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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 290x300, honey_comb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6122266 No.6122266 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,

got a question for you on here who have eaten comb honey in some form before. My girlfriend has a really bad allergy to bee stings, but does that allergy extend to the honey? Is it possible to be stung by something in honeycomb? I've searched around and haven't found anything on it.

What have you found uses for with comb honey? I've tried it straight, and tried it on an english muffin, but I still have half of a 4 inch block sitting in my kitchen and I'd like to do something nice with it.

>> No.6122279

>My girlfriend has a really bad allergy to bee stings, but does that allergy extend to the honey?
>Is it possible to be stung by something in honeycomb?
>What have you found uses for with comb honey?
I like to chew on them.
>I still have half of a 4 inch block sitting in my kitchen and I'd like to do something nice with it.
Stick it in a mason jar, cover with whiskey.

>> No.6122282


There shouldn't be any part of bee venom in honey or honeycomb. However, if your GF honestly has a serious allergy (life threatening) then I wouldn't risk it. It's always possible that a bee got smashed accidentally during some part of the harvesting process and a little of its venom was in the honey. Such a thing would be very unlikely, but if it is a legit allergy it's not worth taking the chance.

>>what have you found uses
I normally just eat it straight as a little snack. It's also nice to use a slice of it as a garnish on desserts.

>> No.6122330


with regards to that mason jar, what part would I consume first? The comb, or the whiskey? How long should I store it for, and under what conditions?

>> No.6122378

Just the whisky. Shake the jar daily until it looks like all the honey has dissolved.

Oh, and put a few layers of plastic wrap between the jar and the lid if you are using a regular ball canning lid (to prevent rust).

>> No.6122384

Forgot to add- store it in a cool dark place like a cabinet (fridge is too cold).

>> No.6124264

Nice full house.

Just get filtered honey. No worries then. Not that it'd be a problem anyway, but if she's that paranoid. . . .

>> No.6124278

This. Add it to some good whiskey or even bourbon in a glass, sealed container, shake daily and leave it in your cupboard until its all dissolved. You might want to strain it if theres bits of particulate left floating around.

Contrary to what 4chan tryhards say, and unless you are an experienced straight alcohol drinker, dont drink it straight or on the rocks. Mix it with coke zero as its already sweet enough without coke sugar water.

Its just one of those nice things you can experience in life. If it turns out shitty? Who cares, you gave it a whirl

>> No.6124328

I tried this and I dropped the jar and it shattered on my bare foot and I had to go to the emergency room and my dad found out I got into his whisky and grounded me for a week when Destiny came out.

Don't do it OP it doesn't even work the wax in the honey can't dissolve

>> No.6124805

The whisky isn't supposed to dissolve the wax, only the honey.

>> No.6124811

Just make sure she has an emergency epipen or other antihistamine just in case.

>> No.6125072

What do you use honey for anyways? In my country, honey is always on some of the shelves in stores but I've never seen or heard of anyone who actually uses it for anything. I tried it on white bread with some raisins and a glass of milk the other day and I loved it.

>> No.6125194

>>what do you use honey for

The same thing you use sugar or any other sweetener for.

>> No.6125209
File: 110 KB, 788x648, Incase waitwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here in Burgerland, we use honey for everything, we drink a gallon of honey the second we wake up, then move on to a healthy breakfast of fried chicken covered with honey, and then spend a productive day shooting automatic weapons and having gay sex, both lubricated with honey.

>> No.6125452


>we drink a gallon of honey the second we wake up
>healthy breakfast of fried chicken covered with honey
>gay sex
>both lubricated with honey

God damn Americans make me so mad!

>> No.6125973
File: 67 KB, 395x599, 395px-runny_hunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister signed me up for this honey of the month club, not sure what to do with it all. I like it on biscuits and fried chicken. I also used some to back sweeten a batch of cider I made.

>> No.6126894

Put it on cornbread.

>> No.6126989

eat the jar you fucking animal do it

>> No.6126995

soooo... a 2-inch block?

>> No.6126998

it's time to play "is anon 12, or just shitposting?"

>> No.6127012

Ocasionally I live up to the fat American stereotype and eat a peanut butter and honey sandwich (either microwaved or on toasted bread) for breakfast or an early lunch. You'll die if you don't have a glass of milk to wash it down though.

>> No.6128282

> honey and peanut butter
> thinks he amerifat
Boy, I eat honey, nutella, and bacon jam sammiches. That's right, sammich, not sandwich.


>> No.6128288

Or maybe he's just joking?

That's a thing that people do.

>> No.6128294

That's not really a fat-american thing. Peanut butter and honey, while barely less manchild-tier than PB&J (or, God help you, a "fluffernutter"), is still pretty delicious, and it's not actually that large.

>> No.6130611

You forgot the lard. They alway forget the lard.

>> No.6131065
File: 19 KB, 440x320, 2015-01-10_180350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some nice cake recipes that use honey
for example in Germany we have "Bienenstich", which translates to "bees' sting" and it consists mainly of honey, vanilla cream and toasted almonds. pic related.

>> No.6131080
File: 20 KB, 225x225, honeycake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this honey cake is the bomb

very tasty with good country texture and the almonds add great flavor

>> No.6131875

Honey goes into tomato sauce. I keep it on hand just for that.

>> No.6131993

Put it on scones.