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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 314x311, -font-b-Automatic-b-font-font-b-pasta-b-font-machine-housejold-font-b-pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6102860 No.6102860 [Reply] [Original]

I was just given a hammy down pasta maker like in the pic.
There are no directions just a measuring cup that says how much flour and eggs.

Anyone here make pasta?

>> No.6102867

I think it's about 12 eggs to 1 cup flour makes nice pasta m8

>> No.6102890
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>hammy down

>> No.6102895

That's if you like really eggy pasta you can do 2 or 3 eggs per 1 cup

>> No.6102900

>hammy down

kill yourself

>> No.6102923

I just watched this episode of Good Eats last night. Somewhere in season 6 I believe

Use Your Noodle III: Fresh Pasta

>> No.6103118
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I love how Americans have to have everything bran new all the time.
This pasta machine was used like six times and was free to me.

>> No.6103127

The expression is hand-me-down, not hammy, you fucking mong

>> No.6103195

Just made some great pasta last night. Here's a how-to-kinda:
About 1 egg to every 1.5 cups flour.
So, drop 3 cups of flower on your work surface, make a nice volcano in the middle, and crack your 2 eggs into that. Beat your eggs, and then start to fold in the flour. Keep doing this, maybe add more flour if it's not standing. Just keep mixing and mixing until you get a shaggy dough.
Then start kneading. Knead until smooth and elastic, then knead for 10 more minutes. After that, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it sit for fifteen minutes.
That's your basic dough. If you want to stick it through a maker (to flatten then fettuccine/spaghetti it), cut about fist-sized chunk from your dough ball, and roll it out a bit. Have your maker on the widest setting and crank that sucker through. Then, fold it into quarters and flatten it again, feeding the side that looks like an open pocket into the machine. When it comes out, fold that into thirds and do the same thing. Do that three more times.
After that, you can do whatever you want with it. You can feed it through the fettuccine or spaghetti cutters (what my maker has, but it's my great-grandmothers from Italy like 80 years ago, so I don't know what they do now), or cut ravioli or w/e. It's all you.
If you make stringy noodles, let them rest on tea towels covered in flour for a few hours. When you make them, they only need about a minute or two in the water.
Goes best with hand-crushed tomato sauce.

>> No.6103203

>The expression is hand-me-down, not hammy, you fucking mong
Fucking this.

>> No.6103210
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Hammy down anyone ?

>> No.6103508

Mines does all the mixing then sends it through an extruder.
Will try your recipe though.

>> No.6103566

Please die you oblivious nob

>> No.6103947

Going to watch this thanks.

>> No.6104463

Bump for more pasta advice.
Am purpose flour?

>> No.6104524


I had forgotten about the Ronco Pasta Maker. I bet it came free with the Spray-on Toupet.

>> No.6104533

The pasta maker in the machine is not ronco and cost several hundred dollars.

>> No.6105387

Are you the real skeak or a false one?

>> No.6105664

Damn. I thought it was some bizarre brand when I first saw the OP. Didn't even think someone could be so stupid.

Anyway, enjoy your pasta OP.

>> No.6105890

>Anyway, enjoy your pasta OP.

>> No.6105893


lold inrl

>> No.6105910

You can use all purpose flour. Also, for some extra goodness, crack some pepper in your mortar and pestle and add that to your flour.

>> No.6106036

>hammy fucking down

>> No.6106387

Can we all get past an honest mistake and talk about homade pasta?

>> No.6106414
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>honest mistake

>> No.6106417

The real sceak suicide last year

>> No.6106419

Pasta machines are a diamond dozen anyway, what sort of cheap skate re-gifts a pasta machine.

>> No.6106420


>> No.6106430
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>diamond dozen

>> No.6106432

They are, I once had a wheel barrel full of pasta machines.

>> No.6106438

Diamond dozen is an actual Rickyism

>> No.6106469

>hammy down

>> No.6106505

These puns should win the Bullet Surprise.

>> No.6106529
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>hammy down

>> No.6106595

Pls stop ;_;

>> No.6106647

Don't be mad at OP - he just has hammy down syndrome.

>> No.6107018

I have read that the biggest thing with pasta is letting the dough rest.
Does the machine allow for this?

>> No.6107049

Hammy down

>> No.6107063
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>> No.6107074

you are now aware that OP was trying to force a meme the entire time

>> No.6107076
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>hey, how much?
>sex is fifty dollars, a blowjob is twenty, or i'll give you a hammy for ten bucks

>> No.6107080

i think OP might have hammy downs

>> No.6108224

OP only wanted pasta making advice.
Now the whole thread is just a pile of poop.

>> No.6108229

>pasta making advice
>has proprietary automated machine
>too dumb to look up the manual

>> No.6108316

>Implying you can only make recipes from the manual.

>> No.6108320

but the shitposters atleast keep the thread alive till some pasta-aficionado arrives

>> No.6108476
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>hammy down

>> No.6108485

I fucking todaso

>> No.6109538

>till some pasta-aficionado arrives

They never came...

>> No.6109560

Why can't I upload images?

>> No.6109565


>> No.6109566

Me either

>> No.6109572

Its a doggy dog world out there sometimes, when life hands you lemons you need to make a thread on /ck/ to try and get yourself a good pasta!

>> No.6109573

The point is, he bitched that he didn't get the paper manual with it. And anyway, instructions in the manual give a starting point for experimenting.

Though I'm not convinced this whole thing wasn't just hammy down b8.

>> No.6109576

In case all this is serious... what happens if you put flour and eggs in the measuring cup, mix it up a bit, put it in the machine, and turn it on? Worst case, you're out that much flour and eggs and have to clean the thing.

>> No.6109589

I've been getting into homemade pasta and tried out a few different things.

I generally use about 1/2 durum wheat semolina flour and 1/2 '00' ground flour. Using just the '00' flour gives a very silky texture that's slightly chewy. On the contrary, using just semolina flour you get a firmer noodle. Like I said, I prefer the texture in the middle.

Then I add, per 400 grams of flour, 3 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks. The egg yolks give it a little bit of extra richness, but it's good with just whole eggs, too.

I combine it, knead it for 10 minutes and then cover it in cling film and put it in the fridge like evryone else.

I roll it out with a pasta machine making dure to fold the dough over on itself a few times and then going back a notch. This yields a better textured dough in my opinion, it's a tiny bit more elastic.

I then let the pasta air dry for half an hour or so if I have the time, or just boil it straight away. Letting it dry before boiling gives it a bit more bite in the end.

Then boil it for a few minutes in salted water just like evryone else.

These extra steps are just there to improve the texture, but making fresh pasta with any dough and doing it the simple way is pretty darn good nevertheless.

>> No.6109595

keep the faith!


>> No.6109597

>what happens if you put flour and eggs...

Be more creative OP. Use like oatmeal or some shit. This could be a lot of fun.

>> No.6109627

The point is, he has an all-in-one machine. No one can give him a recipe for that.

>> No.6109630

>hammy down
this shit gets me every time

>> No.6109652

I wish I had just said gifted. :(

>> No.6109658

>hammy down

I cannot read further. Jesus...

>> No.6111498

repeat after me OP


What on Earth did you think hammy down even meant?

>> No.6111519
File: 35 KB, 276x300, delicious pasta (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hammy down pasta maker

OP confirmed as maker of delicious (copy) pasta.

>> No.6112047

I wish.

>> No.6113180

Not copy pasta.
Just trying to make dinner :(

>> No.6113196


>hammy down

is this even real life anymore?

>> No.6113327

The only hammy down here is you OP

>> No.6113573

Is that true?
Why can't you make any recipe in it?

>> No.6113597

I bought a pasta roller earlier this year and have been making pasta with it quite often. I love the texture of freshly made noodles.

I make my pasta like this:
2 eggs for every cup of flour, add a splash of olive oil and as you kneed the dough you add a bit more flour so it's no longer sticky. It really is about 1.25 cups of flour to every 2 eggs but it can differ depending on size of eggs and moisture levels and other shit.

I use half 00 flour and half all purpose. It's fine to just use all purpose though. Haven't tried with semolina yet.

>> No.6113646
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>> No.6113657

No, m8. You ever owned a car?

>> No.6113827

Thanks for a real response.

>> No.6113832

Yeah, well I made 2 threads on /ck/ recently and both have not received any real responses. I had low expectations to begin with but didn't expect things to be this bad.

>> No.6113836
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>hammy down

>> No.6115593

I have been trying to get ice cream maker threads going every summer for years. They never get far :(

>> No.6115620

I tried making a "you name the ingredients, I make the ice cream" thread during the summer and mods deleted it.

>> No.6115656

I work in a small pasta and ravioli restaurant and I guarantee those two posts give great advice.

Why the olive oil ?

I personnaly use extra thin semolina, egg yolks,
water. We use a machine in the restaurant, but when we have to do it by hand, we use approx. 1 egg yolk for 120g of semolina, then add water little by little until we have the desired consistancy.

It's hard to give you exact measurements with water as different flours or semolini will absorb different quantities of water at different paces. Mastering the humidity in pasta can help you shape them as you'd like. When they are just a bit drier than usual, you can easily keep them longer in your fridge. When they are a bit more humid they become easier to shape with a hand machine but also easier to deform.

Also will try to answer any question.

>> No.6115799

Thank you based pasta-aficionado!
I want to make a firm angel hair.
Should I go with extra semolina?

>> No.6115884

You can use semolina for stronger firmness and that chewy sensation. You have to knead the pasta long enough for the semolina to get amalgamated (longer than with flour), then let it rest around 20 minutes.

Angel hair can easily fall in pieces if your pasta isn't moist enough, so i'd advise to use a bit more yolk or water.

When you have your nice sheets of pasta like based other anon have told you, powder the end with a little rice flour so they don't stick to the machine too much. When they start coming out, grab a handful of rice flour so the ends don't stick together and gently pull as you activate the human hand rotational system..

When the sheet is entirely through, get all those pasta on a clean cloth and rice flour the hell out of them. Now grab those sexy fuckers and slap them to shake excess flour off. You can safely store them now.

Usually with semolina the cooking time should be between 40sec and 1.20 minutes depending on the thinness of your pasta sheet and the wideness of your rotative knife (i don't know the english word for that).

Need any help with proportions ?

>> No.6115904
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>patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet

>> No.6116274

Semolina makes it chewy?
Isn't store bought pasta semolina?
I would not describe that as chewy

>> No.6116289


I think what he's trying to say is that different kinds of flour have different protein contents. The higher the protein content the firmer the texture will be. Semolina flour is traditionally used for pasta and it is among the higher protein content of various flours. It will make a firmer pasta than using bread flour or all-purpose flour.

>> No.6116292

So the texture will be silk, not rough.

>> No.6116308

Hammy down, homade, diamond dozen, and doggy dog made my fucking day. After reading these I no longer gave a shit about pasta. Thanks for the keks.

>> No.6118245

Does anyone here want to talk about ravioli or should I keep that for another thread ?

>> No.6118849

OP here, yes to ravioli!
In fact anything past related and not stupid harping on the dumb hammy jokes :(

>> No.6118858


>> No.6118889

We have around 150 recipes in the restaurant. What would you want to use in your stuffing ?

A good advice whatever you choose is to control the moisture in the stuffing. Too much moisture and your pasta will soak up in a few hours, resulting in soggy and unshaped horrible excuses for ravioli.

Meat is good to use but you should add something else to keep the raviolis from being too chewy. We use a bit of ground spinach for stewed beef with red wine for example, but you can use ricotta or some other firm cream cheese if ricotta isn't available where you live. Charcuterie is god tier in raviolis, as it usually contains a good meat/fat ratio for ravioli stuffing.

If you're gonna salt your cooking water, don't salt the stuffing too much.

>> No.6119008

Hmmm I bet I could make my own ricotta .
What can I put in ricotta raviolis to perk them up?
I am thinking a bit of fresh tarragon.
Then maybe a cream Gorgonzola over top?

>> No.6119109

Any kind of vegetable, cheese, charcuterie or even herbs go with ricotta, as it has almost no taste. Fresh tarragon would be awesome.

I'd personnaly make Gorgonzola ravioli with a tarragon pesto if you like those ingredients but that's only because I think Gorgonzola loses too much aroma when used as a sauce.

If you use tarragon, i'd recommend putting a bit of parmesan or grana padano in the stuffing as well.

>> No.6119145

We're making fun of you because you said hammy down instead of hand me down you fucking autist

>> No.6119153


guys i think he was trying to continue the joke with 'bran new'.

>> No.6119160

It's been almost a week and I'm still laughing at hammy down.

>> No.6119167

>Hammy down

Pigs don't have feathers, OP.

>> No.6119179

OP wanted pasta making advice. Now people are gonna make a pasta out of this. Seems like he was successful.

>> No.6119830

Geez after all that it turns out I don't really like the taste of fresh pasta.
Too much like raw dough :(

>> No.6119859

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>> No.6121135

Are you sure you cooked it enough ? Usually this "raw dough" feeling means your pasta is still raw. (duh)

>> No.6121743

Kept testing the entire time till it was over cooked.
It was never good.
Looked perfect, tasted like ass.
I also don't like the fresh pasta you can buy at the supermarket though.

>> No.6121749

whats your dough recipe?

>> No.6121757

4 eggs, two cups of flour, salt , olive oil.