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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6160773 No.6160773 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I'm a fairly new vegetarian and am looking for some tips.

Long story short, I'm looking for good substitutes for pretty much any seafood but especially fish.

Any good recipes would also be appreciated. :)

>> No.6160775

steak diane is outdated but it's still pretty good

>> No.6160779

just eat meat and stop being retarded

>> No.6160782

>doesn't want to eat meat
>wants to eat meat

>> No.6160783

I would, but most meats really messes with my digestive system so I honestly shouldn't.

>> No.6160786

Anon, you're a pescetarian, not vegetarian. Lean the lingo. I've been pescetarian for give or take seven years, you don't really need substitutes, just cook more fish.

>> No.6160789

>i'm looking for good substitutes for x

literally anything that isn't x if you don't define the purpose of the substitution. can't eat fish? eat cheese! eat an egg! eat a tomato! what the fuck do you want?

>> No.6160797

I realize there's a distinction, so I guess the appropriate thing to say would be aspiring vegetarian? I guess.

Either way, I'm trying to cut meats out of my diet without compromising taste so much.

>> No.6160803

do they mess with your digestive because you haven't eaten them often? or because you've been sick/ have crohns

>> No.6160806

Cut it cold turkey. I kicked all types of meat, including fish, for the first six months before eating fish again.

Honestly, all that 'fake meat shit' used to taste shitty but I guess I acquired a taste for them.

If you like fruits and vegetables, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. And hell, there is always pasta and carbs.

>> No.6160809

Probably because I don't eat them often. I recently moved out of a house where we rarely ever ate meat, so that would probably explain it.

I also just don't have a taste for most of it.

>> No.6160819

question. Why would one aspire to be a vegetarian?

>> No.6160822

I guess that is the smart thing to do, it's just easier on paper than to actually do, you know.

I'll give it a go though!

>> No.6160824
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>> No.6160825

Digestive issues.

Basically, meat fucks me up pretty badly. Always had, so I'd rather go without it.

>> No.6160829

Sounds like an excuse to me. You don't want people to fight you on why you want to be a vegetarian, so you come up with an excuse like "I'm allergic" to it.

I was at a friend's house once and his cousin was over. My friend's grandmother was making us lasagna, and the cousin asked if there would be other foods because he was "allergic" to it. That woman was cool as fuck, because she put him in his place in front of god and everybody. I bet that kid loves lasagna now.

I wish she'd put you in your place, faggot.

>> No.6160830

It honestly took me a few tries but I finally stuck to it, for a few rare exceptions. I do cheat once in a blue moon. Also, I forgot to mention, eating a lot of beans helped too.

>> No.6160841

Look, call it what you want. I'm not here to fight, just for some help.

Also, I never said I was allergic, it just messes with my stomach because I don't eat it often and I'd like to find good food to eat that doesn't make me sick.

In any case, it doesn't really matter why I'm doing it, just that I am and if you really have an issue with it that's okay. I'm not here to please anyone but myself.


>> No.6160966

I like firm pressed tofu with sauces. Can you handle oyster/fish sauce? I usually use a pinch of either of those and rice wine vinegar and oil.

I'm pescetarian myself but i also love tofu.

>> No.6160977


If people want to be vegetarians that's cool, I don't care what other people choose to do, but it's not causing your digestive issues. You should have those evaluated.

>> No.6160987

Enjoy your estrogen.

>> No.6160990


enjoy your broscience from /fit/ since phytoestrogens don't fucking matter in any amount that someone is realistically going to consume as part of their normal diet

>> No.6160995

Outdated thinking and pure bro-science.
You should read more, get an education and generally enrich your life instead of quoting disproven theories on a site concerning Chinese, pedophile cartoons.

>> No.6161007

Well, that's just what I assume it is, because I never have any issues unless I eat meat (mainly pork, beef, chicken).

It could be something else entirely, I don't really know. Not a doctor, I'm afraid.

Although it probably wouldn't hurt to see one I guess. Haha

>> No.6161091

I already naturally produce estrogen

>> No.6161201

>Basically, meat fucks me up pretty badly. Always had, so I'd rather go without it

I had a problem with meat a few years ago. After reading a book by a medical doctor with the same symptoms, I became a vegetarian for a couple of years. After that couple of years, I was able to slowly reintroduce meat into my diet.

That said, fish never gave me much problem so I never quit eating it although I did cut back somewhat.

Once I quit being a vegetarian, the problems I had before never returned again.

>> No.6161203

If you look to the right of the screen and let your vision blur a bit, OP's picture resembles a rooster.

>> No.6161301

Sea weed sushi wrappers (nori) have a seafood kind of flavor if you want add that to tofu or something for flavor, maybe make a "seafood stew" with that.

>> No.6162768


Does fish do that, too?

If fish doesn't cause problems, then I wouldn't quit eating it.

Control your vegetarianism instead of letting it control you.