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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6129980 No.6129980 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Plebeian statements your friends have made

>Mushrooms have no taste

>You can't have that for breakfast, that's not breakfast food!

>I don't put condiments in my burger because I want to actually taste the meat

>> No.6129986

Well, the last one isn't really bad, but then it's basically just a piece of meat between bread, and that's pretty boring. I mean, why use steak sauce when the flavor of the meat is good?

>> No.6130022

I guarantee the last one was said by a white guy who, if he cooks at all, insist on only seasoning his food with salt and pepper and ALWAYS under seasons

>> No.6130225

Ketchup ruins the taste of anything it touches.
And Orange fizz.

>> No.6130228

>I don't like seafood

>> No.6130689
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>I don't like Siracha sauce

>> No.6130700
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A good burger shouldn't really need a condiment though there's enough liquid supplied by the tomato, lettuce and meat itself.

It's only dry, depressed fast food burgers that need condiments to liven up the flavour and at some kind of juicy-ness.

>Ketchup ruins the taste of anything it touches.
Eh it's a personal thing, and personally I'd mostly agree unless like I stated about burgers it's bad good. Ketchup is good for making shitty oven chips be more bearable. Anything that actually has good flavour though often doesn't pair well with the overpowering taste of ketchup.

>mfw my people put ketchup on a luciously creamy and mild homemade macaroni cheese.

>> No.6130705

Oh god, where do I begin

>I love my steak well done

My dad when black pepper is added to something
>it's too spicy

>I put ketchup on everything, on my bagels, on my waffles, on my chicken, on my steak, etc
No wonder you have the 'beetus

>I don't want any chicken juice on my rice (baked chicken leg drippings)

>> No.6130707

>Mushrooms have no taste
I'll give you this, they're completely wrong.
Mushrooms taste like dirt!

>> No.6130708

Tasty dirt at that

>> No.6130725

You're supposed to wash them first.

>> No.6130759

I mean, I kinda do it, but any Chef will slap you for doing that

>> No.6130773

It's just a myth and even if it was true I only mean like a quick rinse to knock shit off.

Apparently Alton Brown did a thing where he tested the myth, even soaked mushrooms in water over night and there was pretty much no weight difference from unsoaked mushrooms so they don't absorb water like a sponge. I mean they're already quite watery anyway.

>> No.6131179
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>Thats not breakfast food
Especially this.
Folks who think theres some holy doctrine that states that you're not allowed to eat certain foods during certain times of the day.
I'll eat bacon and eggs and drink my coffee any time I fucking please.

>> No.6131202

And those chefs are fucking retarded. Why would you not wash your damn mushrooms?

>> No.6131253
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"tapping the sides of a shaken bottle/can of soda will stop it gushing out when opened"

"I don't like food with chemicals in it"

"if you soak raw pork in coca cola, you see parasitic worms trying to escape from it" (I'm not sure if their angle was raw pork containing worms or that coke was so toxic even parasites hate it)

>> No.6131313


Man, I think both the obsession with Huy Fong sriracha and the contrarian hate for it are fucking dumb.


I used some of that shit yesterday at a restaurant, and it smells fucking AWFUL. It gave my food a decent kick and the taste was okay, but holy shit it smells bad.

>> No.6131317

>>I love my steak well done

Nothing wrong with this. It's a personal taste and perfectly legitimate.

I like my steaks rare, fwiw.

>> No.6131322

>any Chef will slap you for doing that

That's a dumb fucking chef.

>> No.6131344

>any Chef will slap you for washing off the dirt & mycelium on the mushrooms

Yeah, no.

>> No.6131376

I had all those transformer toys, they rocked.

>> No.6131481

>"tapping the sides of a shaken bottle/can of soda will stop it gushing out when opened"
Isn't that one true, though?
You dislodge the CO2 bubbles from the nucleation sites on the inside of the can and so avoid the gushing?

I'll buy two cans of something tomorrow and do an unscientific test.

>> No.6131509
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>I hate vegetables on my pizza

>> No.6131522

if they're good you just brush them with a pastry brush and leave them good

>> No.6131535

Washing them doesn't stop them being good. It literally does nothing except get rid of any dirt, just like brushing them. The only exception is that washing them with water is more efficient. Or what do you think that little bit of water on their surface that will evaporate when cooked will vastly change the texture and flavour?

>> No.6131540
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>can I have a Chicago style pizza
>can I have an NY style pizza
>American pizza is so much better

>> No.6131544

If you bought some better meat then you wouldn't need to over season it. I mean where do you draw the line with seasoning? At what point do you say enough?etsys

>> No.6131548

I used to live with a Dominican girl who refused to eat any vegetables that she could see. She wouldn't eat food if an onion or pepper touched it. She was really fat and unhealthy. I feel bad for her future children.

>> No.6131569

Oh I got one
"I love sushi! "
>they only like California rolls.
"I love american cheese"
"Soul food"
X place is "authentic"*

>> No.6131572

"hey guys lets go to chipoltay"


>> No.6131848


>any chef will slap you for that

you and every chef you've heard say that is fucking stupid

>> No.6131855

>Mushrooms have no taste
I agree, they smell good, but they are pretty bland otherwise

>> No.6131874

no one actually says that

>> No.6131882

>My dad when black pepper is added to something
Hah, my dad is exact opposite, he likes to make everything extra peppered, which I'm okay with. But he also likes to salt his food too much.
>Hey dad, I made you sandwich
>But I salted it

>> No.6131899

not that guy, but my dad says "chipoltee"

I think it's because he thinks he's funny, though. he also says "tar-jay" instead of target and "mehdeedoh's" instead of mcdonald's

>> No.6132022

whatever you say bro

>> No.6132035

My mom does, and then some.

>> No.6132039

The only acceptable time to use it is in a bowl of pho. Even then I don't put it in the broth, just dip your protein in it for added flavor.

>> No.6132057

>not pizza

>> No.6132080


My brother says, "chipoltay"


>> No.6132082

>>I don't put condiments in my burger because I want to actually taste the meat

I agree with this one though.

>> No.6132088

but it is chipotlay

>saying chipohtil

>> No.6132104

It's chi-pot-tle

>> No.6132106

I call it cippolini's

>> No.6132117

>chih pot til

>> No.6132118

I thought it was chipzooli

>> No.6132131

I always pronouced it to rhyme with bottle

>> No.6132136

Its pronounced ciabatta fool

>> No.6132139


>> No.6132149


>"tapping the sides of a shaken bottle/can of soda will stop it gushing out when opened"

But that's true, and its the top part where the ring pull is that should be flicked to prevent the can exploding after being shaken

Guess this guy >>6131481 explained the actual science of it.

>> No.6132204


>> No.6132207

> Monzarella

>> No.6132238
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>Going to Chipotle.

>> No.6132239

>putting salt on SANDWICHES

What the fug?

>> No.6132272
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>T. Bell is dank, bro
>I'll take ketchup on my wiener.
>I'll have a White Russian in the middle of dinner because the Dude did it, and he's pretty cool.
>I don't tip at major chains because they split tips at the end of the night.
>I'll have a (insert soda).
>I'll have a Bud Light.
>I'll have my steak well done, please.
>Let's go to McDonald's
>I love Phish
I'll think of more later.

>> No.6132319

what's the dude

>> No.6132322
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El Duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

>> No.6132324


>> No.6132334

is this from a movie

>> No.6132341

Na, its a tv show. Boardwalk Empire

>> No.6132343
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>> No.6132353

is it any good?
do i need to pirate or is it on netflix

>> No.6132355
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>> No.6132358



>> No.6132359


>> No.6132383
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Why would you want chemicals in your food?

>> No.6132403
File: 35 KB, 500x306, Cheesy-Gordita-Crunch-from-Taco-Bell[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend in middle school would order these without the baja sauce


>> No.6132406

Is baja sauce the white jizz? Cuz that shit nasty

>> No.6132418

>>I don't put condiments in my burger because I want to actually taste the meat
When I get actual restaurant grade burgers or home made I agree

>> No.6132422

Last time I checked most food was made from chemicals.

Dihydrogen-monoxide is a common additive.

>> No.6132427

Pretty sure dihydrogen monoxide is banned in the EU though

>> No.6132429
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>> No.6132430

Did that go through before or after Britain tried to regulate the curvature of cucumbers?

>> No.6132435

non sequitur

>> No.6132442

Now youre just being silly

>> No.6132450

Then it's not food, John.

I had a professor in law school ask us the first day what business McDonald's was in.
Most people thought food.
The correct answer is real estate, John.

>> No.6132455

That's bananas you are thinking about, and it was a made up story by some jurnalist who wanted to find out how gullible people were.

>> No.6132467
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>Indian food makes me sick.

>> No.6132490

gr8 b8 m8, i r8 it 8/8.

See above. Alternatively: You have shit mushrooms. Some of them have so much flavour they can barely be eaten.

Mushrooms literally drain so much water from the ground they become symbiotes for trees trading that water for minerals and sugar. They have hit the saturation point already, and fresh mushrooms give no fucks about being drenched in water. Other than the surface.

> Or what do you think that little bit of water on their surface that will evaporate when cooked will vastly change the texture and flavour?
If you are going to fry them it might. Since the water will absorb the heat through evaporation and therefore stops the mushroom for heating to ~140 celsius for Maillard Reaction. Same reason why store-bought minced meat with water added to it is bad.

>"I don't like food with chemicals in it"
All my organic chemistry major rage.

It works in theory, and kind of works in practice. Sodas with large amounts of sizable molecules (Some flavouring chemicals.) can form bubbles wherever in the liquid, and the sides will start forming bubbles right after tapping anyhow. It might not fix the gushing but probably reduces it.

>> No.6132529

>where do you draw the line with seasoning?
The rule of thumb is to always season to taste. Salt is supposed to bring other flavors out not be noticeably salty. Fine if you mince a ribeye or a sirloin you'd get a very tasty fatty burger, but most use very lean cuts.

>> No.6132579

>people saying you can't eat certain "holiday" foods any other time of the year
we're going to die
fuck off I'll eat turkey in the summer if I want

>> No.6132601
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Same with pumpkin pie.