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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 900x675, FFFUUU_Rageman_HD_by_CrusierPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6125837 No.6125837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mom makes dinner
>hollers up that it's ready
>i come downstairs
>she's still taking it out of the oven
>table isn't set

God I hate that fucking bitch.
She's always been that way too.
It was one thing when I was a kid, but I'm a 26 year old man.
I shouldn't have to deal with her bullshit.

/ck/ rage thread?

>> No.6125856
File: 57 KB, 245x213, 1415908443939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move out

>> No.6125857

You're 26 years old, living at home and your mother is still feeding your ungrateful ass?

Set the plates out on the table you damn leech.

>> No.6125863

Haappens when we have a family get together at my grandmas house.

Grandma always makes nice big breakfasts.
I like to sleep.
They wake me up and tell me its time for breakfast.
i get up and an hour later, its time to eat.

Could have slept some more.

though thats pretty much the only time i have a proper breakfast.

>> No.6125864

>Only visit parents twice a year
>Mom cooks big meal
>See from spices and fridge stuff that she only really bothers to cook anything when I'm home
Dunno why but I feel real bad.

>> No.6125872

Fuck off.
Neither of you know shit about me.
You don't know shit about my life or my mom.
My life's fucking hard enough as it is.

>> No.6125875

>Set the plates out on the table you damn leech

>but don't actually work for a living, here's an EBT card, go wild!!!

>> No.6125880

If your life is so hard that you can't put some plates and cutlery on a table, perhaps you should consider ending the pain.

>> No.6125889
File: 59 KB, 555x720, 1417234964158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6125896

>My life's fucking hard enough as it is.

You got a roof over your head, food to eat, and a computer with internet.
You're living better than 75% of the people on this planet.

I'm a heating contractor. I've spent the last 4 days in bumfuckville, in sub-zero unheated buildings trying to install boiler pex lines and radiators and having the fun experience of seeing my piss freeze mid-air... all so I could have enough money to come home, see my wife and have some homemade pie.

Go cry your river elsewhere.

>> No.6125904

Honestly, fuck you.
Just fuck you.
You sound like you're macho assholes like my Dad.
He rides my ass every day, telling me a piece of shit I am.
I need to go to school or get a job so I can be a fucking piece of shit asshole like him.
That's the last thing I need.
By the time we go to dinner, I'm too mentally exhausted to set the table after 4 hours of psychological torture every waking second.
I'm an adult, I shouldn't have to do chores like I'm a fucking child.
Especially for two old fucks who don't respect me.

>> No.6125905

Hoe is this not bait

>> No.6125910

>I shouldn't have to deal with her bullshit.

So get a job and move out.

>> No.6125911

And for the record, I've come close to killing myself three times, you piece of shit.
They almost called the police last time.

>> No.6125915

get baited more idiots

>> No.6125916

>get home from work at Gamestop
>mom asks me to make her dinner

why can't that fucking lazy bitch just do it herself?

80 isn't that old, Dumbledore was 80 and he was a badass

to make it worse, her fucking parkinsons acts up and she spills shit all over the floor

i just made some pizza rolls for her, selfish whore

>> No.6125921

>to do chores
>don't respect me

respect is earned, do the chores, help around the house your parents are still letting you live in, and they might show you respect.

>> No.6125927
File: 314 KB, 1000x1000, DMG_antipaladin_rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying we don't know it's bait

>> No.6125934
File: 109 KB, 680x467, fea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


step up senpai

>> No.6125936

People like this really do exist though.

>> No.6125938

>working makes you an asshole
>demanding respect but not doing anything to earn it
>being this useless
You're probably trolling, but I know for a fact people like you exist, so if you're really this much of a cancerous leech. Go fuck yourself.
Literally no one cares. Kill your parents and keep the inheritance and then die alone and whimpering in the dark.

>> No.6125943

Fuck you.
This isn't the 1950s anymore.
If people don't respect me, I won't respect them.
I don't need to fucking earn anything.

You sound just like my fucking Dad.

Maybe I'll just kill myself if I'm such a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.6125952

This. How do people not see how obvious this bait is?

>> No.6125955

How do you not see that people like this are real? Have you never gone outside?
At least half of your "bait" claims are actually real things.

>> No.6125957

Yeah, just ignore me and my problems.
It's not like I've been either ignored or treated like shit my entire life or anything.
I have pills and razor blades in my bathroom, just FYI.

>> No.6125960
File: 291 KB, 700x466, Vastarien_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, it could be a crossboarder from /r9k/.

Nevermind, its bait.

>> No.6125962

Yeah, it's just "bait".
Nobody takes me seriously, until it's too late.....
I'll get the last laugh.

>> No.6125964

>telling me a piece of shit I am.

Well he's right. You can't even lay a God damn table.

>I've come close to killing myself three times

See, there he goes again. You can't even get that right.

>> No.6125967

Don't worry anon, Hatred will be out on steam soon

>> No.6125971

Just fucking ignore me.
See what happens.

>> No.6125985

sage hide and report everybody.

>> No.6125988

>not making your hard working mother dinner
>not setting the table for your hard working mother

>> No.6125997
File: 312 KB, 638x322, fuckedupwrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's too all of the macho ASSHOLES who think fucking with a seriously depressed suicidal person is LOL SO FUNNEH XD

This is my actual wrist.
You can't see it very well because of the flash, but it says "Fuck you" and it's scratched to SHIT and bleeding.

I did this with a paperclip.
Now imagine what I'll do with a fucking razor blade.

My parents didn't believe I'd do it either last time.
They had to deal with the police an hour later.

>> No.6126004
File: 948 KB, 900x783, 1417552021003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post it with a time stamp if this your pic

>> No.6126005

>homemade pie

Did she bake you a pie too? :-)

>> No.6126007

Just go with it, brah.

>> No.6126008

Also that looks like pen ink

>> No.6126021
File: 343 KB, 432x435, fuckedupwrist2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My writing is sloppy because I'm getting light headed from the blood loss.
Still think this is just bait?
Fuck you.

>> No.6126023

nice black blood you got there

>> No.6126024

You are just making this story up right?

>> No.6126025

Fucking kill yourself.

I will buy you a $150 Hi-Point pistol and personally mail you 10 rounds of .45 ACP.


>> No.6126029

>light headed from blood loss
show us the pool of blood then

Nice marker.

>> No.6126030

get this stupid shit out of my /ck/ you braindead kids

>> No.6126031

What's he gonna do with the other 9?

>> No.6126034

I'm not nearly insecure enough that I'd ever need to use a gun for anything.
Maybe you should go on a hunting trip with my Dad and talk about what great macho men you are because you drink and shoot guns and disrespect women.
Then talk about what a worthless, disappointing piece of shit "faggot" I am.
I'm so fucking used to it by now.

>> No.6126038

He's fucked up killing himself before so maybe they're in case he misses

>> No.6126044

Dude that's obviously a marker, but I admire your dedication to the whole thing

>> No.6126048

Maybe the razor isn't such a bad idea.

>> No.6126049

Dumbledore was actually over 100, so your mom has zero excuse.

>> No.6126051
File: 748 KB, 3416x2136, webley cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might fuck up, since apparently he's tried it before.

Might as well send him a full magazine. Shit, $3 worth of .45 ACP seems quite charitable.

Okay, don't use the most egalitarian invention to have ever graced man-kind since fire itself.

Does your father have land? I'll make a road-trip out of it. I'll screen-cap this thread, drive up with my guns, shoot some durrr, throw some venison in with my pinto beans and tell stories about the good ol' days over a few glasses of whiskey.

>> No.6126057

Yeah, go murder some animals with my father.
Show what a real man you are because you shoot guns and kill things.
You both can celebrate my suicide.
One less burden in his life.
Don't be surprised if I just stop responding at some point.
You asked for it.

>> No.6126062
File: 398 KB, 480x238, 1411885766759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, are you going to post contact info?

How am I going to go hunting with your father if I don't even have his email address?

>> No.6126064

No one's gonna care if you stop responding.

Stream your an hero btw

>> No.6126068

>Stream your an hero btw
Ooooh, yes.

We couldn't make .webms of it back in the day.

Let it be your one contribution to society, anon.

>> No.6126072

I'm not giving you anything.
I'm so pissed off right now.
If I saw you in person, I'd probably do something I'll regret.
You too, if you're even able to regret afterwards.

I know nobody cares.
That's the whole point.

>> No.6126078

>If I saw you in person, I'd probably do something I'll regret.
You too, if you're even able to regret afterwards.
If I saw you in person, i'd probably shove my erection up your ass and give your anus some sweet tender love.
You too, if you're even able to not be a faggot afterwards.

>> No.6126087

Just because you had to make one more OH SO HILARIOUS EPIC homophobic comment.
I'm going to fucking do it.
You all literally pushed severely depressed person to suicide.
Fuck you all.
Fuck my "family".

>> No.6126089

know this feel, feels bad and dont know why. i probably should talk/visit more often. bad son feels

>> No.6126095

I'll never understand why 'suicidal' people go to 4chan looking for respite.

At least leave funny note.

>> No.6126096
File: 223 KB, 442x347, blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went and did it.
This is the end.
Slit both wrists, so they can't even save me if you called 911.
Don't even bother calling 911 though, I just want the pain to end.
Nobody loved me.
Nobody wanted me.
Nobody respected me.
Now it's time for me to get the last laugh.
Fuck you, world.
My parents are trying to kick down the bathroom door.
It's getting cold...

>> No.6126097

No one waw making you stay here and read all the hateful things.
You're weak, naturally select yourself and remove your genes from this earth.
But take comfort in knowing that there will be a little you shaped hole in the world afterwards that no one will ever fill.
Safe travels to the other side.
Go away now.

>> No.6126098

Holy shit.
Somebody call 911.
You assholes really made him do it!
Fuck you all!

>> No.6126102

Please don't kill yourself!
You have so much to live for!
Somebody call 911!

>> No.6126103
File: 750 KB, 500x281, 1379027753843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6126104 [DELETED] 


>> No.6126108

>all these people taking the VERY obvious bait

Guys stop pls

>> No.6126109

Shut the fuck up!
Can't you see he's got serious problems!
You made him fucking kill himself.
You should be in fucking prison!

>> No.6126110 [DELETED] 

is that ketchup?

>> No.6126111

Rip in ketchup

>> No.6126112
File: 21 KB, 290x259, 1259687728601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just lance a boil?

>> No.6126114

That's fucking blood you macho assholes!
Why didn't you try to help this guy?
He clearly had a fucked up life!

>> No.6126116

Go away OP, you type the same

>> No.6126117 [DELETED] 

his blood looks like ketchup and there's not very much of it.

>> No.6126118


he managed to take a photo, upload and post. so even if he did cut him self it wasnt deep enough to cut the tendons, so she'll prolly be right

>> No.6126121

Hurr durr there's only one person who types this way.
Fuck you.

>> No.6126123
File: 20 KB, 291x278, 4e9Pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus OP starts samefagging, poorly at that.

6/10 for content, the photos made it enjoyable.

0/10 for the finale - absolutely awful closing

>> No.6126125

You don't fucking know that!
Fuck all of you assholes who would make a seriously depressed person with a fucked up life kill themselves.
Fuck you!!!

>> No.6126129
File: 684 KB, 607x758, 1259676442765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose to do it, shitlord. Undertake some responsibility for once in your shitty existence.

>> No.6126130

where do you think you are?
welcome to the internet
welcome to 4chan
enjoy your stay

>> No.6126131


>> No.6126136 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 415x474, 1414366581982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>seriously depressed and suicidal
>have no real friends
>told my only friend to go fuck herself
>have Straight A's in school
>Moved out, have a job
>parents are proud
>all of my profs. think I am the smartest kid in class
Being depressed is no excuse for being a lazy shit

>> No.6126139

Is this thread me?

>> No.6126142

...are we ready to grow up yet lads

fuck's sake pull yer fingers out

>> No.6126145

>where do you think you are
This meme needs to die

>> No.6126148
File: 111 KB, 799x540, 1263706799317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you, cancerous namefag. Keep up the good work and allow the faggotous OP to see what one can accomplish if you overcome adversity instead of wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.6126162
File: 25 KB, 640x710, 250404_914886995197876_3031909456762415587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6126168

It's not, cut deep you fucking faggot

>> No.6126175

Ayyy lmao

>> No.6126176

You need to stop being anti meme and stop rejecting your 4chan heritage, you wannabe redditor

>> No.6126188
File: 145 KB, 415x474, 1414366581982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>seriously depressed and suicidal
>have no real friends
>told my only friend to go fuck herself
>have Straight A's in school
>Moved out, have a job
>parents are proud
>all of my profs. think I am the smartest kid in class
Being depressed is no excuse for being a lazy shit
sorry forgot to un-name from another thread

>> No.6126189
File: 15 KB, 219x300, thIDXT2EL8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I ask how suicide and "Food and Cooking" are related?

>> No.6126194
File: 26 KB, 170x224, 1260405934535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool, was just giving you shit.

Nothing ruins threads more than anons bitching about trip/namefags.

>> No.6126256

Hey OP.

>> No.6126260
File: 48 KB, 231x208, Laughing maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6126293

I'm pretty sure that everyone wants you to kill yourself... have all the laughs that you want.

>> No.6126300

I'm reading everything that you are saying in the goth kid's voice from South Park, you conformist.

>> No.6126360

Your mom is a fool for catering to an entitled, spoiled asshole.

I have 3 sons, my oldest who is 5 and he sets our dinner table, among other chores. I will bet your sluggish ass doesn't have a job too.

You are what is wrong with the world. You sound like a whiney bitch, for real.

>> No.6126385

wut where's the thumb? Did you fail at slicing wrist and cut off thumb instead?

>> No.6126407
File: 62 KB, 600x574, 1417926891185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 years old
>living with mother

>> No.6126424


You should have someone who cooks for you, or you should be cooking for yourself. Complaining that you're too old to deal with your mother cooking for you is a step in the right direction, I think, but...the way you put it makes it really pathetic.

>> No.6127438

Even /r9k/ isn't serious with these types of stories, lol. /ck/ truly is the most normalfag board of all time, it's adorable.

>> No.6127445

>You are what is wrong with the world.
Can a child slaver really talk about that?

>> No.6127464
File: 35 KB, 297x310, 1389063900181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6127481

Are you from the American Midwest or some shit? Have you ever met a psychopath or a sociopath? What's wrong with the world is murderers and greedy ignorant fucks and the fact that nobody trusts each other.
I'm not trying to say it's okay to be a neet,but people live with their parents past 20 all the time in other countries. 26 is kind of pushing it though.

>> No.6127502

I think the OP was just sprucing your goose guys. You people fall into trickery threads way too easy.