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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6154995 No.6154995 [Reply] [Original]

>packaged food in portions not divisible by two
>odd sizes like 180gram instead of 100 or 200
>packaging that's so shit you have to use another container for the rest
>american receipes with cups and spoons

>> No.6155001

>180 grams
>suggested serving size 23.32 grams

>> No.6155002

>Servings: about two

I hate this shit

>> No.6155008

suggested serving means that you should feel bad lardass

>> No.6155020
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>buying packaged food

>> No.6155026


>measuring anything

Kek. Even for baking, you just approximate until it looks/feels the right consistency. And portions? Stop being fat and learn what an appropriate amount is. Why are you eating prepackaged food to begin with, anon?

Autism: the thread.

>> No.6155042

Why so autistic?

>> No.6155045
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>american receipes with cups and spoons

Problem Europe?

>> No.6155086

Fucking this. We have a cake-recipe here that is usually the first kids learn. You use a cup of every ingredient. That makes it horrible simple. This is how i imagine americans baking with their cup-measurements.

>> No.6155098

>Stop being fat and learn what an appropriate amount is.
Measuring is how fat people learn what an appropriate portion is. Seriously. They have no idea how much they're actually eating.
I have obese parents. Dad thinks it's normal to eat a shit ton of peanut butter as a "snack" and Mom thinks three ice cream bars is okay because "they're Skinny Cow!"
I fucking hate my parents. Thankfully they're both in their 60's now.

>> No.6155105

it's confusing as to why you replied to him but then again, your 3rd world shithole's education is to blame

>> No.6155113

have you tried to advocate your superior and healthy lifestyle on to them? they sound like they're going to croak soon.

>I fucking hate my parents. Thankfully they're both in their 60's now.
eh, nvm who cares. how much life insurance are they both worth?

>> No.6155118

That doesn't make any sense though because the entire appeal of metric is its simpler and easy for uneducated people to use

>> No.6155121

>This is how i imagine americans baking with their cup-measurements

You cook with cups and spoons the same way you cook with liters or any other volumetric measurement... by measuring things either roughly by eye/hand or in special containers standardized to a particular volume. Why would you think things are any different because we use a differently named unit of measure?

>> No.6155224

>american receipes with cups and spoons
It could be worse. At least they're not stupid enough to measure flour for baking in cups.

>oh god it is worse

>> No.6155226 [DELETED] 

americans are so fakking dumb i swear

>> No.6155228

The problem is, you utter fuckwit, that you do not bake with volumetric measurements unless you're an idiot. It's fine for liquids, but there's a reason no competent baker would ask for a cup of flour.

>> No.6155231

For the benefit of Americans, the reason is that flour (and a lot of other ingredients) vary wildly in density based on how you scoop and measure them, storage conditions, and all manner of other things that will fuck up your bake. Use mass, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6155243

i'm not him but those measurements are for prepackaged shit like cake. no actual cook uses precise autistic measurements like your shithole country does.

so much inferiority complex in this thread. why can't you all just bend over and accept that the U.S. is the greatest country in the world?

>> No.6155257

We have plenty of baking recipes using mass/weight. You see versions with volume frequently because those are meant for people who seldom bake. A lot of people who don't bake frequently do not own a kitchen scale, so there are recipes out there for these people. Poor approximations of amount are still better than the prepackaged stuff (cake mix etc) that most Americans bake, if they do at all.

>> No.6155265

So you give people who rarely bake recipes that are almost guaranteed to go horribly wrong? What is wrong with you?

>> No.6155271

Thanks cunt, we got that from Europe you fucking hypocrites. You're so stupid that you're incapable of knowing how stupid you are.

>> No.6155275

Why do you think nobody bakes?

>> No.6155276

>Even for baking, you just approximate until it looks/feels the right consistency.

>> No.6155277

This is only true in the US. The rest of the world uses volume and most times having a kitchen scale is on the same level as having a refrigerator.

>> No.6155281

dumb frog poster

>> No.6155291


That's a funny way to spell "shithole"

>> No.6155294

>This is only true in the US.

I don't doubt that, but people seemed to have no idea why recipes for baked goods using volume even exist. Most people who bake frequently or closely watch calories will have a scale, they're not expensive or hard to come by or even particularly uncommon... just not something that everyone has. I'd say they're about as common, or a little more common, than a proper knife set. What you have to understand about the average American recipe is that in America cooking from scratch is a hobby rather than an every day skill, and often not a hobby people take particularly seriously.

This is also why things like "shake and bake", "rice-a-roni", and "hamburger helper" exist. Everyday cooking in America has been all ready frozen meals and "just add x ingredient" kits for like two generations now.

>> No.6155300

Too busy working and making the world awesome.

>> No.6155304
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We had an argument about this about a year ago and it became a big thread. As it turned out people in the shit holes where avocado is a fad don't think scales are normal, but people in nice places where they care about food consider them normal. So it's apparently a regional thing. I believe the scale concept with home cooks became much more common with the internet. Prior to that, or if you live in an area where change is regarded with deep suspicion and perhaps even hostility, you're baking according to Joy of Cooking 1st edition, which is with cups.

>> No.6155366

If our country is so shit, then why do you keep buying our treasury bonds? Face it, everywhere else is so screwed up countries line up to buy the reserve currency of the world.

We're just the best pig in the pile.

>> No.6155376

>I may have shit taste in food but muh treasury bonds
>50 years ago we did something cool in space

Food and cooking?

>> No.6155394

>50 years ago we did something cool in space

Assuming Congress doesn't flip out and cut funding we're working on doing more cool stuff in space right now.

>> No.6155416
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Astronaut ice cream? Meat raised in 0 gravity? No? Then it's not food and cooking.

>> No.6155424 [DELETED] 

Fuck off shit brain

This whole board it's practically dedicated to shitposting with all the alcoholics and retard dishwashers.

>> No.6155456

>Obligatory idiot who doesn't measure joins the thread

>> No.6155458

You can help fight that shitposting by talking about food and cooking

>> No.6155460

>Even for baking, you just approximate until it looks/feels the right consistency.

You do not back very much.

>> No.6155462

For certain kinds of cooking you don't, maybe even shouldn't, measure.

Baking is not one of those kinds. To get the results you want, and especially to get them consistently you need to measure.

>> No.6155468

>1 cup literally the volume of a cup
>1 tablespoon literally what fits in a spoon
>1 foot literally the length of a guy's shoe
>1 mile literally the distance traveled in a thousand paces
>0°F literally the coldest the air gets around here
>100°F literally the body's core temperature
>hard for people to understand

>easier to measure volume as fractions of 1/1000 the cube of the distance travelled by light in vacuum in 1/299792458th of the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom

>> No.6155469
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ITT: buttblasted Americlaps

>> No.6155472


People who rarely bake will not own scales. People who rarely bake will also use very simple recipes, possibly with pre-mixed ingredients (e.g., cake mix). These recipes are the kinds that will not go horribly wrong due to small variations in volume measurement such as those likely to occur with flour, sugar, etc.

>> No.6155482


many of those are not true though

>> No.6155486

I dont get this. Are you saying the culmination of all previous steps = not important to the process as a whole?

The whole world won the space race, nigga.

>> No.6155493
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1364309577694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first woman in space is captain katherine janeway
>first man in open space is major garland briggs

>> No.6155513
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Why do you think they casted Kate Mulgrew as the first female captain on teevee?

>> No.6155524
File: 113 KB, 450x600, asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know but I think it was a racist, sexist, and frankly rather offensive choice to have a white woman, in a future utopia starship, commanding a native american man. It should obviously have been a native american woman in charge of a white man. This would show that future people don't "see" color, and that moreover, gender is a social construct.

Ok I just made that up but since this thread has long since passed the point of no return, fuck everything. Here is a picture of a chick dressed up as asuka.

>> No.6155534

The units themselves are all based on these common things everybody could compare to, and they were the preferred units across the western world for that reason. Sure, your spoon might be a little bigger than mine, but the average person probably doesn't care if he's using 32mL and not 36mL of soy sauce. When it does matter - like making drugs - we use metric, but it usually doesn't matter to the average idiot.
Forgot one:
>1 lb is literally the weight of a pint of water
>1 kg is the mass of this heavy thing we keep locked up in a vault

>> No.6155538

>First satellite in a polar orbit
>First satellite in a polar orbit
>First satellite recovered intact from orbit
>First reusable piloted spacecraft
>First geosynchronous satellite
>First geostationary satellite
>First orbital rendezvous
>First spacecraft docking
>A bunch of moon firsts
>First human-made object sent on escape trajectory away from the Sun
>a bunch of orbital observatory firsts
>most powerful rocket in human history

Nice cherry picking.

>> No.6155548

>1 lb is literally the weight of a pint of water

1 g is (or was supposed to be anyway) the weight of 1 cubic cm of water at maximum density.

>> No.6155604

Or one millilitre. And "max density" is just density at room temperature, water density doesn't change.

>> No.6155622

>we made it to the finish line first
>yeah w-well we should up to practice first take that

>> No.6155627
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>we should up to practice first take that

>> No.6155634

>he made a typo therefore he's wrong

>> No.6155644

>When it does matter - like making drugs - we use metric
Try baking some time.

Also, jesus, your basic low-level american meth cook is better at it than your average american is at cooking? I've seen those guys and they can barely count.

>> No.6155651

>we painted racing stripes on a car somebody else built are we cool yet

>> No.6155853

Your average low level meth cook is approaching organic chemistry the way most americans approach baking, they aren't measuring shit.

>> No.6155877

>is on the same level as having a refrigerator.
so not common at all in Europe? you savages don't even refrigerate milk or eggs

>> No.6155990

Eggs don't need to be refrigerated and Europe uses that weird form of pasteurization that makes the milk shelf stable but changes the flavor.