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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 265x222, 12093238-can-you-pinch-an-inch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6115892 No.6115892 [Reply] [Original]

I have lost so much weight on the 5:2 diet that I can now suck in my belly and look like a normal human.
Never thought I would see suck in range again.
This whole time I have been doing two 36hr fasts a week.
No food at all.
Now I am ready for the one 500 calorie meal a day version.
Looking for 500 cal recipes that will be low carb and filling.
Any advice is welcome!

>> No.6115901

i eat alot of mayonnaise i'm doing low carb.

tuna salad
chicken salad
egg salad

add a ton of veggies: lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, pickles, celery, radish, tomato, olives

>> No.6115924
File: 270 KB, 834x929, Lentil nutrition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're completely intent on doing this 5:2 thing, I'd suggest not doing "low carb" since healthy carb sources tend to be pretty dense in nutrients while fatty foods have more calories than they do vitamins/minerals/antioxidants. Pic related, lentils are like a multivitamin

Otherwise, if you're still open-minded about what you'll eat, transitioning to a general healthy non-calorie-counting diet centered around unrefined plant foods is generally considered the best way to go for long-term weight management and overall health

>> No.6115965

>unrefined plant foods
Raw vegan pls go

>> No.6115970
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I didn't say uncooked

>> No.6116016
File: 298 KB, 1600x900, 944f1a2f2e07523c3a232bcb808920fe (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also did not say vegan.
It was a trap.
By protesting the raw moniker you have admitted to being a filthy vegan.

>> No.6116081


I was going to point that out next, but the raw thing was more ridiculous because in that same post I told him to eat lentils. Who eats raw lentils?

>> No.6116105
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Too late to back-peddle know. Senpai has already noticed you...

>> No.6116280
File: 190 KB, 600x450, 19944_Rear_3-4_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much weight /ck/ gained over the Holliday's

>> No.6118795

What is a senpai?

>> No.6118979

>Being this much of a non weeb on 4chan
What a baka gaijin.

>> No.6118995

To be fair, 4chan was only a weeb's sekret hideout from 03-06. It's been mainstream since 07.

>> No.6119422

>baka gaijin
Once again I am nonplussed

>> No.6119434
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you'd better start reading some animes m8

>> No.6119440

What a retarded diet. Google the "warrior diet" if you want to practice fasting in a healthy way, otherwise u fucked

>> No.6119455

Warrior diet is not fasting at all.
The best fasting is 3 days at a time.

>> No.6119686

About 8 pounds
Working on losing it now
>TFW sweet potatoes plain with a side of shrimp
Its a good feel

>> No.6119725

not even getting on my weighing scales until february. dedicating jan to dieting/running/brisk-walking the fuck out of whatever few lbs I no doubt gained

>> No.6119731
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>Not lifting

>> No.6119756

Cross-fit is the real /fit/
>any moron can lift

>> No.6119771

How about you go to /fit/ and learn how to lose weight in a healthy, non retarded way that doesn't require you to starve yourself?

>> No.6119779

Jesus are you so weak willed that a fee days without food seems like starvation?
Harden up m8

>> No.6120225

Fatty detected
I bet u order a diet coke when u try lose that blubber
>muh genetics

>> No.6120270

>getting on my weighing scales

>> No.6120820

I actually lost like 5lbs since thanksgiving.

>> No.6120890

I gained about 7lb according my scale. I feel ashamed. I am going back on diet mode. Gonna do a PSMF for 3-4 weeks, hopefully shed about 10+lb then maintain again.

>> No.6120891


we aren't all sedentary, some of us actually need to eat to not feel like fucking garbage

inb4 fat I'm a competitive dancer

>> No.6120909

>I'm a competitive dancer


So is she, fucking fatass

>> No.6120914


there's no way she's actively a competitive dancer

ok I guess maybe because of tumblr and all the pro fat horseshit

I'm 5'9 125

>> No.6120918

>low carb
pick one

>> No.6120929


>being able to sustain exactly one minute of moderate exercise
>collapse on the floor
>"healthy at every size"

hooooolllly shit what bullshit is this

>> No.6121734

I hit the gym like a fiend on my fast days.
That low energy myth is bullshit.

>> No.6121754

i dont have time for chinese cartoons

>> No.6121824

I have lost 36 pounds since Semptember. Fuck yeah for my first focused and intentional diet and excercise plan succeeding! I didn't eat shit for holidays though sadly.

>> No.6121890



Look how many cuts there were, she took a break every 15 seconds and then edited the clips together

>> No.6121907

What's impressive about her is not only is she fat bit also ugly.
A true rara avis.

>> No.6121919

Cant do any of the toe points or twisting, lol

>> No.6122099

whats the confusion??

>> No.6122124

same here
no difference in workouts on fast or normal days

>> No.6122173


this chode is a leader in the HAES she runs a blog and everything.

here she proudly details how "fit and fat" she is for WALKING a marathon in 8 fucking hours.


complete with eeeevil white debbil marathon lady drama and phanton injuries so you know she's a noble underdog the world is trying to punish

total. joke.

>> No.6122182

Christ how horrifying.

>> No.6122397

and she's getting a TV show?
oh, carry on...

>> No.6122945

I know I will regret this but what the hell is that?

>> No.6122962

Health at Every Size
exactly what it says on the tin

>> No.6123419

I bet half the anons here have been on a January diet.

>> No.6123437

12 fucking hours, actually, she says in the post. Christ almighty. Nothing to do with the fact that she's a landwhale, of course.

>> No.6123444

I once walked a marathon, took me a month and a half so shes actually not doing too bad.

>> No.6124225
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>> No.6124262

Carbs don't fill. Protein and fat is way more filling.

>> No.6124376

can you give any more practical information about this diet?

>> No.6124638

Don't bother with the warrior diet.
5:2 is much better.

>> No.6125511

implying that eating a lot of raw foods makes you raw vegan? I eat everything, but i try to eat as many raw or whole foods as possible. meanwhile you fat ass lego fanboy is probably a fat fuck with horrible health issues. its ok though. its only smellz now.

>> No.6125517

i hope you break your spine you fucking idiot.
>"gyms" run by fucking retards literally everywhere
>lifting heavy shit in an unorthodox manner with little to no experience
>getting hurt as fuck because you are an idiot.

>> No.6125520

this retard can't into fasting and cant lose weight. go cry.>>6120891

>> No.6125522

i know some fat competitive dancers. thats like saying im not fat i play football, but you are a fucking fat ass line man. idiot.

>> No.6125545
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>> No.6126101
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Fasting is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
Not sure why people are so freaked out

>> No.6127475

Is that pic supposed to represent a fat person?
Who can't pinch an inch?
Where is there a picture of the correct amount to pinch?

>> No.6127504
File: 10 KB, 224x225, dont do that, asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 calories a day

Is working really such a terrible fucking thing?

>> No.6127677

What do you mean?

>> No.6127681

ypure a fatass. its unhealthy. have you ever tried to run with that amount of fat?
no? try it, memorize the feeling, then come back here proclaiming "ITS NORMAL"

go back to fat land please, your kind piss me off to no end. normal to fatties is fat

>> No.6127685

hes implying getting off your fatass and doing some manual labour to actively consume your fat instead of waiting for it to shrivel away

>> No.6127695


This guy gets it. Many "healthy" people that use this are just hungry skellingtons that don't want to put in the work.

>> No.6128293

What a load of crap.
Diet is just as important as exercise and you don't have the balls for fasting.

>> No.6128715

You are saying the girl being pinched in ops pic is so fat she can't run?

>> No.6128911


Diet ≠ Fasting, you moron.

Enjoy your malnourished frame and unnatural pallor

>> No.6128943

Fasting is one of the healthiest things you can do anon.
Modern science is right behind this all the way.
Read up anon, this can extend your lifespan.

>> No.6128956

>not eating so much when the majority of people are eating too much can make you healthier
oh wow ty science i love you

>> No.6129021

Much more complex than just eating less anon.
You need to deplete the glycogen in your liver just to get started.

>> No.6129052

care to post some sources

>> No.6129057

Easiest way to learn about it is to watch the BBC Horizon special on the subject.

>> No.6129116

If you cannot give me peer-reviewed sources that have been citated more than ten times in distinguished academic journals I am just going to assume you're wrong.

>> No.6129168

Your loss

>> No.6130871

No you're loss

>> No.6132142

>If you cannot give me peer-reviewed sources that have been citated more than ten times in distinguished academic journals I am just going to assume you're wrong.

I bet you couldn't find that yourself for literally anything