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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6121023 No.6121023 [Reply] [Original]

>that one friend you have who will only eat 4 or 5 different things

How to deal with people like this?

>> No.6121032

I work with a guy who will only eat burgers

>> No.6121033

sounds like a true patriot.

>> No.6121035

I have a friend who only eats ramen, chicken strips/nuggets, fries, and plain hamburgers with nothing on them (refuses to eat cheese of any kind)

One time I was sneaky and made him a veggie burger and told him it was organic beef

He ate it and loved it, and told me how I should make it more often

Then I told him the patty was actually made out of vegetables and he ran to the bathroom and made himself puke and said it was gross and has never let me cook for him since

In fact, most of my friends are really picky about the things they eat. Is this a normal thing or are my friends just weird?

>> No.6121041

>I have a friend who only eats ramen, chicken strips/nuggets, fries, and plain hamburgers with nothing on them

how fat is he?

>> No.6121045

>How to deal with people like this?

I have a couple of friends like this, and I refuse to cook for them, ever. I also try to avoid going out to eat with them if I can. I have ZERO tolerance for picky eaters.

>> No.6121048

He's extremely skinny, like a third worlder who doesn't get to eat

>> No.6121049


the only option is not to deal with these autistic fucktards

if someone wants to remain closeminded to the amazing world of flavors and foods, that's their problem, not yours

>> No.6121052

>serving someone something other than promised
Don't do that.

>> No.6121056

Oh hey that's me

The answer is don't deal with it

I'm fully aware my diet is shit, and I wish it wasn't, just eat where you want to eat, your friend and i can pick up something later

unless your friend is a selfish prick

>> No.6121059

He was promised a burger and that's what he got. It just happened to be made out of veggies.

It was more of a social experiment than anything. I wanted to see if this whole picky eater thing was psychological or someone's digestive system actually pushes it back out of their system.

My speculations were right. He loved it and felt fine, until I told him he just ate vegetables.

>> No.6121063

It's silly and I don't get it...but honestly, what is there to deal with? How does your friends childish taste influence you in the slightest lmao

>> No.6121075

>He loved the dish I prepared with lead salt, until I told him he just ate lead salt
You shouldn't be surprised at his reaction. People are averse to unknowingly eating things.

>> No.6121085

Have you never made a meal for your friends?

Maybe I don't want to go to the store to buy frozen chicken nuggets and crinkle cut fries every time I make something to eat for my friends.

Or even worse, when a friend asks me to waste a good steak by cooking it well-done.

>> No.6121087

> promised a burger
> got one made of veggies
you're just an asshole. It's not your job to expand people's tastes.

>> No.6121093
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did you just compare vegetables to a toxic chemical compound?

>> No.6121094
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>dog treat oreos
>give to friends
>laugh at them gagging

works everytime

>> No.6121104

>How to deal with people like this
You get better friends.

>> No.6121106

Yeah... growing up with my mom and brother I had to have my own shelf in the fridge as all they liked to eat was made of potatoes, and anything spicier than an apple was too much

>mfw ooh anon you sure youre gonna like that?
>mfw maybe you should just add a little bit just incase its gross
>mfw wow youre brave anon, if i was you id try that sauce before putting it in my pasta


>> No.6121109

>Have you never made a meal for your friends?

I guess, but also not really, not like in a formal way or something like that anyway. If I cook for friends it's usually because I was cooking for myself, they wanted some, and I obliged...I'd imagine if I was cooking something they didn't like they'd just not want any which is fine, I'll just make enough for me then and they can make a ten minute trip to a fast food place or 7-11 if they're that hungry.

>> No.6121123

>tfw reasonably explorative palate, but the taste of garlic makes me drive heave

>> No.6121126

You must be hammy down...

>> No.6121137

You know, someone once gave me a hammy down veggie burger that made me drive heave, but what can I say, it's a doggie dog world, and burgers are a diamond dozen.

>> No.6121164

It's a natural instinct to avoid what you don't know. That's why one can find it difficult to try something exotic.

Their food comfort zone is narrow. As long as they are healthy, don't interfere.
Maybe try to make them try new things "for fun".

>> No.6121197


Why have I already had a strong desire to try (most) things that I was unfamiliar with? Am I just a weirdo. I don't do it to try and impress people or anything, I just love food and the concept of trying many dishes from many cultures is awesome to me. Exceptions being intestines and brains, I think it would be difficult to get me to eat those.

>> No.6121230

>Tfw im like that
>tfw people think i choose to be this way
>tfw people hate me for something I legitimately can't help

I try stuff, and I just don't like it, more often than not the texture puts me off

I remember I tried coconut milk and physically recoiled, the taste wouldn't leave my mouth all night

I can't eat *any* fruit mostly because of the fleshy textures, apples are as close as I can get and even their textures push it

It's true suffering, I see foods that I think would be fun to like, like jalepenos, I always thought they looked so fun to snack on but I just can't do it.

I watch a lot of travel shows where they eat a lot of food and always think it looks so good, then the thought crosses my mind, what if i were in that situation? What if i gagged or vomited in front of the chef or locals? it's an actual nightmare of mine

I go to restaurants and think things sound/smell/look good, order them, take one bite and realize I don't like it at all

now I have a 20 dollar meal that I can't eat.

It's truly suffering

suffering like you can't imagine

and the fact that people think i choose this makes it so much worse

>> No.6121236


>> No.6121240

No joke, you're probably on the autism spectrum. You can go to therapy and get medication for this.

>> No.6121241
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L m a o. Sounds hilarious. You'd be a fun friend to have around simply to make vomit all the time.

Tell me, just what DO you eat?

>> No.6121244

While I understand these are made to be dog treats, what's wrong with carob cookies with a vanilla cream in terms of human consumption?

>> No.6121246

I'm the opposite of this and most of my friends find me disgusting.

I can eat just about anything and enjoy it in some way.

It all started when some friends at school dared me to try a piece of black licorice, and I ended up eating the whole bag.

>> No.6121250

Nothing I'm sure...I don't think dog treats are toxic to humans, they just don't taste good....tastes like dog treat.

>> No.6121252
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one time my sister's friend threw away two perfectly good burgers because i kept them on the same serving dish as a few others that had kale on them

>mfw hearing "i REFUSE to eat anything green" or "are you TRYING to make me sick?"

>> No.6121261
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fake and gay story anon

>> No.6121267

It's an analogy. Let me try another.
>You see, you don't have some bullshit allergy, you like the taste of peanuts!

He's probably not allergic to vegetables, but you broke the trust he placed in you as a cook to not feed him something he wasn't prepared to eat.

>> No.6121268

i wish it were fake, anon

i wish

>whoa, why are you throwing those away?
>"they touched that nasty green shit"

>> No.6121270
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Pizza, ribs, steak, potatos, generally speaking if it's not very good for you I probably like it

I've recently learned I like good beef jerky so that's cool

honestly it stinks but it's who I am, not much to be done about it.

>> No.6121274


Put your fear of being banned aside for a second: how old are you?

>> No.6121275

Are you tubby, pasty white, and from the Midwest? Cause you sound like some of my pals who pretty much strictly eat what you mentioned and consider Taco Bell to be "foreigner shit" lmao.

>> No.6121276
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>> No.6121277
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I think you need teach her a lesson anon.

>> No.6121281


I'm not tubby or pasty and I'm from Kentucky

I'm sure by 25 my metabolism is going to shit and i'm going to become obese

>> No.6121282


Oh. Have you ever had to cook for yourself for a long period of time (at least over a week)?

>> No.6121286



just recently I've been trying to do fruit smoothies for breakfast because I figure the texture shouldn't bother me as much and I really need to eat fruit some how

>> No.6121287


>drive heave

>> No.6121292
File: 56 KB, 640x479, LUXRfoam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Textures bothering people is a real thing, while I do not understand yours at all...I know the general problem, my flesh crawls if I come into contact with any kind of foam (foam being like...the sort of stuff in pic, it's hard for me to even look at without the skin under my nails start to hurt tickle)

My friends think I make this up but I don't

>> No.6121340
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>freshly cut fingernails on corduroy

>> No.6121352

Usually, I let him eat whatever he feels like eating and I eat whatever I feel like eating. If we end up in a place that has nothing he'll eat regularly, I compare something on the menu to something from his meager palate that he would eat, and more often than not he will try it and like it. I've probably doubled his eating preferences by this point.

>> No.6121374

>have friends, multiple people, who absolutely refuse to eat vegetables
I wonder how someone like him can get a girlfriend and I can't
But then I remember he's not hideous like I am

>> No.6121417

freshly cut nails on a towel, dry and wet

>> No.6121521
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My good friend is like this.
I invited him along to lunch at a Korean restaurant with my other group,of 10 he ordered fucking deep fried calamari from a Korean restaurant and then refused to eat it because it was too spicey. Afterwards he ended up running across the street and buying a sundae from McDonald's. He's really fat and cheap as fuck too..

>> No.6121572
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I absolutely love my boyfriend but this is the one thing that bugs me so much. His family, although they eat a larger variety of foods, are also not the best at cooking food (baked turkey from frozen, boil veggies to gray, packaged gravy and sauce...). He also eats mostly processed foods, very little and very slowly. Every time we share a meal together, I have to keep in mind to make or order only one and a third or a half servings for the two of us, and to make sure there's something he likes in the meal, plus something new for him to try. He would take a few bites during the same time I finish my portion. Depending on the food, either I clean his plate too, or we store away the leftovers.

>> No.6121582

>Exceptions being intestines and brains
>not trying tripes à la mode de Caen
>not trying lamb brain
Get those well prepared, tho

>> No.6121605

My roommate only eats Wendy's Chicken Nuggets, Kraft Mac n' Cheese, Buttered Noodles, Shrimp Ramen, and every dessert in the world.
He's gained so much weight over the years. I missed it when he was bulimic and would eat anything.

>> No.6121614

Sounds like you're his mom.

>> No.6121625
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not exactly the same but i have this friend/room mate that likes to cook also, but he's so unintuitive its driving me nuts. he wont cook/eat any combination of food unless he's heard of other people eating it before that (he's afraid of appearing strange or weird even in the slightest). what's worse he'll usually make fun of it, for example he thought fucking fried pork with onions is just oh so strange a combination

>> No.6121628

Sounds like he's just a stupid person. What's with the pic of the jew?

>> No.6121687

dont negotiate
its the us policy with terrorist. I use it with those type of people also.

>> No.6121704

You are really goddamn bad at analogies, kid.

>> No.6121712

>being this much of a whiny bitch

Please leave the genepool.

>> No.6121731

is that communismkills

>> No.6121750

My coworkers think I'm really picky eater because I don't eat the homemade food they bring to work, truth is I've seen first hand how filthy they are and I imagine their kitchens at home being the same.

>> No.6121755

If food is cooked how dirty can it be? I worked at a pizzaria for years and would drop things like frozen chicken on the floor...very very dirty floors.

Now, I wouldn't hand it out to customers cause I'd surely be recorded on camera and fired, but I'd cook it and eat it myself because a fuckin' oven will eliminate any germs.

>> No.6121758

Germs aren't the only contaminants. Chemicals are a bugbear too.

>> No.6121996


>> No.6122001

>that one friend you have who will only eat 4 or 5 different things
In my case that "friend" is a five year old girl, so she kind of gets a pass.

>> No.6122014
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>tfw my taste buds can't deal with egg and fish(any kind)
Why god

>> No.6122021


You can make lots of dishes with just 4 or 5 different ingredients

>> No.6122025

They can, you're just pretending they can't. It's like when I go on /a/ and say things like
>tfw can't handle any waifu who isn't a virgin
Yes you can. You just don't want to. Shut up.

>> No.6122027

Not that guy, but...

You can't really force yourself to like the taste of something if you've already tried it multiple times. If you've never tried it yet refused to eat it, then you're kind of a faggot, but if you try it and legitimately don't like it, then whatever man.

>> No.6122035


No dog food or cat food is poisonous to humans. They have very strict controls in place to ensure that the ingredients are of high quality. Only problem is of course that it contains barely any salt, pepper or other spices. And is made of meat parts that we usually don't eat.

My mother sometimes bakes cookies for our dog with livesausage for example and they taste pretty good because, well, they're just savoury cookies.

>> No.6122053


Why would it be fake? There are enough people that don't want "their food" touching something they don't like.
We have a vegetarian (now vegan) at work who wouldn't even take a tomato off a plate that had also meat on.
I know some people who say that their food is "contaminated" when it touches certain other things and they won't eat it.
So, yeah.

>> No.6122096

Yeah dude get therapy or something, not being able to eat food is retarded.

>> No.6122105

This is my gf in a post

I get very mad at her and then we fight over how she eats like a 4-year old and how it sucks that I can never bring her to nice restaraunts cause all she ever wants to order is a cheeseburger or spaghetti and meatballs.

I'm not even fucking kidding. I wanted to take her to a two star Michelin restaraunt, which was like $125 prix fix menu along with some of the best food in the city, and we wound up not making the reservations because she wouldn't eat three quarters of the shit on the menu.

>> No.6122109

You sort of can, though. Could be a matter of taste buds, which can't be changed, but it's pretty likely that it's actually just close-mindedness.

I guarantee you if you hypnotized these miserable "picky" eaters, you could have them eating just about anything. It's mind over matter.

>> No.6122110

Just means you can take me instead ;)

>> No.6122113

I found bits of plastic and sharp bone in my cats wet food. I emailed the company and all they did was offer me coupons for more of their shitty products. Now I have to buy the more expensive kind to ensure it's not full of non edible shit.

>> No.6122116

>I found bits of plastic and sharp bone in my cats wet food.

Seriously? Fucking hell, where do you live? Maybe it's country-specific

>> No.6122120

She had better worship you like a god for you to put up with that crap. She does realize how easy it would be for you to find a girl who is much less of a pain in the ass, right?

No way I could deal with a picky girlfriend, because going out to eat all kinds of crazy things with a girl is one of life's greatest pleasures. I couldn't be with a girl who wasn't into that.

>> No.6122125

US. It was Friskies Special Diet wet cat food. It's made for cats with urinary tract issues like crystals to prevent blockages from developing. Now I switched to Purina One which is half the size and twice as expensive.

>> No.6122131

Fuck off cunt.

She treats me very, very well. Does my laundry, helps me with whatever I need help with, cooks for me even if she doesn't like what she's making, etc, etc.

So it's not like all I can do is complain, but it is so fucking annoying. And then whenever I confront her about it, she always replies with, "why do you care?" and it's impossible to answer that question without sounding selfish.

>> No.6122134

>it is so fucking annoying.
It'll only get more annoying if you put a ring on her finger, so if I were in your position I'd be scoping out my next gf right now.

>> No.6122135


It was even special diet food? Oh man, I'm glad you found that stuff in there.
I mean, sure, it can always happen that something gets into food in a factory, happens with human food too. They should have handled it differently though, not just saying "Yeah we're sorry for nearly killing your cat here's a coupon "

>> No.6122140

That did it. Her and I are having a serious discussion about her stubbornness today. She gotta change that shit, cause what was brought up in this thread just reminded me of all of the different types of shit she does cause she's so fucking stubborn.

>> No.6122145

I had a girlfriend like this. Dumped her quickly for that reason.

She only likes white flour, chicken, cheese, lettuce, and sugar.

>> No.6122147

Imagine how much it's going to suck trying to get your kids to eat their dinner when your own partner is picking apart their own meal in front of them.

>> No.6122149

>You can't really force yourself to like the taste of something
You can if you're made to eat it enough. Well, you wont necessarily like it, but you'll get used to it.

>> No.6122150


Really, just dump her. Those kinds of discussions usually come up after a couple has been married for several years and you're already having them now. She's not wife material.

>> No.6122153
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>cook for special-needs kids
>my son is extremely lactose-intolerant!!! but he can have milk and cream in food and sometimes ice-cream
I would never dream of complaining IRL because it's my job to accommodate special diets but it's just such a wtf mang

>> No.6122154

And watching them dump ketchup on their macaroni because that's what mama eats.

>> No.6122158

>she's so fucking stubborn

Put your big boy pants on and take charge.

>> No.6122159

We've been dating for almost four years...

>> No.6122163

R-r-r-really? W-would it be s-super alpha if I grabbed her by her jaw and forcefully shoved foie gras down her throat?

p-pls no bully

>> No.6122165

>all these /ck/ apologists of exposed childish behaviour

>> No.6122167


Why is everybody talking about foie gras lately?

>> No.6124312

>Won't eat hotdogs or steak

>> No.6124326

>implying ordering spaghetti and meatballs at a nice restaurant is a bad thing

Where the fuck else would you order it at? Diner tier pasta is literally the worst, THAT'S where you get a burger....you're supposed to get pasta at upper tier places

>> No.6124329

While I agree with your own logic I think what you did was wrong.

>> No.6124332

this is an anon I can get behind.

>> No.6124412

Me too anon, but not as bad for me as touching a dusty car, fingernails or palm.

>> No.6124416

I never stayed friends long who were that fussy with foods. Must translate to their personality somehow.

>> No.6124632

I've dated a couple of picky eaters. You get used to it. I still eat whatever I want and would occasionally introduce them to some new things or reintroduce things they said they hated by preparing them properly.

>> No.6124644

Sounds like texture aversion, you should talk to someone Anon, maybe a doctor or a therapist who can refer you in the right direction.

>> No.6124699

True, my friend who is pedantic about his food is really scared of trying new things and meeting new people

>> No.6124703

not that anon but is texture aversion really a thing?

I like the taste of a lot of foods but I have to prepare them differently if I don't like the texture, or I can't eat them without wincing and getting goosebumps and shit.

Example: I love the taste of apples, but I can't eat them unless they're warm/soft because their crunch is the worst thing. Or I can't eat salads because leaves make me gag.

>> No.6124716

hopefully he has an allergic reaction next time and dies. That would be hilarious XD

>> No.6124721

>You get used to it.

>> No.6124727

>is texture aversion really a thing?

no but being a little bitch is. you cant eat raw apples? seriously?

>> No.6124760


What a faggot.

>tfw omnivore master race
>any dish, any nationality, any ingredient, I'm eating that fucker
>make it as hot as you want
>any flavors
>any fruit or veg
>any herb or spice
>any part of any animal, assuming edible and cooked

Only things I don't like are excessive mayonnaise or bad cooking.

I don't even understand picky eaters. I don't get people who can't eat something because it's "weird" or has, god forbid, vegetables in it, or flavor of some type. What were your parents like? Did they leave you stranded somewhere with a bag of chicken patties and some french fries?

>> No.6124761


>> No.6124771

>had a friend like this as a kid
>pickiest eater ever, pissed my dad off only being able to cook with a few ingredients whenever he was over
>refused to eat crusts of sandwiches well into middle/high school
>skip ahead a few years
>haven't seen this guy in a long time
>he comes to visit me after studying abroad in Italy
>offers to cook me a full course dinner that he learned to do in his culture class
>wonder how the fuck he'll do that with his history
>over the past few years he apparently got over it
>goes to the store with me and buys all fresh ingredients that I would have never imagined him even looking at
>bruschetta, pesto, carbonara, and tiramisu
>best food I've ever eaten

>> No.6124874

Look at me, being used to it.

>> No.6124903
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>> No.6124921

Maybe your family just cooked like shit.

>> No.6124927

Four years and you haven't married her. You know the reason why. All of her "stubbornness" is passive aggressive control issues playing out. And they're playing out to your annoyance because you are her audience for that shit.

She may get over it someday, but it won't be with you, because after four years the patterns between you are already established. She knows you'll indulge her pick eater control issues shit, so she will not change it no matter how much you complain.

But you have a big advantage in your current situation: most girls find a man in a relationship more attractive than a lone wolf. So you can start scoping out your next round of dating now. Maybe wise to "innocently" talk food with some attractive, available women on your scene who seem like possibly good dining companions. That way you'll have laid the groundwork for when the time comes to ask some of them out for meals at the nice restaurants your current girl puts the kibosh on.

Life is too short to waste time with a poor dining companion when you're into food.

>> No.6124928

As a picky eater myself, I don't need your concessions. I can take care of myself and so can your "friend".

If you fix something I don't eat don't take personal offense if I choose not to eat it. But don't judge me because of it.

If you want to go to a foreign restaurant, great, let's go. but don't get offended if I only order a drink.

If little shit like this bugs you then you are not a "friend" to the person as you claim.

Also, cheese is fucking gross.

>> No.6124963

>spaghetti and meatballs
>upper tier

>> No.6124980

My boyfriend only eats meat and super processed food (his favorite meal is cheddar sausages topped with a can of beans and dorritos)

My roommate is extremely texture picky and likes everything drenched in salt

Her husband doesn't like anything seasoned and will only eat meat well done

And they expect me to cook for everyone, plus leftovers for the husband's lunchbox. And then they critique my meal and tell me why I should never cook that again because it was aweful or wasn't like their mom made it.

>> No.6125005

There is really only one thing I don't enjoy, and that's carbonation. I don't understand how others can willingly drink carbonated drinks, it's extremely painful to try and swallow.

>> No.6125015

>Does occasional laundry
>helps occasionally
>cooks occasionally

Bro, you got low standards if you stuck with that for four years. That's like, the bare minimum of a considerate human being in a relationship. A good relationship should extend more than 'meh, she's tolerable'.

I can never be long term with a picky eater. It's usually a sign of something more terrible. Just think, she lived her whole life eating like this, which means she doesn't know how to compromise at the very basic levels. She doesn't want to explore. She probably gets defensive easily and refuses any open discussion about the issue no matter how logically it's presented.

>> No.6125021

>And they expect me to cook for everyone, plus leftovers for the husband's lunchbox. And then they critique my meal and tell me why I should never cook that again because it was aweful or wasn't like their mom made it.
You are living with adult children who obviously think it's perfectly acceptable to treat you like a dishrag. If I were in your shoes I'd get myself the fuck out of that situation.

>> No.6125032

Oh man. I hated eating out with my picky eater friend. This fucker would only plain chicken in any form and potatoes. No sauce only salt. He was 300lbs

>> No.6125036


> dating an autist

>> No.6125046
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>go with picky eater friend to middle eastern restaurant
>orders chicken shwarma sandwich
>starts eating
>flags down waitress
>asks if they have any ranch
>how about hot sauce?
>sorry no
>well I need to dip this in something
>uhh, we have yogurt or garlic sauce...
>NO that's okay, I'll just use this lemon juice and oil at the table
>starts grumbling about how a restaurant doesn't have ranch or hot sauce

I watched her raid a friend's refrigerator during dinner of all the salad dressings and condiments. At least 6 blobs of condiments and salad dressing on her plate for her to dip her food in.

>> No.6125047
File: 32 KB, 281x341, Mad Tifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to mcdonalds
>friend orders some burger
>sits down and begins to carefully dismantle the whole thing
>removes pickles, onions, lettuce, anything that gives it flavor
>then adds several extra packets of ketchup onto it

>> No.6125055

I can understand wanting spicier food. Ranch though, ranch is a plague.

>> No.6125061

>blobs of condiments and salad dressing on her plate for her to dip her food in.
holy shit, that's sad. it's like she treats everything she eats like a chicken nugger.

>> No.6125065


how fat is she

>she's a planet isn't she

>> No.6125067


you need to tell them to fuck right off. cook your own delicious food and make them cook their own shitty shit

>> No.6125078
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>tfw no communismkills gf

>> No.6125079

Why would anyone take you to a restaurant? Ill take you to chuckie cheese so you can play with the rest of the children.

>> No.6125086

>have a handful of staple foods that can be prepared simply
>save tons of money

>> No.6125101
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>Used to be a super picky eater
>Only ate grilled cheese sandwiches, tacos, mac and cheese, bologna, and salad if it had a ton of bleu cheese dressing on it
>Made friends with Vietnamese dude
>His parents own the best Vietnamese restaurant in the county
>Refuse to eat there with him even though it was free
>Finally give in and eat pho
>Absolutely delicious
>Now I'm willing to try everything and anything

Unfortunately, his parents don't let me eat for free anymore.

>> No.6125104

Help me anons, I want to eat more vegetables but something about their smell disgusts me. I keep trying lettuce and it just tastes like paper and makes me spit it out.

>> No.6125120

California repealed their foie gras ban recently.

>> No.6125133

>dared to eat black licorice

I don't really understand the pure hate black licorice/black jelly beans/anise-flavored foods get. It is comforting to know that there are other people out there that like it, though. Otherwise,why would bags of all-black jelly beans exist?

>> No.6125135

Similar thing happened to my bro:
>picky as fuck
>H.S. best friend's parents run Cantonese banquet hall
>best friend keeps inviting bro over for dinner
>bro finally gives in
>suddenly enjoys all kinds of food

Best thing was that invited my whole family a number of times. All of us developed a serious weakness for Cantonese food pretty quickly. To this day my sis will drive 20 miles out of her way to get black bean sauce seafood dishes from the only place near her that does that dish well.

>> No.6125157

Then tell them to cook their own shit or buy their own food. You're not their doormat.

>> No.6125158

Stop being a doormat, anon. Make them cook their own shitty food and lunches. Way to live with a bunch of babies.

>> No.6125215

No, we're actually just both still in college. That's why we haven't discussed marriage yet.

Thanks for the presumptions and all, thoigh.

>> No.6125226

>Thanks for the presumptions and all, thoigh.
My pleasure. Still think you should dump her ass. You've expressed annoyance at her "stubbornness", and you know that's just a manifestation of infantile control issues she has yet to work out. Since you've already established a pattern of letting her get away with that shit she may never work out those issues if you stay together. Which means you'll be stuck dealing with that shit.

Do you really want a future where you can't take your girl out to a good restaurant unless they have spaghetti and meatfuckingballs on the menu?

>> No.6125248


I wait tables, the other night this chick ordered a burger and fries from me with a side of ranch, a side of sour cream, a side of gravy, and a side of mayonnaise.

>> No.6125252

That made me actually gag. Pig disgusting. How fat was she?

>> No.6125266


She was slender. I did have to stay an extra hour after I was supposed to go home though, to wait on them. Oh well

>> No.6125267


Oh also, if that grossed you out. Sometimes when people order a salad, and I ask what dressing they want, they say 'mayonnaise'

>> No.6125279

I'm reading this post and just like what the fuck lol. None of that applies to my relationship at all. She's not controlling in the slightest, she's just picky with food and won't try new things that she thinks she wouldn't like. She gets annoyed when I get annoyed with her about it, because why should I care?

You sound like you get way too upset over people not doing what you want. You're the one who seems controlling as fuck, then deluded yourself into thinking it's everyone else who's the problem cause they won't listen to you. Were you very spoiled as a child? I'd bet you were.

Why don't you stop wasting your time? I'm not about to take advice from some guy on 4chan who, in all likelihood, is a virgin.

>> No.6125293


He's just bitter and wants to get satisfaction from making some guy on the internet break up with a chick he could never have. Ignore him

>> No.6125297

I don't.

I don't cook particularly niche dishes when I have company over, so if you have a problem with the brussel sprouts I serve with the roast you can kindly look like a picky child for not eating them. I don't make special accommodations. If someone has celiac or is vegan, I don't invite them.

I had to save christmas day because my stupid fucking sister decided to get on a vegan trend 6 months ago and I had no idea about it until I came home for the holidays. Dad obliged her by cooking a vegan only meal (like wtf). I saved the day by buying a ham and some charc and cheeses. Too late too cook but that saved the day for the regular people.

>mfw my sister bought vegan "cheese"

>> No.6125300

Great response! Good for you.

In most people "issues" with food are a form of control. It's one of the first things a child realizes they have some control over. Basic stuff. Maybe that's not the case with your gal, but it likely is.

>Were you very spoiled as a child? I'd bet you were.
Rich kid who always got what he wanted. Still get what I want. Life is good.

>I'm not about to take advice from some guy on 4chan who, in all likelihood, is a virgin.
Nope. Been married almost as long as you've been alive. But you're right. You shouldn't take my advice. You don't have to. If by some miracle your relationship lasts until graduation it will very likely be over shortly after. Then you can go looking for a suitable dining companion.

>> No.6125308

Good to know that we can agree to disagree. Have a nice life (sounds bad, but really).

>> No.6125325

Wish you nothing but the best. I'm maybe a little touchy because I grew up with a brother and a sister who were both picky eaters. They made mealtimes a huge pain in the ass. I can't imagine anyone willing subjecting themselves to that shit. But you're the one who has to live your life, not me.

>> No.6125363
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My family makes me do all the cooking, but none of them will eat anything unless it's the blandest possible version.
>Make Vegetables in the oven
>They're too hard you need to boil them
>Make beans to a normal amount of hardness
>These aren't done nice try
>Make my own perfect rub for the best piece of meat I've ever owned
>Eww this is gross needs more salt
It doesn't help that they always buy the lamest simplest ingredients

>> No.6125523

>dismantles a burger in a messy way when he could have asked for it plain

Lol why.

I guess I was pretty pick as a child because many textures made me gag. Anything slimy or gummy. For a while I didn't like hard boiled eggs, mushrooms, and the taste of fat in meat. In fact, biting down on a fatty meat part still triggers my gag reflex, but I feel like it's not so much of a big deal because hey, it's just fat. I still shy away from the more "exotic" things like various internal organs or whatever, but I love trying new foods.

>love it when a friend takes me to a restaurant that serves their native cuisine and mentors me in it

My husband didn't eat a lot of veggies at all before we were living together, but absolutely loves my cooking. Often it's just about how you prepare it, I'm sure many picky eaters come from households where the parents were shit cooks.

>> No.6125591


Hey, bro. I have been reading your exchange with that other anon and I feel like I have a unique perspective to offer.

I dated a girl just like the one you describe. Beautiful, blonde, etc. But goddamn she only ate

>pasta with butter and way too much parmesan cheese
>fried chicken fingers but ONLY the skinny halves
>any fucking dessert

For the longest time it was so annoying. I would get irritated. I would try to calmly reason with her. I would cuss. I would cajole. She always asked me the same thing "Why do you care so much?" I never could get past that point.

You admitted that she does that same thing. And here you are now using her excuse to defend her:
>She gets annoyed when I get annoyed with her about it, because why should I care?

You should care because anyone with that limited scope of tastes for food, one of the most awesome things in all of the human experiences
, is someone who is close-minded, childish, controlling, and immature.

I ended up leaving the girl after 3.5 years when she finally gave me a reason to get out by lying to me about some dumb shit. Anyways, I was about 22 when that relationship ended and for the next few years I really enjoyed myself.

I dated a variety of different girls with far more interesting tastes and hobbies. Had sex with a lot of them. Actually ATE at nice restaurants and enjoyed exotic dishes and wines without being embarrassed at her causing a scene with a waiter nice restaurant because there was pieces of red bell pepper in her "PLAIN" pasta.

My point is, is that sometimes you get stuck in relationships that go on just for the sake and tradition of the relationship going on. I don't know, but you sound like you're in your early twenties and if y'all have been dating for that long, the relationship started long before you began to mature.

Her picky eating will continue to bother you. I hope you eventually find yourself another girl.

>> No.6125596

My 10 year old cousin only eats mcdonald's fries and the weenie of corn dogs. He's so fat.

>> No.6125612

I hate leek in my food, same goes for soggy paprikas and unions.

Recommend me a leek dish to get over my hatred of leek, please?

>> No.6125664


fried rice with egg, veggies and chicken strips maybe? Sautee the leeks separetely until well browned, they smell pretty nice then.

My grandmother used to make casserole with leeks wrapped in ham and cheese, that was the only dish I really hated.

>> No.6125727

fedora spotted

>> No.6125753

>the weenie of corn dogs

You mean a hot dog?

Does he not eat a hotdog?

>> No.6125783


It is a choice, stick it in your mouth or don't.

I think what you could use is called 'man up.' I'll eat anything you put in front of me that is served on a normal basis, half that shits taste horrible. But guess what, I payed for it. I'm going to eat it even if I throw up after a few bites. I've had to yell at a waiter to bring me a bucket cause i was about to ruin a nice table cloth. (all the alcohol might have had something to do with it, dunno.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is; don't be a bitch. Fuck

>> No.6125791

Jesus Christ. I work as a computer programmer and even I want to dump your books and give you a wedgie.

>> No.6125832


faggot spotted

>> No.6125870

>dated a six year old for 3.5 years without realizing it

>> No.6125874


But it's not a matter of choice

the issue isn't putting something in my mouth, I'm not afraid to try it, I just generally don't like it

>Eating food that tastes bad for you

what's the point

>> No.6125924

Fellow licorice deviant here. I hate red licorice but love black, so I guess I'm the opposite of most humans in that respect. I probably get it from my dad, who loves black jelly bellies. Also my grandmother had a problem with NyQuil that she apparently passed onto me, because holy shit I have to be careful around that demon green syrup.

>> No.6125993

uhh, how old are you anyway?

>> No.6126013

Have you tried Sambuca or Absinthe? Tasty stuff.

>> No.6126026



>> No.6126119

>mfw I love that feeling and my nails, upon being cut, need to have pressure or sensation on them

>> No.6126133

Just try and eat nothing but stuff that contains those things for a whole week. Done.

>> No.6126146

>impossible to answer that question without sounding selfish

How about this:

Because your picky-ness reminds me of a bratty child, which I don't particularly want to go out with/fuck/marry.

>> No.6126187

Salad Cream?

>> No.6126222

>drive heave
>doggie dog world
>diamond dozen

>> No.6126278

I understand, I have a completely irational hatred of chalk. Everything about it, chalkboards, chalk, chalk dust, chalk erasers, the gritty feeling on you fingers when you use it, the smell, I literally become physically repulsed even thinking about it

>> No.6126290

This is my brother. Lives off nothing but grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, plain chicken breasts, pizza, and bagels. God help him when he moves out in a few years.

>> No.6126298


>> No.6126306
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>take vegetarian gf to great Greek restraurant
>wax poetic about spanakopita, stuffed peppers, tourlou tourlou, horta vrasta
>gets a grilled cheese sandwich on pita

>> No.6126343

Hot dog refers to the bun and weenie together and it's hand held. Corn dogs are both weenie and breading. The weenie is the weenie, but it is not a dog until it gets it's buddy.

>> No.6126347

I really like Sambuca even though it's a bit thick, haven't had absinthe yet but I intend to soon. Also much love for indian restaurants that have the big anise seed/candy bowl on the counter.

>> No.6126348

>drink milk
>poop myself 15 minutes later

>eat cake
>constapado for the rest of the day

send help

>> No.6126375

drink moar milk

>> No.6126411

I dated an Indian girl that was always chewing on a wad of fennel. I liked it.

>> No.6126468

My husband is an extremely picky eater, due to his OCPD. I love sharing new food and my favorite restaurants with people, and it can disappoint me when all he wants to order is a burger or MAYBE spaghetti. The worst is when we go out and he doesn't even order anything, he just sits there and talks to me while I eat. Ugh.

Just asking him to please try something doesn't work, but I did find a method that's a little more effective. I've started asking him to help me in the kitchen when I cook, and he seems more open to tasting things he had a hand in making. Sadly, he doesn't like much of it, because he's always had such a narrow range of foods he's been comfortable eating and isn't used to much of anything. But he has said a few things aren't bad, which is progress. And he actually liked the ravioli we made.

Since it's due to his disorder and he's (somewhat) open to working on it, it's much easier for me to deal him than it is for me to deal with people who are picky by their own choice. Like my sister, who won't try a whole host of foods because she's convinced they won't taste good. I don't care if you try something and then decide you don't like it, but refusing to eat normal-ass foods because you've already decided you must not like them? Stupid as hell. She also thinks every meal is improved by melting a bunch of American cheese on top of it. I don't understand how we both came from the same home. Our father is a god damn professional chef, and his eldest daughter thinks charred meat served in a grave of gooey plastic cheese is the height of human culinary achievement. Drives me crazy.

>> No.6126662
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>tfw my taste buds finally stopped being pussies about spicy food
>actually ENJOY the taste of red pepper instead of it setting my mouth on fire
>no longer disappointed when i see the red pepper next to something that looks good on an asian menu
>the world of hot sauces is open to me

i might eat at an Indian restaurant for the first time tomorrow

>> No.6126687


>> No.6126691


>red bell pepper

>crushed red pepper

Sure thing m8.

>> No.6126765

You make me feel weird. I HATE pickles, onions and tomatoes on my burgers. Love me some lettuce, but holy shit I hate that trio so much.

But I love other things on burgers. Like, my favorite burger is a goat cheese/fig burger I had once. I love bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce, and a ton of other kinds of vegetables...just not pickles, onions, and tomatoes.

Pico de gallo is my worst enemy.

>> No.6126767

You can't go to a restaurant with them unless it has the very specific things they want cooked in a very specific way.

>> No.6126790

I always thought brain would be disgusting until I saw American Horror Story. That looked DELICIOUS.

>I'm not a robot, but I may be a cannibal.

>> No.6126815

>someone makes you food
>eat it
>yum yum
>oh no it was vegetables i have broken my ninja code
You should get better friends who will actually respect your cooking.
or at least politely fake it if it sux

>> No.6126838

ask for ghost peppers when you order
post results

>> No.6126911

When I was a kid all I ate was:

rye bread
dried figs
liver paté (only sparingly)

90% of my diet was this.
Last 10% was chips and candy.

It's been a struggle to widen my tastes. But now I can always order at least a couple of things at nearly every restaurant (except fish).

>> No.6126925

Yeah, this is basically the best advice. Maybe try to introduce them to stuff, but if they're not receptive just don't bother.

>> No.6126930

>Greek restaurant
>Not ordering halloumi

Why are you with her?

>> No.6126943

anon, I hope you are a voluntary house slave because otherwise it doesn't seem like your situation is very fun :(

>> No.6126983

I ask myself the same question, but for different reasons.

>> No.6127117

"I care because sharing experiences with food is important to me and I want to share an important aspect of my life with the person I love."

If that's considered selfish I recommend you start being more selfish. It sounds like food is important to you. If it's important enough that it will always be a source of annoyance, or a source of annoyance for the foreseeable future, you need to express your exasperation so you two can talk bluntly about the future of your relationship.

>> No.6127124

>tfw cornstarch
I can feel it squeak between my fingers. I still use it, but I hate it.

>> No.6127142

>Girlfriend is a picky as fuck eater when we first met
>most vegetables, fruits, and "weird" things she wont try
>Find out what she likes
>Involve whatever she dislikes into that dish without making it a main part
>most the shit she disliked turned out she really likes

The only things she really refuses to have a tomato's and eggs now. But holy shit pisses me off when someone makes a big deal about disliking something then within seconds change their mind and never once stopped to think maybe that first time they tried it, it was cooked really fucking poorly.

>> No.6127246

Fuck you, I hate all this picky eater hate.
It's my fucking business what I eat and what I don't eat. Don't worry, I'll find something to eat myself. You don't have to go out and eat with me, we can go watch a movie instead. I'll try everything, but don't give me that look when I don't want Indian food.

My boyfriends mom can also shut the fuck up. She thinks we're so nosy how we rather eat cheap pizza than her cooked dinner. Sorry you can't cook for shit. Sorry you're only eating vegan shit now.

>> No.6127303

Try eating Dutch licorice.

>> No.6127311

>Disliking food because of a certain smell or texture

Grow up, this isn't a real excuse

>> No.6127323

why are you dating a child?

>> No.6127650

If he ate too much, you'd judge him on that too.

Fucking women.

I have never been around a female that didn't use food as some kind of game. Mother would pull the 'what are you too good for us?' crap when I wouldn't eat a metric assload of anything she made. Two different girlfriends pulled the 'if you loved me, you'd eat exactly what I made for you / told you to eat / dragged you along for' bullshit.


>> No.6127659

I was at a casino buffet once and watched a woman sniff every fork full of food before she ate it. Her nose would crinkle up every time. Pretty sure she had an eating disorder. Don't know how her seemingly normal boyfriend with her could stand it.

>> No.6127694

>tfw cooked vegetables make me dry heave

Anyone else know this feel? It's the worst, because they're so common as a side dish everywhere. Steamed broccoli is literally impossible for me to swallow. One time, while at a now ex gf's house for dinner, I tried as hard as a could to forcibly shove the steamed broccoli they served down my throat as to not seem like a disrespectful little bitch. My face started turning blue and I was visibly shaking as I tried to eat each piece, until I almost fucking puked, only stopping out of sheer willpower. Her parents obviously saw, and so I had to explain to them, filled with shame, that I just cannot stomach broccoli, forcing them to throw it out. That day will never leave my mind. Feels so bad man.

>> No.6127708


not entirely their fault. They have a eating disorder.


don't be so harsh on them.

>> No.6127729

>tfw your mom made a ton of pies and cookies for xmas then guilted your dad and 3 bros for not gobbling it all fown in one day

:'( moma why

>> No.6127733

What the fuck?

Also vegetables are often overcooked. lrn2 blanch and ice bath shock, it will change your life

>> No.6127756


What is acquired taste?

>> No.6127761

>hate seafood
>"just TRY it anon!"
>"its fucking disgusting"
I really don't know what they expect
or why I humour them

>> No.6127769
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i genuinely hate steak

>> No.6127774

you should shit in their food

that'll show them

>> No.6127790
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>The worst is when we go out and he doesn't even order anything, he just sits there and talks to me while I eat. Ugh.

wtf is wrong witchu

how is that bad?

you sound like an asshole bigot too

>> No.6127796

>hate seafood

there's a large variety of foods from the sea, you'd have to be more specific.

>> No.6128496

>doggie dog world
It's dog eat dog world you faggot

>> No.6128653

When I ate meat, I honestly hate steak. Honestly a lot of meat I couldn't eat. I ate poultry and stuff made from ground meat (hamburgers, sausage, etc) but stuff like steak, pulled pork, pork chops, ham...all fucking disgust me.

Bacon I didn't really like either, but if it was fried crispy enough (almost burnt) I liked it.

>> No.6128674

i genuinely believe that you think "diamond dozen" was a serious phrase in his post too

>> No.6128682

He happily ate the burger he was given. It's not anon's fault that guy's an autist.

Why is anon even hanging around with people like that, with fucked up eating habits?

Is this really /ck/, or did I get lost?

>> No.6128924

>liking the way american cheese smells and feels

>> No.6128984

pretty disrespectful to the mother to turn down the food she made. it seems like you're angry at her too.

>> No.6128999

Being a picky eater is the least of your problems.

>> No.6129029

That person never gets invited to things where food will be eaten or we "forget" that they only eat certain things.

>> No.6129039

>rather eat cheap pizza
You're picky and have shit taste? Why do those two always seem to go together?

>> No.6129045

So it seems more like you being a raging bitch is the problem here, not the picky eating.

>> No.6129046

fate forced my hand to move in with my best friend and his two brothers.
his younger brother eats cheeseburgers for at least one meal a day, every day. same goes for pizza..also snack chips.
there is fruit because he claims to want to eat better, but it just rots away.

he doesn't even season the beef...

>> No.6129059

hate this cunt. hate even more that she didn't iron that flag.

>> No.6129071

>fate forced my hand to move in with my best friend and his two brothers.

have any funny /ck/ related stories? nothing too lewd like an orgy haha

>> No.6129085

other than the brother's garbage diets, no good /ck/ stories. neither of them cook unless it can be pan fried or thrown onto a "pizza pizazz", microwaved or eaten out of a bag.

the worst thing i can think of is they constantly remove the sink strainers. letting food gunk up the place and it drives me up the fucking wall.

i suppose i'm lucky it's so uneventful.

>> No.6129199
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My friend does the same exact shit, but apply it to everything.

Same friend also claims to love Japanese food, but when I took him to a sushi restaurant (I specifically said it was a sushi restaurant and asked if he wanted to go and he did) ...the fuck orders fried chicken and refused to order sushi. He thought sushi was "too healthy and slimy".

Never took him anywhere again.

>> No.6129264


I used to be a picky eater, but I forced myself to get better, you other guys can do it too. I couldn't stand mashed potatoes, pasta, pudding, yogurt, anything mushy or slimy. Orange juice with the tiniest amount of pulp would make me gag, I couldn't stand a food touching or mixing with other kinds of food.

A good start was learning to eat house fried rice from a chinese restaurant: its very tasty and has random vegetables and textures in it.

I remember when I learned to eat tuna salad, it was always grey mystery goo, but when day at my friends house she mixed up some tuna salad in front of me, it took the mystery away and I have enjoyed it since.

Now I'll eat pretty much anything.

>> No.6129306
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>you will never take your boyfriend to any sort of fine dining establishment because he's picky and will endlessly complain about the small portions

>> No.6129331

Restaurants can serve you twice if you ask them.

>> No.6129773

Jeez. Don't listen to some of these people.

Honestly, I hated being with even a mild picky eater, but your relationship could be healthier and with less problems than mine. I put up with that shit for over 5 years, before it ended. He wouldn't eat half the vegetables I'd serve him, hated peas, beans, squash. Couldn't handle anything slightly spicy. Wouldn't touch "weird" foods like sushi or calamari. The list goes on.

Try to compromise with her. Start including small sides that range around her comfort zone. If she likes mashed potatoes then try mashed cauliflower, or mashed sweet potatoes. If she likes spaghetti then make eggplant parmesan, or spinach meatballs. If you can at least break through a few of those walls you may open up other possibilities.

Good luck!

>> No.6131581

You can be wrong in lots of ways with just 1 sentence

>> No.6131604

Seriously youre gonna break up with her because of her palate isnt up to your standards? Honestly why give a shit. Is eating out the entire bases of your relationship?

She sounds like a nice girl who likes you for you and you are so stuck up about food youre gonna break up with her for something she cant really control?

>> No.6131700

>what is reading comprehension?
It's about stubbornness, you child.

>> No.6131764
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>If she likes mashed potatoes then try mashed sweet potatoes
Really breaking the mold there, anon.

>> No.6132050

I dared my brother to eat one of these, he ate like half the box.

>> No.6132059

Not even Saganaki?

>> No.6132241


This. Anise is an amazing flavor, black licorice is superior.

I'm the same way. I've legitimately never tried a food that I didn't like, aside from stuff that is very badly prepared (like really oversalted or overcooked, for example). Any sort of acquired taste seems to be something that I was born with. Black coffee/plain espresso, stilton/blue cheese, uni, islay whiskey, grappa, snails, cheesy fried maggots, natto, kimchi, liver/liverwurst, tripe, sweetbeads, plain baker's chocolate, venison or other game, sardines, it was all delicious to me on first taste. And I have no concept of differentiation between breakfast/lunch/dinner, I'll eat liverwurst and sardines on rye for breakfast.