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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 570 KB, 504x603, 1421301642283[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6145428 No.6145428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hello americu/ck/s, is this really what you come home to every night?

>> No.6145430


>> No.6145432
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1408067522213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Guarantee that's from somewhere in the south or midwest.

>> No.6145437

>precrumbed chicken
>bottled pasta sauce
>premade garlic bread

So basically she boiled some pasta? assuming it doesn't come out of a can

>> No.6145438

I'd wife her.

With a bat.

>> No.6145465

>pasta shape other than penne or sphaghetti
>sloppily prepared
>south or midwest

Yeah right...

>> No.6145472

I'd eat it tbh

>> No.6145513
File: 171 KB, 500x296, 1393446235429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the meal isn't all that offensive. Seems decent enough for your average nothing special dinner. What's funny is they though it was actually worth taking a photo.
>dat mountain of cheap powder parmesan cheese tho

>> No.6145681


>pasta clearly overcooked
>sauce isn't homemade
>disgusting powdered parmesan that tasted like boogers
>starch served with starch and chicken with starch

Why do amerifats do this? Italian food is delicious and actually really good for you if prepared and served properly, this is just a lazy attempt at 3 different foods that shouldn't be served together.

>> No.6145764
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American women are a fucking joke

>> No.6145767

i'd eat that once a week.

those fries though... uhh maybe not with all that ketchup

>> No.6145769

thats what i thought yo, but look again its pasta

>> No.6145771

Let's say that one day you meet the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with and then you come home from work one day and she's been slaving away in the kitchen for hours just to please you, what would you really say if she made you this. She's also pregnant.

>> No.6145772

are you an american?

>> No.6145773

uh, fuck no? I'm not even sure what I am looking at but it looks fat-intensifying as fuck.

I know it is fun to have a giggle by calling all americans 700-pound fatasses, but that doesn't make it true, and that picture is just...no.

>> No.6145779
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 4e3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would you really say if she made you this. She's also pregnant.
i'm going to cook for you and you can watch and learn so our child has the best nutrition possible and grows up to be as healthy, happy, and smart as possible and your pregnancy will be easier on you since you'll be eating healthy food and

>> No.6145781

I didn't say the child was yours

>> No.6145786

>falcon punch

>> No.6145788

I live with a roommate, so no.

>> No.6145813

>made chicken parm last night
>looked 10x better than that slop

>> No.6145835

there isn't even any pasta in that picture

those are french fries doused in ketchup

>> No.6145845


>> No.6145847


no, dude, that's pasta

you can clearly see the holes in it on the pieces near the bottom of the image

>> No.6145850

It doesn't look that bad.

>> No.6145851

Why do people like this get off on being fucking boring?
>hurr marriage
>hurr slaving my arse off while she stays at home
>hurr bland garbage meals
>hurr probably getting cheated on BUT HEY THAT'S LIFE
>#wifeymaterial :)

>> No.6145880

He's a simple man, let him enjoy his slop of a meal and future divorce.

>> No.6145945 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 454x581, 555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If the food looks like that...she better be pretty as fuck. Hell...she doesn't even have to cook.

>> No.6145966
File: 86 KB, 637x539, 1420836655510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6146160

>american cuisine

>> No.6146163

I hated those shitty brownies.

>> No.6146184

No. The last thing my girlfriend made me was smoked salmon carbonara.

>> No.6146188

It's pasta you blind idiot

>> No.6146189

hahaha. dude definitely needs some kind of basic training...

>> No.6146199

the garbage the military servers their recruits must taste like haute cuisine for this guy.

>> No.6146216
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>laugh at the old thread >>6143958
>realize I'm better at cooking than gf
>realize she's never really made me an amazing meal

>> No.6146294

When I watch American TV people tend to act like a 'home cooked meal' is actually something special.

Is it really that rare for Americans to cook?

>> No.6146295


>> No.6146310

>THREE cosmic brownies
Thats 900 fucking calories alone. Cosmic brownies are like pure sugar.

>> No.6146311

>those are french fries doused in ketchup

Don't feel bad, that's what I thought at first. Who the fuck skimps on the sauce that bad...

>> No.6146318


Those Banquet chicken nuggets and dry as fuck mac and cheese...

>> No.6146341
File: 16 KB, 231x244, tumblr_ncy7g7ruUd1r785rdo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never, EVER make me feel bad for eating shitty food and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.6146573
File: 3 KB, 226x166, frown upside down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I wasn't the only one.

>> No.6146576


Wait, is canned pasta a thing? Really?

>> No.6146585

Maybe if you were in the Marines or Army. Navy and Air Force get great food.

>> No.6146591

No but it is real cooking because she didn't JUST put something in the oven.
She had to boil some pasta too.

>> No.6146601

My mom is a great cook and always tries making dinner every night when she can. It makes me feel bad sometimes because my dad treats her like shit and yet she still goes out of her way to make really good food for everyone.

I've never seen canned but I definitely saw precooked packaged pasta at Target today.

>> No.6146614


>> No.6146616


>That anon must be exaggerating!
>Look it up.
>300 calories per brownie.

What the ACTUAL fuck. I knew that they were bad for you, but that's insane. They really must be almost pure fat and sugar.

>> No.6146617

shut up

>> No.6146622


>pre cooked pasta

Are you for real? Are you fucking for real? People need help occasionally stirring a pot of pasta? I'm getting angry at this shit.

>> No.6146702

That isn't French fries covered in ketchup?

>> No.6146709

sure it wasnt the packaged fresh pasta

>> No.6146727

I think he might have seen fresh pasta.

>> No.6146749

Yes, every thing that you've ever seen or read on the internet regarding Americans is 100% true. Any claim to the contrary is troll bait.

>> No.6146750
File: 774 KB, 769x1043, 1374288141706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I come home to is an empty apartment, bare cupboards and a cheap bottle of whiskey

>> No.6146753

they're 280, to be exact. mmm. those calories count to the stars man

>> No.6147085

I cook for my bf nearly every night unless we're eating leftovers or I had a really long shift (I'm usually part-time). It's mostly homemade soup and curries and lasagna and such right now since it's cold and he's a skellington most the time

Stuff like this makes me sick too and I see it all the time on my facebookf rom the like, 7+ moms in my age range who literally sit home all day.

But then again I was a poor fuck growing up and my grandma taught me basics with very little bc ramen and kraft dinner is depressing as fuck.

Not to say I don't let him go for hot pockets when he wants to tho, I just don't post it and tag it #wifeymaterial :)

>> No.6147088

From the looks of it, that's your average white people meal. Looks like the whore just boiled spaghetti noodles and dumped a can of Ragu on it and called it a day. The chicken beast looks like the frozen shit that comes in a bag that you just throw in the oven to cook. I would rather eat at Joe's than eat that garbage.

>> No.6147092

No. Never.

>> No.6147112

Butt hurt confederate detected

>> No.6147113


>> No.6147170
File: 7 KB, 249x240, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does x really y?

this deserves a frog post

>> No.6147246

I laughed out loud when I first saw the plate but that's actually pretty sad.

He probably chose those things because his family is poor which is why he's joining the military.

>> No.6147266


Are you trying to fill out a shitpost bingo or something?

>> No.6147285

>skimps on the sauce

>> No.6147338

Get better whiskey. Or sleep in a park. either way, problem solved.

>> No.6147350

What the fuck are those things on the left? Ketchup covered fries?

>> No.6147401

Or he's absolutely terrified of basic (it's not that bad), and wants to have a meal that reminds him of his childhood/home before he goes?
Before I enlisted, the only show I would watch weekly w/ my family was NCIS, after basic I found myself watching re runs. It was comforting in a no homo kind of way.

>> No.6147423

>american soldiers

>> No.6147433

I think it's some kind of shitty pasta covered in ketchup.

>> No.6147437


these kinds of people deserve to be cannon-fodder

>> No.6147474

This isn't an everyday thing, but it's a common meal in my house. Maybe without that gross piece of chicken or whatever covered in powdered Parmesan, but pasta in tomato sauce and garlic bread is something I cook all the time.

>> No.6147494

NCIS is pretty comfy.

>> No.6147496


>> No.6147498


That's better than the shit my parents would make.

>> No.6147503


>> No.6147515
File: 238 KB, 1913x1075, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pasta you blind mongoloid.

>> No.6147519


>> No.6147520

Are you saying you don't suck out the middle of your fries so you can enjoy all the nice fry-skins?

>> No.6147522
File: 955 KB, 1688x518, 1413989532983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk shit about someones dinner
>confuses ziti for fries

>> No.6147548

I hope the military whipped this manchild into shape.

>> No.6147572
File: 342 KB, 1532x1600, Can of Spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the real world anon

>> No.6147783

Haven't you heard of Chef Boyardee nigga?

>> No.6147825


Oh yeah.....

>> No.6147863

Doubt it. People in south can cook unlike northerners or people west of Louisiana.

>> No.6147924

ignorant yankee detected

>> No.6147979

Jesus, I hope not.

I was lucky enough to have a mom that made most things from scratch.

Then the divorce happened, and since 17 I've mostly been eating out.

>> No.6147986


Is that literally just pasta and whatever random jar of pasta sauce that bitch grabbed out of the pantry?

Is there even any mince or anything in it?

>> No.6148034
File: 72 KB, 561x306, 128847492287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6148053

No not at all. I don't know a single person that doesn't have home cooked breakfast and dinner.

>> No.6148055


looks like it

that's what I had for dinner almost every single night when I lived with my parents until I taught myself to cook so that I could stop suffering

>> No.6148089

>tfw this faggot only knows his mom and lives in the basement.

Seriously though, a home cooked meal in America is not rare at all, though it is not as normal or expected as it used to be decades ago; people are working longer and harder, wives are not at home just cleaning and cooking all day, shit happens.

>> No.6148138


where the fuck did you grow up? I was raised in a vacation beach town in california and still knew tons of people who very rarely had meals made for them, and most people didn't have breakfast made for them.

>> No.6148156

"Home cooked meal" also kind of refers to the atmosphere of a meal shared with family/friends or a special treat. For example, people wouldn't usually make a big deal out of making scrambled eggs and toast alone, even though it's technically a home cooked meal. If a home cooked meal is considered special, it's generally for reasons beyond it being just "food cooked at home."

>> No.6148200

this is exactly what I've thought.

>> No.6148218

holy shit that looks disgusting. i mean i could eat garlic bread,fries and whatever that last thing is but that i wouldn't touch

>> No.6148230
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>> No.6148893
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>eats nearly pure sugar for his last family dinner before going off to die for israel
>takes a photo of it and posts it to tumblr

>> No.6149145

Those aren't fries

>> No.6149162
File: 188 KB, 603x452, fry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6149172

French fries tossed in ketchup, garlic bread, and sloppy chicken with a pile of fake parmesan on top, all served on a mousepad?

>> No.6149218

Bitch did you just pre-ketchup my fries?

>> No.6149369


It's cavatelli, fuck

why is everyone in this thread so stupid

>> No.6149490

tfw wife material thread

>> No.6149530
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>served on a mousepad

>> No.6149545
File: 146 KB, 336x434, 1412956715088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everyone on this board is stupid