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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6119349 No.6119349 [Reply] [Original]

> that will be $1100, plus tip

>> No.6119355

That's it? You take cash?

>> No.6119357

>eating at a place where they think they have to remind you to tip

>> No.6119370
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Can we have a foodie hate thread?

This is the foie gras "double down" from Joe Beef. It's a dish specifically designed as a "fuck you, you'll buy it" to foodies.

Skip to 11:45 in this video.


>> No.6119380

>service charge

And yet Eurofags complain about tipping. At least over here you can give $0 if the service sucks.

>> No.6119400
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>> No.6119402
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>mfw the service sucks shit and I give them a one dollar bill on an $50+ check

>> No.6119404
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>> No.6119409
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>> No.6119415
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It always makes me laugh when little local restaurants post all kinds of bullshit on the walls.

The absolute king of this is Pepe at Deli Mexicana in Memphis.

>> No.6119416

wich is why its such an amazing thing you must hate everything

>> No.6119421

(Transcribed because the picture is tiny)











>> No.6119423

>enter this place
>see all that
>walk right out

>> No.6119426

>americans still think european=british

>> No.6119436
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Paradox of hatred

Is this what a "rage spiral" feels like?

>> No.6119437

So this is what rich people eat...interesting

>> No.6119442

No, this is what young money plebs eat to feel rich.

>> No.6119444

That's actually pretty funny. Most Californians are so busy with their bullshit giant burritos and carne asada fries that they have no idea Mexican fine dining exists. Then again, most of LA has no idea fine dining of any kind exists...

>> No.6119445

Rich people don't eat that, dumb people do.

>> No.6119452

>green text on the implying

My fucking sides.

>> No.6119459

>at a restaurant over christmas with family
>the bill has tip included
>paying with card
>card machine automatically adds tip
>they automatically add double tip when they barely deserved single

>> No.6119462

Large parties get gratuity included. It was probably on the menu.

>> No.6119509
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>> No.6119511
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>> No.6119514
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>> No.6119519
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>> No.6119525

how does a water cost 12$?
parmesan chunks? for grating at the table?

>> No.6119528

> It was probably on the menu.

But they didn't even order it.

>> No.6119538


Were I the Cristal company, I'd just pour wine that ran through a SodaStream into those bottles and sell that shit to all those kids of rich parents and "gangstas".
>implying anybody would notice any difference
>implying expensive champagne tastes better than sweet champagnes
>implying the Cristal people aren't already doing that

>> No.6119539

>Thieves steal over $300,000 worth of wine from French Laundry restaurant


OK, which one of you anons is responsible for this?

>> No.6119546
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>french wine

>> No.6119560


What do they expect to do with it? I mean, seriously, how would you sell expensive wine?!

>> No.6119571

Well they knew what they were going for, they probably had a buyer already.

>> No.6119578


Why would you tip them at all then?

>> No.6119579

Fucking moron doesn't even know where a dollar sign goes

>> No.6119580
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>> No.6119581


They're probably just drinking it.

>> No.6119583

How do you say it? is it...

Dollar Three Hundred ($ 300)
Three Hundred Dollar (300 $)
thought so

>> No.6119585


Not him, but I tend to find that a tiny tip is a better way of giving a recognizable middle finger than not giving a tip at all.

>> No.6119586

I'd have to agree with the bratty kids and shitty parents thing though.

>He has autism! Please be understanding!

>> No.6119587

Did you just learn the world doesn't make sense and life isn't fair? Nigga fucked up on his dollar sign game while he was trying to condescend. Deal, child.

>> No.6119589

My solution is I figure out what the tip should be, leave the waiter/waitress $1 of it and walk through the kitchen and give the rest of the tip to the cook.

>> No.6119592


I've had a discussion with somebody on /v/ once about where the currency sign should go. I made the same argument you made. He said "But it's not a unit, it's [whatever]" and we both kind of just kept on shitting each other until the thread 404d.

It doesn't make any sense to put it in the front because, well, what's the purpose? To prepare you for what's coming, like "OH GOD I THOUGHT THIS WAS THE TIME" or what?

Put the currency sign at the end of the number and be an intelligent person.

>> No.6119597



>> No.6119612


>> No.6119623

>give the rest of the tip to the cook

I never understood why the wait staff always gets the tips. All they do is bring you the food and sometimes bother to refill your drink.

>> No.6119647

we share the tip where i work. the waiters, the chefs and the dishwashers. earned a lot in november/december with 250-340 customers friday/saturday, and 120-220 the rest of the week.

>> No.6119658

>busy night
>FOH manager doesn't show up
>the servers are taking smoke breaks during the rush
Yet somehow the cooks, dishers, and usually the bussers do not get tipped.

>> No.6119673

What about it?

>> No.6119677
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Has smug Pepe gone too far?

>> No.6119681


Because for the purpose of writing cheques and accounting/banking, the dollar sign has to go in the front so you can write in more numbers if needed.

>> No.6119683


rags to riches people still hot dogs and potatoes

>> No.6119692

If you just don't tip at all, the waiter will think you merely forgot. If you leave a few dimes like I recently saw some nigger family do at IHOP, the waiter will get the hint that you're really a huge fucking faggot.

>> No.6119697

>negative tipping
Why haven't I thought of this before?

>> No.6119799

What does the last word say?

>> No.6119806

The whole thing says "I'm sorry but I cannot tip, because I do not agree with your lifestyle."

I reverse-image searched this picture, and it turns out the waitress is a lesbian, and the customer refused to tip her because of that.

>> No.6119817

major lulz

>> No.6119819

I don't see why its discrimination or a hateful action. When I give bums money I only give it to people with bad shoes or pets. I chose not to give it to druggies or alcoholics because I don't agree with their vice/lifestyle. Charity is charity, not a right or given.

>> No.6119832
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>tips are charity
>sexual orientation is a lifestyle

>> No.6119836

this was proven fake

>> No.6119837

>mfw i get free $8 for paying the tab at buisness shit like this with my rewards card

>> No.6119842

How is it not charity? I feel sorry for you chosing a bad job/career so I offer a small alms. You didn't cook my food, I can and have gotten up to get my own drink when you're too busy instagramming your 20th daily selfie, and you certainly didn't improve my dining experience only hindered it by your hovering presence because you need (X amount of covers). I'm not saying I don't tip but I don't just give it automatically. I have written in a zero and not felt the least bit guilty.

>> No.6119846

Tipping is based on quality of service.

Last time I checked, sexual orientation has nothing to do with the way a waitress serves her customers.

I wouldn't tip druggies either, but that's because druggies usually make terrible waitresses. If I received excellent service from a waitress who happened to be a cokehead, I would be impressed.

>> No.6119847

it was a ruse to scam $$$ out of triggered fags

>> No.6119850

In the small amount of time and words that is exchanged when ordering food, there is no way to know someone's orientation unless you flaunt it around or try to buddy up to bleed out more tips from me. I don't give a fuck who you fuck just get me my goddamn drink and go on about your life.

>> No.6119851

tips are a fucking scam I always black them out when i order takeout

>> No.6119852

Looks like you don't need to tip, because you make your own Irish stew at home.

>> No.6119855

>wanting a mean butch to be your bitchy waitress

>> No.6119857
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>> No.6119865

See here.
I agree it is based on service quality and I have given gracious tips to southern crackheaded diner women that wip out drinks and food like you wouldn't believe to a Sunday after church crowd and not sit around and bitch that 2 people didn't show up. But if you're giving me your life story about how you need rent or whatever, I'm the 5th-20th person on a Thursday night you've said that to.

>> No.6119870

Nothing, it's just not really wine. Italian wine is the only true wine.

>> No.6119872

Am not Irish but when I do go out I expect a level of professionalism, I don't expect you to give a shit about me as a person but as a customer that fucking pays you to keep working in an open restaurant.

>> No.6119883

>charity pound

>> No.6119884
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>> No.6119886


Man, I've been in that QuikTrip before.

>> No.6119890
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>> No.6119891

>Servers accept this

...because they're downtrodden plebs with no backbone to stand up for themselves and demand change.

>> No.6119896

no need to feel bad, im not in gastro i just recognize a smug delusioned face when i see one :^)

>> No.6119900

It goes right into "they accept it because they know they will be tipped based on performance"
you didn't performance yet, why do you get a tip at the beginning

stupid fucking women making goddamn idiotic signs that get plastered all over facebook about how they need more money for their kid that they shouldn't have had.

>> No.6119923

Delusioned because I expect some level of responsibility for action and professionalism from fellow man? At least my reality is respectful. As for smug, I didn't say I was a saint.

>> No.6119930

lol the logic on this one.

>the laws are shit
>and we choose not to change them
>so you are a bad guy if you don't partake in reinforcing those shitty laws
>fuck you

>> No.6119939
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>still not getting it
good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.6119958

>tips are a scam
The absurdly high tipping percentage is. Waitstaff make more per meal than the establishment does.

Other than that, tipping is the reward for dealing with the retarded general population that swears at bartenders and waitresses for the bad city traffic or bad regional weather. Sometimes I wonder if abusing service people isn't a global sport.

>black them out
Hehehhe. We know you're dumb enough to borrow money for luxuries, and won't tip, or even consider other human beings. Hell you'll even walk down the middle of the road despite there being sidewalks on both sides. Enjoy leasing things.

>> No.6119966

Why the fuck does the tip scale to the price of the food? Holy fuck I hate tipping so much


>> No.6119967

For fun. If you suck shit at waiting my table, then you get a fucking dollar.

>> No.6119977
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>> No.6119997

I'm surprised the niggers bothered to leave the dimes.

>> No.6120003

The idea for some places was that if the bill was bigger, it meant there were more people eating or there was just more food/drinks to bring out and keep up on. They never figured that one place would sell a $3 dollar drink and a $13 dollar drink, a $5 hamburger and a $35 steak.

"hurr it's harder for me to carry this plate of food than it is that plate of food"

>> No.6120005


Blacks always tip like that even if they think the service was good.

>> No.6120016


Just doesn't seem fair.

>> No.6120023 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 630x420, Peyton-Manning-tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks always tip like that even if they think the service was good.

>> No.6120029

There is no "plus tip". it is included in the bill in the form of the service charge. try harder faggot

>> No.6120036

Non-American here.

Are you required to pay those $137,50, or is this just an expected norm?

If not, I wouldn't give tip simply because I find that to be fucking obnoxious.

>> No.6120051


All that booze money man, that's how expensive restaurants even make a profit. They can't survive off serving the food at those high prices.

>> No.6120066

Gonna start a trend to have the cook come out to the table real quick and give him the tip right infornt of the waiter/waitresses face.

>> No.6120079

It's a fucking European restaurant.

>> No.6120101

I think it makes more sense to go in front, and we should speak like that as well. They put the nouns in front of the the verbs in Spanish, and it simply makes more sense to me in the same sort of way. Native English speaker, too.

>> No.6120106

nouns in front of the adjectives*

>> No.6120124

>implying a cook wants to come out of the kitchen in the middle of rush hour for your shitty $2.00 tip

>> No.6120134

Are you saying France does not have a service charge? Also, please make up your mind if you consider the British European or not.

>> No.6120148

In most languages the item comes before the description of the item>
I.e in English: Potato salad
In various other languages: Salad of Potato

What it is first, what it contains second. Makes perfect sense.

Hence why is a Dollar, Euro, Yen First, and there are 300 of them. Its not a Three hundred, and it contains Yen.

>> No.6120150

>ever tipping

getta load of this chap

>> No.6120151



>> No.6120155

>samefagging ever

Shigerry digerry doo

>> No.6120202

That's dumb, anon. I can see the argument for regional names like champagne but if I eat a hamburger in Japan it's still a hamburger.

>> No.6120206

>Waiters get minimum wage paid if their tips plus wages don't equal up to minimum wage
>But muh 2-3 dollars an hour
Most waiters make more money then the people on the line.

>> No.6120207
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>being so poor that you can't throw your server a few bucks

>> No.6120221

They've got it made, servers. They make so much fucking money through tips, plenty, but they all get to go around acting like they're destitute because they only make $2-3 an hour. THEN they go and whine and bitch to everybody else about how poorly they're paid, forgetting to mention they make bank nightly.

>> No.6120266

So much this.

>> No.6120286

If given the option, I still would as a cook. An extra couple of bucks every quarter hour or so would be a significant increase in pay for most cooks

>> No.6120288

I know. In some cases the fucking wait staff make substantially more money than the kitchen because of tips.

>> No.6120293

>Waitstaff make more per meal than the establishment does.

that's true but misleading. overall a successful restaurant makes 10x per night what the wait staff in net profit because of volume

>lrn2economies of scale, my nigga

seriously, if you can take a macro/micro econ 101/201, do it, it is very important to understand how businesses function

>tl:dr owner has a boat and a cabin; waitress does not

>> No.6120303


If you can afford to eat out at that scale, not tipping extravagantly basically makes you a turboniggerjew

i would have added 3-4 bens to that just because if I were ever to eat a gold infused hamburger i would want the world to know that i was not a fucking miserly miserable cheapskate.

>money exists to bring joy into the world
>use its power wisely, my young ones

>> No.6120310

Did people forget why people tip? Wasn't it because, you know, the service was exceptional or adequate enough to feel the need to give a little extra? When did we become such assholes to demand charity?

>> No.6120319

>When did we become such assholes to demand charity?

Since Millenial titty-baby entitled cunts.

>> No.6120334

The constant and repeated act of tipping, especially when dining with friend or family, made it common enough (due to not wanting to look cheap in front of said others), that restaurants took notice. I don't know exactly when it got written into law, but at some point in the past the government allowed waitstaff to be paid under federal and/or state minimum wage with the 'promise' that they would make up the difference in tips.

Further reinforcement of not wanting to look cheap has slowly driven up the percentage of an "average" tip from about 10% to nearly 20% of the total bill in recent years. Factoring it based off a percentage of the bill is completely asinine in my opinion, and if you tip at all it should never be any higher than $5 which would often make up for the difference in what the worker is paid by the restaurant and federal/state minimum wage for the (probably less than 1 hour) the server spent serving you.

TL;DR: Tipping reinforces tipping which is a broken system of paying workers as it is not a legally mandated form of work compensation and allows restaurants to sponge money off it's workers while guilt tripping it's customers.

>> No.6120338



this faggot's voice/accent is freaking me the fuck out he's supposedly from Tennessee but wtf he sounds like a goddamn wind up toy


>I'm johnathon maggianas
>we mexican as f yo


that's a wop if i've ever seen one, not a drop of mehico in him

>> No.6120349

>they include the tipping in the total price

>> No.6120351


>> No.6120395


>Europeans are this retarded