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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 625x431, pizagrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6148973 No.6148973 [Reply] [Original]

how come there are no female pizza delivery drivers, /ck/?

>> No.6148978

I've had female delivery drivers before here in Canada. I hate it when its a female because i tip more.

>> No.6148980

But there are. Plenty of them.

>> No.6148982

women do not like to drive

>> No.6148983

this, I personally know more female delivery drivers than male

>> No.6148984

because rape.

>> No.6148985

In my old neighborhood, it's because they'd probably be raped repeatedly.

Where I live now, it's not uncommon to see female drivers. Of the 3 places that deliver to me, 2 have female drivers.

>> No.6148988

One of them was in the news recently for shooting a robber.
Call her Dirty Harriet

>> No.6148995

Got one that works at the dominoes near me. She seems pretty absent minded whenever she delivers to me. Probably like a stoner but I bet she's cool enough.

>> No.6149000

The only ones I've seen were from Chinese/Vietnamese restaurants and were probably related to the owners.

I would be genuinely surprised if a full burka'd woman delivered my lamb biriyani

>> No.6149078

Because rape delussions.

>> No.6149084

Lol what?

>> No.6149090

I think most stores put women in in-store positions to avoid possibly dangerous situations. All my delivery drivers have been ugly old men.

>> No.6149094

Theres a really cute petite girls that works the dominoes deliverys near here. She's really sweet and i love when we order pizza on the weekends.

Gonna be shit when she moves on.

>> No.6149097


>> No.6149101
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Only way get girl come over order pizza

>> No.6149106


>> No.6149108

too dangerous. It'd be easy for some sicko to just pull her in I guess.
I only had a female once, and she was a hambeast. Hoo heavy to pull in.

>> No.6149112

>top kek

>> No.6149118

I did that once.

I ordered pizza. She rang my door bell i opend the door. As soon as i paid her to get my pizza. I grabbed her HAND Yanked her into my house. Punched her hard in the face Bound and Gagged her. Than i preceded to have my way with her. She was crying as i put my cock into the pizza and blended it and made her drink it through a straw. I CAME in the cup also and forced her to drink it all. Than i impregnated her and tossed her into my basement. She fell past out from the fall. But i kept her there for 9 months until she gave me a kid. Once that happend i moved her to the attic to where to this day she lives.

I can hear her muffled screams right now.

>> No.6149125

Sicko,s? Like 4chan posters?

>> No.6149126

Pretty good.

>> No.6149127

How much did you tip her though?

>> No.6149128

You 4got. the part about the pony+the hamster

>> No.6149133



>> No.6149132

lmao damn you beat me to it.

>> No.6149134
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Hey not everyone on here is a sicko just like 90 percent

>> No.6149136

I'm guessing you live in a city. I've only seen male food delivery people in cities. In suburbs, I've seen both male and female with about equal frequency.

>> No.6149138

Wowww that was sooo hilarious did you come up with all that yourself?

>> No.6149146
File: 98 KB, 640x530, hot_pizza_delivery_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6149148


LISTEN HERE WOMEN you will give me a child OR you will tend to my wifes every whim. She is in the attic and if yoU EVER let her out. I will force you to bear my own children.

>> No.6149152

>>6149134 what % r u ?

>> No.6149154

What a fucking sicko.

Hi my name is Bob. I am a male. I can be your Boyfriend. Its oK i support your rights as a women. ANd im different Hell ill probably be the one in the kitchen ;)

>> No.6149155

Not before I smash in your skull with a nice steel hammer in front of your child pornography collection.

>> No.6149158
File: 50 KB, 300x300, philippe_damiba-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres what u get

>> No.6149159

Is your name Jaime? I know someone like you at my CO worker. YOu are 26. You have been engaged for 10 years and still go out to clubs. And you hate people who date girls below the age of 20.

>> No.6149164
File: 41 KB, 400x721, hot-pizza-delivery-girl (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza or me?

>> No.6149168

SHe looks like she is 14 but below 20.

Il take her.

>> No.6149182

Why are there any pizza delivery drivers at all?

The ones I have known were using their own cars, but were either getting no mileage at all or were getting just enough for gas but not wear and tear.

>> No.6149192

I bet there some fat asses on here would take the pizza.then spank monkey

>> No.6149282


>> No.6149290

Haha cant score

>> No.6149294

I would accept a pizza literally delivered by a monkey or rock ape. No fucking chimpanzees though they'll tear your face off.

>> No.6149350

lived in a college town in KY most of the drivers were female

and a tip for living in a college town do all your shopping at near midnight women all in pajamas

>> No.6149484

Pizza please. You remembered the bread sticks right?

>> No.6149623
File: 14 KB, 233x393, BulgeTightsBlack-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your breadsticks

>> No.6149636

I've seen close to as many female delivery drivers as male. Maybe 60:40?

The distribution of female to male cooks and/or chefs is way more unevenly distributed.

>> No.6149704
File: 14 KB, 479x592, efl-clipart-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6149716

I'm female and I delivered pizzas for about three years. I've also worked with some girl drivers as well.

>> No.6149726

interesting, i've never seen one in my country either and im from finland

>> No.6149746

Inner city deliveryfag for three restaurants. Two of them have a single female driver scarier looking than me. And I carry a pistol and have ahav 4 inch beard.

>> No.6149755
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>> No.6149843


Why is guy fieri so confused about this pizza

and why is he holding the bag used to transport the pizza

>> No.6149862

Basement weirdos aren't attractive

>> No.6149863
File: 438 KB, 774x1524, pizza_shots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6149865

in 30 minutes or less to boot

>> No.6149868

>nigger living in decatur
its going to shit

>> No.6149873

Hasn't it been that way for years? Some parts are nice though.

The farmer's market.. I want to live there..

>> No.6149874


>> No.6149969

>attempted robbery
>2nd redguard got away with the employee's car

>> No.6149982


willing to bet it's actually closer to 10%. you guys just like to posture

>> No.6150001

its true to a certain extent. My GF is a pretty nervous driver, and refuses to go on the highway. She's 20, and has had a license for a year and a half

>> No.6150006

To be fair, I'm male, and I don't like driving either. I'm not awful at it, but I'm far from being a great driver and I'm easily intimidated in some situations; so much so that I avoid them and take longer routes to get places sometimes.

If the US had a rail system that functioned like Japan, I'd use that every day and take a cab if I needed to go somewhere too far to walk from a train station.

>> No.6150215

Because of sexism. No, not from the workplace. From the female workers themselves.

You'd be surprised how many jobs women are willing to turn down because "it's a man's job." I actually believe in equality, but I've had many female coworkers and bosses outright refuse to do something because "a man can do it better."

>> No.6150225

No there are not.

No you do not.

This is the answer to OP's question.

>> No.6150227

I don't really like to drive but I was a pizza delivery guy for a couple years.

>> No.6150235

>tfw i always confused a woman being polite with her being interested
>now i cant tell if a woman is actually interested in me
>who am i kidding that never happens

>> No.6150292

>ways a man can lead delivering pizza to sex
Put his dick through the pizza
Put his dick in the crust
Put his dick in his fannypack and ask the woman to put her change inside
Put his dick inbetween boxes if more than one pizza is ordered
Put his dick in the box of garlic bites
Put his dick at the bottom of some dipping sauce
Put his dick through the bottom of the Pepsi can
Put his dick under the cheese on the cheesy garlic bread
Deliver badly on purpose then put his dick in the complaints box so when the customer gets to the store to put a complain in she see his dick
Put his dick in the fudge cake desert
Put his dick against the doorbell

>ways a woman can do it
Put the bread sticks up her vagina?

This is why
It is only a sex led job for men who can maintain the element of surprise

>> No.6150346

I was pizza delivery female driver.
I was raped repeatedly by 3 Hispanic men.
They were laughing when they did it.
They didn't know I have aids.

>> No.6150454

i had one once

she had a giant growth/tumor on her neck that was like the size of another head

>> No.6150552

I passed a qt Dominos delivery girl on the way home from work tonight.

>> No.6150637


>> No.6150797

That'd be pretty funny to see their faces later on.

>> No.6150804

my girlfriend was a delivery driver on a military base

she would not have been a driver in a standard store because of safety issues

>> No.6150867

Because of this

>> No.6150878
File: 45 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order from Pizza Hut for the first time two Thanksgivings ago
>delivery driver is a cute chubby girl
>she smells my weed and accepts her tip with a sort of pitied look
>fat girl judging me for ordering pizza and getting high on thanksgiving
At least the jimmy john's driver is cool

>> No.6153101

it's not that they don't like to, it's that they're not allowed to

>> No.6153160

I took my pants off just to read this thread

>> No.6153163


jesus fuck i can't even

if true, wtf

if not true, wtf

>> No.6153431


Pretty sure there are some.

>> No.6153468

They stopped delivering to me when I told her to come inside and put it on the kitchen table while I get her the money.

>> No.6153560

>If she's not hot when she arrives, your money back

>> No.6153612

I live in a fairly ghetto area of Los Angeles and I order pizza once a month on average. The local Pizza Hut's drivers are 80% female. My Papa John's driver is always an old Persian man. I think the one time I ordered Domino's it was a woman. La Pizza Loca drivers are all 40 year old Mexican men.