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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 387x354, ive-made-a-terrible-mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6115972 No.6115972 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most depressing thing you've ever eaten?

>> No.6115985
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ironically named

>> No.6115989


>> No.6116000
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>> No.6116001

what is that?

>> No.6116005

Porridge with chocolate protein shake and the weakest tea I've ever made.

It was a perfect storm of awful breakfast.

>> No.6116006

your mum

>> No.6116017
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pic related, cold, right of the can with a plastic fork

>> No.6116020
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>> No.6116022

I was eating pumpkin pie when I found out my grandma died.

now every time I see, smell, or taste pumpkin pie I feel nothing but sadness.

>> No.6116026
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pic related.
you know you are pretty fucking low on life's ladder when you have to resort to these.

>> No.6116028

plain rice with a can of maple beans on them.

>> No.6116030

This pretty fucking sad.

>> No.6116034

When I was trying to lose weight, and eat 'healthy' I ate a mix of unflavored Whey protein powder (pure whey, not the junk you get at GNC), powdered chia seed, and raw milk completely unflavored. I'm sure it was incredibly healthy, but man was it ever the worst thing to eat in the morning. I've never tasted gruel, but I'm sure it tastes like that.

>> No.6116040
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Once I was going to make hot spamwiches with this "Celebrity bacon grill" but had no bread so I ate it cold out of the can with a fork while watching a movie in bed.

>> No.6116045

Bread out the bad dipping it in butter.....

>> No.6116048
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were you watching Her?

>> No.6116052


I had a crumpet with gravy on once, it tasted like a yorkshire pudding.

>> No.6116054


that tea does look terrible, I feel bad man.

Did you only steep the bag for like 30 seconds?

>> No.6116058

Yeah. That, cheap tea bags, and too much milk.

>> No.6116063

Hot pockets slightly cold in the middle, but hot as fuck at the edges

Pizza rolls over cooked to where the filling gushed out and burnt on the pan

Another mans cum out of my wife's vagina

>> No.6116064

Free church food, given to the poor and needy.
I was so close to homelessness at that time in my life. Working two jobs just to keep a shitty roof over my head, I didn't have enough money got food. I even rehomed my cat because I couldn't afford to properly take care of him.

>> No.6116066
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This meal I cooked for me and my ex when she came over to tell me she cheated on me, break up and get her stuff.

Creamy tomato soup poured into a bowl and diced mozarella balls added so they melt a bit while you eat them with the soup. Main course was creamy chicken and broccolli with penne. Tiramisu in wine glasses for dessert.

I ate it all, and drank like 12 cans of Coors Light she forgot to take. I don't even like Coor's Light....

>> No.6116070

Nobody likes Coors Light

>> No.6116074

She liked Coors light... and being a whore.

>> No.6116079
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>> No.6116092

They all do.
Women are always looking to upgrade, its why they line the next guy before dumping the current one. I guess its like gratification for them that they can get a guy interested, and the girl that gets the most attractive, richest, coolest or badist boyfriend out of all their friends is the winner.

>> No.6116095

50 cent jimmy johns day old bread loaves and a bottle of hot sauce. Sprinkle some hot sauce on the bread and take a bite. Repeat.

>> No.6116097

Gruel actually tastes ok

>> No.6116106

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.6116118

>11pm working late at the office
>Getting hungry
>Only thing left in the vending machine is something that claims to be a cheese & pickle sandwich
>White bread, the worlds blandest cheese and a the tiniest scrap of pickle
>All so cold if it had any taste to start with it was surely gone by the time I ate it
>I actually went back for another

>> No.6116130

but why?

>> No.6116133

Because I was hungry and there was, quite literally, no other option other than chocolate or crisps, and those didn't seem like the best plan at 11pm

>> No.6116138

Sounds awful. if I ever get an office job I'm stocking snacks.

>> No.6116146

Onions and mustard, because I had nothing else to eat.
>dump onions into pan
>brown the onions
>dump in mustard
>eat straight out of pan with wooden spoon

>> No.6116154
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pic related and half a pineapple.

For Christmas.

>> No.6116170
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I was learning to make pizza at the time, and for some reason, I came home one day and realized that I didn't have money for groceries until I got paid again. All I had in the house was a bag of flour, yeast, salt, olive oil, dried herbs, Kraft parmesan cheese, and a bottle of ranch dressing.

I made this focaccia-like bread that I brushed with olive oil and sprinkled dried herbs and parmesan on. I cut them into bread sticks and dipped it in ranch dressing.

You might be thinking, "Damn son, your most depressing meal was some fresh-baked bread?" First, I had no choice but to eat that. Not having control of a situation is always depressing. Second, I am an absolutely *shit* baker. It was pale, and greasy and just...ugh. Lastly, I survived on that shit for almost a week. I had headaches from what I can only assume was the beginning of malnutrition.

When I got paid, I bought a feast of Chinese-American takeout. I had hot and sour soup, wonton soup, egg rolls, fried chicken wings, crab rangoon, General Tso's, Kung Pao chicken, and fried rice. It was like $16 for everything and I devoured it over the course of a few hours. No ragrets.

Pic kind of related, I guess. Looked way worse.

>> No.6116178

>wonton soup
>egg rolls
>crab rangoon
>General Tso's
>Kung Pao chicken
>fried rice
Well I know what I'm getting tonight.

>> No.6116182

That's really more of an /r9k/ comment

>> No.6116185
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>Another mans cum out of my wife's vagina


>> No.6116193

Hospital food for someone on a salt restricted diet. Air has more flavor than that food did.

>> No.6116196
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its the /tv/ cuck meme

>> No.6116233
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I'm not sure why i thought it was a good idea at the time. I wasn't even drunk or high when I bought it.

>> No.6116250

Cheese toasties where half the cheese isn't melted...

>> No.6116277

I had a different brand but it was absolutely disgusting I spit it out when I was eating it. That and when I opened the pakage vinegar spilled everywhere making the room smell horrible

>> No.6116298

Digiorno stuffed crust pepperoni pizza, cooked almost all the way through and then cut in half. Added American slices and shredded mozzarella to one half, and put the other half on top of it, like a pizza sandwich, then cooked it the rest of the time in the oven. Ate almost the entire thing in one sitting before I started crying, came back for the remaining bit a couple hours later.

>> No.6116334

un fried haloumi

>> No.6116341
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A can of "potted meat" that I squeezed a packet of mustard into and mixed up/ate with my finger because I couldn't find a fork. I ate it squatting beside my car (which had the keys locked in it, I was waiting for someone to come pick me up) outside of a gas station at 6 AM.
>mfw that ordeal

>> No.6116344

Lettuce tacos accompanied by Merzbow.

>> No.6116348
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more like a
Whoors Light

>jk man I feel for you

>> No.6116357

A burrito from Chipotle for the first time the other day. Absolutely disappointing, depressing, disgusting, ...and the place is so noisy, no where to sit.

>> No.6116362

A pack of jello mix for dinner. I was a poor waiter at the time and that was all that I had in the pantry. Didn't want to bother with actually making it.

>> No.6116369

>12 or 13 years old
>Buy a can of mixed crab meat at a store
>I love crab legs so I figure this will be the same
>Get home
>Microwave it in a bowl
>It's brown and smells like dead fish and there are no discernible crab parts in the mix
>"Oh well, it's the taste that matters"
>Melt a little cup of butter and pour it over the brown crab sludge
>Just like in the restaurants
>Take a bite
>It tastes rancid and nothing like crab
>Tell parents I can't finish it
>They get uppity about wasting food
>Tell me that if I won't eat it then I have to pay for it
>Muh $1.99
>Force myself to eat the entire bowl of it
>Vomit everywhere the minute I take the last bite

>> No.6116410

Microwaved chicken nuggets with a kraft single on two pieces of bread, one of which was an endpiece. Thank god I actually know how to cook some semi decent things these days.

>> No.6116421

He didn't mention degeneracy or kikes though anon.

>> No.6116473
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Stop right there! Can you pile all of those items into a single bowl and just kinda make them into a wet mound of starch that I can eat with a spoon like I'm a death-row prisoner on suicide watch? … Is there a way that the bowl can play This Mortal Coil's It'll End in Tears album while I'm eating it at 2:00 in the morning in my darkened apartment, just kind of staring into the distance? … If you could put my lunch in a blender and liquefy it and put it into a caulking gun and then inject it right into my femoral artery, even better. But until you invent the lunch gun, I would like a failure pile in a sadness bowl.

>> No.6116487
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I did something like this a few weeks ago

>Oh fuck
>locked keys in the car
>Spare is 200 miles away
>Sun sets in an hour, storm clouds approaching.
>No coat, tshirt only, winter.

A stranger let me use their cell, then I huddled under a small tree for four hours as I waited for a friend to save my ass.

Most depressing is anytime I cook enough food for dinner and it drops on the floor

>> No.6116497

What makes me laugh about critics of this wouldn't have much of a problem if it was deconstructed on a plate. Mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, chicken nuggets. The cheese is the only thing you wouldn't normally find in that typical kid's cafeteria lunch. But somehow when it's in a bowl, OMMMGGG SO GLUTTONY OMG AMERICA LOL

>> No.6116520


> Be 19, working 30 hours a week @ $9/hour, going to uni full time
> Renting house for some old guy who had a stroke, needs someone to occupy home so that it doesn't get robbed
> No money
> Buy dozens of cans of sardines and tuna fish from a surplus store (the kind of place where you can go to buy old cameras and they have vitamins in locked glass cases for some reason, clothes that other stores couldn't sell so they sell 95% off, old mattresses and overpriced pawned TVs, that sort of thing)
> Buy bags of flour and salt/seasoning from grocery outlet
> Get free fat trimmings from butcher
> Mash random canned fish with flour and seasoning, fry in melted fat trimmings, eat with condiments I stole from taco bell
> Every single day for six months, until my pay got bumped to $15/hour

>> No.6116527

if you changed the chicken to ground beef or lamb or whatever you'd have shepherds pie.

>> No.6116534
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I had stale whole-wheat bread with this shit spread on it today. Sad. And revolting.

>> No.6116535

Seeing frozen pancakes in a grocery store is the most depressing thing to me.

>> No.6116538

it's a minor form of hating poor people, since poor people eat a lot of one-dish meals like stews and whatnot

>> No.6116539

Hahaha, holy shit.

>> No.6116544
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>> No.6116553

Human piss......old women piss to be exact. I didn't know...it was for a test.

>> No.6116556


I chuckled.

>> No.6116558

I'd just cover the pumpkin pie in whipped cream and tongue the shit out of it.
That way it's like you're making granny smile just one more time.

>> No.6116559


Or this:

Right after I first moved out, I didn't know how to cook. So I'd cook everything in the microwave. I had saved up a couple $ before I moved out, so I wasn't initially eating canned fish every day.

My strategy was to take those bone-less, skinless chicken breasts, and put them in a tupperware container filled with a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. I'd microwave it about 20 minutes on high.

I fucked up the only pan the first day, because I tried to fry frozen chicken in olive oil on high heat, and it burned the teflon. So I'd cook eggs in the microwave. I mixed them with saeurkraut to keep them moist.

>> No.6116562


Shit, what school did you go to?

>> No.6116566

>Poor people all eat stuff like KFC Bowls
>If you don't like KFC Bowls you hate poor people

Stunning logic you have there. A+.

>> No.6116598
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I thought it was kama.

>> No.6116604

Judging from your reaction, it's correct logic.

>> No.6116617


>> No.6116626

No no, please don't try to embellish it, you'll detract from the stunning simplicity of your original argument.

>> No.6116627

>Vomit everywhere the minute I take the last bite

That was worth it.

>> No.6116628

You can tell how rich and poor-hating you are from your impeccable grammar and vocabulary.

>> No.6116629
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holy fuck

>> No.6116634

Fuck that's bad
I felt bad just reading that

>> No.6116635

Last summer I went camping with my brother and he claimed he'd bring all the food. All I ate that weekend was cliff bars. Breakfast, lunch and dinner

>> No.6116637

>All poor people eat shit food like KFC Bowls

But you love the poor and are one of them, right? That's some heavy middle class guilt you have there. Do I detect a touch of self-hating class traitorism, too? I think I do.

>> No.6116645

Probably a chopped cheese from habibi

>> No.6116646

I used to eat a Twix bar for breakfast for half a year straight, every single day

And sometimes I eat tuna straight out of the can with a fork but that's not really sad in my book

>> No.6116648

This isn't a high-school debate club session, bro.

>> No.6116649

>All poor people eat shit
>Only rich people can be intelligent and use language correctly

The other guy is right, you're a cunt.

>> No.6116651

Lucky for you, because you'd be getting a big fat F for your incomprehensible "logic".

>> No.6116653

Your Mom.

>> No.6116686

Jatz biscuits with tomato sauce

>> No.6116742

Nah, that actually looks quite tasty.

>> No.6116747

I once went to dennys and ordered a grand slamwich

>> No.6116749

Mayonnaise with A1 on bread

>> No.6116757

a packet of dry ramen that I shoplifted

>> No.6116761

plain rice with canned sardine

>> No.6116764


3 days ago I made instant mashed potatoes, cheap walmart brand. Had no butter or milk like directions ask for, I just used water.

It sat for 3 days uncovered on the counter, I nuked it, parts were hard and chunky. But it's all I have left and I'm moving.

Was depressing.

>> No.6116767

Condiment Soup

>> No.6116847

no idiot, i was saying people would have that reaction to any kind of one-dish meal. but poor people would know that it tastes good, while richer people want pretty, bland food.

>> No.6116863

>How embarrassing, a fridge full of condiments and no food

>> No.6116868


>> No.6116873
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>> No.6116875

My mom made beef stroganof, which was fine but she overcooked the mushrooms and they came out with the consistency of slugs.

>> No.6116892
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>> No.6117126

I am Jack's growling stomach.

>> No.6117185

dont ever hold a baby

>> No.6117231
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I never felt this much of a fatty before

>> No.6117259

I can eat onions all day especially the sweet kind. I would be fine with that meal.

>> No.6117295

Underrated kek

>> No.6117306

I used to slice up a raw onion into "chips" and dip it in honey mustard and eat it for a snack.
It's fucking delicious.

>> No.6118182

is this just potatoes on bread?

>> No.6118185

Two of my favorite foods. Will have to try.

>> No.6118189
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really old, slimy chicken that I thought I could salvage by overcooking and using lots of spices

>> No.6118199
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with revolting eggs. (huevos revoltos)

>> No.6118206

Hamburger from a gas station, you had to use their microwave to heat it up

>> No.6118208


>> No.6118243

I hate queers light. The company is also racist.

>> No.6118256

Soy sauce packets from a Chinese restaurant poured into a Gatorade bottle cap.

>> No.6118257

Jesus, is this thread for real? Nothing in here struck me as depressing, and I've considered myself a person that's lived a pretty decent life overall.

In college:

>For a full month I had nothing but a single Cup O' Noodles a day to go along with beer
>Finally went into shock writing my final paper, had to eat the box of cereal I had left to get my muscles to stop convulsing


>Tinned Spam, uncooked, on a riverside in Arizona, wondering if I'd have a home again

College again:

>A burger called an Awful Awful in an alleyway in Reno after losing everyone I came with, and stepping in overflowed toilet shit, trying to figure out how I was going to make it to my flight home now that I'd lost everyone I knew in town and my phone was dead

Shit, I can probably think of more, but wow.

>> No.6118261

Well, the Spam by itself is not depressing at all and the burger, that's just a name.

>> No.6118270

parmesan on pancakes
needed calories

>> No.6118298

Now that's an idea. I will try with ricotta, though.

>> No.6118346
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i just woke up to the memory of these the other day, and went out and bought some
worth it

>> No.6118361

Pretty much everything my father cooks. Well done meats, overcooked vegetables, and mismatched foods (he served rice AND pasta as two side dishes once). Usually he'll microwave a potato and serve that with dinner too. It's food that genuinely makes me miserable.

>> No.6118363
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>last winter
>forgot to go to the store after work
>too tired to leave the house
>have no food available except a bag of mini-popcorn
>crack open a beer and start eating popcorn for a late dinner while on teamspeak with some friends
>they talk about what they had for dinner
>tell them what I'm eating
>"Damn man, that's pretty depressing"
>tfw I'm sitting here a year later hungry because I can't afford food until I get paid

>> No.6118453
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This shit.
A tv dinner version of traditional swedish christmas food. It's terrible food, the whole point is to eat it during christmas celebrations with family and loved ones.
The thought of someone buying this shit and eating it alone at christmas is enough to make me want to kill myself.

>> No.6118454

Or like how nobody would care about the double down if it had a bun. Though the double down being the devil was intentional marketing,

>> No.6118478

Ground up Flintstone's vitamins mixed with Nutella spread over the last non-moldy hot dog bun in the bag. It was stale. It was not good.

>> No.6118481

Probably a tin of spaghetti hoops in my room at uni really late but I put too much hot sauce in it and couldn't really eat it

>> No.6118484

ITT: foul bachelor frogs

>> No.6118489

Canned beets.

>> No.6118490

Dry white toast and tap water.

>> No.6118494

fuck off porridge

>> No.6118498

All this /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.6118502

Not even porridge tbh

Though I have met him in real life. He was a bit weird.

>> No.6118504

Bring your cancerous posts to the right board. >>>/r9k/

>> No.6118506

>can't afford food until I get paid

the fuck

can't your parents send you a little bit to hold you over?

>> No.6118509
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Toasted bread with butter and a thick layer of mayo on it. It was delicious in a 'you shouldnt be doing this' way

>> No.6118539

Off-brand cheerios and water. No milk.

>> No.6118541

What a miserable cunt you are.

>> No.6118544

Those premade meat pies you can get in grocery stores in the UK.

>> No.6118548

Ate a plain head of lettuce. Found a tomato afterwards.

>> No.6118551

Man that made me feel bad. I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.6118553

No-name brand weet-bix and stolen cask wine.

>> No.6118554


>> No.6118555

Today I made a burrito with:
>discount tortilla
>canned 5 Beans
>Homemade cottage cheese (which I burnt so its this weird Orange colour)
>bbq sauce

>> No.6118557

I do this sometimes, but with tinned Spaghetti.
You should of put coffee in it, then it would have been fine.

>> No.6118652
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Lived a whole week on only instant ramen soup with frozen vegetables/bean mix.

>> No.6118669

Is that a fucking dog bowl?

>> No.6118670

Fuck dude. I h-hope everything is alright

>> No.6118671

One time during being a poor unemployed fuck (still am but get by with freelance jobs) I had no money for food and ended up making rice with tomato puree, cream cheese and cheddar.

A really disgusting not-at-all-risotto-like mixture.
Still ate some, felt bad while doing it.

>> No.6118674

One flour tortilla, microwaved.

>> No.6118676

Why is that three pronged fork hurting my head so much?

>> No.6118684

thats called a cooking pot. mr. "cooking board"

>> No.6118693

Everytime I'm out with my obese friend it's a depressing meal because he always gets two meals worth of food. He's going to die and I can't fix him.

Also had a re-heated take-out taco while the love of my life was in the other room bawling her eyes out because a year and a half prior I called her the second prettiest girl in school.

I've had mayo sandwiches and shit but never any really poverty-stricken meals. Sometimes the gas would be off in the winter, or the water would be off for a day, but we pretty much always had food.

>> No.6118719

>What is the most depressing thing you've ever eaten?

For a while I lived off of microwaved quesadillas... flour tortillas and cheese. And ramen.

>> No.6118725

... it you have money for cheese, you have money for better food.

I won't argue about meat versus beans, but cheese is a luxury item.

>> No.6118731

tears of joy anon, I bet you both got it on after

>> No.6118733

jesus this is a horrible thread

>> No.6118739
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>> No.6118740

I buy pickled sausage every once in a while just because acidic meat has this strange lure to me...

>> No.6118751



>> No.6118763

Kek. I know that feel. Without the tomato of course. Once I eat nothing but gabbage for a meal. The farting wouldn't stop.

>> No.6118808

>Be 15
>Be really really high
>Mom made Mac and Cheese that night
>Go into the kitchen at 1 am looking for food
>See cold mac and cheese sitting in pan
>Put cold MnC in bowl
>Mix with ketchup
I about vomited the next morning thinking about it

>> No.6118831

Mirin that clean bulk

>> No.6118833

Your most depressing meal is a home-cooked meal by your mother?

>> No.6118905

the ketchup part is disgusting, but generally speaking the mac and cheese would probably have been decent if warmed up.

>> No.6118951
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Yeah, all these faggots whining about having to drink wine and eat broccoli with their ex, wow, your life is so hard.

One time I was stuck between being late for rent or starving. I chose the latter because job uncertainty

I was entirely broke and out of food, all I had in my fridge was a lone, quarter-full mustard container (depressing sight by itself, but it gets worse)

Nothing else to eat, dire straights shit, losing my mind because my body is screaming at me to eat.

So I get a paper plate, dig into a trash bag I was gonna take out the next day, remove some partially hardened pizza crust and squirt the last of my mustard on it, dip the crust in and mournfully ate it while sitting in a folding camp chair in an empty living room.

>> No.6118959

So you were starving, but had thrown away pizza crust the day before?

>> No.6118967


Body takes a while to realize just how hungry it is, honestly. It had been a few days since I'd had anything, but once it kicked in there wasn't much to do about it

>> No.6118968


If you had NOTHING else to eat throughout the whole week, why throw anything out then?

>> No.6118972

Shit like this is exactly why I learned to cook. I spent most of my 20's as a starving artist. Running out of money happened often enough that I got used to it. Learned to always keep shit like lentils and dried pasta around. Stuff that keeps a long time and can be made into decent meals when you're flat-ass broke.

Eventually I became good enough at cooking those poor man dishes that I still make them today, even though economic necessity no longer dictates that I HAVE to eat them. Today I'll make something like Sicilian lentil and pasta soup and enjoy the fuck out of it because it tastes good. Then I'll chuckle to myself when I remember that four servings of the stuff costs me about a dollar.

>> No.6118973

>wasting food ever
no wonder you're such a sad sack
you're not depressing, just a shitheel

>> No.6118974


This >>6118959
>throwing perfectly fine food away
>"Bloobloobloo I was totally starving"

>> No.6118978


>"this guy won't validate my autism how dare he"

Have a better day, friend.

>> No.6118981
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birthday cake last year

>> No.6119034

I didn't know two year olds posted on 4chan.

>> No.6119064



I feel sorry for you, man.

>> No.6119093


I fucking wish.

>> No.6119096

kelp caviar for that matter, infused with tears of sorrow

>> No.6119217

A few newspaper pages with ketchup and mustard.
That was my Christmas day meal last year.
I only realized it was Christmas on the evening of the 24th.
Stores around here are closed from noon on the 24th until the 26th.

>> No.6119220

>ironically named
what does this mean?

>> No.6119243

All I had was 2 slices of moldy bread and 2 slices of cheese with only one slice of ham in the fridge. I didnt get paid until 3 days, so I copped the bread into lines, and made cheese and meat rolls. Rationed them for 3 days.

Worst three days of my life.

Shortly got a 6 figure job the next year.
Never again.

>> No.6119251

See >>6119225

>> No.6119261


Tell the story you mongrel. You can't say "trying to figure out how I was going to make it to my flight home now that I'd lost everyone I knew in town and my phone was dead". Make it emotive and thrilling. Really put your hard into the climax and shit.

>> No.6119281

>cheese rice a roni
>fuck ton of peanut sauce
>buttered toast

sometimes life truely isn't worth living

>> No.6119284

At Uni.
On my 24th birthday.

Mom and Dad wired me some bday money. I opted to save it for groceries and weed. They wanted me to take myself out to a nice din. I got mcd's.

>> No.6119294

This is the first thing I thought as well.

>> No.6119300

they're called Cheer(ios)

>> No.6119310

Oh ok, thanks lol.
Im sure you can tell im a bit slow.

>> No.6119312

ive had nothing but popcorn to eat for the past three days i hope to god my new card gets here by tomorrow at the latest

>> No.6119393

Why wouldn't you eat nothing instead?

>> No.6119396

My Parents

>> No.6119550


You are a strong man that you haven't killed yourself already because of this horrid meal. Do you still feel dirty sometimes when you remember eating it?

>> No.6119588


>> No.6119590

did the chili have beans or not

>> No.6119620

An Italian ready meal I kept in my room when I lived in halls. Too terrified to keep in communal fridge knowing that I might bump into someone who'll see that I'm eating a ready meal as an alternative to our canteen and because stuff gets taken all the time from that fridge.

I bought three and the third one turned sour cause it had been at room temperature for too long by the time I got round to it that week.

>> No.6119665

This is the worst because it's horribly easy to imagine

>> No.6119680

I once cooked 5 pounds of meat in ale, then hollowed out a pair of loafs of bread. I mixed the meat and breadchunks with jalepenos and mozzarella. Then I stuffed the mixture back into the bread, then glazed the top of the bread with a brushing of the meat/beer grease. There was a distinct feeling of wrong and bad while I was mixing the meat. By hand.

>> No.6119801

A shitty vegan pasta salad bought from a hospital cafeteria. I was eating it on my way into the room when I found out my grandma had just died

>> No.6119818

>he served rice AND pasta as two side dishes once
what an animal

>> No.6119829


>thread full of normal food

Am I the only poorfag here? I remember being high one time and not having any food. I had some flour, though. I ended up making a really big biscuit.

>> No.6119843

A fine delicacy from Britbongistan called the toast sandwich.

>> No.6119849
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>> No.6120234

just cause i like things doesnt mean i like them mixed together
why not just pour a cup of coke in your food next time if its all the same for you

>> No.6120260

when I first started living on my own i thought i could cheat the system and eat the same cheap stuff for I dunno forever I guess? I'm not sure what I was thinking (saving money I guess) but anyway I ended up eating pancakes everyday for breakfast and rice every night for dinner for like 6 months before I thought I was gonna go insane
I stopped when I realized I was seriously fantasizing about eating my pets

>> No.6120285

these are good tho

>> No.6120290

I used to get a slice of ham or turkey roll out of the fridge, put a dollop of mayonnaise inside, and then roll it up. Deliscious.

If I was feeling exotic I would use curry paste instead.

>> No.6120291

How many cans did you eat?

>> No.6120314

My mum always told me that would make me ill. Lying bitch.

>> No.6120320

To my knowledge KFC isn't really that cheap, but I understand what you mean.

>> No.6120328
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I had to read that twice. Good game friend.

>> No.6120332

Best thing to snack on when making gains. The tuna, not the twix.

>inb4 mercury

>> No.6120396
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>> No.6120397

I really like these.
Then again, I'm drunk 65% of my waking day.

>> No.6120407
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>> No.6120432

Situation wise: sitting on the couch in my dead grandma-in-law's apartment, feeling sick and tired and forcing myself to have a root beer float because I knew she bought the ingredients to be dessert, she was just too sick to have us over for dinner.

As far as plain shitty food goes, the saddest sandwich I ever ate was courtesy of a hospital where I stayed for several hours after fainting at work. It was two slices of turkey between two slices of bread. No seasoning, no sauce, no lettuce. How do people survive prolonged hospitalization? Poor souls.

>> No.6120447

>How do people survive prolonged hospitalization? Poor souls.

That's just one of several reasons I'm going to take my life before I end up bed ridden in a hospital or assisted living or whatever the fuck. Rather be dead than eat that food fuck.

>> No.6120456
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One of my favorite quick snacks is a hotdog bun microwaved until soft with ketchup and maybe hot sauce in it

no shame but looking at it objectively its sad as hell

bread sandwhich loosely related

>> No.6120465

I ended up in the hospital after having a seizure. My blood-sugar was spiked at something like 260 (no sleep+energy drinks).

The nurse brought me apple juice and graham crackers. Then I yelled at her for being stupid before apologizing. I could swear American hospitals are out to kill people.

>> No.6120481

Just last night I took 2 large mission brand tortillas, and filled them with like 3oz of ranch dressing each and like a tbsp of sriracha each. Had a dill pickle on the side. 4/10, would maybe do again.

>> No.6120580

I put sugar on a piece of white bread.

>> No.6120616
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This fucking shit.
I swear to fucking christ I could go outside and open my mouth and get more from the fucking sun shine then oatmeal.

>> No.6120636

>American hospitals are out to kill people
That's a commonly accepted fact of life.

>> No.6120653
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American hospitals are the best in the world if you aren't poor.

>> No.6120654


>not eating steel cut oats with blueberries, walnuts, and bananas

'Til you make 'em right, don't hate on oats

>> No.6120661

Raw in the middle but still somehow overcooked and rubbery on the edges/etc of a chicken breast that my mom made while she was drunk again fod about the 600th day in a row when I was 15 and they had just shut our power off to the house when i sat down to eat it.

Protip: I didnt eat it,I seethed in pure rage until I broke down and cried and then fell asleep. It was a rough summer.

>> No.6120669

Sardine soup. Was Louisiana hot sauce sardines. Was all I had left. I mashed it up and mixed it with some faucet water. Microwaved it cause I hadn't had a hot meal in quite some time.

>> No.6120735

Such a basic way to add nutrients to my migoreng how did I never think of this

>> No.6120747

expired vegan cheese.

>> No.6120749

I used to buy heads of lettuce to eat plain for dinner

>> No.6120767


>> No.6120801


>> No.6120823

Eating a dish good for two alone.

>> No.6120858
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Half of a Christmas pudding in secret when I was supposed on my diet.

With brandy sauce, with my bare hands, cold from the fridge. It was like 10,000 calories in one go. Fucking delicious though.

>> No.6120899

That's a cake, not pudding.

Imageswap is the weirdest bug on 4chan.

>> No.6120986

Oh god why did you go in the awful awful bathroom? ! I know exactly what your talking about and it is sad.

>> No.6121068 [DELETED] 

>corned beef hash
>with actual corn it

>> No.6121074

>corned beef hash
>with actual corn in it

>> No.6121089


Jail food. Bologna sandwitches everyday. Like white bread and a slice of bologna, you could get mustard on the side if you had money on the books.

It's like barely being kept alive.

>> No.6121108

>depressing thing i have ever eaten..

Well i dont know that i have eaten anything depressing before..

But i do remember this time though, i was lonely, no friends, i was getting fat too noticeably, drinking more alcohol than usual and i was missing this girl i used to date

I walked down to local takeaway bar and ordered a large chips and pizza that i could not possibly finish by myself due to the size of the food they served
I took it back home and ate it while crying at the same time.

>> No.6121121

Stolen pasta with butter, sriracha, oregano, garlic powder and ketchup.

It was the first meal I prepared after I moved into university halls, had no ingredients of my own, was too late at night to buy any so I stole this random shit from someones cupboard and put as many spices on it as I could to make it taste edible

That was a fucking low point in my life.

>> No.6121125

When I was in college, I went through a period of extreme poverty. My roommate had a nervous breakdown and moved home, and when she left, she turned off all the utilities that were in her name, but didn't tell me. She didn't even tell me she was moving home until the day before she left. So, I came home from classes to a dark apartment with no electricity (which meant no stove or oven or heat). I couldn't afford the deposit on my meager part time job wage (since I was now also responsible for the total rent), so I had to wait it out until I had saved up enough money. My neighbors gave me a ten pound bag of pinto beans, which I cooked over sterno. In the dark. For two months. That was by far the most depressing thing I've ever eaten. I didn't eat beans for years after that. I do now, though.

>> No.6121147
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This isn't the most "depressing" thing I've ever eaten, but it's the most embarrassing. I was wasted, and we had just a bit of leftover chinese food in the fridge and some other random ingredients (in this case, kettle chips, cheddar cheese, and chili sauce). Wa La - General Tso's Nachos

And what's more pathetic is that even though I was shitfaced, I still had the clarity to realize how fucked up it was and took a picture. :/

>> No.6121154

what were you in for / how long did you serve / did you get your shit pushed up

>> No.6121237

A box of crackers and salami I won as a "joke" Christmas raffle gift during my first job. Little did they know that pack of crackers and salami lasted me a full week and I was thankful as fuck.

>> No.6121257

Oatmeal. I have it once in a while and no matter what I put in it, it's just slop.

>> No.6121260

thanks for making me feel better about my life, /ck/

I really have no idea how good I have it, sometimes

>> No.6121264

Try the flavored quaker oatmeal and mixing it with a cup of yoplait. Shit is amazing.

>> No.6121271

half packet of ramen soup with warm water. also the the small leftover crumbs for the bottom of a empty cherrios bag.

>> No.6121393


this is actually the funniest post in this thread

>> No.6121395

Confirmed for never going to make it

>flavored quaker oatmeal

>> No.6121404

Sorry about your cat.

>> No.6121407
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>> No.6121419

How have none of you starving fucks heard of food banks or free church meals or whatever

Getting food is so goddamned easy, they literally give it away

>> No.6121440

>Wa La

>> No.6121443
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shoulda just called him a nigger

>> No.6121465

Yes, I figured that was the only suitable phrase for my drunken food idiocy.

>> No.6121468

It's voila you uneducated idiot

>> No.6121486

Are you fucking new here? Sorry you don't get the joke, m8. Lurk more, faggot.

>> No.6121496
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Anon, have a Snickers, you get mad when you're hungry

>> No.6121504

Ahhhh, nah, dude, you can't escape the fact that you're the one who didn't get the joke. Deal with it and move along. I'm sure there's plenty of other posts for you to fuck up out there.

>> No.6121507

>I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.6121515

You really are new here, aren't you?

>> No.6121523

I can practically guarantee I've been here longer than you, but why don't you tell me how I'm wrong :)

>> No.6121530

Wrong about what? That you didn't get the joke and tried to act like some sort of grammar nazi fucknut? No, you did that. For gods sake, the Wa La thing has been here for a good while now (the joke being that's it's misspelled), so either you are new here, or you're just fucking thick. (And I highly doubt you've been here longer than I have, but that's not the point). So STFU.

>> No.6121532
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Good times.

>> No.6121537

LMAO I bet you're one of those people who says "RIP in peace"

Only idiots use abbreviations like that

>> No.6121542

It's Wa La, retard

>> No.6121543


(If you're going to shitpost, don't make it so obivious)

>> No.6121551

>If you're going to shitpost, don't make it so obivious
thank fucking god someone noticed, i'm finally free

fuck's sake some people are dense

>> No.6121561

Is Wa La relatively new? I'm almost certain I haven't seen it before summer '14.

>> No.6121564


white rice and frozen mixed vegetables, cooked together into a gluey mush. i tried to make it better with sauce, it didn't work.

>> No.6121570

One night my dinner consisted of soft tortillas which had been sitting in the cupboard uncovered for weeks so that they had become dry and hardened, dipped in sour cream and tobasco sauce.

>> No.6121598

I've been here for years and Wa La is brand new. I saw it the other day in that cookbook thread. It's pretty funny, though.

>> No.6121624

Some people use that as fish bait

>> No.6121626

i ran out of milk and tried water with my cocoa pebbles

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6121646


It's a couple of months old, like 3 months ago some dude made a thread where he posted the snapchat pics he sent to a girl of a meal he cooked

>> No.6121703
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Three-day old stale bread, sugarless black instant coffee made from barely-boiled water, and a lump of partially-hardened Cheddar.

That, or the time I had chili con carne and suffered a major depersonalization episode and wicked-sick burnout. Ever since I can't eat chili.

>> No.6121769
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>> No.6121776

A can of nasty Hormel chili over some old spaghetti. I ate like 3 bites of it and threw away the rest.

>> No.6121778

Same thing happened to me, but instead of water I used some rich pumpkin spice coffee creamer. It was absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6121865

a single weetabix with hot water, eaten over the course of four hours

#anorexia life

>> No.6121924



kill yourself

>> No.6121946
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Triscuits had pantry moth (Indian meal moths) dust on them.
Just dusted them off and ate them.

>> No.6121949

A bowl of rice with butter.

>> No.6121999
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ITT: People who cannot properly budget their money!

Another thing I dont understand, why if you are moving out and only have oldass sardines or fucking cup a noodles, do you eat that shit? Just throw it out? Don't give me that: "muh starving kids in africa, i gotta eat the whole pantry" Just cut your losses, gather 2 bucks in loose change and grab 2 mcdoubles or something. Like every fast food restaurant has a dollar menu for a reason, our nation has a bunch of poor planning retards

>> No.6122046


stfu americunt

>> No.6122047

Bombay bad boy pot noodle on a bed of micro chips.

I think I win

>> No.6122063
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Sardines and noodles when mixed with some olive oil and olives and boiled corn can make the best healthy salad full with everything a man needs.

Eating shitburgers is disgusting...

>> No.6122077


And what does that iron pill diet do?

>> No.6122081

Not everybody has a loving family or someone they can share the holidays with, anon.

>> No.6122085

Is it depressing to eat pasta 3 times in one day, if it's with different sauces?

>> No.6122088

Makes you healthy and strong.

With training you can go bear mode or ancient Greek statue type or just be healthier if you do not train.

>> No.6122101

I know this life.

Eat in pasta for about 2 meals a day when I didn't recall know how to cook and only started to leanr because my alcoholic shit mom didn't care enough tk make anything more than barely cooked chicken or the most rank ass shit ever.

I've learned to lib pasta in all forms since then, but knowing that the bowl of pasta with shirt jarred sauce I was eating that night for diner was also my dinner from the previous night and the next days dinner and maybe any days lunch or dinner before and after really made not want to stop eating entirely for a while.

>> No.6122229

Fuck I love the awful awful

My favorite burger in Reno and I live here

>> No.6122231

ramen noodle no question

>> No.6122251

On my lunch breaks for work all through November up until Christmas I always had a can of Vienna sausage mixed with a packet of hot sauce and a can of diet root beer.
I was saving for a Christmas present for my gf

>> No.6122281

McDick's shill detected

>> No.6122283

A McDonalds burger.

>> No.6122326

Rice with ketchup

>> No.6122410

... why did you add the cream cheese at all?

>> No.6122478


>> No.6122489


That's one of the most romantic things I've ever heard. I hope she appreciates what she has. <3

>> No.6122746
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The New Year's Eve before this one I spent eating hotdogs (knakworsten) wrapped in pancakes. It's nice enough any other time, but as dinner alone with fireworks going off outside it was pretty depressing.

This New Year's Eve was a lot better though. Friends and food aplenty.

>> No.6124117

I was broke and there was a power outage that lasted for a week.

I learned I probably wouldn't like the aftermath of a nuclear war very much.

>> No.6124251


>> No.6124888

I once at a piece of toast with sliced cheese, butter, and (cold) bologna on it.