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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6136059 No.6136059 [Reply] [Original]

night off edition. tell your foh and boh stories. no coffeefags allowed.

>"can you cut my pizza into more slices so I can enjoy it more"
>ummm how many slices do you want

>"give me a frozen margarita with no ice"

>"substitute pancakes for my biscuit"

>"what do you have that's free"

>> No.6136628

>work in high end (for the town I was in) restaurant
>guy orders a pepper crusted new york striploin
>orders it medium
>don't really like cooking pepper crusted steaks past medium rare because pepper corns are easy to burn; by itself its fine but its such a huge hassle when you have other bills up
>thankfully I'm not on steaks that night
>buddy cooks it to a picture perfect medium, this shit could have been in a textbook for how well it was
>gets sent back because it's undercooked
>guy specifically tells waitress to tell us we don't know how to cook steak because a medium shouldn't have any red in it at all
>sends it back again because now the peppercrust is 'burnt'
>check dining floor when steak goes back out
>he fucking slathers it in ketchup
>have to restrain other cook from going out there and knifing the guy

>another steak order on a sunday
>says he wants steak extremely well done
>just straight up says to deep fry it

Not going to claim we're some famous five star restaurant but we were 'the' restaurant to go to throughout the entire (but small) city for fine dining. All the cooks had red seals and I was going to be going off and getting mine very shortly until the head chef just straight up told me to never because a cook because it's the most work for the least pay of any of the trades and there's pretty much no reward to it. It didn't help we were in a retirement town so the majority of our customers were seniors or boomers who had no appreciation of food.

That being said I loved working in a kitchen at the time. Everyone was bros, all the servers were cuties, the two veteran servers were super milfs who flirted constantly, and all that free coffee. I never drunk coffee like when I worked in a restaurant.

>opening shift
>grab a 1.5l jug
>fill it with fresh coffee and a splash of cream & make iced coffee
>realise at end of shift you probably had 3 liters coffee in a 4 hour shift
No wonder I always got so much shit done after work.

>> No.6136632

>working in a fish and chips shop
>female customer comes in, orders a cod and chips
>"Could you shake off the oil please, I'm on a diet"
>all of my wat

>> No.6136649

Some pizza places slice into 9 slices.

>> No.6136809

>can I get my eggs over easy yolks not runny.
>What kind of pasta is in your spaghetti and meatballs?
>Id like my steak med no pink.
>That's not how I make it at home.
Then go home and make it.
>8oz Sirloin well done. Ma'am we don't recommend that the steak becomes extreme tough. I know I like it that way.

>> No.6136815

>Take woman's order
>Tells her it will be five minutes
>She waits off to the side
>Comes back to the register in a couple minutes
>Asks her if she needs something
>She says she's just waiting for her sandwich
>Tell her it will only be a couple more minutes and ask her if she would mind stepping to the side since she is holding up the line
>She says "no thanks"
>Lady that's next in line practically has to use her stroller to force that old hag out of her way so she could order

>> No.6136826

I don't tip.

>> No.6136827

Hope you enjoy spit/cum in your food.

>> No.6136850

Good thing you usually pay for the food AFTER you've eaten.

>> No.6136878

People can tell if you're the kind of jackass that doesn't tip.

>> No.6136886

11? So why not cut it into 12?

>> No.6136894

whats wrong with liking a tough steak. its almost like you dont eat for texture.

>> No.6136899

questions from waitresses in the last week

"can I have the seasoning on the side"
>"could you get us some chives?" (we don't have any chives at our restaurant)
>"we don't have chives, do you want scallions or green onions?"
>"umm, green onions"
exec chef and I just exchange "you dun goofed" glances
>is there dairy in the hollandaise?
>is there dairy in the aioli?
>is there gluten in the beets?

ok there are way more egregious ones but I'm tired now

>> No.6136903

is there gluten in beets? heheh

>> No.6136944

>serve table of 6 thin girls
>they share 3 meals
>no policy against it
>all order waters
>take up table chatting for prime dinner time
>ask for dessert menu
>share 1 dessert with 6 plates 6 forks meant for 1-2 people
>give top notch service anyway
I always cringe when I get those types. Give me fat older drinking white men, they're the best.

>> No.6136947

well then divide 360 by 11 then estimate the size of each piece based on a quarter (44 deg)
just means you can't cut from edge to edge quickly

>> No.6136951

*45 deg
Sorry, what?
You had to get "extra" plates and forks and they gave you a fair tip. What's the issue?
If you want better tips then be a female at a yacht club bar or something

>> No.6136963

Wouldn't it just be easier and quicker to cut into 10 slices then cut one of those in half yielding 11 slices?

>> No.6136973
File: 1.25 MB, 203x199, wow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the servers were cuties, the two veteran servers were super milfs who flirted constantly, and all that free coffee. I never drunk coffee like when I worked in a restaurant.
most perfect tagline for kitchen work I have ever seen

those mature servers are so fucking amazing, they do three times as much work as the young ones
>mfw old bar manager helping with a banquet
>carrying 5 bowls of soup at once and more quickly than the young servers
wouldn't they want equal sized slices?
I assume so because people like that are pedantic cunts

>> No.6137452

>Can you help me pick something from your menu, so I can get as much as possible without paying too much?

God I hate these kind of people

>> No.6138320

>go out bowling with friends
>go to get food from the small food place they have
>literally a hole in the wall that your order through
>two of them (brothers) go before me
>order pizza and 3 orders of fries
>20+ dollars
>the cashier asks if they would like to tip
>they say no

Later when it was my turn to order, I chatted up the cashier a bit. It turns out since they take the food out to the bowlers they're paid like servers, but since they aren't your typical servers, nobody tips and they get paid shit wages.

>> No.6138337

>"Is there pork in the cheese?"

>"Medium-rare New York with no pink."

>"In england pepperoni is a vegetable."

>Chicken wings, tossed in sauce, but extra crispy.

>My rare steak is cold in the middle.

>3 hours after ordering my fish and chips is cold, I demand a refund.


>> No.6138348

Oh wait now, my favorite one was a customer (Muslim go figure) screaming at a server for there being bacon on his bacon-cheeseburger.

When you order pork you get pork you dumb irresponsible son of a bitch.

>> No.6138383
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>and all that free coffee. I never drunk coffee like when I worked in a restaurant

>be bagel baker
>get free coffee
>the smallest amount of coffee you can make is 1/2 gallon
>come in when no one is there to make dough
>make coffee
>force myself to finish 1/2 gallon of coffee in 2.5 hours

>> No.6138430

>>Chicken wings, tossed in sauce, but extra crispy.

I don't understand what the issue with this is.

>> No.6138445

>the majority of our customers were seniors or boomers who had no appreciation of food.

Lost it here. I know exactly what you mean. These are the generation whose pinnacle of exquisite food was the invention of the canned good, and they sincerely think that canned food is delicious and splendid. Or a bit younger to the boomers, for whom that honor goes to prepackaged and instant foods. This is what they were raised on and hold in high regards--kraft dinner with a side of canned, microwaved peas. Unless they were born too rich to eat that crap or too poor to afford it, anyone over 50 has terrible taste and no appreciation for quality and freshness. Fresh and homemade food will get complaints from them because they're so unused to flavor and preserved texture that they find it alarming!

You'll notice, any time you eat at a place where their most frequent customer base is the elderly, that nothing has seasoning or bright flavor and the food is all bland and mushy. I feel sorry for the cooks who have to prepare such hollow-hearted dishes.

>> No.6138448

dough on pans?

>> No.6138453

>>just straight up says to deep fry it
i have to do it some day.

>> No.6138461


God forbid, someone who eats reasonably for their caloric needs instead of being a fat, gluttonous slob. I can tell you must be a fine piece of work, you entitled little shit.

>>"Medium-rare New York with no pink."

Why do they say medium-rare if they don't know what it means? Do they think it makes them sound posh?

>> No.6138501

Spaghetti is referred to the dish construction, not the pasta type unless you're in Italy where the tryhards are.

>> No.6138503

You're retarded

>> No.6138514

Im just saying you can make spaghetti with any long pasta its still spaghetti and everyone in America (where it matters) would agree.

>> No.6138519

So then why ask what pasta is in spaghetti and meatballs? You're dumb

>> No.6138536
File: 477 KB, 500x282, WUT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im just saying you can make spaghetti with any long pasta

>> No.6138577

Gotta be bait

>> No.6138610

Hi Matt

>> No.6138613

>work at a cafeteria.
> doing salad bar
> guy comes up and just says "fries"
Well sir, we have fries upstairs at the grill.
> one fries please.

I don't understand. Then they just walk off.

>> No.6138626

oh, so you're very retarded

>> No.6138715


I don't know what you're asking me.

>> No.6138721


hey there

>> No.6138755

>Work at a Little Caesars
>man who was probably in his late 60s comes in alone
>says he wants a cheese and pepperoni pizza
>Ring up one cheese pizza and one pepperoni pizza
>He gives me a look
>"Uh I said a cheese and pepperoni pizza"
>Yeah, one cheese and one pepperoni pizza will be $10.60
>He starts getting angry
>"No, I want one cheese and pepperoni pizza."
>At this point I think he is hard of hearing so repeat the same thing a little louder.
>He's furious
>Oh why didn't you just say so.
I still have no idea why he was so angry, and on what planet do you order a pepperoni pizza that doesn't come with cheese already on it?

>> No.6138769

Bro, if there's no dairy in your hollandaise you're doing it wrong. That shit should basically be butter-mayo.

>> No.6138784

waiters have espn?

>> No.6138789

My brother worked in a store
>Pregnant woman comes in
>"can you give me the cigarettes that wont harm my baby?"
>"The healthy ones"
>Gives her a regular pack

>> No.6138798

you're a cunt

>> No.6138810

flyover pleb detected

>> No.6138838

God muslims are the fucking worst. I work at one of those deli/kitchens in a truck stop. Durka durkas come in all the time asking for cheese pizzas and they seriously think we keep an extra pizza cutter around just for them. We just tell them we wash it thoroughly before cutting but of course we don't. Also there's always at least a handful of sausage pieces floating around in the sauce and cheese containers.

>> No.6138859

Hes stupid for not assuming, but the old guy is stupid for asking for such a strange thing.

>> No.6138870

Religious practices involving food are the stupidest shit regardless of which they come from. I mean what kind of deity actually cares if you eat X commonly eaten animal? Not to mention if I were a Muslim or something I would realize that intent is more damning than the action itself. Like if my friend gave me a sandwich without telling me ham was on it and I ate a bit I wouldn't make a big deal about it because you didn't have the intent to go against your crazy belief, you were tricked. Thats just how I see it though.

>> No.6138875

Islam supposedly makes that distinction

>> No.6138888

From a modern standpoint, religious food laws help to create the distinction between 'us' and 'them' that keeps communities tight. I'm not saying it's a good reason, but it's a reason. Kinda like "/fit/ can get right the hell out with their cauliflower pizza crust, that shit ain't natural."

On a historic level, religions provided laws for safety in the same way that the FDA does. For instance, "Don't eat lobster. Lobsters eat dead shit off the ocean floor. That can't be good for you. PS God says so."

>> No.6138889

>work at dumpy donut shop
>people always asking "what do you have that's healthy" or saying "I'm on a diet"
>you're in a fucking donut shop
>we have one donut that's labeled "reduced fat"
>people just assume that "reduced fat" is the same thing as "low fat"
>"oooh, I'll take the low fat donut!"
>"it's actually only reduced fat, not low in fat."
>"reduced fat and low fat are the same thing!"
>sure whatever then, I tried
>reduced fat donut's fat content is 23g instead of 25g
>hence the "reduced" title
>donut still has 400+ calories and a ton of added sugar

>> No.6138895

ITT people do not have a clue that the people who come through their doors are the people that pay for your existence
Your financial value to the world is derived from how you translate what people to say into what they actually want, and deliver it to them quickly.
They will pay you money that they earned doing what they do, and if you did your job well they will come back
Remember that and maybe you will be better at your job and less bitter

>> No.6138898

>" i wanted chicken curry without chicken"

>"can you remove the salmon from sake sashimi set"
>sake is salmon in japanese

>"i can't eat raw meat"
>while eating at sushi place

>"this black sauce taste salty"
>it's a fuckign soya sauce

>> No.6138903

Good work on sending those primates to hell.

>> No.6138921

Theres always one jokester who comes in and posts this. In the event that you are serious (which is rare), please note that the customer is not always right. They just always win.

>> No.6138934

>Religious practices involving food are the stupidest shit regardless of which they come from
You never visit Asia, do you? Some chinese faggot i know refuse to eat beef and its product. Something about his karma in his current life or some shit. Nonetheless, he's still a massive cunt and fat as fuck.

>> No.6138935

Dude, I and 99% of the English speaking planet would have understood the first time. Who enabled you to keep being retarded?

>> No.6138944

Halal & Kosher.
The scariest words in a caterers job. Vegan doesn't come close.

>> No.6138952

When I hear stories like this, I always think these people are knowingly lying to themselves. There's no way anyone can be as dumb as to think that's healthy

>> No.6138958

But theres plenty of people who think 'diet' soda is completely healthy or neutral.

>> No.6138961

It's really, really easy to be ignorant about the nutritional content of what you eat.

>> No.6138973

Some people love to get lied through advertisements like kids promised with figurine that can fly and do lots of shit.
Never again ;_; optimus prime

>> No.6139012

I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.6139029

Are you absolutely retarded? That order is standard fucking procedure at a pizza joint. Had you never taken an order from an old person before?

>> No.6139031

just ended my shift. Long day. I blew my load into the crab bisque, like I do every day. Then I dwelled on the fact that I'm have a job for uneducated, minimally waged, indentured servants who have hit a dead end in their lives. Then I cried about not getting any tips, even though I'm a rude, entitled, douche-bag. Then I went home and started a thread on 4chan that will serve as a beacon for all other sad, pathetic losers on /ck/ to join me in my misery. I also masturbate too much.

>> No.6139032


it's not UNhealthy aside from phosphoric acid being god awful for your teeth

obviously you're better off drinking water, but it's way better than regular soda


like that fucking means anything

>> No.6139049

if you don't know how to cook a medium or well done steak without burning the pepper crust, you are not a "high end" cook. You and coworkers were incompetent, period. That customer might have had no taste, but you had no skill either, chief.

>> No.6139060


god I hear the waiters complaining about shit like this when I'm working

I started hating waiters so much more ever since I started actually working as a cook, you fucks sit back and talk half the time and make 4x as much as we do


>> No.6139071

But that's not true.

>> No.6139102

Worked at BK in college
>Why do your burgers taste smoky (They tasted exactly how broiled burgers taste)
>Why do your burgers have black stuff on them (Grill marks mind you)
>Can I have "better/different/real(no seriously)" onions (cause we used real onion and no McDicks dehydrated)
>Can I have a Bacon Double Cheeseburger, plain

>Can I substitute my fries for a burger
>Can i substitute the condiments for another burger patty

>Prepare order for drive-thru
>We fuck up (95% of the time was wrong drink cause our drink station was organized like an abandoned factory)
>Guy comes back through drive thru to tell us we are wrong
>Even if its super busy
>Is annoyed it took so long
>Gets very angry when we tell him next time to come inside and service will be quicker
>Was fat every time
Jesus, it was hell.

>> No.6139110

I love when customers say to "burn it" or "extremely well done"

>Can pretty much ignore it during cooking
>Serve them anything that isn't charcoal
>Never get it returned

>> No.6139157

>wouldn't they want equal sized slices?
Fuck what they want. If they are making special requests, then I am only just fulfilling it.

>> No.6139163

lol I would have understood the second time but kept going anyways

>> No.6139262

a u t i s m

>> No.6139297

Dude, I used to be a littlecaesarsfag and this shit would ALWAYS throw me off. No one orders shit like that. Almost every single time when a customer would say "I wanna cheese n' pepperoni pizza", they meant one of each.

Another tale from the caesar crypt:
>get call-in order one day
>want a pizza made specially for a mickey mouse birthday party
>pepperoni and black olives
>wanted three black olives on every pepperoni in the shape of a mickey mouse

Wasn't upset, I actually thought it was a pretty fun order, but definitely one of the weirder ones.

>> No.6139315


>> No.6139325

i love my firm, grey protein pucks

>> No.6139471
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If he'd have said "I want a cheese pizza and a pepperoni pizza", I'd get where you're coming from. But I have to side with the old man here.

>> No.6139476

I tried cumming once on someone who coudn't tip, all that came out were tears

>> No.6139518

0 calories vs. 170 calories

If you're drinking more than two or three a day, this makes a difference. If you're going to tell me that something in the soda will cause me to thyroid out and retain water or some shit, no. I was drinking 8 Cokes a day, switched to diet, and have lost 60 lbs. in the last 4 months.

>> No.6139524

do you work at dennys

>> No.6139545
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Luckily they solved this in California as most chains are required to list calories, then you can just to cal/$ and you go from there. That would sound so awkward to ask for the most "cost effective" menu item.
I mean if you want to be that guy figure it out yourself.

>> No.6139553
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High-earning, educated, good-natured example of a human being who comes to 4chan /ck/ of all places to preach his food snobbery and stop by threads like this to shit on industry workers. This anon does not tip. This anon is the cancer of /ck/.

>> No.6139555

I worked in one of those "take n bake" pizza places where we assemble a pizza and the customer takes it home to bake. We had a make line setup. Customers were generally Ok. Got some dumb questions.

>how many slices in the x sized pizza?
(We didn't slice the pizzas)

>can you bake it for me just this once?
Nigga we don't even have an oven.

>can I order by the slice?

And I once got called a "young honkey" by a customer.

>> No.6139598

One of my friends was muslim and I hit him with the "wat if i gave u a sandwich dat had ham huh?" and he told me that it was okay because he didn't know, but he'd be responsible for his action if he kept going.

He was always polite and shit to the point that it made me feel uncomfortable. If we ordered a 1/2 pep and 1/2 cheese pizza, he wouldn't eat it, and chose to miss the meal I guess. He always ordered pizzas uncut and chose to cut it himself just so he wouldn't be a pain to the pizza places with his "m-muh religion!" acts. Cool guy, a little inconvenient though.

>> No.6139600

He told me some shit about bottom feeders being unclean foods or w/e. Faggot never had lobster. Or catfish.

>> No.6139617

Why can't you order by the slice?
You coulda made some dough (money) by premaking a plain cheese or pepperoni and selling the slices individually.

>> No.6139664

It it's still cancerous.

>> No.6139666

>"8 cokes a day"
Did you weigh 600 pounds before you switched to diet?

>> No.6139669

What a terrible idea for a business

>> No.6139679

>Why can't you order by the slice?
>Nigga we don't even have an oven.

>(We didn't slice the pizzas)
You could at least give them a reasonable estimate. Most pizza places slice a 16" pie into X number of pieces, so you could have give then "estimates," or at least the pie size. Don't make it more difficult. "How big is the pizza?" is a reasonable question, and that is what they were really asking.

Some of you fuckers in this thread are just as obtuse as your customers, and don't have legitimate complaints.

>> No.6139692

I get that there's no oven. But you could sell them a single frozen slice for them to bake later. If they're dumb enough to order it they're dumb enough to pay for it.

>> No.6139842
File: 580 KB, 867x677, Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 1.40.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 fine dining line cookfag here (pls remember me ;_;)

Today we had a party of 30, all the while chef was sick and in a pissy mood, but because I was the only person NOT fucking anything up, he was super chill with me ;v;

We changed our tasting menu (carpaccio with black truffles and a quail egg, 5 parts of a cow all on one plate, blood orange and foie gras, etc. etc. it's amazing) so that's awesome.

Ah yes, as for stupid stories, I totally found one.
>new dude on the line
>I'm training him but he's still slow and constantly fucking up.
>can't fire him because we're low on line cooks
>switch him around onto different stations to see where he fucks up less
>the one day I'm off he's on my station alone and he manages to fuck everything up, loses our polenta scoop and our lid for our braising pot, forgets to write a prep sheet, forgets to mention that we need to make extra polenta for a party, etc.
>I come in after having off for two days, and the sous chef goes off on me for random things I don't remember doing
>getting yelled at is irritation, getting yelled at by qt sous chef who you sort of like a little is painful, getting yelled at by a qt sous chef you sort of like for things you didn't even do is fucking awful
>tfw everyone called out the new guy and informed the sous chef a few hours later, and by then he was too embarrassed to apologize, and instead was just insanely nice to me the rest of the week

Feels gud mang

>> No.6139854

The sauce turns the crispy chicken skin soggy.

>> No.6139855

>My rare steak is cold in the middle.
Rare is not blue and even blue should be room temp. You can make it warm if you're not shit.

>> No.6139862
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This is very true. I like my streak to be rare, but if it's literally cold when it arrives, you done goofed. The texture also tends to be different if it's just straight up not cooked.

>> No.6139865
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Go to the store and get a loaf of bread, if they have eggs get half a dozen.

>> No.6139875

Getting smashed on brekkie service because I'm only a second year apprentice.
>can I please have an eggwhite omlet with no brown colour on it, and no oil or anything else in the pan.
> As I look at my pans I know this is impossible, that fucker will stick like crazy without oil, or I'd have to wait for it to brown a bit for it too come out.
>head chef is walking by and can see the worried look on my face, looks at the dockets, then grins.
>gets a large bit of glad wrap (cling film) out an puts it over a pot of boiling water, with gaps either side of it so it doesn't balloon up.
>makes a small dish shape in the plastic
>places the egg whites in and steams an omlet, slids off and onto the plate like a dream, no colour

>> No.6139876

Did the qt sous chef apologize for yelling at you and, more importantly, did you end up going out with her?

>> No.6139879

he was really nice afterwards which is kind of his way of apologizing, and nah man, still crushing on him from afar.

I feel like he sees me as some kid, anyway.

>> No.6139882

>be on a starge at one of the best restaurants in the city
>man I want a job here
>they have a commie who is in the shit.
>just before service he drops a blow torch gas bottle and all, into the deep fryer
>entire kitches has to evacuate and wait for the thing to either explode or cool down. (it didn't explode :C they have some safty valve that released the gas)
>instant opening for a new commie, had my resume in his hand and was working there four days later :D

>> No.6139883

Best of luck, cookfag. Hopefully he'll notice your talent and respond positively.

>> No.6139888

>well done, but not dry please.

>> No.6139897
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Oh shit, forgot this happened today

>Chef fires a sweetbread at me
>finish the plate and serve it up with pasta guy's pappardelle
>2 minutes after finishing the plates and throwing them on the window, our fucking server walks down and says they're not ready yet
>chef's already in a shit mood cause he's sick, and he asks in a calm voice why she didn't just hold when she saw they wanted more drinks
>my chef's face when this bitch fucking stomps away like she's cash fucking money

thanks bro. I feel like if I can prove I can work just as well as a man in the kitchen, I could not only improve my chances of becoming their next tournant, but I can garner current qt sous' attention.


congrats tho, m9

>tfw i work BOH and don't need to hear customers spewing this sort of basura

rare steaks shouldn't be cold in the middle, pleb.

>> No.6139900

please leave

>> No.6139902

oh I got another one from many moons ago.

>pretty standard cafe
>just finished highschool and was working shitty dish pig job for gap year trip
>chef there was your standard crazy chef.
>big day, full kitchen and front of house.
>there is only one toilet in the entire place, for staff and cuntermers alike.
>Chef needs to shit, some bitch is taking half an hour in the shitter.
>downs pants and quivers out a shit straight into the rubbish bin in the middle of the kitchen.
>wipes with cling wrap because conveniently close.

>> No.6139922
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>downs pants and quivers out a shit straight into the rubbish bin in the middle of the kitchen

>> No.6139923

mate round here we speek strayian not france ok good.

we chef.

>> No.6139932

I don't know if it's the same person or if there are multiple people who actually make this request, but I probably get requested to cut a burger in half (requested quarters once before as well) at least once a week.

>> No.6139936

oh man is it actually different in other english speaking countries?

I always thought all fine dining places did the french word shit

>> No.6139958

Anon probably works at a Papa Murphy's. They do that so poor people can use EBT (at least in California).

>> No.6139961

>Worked at BK in college
May I have burger without the bun? Stupid Atkins diet wannable

>> No.6139980

What's wrong with cutting a burger in half. It's a good idea when you know you're not going to be able to finish the monster and you want to take half of it home to eat in the middle of the night.

>> No.6139981

I've gotten that before. One time I had a person say they were gluten intolerant, but didn't ask for the fried onions that go with the burger she ordered and that have flour on them to be taken off. I put them on the side just in case, and she must have eaten them. She always gets that burger, but this is the first time the person taking the order actually told me she had a gluten intolerance (just always said no bun, didn't know why). I have a feeling she doesn't actually have Coeliac's.

>> No.6139992

It's a weird request.

>> No.6139994

No it definitly is, most all fine dining restraunts in aus choose random french words to replace english words in the kitchen. But every now and then a bogan will become head chef at a good restraunt, and it's hilarious.

>> No.6140133

That wasn't a big deal unless they wanted all the condments as well. All we did was throw the burger patties into a plastic bowl and be done with it. We got that request multiple times a day.

HOWEVER if they want all their condiments and shit, jesus.
>Have to sit there and fill this bowl with shit.
>Have to glob mayo into it
>Have to watch them mix it around into a slurry and shovel it down

>> No.6140165

Anon apparently you didnt read my comment well. I didn't say diet was not better than regular soda. I just said its not healthy or neutral. They're still terrible for you, and if you don't think so please research why.

>> No.6140176
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1378661981728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god it is hilarious
used to have this full tilt kiwi bogan as a chef
the way he pronounced everything made me chuckle
he was so feral and alcoholic but had such skill and grit and was classically trained
>"hey anon, fetch those whore doves from the coolroom"
>have a new paki dishwasher, name is Shazaib
>"ow's it goin' Shazam!"
" foig gruss is up, where's my pie-ella?"

>> No.6140195

I got a meth head gronk kid as an aprentice for a while, he quit after a few weeks, but he was dumb as shit. Me and the other chef on our section would always call a spatula a "cat spatula". Guarantee to this day that cunt still thinks "spatula" is a shortened form of its full name "Cat-spatula".

>> No.6140207

>Work at Walmart bakery.
>Woman wants a certain cake, but it's not in the case.
>Okay cool, lemme see if we have it in back.
>We do.
>"Can you not put any tags on it?"
>Stare at her. "But it needs a bar code put on it.."
>She gets an attitude. "I DONT WANT THE PRICE BEING SHOWN."
>Shrug and rip off the price section, betting 10/10 she'll argue with the cashier to get it for free because of 'no price' on it.

Other instances..
>Not knowing what they want when they order.
>Calling 5 times to change an order, then complain when they pick up said order. that it's not what they wanted.
>Not knowing how to spell the persons name they're buying a cake for.
>Order cake, say the order is fine when reviewed before they walk off. Then proceed to bitch that everything on the cake was wrong and they want to speak to a manager.

We have at least 4 people who do that last one on a weekly basis.

I like my job, but come the fuck on. Why do people who go to Walmart act so uppity? It's fucking WALMART.

Sounds time consuming, but cute.

>> No.6140226

>Work at bar that sells simple plates of food and sandwiches, but we mostly stick to drinks
>One customer really picky with what he has
>questions every single detail of the plate
>chef comes out to explain it to him
>says he wants no salt or oil used, and the sausages to be well cooked
>would always ask for this one cook to cook it for him
>if she was not around he would sit and fucking wait for her to start her shift
>he could complain the sausages were raw after eating them every single time no matter how badly burnt they were when sending out.

Got so many stories from this bar but damn this customer was the worst.

>> No.6140674
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>> No.6140849

Sick chef? I can't think of a better way to spread disease.
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit

>> No.6140931


not that guy but we wear face masks

also if you were under the impression that chefs didn't work while sick you are clearly mistaken, we don't have a fucking choice

>> No.6140978

Surely that must be against health code


>> No.6140988

end yourself if you have a problem with customers like that

>> No.6141409

>Can I have "better/different/real(no seriously)" onions (cause we used real onion and no McDicks dehydrated)

Haha I remember asking for a burger at Burgerking once when I was younger (like 8 or some shit) and asked for onions "cut into little pieces like McDonald's does)
>tfw I get no onions at all

>> No.6141524

>Another tale from the caesar crypt:

lol'd hard

>> No.6141638
File: 112 KB, 500x333, garlic-herb-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cooking a steak dinner tonight. What does /ck/ recommend as a healthy side dish?

>> No.6141712
File: 61 KB, 400x400, WYAeaszC_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a footlong number 8
>Can you put black olives and pepperjack cheese on that?
>Do you guys toast your sandwiches?
>Can I get a bag?
>I want a number JJ Gargantuhnn...... no onion or tomato

I honestly hate my job.

>> No.6141716

big john with extra lettuce and tomato, with oil and vinger, and hot relish sauce shit

dont hate your job. i love your sandwiches

>> No.6141725

I love sandwiches too, I hate people. They're so stupid and they don't even realize it. Sometimes it's an extreme struggle to get basic information out of people like a name or an address.

Also, Number 16, TBO, sauce on the bread, easy mayo, extra onion, easy peppers, cut in 1/2.

>> No.6141783


>"In england pepperoni is a vegetable."

The English language is a clusterfuck when it comes to pepper/pepperoni

>> No.6141839

>he thinks cooks/chefs don't work while we're sick

toppest of keks.

Obviously we take a shit ton of pills, wear face masks and gloves and shit, but if we're not puking and we're able to stand and walk, we'll be ostracized for not working

>> No.6141880

Never got any really shit customers, but I worked sunday breakfast at this diner for a few years. There was this really fat guy that came in a few times a month and ordered the exact same thing:
>Creamed chipped beef
>2x order white toast, buttered
>French fires
>2x order, deep fried bacon

I have never seen a meal more ridiculous.

>> No.6141903

>working at a restaurant where your clientele is this poor and couldnt afford a decent education

>not use to dumb people as a bar tender and fucking them on the drink anyway like a bartender would really do

>working at a restaurant where you serve pancakes

>again, dumb clientele means you work for poor people

>> No.6141958

U r homosex?

>> No.6142027

I used to work in a little shitdick bakery type place that sold breakfast & lunch + cakes and breads and shit. It wasn't bad, the owner was this old chinese chick who used to run some high end restaurant but has no idea how to manage anything so it shut down and she opened this little hole in the wall.
>be me
>never had a real job
>homeboy is a server so he sets me up with an interview
>hired on the spot
>'soux chef' is crazy old chinese dude who just rolls dinner rolls and washes dishes named tony
>working there for about a week
>something fucky is afoot
>start noticing wierd shit
>hypodermic needles scatered in the mushroom
>drygood storage is in a really wierd spot, room that should be used is always locked
>door is unlocked one day so I open to investigate
>tables and desks piled up with makeshift bedding on top
>Tony is living in the restaurant
>Tony is a heroin addict
>old chinese lady gets fed up with his shit, fires him and kicks him out
>Tony sleeps in the alley behind the restaurant for a couple weeks
>always see him out there when taking trash out/emptying grease traps
>one day he's gone
>wtf happened to Tony?
Saw him about a year later shot the fuck out in a town about 75 miles away at a subway. I wonder what he's up to

Also lots more bullshit if anyones interested

>> No.6142058


sure tell more stories rule 10

>> No.6142092

>we don't serve any alcohol at the restaurant
>owner decides for some reason to store her champagne in the little half refrigerators we kept milk and shit in
>I'm refilling the tray we keep little single creamers in after the truck comes one day
>I have no idea she's keeping her shit in the refrigerator
>pull they tray out and hear something call in the fridge
>reach behind the tray and feel a bottle so I set it upright
>pull the tray out
>two bottles had fallen over
>$500 bottle of champagne explodes on the floor
>cunt fucking owner makes me pay for it
Why the fuck would you keep your personal shit in the restaurant? This fucking stupid bitch had 5 bottles of dom perignon that her friend from France gave her in the fridge

>> No.6142135

It's probably because you' re 12 years old and have no concept of how restaurants need to operate to be PROFITABLE.

If those dumb bitches take up tables during peak hours, they are depriving the establishment of the possibility of having a higher margin based on the amount of food, but most importantly alcohol (restaurants generally don't make that much money on the food plates but on the marked up drinks that you suck down your gullets), off of higher spending patrons.

So if they're sitting there splitting three appetizers and drinking water, they're screwing not only server, but the whole restaurant as well. No profit, no restaurant, no restaurant, no jobby jobs.

>> No.6142151


>> No.6142158

Turds in the kitchen? yeah I dare say it is.

>> No.6142175

>>another steak order on a sunday
>>says he wants steak extremely well done
>just straight up says to deep fry it
...Covington Indiana, 2013?

>> No.6142224

>working in sushi restaurant
>rich pretentious woman customer
>asks if what she got really was in fact yellowfin.

She asks the waitresses then directly goes to a chef of 10+ years of experience and questions him about. The audacity of this woman made me shit a brick.

>> No.6142258

>French fires
that anything like baked Alaska?

>> No.6142268


>> No.6142278

>work at a dollar store during christmas season
>entire store is a clusterfuck, the owner doesn't use labels for where items go so stockers have to guess
>lady who looks like a heroin addict asks me if they have any "4ft+ christmas bags"
>say i'm not sure and that the 1ft by 1ft bags are the largest i know of, but to look anyway because they might be around somewhere
>help her search for a little bit
>get yelled at by boss for not cleaning (i was the cleaning dude)
>go back to cleaning and tell her good luck
>10 minutes later she walks up to me looking furious and holds up a bag
>asks me "how big is this?"
>i'm tired as fuck and not realizing she's trying to be a cunt, nor did i remember she had asked me for a larger bag earlier
>holds tag that says size up to my face
>i read it off to her "it's 4feet by 3feet"
>she says thank you in a snide cunty tone
>i still have no idea what's going on
>smile and say "no problem"
>she looks confused as fuck
>i'm just standing there smiling
>she backs away trying to figure out what just happened in her mind
>i am trying to do the same thing
>realize what just happened
>really glad i was too tired to realize what was going on because her response was hilarious


>"how much is this?" a dollar, everything in the store is a dollar
>"and this?"
>all fucking day

>> No.6142283

>everything in the store is a dollar
don't lie to me, boy.

>> No.6142286

nah man im a hetero girl

we do have one homosex on the line though and he and I happen to be super tight besties which is cool

>> No.6142313
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Here's the most ridiculous one I can think of, used to work a McJob.
>Woman wants a salad
>"Can you take the iceberg lettuce out of the salad, it's way too much"
>Wants us to take out like 80% of the pre-made salad by hand
>"No sorry, we can't do that"
"Oh well, I'll just order a hamburger"

>> No.6142318

so you explain that and then give it to them on the side

>God forbid, someone who eats reasonably for their caloric needs instead of being a fat

He cringes because they're taking up a table for 6 and only paying for ~2 people worth of food

>is there pork in the cheese
I wat'd

>one fries please
>i don't understand

on what planet is "a cheese and pepperoni pizza" two pizzas?

>customer turns away food BECAUSE YOU MADE IT TOO QUICKLY

fucking... what

>> No.6142325

You know how hard it is to slice up a raw floppy pizza? let alone individually package those?

>> No.6142328

P-Murphs is correct. Lots of people came in on EBT day.

>> No.6142333

>Reasonable estimate
The pizza sizes were listed on the wall with the estimated ammount of people it would feed. To me, its a silly question because in my mind every pizza is generally cut into 8 slices. So the bigger the pizza the bigger the slices. bigger pizza != more slices by that logic

>> No.6142360

I will never eat a steak rare unless I know exactly where it came from. Because if you have to ask, it was probably some million-head factory mud pit in Texas. I've seen how those cows are handled, wading through their own shit all day. Fuck that, I'm going to cook that shit thoroughly.

>> No.6142384

>'soux chef' is crazy old chinese dude who just rolls dinner rolls and washes dishes named tony
why are all the dishes named 'tony'?

>> No.6142397

It's even weirder because he was like a 40 year old (he could be younger, I'm sure herion isnt the best anti aging medicine) chinese dude

>> No.6142449

Sautee mushrooms in the steak juices. Serve with brussels sprouts,or beets. Will make strong in pants.

>> No.6142475

I went into work stoned the other day

Am I going to hell now?

>> No.6142478

>We have a smoked brisket chili that we do on the menu.
>Its fucking delicious, we smoke the brisket for 10 hours and it comes out amazing, moist and fatty and and amazing bark and just perfect.
>Guy orders a bowl of it, but with no smoke.
>Not no brisket, but NO SMOKE.
>FoH tells him that theres no liquid smoke in it, the brisket itself is smoked.
>He knows, he just wants normal brisket thats been cooking normally and then put in the chili.
>We told him we couldn't do it because we can't cut off a small piece of raw brisket, cook it separately, and then throw it in the chili just for him.

Why are people fucking retarded?

>> No.6142482


if you are then so is every dishwasher we've ever had

>> No.6142502

why don't restaurants do this?
I mean if he's going off menu, why not just charge him for 300 bucks?

>> No.6142509

Which your boss will see as right because money talks, are you trying to lose your job

>> No.6142519
File: 127 KB, 500x501, mr moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god the memories
$18/hr to stack plates and scrub the occasional pot, music, free food and all the soda, juice, coffee I could drink, free beer at the end of each shift and the cutest waitresses, also the chefs were such bros if you helped them when they needed.
people know who smokes or drinks before/during their work but they don't care ass long as you work well

>> No.6142551


The fuck? I was making in $10.50 + tips, which turned out to be about $2/hr because chef was a lying cunt

>> No.6142553

>people know who smokes or drinks before/during their work but they don't care ass long as you work well
I live in Colorado [spoiler]everyone is always fucking stoned, cept the sous chefs and exec

>> No.6142557

oh, I'm not in america and I was casual at a level 2 out of 3, I sometimes helped plate food, do cold prep or make deserts, cold larder etc, but they payed me the same for doing dishes for some reason

our wages here are way over inflated tbh


>> No.6142570

Also helped on plating, prep, desserts, etc. Still got fuck all. Damn though. Canadian here, why the fuck do all you people come to our skill hills to work?

>> No.6142593

Because literally have one mountain/ski resort here, Canada has what, a dozen?

>> No.6142623

Canadian and Swiss ski resorts recruit from Australian resorts (of which there aren't many).

>> No.6142839


There are "dollar stores" that sell things for more or less than a dollar though. And they sometimes aren't clearly labelled. Like cheap energy drinks for 50 Cents

>> No.6142852

dont lump us in with that fuckwad

>> No.6143393

I specifically order foot long sandwiches at places like JJ just to piss off the register jockey. Good to see it works.

>> No.6143403

Congratulations. You fail at life. Enjoy eating shoe leather.

>> No.6143406

Not all the dishes. Just the ones he was washing.

>> No.6143461

I work at a safeway deli in a dumb fuck concrete town.

>hi sir, how are you? "Half pound of tenders n' some ranch."
>hey man, how's it going? "All of this looks like shit."
>what can I do for you? "make a fresh bucket of chicken" aight, it takes like half an hour "That's bullshit"
you're bullshit lady, I don't pick how we deepfry shit if you want raw corperate food go get it somewhere else throw up your organs when you're out of my store.

>> No.6143466

Half an hour to fry up a bucket of chicken? That is bullshit. The oil should already be hot, just dump that shit in and go. Faggot.

>> No.6143467

Guy works in a deli, not a fucking fast food joint, they aren't going to run fryers 24/7 moron

>> No.6143622

No it's not.

>> No.6143644

>work at Panera
>woman in her late 30's comes in every day at 4:00 PM
>orders macaroni and cheese
>when she receives the order she covers it in napkins
>sits in the same chair at the same table
>unwraps straw and inserts it in beverage
>puts napkin on straw when she isn't drinking from it
She has a very sweet voice that is very pleasant to listen to. She is cute in a weird way though. The kind of cute where you want to here the noises she makes when you insert your penis into her asshole.

>> No.6143724

Kroger deli clerk here. We have two fryers set at 350F all day.
Granted his Safeway is likely a lot smaller than my store, but it's not unreasonable to keep one fryer on. Chicken should take 15 minutes, max.

>> No.6143774
File: 4 KB, 141x194, wilikers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in a very high end steak house
>it isn't uncommon for people to order blue rare
>one day, guy comes in alone
>orders kobe filet. raw.
>take out steak, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and send out
>guy happily eats a raw slab of meat
>all of my wat

>> No.6143828

>He thinks chefs can take the day off when sick

We're too short-staffed for that shit. Cooks and chefs work while sick ALL THE TIME, sorry to break it to you.
We do, however, wear gloves and make sure to not touch our faces/breathe on shit etc.

>> No.6143852

>>work in a very high end steak house

There is no such thing you fucking plebeian.

>> No.6143862

how many michelin stars does your "high end steak house" have ?

>> No.6143863

oh, sorry, let me rephrase
>"work in a 28/30 Zagat rated, 4 diamond restaurant that was voted "best steakhouse in the country"

>> No.6143866

glorious nihon

>> No.6144009

fag. you like penises.

>> No.6144011


>> No.6144068

>Worked at a sushi restaurant
>Dude at a had the same uramaki roll soaking in the soya bowl for at least 5 minutes
>Put it into his mouth
>Got a weird look on his face and called me over
>"Yeah....this soya is way too salty... (no shit, Sherlock?) Can you do something about it?"
>"Of course, Sir!"
>Take the soya container to the kitchen, refill it, bring it back to his table along with a new bowl
>"Here you go, Sir! I just filtrated this soya, it contains less salt now"
>"Oh really? How did you do that?"
>"It's an ancient asian art. Can't reveal the secret now can I?"
>Winked at the end of that sentence
>"That's amazing! Yeah, it tastes less salty now. Thanks!"
>Tipped me $20 for superb service

I can be pretty petty sometimes, but some people is just too stupid to not be bullshitted.

>> No.6144102

Sometimes I REALLY want to be a dick but then I remember it's much more rewarding to not be a dick. I was irritated at a guy in the drive thru once for being a pain in the ass with a huge order at midnight and he ended up tipping me a $20.

>> No.6144104

Is there something special about this JJ place that ordering a footlong is fucking with the staff, or is it just a matter of ordering a footlong when the menu says 12"?

>> No.6144176

Of course it's more rewarding to not be a dick. But when opportunities like this show up, I just can't resist.

>> No.6144435

more like fired

>> No.6144441

she can't do that. may have been more economic to quit right then.

>> No.6144474

>>another steak order on a sunday
I-is it a bad thing to order steaks on sundays?

>> No.6144482
File: 497 KB, 300x126, 1385636992886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you always tip but there is still a high chance some people do it anyway

>> No.6144493

>order a certain amount of food
>pay for that certain amount of food
>people get angry because the number of people eating it is different than anticipated

I never got this. Is this waiter autism?

>> No.6144496

>Herp a derp I'm a big dumb flyover who doesn't know about Sundays

Why do you even bother to breathe?

>> No.6144509


>> No.6144568

I'm so sorry

>> No.6144628

Even sunlight is cancerous

>> No.6144644

tru dat

>> No.6145237

just fucking no

>> No.6145267

> I need a gluten free menu
> whatever bitch, here ya go
> can I get extra croutons with my salad
>my face

> at olive garden
> where is the steak and chicken hibachi on the menu?
> my face

> how much do breadsticks cost?

>I want my steak well done, but not burnt


>> No.6145281


I did the same thing almost. He specifically asked for heavy seasoning and ten seconds on all sides.

I almost cried, it was so beautiful.

>> No.6145287

What. Idgi. Steak + Sunday = anger forever?

>> No.6145393


>> No.6145502

At least your pizza is better than Me 'n Ed's.

>> No.6145614
File: 160 KB, 499x499, 1411706862915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pizza delivery driver and slightly damage the property of anyone who doesn't tip

>> No.6145626
File: 180 KB, 523x720, 1405429863881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at shitty store like this
>customers need your help constantly with basic shit
>always take my time helping them
>they always ask to speak to manager and compliment how helpful i was
>half my shift is just walking about with customers helping them shop
>manager never said anything about this because they specifically told us to always help the customer out
>mfw the same blind guy came in every week and i had to slowly walk him about the store describing every fucking item to him
>mfw he was buying a calender and i gave him one full of half naked girls
>mfw some customers fucking tipped me for being so kind and helpful

>> No.6145689

Your body is franticly shovelling off sugar due to your diabetes, your urine probably tastes like lemonade by now.

See a doctor anon and stop drinking that acidic poison before you fucking die.

>> No.6145710

You think this shit's rough, imagine working in a pharmacy. Needy people, worthless doctors, never ending insurance issues, insurance agents who don't give a fuck, it's hell on earth. No tips, no appreciation.

>> No.6145759

...that's why the question is funny

>> No.6145775

THIS. Fucking this, working at Domino's.

> How many slices in a small?
> How many in a medium
>.....also 8
> What about the large?
>...eigh....ma'am you do realize that the sizes differ in diameter not slices right?
>............so can I get like 12 slices?
> Yeah, sure. What size?
> 12 slices.

>> No.6145780

yup thats why i quit working in pharmacy

also fuck people who complain docs and med system isnt helping enough when fucks wont even take a pill correctly

>> No.6145806

So many fucks coming in with ZPak scripts and complaining of their flu.

Always our fault, not their insurance or doctor either. And good god, heaven help us if a prior auth pops up, we're the goddamn devil when that happens.

First of the year so new ins all around, so guess what I'm hearing a ton of lately.

>But that isn't what I paid last month when I had insurance and now I don't.

>> No.6145810

former boh mcserf here, I will never understand the fuckers who order a burger sans bun. It's not a celiac thing, there's gluten in the sauces if I remember right. why in fuck do you want sauce and grease smeared across the inside of your box/wrapper? How the fuck you do even hold it?

>> No.6145814

lel thanks for reminding me I got out before the new year rollover for deductible

i was a saint to my customers thougg, i even took my own time to go on the manufacturer websites and save people cash, saved a chick $600 once and she tipped me $50, that was nice; no other tips ever though

you can trick the cialis coupon by changing the customer bday everytime you process it, saved a guy $4k over like a year and a half, he gave me nothin lol

i quit mainly because raises were capped at 2%, I was below $13 and new people that i had to train were getting $15 in the door

for 5 years of working their it was a slap in the face, now I do /g/ shit

>> No.6145819

You sound like a pretty cool guy, anon.

>> No.6145849

Its called wanting your employer to be profitable so you can continue to be employed.

>> No.6146090

>> how much do breadsticks cost?

What's the problem with that one?

>> No.6146106

There is also no problem with the well done steak as you sear like you would a med/med-rare and throw it in the oven to finish to their liking.

>> No.6146316


It was Olive garden. It's says unlimited free breadsticks all over the menu.

There is no problem with a well done steak. "Well done, but not burnt." Then they send it back because they can't chew it. If you want a well done steak order a filet.

You probably eat yours with ketchup.


>> No.6146320


> finish it in the oven

Obviously you've never worked foh or boh so why are you even posting?

>> No.6146375
File: 40 KB, 355x417, 1397193325165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. I hope to be such a good improvising bad-ass like that some day.

>> No.6146398

This man is God

>> No.6146428

>It was Olive garden. It's says unlimited free breadsticks all over the menu.

I see, didn't know that, I've never been to Olive Garden

>> No.6146434
File: 39 KB, 852x480, terminator-2-sd-screencapture-shotgun-movie-prop-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a pussy.

>> No.6146537

Former FiveGuysFag.. We had to cut burgers all the time in my town

It always made me laugh how many fat bitches would think that it was healthy to order our letticue wrap and then have it drowning in A1 or would have extra bacon on it..

>> No.6146557


>> No.6146563

i saw some ham returned at Walmart once because the guy didn't know there was pork in it

>> No.6146604

>>6138536 spaghetti is a type of pasta not a good type

>> No.6146605


>> No.6146608

Are lettuce wraps the new Diet Coke?

>> No.6146611

It's the new meme to write in these fake stories threads.

>> No.6146631

Not when you're from Texas it isn't

>> No.6146684

They don't have foot long sandwiches, at least, they're not billed that way. It pisses them off because they think they're better than Subway, and yet here you are, ordering like you're at Subway.

>> No.6146695

Ooohhhh, fucking #REKT

>> No.6146708

I want to smear sauce and grease inside your mom's box

>> No.6146717

fucking hate these threads because they make me feel bad for asking any questions at all at any restaurant

>> No.6146729

I have never worked there and I can still tell you that Walmart is visited by the worst shitheads in America

>> No.6146736


>> No.6146740

What kind of questions do you normally ask? No, Papa Johns will not put activated organic almond sprouts on your pizza.

>> No.6146770

Just simple stuff like if something has dairy in it, or if i can have a dish without like two ingredients in it. Even then it seems like people itt throw a bitch fit over stuff like that

>> No.6146799


I will fucking shot you.

>> No.6146862

If you read the tread its not that they care about people asking.
Its about repeated offenders.
Or when costumers starts asking if milk is milk. Or if there is flour in bread. Maizebread is sorta rare, and usually named.

>> No.6147098

>on what planet do you order a pepperoni pizza?

>> No.6147109

>it's not UNhealthy aside from phosphoric acid being god awful for your teeth
>consuming stuff your body can't even really digest as food and gain nutrition from, making it waste energy when you could be consuming something that's healthy and gives you energy isn't unhealthy
okay, whatever you say...

>> No.6147121
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>> No.6147132


saying that something is unhealthy because it's not the most ideal thing you could be consuming is retarded

>> No.6147184
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>pasta tryhards

fucking lol

>> No.6147848

>college humour

Jeez, you know even us peons who went to public universities and worked to pay our way through college understand basic citation and source relevancy to make a compelling argument.

I guess you also haven't learned reading comprehension past high school level yet because that post was not really about tipping, but one of the dynamics that is needed in a restaurant in order to be profitable.

It's ok that you missed that cause you're too preoccupied with tipping anyway. Please just stay home and leave eating out to the adults, people who actually understand how the real world works.

>> No.6147943

>work at a cafe where customers place an order at a counter
>landwhale walks in
>"do you guys have the 'ex-presso'"
>no, we do have black coffee
>"don't like dat. what else?"
>soda and water
>"diet coke?"
>"with caffeine?"
>"oh, I can't have dat"
>my fucking face when

I didn't know what to say. Why the fuck would you ask for espresso when you supposedly can't have caffeine?

People are also fucking goddamn thieves. Someone stole the goddamn toothpick dispenser.

>> No.6148015

If you're not an assholey autismo retard, you have no reason to feel bad.

>> No.6148042

+1 internets to you kind anon

>> No.6148049

you can get decaf espresso you know

>> No.6148063

>>mfw [a blind guy] was buying a calender and i gave him one full of half naked girls
Why would a blind guy want a calendar? He was probably buying it for a gift.
> happy birthday I bought you a calendar. The guy in the store recommended it
> nude girls
You probably gave some old lady a heart attack. Fuck you.


>> No.6148162

I've never tipped and neither has any person I've ever known in my life no matter where we've eaten. I'm in Aus by the way so I assume tipping is an American thing.

>> No.6148216

Working there is hell buddy, at mine we usually get poor families who always bring their kids and are rude about ordering

>> No.6148242
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>Dr. Pepper, no lemon

>> No.6148253

Hide Australian posts.
Ignore Australian posts.
Do not reply to Australian posts.

>mfw a dingo sqibbly wibbly poisonous Kwala was near me.

>> No.6148259


(north) american

we tip in Canada too

>> No.6148261

Man that meme is so old, last time I laughed at that I was looking after my pet dodo.

>> No.6148271

Is this some new meme?

>> No.6148274

Wasn't meant to be funny

>> No.6148324

Was she a nigger?

>> No.6148336

>in the prep kitchen cutting meat
>see a J1 cutting onion by cutting it in half, cutting off one slice of onion, then cutting it again
>one by one, very slowly.
>offer to show him how to cut it in a more efficient way
>no thanks
>Tell him he should get everything he needs for the tuna salad in one go so he doesn't have to go back and forth
>no i'm good
Fucking Peruvians.

Later he walks up to me with three lemons and asks "Do I use these or the green lemons?"

>> No.6148377

>Be an intern at a pretty good restaurant
>One week in working the line and everything is going great
>One night our Garde Mager didnt turn up
>mfw got kicked off apps to handle amuse bouche alone
>200+ covers that night
>Barely know my station
>Went and prep like a madman
>barely got extra mise for backups
>Costumer comes in ask for refillfor amuse about 5X
>happened again for 2-3 costumer
>Holy fuck i dont have enough mise.jpg
>Couldnt serve the last 3 tables their amuse
>Head chef had to go out and apologize


>> No.6148382

fine dining line cook person aka this person >>6139842 here again!

Just needed to say that I cooked and plated a dish for the CEO of the Ferrero Rocher/Nutella company and that shit felt real good

he was apparently a fan ;v;

>> No.6148393


>> No.6148397

>industry thread
>fast food workers thinking this means them
kek, every time

>> No.6148398

Just trip already so I can filter you.

>> No.6148405

real talk i feel really special i aint even ashamed at this point i feel mad cool. I love the shit I'm doing and I'm learning a fuck ton and I want to brag about it to the fucking world, man.

But since I'm too shy to brag about it where people know me I'll do it here instead ;v; sorry if it's annoying

>> No.6148430

Oh our pastry chef makes enough bread to rival olive garden and feed a fat amerifuck, but this is diffrent tho. The amuse are specified for each entree that we have, so to have a ticket comes in that say 'refill amuse1,2,3,4,5 for P1,P2,P3' I'm like "FUCK."

It's like going into a happy meals and order set a, gets the toy while you wait for your food, but then you go "Oh! I want ALL the toy since its free!" Shit doesnt work like that. The cost of the amuse in covered in your entree/set, so when an asshole come in and decided to go all hood nigger/cheap asian mode like that, he's basically eating the share of profit
1)Eating above what he's paying
2) holding up the line on a busy night since we have to hold the tickets until they finish stuffing their mouths

If it were up to me, we wouldnt have a more than 1+ amuse refill policy, but it's the restaurant's policy to keep our costumer very happy and very satisfied.

still, death to all fat amerifuck that does this.

>> No.6148674
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Your daily reminder that some lucky guy is sitting down enjoying lunch with this beautiful woman and it's not the waiter.


>> No.6148707

>mfw that's in New Zealand
>how can I tell?
I took the photo

>> No.6148949

Which defeats the very purpose of espresso. We don't carry it and I've never seen anyone who does.

No, she was pasty white

>> No.6148971

>"can you remove the salmon from sake sashimi set"
>sake is salmon in japanese

Just charge them $20 for an empty plate then.

>> No.6148999

The main 3 things that pissed me off were as follows;
1. "It's cheaper at another store"
2. insisting on you having something in the back
3. asking to ruin good food
The first two come from working at a bakery/liquor store. By time I got to the liquor store I was wiser and got the inventory job, you get paid more, free exercise and I already know whats in the back so if I go in the back to check for something it's because I have the liberty to slack off since most of the shipment is sorted and I'm really the only grunt who does heavy lifting. (woo, exercise, they wanted to promote me but I had an episode of depression like a wuss and got fired for not showing up to work for a week)

>> No.6149019

I forgot to mention the customers that try to physically intimidate you when something isn't going their way. I've had so many 40-something men puff out their chests and stand tall staring daggers at me with beady little eyes because I laugh when I'm anxious. It's a terrible habit I know but I'm 6'3'' and got kind of built from lifting cases upon cases of booze so I always wonder if that's a conscious or subconscious reaction. You have to be a pretty big guy to actually intimidate me, or really cute, that's more intimidating than anything else.

>> No.6149043

>cling wrap steam
You just gave a man cancer

>> No.6149173

Dont let that butturt anon get to you.>>6148405

>> No.6149190


I didn't understand a single thing. You were in the kitchen and people came in to get amused by oyu

>> No.6149203

He asked for it.

>> No.6149214

Please explain.
You where asked to do a job, because somebody was MIA.
A supplier, was short ordered, and didn't supply what you needed(mise? wtf is mise)
wtf is amuse.
So customers come for things they get, and why do you react?

>> No.6149239

amuse bouche is a single bite horse dove

mise is a libertarian prep in a kitchen

>> No.6149275
File: 35 KB, 450x299, balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that eat at IKEA are retards. I swear I get these questions every day I work, several times during the day:

>"what kind of meat is in the vegetarian falafel?"
>"what kind of meat is in the salmon lasagna?"
>"can i exchange my potatoes for more meatballs?"
>"can i exchange my sauce for more meatballs?"
>"can i exchange my vegetables (the dish doesn't even include vegetables) for more meatballs?"
>"can i have some more meatballs on my kids menu, that's not enough food for me"
>"i'm vegetarian and allergic to gluten, lactose and garlic, what can you give me? what do you mean i can only have plain potatoes and vegetables?"
>"i forgot to get a fork/knife/tray, can you go and get it for me?" (i'm usually serving food to a long ass line of customers, and they always get mad when say no because they are too lazy to go 3m to get it themselves)

Also, I serve meatballs to muslims all day long. For some reason they always assume it's made of beef, but it is a mix of both with more pork than beef. I did get one mad guy once that had eaten meatballs with his family several times, but didn't bother to ask what kind of meat it was until that time. He was mad because we apparently should have written on the sign that there was pork in the meatballs. My manager just told him that we're not in an islamic country, so it's not our job to make sure he follows his own religion.

>> No.6149281

this thread isn't for what the boss thinks

>> No.6149289


Salmon lasagna sounds pretty unappealing

>> No.6149310


mise is all the stuff you prepped for service. he's saying he ran out of chopped veggies and shit and had to go make more, which sucks to have to do during the dinner rush.

>> No.6149321
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This +1
I ate some fucking halal meat last week, there was a sign on the door of the cafe that said it written in the smallest possible print.
>fuck 'em

>> No.6149328

I went to an ikea once and found out they had a food court. I decided not to eat there because a salmon costed 7 bucks which told me something. I was going to buy some chocolate or some of those keks but eh

>> No.6149337

Gotta be the meatballs, mashed potato and berries anon.

>> No.6149342

> I decided not to eat there because a salmon costed 7 bucks which told me something
I don't know what that told you, but the salmon is one of the better things on the menu actually. I don't know if there is difference between countries, but the salmon is good quality over here.

>> No.6149347

To be honest, I giggled when I saw a meatball ad over there. There was also a big ass banner advertising chocolate and it said (not to scale) on the bottom, ikea is a funny place
is it? I live in miami if that means anything

>> No.6149357

Well, I live in Norway, land of salmon, but the salmon we serve is imported, so I assume it should be decent over there as well. Of course it's not the best quality that exists, but it's not fake fish or anything.

>> No.6149379

The food at IKEA is good, and the prices are good. Kids meals are like $2. It's because they know people don't go there to eat, they go there to shop, so they keep the prices low so people will eat there.

>> No.6149794

actually thought it tasted pretty good, that is if you liked the taste of cooked salmon in general.

>> No.6149867

Ausfag here, I always fucking tip you have no excuse

>> No.6149900

I ate at an IKEA in central Canada a few weeks ago. Their menu consisted of meatballs, meatballs with poutine, haddock and fries, or some kind of vegetarian dish. The haddock wasn't too bad.

>the guy handing us the food has actually talks with a swedish accent
Really jarring, I've never heard one here before.

>> No.6150020
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>My manager just told him that we're not in an islamic country, so it's not our job to make sure he follows his own religion.

Child molestor worshippers getting BTFO

>> No.6150968

His excuse is that he's a tryhard edgetard just like the other non-tipping faggots on this website that really have no idea how hard it is to make a living in or turn a profit in the restaurant industry.

>don't want to tip?:
Go grocery shopping, wash and prep the ingredients, take out pots/pans and cook your own shit just exactly how you want it but be careful to not fuck it up because you can't send it back, make sure you know what the fuck you are doing so the shit you're making will actually taste good, set your own table, pour your own drinks, clear your own table, wash your own dishes, and put away everything.

Simple right?

>> No.6151038

Apparently Not!

I've never worked in hospitality before so I treat waitstaff how I'd like to be treated e.g. leave the table tidy, have manners (which some people can't seem to comprehend) and leave a generous tip

>> No.6151269

cooking is the hardest part.
If you seriously think walking back and forth between one room to another with food + drinks is challenging, there's a reason you're not working a better job.

>> No.6151544

I don't mind tipping but I really can't stand it when it shows up on receipts in restaurants where you bus your own tables, or on takeout from a regular restaurant. That's horseshit.

As an aside, does anyone know why some places automatically add gratuity for large parties? I don't mind too much when it's 18%, but I've had some places add 22% to my bill despite the service being fairly mediocre.

>> No.6151942

How big was she?

>> No.6151977

You my friend is what's called a dying breed.

>> No.6151995


It's called working while in college prof. knowitall. Cooking is the hardest part and while the cooks at my old restaurant did not get tipped, they were provided "shift drinks" and the end of the night. I also bought them drinks out of my own tips if it was an especially rough night.

>carrying glasses and bottles from room to room.

Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.6152011

Shift drinks

Totally makes up for making $5 less than the wait staff.

>> No.6152025

That is bullshit I agree, that pisses me off too.

Because large parties require time to set up for and maintenance during service. Also what I've seen is that in the process of splitting the bill, the tip is "forgotten".

22%? I've never seen that, that's a little high.

>> No.6152101

Well get out of the kitchen and go wait on tables, see how you feel afterwards. Imagine having to deal with people that go to 4chan face to face when they're drunk, high, or just their regular autismal selves.
Kekkity kek.

Some houses pool their tips and include the cooks. The last one I worked at didnt, which they should have since the cooks get their asses handed to them everyday. I wasn't the owner so I had no say and if I did I would have taken better care of the boh staff.