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File: 60 KB, 716x404, eat-beetroot-salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6127394 No.6127394 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best you can do with beetroot?

>> No.6127405

I like them pickled with red wine, then put on to of sliced cooked sweet potato and a bit of goat cheese. It's awesome.

>> No.6127406

A salad.

- Boiled beetroots with olive oil, vinegal and little lemon
- Chopped fresh onions
- Greek yogurt, as mush as you like
- a little garlic puree and a dash of olive oil

Toss it all together, serve it cold.

>> No.6127408

Pickle it.

>> No.6127409


>> No.6127437


>> No.6127490

use it to color red velvet cake

>> No.6127496
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Best thing throw away use juice 4 de-icer

>> No.6127531
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apart from borsch you mean?

>> No.6127607 [DELETED] 
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I like my beets warmed gently. I put them in the oven at 475 for five hours, then I lower it to 425 degrees for 3 hours. Beautiful beets!

>> No.6127617

This or eat raw.

>> No.6127788
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Potato/beet rosti
Baked in an oven
Beet salad (pic related)

>> No.6127795

Fucking YUCK.

>> No.6127799

The only way I've had them is in fresh-pressed juice mixed with apple or orange. They're actually a little sweet, aren't they? I'm a little nervous to try them by themselves because of their reputation....

Also eating them makes it look like you've shit blood.

>> No.6127804
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Thank me later.

>> No.6129448

Juice it and make Bloody Mary's with it. You'll never get a hangover no matter how much you drink.


>> No.6129501

Yeah, they're sweet if you can get them fresh.

>> No.6129526


>spinach, dill, and cracked peppercorn
>goat cheese
>pickled beets

my go-to

>> No.6129531 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 371x500, 1418750927734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a beet not a beetroot.
Quit saying the root part , you sound retarded.
Its like saying carrot root or potato root.
Stop it.

>> No.6129534

stewed with lamb. maybe some feta crumbled over it when you eat

>> No.6129550

oil and balsamic vinegar

>> No.6129554

I like sliced beetroot in my burgers

>> No.6129566

Cooked or raw? I strongly dislike them. But i want to give them a try again, since i stayed away from cilantro for years only to find out that it isn't half as bad as i thought. I just wasn't used to the taste.

>> No.6129572


It's a beetroot, like how strawberries aren't called straws.

>> No.6129574


ill root ya mum, cunt

>> No.6129579

They're pretty yummy baked.

>> No.6129658


Place in pot of water to cover, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer until tender. Cool then peel and slice. Combine 3 cloves anise, 1/2 orange juice and zest, 1/3 cup shaved onion, 1/4 cup honey, 2 cups lighter flavored vinegar, 1tsp salt, 3 thin 3/4 inch rounds of peeled fresh ginger, 5 coriander seeds, 1tbs chili flake, 1/2 cup water, and 1/3 cup honey in a pot, boil for 3 minutes, reduce to simmer for 5 minutes. Jar. Pretty good as short term refrigerator pickle, but better as long term sealed store pickle.

>> No.6129662

meant to delete the 1/4 cup honey
go with 1/3 cup
it's adjusted from an older recipe

>> No.6129684

Peel/slice/grate and take them to your local public laundromat and put into washing machines.

People don't wear enough pink these days.

>> No.6129689 [DELETED] 

Nobody says beetroot except third world idiots.

>> No.6129704


Roasted with goats cheese.

In salads.

>> No.6129823
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>Nobody says beetroot except third world idiots.
Countries that say "beet".

>> No.6129848

Get rooted.

>> No.6129914

My language calls the whole plant a word that's a cognate of 'beet.' Tthe beetroot itself would translate as 'beet's beard.' Well, either that or 'russian carrot' or 'red carrot.'

I think it's fun.
Most commonly, the root is boiled, sliced and tossed with salt, vinegar and garlic and allowed to cool as a salad.
The greens are sautéed and made into an omelette or something like that.

Do you guys eat the stems and leaves?

>> No.6130787
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You slice that shit up.
And you put it on your burger.

>> No.6130789
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>> No.6130804

Make a watery juice and add ketchup for a realistic fake blood

>> No.6130909
File: 988 KB, 3263x2447, scouse with beetroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like beetroot with scouse.

>> No.6130938

Cook them with a ton of butter, put in a salad with goat cheese and some balsamic, or pickle it.

>> No.6130939

Skin and cube them, chuck 'em in a tray with some crushed garlic cloves, a bit of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, s&p to taste. They make an easy and tasty side dish.

Alternatively, grate your beet and a few carrots. Sweat them in a pan with finely chopped onions, add a dash of lemon juice or a bit of zest. When they're half way there, add about a cup of beef stock and simmer until almost all the liquid boiled away. Cool and spread on toast or make into salad with hard boiled egg wedges, strips of seared beef or pork and a mayo or yogurt dressing.

>> No.6130942

Oh yeah or do borscht

>> No.6130944

>chuck 'em in a tray
And of course bake the, I forgot that part.

>> No.6130961

You could also do a beetroot crumble, as if they were apples. Slice thinly or julienne them, add grated nutmeg, s&p, bits of butter and cover generously with oatmeal or mix the butter with flour until it resembles coarse grainy sand and put that on top.

>> No.6132249

Beet can substitute for swede in pasties in a cinch.

>> No.6133989

have you ever blended it with canned tuna? it makes excellent sandwitch filling

and once, i also made a cake with beetroot and chocolate

>> No.6134009

Herring Salad or Borscht

>> No.6135147

I've had the best goddamn fruit salad made with beets.
It was honeydew, watermelon, beet, carrot and tossed with lime juice, chamoy, and some peanuts.
Goddamn that was delicious

>> No.6135159

Made a 'roulade' yesterday that was thin-sliced (cooked) beetroot and goat cheese

pickled is good

also good roasted in a salad

>> No.6135308
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, scallops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scallop, beet "carapaccio", microgreens, beet vinaigrette.

>> No.6136983

Add nitric acid, pour off the solute, let the precipitate dry, makes a moderately ok explosive.

>> No.6136992

Turn your shit red

>> No.6137037

what is that scallop crusted with? I rarely see them crusted with things, just seared. and that looks delicious

>> No.6137120
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Russian here, we put that shit in everything, not just in Borscht.
2 famous examples are;
Vinigret, a salad made of potato, carrot, peas, onion, pickles.

Also (lit. translation) "Herring under a fur coat" Herring and onion with a large layer of potato, then thin layer of carrot, then beetroot, covered in mayonaise.

pic related is the Herring

>> No.6137156
File: 99 KB, 500x500, it do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beetroot's great in a lot of hot dishes, like meat sauces and stuff, what sucks though is that it has a pretty overpowering taste, so you can't really use it to "spice up" anything cause it's so overpowering

>> No.6137167

I'd rather fast than eat that.

>> No.6137169
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anybody have a favourite borscht recipe?

>> No.6137189

Baked whole. With sour cream.

>> No.6137217

Beetroot casserole.
Thinly sliced, layered with cream, leek and garlic - sometimes topped with crumbled goats cheese and baked.

>> No.6137219

They're great with horseradish.

>> No.6137442

Straight out of the glass
Pickle replacement in sandwich
With meat and potatoes

>> No.6137549
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, citrus scallop and beet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it a couple different ways, the one above is pistachio flour, pic related is powdered dehydrated citrus peel.

>> No.6137554
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x1836, 20141016_123401_Richtone(HDR).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, roasted beets with goat cheese panna cotta

>> No.6137565

honestly, just boil them.

>> No.6137768

Pickled with eggs. hmmm beet flavored pickled eggs. fuck you OP, now I'm hungry.

>> No.6138089

Freeze them. Then chuck them at minorities and get some real food instead.

>> No.6140237

Yoink, that idea is now mine.
Also i used to roast them, then cut them into large cubes and pile crumbeld feta ontop. looks good on a plate with a bunch of other shit. And you can use the off cuts for a puree

>> No.6140240
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Yeah here's where i stole the idea. I throw pretty much pic related on as a lamb garnish.

>> No.6140241
File: 7 KB, 263x192, beets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wrong pic lol
this one

>> No.6140263

I'm sure we're all a little curious to try it now, though.

>> No.6140342
File: 3.56 MB, 4128x2322, 20140717_181116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that made my morning.

Will gladly trade for that. Also, beets 3 ways: roasted wedges, pickled slices, puree underneath is creamed beet tops.

>> No.6140350

>their reputation
What the Fuck man

>> No.6140447

Steam some cubed up peices. Mix with lemon juice, olive oil, taragon and gorgonzola while still warm. Add some slivered almonds and coarsely grate an uncooked beat over too for some crunch.

>> No.6140486

reminded me of gummy bear scotch cocktail guy

>> No.6140489


this, they don't need much

when I'm on pantry and I want a snack I take some balsamic vinaigrette, mix it with a little minced garlic, throw in a small handful of crumbled feta cheese, and toss the beets in it

>> No.6140528

I like to warm my beets gently in the oven. I start at 475 degrees for 5 hours. Then 425 for 3 hours. Mmmm, warmed beets!

>> No.6140641

burger duh

>> No.6141862

Literally the only thing I use beetroot for is as a natural coloring for my gravlax.

>> No.6142059
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beet latkes

>> No.6143259
File: 608 KB, 1357x792, X9zFwaO0biw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beetroot & Mayonnaise Salad


>> No.6143271

on a scale of one to ten, how american are you?

>> No.6144880

It's a very common way to eat beets
It kind of reminds me of herring under fur coat salad though

>> No.6144895

roasted with potatoes
sliced on burgers

>> No.6144936

I am interested, please explain

>> No.6144949

underrated post

>> No.6144952

>eat lots of beetroot over christmas
>go take a shit
>panic because shit is red