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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6132216 No.6132216 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that if you can't successfully wash raw meat without getting sick or dying, something is wrong.

There is nothing wrong with washing raw meat before cooking it.

>> No.6132223

But why would you?

>> No.6132227

There's also nothing wrong with cooking raw meat without washing it. I mean why would you even need to wash it unless you dropped it in some dog shit?

>> No.6132230 [DELETED] 

Fucking white people. This is why I hate eating at other peoples' houses. I thought my mother was joking.

>> No.6132234

So if you dropped a chicken thigh in dogshit you would wash it off and cook it?

>> No.6132248

You could but you don't need to if you're gonna cook it anyway.

>> No.6132250

Alton Brown and the rest of the media started preaching, within the past few years, that you should not wash raw meat. This is a 180 from the traditional stance that you should rinse meat off.

The reason they give now is that you inadvertently splash the water around your kitchen, and the germs on your counter will rape and murder your family.

>> No.6132255

Good. The arseholes deserve it. I hope some germs would rough'em up and sodomise'em a bit. Serves'em right.

>> No.6132256

Fucing gross. Raw, unwashed chicken is so disgusting. Fat and shit everywhere. And covered in chicken slime.

I think I'm going to be sick.

>> No.6132257

what, the raw meat germs?
the raw meat germs that you're going to cook anyway?

>> No.6132258

You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6132268

Nah. The idea is that the germs will splash onto your counter top and will lurk there uncooked and still alive. If you later put something down on that spot on the counter, like maybe a fork or something, the germs will get on it and then might get into your body and fuck you up.

>> No.6132271

So thats a yes?

>> No.6132275

how would the germs splash onto the counter when the meat goes directly from package to the pan?
don't tell me you're running your meat under the faucet for no reason.

>> No.6132278

I run my meat under the faucet. But then again, I'm not a neanderthal.

>> No.6132280

there's like five feet between my sink and stovetop

>> No.6132284

Tha'ts what the whole thread is about.
See the OP:

>Friendly reminder that if you can't successfully wash raw meat without getting sick or dying, something is wrong.
>wash raw meat
That's the splashing >>6132268 is talking about. While washing the meat, the water and meat juices will splash onto your counters.

I've never heard of anyone washing meat before I came to /ck/.

>> No.6132289

I always wash my meat. I dont want any cheese buildup

>> No.6132290

Which ethnicity are you anon?

>> No.6132294

so your definition of neanderthal is "someone who doesn't do pointless things for no reason"?

>> No.6132295

How do you wash ground meat?

>> No.6132313

Washing meat wouldn't remove any microorganisms that actually do you harm. If the chicken sitting in a funky place for too long, it might help reduce odors but that's that. Washing and not washing doesn't matter one bit for whether or not you food poisoning or not. It makes a lick of difference.

>> No.6132316

When you get chicken from the store it has a bunch of fat on it that needs to be cleaned off because if you don't, you bite into a bunch of chicken fat once it's cooked. That's disgusting. Also, the chicken has been sitting in chicken juice while it was in the store. That's also disgusting and wet meat isn't conducive to good cooking because whatever fat you're cooking it in is going to instantly touch that cold chicken juice and splatter.

What I do when I get, say chicken breast or thighs, is that I open the package, rinse it off. Cut off any fat and extra bits (usually cut the breast if it's really thick for even cooking). Then rinse it again and pat it dry with a paper towel.

If you don't do this, your chicken is probably FUCKING PIG DISGUSTING and you're a shit cook.

My mom, who taught me how to cook, is Haitian and my dad is regular African American. My mom hates raw chicken, because of her Haitian upbringing, all third-worlders have a fear of raw meat.

>> No.6132321

Does she wash it with white vinegar?

>> No.6132342

>chicken breast is "extra bits"
>calling other people shit cooks

nah, fuck you and your pointless rituals.

>> No.6132364

What was your SAT reading score? Not very good, huh?

>> No.6132374

>When you get chicken from the store it has a bunch of fat on it that needs to be cleaned off because if you don't, you bite into a bunch of chicken fat once it's cooked.

what does trimming fat have to do with washing chicken, retard

>wet meat isn't conducive to good cooking

that's why normal people just pat their chicken dry with paper towel

if it really makes you feel better, by all means, wash your chicken, but don't suggest your autistic bullshit or tell anyone else it's the proper thing to do, ever, because it's not

>> No.6132378

Trimming the fat is part of washing it, you stupid goatfucker.

>> No.6132384

>trimming fat is part of washing chicken

This is how offensively retarded you have to be to wash your chicken. If this isn't strong enough evidence to convince you not to wash your chicken, I don't know what is.

>> No.6132386

Um.. I don't know how they do chicken breast in the states but here in Canada I've never had fat on my chicken? After cooking or before :/

>> No.6132392

>ragging on white people
>parent is from a literal developing country

>> No.6132394

let's just consider, for a moment, the irony in the fact that someone who learned to cook from a Haitian third-worlder is acting all hoity-toity to us about food preparation procedures

>> No.6132399

I hear they jerk chickens off in jamaica

>> No.6132414


>> No.6132425

I mean you could skip almost all of those steps and just pat it dry

chicken isn't even fatty really

>> No.6132434


It's less than developing. It's just stagnating.

>> No.6132443
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>> No.6132456

I thought you guys tend to "clean the chicken" with shit like lime or lemon?

>> No.6132461


>> No.6132468

Sometimes. It depends on the dish though. I think more caribbean dishes do that. And sometimes vinegar like >>6132321 said
Lebing mayme.
Really? idk man, sometimes I get a piece that has a shit tonne of fat on it. Maybe it depends on the store/region/ect

>> No.6132473

Thing is m8, I bet my family makes much more than yours does. And I bet that I have better education than you.


>muh white master race
Enjoy your shit chicken. I bet you eat dinner with a glass of milk too, cumskins.

>> No.6132477

i'm not sure what either of those things have to do with the thread, but i have to admit you're quite eager to rush to the defense

by your own admission, you learned to cook from your mom, who grew up in Haiti with cooking traditions suited to third-world standards of ingredient quality

can't really deny it...

>> No.6132478

I kiss my dog in the mouth. I also powerwalk

>> No.6132480

what do people mean by washing it? like just running it under water? what sort of germs or disease could that kill?

>> No.6132481

(also btw i'm asian-american)

>> No.6132484
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image related
Who originally taught you how to cook? A michalin star chef? Think about what you're saying.

My mother originally taught me how to cook. Then I developed an interest and have access to other forms of learning (going to restaurants/reading about cooking/the fucking internet). Hmm...kind of like everyone else!

Stupid cuck.

>> No.6132486

>You will never be Italian
>You will never have the cultural impact Italians have
>You will never have an authentic Italian meal

Enjoy your over-spiced shit, faggots. M-MUH HERITAGE GUISE!

>> No.6132492

I also put the whole raw bar of soap in my ass when i shower

>> No.6132498

>>You will never be Italian
Thank fuck

I may be a descendant of shitty third worlders but at least I'm not from shitaly.

D-does it feel good? I use liquid soap anyway.

>> No.6132503

When I was living at home, my parents didn't like how I refused to use soap in the shower, so to get away without having to touch it for too long I'd just bite off a piece and eat it to get rid of the evidence.

>> No.6132509

I believe that is actually a delicacy in haiti

>> No.6132513

>Proud to be poor
>Proud to come from squalor


>> No.6132519

Wow, all of the same things as italy. Except you can't justify it by saying that you're a descendant of slave Africans. You just can't manage your country.

Must be proud.

>> No.6132539

Yeah idk I cook a lot of chickens (I work at a pub that... focuses on roast chicken and, sure some chickens are a bit fatty but it's never freaked me out.

Also as mentioned above, rinsing your chicken isn't really going to get rid of anything, and does run the risk of splattering any microorganisms that are present across your work surface.

>> No.6132542
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Ok, got me there.
Coming from south florida, holy fuck.

>> No.6132546

>run the risk of splattering any microorganisms that are present across your work surface
This is the same amount of fear that drives people to order well-done steaks though.

And idk, I just feel better knowing that all of the meat has been rinsed with water rather than being patted down while still soaked in old chicken juice. To each his own, I suppose.

Whoa, I'm from South Florida too (i'm the haitian guy, but my family isn't originally from florida, we just ended up moving their for my dad's work)

>> No.6132548
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>> No.6132549

Not the negroid, but...
Honestly, if I came from squalor and got to the same point in life where I am now, I'd be pretty proud of it actually. Wouldn't you?

Say you come from a third world shithole, were never formally educated in English and grew up destitute and hungry but then graduated top of your class, attended a top-tier university on full scholarship and got your degree in a field you love, work in that field and earn quite a good income doing it, wouldn't you be proud, too? I know I would.

I sometimes wonder if my success is due more to my own achievements, more to legacy or more to growing up with money in the first place.

>> No.6132554

>not poor

Tippest, toppest, kek.

>> No.6132560

It's one thing to be proud about achievements or where you come from.

There's a big difference between just being proud because "We're poor guise". That's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.6132561

how are like 50% of the people itt failing to understand what OPs saying

>> No.6132564
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>This is the same amount of fear that drives people to order well-done steaks though.
Eh I disagree, but whatever, I'm going to bed.

>> No.6132566

Nice blog, can I subscribe somewhere?

>> No.6132567

Half Haitian guy here:

Honestly, I'm pretty proud of my parents. My mom was born in Haiti and moved to New York city when she was 9 with her siblings and her parents. My dad was raised in a bad neighborhood in new york and his dad left him and his siblings and mother when he was young. You'd think that they should both be poor as fuck and we should be living in the ghetto and on welfare. But my parents did damn well for themselves. My dad makes over 250k a year (probably closer to 300k now) and my mom makes around 100k now because she got a new job recently.

Also, I go to a top 50 school here, my brother goes to one of the top 10 schools in the country and my sister goes to an ivy league school (i'm not going to give details obviously).

So yeah, I'm proud of where I come from.

>> No.6132580

Youre too rich to still be washing chicken then

>> No.6132586
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Haitians also eat dirt, so i wouldn't take your moms advice on wrong meat to hear.

>> No.6132589

what the fuck is wrong with people? you don't wash meat.

>> No.6132595

>mfw my parents come from third world countries and get paranoid about food prep too
>they still don't wash chicken

my mom overcooked it to hell though.

>> No.6132606

That too. Third worlders overcook meat because they're afraid of illnesses.

>tfw i went to a haitian party and they had fillet mignon but it was like a hockey puck.

>> No.6132647


You do know that fat is flavor and fat reduces as you cook the chicken?

That being said, sometimes I wash my chicken, but I damn well make sure the faucet isn't spraying water all over it which then sprays all over my sink. I get one of those metal bowls, fill it with enough water for the amount of chicken i'm cooking, and then wash my chicken like that.