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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6158584 No.6158584 [Reply] [Original]

Feel like having a burger,

I can go to McDonalds, In-N-Out, or Farmers boy.

Where do you suggest I eat at, and what would you recommend?

>> No.6158606

>Deciding between McDonald's and in n out
>why is this even a thing

>> No.6158609
File: 89 KB, 900x598, innout_veggieburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only correct answer

>> No.6158611

Why would you ever eat the other two if farmer boys is an option?

>> No.6158615

Go to your local supermarket or butcher and buy some ground beef and make your own damn burger. Buy some fresh produce and cheese while you're at it. It will taste 100% better than any fast food shit you can buy.

>> No.6158618
File: 34 KB, 640x480, haley2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plastic cheese
>pink crap on fries

how do amerifats eat this crap?

>> No.6158621
File: 97 KB, 905x679, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melt cheese on meat
>use tasty sauces on potatoes

how do we eat things that are prepared to be delicious? idk, how do eurofags eat bland tasteless and sometimes barbaric crap?

>> No.6158622

>having to choose between shit, meme burgers and a local place serving fresh burgers with quality ingredients
Why is this even up for debate?

>> No.6158629
File: 181 KB, 960x960, burger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of us do anon.

>> No.6158633

make your own faggot, this is /ck/

>> No.6158638


inb4 grandma burgers with onion, peppers, bread crumbs and eggs.

>> No.6158640

>muh guac burger
>muh in n out
The cali shills never seem to end on this board.

>> No.6158647
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>> No.6158657


> only niggers and cripples eat grapes

Don't know how I never noticed that before.

>> No.6158665

>tfw there will never be another /new/
fuck you moot

>> No.6158824

>all that beef

puts other burgers to shame

>> No.6158882
File: 280 KB, 2272x1704, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man I really could use a good burger right now.

Feel like I could go eat out every weekend a good burger but then again you'd really get bored quickly. Such a pain.

>> No.6158911

I sometimes get burgers 3-4 times a week. Never gets old. I mean, really, it's the best food ever.

The fries on the other hand...meh. You've got to change it up between onion rings, tater tots, tater tots with chili and cheese, shoestring fries, shoestring fries with cheese, curly fries (e.g. Arby's), seasoned fries (e.g. Rally's), waffle fries, etc. Sometimes kettle chips are nice.

And even then I only want a small order. Onion rings, on the other hand, I can eat a large order as long as there's some kind of spicy sauce to dip them in.

>> No.6158968

You must be American

>> No.6158978

why is there water on the bun

>> No.6158998

>place serving fresh burgers with quality ingredients

Where is this magical place?

>> No.6159236

The first two are irrelevant.

Farmers boy or make your own.

>> No.6159264

I am. It's great having abundant, delicious food for cheap. We even have drive-thrus because so many of our citizens own cars. Our wealth and standard of living is unmatched.