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File: 8 KB, 240x350, colt-45-malt-liquor-beer-online-1382593044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6137729 No.6137729 [Reply] [Original]

Frugal drinking thread
Post your favorite ways to drink on a budget, discuss
Pic related is mine

>> No.6137755
File: 411 KB, 600x617, throttler-magazine-evan-williams-neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 1.75L bottle of this is about 16-17 bucks.

It's my go to poorfag drink.

>> No.6137763

I live in NYC so i don't really get much in the way of cheap local stuff like genesee in western NY or Natty Boh in baltimore.

white franzia for college-tier goonery
trader joes 3 buck chuck for an evening in
if you live in italy you can get a liter of mediocre but very drinkable wine for a euro, which is pretty sick

beer/malt liquor:
busch for maximum price/flavor ratio
dogbite or earthquake for an instant blackout
steel reserve for best flavor/ABV ratio
yuengling when you want something cheap but respectable

old crow bourbon tastes better than anything in the price range immediately above it. I say skip the mid tier and go for bulleit

devil springs vodka if you want to get alcohol poisoning

infusing your own vodka is absurdly easy and makes cheap shit more delicious.

bonus round:
if you like campari but don't wanna pay as much as campari usually costs, you can go to your local west african imports store and pick up a bottle of mandingo bittters. half the price, basically the same taste.

>> No.6137773

Frugal drinking makes you sound like a confirmed alcoholic. Just buy the good stuff and enjoy it from time to time. It will last forever and is actually enjoyable...

>> No.6137779

I like Olde English better than Colt myself, but being in Canada the best beer I find is Lucky Lager.
Only in cans though, the taste is slightly different in bottles.

>> No.6137803
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i don't drink malts or beer anymore

but this was what i used drink with my father, fond memories

>> No.6137811

Man I hate being a Canada fag.

It's literally impossible to drink for cheap here because liquor prices are set by the government. The only slightly below-average priced liquors are bum wines, and they're only a little cheaper than other stuff anyway.

>> No.6137816
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>> No.6137856

Not an alcoholic, just cheap and have shit taste.

>> No.6137873

you mean that shitty indian beer?

>> No.6137911

$8.99 vodka handles.

>> No.6137917
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The cheapest of cheap white cider.

>> No.6137923

My friend will buy a half pint of peppermint schnapps and chug it, and he'll be drunk for a few hours.

>> No.6137927

we used to play a game drinking this in the park.
Take one sip and pass the bottle on, next time the bottle came around 2 sips, next time 3, then 4, then 5 and so on.

>> No.6137950

hamms or lbl

>> No.6137957

This plus sour kool aid

>> No.6137964

T-thats not a game anon

>> No.6137969

I play this drinking game at home.

B-by myself.

>> No.6137975

Do it like the Finns and ferment sugar water in your basement.
But be careful, it might kilju

>> No.6137976
File: 155 KB, 1230x720, cheapbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco sells 48-packs of Light Beer for $21.99. After tax that shit is like 49¢ a can.

I'd go for their Spiced Rum or Bourbon, but wouldn't dare touch their vodka. I regret trying their tequila.

>> No.6137980
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have you ever played horsey with an alligator?

>> No.6138013

>light beer
jesus, I'd be full of beer far before I'd get drunk

>> No.6138022
File: 159 KB, 350x376, cheap_as_free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 handle of Nikolai Vodka
$1.50 2L of Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
= $0.36 for a really tasty serving of alcohol.
>Get drunk for $2
>No sugar

>> No.6138032


>> No.6138051

Then take a piss. I'd rather pay $3 for a 6-pack of light beer than a 40 of malt liquor.
And it's perfect for large parties/beer pong.

>> No.6138079

Malt liquor
>1.2L bottle at 8-10% = 9.6 - 12

Light Beer
>6*355mL = 2.1L at 3-4% = 6.3 - 8.4

just number crunching dawg

>> No.6138085
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Where i live there are some popular ways to buy on budget, i'll list all of them for you:

-Colaweiss (~Whitecoke = 3/4 White Wine 1/4 coke in a 0,5Litre glass)

-Colarot (~Redcoke = 3/4 Red Wine 1/4 Coke in a 0,5 litre glass)

-VodkaE (~ Vodka Energy = pour as much vodka as you like in a glass, fill the glass up with any energy drink but caution, to much and you wont pass out when your drunk, but you can party for ever)

-VodkaO (Vodka Orange = Vodka mixed with Orange juice, same procedure as VodkaE)

-Bazooka (Cola + Beer + Vodka = You have to mix cola, beer and vodka in a shotglass by pouring each ingredience very slowly on a spoon and then in the shotglass. If done right, the three parts wont mix and if drunken fast, you wont taste anything else then cola and you will be wasted as fuck)

You also could drink some really awesome becks or eichbaum pilsener...

>> No.6138091

>planning to get drunk the cheapest way you can
>still avoid aspartame because it's unhealthy

>> No.6138114

This. At Wal-Mart they have it for $13.

>> No.6138118
File: 41 KB, 600x600, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mickey's - 5.60%
>Olde English 800 - 5.90%
>Colt 45 - 5.61%
>King Cobra - 6.00%
>Kirkland Signature Light Beer - 4.20%

You make a fair point, but that High Gravity 8% shit like Steel Reserve costs a bit more than $3 too.

>> No.6138123

holy shit what kind of subhuman part of germany are you from?

>> No.6138146

I guess, I just find Canadian malt liquor is usually 7 or 8, and the local shit I buy is upwards of 10.

>> No.6138203
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if you are an extreme alcoholic and enjoy horrible hang overs this is for you.

I just buy good beer on the weekends.

>> No.6138260
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a poor man's substitute for this

>> No.6138270

colt's always a safe, reliable choice.

for liquor you may want to look into bacardi 151, though i have to warn you, it is a FOUL rum that will leave you all sorts of fucked up. consider also dewars white label- cheap whiskey that's actually decently tasty.

>> No.6138276

how is that anyway? i live in puerto rico and costco doesn't import those light cans. i've seen kirkland brand bottles, though that was at a party and i've yet to see it again.

>> No.6138278

>bacardi 151

Just thinking about that stuff makes me want to throw up. I had such bad experiences with it in college that I will never want to touch it again.

>> No.6138325
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When you want to start getting drunk for $1

>> No.6138421
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the short bus to oblivion

>> No.6138456


Quebec here, jealous as fuck. Cider is fucking expensive here, definitely not a cheap option. That being said, it's made with 100% apples, which from what I understand isn't required in the UK.

That being said, how gross is stuff like jackfrost? Is it the same as beer vs. malt liquor or is it actually palatable?

>> No.6138465

this shit costs 10 bucks for 1.5 L

>> No.6138471
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>> No.6138481

Kirkland Signature Light Beer is a solid "Okay". Not bad, not great.
>i live in puerto rico
Better than Coors Light, not as good as Medalla Light. Cheaper than both of them.

>> No.6138482
File: 502 KB, 1280x1180, tumblr_m8s8g4cyvf1qh5hg8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can only buy liquor in ON$E place that has bank hours/closes at 6pm
>can never just buy something spur of the moment, practically have to plan it out a day or so in advance or stock up
prohibition level shit

>> No.6138487
File: 87 KB, 187x460, lStackCan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get these at local grocery store for $1.50 a can

>> No.6138524

>not as good as medalla light

yikes, must not be all that great. still, hard to beat for the price. i wish medalla didn't have such a pronounced monopoly over the commercial and popular beer market. they also seem to have struck a deal with costco since they carry medalla there. i'll ask why they don't carry their signature beer next time.

>> No.6138528


>> No.6138541
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$15.64 for a 30 rack and $1.22 for a 24 ounce can at 5.2% ABV. i think it is a 75 on beeradvocate. the regular genesee is good too. the ice one sucks.

>> No.6138546

Why isnt this shit in nyc?

>> No.6138552


my go to booze. no clue why people waste their money on more expensive alcohol. isn't the point of drinking to get drunk? if you wanna get drunk, get drunk for as cheap as possible.

if you want to drink for the act of drinking itself, then go buy some overpriced shit. otherwise, buy the cheapest thing in the store.

>> No.6138555

i like to enjoy getting drunk

>> No.6138560

i live in MA. it says on the can that it was brewed in Rochester, NY. So look around.

>> No.6138565

I know its from ny. Ive never seen it in nyc once. Always wanted to try it

>> No.6138571

i have baby taste buds and if I try to drink something bad tasting I immediately get nauseous and can't drink anything more or I'll throw up. Not from the amount of alcohol just from how nasty it is

>> No.6138581

I am on my second one right now. it taste really yummy after the first one. light mouthfeel, has a light creaminess to it. good carbonation. refreshing.

>> No.6138582

have you had cisco wine?

>> No.6138594
File: 64 KB, 190x390, King-Cobra-Premium-Malt-Liquor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah im going to find it somewhere around here. Meanwhile ill be drinking pic related

>> No.6138596

>what are mixers and chug-a-lugging.

>> No.6138601

Yeah. Its been awhile though

>> No.6138603

it's actually a surprisingly clean tasting malt liquor. I like that and saint ides if I am going drink malt liquors. if you mix it with orang e juice, it taste awesome and will get you fucked up in no time.

>> No.6138604

I'm from CNY, so I feel the genesee. Also some odd stuff like utica club kicking around.

>> No.6138609

I just drink it because its $1/16oz and thats cheap around here. St ides is not something i would call clean tasting but then again i havent had it in like ten years

>> No.6138622
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>> No.6138643
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I can't believe this hasn't shown up ITT yet

>> No.6138646

it has faggot. it is just something everyone knows about.

>> No.6138652

Abv to cost ratio just doesnt cut it

>> No.6138658
File: 99 KB, 1552x873, can't stop won't stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bourbon on the right here is hard to find but it's like $10/750ml it fucking rocks

>> No.6138824

>Frugal drinking thread

you mean semi-functional alcoholism thread, amirite?

>> No.6138862

Well yeah, obviously. Is that a surprise for you or something?

>> No.6138869

Two Buck Chuck from TJ's used to be my goto cheap drink until I discovered Oak Leaf at Walmart for $1.97...The Shiraz is surprisingly drinkable.

>> No.6138872

Im non functional

>> No.6139254

>getting drunk for $1
>24 oz of 8% abv
That's not getting "drunk", that's breakfast.

>> No.6139261

I'm pretty sure it's on LI. At least my uncle drinks it all the time, it tastes like shit.

>> No.6139274

How shit?

>> No.6139607

I personally thought it was pretty shitty. Almost dry? Didn't care for it all.

>> No.6139621
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this plus....

>> No.6139626
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>> No.6139635

the trick to drink cheap is to have a party and reap the leftovers.

I have in my house at any given time 70-80 beers and I currently have so much wine and liquor I am running out of space for it. not even opened stuff either. people bring it over, dont drink it, and just leave it unopened.

I actually found 2 cases of beer just sitting in my back yard against the house the other day, didn't even know they were there. I am discovering new alcohol all the time. Today it was an unopened bottle of tequila when I moved some old sangria out of my fridge

get a house and never pay for alcohol again

>> No.6139644

Get a house and get friends. Will do

>> No.6139648


it is bro.

>> No.6139655


>> No.6139677

what the fuck is that??

>> No.6139682


holy shit these new captchas suck

>> No.6139695

Bullshit. I got choad earlier

>> No.6139696
File: 34 KB, 600x400, Goon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Goon mate. It's the cheepest dirt wine, in a bag, in a box. You really need to get into these 4 Leter silver beauties.

>> No.6139701

God damn, just looking at that makes my stomach hurt.

>> No.6139725

Ah, I see. We have a similar thing here but mainly older women fuck with it. I've seen young people at parties play a game where they hold the bag up like in that picture and then another person takes a running start and slaps the bag as hard as they can.

It's called "slap the bag"

>> No.6139745

I play a game by the same name with my sister. Different rules though

>> No.6139753

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6139783

I live across the street from the genessee brewery...

it's actually pretty good

>> No.6139791
File: 48 KB, 500x311, 2235-Fischbroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beer is dirt cheap in germany. Shitty to decent wine is also dirt cheap.

>> No.6139909
File: 63 KB, 250x350, 1_37237175_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.75L of Calico Jack spiced rum for $20. The flavor surprised me first time I tried it. Not as good as Morgan or Kracken, but great if you want to get drunk on a budget.

>> No.6139950

yup as a german is was quite fascinated that my finnish dota buddy pays about 5-6 euros for a shot while here in good old deutschland i buy a beer and a shot for round about 2.80euros

>> No.6139953
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oh the highschool days

>> No.6139977
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even when I'm feeling rich I drink this. Old Monker 4 lyf

>> No.6140143

I go in halves on whatever we're drinking that night

>> No.6140385

It is vile, as teenagers we used to mix a little blackcurrant diluting juice in and just down it as fast as possible. Good cider tends to be expensive here as well.

>> No.6140960

Old Monk is pretty good. If I remember it had a nice maple taste to it.

>> No.6140975

Fuck yeah, old monk is the shit. Ever tried the fancy one in the monk bottle? I've been wanting to but I don't think spec's carries it.

>> No.6140976

That looks like one of those kirkland shampoo bottles

>> No.6140982

Canadian rye whiskey.

Mixed with room temperature water, no ice.

Once you accept that you are just in it for the alcohol you can dispense with a lot of pleasantries

>> No.6140987

That poor gator.

RIP in peace. :'(

>> No.6140999

16 bucks for a 24 case of Rolling Rock

Or Steel Reserve 40s for 2.5 bucks

>> No.6141574

when I first read your comment i was like that guy is probably some vegan pussy but i agree with you.
but thats worse than death

>> No.6141714

christ, where?

>> No.6141748
File: 105 KB, 260x424, MoscatoSangria40L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grocery store not too far from my place sells these for 13 bucks. Moscato Sangria is my shit.

>> No.6141811

it varies by state you live in

here in vegas it's 17 at walmart, my friend who lives mid west would have to pay over double that for the same bottle

>> No.6141825

Kamchatka vodka. Bout 6 bucks for a fifth of the shit. For cheap shit it's not bad either. And by good I mean you can barely taste it.

>> No.6141830

>he doesn't want a fat girl to sit on his face
what are you, some kind of prissy little faggot?

>> No.6141867
File: 22 KB, 214x448, Wine_Bottles_August_2012_010,_niagara,_COMPRESSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can get this stuff (pic related) in a 3 liter bottle where I live. It costs about the same, but it tastes a lot better.

Honestly, I understand drinking on a budget, and I don't know if I got a bad batch, but that was the worst shit I've ever had in my life. I can't imagine that people drink this, especially when you can get reasonably superior wine at the same price.

>> No.6141878

>not making your own liquor
How much does a sack of corn (or sugar if you're lazy), some copper tubing, pots, yeast and water cost?
>answer- like $5-10 a jar of 150 proof shine

>> No.6141883
File: 81 KB, 360x480, lav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no plastic 2 liter bottles of lav for 100 dinar (1.30ish USD)

>> No.6141889

i also miss when i was a lad and could get 24 oz cans of steel reserve for $1

cheap to buy and easy to steal

>> No.6141906

where is nikolai $10 a handle?

in college I would only get the stronger nikolai but it was like $18 a handle

>> No.6141928

Well you must be a fag or something because I've thoroughly enjoyed most of Carlo Rossi's wines, save for Rhine which was no bueno.

>> No.6141971

>not white strike
Same thing though

>> No.6141975

>$2 to get drunk
>bottle is $10
>less than a fifth of a bottle of vodka

>> No.6141978

It's definately drinkable on its own, I can drink a litre or two no problem over an afternoon. It's not a very strong taste really, for the strength

>> No.6141987
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Same they're up to like $1.50-2 here. Here I can get a 4pk of 16oz cans for $2.80 here (without tax) so pretty close.

Here's the cheap vodka I buy. About $12 for a 1.75L. It's shitty but better than Skol, Fleishman's, and the other bottom shelf vodka.

>> No.6142040


>> No.6142049

You can get the shittiest vodka on the shelf and run it through a Brita filter a few times to make it more palatable.

I just Sobieski, cheap and good for drinking straight

>> No.6142054

if you don't have free brita filters, this is expensive. don't take my word for it, ask mythbusters:

>> No.6142071


Well, you could just buy generic activated charcoal (that's what's in the brita and other name-brand filter cartridges). when you buy it in bulk rather than in a brand-name disposable cartridge it becomes dirt cheap.

>> No.6142130
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I thought this was cheap but apparently I'm a fancy-pants. $14 a liter plus another $3 for some cherry 7-Up is pretty cheap to me, and at least it's clean potato vodka. Might spend a few dollars more for some orange juice and do screwdrivers if I'm feeling extra special.

>> No.6142194


Big problem for me when drinking is the chaser (OJ or soda usually) is just jam packed with sugar and if I down a number of drinks it's a shit ton of sugar.

Recently trying to move to flavored tonic more.

>> No.6142223
File: 1.97 MB, 2063x2334, 1418372921161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw visiting china could buy big bottles of Tsingtao, like 500mL or something, for like $0.45 at a convenience store in Shanghai.
>coworker tells me that he lived in Shanghai for a year after company opened office there
>be jelly as fuck wishing I could live in Shanghai for a year eating spicy beef noodles and getting butthoused on tasty chinese beer for $3

>> No.6142225

>wishing you could live in Shanghai
>tasty chinese beer

>> No.6142231


>not getting used to the taste of whiskey and diluting with ice/water

Though the taste isn't sweet, its not difficult to get used to. Pros are that the burn is gone and you're not drinking a bunch of sugar (other than the shit in the booze, maybe). Another alternative is diet drinks and artificial sweetener.

>> No.6142256
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What would be so bad about it? I make enough money that I could afford to live comfortably. Only bad thing might be internet monitoring/censoring, but other than that I had an enjoyable week there.

I normally drink craft microbrews, but Tsingtao is pretty much as good as Budweiser, and 3 20 oz bottles for a $1.00, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.6142408

What's so bad about it though? overly sweet? I prefer drier ciders but I'm assuming that if it's that strong it's probably fairly sweet.

Do you think that colt 45 is drinkable on its own? I'm trying to see if the other poster is a prissy faggot or if you're just a bum.

>> No.6142412

Tsingtao is surprisingly good. Much better than the likes of Budweiser.

>> No.6142418

>enjoyable week there
yeah, an enjoyable week. it's a shit place to live.
>as good as budweiser
>3 20oz for a dollar
a 500ml bottle is about 10 kuai which is almost $2, and beer in China is only 3% abv unless you get imported Heineken which is practically the only import other than shitty nip Asahi.

Eat shit, weeb

>> No.6142426

>Tsingtao is surprisingly good. Much better than the likes of Budweiser.
Tsingtao is ass. Get some Harbin and l2chinkbeer

>> No.6142810
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What's wrong with Coors?

>> No.6143614

It doesn't taste like anything, it doesn't get you drunk, yet people call it beer.

>> No.6143771

Why are you so frustrated? Why are you using a trip? Why does your trip have to do with Shanghai if you hate it so much?

Honestly, you people are the worst, indiscriminately despising Asia for almost no reason at all, and then calling people a
If they show any interest in it at all, not to mention that a weeb is somebody obsessed with Japan, not China. Stupid fucker.

>> No.6143804


coors is the beer oyu follow your beers with.

some faggots by a single beer and try to get drunk off of it. soem idiots think coors is the beer you do this with
they are mongoloid retards

you drink a few of the beers you really like. the ones you truly enjoy. not 5 or 6 of them but liek 2 or 3.
once youve downed these, youre pretty well buzzed.

you follow it with coors to maintain that drunkeness instead of getting more out-of-control drunk.
also, the higher water content of coors rehydrates your body, while still contianing alcohol.

just people ar ejust morons and gotta shit talk like the fags they are.
they just dont know what theyre tlaking about

stay stronk

>> No.6143810

>Bro science detected

>> No.6143851

>doesnt like colorado kool-aid
Get a load of this fag.

>> No.6143861

i love coors broh

>> No.6143867

>start with nice beer
>continue with cheap beer

So far I'm following. There are still better and cheaper choices out there than coors.

>getting more out of control drunk with beer
Just stop chugging imperial stouts

>hydrating yourself with beer
Just drink a glass of water you faggot

At the end of the day I don't give a fuck what you buy, but you still have shit taste

I'll take a pbr over a coors anyday, and that's not saying much about pbr

>> No.6143895

eww, im from the pbr motherland and i think thats a shit idea

pbr and coors are shit teir, but coors is less heavy than pbr/wont add to your drunk state.

plus coors is smoother, and pbr is over carbonated

>> No.6143899


absolutely nothing, its a great session beer.

people get all butthurt and fedora'd about it because "its not muh IPA"

>> No.6143901

it's not really sweet, it's kind of sour and acidic or at least that's how i find it. a 3l bottle before a night out was a quality money saver though

>> No.6144369

embarassing post, even anonymously. shame on you anon.

>> No.6144573

Currently living in Shenzhen, China. Been to Beijing, Shanghai, other places as well. This country is actually a shithole, can't wait to gtfo. Trust me, there's a honeymoon period when you first come to China due to the particular exoticism of the place, which quickly sours when you realize how frustrating living here is on so many levels. Not gonna go into detail, but I will weigh in on the beer
>Tsingtao is gross, like most things in Chingchongistan

>> No.6144812

where the fuck do you live, and why the fuck do they use centiliters?

>> No.6144839

40s aren't even that cheap. They're like 3.50 where I'm from...I could do much better if I want to get drunk for little money. I would almost argue that young white people drink 40s more often than black people now because they're seen as a "black thing" and therefore cool.

>> No.6144873

>>Olde English 800 - 5.90%
Sucks to be you. It's 8% where I live, it's my go-to malt liquor.

>High Gravity 8% shit like Steel Reserve costs a bit more than $3 too.
Both Steel Reserve and Olde English are under $3 here.

>> No.6144881

europe? are you serious?

>> No.6144890
File: 157 KB, 550x487, four_loko_part2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck has this not been posted
Tastes just like an Arizona watermelon tea and 3 get you drunk

Only downside is the hang over and how bad they are for you

>> No.6144891

Truly the land of the free.

Honest question though. How is alcohol marketed over there? It seems so normal to drink that it looks like no one cares about image.

>> No.6144920

>Natty Boh
what do non-baltimorons think of natty boh?

how far is it distributed that you've heard of it?

as a md resident i'm legally obligated to enjoy natty boh

>> No.6144923

I make my own cider, and sometimes porter too. Super cheap for the ingredients; you just need to plan ahead.

You can also sell it.

>> No.6144929

I'm in the northwest and have had it a few times from the gas station if it's on sale. Any port in a storm and all that.

It's not terrible, for the price.

>> No.6144931

you can buy directly from the breweries here in toronto theyre open until 11 pm on sundays some of them

>> No.6144938
File: 62 KB, 261x266, da shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd grab two of these in Japan for a quick buzz. They're easy to pound and refreshing. Somehow the Japanese have figured out how to make a fruit drink alcoholic and not taste like shit.

>> No.6144948

watcha listening to on npr

>> No.6144957
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>> No.6144962
File: 78 KB, 1479x832, bleeding heart liberal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all things considered atm

>> No.6144963

>be in BC
>government literally dictates the lowest legal cost of alcohol

It's a wonder I can afford to get drunk as much as I do.

>> No.6144976

i think hes from east germany.
im german and i never heard of anything except vodka with redbull or oj.

>> No.6144985

how are you poor in BC? yeah natural gas is going to wind down a bit but there has a been a resource boom for the last decade

>> No.6144987

everywhere in canada has shitty booze price besides frogland.

>> No.6144991
File: 90 KB, 674x1363, Old_German_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap and refreshing. Goes great with damn near everything.

Excellent "Just got back from my shitty 8-5 job and I need something to make me not want to kill myself" drink.

>> No.6145002
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$12 bucks CAN, gets 'er done.

>> No.6145017

i go wisers for mickeys. no, im not an indian.

>> No.6145018

Make your own vodka. 3 bucks a liter.

>> No.6145068

It was in central/south Massachusetts.
Might be the only thing I get drunk off. Nikolai wasn't bad. Plus it's even cheaper than the shittiest grain alcohol I could find when it comes to net price.

>> No.6145117
File: 189 KB, 500x375, PCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty decent beer all things considered. Unlike other beers in this price it doesn't have a disgusting metallic aftertaste.

>> No.6145150


i wish they sold presidents choice beer in saskatchewan. its so cheap. luckyalbertafags.

>> No.6145180
File: 140 KB, 180x547, honey_single.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bushmill's Irish Honey Whiskey. $16/bottle in Pennsylvania, where the state still controls all hard liquor and wine sales. lasts me about two wonderful weeks.

one, if work's rough.

>> No.6145198

i drink half a bottle of this a night ._.