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6131658 No.6131658 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of foie gras?

Also good article on why foie isn't unethical.


>> No.6131696 [DELETED] 

I think we should be able to do whatever the fuck we want to animals so long as:

1.) It doesn't make the food less safe to eat. People come first, not animals. I don't want food poisoning.

2.) It doesn't make the food less tasty. I like my cheap chicken and eggs at the supermarket, don't get me wrong, but it would sure be nice if we could stop growing sub-par meat. I'm fine with less meat if it means better meat across the board. I'll pay a little more, too. But cheap meat should remain an option for those who want it.

If those two points make some of our livestock's life better, then that is just a happy coincidence.

>> No.6131697

tastiness > animal welfare

>> No.6131701

dont care enough to read it, but if it causes the animal cruel and unusual amounts of discomfort, we shouldnt do it

>> No.6131704

Literally what the article is about dumbass.

I've always wanted to try it but have never gotten the opportunity. Hopefully one day

>> No.6131732

Good quote

">First off, the key to understanding this is to make a very conscious effort not to anthropomorphize the animals. As waterfowl, they are distinctly not human, and their physiology differs from ours in a few key ways. Let's take a look at the foie gras duck, shall we?"

Duck anatomies are completely different where they have separated trachea and esophagus. Thus no suffocation.


>> No.6131747
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>One of my chickens is getting old
>Decide to eat it
>Invite two friends over
>Serve them chicken
>They say it's the best chicken they've ever had, where did I find it?
>"My house, it's mine"
>They both grimace, some of them can't finish their food

I hate this shit. You can be a carnivore, but don't be a fuckin' hypocrite.

>> No.6131748

>We use and sell every part of the duck except the heads and feet
Duck heads are delicious

>> No.6131759

Oh god hnng..... Had that in the philippines once with calamansi (philippine lime) and some chilis.... HNNNNG

>> No.6131765

I actually don't like it, odd though that may sound to some people. Don't like the taste or consistency

>> No.6131768

If North Americans were less ignorant about different body parts of animals our cuisine would be so much better

>> No.6131774

Yeah, and braised duck feet aren't bad either.

>> No.6131780

Spanish foie grass producers have an animal friendly method which does not involve force feeding.
They just give them practically unlimited quantities of food until their bellies touch the ground

>> No.6131786

>mfw oxtails used to be cheap and now they're expensive as hell because north americans like it now
>heart and tripe are still cheap

nah i'm good, more for me.

>> No.6131795

this. if hipsters got one thing right, its the movement towards trying different food.

>> No.6131813

Neck bones are still cheap though. Speaking of hearts, I saw some on sale the other day for some super cheap price. If you've got a recommendation for how to cook them, I'm all ears.

>> No.6131820

Slow cooked with onions.. A la carmelized onions and heart... I used to do it with deer hearts during hunting season.

>> No.6131824


>> No.6131828

Yeah, that's the thing, geese and ducks will overeat on their own anyway. (even though the feeding tubes don't actually hurt them anyway). My dad has some geese, and those buggers will yell for more food all day long, and they'll eat as much as you give them. He's not trying to make foie gras though, so he doesn't overfeed them, but they would happily eat all day long. Goose eggs are the bomb, though.

>> No.6131834

If you have tripes, tongues, and tendons you could make fuqi feipian
Offals are also great in soups

>> No.6131847
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It's a part of an animal grown for the express purpose of being murdered and eaten.

Just like all other meat.

There is not anything more or less unethical about it at all.

>> No.6132034

you are both wrong, a single farm in spain produces foie gras without forcefeeding, and they are only able to produce it during the last 2 months of the year, and only in birds born outside of captivity who still have migratory habits, since they overeat before migration similar to how animals over eat during hibernation periods. Also, you can't just feed the geese any feed, the feed used to produce the free range foie gras is a combination of sweets, grass, and acorns.

>> No.6132087

No, I'm not wrong. Your information about the farm in Spain may be correct, but as someone who grew up around geese, I've seen some of the birds overeat and get tremendously fat, without ever migrating anywhere, without ever leaving the field and pond they live in. As I said, my father doesn't raise geese for foie gras, so I have no idea what the consistency of their livers are, but they must be quite fatty. They will overeat on their own, given the right opportunities.

>> No.6132282

>only in birds born outside of captivity who still have migratory habits, since they overeat before migration
If you bothered to read the article, it mentions that the birds grown for foie are a special cross of Muscovy and Peking. Muscovy are non migratory, but Pekings still have this trait. So the generic white duckling sold at every feed store (the Peking) will over eat extreme amounts during the fall. It is an extremely common trait in domestic waterfowl. So common that most farms in the US could fatten their own ducks if they wanted.

>> No.6132306

If the food supply is endless, the migratory birds will not migrate because there´s zero reason to.
They only migrate when they have to

>> No.6132555

I had some the other day, it was fucking beautiful. Melted in my mouth in sweet meaty goodness. It's unethical but I'm still happy that i ate it

>> No.6133227

unethical how?

>> No.6133835

Because you take the life of one the Lord's sacred creatures.

>> No.6133858
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>> No.6133949

next time i go out im going to see if i can get a whole liver

sounds tasty

>> No.6134080

I bet you hate on Jeffery Dahmer too.

>> No.6134320

Damn sjws getting #rekt in the comments.

>> No.6134336

He wrote a followup: http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/01/foie-gras-new-fire-for-an-old-debate.html

More rekt

>> No.6135481

Good argument

>> No.6136865

>they have separated trachea and esophagus
Goddamn, I wish I did. Sleep apnea sucks.

>> No.6136867

broiled onna stick, because everything tastes better when it's onna stick.

>> No.6136905

$30 a pound, no thank you.

>> No.6136948


Its awful. Cant see why people like it. 1€ Leberwurst is better.

>> No.6136955

I find the idea of eating any animal organ besides the muscle tissue revolting. My mother loves gizzards and liver though.

>> No.6136962

this all the way. they are not human. they are not even mammals. they are warm-blooded, feathery reptiles.
we do worse things to pigs / cows imho.

>> No.6136985

I don't think animal welfare should be ignored, but
>we do worse things to pigs / cows imho.
this is 100% true, and pigs are actually pretty smart and suffer immensely in many factory farms

I don't think force feeding is as big a deal as people make it out to be

>> No.6137020

Here in Turkey we don't have these iles. Basically Turkey is the food center of Europe and our food is reveered all around the world. Our meats are much more better and are naturally grown organicaly and fed only the sweetest fruits and veges and honey while the animals are massaged by hand and dont have to move eccept to get more sweet non alcoholic wines and fresh oats which it makes the best meat in the world if you can beleive it its naturally tinder and falls apart in your mouth when you cook it and eat it.
Our geese especially love having their throats lightly massaged while we pour special mixes of acorns, honey, wheat and select grasses. When the time comes to eat them we kill them first unlike people in France.

In France they take a bound goose alive and put it on a platter then vivisect their liver out onto a plate and cook it in front of you while the goose rithes in agony then they keep the goose alive long enough on life support that it feels you eating its liver and orgons before it dies and then they throw the rest of the bird into a dumpster outside and let cats and vultures pick at it. I disagree wsith this method

>> No.6137028

I enjoyed reading this

fucking french savages

>> No.6137193


> Turkey is the food center of Europe
thanks i Lol´d hard

>> No.6137196
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I'd rather eat the liver of a dead bird before I ate that shit.

>> No.6137197

so many errors and dumb bullshit in one post: geographically, culinary and sociologically wrong ...

>> No.6137204

if you said this in Turkey you would be publicaly shamed and not allowed to eat our meats and fresh produces I feel generally sorry for you

I bet you are french monsters that torture birds before feding them to the people instead of killing them they go on here a lot of and try to talk bad about Turkey because they are envyous of our successes with our meats and fruit veges produces.

In the UK they suffer health problems because they get sick form the steroids and hormones the jockeys give the animals before racing them and then killing them after to make blood suasage puddings and fishin chips. Its disgusting crap

>> No.6137208

This is factually wrong.
It may be true in some cases but all the goose I've ate the liver of have been roasted or turned into terrine.
Most of the mass unethically produced foie gras supermarkets have on their shelves during christmas hollyday is import anyways.

Now on an unrelated note, if you ever buy a whole duck with foie gras try to cook the breast like a tournedos with a portion of the liver inside a slit in the center (after you cooked the lived by salt).
Doesn't work with goose.

>> No.6137253

Interesting article and I thank you for sharing it.
The treatment the farm in this example gives the ducks is exemplary (considering the practice) but to claim that it isn't "unethical" is something I can't agree with.
But, I haven't got the time to discuss this right now.

>> No.6137293

It tastes almost faecal and sometimes leaves an odd and unpleasant texture in the mouth. It's sought after not because of merit but because of controversy and the pricetag.

As for ethics, aren't they alleged to enjoy being stuffed full of feed?

Too right.

>> No.6137397

You have definitely never had foie gras if that is what you think it tastes like, you great big contrarian faggot.

>> No.6137411

You are both wrong some people can't stand liver at all and foie gras definitely retains some of the liver's accent.
However is tasty if you like it.

>> No.6137903

Yes it has that Liver taste (mineraly, gamey) but you also get an intense richness and fattiness that you can't get anywhere else.

>> No.6138125

That sucks man. I'd think that was pretty awesome.

>> No.6138136
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>Invite two friends over
>They both grimace, some of them can't finish their food
>some of them can't finish their food
>some of them
So one couldn't finish? Both? they both stopped eating? What is it?

>> No.6138139

Shut up you deluded shitskin.

>> No.6138145

Man you guys must have one hell of an inflated ego if you think you are the food capital of the Europe, which I'm pretty sure unless you are going to say it's japan or china(I might give it to china, i'm not sure) would basically be the world.
But seriously has anyone else ever heard of turkey being a food capital?

>> No.6138161

>It's sought after not because of merit but because of controversy and the pricetag.
I wish I could post a giant image to tell you how wrong you are, but instead can you just kill yourself?

>> No.6138165

>You are both wrong some people can't stand liver at all
Some people... Like little retarded babies with notaste?

>> No.6138170

>I bet you are french monsters that torture birds before feding them to the people instead of killing them they go on here a lot of and try to talk bad about Turkey because they are envyous of our successes with our meats and fruit veges produces.

Listen here, I'm half Turk and even I can tell you that turk food is shit.

Half of it is greek, the other half is middle eastern, and it has some eastern european sprinkled in there. Nothing is uniquely turkish. What do you eat, pomegranites smothered in honey and yogurt and paprika?

>> No.6139853

I liked the TED talk better:

20 minutes, well worth watching if you want to learn something about foie gras.

>> No.6139857
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So much this.

>> No.6139863 [DELETED] 

>being this humorless
Must be French.

>> No.6139868

>being this humorless
Must be French.

>> No.6139870
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I'm american. I've literally never heard a word about turkey being a food destination.

>> No.6139874

Can someone enlighten me on what they like about tripe?

It's so incredibly chewy that it's offputting completely.

>> No.6139895

easy. Count the number of Michelin stars.
As of 2014
1st Japan
2nd France
But France was 1st in 2013 then Japan.

>China lel

>> No.6139901

That's a pretty rigged option. I'd say that hong kong has easily the largest selection of "good" food.

>> No.6140163

moot in 20 years

>> No.6140192
File: 447 KB, 2000x1187, howmanyamericanshaveapassport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm american. I've literally never heard a word about

Thank you for your insights into what people with passports think, american.

>> No.6141615


Have you ever stopped to consider that your friends were having sex with your chickens?

>> No.6141641

OP's article makes no sense at all and foie gras is for wankers.

>> No.6141651
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>hurr americans are uncultured
passive aggressive tool

>> No.6141759

I tried duck legs and chicken feet in Hong Kong before. The texture takes a bit getting used to, but it's honestly not as weird as you'd imagine.

>> No.6141984


and you can't access 4chan from turkey you dirty criminal

>> No.6142047

>4chan pass

>> No.6142066


Woah, some one is upset. There is no need for all that, kiddo.

>> No.6142198

Deep fried with a horseradish-marmalade sauce

>> No.6142211

>not liking fatty duck liver
>thinks not liking this is odd

it's not odd dont worry.. shit is fucking disgusting.

>> No.6142250

They probs felt a connectiontothe chicken

>> No.6142292

its a food type you can only find in one animal. until we can grow it in a lab, do not ever allow it to stop existing

>> No.6143218

I'm sorry, but only a badly cooked foie gras would taste like liver. Foie gras has a peculiar taste that is infleunced by the wine or other alcohol you cook it with, and by spices.
Of course, if you eat a foie gras bought cooked in a supermarket, instead of making it on your own, it's going to taste bad and have a whacky texture.

Japan is first by only a few Michelin stars if I remember well, while it has more than twice the number of restaurant.
Also, everyone knows that Michelin is rigged.

That's why I can't understand why vegan say people who eat meat and consume animal byproducts are selfish dickass, unworthy of humanity, etc.
Those thing have a massive importance in cultures all around the world. Banning the consommation of meat would erase a whole part of culture under the pretense to prevent animal slavery.
What would we do of the uneaten animals, anyway? Cows and sheeps don't exist anymore in the wild, and don't have a predator in most countries.

>> No.6144953


We all know you could easily find a whole foie gras if you simply looked, but I still appreciate you for taking the time to state the obvious in what's probably a troll thread we should all nonetheless actually care about.

>> No.6144967


>I'm sorry, but only a badly cooked foie gras would taste like liver.

...it is a liver though. are you malfunctioning/

>> No.6145001
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any of you hear the npr show on the crazy spanish farmer that makes foie gras without forcefeeding his geese?

>> No.6145010

found it

>> No.6145082

Cook it longer feggit.
I happen to love the texture of tripe. That's why menudo is one of my favorite soups.

>> No.6145791

This so much. I agree animals should be slaughtered quickly and with a sharp knife or whatever because I don't see the point of killing them slowly and sadistically, but the main reason I buy meat and eggs from a local small farm and not the supermarket is because they keep those animals in such terrible conditions on the big farms and feed them tons of antibiotics, antidepressants and other fucking chemicals. The reason is not even ethical, I don't give 2 fucks about chickens suffering, I just don't want to poison myself with whatever the fuck they feed them. But to each their own, if you wanna cry about chickens being treated badly because it's unethical, go ahead. Also

domestic meat tastes so. much. better
meat from

>> No.6145886

I love it, it is great.

>> No.6145932

So fucking edgy, you fucking faggot

>> No.6145951

ive had it. its fucking good. fuck fags that hate it

>> No.6145967

Duck are serial rapist they evolved to be rapist.

So the possible discomfort of force feeding a duck can easily be put in perspective.

>> No.6146025


yeah. my friend ordered some of it before christmas, still hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.6146075


It's true.

>> No.6146091

I fucking hate ducks so it felt good when I ate foie gras for the first time. C'est intéressant et délicieux

>> No.6146092
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bretty guud bost

>> No.6146330


underrated post, upboated

>> No.6147229
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You make a lot of good points, anon.

>> No.6147553

That would insult me enough to call them out on it. That's just plain rude. Worse than if they turned their noses up at any other regular dish you gave them.

>> No.6147565

>eating a diseased part of an animal's body
i wonder how a smoker's lung would taste

>> No.6147715

I had some for the first time this past week

it was so unbelievably not special in any way at all
I wouldnt ever go out of my way to eat it

>> No.6147869

I want to try it. I love organ meats...
I've had veal few times, (usually shit quality anyway) but afraid of what the waiters would think of me.
Any one in the food service here? Do you ever give a shit about what people order?

>> No.6147878

>smoking an animal while it's still alive
>smoking its lungs after slaughter

Someone do this and report back.

>> No.6147934

Do you mean smoking... Or smoking?

>> No.6148269

>In a TED Talk posted online this month, Dutch biologist Kees Moeliker, a curator at the Natural History Museum Rotterdam, explains how he became the first scientist to document homosexual necrophilia in ducks.

Here's the original paper:

>> No.6148385

Fuck ethics, that shit is good.

>> No.6148386

Foy grass

>> No.6148522

I wouldn't traditionally raised foie gras or veal. I would eat it if it was raised more ethically however. In fact I really want to try some veal.

>> No.6148551
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What is your favourite fish? How do you cook it? Mine is sea bass. Pan fried.

>> No.6148560

I dun goofed.

>> No.6148610

>both comparing organ meats to veal
Why? I wasn't really raised on organ meats, but veal is nothing really icky, is it?

>> No.6148843


>> No.6149013

Tastes great to me
>enjoyed my fois gras at a 1 michelin star restaurant
>enjoyed it before enjoying my kobe beef more

>> No.6149045


white veal is widely considered to be produced inhumanely.

>> No.6149086

I didn't even know that. I guess that shows how much I care about animal welfare. Thanks for the answer!

>> No.6149091
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Veal calfs are raised in small hutches. They cannot move about freely, or interact with other calfs. This is how they are raised even on small family farms. I know, I have seen it myself.

>> No.6149100

I hate California for banning this, the secret menu in and out foie gras burger was the best.

>> No.6149142

Yeah, I read a bit about it on wikipedia. It seems that practice is getting less though.

>> No.6149370

poor things.

>> No.6149382

This is old news OP, like 2 centuries old news.
You some sort of college activist who has just discovered this.
>get out you cunt

>> No.6149413

He was explaining it to me, you utter numbskull.

>> No.6149423

Yea, I wasn't going to bother to correct him.
Don't feed the troll and all.