six pack, maybe $9.99 if you are lucky. What do drink exactly? Thirty packs of PBR or exclusively beers brewed within a couple hours of you? Because other than that I don't know what you are doing getting beer so cheap that $11 six packs are expensive or commitments.

>> No.6166010

the vast majority of craft beer is in the $7-$10 per 6 pack range up here, a lot of breweries sell $9ish 4 packs of their top most limited releases or bombers at all sorts of different prices but the bulk is certainly not over $10

I wasn't the original poster though

>> No.6166014

Nigga what? I can get most 6 packs of decent to great beer for $7-$11. Only stuff like belgian trappist beer or specialty beers in 4 packs go for more than that.

>> No.6166026

Where exactly are you both from? NY here, i have never at any store seen prices like you are mentioning.

>> No.6166032
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>> No.6166041

Not OP, but NDfag here. I don't think I've ever seen a 6-pack cost more than $10 unless it was something super special or imported.

>> No.6166055

Must be nice. I have never even bought a six pack for less than about $10 before.

>> No.6166062

NJ. It depends on the liquor store though. Some are over priced.

>> No.6166103
File: 843 KB, 1296x2304, Polygamy Porter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this tonight. It's a local brew. I really like it, it's really really drinkable.

>> No.6166143

do you just live in a super expensive neighborhood?

>> No.6166553

MN reporting in. 7 - 10$ for better end stuff is normal. 10 - 13$ for limited released 4 or 6 packs.
Brown Shugga is 8.99 here

>> No.6166864

Not really, I am in NY right next to the NY/CT border. There are some rich neighborhoods around here, but I don't live in one.

Brown Shugga is between $12.99 and $13.99 at any of the liquor/beer stores here. Even something like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is $10.00. Really, all I can say is that I am not surprised beer is more expensive where I live. Hard liquor is too.

>> No.6166964

That sucks man. Do you like where you live at least?

>> No.6167349
File: 176 KB, 1600x1189, review-enjoy-by-ipa-stone-brewing-bloggers-of-beer_156067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally tried this from hearing the commotion about it. This stuff sells out quick in east coast.
mine was 2.14.15

I liked it a lot, hops have a crisp freshness that was really nice in the aftertaste

>> No.6167355

I don't buy very often.

A friend had me try this stuff called Heady Topper. It's pretty damn good beer I thought.

>> No.6167363

I'm in Ohio, and I hear that we have a ton of micros chasing after Great Lakes' success, so I'm probably not at a loss for cheap good beer, just at a loss for time, money, and/or caring about it.

>> No.6167367
File: 128 KB, 425x509, vasday-glass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite Imperial porter to date. probably top 3 favorite beers.
I saw it and knew nothing about it when I picked it up as a whim. not cheap at $15.00 for a 6 pack, but well worth it.
I haven't seen it since, and wish I could get more.

Coffee smell/flavor is upfront. Vanilla shows up better when the beer warms up.
10% but couldn't taste any alcohol.

>> No.6167375
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any homebrewers here?

>> No.6167526

I did when i was younger but not anymore. I am moving/transfering colleges this fall.

>> No.6167784

Good stuff. I had their Sculpin IPA the other day and was underwhelmed. I'm also not big on IPA's anymore so that could have been it. But yeah man that porter rules. Especially for only being what, 7.99 or something?

>> No.6167801

Looking to start again with my friend soon. Not sure what our first brew will be. I've only done an Irish red and a Pilsener. Both turned out okay.

>> No.6167848

>Victory at Sea
More like $15 or $16.

>> No.6167863

Really? Am I thinking of their baltic porter? I could've sworn it was cheaper than that.

>> No.6167943

I started off doing 1 gallon batches, then I knew I liked it enough to go for 5 gallon batches.
I got a Rye IPA going right now.
homebrewtalk.com is where i read up everything i need to know. they also have a lot of great recipes.

>> No.6167954

Start off with 1 gallon batches. They are easier to work with and take less time. Equipment is cheaper too.
If you like it enough go for 5 gallon batches
I use Homebrewtalk.com for any questions or to look up recipes

>> No.6168050

just opened a bottle of Brooklyn Black Ops, excuse, tastes buds exploding.

>> No.6168078

>Brooklyn Black Ops (2008 commercially available version) was aged for four months in bourbon barrels, bottled flat, and re-fermented in the bottle with Champagne yeast.
That sounds pretty great. I have only ever had Brooklyn's lager, but I am going to pick up Sorachi Ace and Black Chocolate stout soon. I have heard their Local 1 and 2 are great as well.

>> No.6168239
File: 1.21 MB, 2448x3264, DSC_0947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been on a bit of a Schneider Weisse binge lately so trying the Tap 6 Unser Aventinus. Pours a lovely caramel brown, usual citrus notes, banana peels and a gorgeously smooth mouthfeel

Sounds amazing. You tried their Cuveé Noire?

>> No.6168260

I've only ever had their hefeweizen. Been meaning to try their aventinus along with weihenstephaner's

>> No.6168364
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x1836, 1421982459898-487021092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this shit. It's pretty fuckin good.

First beer I've had that has little bits if dry hops floating around in it. This on is nice and cistrusy. Not too much bitterness.

>inb4 the desk

I'm in college. Last semester.

>> No.6168372

Haven't even heard of it.
Saving about half of it or so for tomorrow.
Just one glass was enough to make me love it as much as rochefort 10

>> No.6168387
File: 497 KB, 1200x600, GTIPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a few things this weeks. Starting with Stone's Green Tea IPA.
I can totally see someone else -loving- this. I am not this person. The hops up front were pleasant, but then GREEN TEA GREEN TEA GREEN TEA with major carbonation. It was a shock to my system.

>> No.6168406
File: 2.88 MB, 3072x2304, berlinerweiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried White Birch's Berliner Weiss next. It's a pretty good sour - but pretty good in a "this is very similar to every other Berliner Weiss Sour I have tasted this year." Dry, tart, and clean tasting. Basically a cider. I liked the bits of lemon and carbonation level on this one. Definitely recommend this to a new beer drinker or someone looking for a quality sour.

I'm told the have a Blueberry Berliner Weiss that is incredible. Going to try that soon.

>> No.6168417
File: 19 KB, 150x300, hopstitution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next was the newest offering from my favorite Brewery. Jack's Abbey's Hopstitution line of beer experiments with different locally sourced hops that can only be obtained in small quantities. The beer is always changing. The latest is Oil! I believe that it features hops especially strong in Oil!

Hate to say it, but this beer is fucking terrible. I have never tasted a beer - especially in an India Pale Lager style - that tasted so reminiscent of onions and vinegar. I thought I got a bad one at first, but I confirmed with a friend just how terrible this is.

I reccomend all the other's in the line. The one before this was Calyptra and BAM! before that. You can see what type of hop is used next to the expiration date - just stay away from Oil!.

>> No.6168418

Whoa, I really want to try this. I love tea, before I got into beer and whiskey and wine, and still to this day I have been extremely into loose tea from China and to a certain extent Japan.

>> No.6168436
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I can totally see myself loving this, hoping to see it out here soon so I can give it a try.

In the meantime, it's time to crack one of these open.

>> No.6170239

Bummer about Hopstitution. Jack's Abby is one of my favorite breweries too. I'm always a sucker for their Barrel Aged Framinghammer, and I really loved their Baby Maker.

>> No.6170341

probably on a crate or something

>dark beer
>imlpying that's a meaningful description

I had the aventinus eisbock, that was that shit, I really want the original too

>> No.6170355


Jack's Abby is fucking amazing. Hoponius Union is a world class beer.

Haven't tried the Hopstitution tho. I definitely did not like their "Session Beer" and their chocolate stout was so rich I literally drink a bottle in two sittings

it skunks if you look at funny i have to say tho.

>keep refrigerated
>not a lie

>> No.6170362
File: 100 KB, 574x410, brewery_ommegang_bottles_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everybody think of Ommegang? I bought a whole bunch of Ommegang, the Witte, Hennepin, Abbey Ale, and Rare Vos. They are all pretty good except for the Witte. It is really pretty underwhelming compared to the others, it just doesn't have much taste.

>> No.6170370
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Floridian here. An up-and-coming brewery called Coppertail did a collab with one of our well-established world-class breweries, Cigar City. They made an 11% ABV Russian Imperial Stout called Sabotage, which I bought but haven't tried yet. Definitely holding on to the bottle afterward.

>> No.6170381

Agreeing with these guys. I visit Jack's Abby pretty regularly and they are amazing. Mass Rising is my favorite that I can buy year round. I love nice clean American hoppy beers and it being a lager really adds something. Barrel Aged Framinghammer is the best though, just a little hard to get.

>> No.6170396
File: 455 KB, 1013x695, firesides-smoked-porter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drank this last night, it was wicked good.
Definitely warmed me up and the smokey flavor reminded me of a campfire. Good winter beer

>> No.6170401

Have you tried this? If you like your beer smokey this is definitely something to try out. I loved it.

>> No.6170404
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Son of a bitch

>> No.6170407

i have not tried that, but ill keep my eye out

>> No.6170418
File: 43 KB, 400x399, FourSmoked_Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch for this too. Good shit.

>> No.6170422

yay taxes

>> No.6170423

Aye. Though I've moved more to making fruit brandy batches. So far, breddy gud 10/10.

>> No.6170919
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, Yum Yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some of this today

>> No.6170925
File: 151 KB, 1024x682, hi-res-3027-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also some of this

>> No.6170929
File: 52 KB, 479x479, Central Waters BB Cherry Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and lastly some of this

>> No.6170937

oh man, I wanted to like the hi res but it's kind of like a ruined version of resin. like they had a meeting and said "the market wants MOAR hops, so we'll take something perfect and turn it up to 11"

>> No.6170965

I haven't tried it yet, its up next after this stout. I haven't had resin in a while though either
I generally like sixpoint though, one of the best East coast brewers that distributes over here

>> No.6170966
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>> No.6170967
File: 694 KB, 800x800, mahmoud awad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on with that box and label art? Looks like some mahmood awad sheik to the future shit.

>> No.6170974

Yeah, its weird as shit, but most Three Floyds labels are (though not to that extent)

I really liked the beer though, definitely an upgrade from their 'Pride and Joy' that had previously occupied that shelf space

>> No.6171000
File: 24 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lop2ymQ6zD1qmaqogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat upper midwest alcoholism
>dat cheap booze

>> No.6171017

Still the king of smoked beers, although I prefer the doppelbock.

>> No.6171038

Hellllll yea

>St. Louis
>15 years drinking
>still getting drunk for under $4

>> No.6171046

They swapped that out for the shatterproof kind at my store, now I feel like a pleb.

>> No.6171249
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20150124_010842:nopm:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My purchase this evening. Had an Arrogant Bastard Ale before that.

>> No.6171266

holy shit blast from the past

>> No.6172905
File: 53 KB, 250x927, beer_97034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having one of these right now, it's really good.
Got a couple Punk IPA's for later as well.

>> No.6172910

Didn't mean to quote, sorry.

>> No.6172924

Grats on the GOAT ipa, but for god's sake man, shave that beard and start over. You Abe Lincoln chinstrapped it by continuing to shave your mustache, which is universally cringe. Sorry, but it's good to hear this kind of thing anonymously.

>> No.6172931

Ok, so I ended up buying another bottle.
Saving it for the end of the semester.

>> No.6172932

>one hundred and twenty minute IPA
>massive neckbeard

beerfags lol

>> No.6172936

shave already and stop trying to look autistic.

>> No.6172956

Yeah dude you really need to shave. You look like someone who jerks off to cartoons

>> No.6172969


If my beard looks like his but with a moustache that almost connects and way more on the cheeks, is it okay? People like it but I never can tell with these things.

Got the ballast point indra kunindra stout and the Southbound reaper quad. More and more breweries are doing stuff with raspberries and I am extremely okay with this.

>> No.6172979

your beard needs to be on your chin, not your neck.

>> No.6173037

If it's actually a full beard then you look fine maybe

>> No.6173087

Are you fat and do you look like you live in your mom's basement? If yes, you probably look retarded. If no, then you're most likely good.

>> No.6173488

Drinking this now. Tastes and smells like drinking smoked gouda. Want to try the Urbock version too, but the liquor store only had the marzen.

>> No.6173859

I typically don't enjoy beer, but I enjoy liquor

Is there a beer I might like?

>> No.6173889
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>> No.6173893


Sam Adams Utopias. Bring money.

>> No.6173979

Sorry, I am Irish and hate shaving my fair skin. I shave the moustache because the girlfriend hates my moustache. Also, I like beard genetics, so yeah.... Fuck off with your shaving bullshit.

>> No.6173995
File: 53 KB, 541x604, LOLWUT_in_Russian-s541x604-164430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For craft beer it's 7-9 because bevmo club card. 11 for a coron six pack?, are you living in Hawaii? That's expensive

>> No.6174279

>I like beard genetics
Sucks that you don't have them. And if you don't like shaving down to the skin just use a pair of clippers on the lowest setting. That's what I do.

>> No.6175681

Not sure if you're still in this thread, and perhaps you can get it directly at the brewery, but Lord Hobo in Cambridge has Mass Rising on cask today.

>> No.6176673
File: 483 KB, 1200x1600, Murphy's_Irish_Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does stout taste like spit?

>> No.6176694

Because you have bad taste in everything

>> No.6176725

Because your bartender spits in your stout, you tosser.

>> No.6176748

Because your a two-bit bitch boy with no taste.

For tonight, Founders Breakfast, Yeti, or Ten Fidy? Ten Fidy is best but it's fucking expensive and I only have 2 left.

>> No.6176755

Ten Fidy in memory of moot

>> No.6176756

Damn that stuff is good. I pick some up each time I am in Utah. How is Provo Girl? I will probably be in Moab this summer and can't wait.

>> No.6176761

Fuck moot. But I think I'l do Ten FIdy for 'im anyway.

>> No.6176791

rochefort 10 is for plebs who dont know about st bernardus 12

>> No.6176803
File: 1.94 MB, 2448x3264, Victory at Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you've been drinking shit stouts.

Thinking of bustin' these out to fortify myself for the coming blizzard.

>> No.6177172
File: 245 KB, 371x300, ShockTopCorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These beers must be flavored with corn syrup, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6177240

picked up a silver 2012 eclipse (makers mark) last week, and a speedway stout this week. still have some BCBS stouts in the fridge that I'll be opening soon

>> No.6177273

attractive art and great abv i'll have to see if specs has it

>> No.6177332
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>> No.6177518


>> No.6177522

How was this?

>> No.6177643

Pilsner urquell is underwhelming.

>> No.6177795

i had a 4 pk of the 3 philosophers it was really really good. nice and rich

>> No.6178413

Hey yanky doodles.

I have a bottle of Sierra Nevada Celebration ale in the fridge, what should I expect?

fun fact: It cost me 4USD/bottle

>> No.6178745

Hoppy, citrus, drinkable. Good stuff. 4$ a bottle is crazy though.

>> No.6178769

Love them.

My favorite is the 3P, if you go to a big enough liquor store, they released a box set with 3P, Hennepin, and Art of Darkness, with a glass for $30 bucks.

>> No.6178850

I live like 3 hours away from the brewery, the store I go to has all of their currently available beer in pretty much every format, the gift pack included. I liked all of them except the Witte, which was just extremely underwhelming in pretty much every way.

>> No.6179021

Shocktop is owned by Anheuser-Busch, and it's competition is Blue moon which is owned by millercoors.

I don't really care for either anymore, you can definitely do better in terms of witbier/wheat beer in general.

Did you get a chance to try their seasonal, adoration? It's awesome.

Do you like witbier in general? I thought their witte was pretty spot on, though it definitely isn't as high up there as their other stuff. Light and zesty.

>> No.6179032

Honestly I am new to craft beer honestly, only been drinking it since this past summer, so I am not really super "familiar" with any styles. As for witte beer, definitely not. The only other wheat beer I have had was Lagunitas Little Sumpin which I thought was delicious, and craft beer aside, stuff like Blue Moon.

To me it just didn't have much flavor to it at all. Going to drink the last bottle of it tonight, along with the rest of the Ommegang beer I have left, a Hennepin and a Rare Vos.

>> No.6179193

Anyone else think Founders Breakfast Stout is horribly overrated?

I mean, it's definitley a great beer, but after tasting other beers like Ten Fidy, Bells Expedition Stout, and Evil Twin CEIANYCHTR, I think they're all much better.

FBS just tastes like coffee flavored beer to me now. There's so little of the other flavors aside from the coffee that it's just too much.

I don't like it as much as I did when I first started trying all different kinds of stouts.

Anyway, it's fucking blizzarding outside so I've got some Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout for tonight. Excited to drink something that's not 9%+ alcohol for once in a while.

>> No.6179237

Horribly? Nah.

It is a bit elated though, I'll give you that much.

Have you tried Left Hand Milk Stout?

I really enjoyed that, smooth and silky flavor, and it's not high in alcohol at all.

>> No.6180657

It's definitely overrated, but I also don't place it on the same level as Ten Fidy, Expedition, etc.
Founder's Imperial is definitely up there though and seems to get overshadowed by the Breakfast stout which is weird to me. Their Imperial is my favorite seasonal from them.

>> No.6180899
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Wanted big wave but we drank it all. This will do though.

>> No.6181156

It's not nearly as good imported. They do use some special bottles for long distance shipping, but getting it in and around the cz just gives you a better one.

Particularly from a draft.

>> No.6183182


poor man's founders breakfast stout

>> No.6183359


Are you guys all in Mass? I just wonder how far Jack's Abby is distributing.

Hopponius Union was my favorite beer. I could swear it's gotten lighter and cheaper, though.

>> No.6183405

>Founder's Imperial is definitely up there though and seems to get overshadowed by the Breakfast stout which is weird to me.
Fuck this. FIS is god-tier stout, a lot like Ten Fidy (Ten Fidy sets the bar for me, personally).

Anyway, I called my bottle shop today to see if they were open (Blizzard here in NY). The owner answered and told me he wasn't open, but that he came to shovel the snow and that if I could get there within 5 or 10 minutes he'd stick around to let me get whatever I wanted.

They didnt have what I was looking for, but something better!!! I've been wanting to try Heady Topper for a few years now, but I never made it up to Vermont to buy some. Today he told me that a friend of his dropped him off a 4-pack of HT. He'd already drank three of them, but he told me that he'd be getting a case in on Friday that no one knows about (he knows me from when I come in - we always chat).

Looks like I'm finally gunna get to try some Heady Topper on Friday. That dude is fucking awesome.

>> No.6183410
File: 13 KB, 425x305, mood fill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ like to do with their food mills? I've only used mine to make god tier mashed potatoes.

So what do you make?

>> No.6183415

god damnit

>> No.6183429


FIS is the shit, still have a couple bottles from last year's release set aside. And really, while FBS might be overrated, Founders seems to do stouts and porters really well.

>> No.6183442

They definitley do.

I currently have two bottles of FIS 2014 release.

Gotta get some of the 2015 release on Friday when I go to the shop.

>> No.6183608

I'm personally in Mass, but I heard they'll be distributing to Conn soon.

>> No.6183630
File: 81 KB, 500x720, Singha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried this today.
Think it's my go to cheap beer for home now. It was only $0.95 and pretty decent.

>> No.6183631

"Stella Artois, the original Singha."

>> No.6183638


>> No.6183742

He's saying Singha is like a shit replica of Stella Artois.

>> No.6183809
File: 151 KB, 370x640, Moloko Milk Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been too long since I've had Dogfish Head. I'd drink that and Three Floyds constantly. Can't wait to start my new job so I can finally afford some good beer. Pic related (not mine) is the most recent good thing I've had, and it's been months. Beer threads kill me, the cravings are too much.

>> No.6183831

Man, I am so jealous of the US craft beer scene. So much variety, all at literally half the price I'm paying for mediocre lagers in Aus.

Is craft beer actually prominent culture wise in the US? I run into probably 1 in 10 people who actually care about more than price, and even less who are enthusiastic about trying out new styles/brands.

>> No.6183847

CA and you are in the communist hellhole that is NY. Pro tip

>your beer sucks and city is shit
>Thin crust pizza is good though

>> No.6183891

>Grain Belt
Making me miss home you motherfucker

>> No.6184235

You're welcome! A Premium after mowing the lawn on a shitty humid as fuck day is the best. Makes me feel like a dad, minus the kid and mustache.

>> No.6184642

No need to be so confrontational and antagonistic there, anon. NY has Brooklyn, Ommegang, Sixpoint, and Southern Tier if you are just talking about big/well known breweries. Obviously that is not much compared to CA, you guys have a lot of good breweries, Stone, Sierra Nevada, Lagunitas, Ballast Point, Russian River, The Bruery, Firestone Walker, and more.

Having said that, it is incredibly stupid to only drink beer from your state, or to indiscriminately hate beer from specific states. I don't really see any reason for it. /ck/ is already full of US vs. Europe arguments, no need to start state vs. state arguments like those people forcing the flyover meme were trying to do.

Also, the thing about NY, or the New England Area, or the North East in general is that in any one of the states, you have easy access and reasonable pricing on the beer from all of the neighboring states, I am not going to list them all, obviously, but there is an insane amount of good beer produced in the North East.

>> No.6184700

I've only had the 3P from them and it's great. A nice rich and kind of malty flavor to it, and a good abv that doesn't overpower.

>> No.6184792

If you are a middle class 20-30 year old white male and hang out with middle class 20-30 year old white males, the chances are you are drinking craft beer unless we are talking about literal morons and stupid usless people like NEETS, or stoners and jocks who still act and dress like they are in high school.

>> No.6185106
File: 36 KB, 800x600, russkjie imperial stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain why people (usually those who champion IPAs) denounce imperial russian stouts as the most disgusting thing around?

all other things being equal, i'll take a stout over a hopped-up ale any day of the week.

>> No.6185141
File: 150 KB, 899x1600, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know they did. Although they are drastically different from each other. Some people just don't like specific things as much as other things. Personally I have never met any of these alleged "hopheads" or whatever who literally only drink IPAs and are awful, horrible people who are responsible for everything bad in the craft beer world like some people on /ck/ claim.

I like Imperial Stouts and huge hoppy IPAs, but now, since it is Winter and the Northeast just got hit by a blizzard, I personally would much prefer a big Imperial Stout over an IPA no questions asked.

I will be picking up pic related this weekend, haven't had it before.

>> No.6185366

Get the Fullers Golden Pride - like ESB except even better.

>> No.6185901

you take pictures of things like a woman.

>> No.6185924

Pick this up on sale toady after work. Already two in and I'm really enjoying it.

>> No.6185926
File: 200 KB, 1600x1144, Real Ale Hans Pils label S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.6186134

I'm drinking Yeti

Fuck, this shit is pretty damn good. I just fucking love imperial stouts. Def my favorite style of beer.

>> No.6186153

I've never had a Blanco beer (Real Ale™) that wasn't good.