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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 587 KB, 759x414, RIP Joey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6152027 No.6152027 [Reply] [Original]

New video, broeys!


>Fish Ole
>I'm going crazy

He's finally lost it, gang.

>> No.6152050

he lost it a long time ago

he's a morally bankrupt scumbag.

>> No.6152098
File: 52 KB, 630x414, joeys and arby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arby's official YouTube account is commenting on his vid. What the fuck?

>> No.6152134


He sold out.

>> No.6152179

>Arby's is this desperate they need to comment on some random fat dude's videos for recognition

>> No.6152193

God an Arby's close to me just up and closed a few months ago, I hope they're OK financially. They actually have some decent stuff.

>> No.6152252



>> No.6152323

What's this guy's deal?

Never got the appeal.

I'm not even sure he really has autism.

>> No.6152381

He's been pretty shitty lately but how can you not get the appeal of this?

>> No.6152392

That poor dude. I feel fucking sorry for him.

>> No.6152415

What the fuck is teamdaym?

>> No.6152428

So he's a retarded wop version of Daym drops? What the actual fuck is this guys deal rofl, I don't know what I'm watching. I suppose I chuckled a bit.

Also reviewbrah is best reviewer

>> No.6152441
File: 455 KB, 853x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've laughed myself into tears because of this video. Not that I think he's funny, just the absurdity of the whole thing.

>> No.6152537

Sure he's friendly and fun, but never forget this man is the personification of everything that is wrong with modern society.

This fat fuck is stuffing his face with burgers and chicken with glee while most of the world is living on a small portion of rice. People like this cost you money in gov taxes, you literally have to work harder to survive just so gluttonous people like Joey can exist.

Think about it.

If that doesn't make you angry, it should.

>> No.6152556

i was crying tears the first time i saw it, for the exact same reason. shits golden

>> No.6152563

it doesnt make me angry because im not an insufferable face fuck liek yourself

>> No.6152591
File: 21 KB, 342x341, ss+(2015-01-10+at+08.11.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its wrong to enjoy things because there are poor people

>> No.6152600

>says the guy with internet access with 3 hots and a cot
Are you going to start bitching about privilege too?

>> No.6152703


Piggy and disgusting.

>> No.6152709

Italians don't look like Joey, stop being fucking stupid. Not people FROM Italy anyway, just coat tailing Mexicans who liked Jersey Shore.

>> No.6152718

Arbys used to have literally the best chicken tenders of any fast food place and better than some actual restaurants. Now they just have generic ass tenders that taste like cardboard. Does anyone else remember how they used to be? Why/when did they change?

>> No.6152720

who's controlling the camera?


>> No.6152729

There is o appeal at all. He's not a funny fat guy, he's the annoying fat fuck. What's wrong with /ck/?

>> No.6152776


Sorry anon I don't see the appeal. Even watching him with the food makes the food a huge turn off. Pass.

>> No.6152777

>i would've been better off getting the 2 for $5 and giving the extra sandwich to a friend or something

classic joey is dead

>> No.6152808

This is a work of art. But then again I'm the kind of guy who laughs at 4chan shitposts.

>> No.6152818

trips confirm it. old joey is never coming back. ;_;

>> No.6152821

Utter shit.
He's lost it.

>> No.6152829

The children

>> No.6152856

Does Joey even have a video where he rates something low or doesn't like it?

>> No.6152877

Yeah, his life.

>> No.6152881

These are probably the two most well-known ones

>> No.6152886

/ck/ built him up and he then proceeded to turn his back on his true fans. When his video comments were 90% bullying, /ck/ turned the tide with positivity. Now most of the commentors praise Joey for his boring videos and it's gone to his head. He seems to fancy himself the Jonathan Gold of fast food-- all these lengthy and utterly boring monologues on whatever shit he's about to jam into his maw.

>> No.6152891

>decent stuff
kek. the only thing they have that is noteworthy are thier curly fries. the roast beef sandwiches are meh tier and everything else sucks.
that said I'm pretty sure they bought wendys not too long ago so I'm sure they're doing fine.

>> No.6152914

>those dreamy eyes

>> No.6152925


When someone accused him of selling out he brought in some team daym thug to make fun of the person who did it instead of disputing the accusation

>> No.6152933

Wait what?

>> No.6152964

>brioche video
>they obviously gave him someone else's order on accident
>Joey turns into a hateful shitlord, starts yelling and crying like a fat baby, insults mexicans

This is easily a low point for Joey. I'm surprised he still has that video up though. His current fans would be outraged at it.

Also it looks like Wendy's commented, but Joey never replied.

>> No.6152974

I was also crying from laughter when I first watched this video. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6152978

the triple stack/club stack is amazing

its ham and roast beef or turkey and roast beef+plus bacon, tons of both

its amazing

>> No.6152982

>it's a fish sandwich episode

no point in watching they all make them the same way

>> No.6152992

Reviewbrah saves the day.

>> No.6153033


>> No.6153041

Nowhere near his lowest point, Joey is an entertainer and that rant was entertaining as fuck

This is his low point

>> No.6153046

Is it still on the menu? I thought it was a limited time thing?
That's what I hate about a lot of these fast food places. They get really good "limited time" items and only have them for a month. Then they go back to their boring menu.

>> No.6153065

He looks like he's on tranquillisers in this video.

>> No.6153238

Thanks for commenting, 4chan! I am trying to make my videos reach more people, but I promise that the old Joe isn't going anywhere! Have a good weekend, WOO!

>> No.6153256

How can you prove it's actually you? Give us a hint outside of this site or piss off.

>> No.6153279

>3 hots and a cot
Military confirmed.
Well, we didn't always get 3 hots, more like 2 MREs and maybe a hot if we were lucky and no, we slept on the ground like soldiers do.

>> No.6153298
File: 534 KB, 763x444, 1421418620625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joey has posted here before under the name "Joey !xi8/JKFwzo" This must be his doppelgänger, Joe.

>> No.6153318
File: 27 KB, 447x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how fake his intro is what a fucking idiot. Someone email an Owl lover shelter or something and link them the vid of Joey having that owls home chopped down.

>> No.6153320

Fuck that fat cow LadyTrayce that comments on every sing one of Joeys video

>> No.6153329

Does anyone have the Joey yugioh cards from the last thread?

>> No.6153346


He has been posting here a lot, and also he posted on 4chan that he would shout out the broeys before he actually did in his New Years video

>> No.6153350 [DELETED] 

>be at Arby's
>see fish on the menu
>*internally "Um this place is known for shredded beef and horsey sauce, maybe chicken if you're pushing it"
>the fuck would I get fucking fish from fucking Arby's
>think about Joey in his fucking truck eating food in general
>throw up and walk out

Thanks op now please go walk into traffic for posting a god damn /joey/ thread. This fuck is quickly becoming the Paris Hilton of /ck/. Stop giving him attention and he will go away/die.

>> No.6153359

>be at Arby's
>Think about Arby's
>throw up and walk out

>> No.6153548

Fuck him, he's a sellout.

>> No.6153642

piss off fake joey

>> No.6153652

>implying joey posts on 4chan
The man can barely use a computer let alone post on 4chan with a tripcode.
Just look at how terrible his video editing is.

>> No.6153660

Good call.

>> No.6153677
File: 2 KB, 112x127, kermitwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joey potentially earns fast food restaurants millions of dollars from people craving the foods he happily engorges himself with

>just some fat guy

>> No.6153783

Came for the chin sack, stayed for the fattie wheezing.

>> No.6153795

Lets be honest, /ck/ has never built anything. All we do is look at candy pics and argue about burgers/pizza and fine dining.

>> No.6153796


>> No.6154686

Page 6 of /ck/

Rest in shit corporate sell out joe

>> No.6155312

now its page eins!

>> No.6156368
File: 471 KB, 600x674, Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 2.11.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Joey's reviews with Ken are the last time we will ever see him truly happy


>> No.6156796

Okay, let's start taking bets now

Will Joey's Monday video be a dud or a return to form, or somewhere in between?

Also, what's the over/under on Joey including a tasteful tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.?

>> No.6156836

When is this dude gonna film himself having a heart attack?

>> No.6156868


more like tfw he realizes Ken will never comment on every single video like he used to

>> No.6156870


Fried chicken?

>> No.6156975


Monday review is up

fuck this shit

>> No.6156994

>that lackluster "I'm back"
We lost him gang. Shows over, everyone go home.

>> No.6157008
File: 373 KB, 619x466, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought watching Joey go off the rails would be more entertaining than this.

>> No.6157011

>not a review of some sort of fried chicken dish

Come on Joey, you had one job today.

>> No.6157026
File: 13 KB, 794x138, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joey is messing with us.

>> No.6157027

My favorite part of new Joey is that he still asks people to subscribe

Like does he just think people are out there sharing videos of a sad fat Mexican calmly eating food in his car?

>> No.6157181


What a fucking retard.

*rips broey tag off of chest and urinates on it*

Back the fuck off?!?!????

>> No.6157203

Evereyone knows it's susscribe

>> No.6157267

Good lord serious Joey is uncomfortable
>"this is uhhh Denny's California uhhh avocado"
>"please tweet your aaah questions to joey's aaah world tour"

I feel bad for him every time I watch these new videos. Like once Joey is done recording he starts breaking down in tears or something. Fuck this is awful, gang.

>> No.6157276

Either he's being serious there and thinks he can cure his depression with burgers and we'll have Old Joey byack, or he's just stringing along his old fans while he sells out and tries to appease #TeamPleb and New Joey is forever.

>> No.6157285

I feel like I've been on here too long because I cannot tell if the Joey appreciation is ironic or not. I'm falling behind the times.

>> No.6157323

Still better than that horrible nutella video, holly fuck you know which video I mean.

>> No.6157339

Why do i feel so disgusted watching this fat guy eat food on the camere like he has no shame?

His fat head maked me want to puke while he is chewing his food.

>> No.6157356

>it's all there

>> No.6157363

It takes some 'social media intern'/marketer 2 minutes to bang out that comment, by posting stuff on relevant videos, it could be a great value for exposure when compared with traditional online ads.

>> No.6157537

New Joe is just a boring pussy. No other way to say it.

>Denny's has two skillets to choose from: the Cowboy Meat Lover's skillet or the janky, princess egg white skillet
>He goes with the egg white one because it's the "safer" option with his youtubers

Hopefully his balls will drop once he loses another 500 pounds.

>> No.6157576

Joey's reviews fucking suck now. Why should I watch him over someone like daym or that bald guy? Shitposters ruin fucking everything.

>> No.6157577

Why should he feel sorry because he's more fortunate than someone across the world. Fuck off tumblrfag.

>> No.6157580

Can you guys imagine the cringe worthy things Joey says during sex? I wonder if he does a "WOOO WOOOO WOOO" when he cums.

>> No.6159456

Listen to just the audio of the nutella video

That's what Joey sounds like during sex

I wonder if Joey has a valentine yet

>> No.6160262
File: 356 KB, 1304x892, fb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160746
File: 19 KB, 584x229, broey_enemy_number_one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Lady Trayce. I remember her bitching back when Old Joey was around about how he should calm down, and now here she is, coaxing Joey to become a lifeless shell of man.

>> No.6160762

I thought I was the only one who knew...

This bitch needs to GTFO.

>> No.6160777

wake up m8 this cunt is a wizard

>> No.6160799

>women youtubers are turning Joey effeminate

What a fucking surprise.

Remember when he gets the wrong burger and calls it a stupid small princess burger? New Joey would probably give it a 8/10:


>> No.6160843

obesefag here, joey probably has a wicked case of ED. with high blood pressure and extra estrogen from all the fat on me it's hard to sustain an erection

>> No.6160876
File: 24 KB, 609x282, thiskillsthejoey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, the fucking hershey bar review

>> No.6160880

>joey's a cuck
no surprise there.

>> No.6160899

Yeah I think he's a wizard. I sorta still have my sense magic as a former wizard, so I'm good at picking them out. Joe still lives in his childhood room too at his mother's house.

I can't hate him for that (just for his shitty New Joey reviews) but to me it seems like he'd have a nice home in /r9k/.

>> No.6160906

why is he always in his car?

>> No.6160956

nah gang, he's probable eiffel towered a chick with Guy Fieri

>> No.6161076

>no "Joey's World Tour" tshirt
>no poster of ken in the background
>no book of subscribers on his desk
5/10 needs work

>> No.6161115


>> No.6161433

I can't find it so it was probably taken down

Someone accused Joey of selling out and Beer Drank Shawty came in and told them Team Daym was just a group of people who liked food and not the illuminati or something.

>> No.6161465

because he can't fit out the door. he's stuck in there

>> No.6161483


is this art?

>> No.6161503

fucking faggot "joeeeeee" thinks he is someone now. Little fat bitch changes everything to be liked by a fat wiccan bitch. I hope they both choke to death

>> No.6161543


>infamous hershy video
>"great review"
> Review.

This bitch is either an evil genius or a startling dumbfuck

>> No.6161657

Wendy's bought a minority stake in Arby's. Arby's can't afford to buy shit.

>> No.6162617

Different person, but no, it's not wrong, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be putting people like joey down. It's not about right and wrong, it's about creating a better human race.

>> No.6163163

Wednesday's video - are things looking up, gang?


>> No.6163173
File: 488 KB, 843x469, Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 11.20.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If LadyTrayce says anything about the woos or Joey being more positive we need to thumb her down pretty quickly. Joey's a cuck and will do whatever she says

>> No.6163208
File: 121 KB, 250x418, 1377732681554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the look of disinterest on his face afterwards

this isnt the joey i know

>> No.6163243

Christ the clubbing of his fingers. He'll be dead in a year or two.

>> No.6163293

Shameless display of gluttony delivered under the guise of being a "review"

I sincerely hope he purges after every "review", on second thought i'm almost certain he must since no human being could eat these items every single day for years without suffering severe or even fatal side effects.

For those of you that would accuse him of still living with his Mother, he most certainly does not because if he did he wouldn't consider all these things to taste so good if he had Moms home-cooking everyday.

>> No.6163340
File: 1.10 MB, 891x1029, 262727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man its better than the "hey everyone its Joeeeee" bullshit. Maybe he'll get back there at some point

>> No.6163361

Is it weird I went from thinking this guy is a complete fuck up weirdo who actually hurt my eyes to watch to eventually subscribing and then to eventually checking his channel for new vids before they are even out? What the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.6163382

>tfw you find old gems digging through his older videos


You did it Joey... you did it.

>> No.6163433


>> No.6163454

iktfb - I love this one, not that old but its one of my favorites I've found recently. I need more reviews of him giving poor ratings or ones that don't swing.


>> No.6163548

>it's not wrong but it's wrong

>> No.6163550

>For those of you that would accuse him of still living with his Mother

But he does. In an old video from 2013 he mentions bringing extra food home to his mom (southwest chicken Mcwrap). In the videos where he reviews from his room it's always the same room, and you can hear his mom making noise in the other rooms coughing and such. It's his old childhood room.

Joey is just a family-oriented guy.

>> No.6164437
File: 405 KB, 640x960, RipinpiecesJoey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that I'm Beyack was so forced.

I'm unsubbing and disliking his videos from now on.

I've been subbed since the early days... I stuck around for his wacky freak show appeal.

now he's sold out.

>> No.6164451

I was hoping there would be a romance between the two. Joey needs love. He needs a good woman, even if she's fat, to support him and make him feel good about himself. Sadly, she said she was happily married.

>> No.6164758
File: 18 KB, 623x161, fat_cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6164781

Down vote that bitch into oblivion.

>> No.6164796

Christ you're autistic.

>> No.6164977

Wow this bitch is the anti-Broey. He is gonna have to pick sides. One loyal cunt who comments on all his videos or a legion of funposters ready to defend him against the redditors and trolls of YouTube?

>> No.6164993

I fucking knew it

She gave me shit about trying to egg Joey into eating nacho cheese out of a jar with his bare hands. Joey would become an instant celebrity and national hero overnight, and he wouldn't have to live with his mom anymore. This bitch only pretends to want what's best for Joey, not what's actually best for him.

>> No.6165149
File: 23 KB, 585x114, tendies joey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Joey is a fan of tendies?

>> No.6165206


This bitch needs to be silenced. I hope joey will listen to the comments exposing her for what she is and will come to his senses.

>> No.6165261
File: 12 KB, 432x494, 1271713645149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q&A video next sunday

not THIS i gotta see ...

>> No.6165419

LadyTrayce must be some cu/ck/ trying to sabotage /broey/, there's no other explanation.

>> No.6165512

If you are a legitimate broey, it is your patriotic duty to downvote ladytrace and leave a comment against her. Dont be obnoxiously rude tho, that will frighten Joey.

>> No.6165590

joey hates burger king. does he give them any good reviews?

>> No.6165626

If you watch that one video of Joey freaking out about receiving the wrong sandwich from Wendy's, you might think that the restaurant messed up and his anger is justified.

But if you watch the more recent video where you actually see him go through the drive thru at Wendy's, you can see that even though he probably goes there quite often, he still doesn't know how to properly order their food and is actually confused until he bites into the sandwich itself.

So it is my theory that in the original video, Joey's anger toward the Wendy's and eventually toward Mexicans in general, is unwarranted. He almost undoubtedly ordered the wrong thing and didn't realize, and ended up blaming the restaurants/Mexicans.

>> No.6165829
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>> No.6165886
File: 1.85 MB, 429x208, 1420592471067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't this fat fuck have a wife?

>> No.6166216


Of course not.

He's homosexual. And I'm not saying that ironically.

The reason he went off the rails was because Ken rejected his advances.

>> No.6166251


That was actually a funny comment!

Please TWEET TWEET your comments by Friday for my AMA video !

>> No.6166286


Things are definitely looking up gyang! Someone needs to assassinate lady trace before she completely ruins everything for the Broeys.
Seriously fuck that PC bitch trying to mould joey she would much rather have joeeeee. I hope she chokes on dicks.

>> No.6166508
File: 34 KB, 435x277, soldier-shouting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Operation WOO is unfolding smoothly, we need more infantrymen to leave supportive comments and I am calling in a pair of tanks to deliver two strikes against LadyTrayce. We need two more comments calling her out, an addition to a slew of comments supporting Joey in staying true to his silly, lovable self.

This is the greatest battle we have heretofore faced. Descend upon the enemy with the vociferous hunger demonstrated by our Lord in his QuadrupleDown video!


>> No.6166565

I'm 90% sure Joey has a learning disability. I have a family member with memory issues, and he uses notes in the same manner Joey does.

In that particular video it's really bad; Joey even calls it "The Brioche Wendy's Brioche" at one point. But yeah Joey most likely fucked up the order himself.

>> No.6167146
File: 77 KB, 395x432, the anti joey is upon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a troll or a real person?

>> No.6167153

Nah, he probably just blanks the moment the camera is turned on.

>> No.6167159
File: 10 KB, 318x329, 1415112957351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god i hate her so much

>> No.6167168

I'd be really surprised if he didn't

I mean, a professional chef not knowing the words for a cutting board or paper towels? I can't believe it.

>> No.6167181

lol who cares about africans? go be a social media activist somewhere else.

>> No.6167294
File: 296 KB, 710x367, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a self-important cunt

Joey never would've become the celebrity he is today if he was taking advice from her all along.

>> No.6167317

I honestly doubt the validity of the claims of him being a professional chef. There are a lot of giveaways in his videos, but the one that got me the most was when he opened a container of blackened ranch sauce from Popeyes and expected it to be black. The fuck? most people that arent even culinary experts know what blackened is...

I think Joey is just a rando dude that works some shitty line cook job for some cheapass catering company who has a big appetite for fast food.

I'm not talking shit, because I like the guy, but calling him a professional chef when he has the palate and expectations of a five year old is just absurd.

>> No.6167323


>> No.6167335

You're aware that people sometimes people lie on the internet right? And that not everything on the internet is true?


>> No.6167340

You're aware that sometimes people lie right? And that not everything you read on the internet is true?

Joey's story doesnt add up, and it doesnt fit with his lifestyle and habits.

Again, not talking shit, just saying..

woowoowoowoowoowoooooo animal style gyaaaaang

>> No.6167352

Was he really on Tosh.0?

what episode/link

>> No.6167370

Hey, all I did was a post a link.

They all look like chains to me. I've worked in places like that, and the managers are all incredibly dumb. Incompetent, even. Regardless, they've somehow managed to learn how to fill out internal papers, work the cash register, do inventory, etc. No one else knows how to do it.

Joey strikes me as having a squeaky clean criminal background. He's old, fat, experienced, and they can trust him. He's exactly the kind of guy you find working these jobs.

>> No.6167401

calm down you butthurt pussy

that's joey's linkedin profile, whether you like it or not.

>> No.6167404

read >>6167401

>> No.6167440

He was but I have yet to find a link to a video.

>> No.6167844

Here you go

>> No.6168144
File: 3.04 MB, 640x360, 1421283695159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Joey objectively the most patrician YouTube food critic?

>> No.6168164

Why didn't they just play it uninterrupted?

Tosh is a hack. That Chris Christie joke was pretty decent though

>> No.6168264
File: 141 KB, 367x347, 1418964451626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird, I initially started watching his videos ironically. Gradually I continued watching while being disgusted and fascinated at the same time. Now I think Joey's in a state of post-irony where I genuinely love his older videos and hate the fact that he's toned it down as of late. Shit's magic yo.

>> No.6168421

>She blew /ck/ the fuck out

She's not wrong either. You fags just make these threads to laugh at this poor guy.

>> No.6168477
File: 455 KB, 459x680, 1416091224941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how anyone could argue

Old Joey's food reviews were actually quite experimental. No details, no analysis, no perspective, just him botching the name of the whatever he was eating, shoveling it into his mouth and saying whether he liked it or not, with silly noises and ramblings generously sprinkled in.
I mean, look at the ratio of likes to dislikes on his KFC Boneless Chicken review. All of the true innovators were never popular during their own time. Bravo Joey.

>> No.6168578

Could we get joey to apply for Hell's Kitchen?

>> No.6168587

Robert Dyer is, but Joey is close.

>> No.6168592


Friday review is up

Remember: Thumbs down LadyTrayce

>> No.6168624


Hmmm we got a few woo's and a couple silly comments, but he's still very subdued compared to what we know he can be like. Keep the heat on LadyTrace and we might get our old friend back...

>> No.6168656
File: 338 KB, 622x466, Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 12.34.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby steps anon

I think a lot his restraint comes from him being at home and not disturbing his ill mother (I think you can hear her having an outburst at 4:12)

Also, look at that bruise. Who has Joey been punching?
I think we may need to revisit the theory that Joey is the Zodiac

>> No.6168748

Start marking LadyTrayce's comments as spam

>> No.6168804

>I think we may need to revisit the theory that Joey is the Zodiac

This is not far from the realm of possibility.

Well done gyang, the friday review shows signs of success but we must maintain surpressing fire upon ladytrayce and team damn nigger minions.

>> No.6168854


"LadyTrayce1 hour ago
>Severe obesity does that to a person. Almost anything you do is exertion and more difficult to achieve with so much weight. Even eating itself. It will improve and ultimately disappear as Joey works on his weight loss journey. "

She hasn't posted a comment of her own yet, just a response to someone else's.

>> No.6168863

Yeah, fuck daym drops - can that guy possibly act any more niggerish and annoying? I wonder if he acts like that outside of his videos.

>> No.6168877

I live in CT, the state he's from. Trust me, the city he lives in, New Britain, is niggerdom like you've never seen it.

>> No.6168912

>I think Joey is just a rando dude that works some shitty line cook job for some cheapass catering company who has a big appetite for fast food.


I think he's in his work uniform in this video. It's probably been his current job for a while according to his linkdin.

I'm still sure he's good at what he does though. Most of the time fat cooks/chef tend to make awesome food (they're fat as fuck for a reason).

>> No.6169112

You do, not us.

>> No.6169308

This. A thousand times this.

>> No.6169415

Do any of you find his reviews useful?

I sure as fuck do not, and i don't see how anybody could.

There is no substance in his videos.

Entertainment wise, all you have is a fat guy eating a burger, with a few corny jokes thrown in. There's nothing special here. Fat people eat burgers all the time, only difference is Joey decided to grace us all with video of him doing so.

>> No.6169625
File: 54 KB, 575x464, joey_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, that's why he shouldn't try to improve his reviews with the advice people like LadyTrayce give him. That's not why people go to Joey's channel.

Everyone has to carve out a niche for themselves these days on YouTube. Joey had one, but he's been unknowingly moving away from it simply by listening to his feedback.

Not to sound like a hipster, but he was better when he wasn't as popular back when he had his little notebook of hand written subscriber names and was just some fat guy eatin food in his car.

Now that he's met up with Ken and taken part in Daym's videos he's trying all the dumb shit that YouTubers do like asking questions for us to put in the comments and putting music in it and shit... all the TOP 10 PROVEN YOUTUBE ANALYTIC TRICKS TO INCREASE YOUR SNOOBLY WOOBLY styled garbage that no one wants to see.

I miss old Joey. I hope he does the nacho cheese challenge and returns in full force.

>> No.6169651

jesus christ joey's voice sounds like someone signalling from a bugle

>> No.6169684

If I'm heading out to get some fast food I usually do a quick check to see which items he's reviewed already. Have yet to try the Meat Mountain from Arby's. Seems like it's just too much meat, ya know.

>> No.6170051
File: 634 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-01-23-12-06-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this? I think he should stick to reviews and challenges


>> No.6170064

LMAO, use to post his videos on here more than a year ago expecting /ck/ to love it, unfortunately I guess it was too soon?....so glad his videos finally caught on here now though. He is like a fat, more obnoxious real life Micheal Scott

>> No.6170066
File: 529 KB, 1043x1600, bcec353006d2ee79f80cfeed16977fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool story bro, tell it again

>> No.6170072

why would I do that, cant you just reread my post?!

>> No.6170338

Did you guys scare off LadyTrayce? She's usually one of the first commenters on his videos.

>> No.6170372


Operation WOO is in full force, ladytrayce would be a fool to try to tackle the IBTO (international broey treaty organization) alone.

>> No.6170379

watch this at 0.5 speed

>> No.6170454


Depression: the picture

>> No.6170530


I hope so! I was the comment on the SONIC Lil' Doggies REVIEW. This is what I wrote

>Everytime she comments she has to negate the fact that the majority of Joey's loyal followers prefer him to be HIMSELF. He has no reason to be just like everyone else and fade in the background, he stands out with his individuality with the "WOO's," "Gang," "I'm BAAACK!" and the sheer delight he has in making a FUN video. You are a cancer on the Joey we all first experienced and loved. You can see how badly he wants to let loose and have fun and be the Joey he wants to be. If you are a true Joey fan you would embrace his old ORIGINAL self and not try to influence the subdued monotony you clearly want to see. It makes me wonder why you ever became a Joey fan in the first place.

>> No.6170541

I hate that stupid cunt

>> No.6170578

Joey isn't a fucking wop, you idiot.
He's a spic.

>> No.6170744

LadyTrayce is getting btfo in every comment she posts
/broey/ should be proud of itself

>> No.6170760


We have to be careful. Joey obviously likes her and places a lot of stock into her opinion. If we are too rabid we risk alienating Joey

>> No.6170781

I'd not sure I'd say she's right, she's saying he has nobody to answer to but himself while expecting him to answer to her with comments about 'remembering about his reputation' and shit like that. That's classic doublespeak.

>> No.6170901

fuck that stupid cunt

>> No.6171127

Reminder, flag everything she posts as spam. Fuck her! I want the real Joey back!

>> No.6172627

Who else is hyped for the Q&A video?

I bet Joey is going to pre-write all of his answers and read them off index cards

>> No.6172805

What the fuck does this guy even do for a living

>> No.6172818

Ive watched like 5 reviews by this guy. Does he ever say anything about the food he reviews?

>> No.6172824

*anything bad

>> No.6172845



>> No.6172888

>it's not half chicken half something else
>it's all chicken
>it's got a lot of chicken

>niggers getting your fucking order wrong
truly reason number 1 against slavery

>> No.6172913


>> No.6172918

watching him rage about his order getting mixed up was literally the funniest thing ive seen all year.

>> No.6172962

is this kid autistic or just sheltered

>> No.6173051

Or we could have one of us make a fake YouTube account as a hot chick and comment on every video encouraging the wacky behavior

>> No.6173074

What makes you think there aren't attractive female broeys?

>> No.6173092

There might be but none of them are encouraging his wacky behavior like that other cunt trys to coach him into being "normal"

>> No.6173132


I saw this on air once. I was so fucking excited because I only watch Tosh.0 when there's nothing else on and I want to eat in front of the TV.

>> No.6173207

How the hell did you manage to eat while watching that?

>> No.6173211
File: 109 KB, 689x689, Tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /broey/ smash?

>> No.6173216
File: 10 KB, 224x225, 10801927_590666904412507_6092639351336854403_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not?

>> No.6173236

For some reason I feel this is a troll account. Something looks quasi-retarded about that pic and it's hilarious.

>> No.6173680

I'd smash her face into a Quadrupledown, then smack her with a Fishzilla. WOOWOOWOOWOO!

>> No.6173681

I've looked at her profile and other videos she's commented on and "like'd" It's a real account from what I can tell. Go to her profile page and click videos, it will show the one's she like's. Bitch is retarded.

>> No.6173756

>its really juicy

does this land whale only eat fast food?

>> No.6173760

>land whale
go fuck yourself

>> No.6173762

>arbys fish sandwich

When will he realize he is an hero time?

>> No.6173773
File: 8 KB, 252x200, newjoeyvideoincoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying hes not a land whale?

Are you easily rustled? fatty?

>> No.6173790

When is the Q&A supposed to be posted?

Did anyone here ask him anything??

>> No.6173895

Joey's Q&A will probably be uploaded whenever his vlogs are

>> No.6173907

>having questions about fast food

Why dont you just find any amerifat to ask about fast food?

>> No.6174008

nigga, the Arbys fish sandwich is an easy 8/10. That shit is good. only worth it when they have the 2 for $5 special though.

>> No.6174595


We need a female cu/ck/ to rival her and tell him that he is doing good with the Wooos and byaaaacks

>> No.6175202

I just unsubscribed from him.
I never realized how fucking fat and disgusting he was until I saw his food challenge videos.
He can't take more than one bite of anything without having a seizure and fucking puking everywhere, jesus fucking christ.
And he's so short and huge too, i expected him to be taller and not as fucking fat in the middle.
Anyway, this is Broey #anon signing off for good, fuck this fatass

>> No.6175493

Hate to break this to you anon, but you were never a true Broey

>> No.6175571
File: 187 KB, 750x1053, dinner magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were Joey's therapist, how would you help him?

>> No.6175576

I have never managed to watch the nutella video in full.

Should I try it? Is it worth it?

>> No.6175596

Joey is a fucking faggot

This is how you eat Nutella

>> No.6176163

you gotta watch the /fit/ version of it if you are going to.

>> No.6176345

The only good Youtube food reviewers are James Norton (Supertaster Daily) and TheReportOfTheWeek

James doesn't do reviews anymore since he left Chow.com, but his channel is still up ;_;7

>> No.6176546
File: 438 KB, 848x457, Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 9.00.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, he actually did it
Q&A is up

>> No.6176562


At first I thought this was Hugo Chavez

>> No.6176567

About 4 and a half minutes in

Joey admits that his monkey style review is the best


>> No.6176589

>That Brando impression

Fucking nailed it

>> No.6176591

He ends on a fucking Broey shoutout and said he's open to the nacho cheese challenge

Goddamn I love this man

>> No.6176596
File: 72 KB, 200x200, 1340689422170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny how he grows on you. I came across his channel long before /ck/ knew about him and found him to be annoying. But you kinda learn to appreciate his brand of humor.

Also, he's crying for help in his videos in case none of you nigs have caught on.

>> No.6176616


I will never in my life understand the appeal on this man. His videos are annoying, disgusting and it's obvious he has some deep psychological issues that cause him to eat like this. His only source of happiness comes from food and it will kill him sooner or later.

>> No.6176683

Yeah, you were never a true Broey. Go watch you some Nigger Drops instead

>> No.6176702

>are you a broey?
i am the truest broey. i pushed him to answer the question we all wanted to know most.

>> No.6176719

based anon

I know you're reading this Joey
All of your haters here aren't true Broeys, just know that

>> No.6176747

wasn't he doing cigarette reviews? Or do all white people look the same?

>> No.6176772

I wonder how Joey feels about how Ken from KBD Fagduckshit stopped commenting on every single one of his videos after the collaboration video... top kek

>> No.6176774


yep. the only race that actually have different colored eyes and hair all look the same. stay mad

>> No.6176794
File: 166 KB, 1100x1372, giada-de-laurentiis-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuuuuuug everyone needs to tell him to do nacho challenge

>> No.6176817

Thanks broeys for the QnA! Stay tuned for some sexy recepies for Valentine's day!

>> No.6176838


Wear something sexy to match the theme!

>> No.6176856
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>> No.6176857
File: 52 KB, 591x443, QekA5vbjEbyPv5UWzZWTakCXka1K3XC-emgqtDJPUoCCyltkjocwTUilT3HVC53PpmZhueyzk0wuc719em99WsaarRu2Acp89qBPNvqIZk2NApl7jQ=w591-h443-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how old is joey? I always assumed he was in his mid to late 30s then he said he started cooking in 1989 so i figured he was in his early 40s then he said the first record that he bought was rain drops keep falling on my head on a 45 single...this motherfucker is an ageless food vampire i bet his first car was a brand new ford model T

>> No.6176946

No LadyTrayce comments so far

Operation Woo is going way better than I thought it would

>> No.6176956

So how do we get Giada to fuck Joey gyang? She's divorced now. should we flood her twitter with Joey related stuff?

>> No.6177000
File: 338 KB, 640x300, 9ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joey mentions "sexy cooking videos" in time for Valentine's Day
>mental image of a video with Joey baking cookies naked and wearing only an apron

>> No.6177005

>both a moot Q&A and Joey Q&A in the same week
so based

>> No.6177025

>Mission College
oh shit my nigga that's local to me.
Where does he live right now broeys? I could hand deliver our future holiday cards

>> No.6177036

Pretty sure he lives in San Jose

>> No.6177100

>women ruining everything as usual

>> No.6177150
File: 404 KB, 853x468, 1415577453287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Operation Joey's Handmade White Sauce is a go

>> No.6177197
File: 1.98 MB, 250x187, 1412989887037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed and then I cried

>> No.6177222
File: 42 KB, 354x573, 1414617552976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/r9k/ you fruitcake

>> No.6177350
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>someone asked him if he had a reason to live

>> No.6177438

I was pissed he didn't say Star Wars.

>> No.6177533

His QnA made me feel quite comfy. He seems happy. I never though I would see the day but is Joey 'Iambyack???

>> No.6177539
File: 12 KB, 265x265, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the autism in that bald speccy twat is unbearable. His Monkey Island theme intro hold nothing against Joeys Crackdown intro music.

>> No.6177565
File: 27 KB, 380x250, 1353879001638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6177579

why does he do the "cali surfer" accent when he talks about us?

>> No.6177595


>> No.6177652

I don't even understand who this man is or what he does, but if he genuinely enjoyed the sandwhich and Arby's was like "hey thanks for liking the sandwhich, here's some money" then please explain to me why this is an issue. I thought being a sellout was when you compromised your moral integrity for money, but I don't think that's what is happening here.

Maybe it's because I'm poor. I'd love for my favorite fast food joint to pay me to express how I already feel about it. Had this guy said something like "I don't Arby's for X reason," then he'd be a sellout for this. As far as I can tell this dude has nothing but videos of him eating food.

>> No.6177665

he actually gave us a shoutout. i feel kinda starstruck

>> No.6177820

Who's that chick he talks about?

>> No.6177893
File: 100 KB, 1100x618, tumblr_n77yi1nuoA1rlxc3wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giada De Laurentiis

New to cooking, are we?

>> No.6177895


she's basically a slightly more ambitious version of sandra lee

>> No.6177927

Also far less drunk

>> No.6177930
File: 128 KB, 579x523, 1408354966124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw raindrops have been falling on Joey's head since he was a child

>> No.6178002


>> No.6178006

I spy a budding romance

aw shit

>> No.6178008

I said New Joey
like this

Nice reading comprehension

>> No.6178034

>which came first, ranch or cool ranch?

omg a Dilbert 2 reference. Amazing.

>> No.6178165
File: 1.33 MB, 392x400, 1421446603640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that spam her Twitter to get her to fuck me pretty please

>> No.6179597

i was the one who got the shoutout. jealous, other lesser-tier broeys?

>> No.6180245
File: 1.14 MB, 1432x810, Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 11.26.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday review is up, Broeys!

>> No.6180265

Did he jizz himself eating that burger or what?
Why does he keep calling it a sexy burger?

>> No.6180272



>> No.6180288

Hmmm. He seems sexually excited when talking about truffle oil.

>> No.6180305

This was one of his more painful videos to watch.

>> No.6180344
File: 89 KB, 679x657, 1408321916419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joey's sudden obsession with saying sex and sexy

>> No.6180360

It'll continue until Operation Joey's Handmade White Truffle Oil is accomplished

Spam Giada's twitter with Joey until she bangs him

>> No.6180394

joey sounds like he hasnt fapped in a while

>> No.6180463

someone count how many times he says sexy in this video

>> No.6180471

Probably can't find his dong.

>> No.6180475

Source and link to this video?

>> No.6180480


They call him "Jumbo" Joe for a reason

>> No.6180573

Our old Joey is returning, gyang!

>> No.6180647


>> No.6180987

Correct food 10/10
Wrong food 0/10
Not a hard man to please

>> No.6181086
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>> No.6181705

Not entirely

He'll dock points for misleading advertising

>> No.6182020
File: 34 KB, 852x467, joey_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the only time joey every docks points is when he doesnt want to get shit for giving everything a 5/5 or 10/10/ i've watched him sit there and rave about whatever it is he's eating for 8 minutes straight and then at the end act like he has to think about it and gives it an 8/10 when you know he fucking loved it.

>> No.6182232
File: 485 KB, 392x300, 1397103601803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posy yfw Operation Woo was a complete success

>> No.6182341


>earns fast food restaurants millions of dollars

No, flat no.

>> No.6182469
File: 19 KB, 400x388, 1324249370769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no matter how successful Operation Woo was we'll never get another Monkey Style-tier video

>> No.6182590

tbh I'm impressed he seems a lot more intelligent than I expected.

>> No.6182594

Yeah, I wonder how many of his haters have worked with Michelin starred chefs

>> No.6182711

Fillet-of-fishzilla is his best video, right gyang? He's in whole nother mental state in that one even.

>> No.6182829


For people curious about whether Joey has kids or not

>> No.6183021
File: 117 KB, 1274x708, ultimatedisappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gotta give due where due is due

>> No.6183439
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>> No.6184116

>Scratch it...Sniff it!

Fuck, he's terrible.

>> No.6184295


>> No.6184436
File: 45 KB, 695x594, 1421262721007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't know who joey was
>just saw a bunch of people bitching about him on /ck/
>come here and look at some of his videos

I don't get it, why is everyone so mad at this guy? He's funny and charming and he makes decent fast food reviews.

>> No.6184812
File: 67 KB, 536x534, Joey five guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Joey's Wednesday review?

What's going on?