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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6117548 No.6117548 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever tried a /ck/ original recipe?

what was it and how did it go?

>> No.6117559

No, everyone here can't cook for shit.

Even when given the most simplistic of instructions, they try and dehydrate a hamburger patty and call it "jerky."

>> No.6118812
File: 906 KB, 1700x3800, 1363921633931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too cheesy

>> No.6118828


>> No.6118838

whoever made that picture is autistic

>> No.6118866

hes right tho

>> No.6118874

Right about what? I don't even get the point of that image - is it an autist who thinks that hugging equates to sexual relations and cheating or what?

>> No.6118881



>> No.6118891


It's pretty very fucking obvious that she feels guilty/thinks it's wrong what she's doing, rightfully so. Otherwise she would have told her boyfriend about it. Who would be comfortable with their girl living with a dude who is constantly flirting with her, checking her out during working out and cuddling up to her every day?
>Jurrburr u insecure become manly man like me!
No fuck that, that guy is trying to get into her pants why should I be ok with that

>> No.6118895

>hugging equates cheating

That, I think?

Some people have really strange ideas of what constitutes cheating or dating and whatnot. I knew a girl who adamantly refused to have sex before marriage. Her definition of "sex" was very specific: both people had to be completely naked, in the missionary position, in a bed, and you both get off at the same time. But, she was happy to let me take her from behind though. Or fuck her with her clothes on. Or any number of other things, because in her mind those were not "sex". She also loved, and I mean LOVED to give BJs, but she thought it was gross when I wanted to go down on her? Logic and rational thought are frequently absent in these circumstances.

>> No.6118904

People who are in relationships still enjoy attention from the opposite sex. Especially if they've been in relationships for a long time.

I lived with a girl and we would often flirt. Why would I have told my gf about this, unless such flirtation were making me uncomfortable?

Not telling your partner every human interaction you encounter or being in a relationship and enjoying the attention/flirtations of others does not equate to cheating or the eventual fulfilment of cheating behavior.

Only a perma-virgin, someone who has very limited relationship experience, and/or someone who is conflicted with their feelings and socially/emotionally immature would feel this way. Basic human feelings do not disappear when you have a bf/gf.

>> No.6118911

>People who are in relationships still enjoy attention from the opposite sex. Especially if they've been in relationships for a long time.

Sure it's nice to get attention from the opposite sex but there's a line where it's too much for me and that line is when it comes to actual flirting and, well, intimate contact. Something you wouldn't do with every friend (of your gender) you have.

Then again, I'm an emotional cripple so whatever.

>> No.6118915


if you have someone that occasionally flirts with you and touches, that is something your significant other should know. Or you should at least tell that person that you are dating someone.

>> No.6118924

Cuddling is definitely a bit much, but checking someone out, hugging, making flirty comments, kissing as a greeting, etc. is totally normal.

Most jealous people are either very lacking in confidence or simply highly aggressive individuals. If you think your gf is going to cheat on you because a guy hugged her or hit on her, you should get a new gf or retool your confidence.

The world isn't a constant /fit/ Alpha battle.

>> No.6118926

>kissing as a greeting

Not where I'm from, that's highly inappropriate

>> No.6118927

>if you have someone that occasionally flirts with you and touches, that is something your significant other should know.
Can I be in a captive relationship with you?

How would you react if your gf told you she thought another man was attractive?

>> No.6118928

>The world isn't a constant /fit/ Alpha battle.

B-b-but /r9k/ told me otherwise

>> No.6118929

America or Saudi Arabia?

>> No.6118930

>no one even mentioning the C word.
This is how you tell a good board from a shit board

>> No.6118931


Germany. Kissing as a greeting between friends is only acceptable between girls or drunken dudes.

>> No.6118932

nah but ive made some stuff

>> No.6118933

Meatloaf with shredded carrots and oats. Trust me bros.

>> No.6118935

lebst aufm dorf?

>> No.6118938

>C word
You can say cunt anon, it's a 18+ site

>> No.6118940


Ich komm vom Dorf, ja. Wohn jetzt aber in der Stadt und hier ist es auch nicht anders, nichtmal beim Feiern gibt man sich Küsschen zur Begrüßung

>> No.6118943

This is an American board. Speak American.

>> No.6118945

It's called southern anon. Speak southern.

>> No.6118947

Be honest, would you girlfriend be okay with an attractive woman making you bacon cheeseburgers?

>> No.6118950

Kenn viele Mädels die das machen.
Sind aber auch alles Extrovertierte
vielleicht auch nur wegen meinem süßen bart?
wer weiß ~

>> No.6118953



>> No.6118955


its even better you misunderstood him

>> No.6118958

Oh, the /tv/ meme

>> No.6119926
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>> No.6119946


Bake for an hour? Overcooked as fuck.

>> No.6120165


/ck/ isn't known for being professional :)

a lot of these home recipes use too much

>> No.6120243
File: 449 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this once before and it was pretty good, the people I cooked it for really enjoyed it. Sorry for the mobile screen shot

>> No.6120246
File: 758 KB, 1536x2048, 1411681484401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the original anon's finished version

>> No.6120419

Autist spotted. Back to your containment board, R9K.

>> No.6120437

I moved to Berlin this year and am kissing as much as I was in Amsterdam. But Berlin is pretty unconventional for a German town, I guess? You germans are very reserved man. Zu viel schämgefuhl, vielleicht?

>> No.6120529

made /fit/ pizza once way back in the day. was mediocre

I've done other things like the egg sandwich from /ck/

post more recipes

>> No.6120552
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>> No.6120651

no blind bake? is this some weird kind of american pastry?

>> No.6120788

I've made spaghetti carbonara, chicken cordon bleu, and a ramen recipe from here. All were fantastic.

>> No.6120791

I did a flip chicken recipe someone posted here.

It's pretty solid. I've made it multiple times now.


>> No.6120793

What ramen recipe

>> No.6121351

>can't even fucking brown a chickenbreast

>> No.6121359

I've made a few of the dishes from the challenges, but that's about it. I've saved a lot of recipes from here, back in the days when the recipe threads were thick and fast, but I haven't made that many of them.

>> No.6121606
File: 433 KB, 1417x1059, home made mickey d's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made "Hambagu" once, from a recipe I found here. It was OK, pretty silly really. Regular burgers are still better.

I made Big Mac's once, they were fuckin awesome. unlike my photography.

>drain the "water"
>add chicken stock

>why should I be ok with that
because you don't know either of them you autist

>Logic and rational thought are frequently absent in women