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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 935x514, xl_2856_lemon-tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6104315 No.6104315 [Reply] [Original]

I make lemonade for my boyfriend because it's cheaper and healthier than pop, also cheaper than milk, and he doesn't drink a lot of water on its own.

I tried adding the zest, but that's a bit lengthy considering the amount I have to make. Other than using quality ingredients, anything special to do with lemonade?

>> No.6104318

I like to play with other ingredients. Lavender, raspberry, etc..

>> No.6104338


That's interesting. Never really got into teas, but this could be a way. Also a way to slip him some meds... I like it.

>> No.6104418


Is your boyfriend a 4 year old toddler? What kind of grown ass man acts like this?

>> No.6104431

>for my boyfriend
are you a grill?

>> No.6104438

Hi there newfriend! Lurking would a good hobby for you!

>> No.6104439

>adding the zest

Add the zest. Have him buy you a microplane grater. Life will be good. Until the acids rot his teeth.

>> No.6104441
File: 13 KB, 216x146, 8117ca9b09adc9ef54cb7a3966b552f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope no grills on tha interwebz

>> No.6104445

put gin in it . . .

>> No.6104447


Acts like what?

>> No.6104456

A little basil

>> No.6104461

No, it's just some fag pretending to be sceak to rustle jimmies.
Doing a pretty shit job of it, I might add.

>> No.6104476
File: 982 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141231_231020344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I'm sceak.

>> No.6104481

this, add strawberry or blackberry and shit

>> No.6104513

Use some honey. Better than using sugar.

>> No.6104532


It's a regular drink, not some fancy treat from someone who decided to make food for once rather than assemble industrial crap to live la vida loca.

>> No.6104551

just add sodium hypochlorite it takes out the lemony sting and enhances the fruity flavour

>> No.6104554

Then he can live off of lemon water. I don't know what about Honey makes it go from a drink to a fedoracore high premium treat.

>> No.6104566
File: 28 KB, 500x370, Brittany_&_Whittany_Biskit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Letting your S.O dictate your diet

>> No.6104570

Make limeade because it's better. Also, I've used demerara sugar to make it a few times and it was pretty good.

>> No.6104737


I think limes are too bitter. He likes really sweet things.

>> No.6104744

it's only "healthier" than pop because it doesn't have phosphoric acid which fucks your teeth, don't kid yourself into thinking it's healthy

>> No.6104753

Start to ween him off sugary drinks.

Carefully measure your sugar. Start making it sweet as hell, then over a few weeks, slowly scale back the amount you use.

He won't even notice if you do it right.

>> No.6104767

All that acidity is dissolving your boyfriend's teeth you inconsiderate harpy.

>> No.6104768

sour salt

>> No.6104792

>doesn't drink water
>doesn't take his meds
Use your brain, think.

>> No.6104824

Does lemonade really have less sugar than soda? I looked up a recipe once and it needed an ass load.

>> No.6104827

fresh citrus is also healthy

you can also make it with less sugar

it doesn't have added caffeine and sodium

it's a lot healthier

>> No.6104841


you can adjust how much sugar you put in it, that doesn't make it inherently healthier

also sodium isn't bad for you unless you're one of the 5-10% with shit genetics

and caffeine isn't unhealthy either

at best you could call it "slightly less unhealthy" if he puts much less sugar in it, which was not stated

>> No.6104851


You're not here to gauge if it's healthy or not, and as far as I know, he's not left his well-being in your hands.


It's not really a problem right now, and he needs the energy. His body doesn't regulate heat very well, and he burns like a furnace. He's very expensive in food, I'd shove oil in the lemonade if I could.


You don't get it. Please refrain from talking at the adult's table.


Never said it had less sugar, I wrote that it was "healthier". I'm not a communist entity that's out there to care for you, please try to pay attention.

>> No.6104864

If you ask for advice, don't be offended when people try to give you advice in a more general sense than you meant.

>> No.6104869
File: 28 KB, 400x300, and then i told them the wealth would 'trickle down'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the honey, which is expensive as fuck compared to every other ingredient involved in the operation.

>the adult's table

>> No.6104879

>sceak (real or fake) thread out of nowhere
>nobody (responding) even has any idea who he is

Yeah, it's shitposting/'straya hours, but what a depressing way to start the new year...

>> No.6104904

You can actually save time and money by blending the entire lemon into a slurry and adding water it to it. It makes a lovely cloudy bright yellow lemonade

>> No.6104927

goto bed sceak

>> No.6104940

Then don't mention health in your post you fucktard.

>> No.6104972 [DELETED] 


I'm not a public resource. I'm talking about my life, my boyfriend, my opinions, and it's all relative. To me. I'm not a public speaker, this is a not a stately address, and I'm not here to take care of people who have no one to care for them.

We're talking. About lemonade. It's healthy for my boyfriend. If you don't make lemonade, or if you don't want to talk about your boyfriend, shut the fuck up.

This is a "we make lemonade for our boyfriends" thread. If you can't relate, you can't relate.

Anyone ever tried a juicer? I sort of want to get one, but then my lemonade wouldn't have that "my bitch had to toil for ten minutes to make me this pitcher of liquid" taste, that we all know boys love and appreciate like nothing else.

>> No.6104994
File: 232 KB, 1337x972, 1387756916765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real sceak is dead (praise be to allah), so no one's fooled by this bait

>> No.6104995


I'm not a public resource. I'm talking about my life, my boyfriend, my opinions, and it's all relative. To me. I'm not a public speaker, this is a not a stately address, and I'm not here to take care of people who have no one to care for them.

We're talking. About lemonade. It's healthy for my boyfriend. If you don't make lemonade, or if you don't want to talk about your boyfriend, shut the fuck up.

This is a "we make lemonade for our boyfriends" thread. If you can't relate, you can't relate.

Anyone ever tried a juicer? I sort of want to get one, but then my lemonade wouldn't have that "my bitch had to toil for ten minutes to make me this pitcher of liquid" taste, that we all know boys love and appreciate like nothing else.


I have to find something to do...otherwise I just sleep all day.

>> No.6104998

Fuck off, Sceak.

>> No.6105014

What internet posters fail to recognise is that the troll/shitposter is a narcissist and our responses to them feed their narcissistic supply.
That said, unless this poster produces a shirtless photo of themselves with a timestamp I refute their claim to be sceak. He was but a humble namefag in ketosis and living on the lands of Montreal. I once made a pretty serious threat on his life, which included colluding with other posters and received a months long ban that proved hard to evade. That was back in the days when there were daily threads for streaming kitchen nightmares and other shows. I miss the old /ck/ I wonder why were a board anymore. Happy New year.

>> No.6105021

cockblocker pls go away

if you want to be a cuck and beta faggot go to moots aparment and join him

>what kind of grown ass man makes his girlfriend cook for him?


>> No.6105076

I don't get it though. Is your "boyfriend" physically/mentally retarded? A literal child? A reptile such as a snake or alligator gar? Someone asked why he can't just drink water and you respond with you don't get it. I tried to go back and maybe it was your child not your boyfriend and I misunderstood but you flat out said boy friend.

Just thought of another one. Is your boyfriend very small? Does he consumer his sugar liquids from brightly colored plastic? Is he the only bird capable of flying backwards? Your boyfriend is a hummingbird, isn't he?

>implying milk is healthy
>with all those hormones and shit
Nigga pls I love me some milk but I can't help feeling I'm playing with my life every time I drink it.

>> No.6105088


Don't you have a game of Dungeons and Dragons to prepare for?

>> No.6105093

Actually I do but it's not like you need to prepare for d&d. I got my dice there's nothing else I can do, it's not at my house.
You still never answered the question though. Since reptiles are cold blooded I'm guessing your bf isn't a snake or alligator gar because you said he's like a furnace. However I think the hummingbird is a strong guess so I'll stick with that for now.

>> No.6105121


Please try to be respectful and keep a certain distance will you? Some people's lives were epic tales, and while you may come here seeking excitement, some come here seeking quietude.


>> No.6105339

I buy bottled lemon juice at whole foods and add a little splash to a big glass of water several times a day

makes water more interesting

i guess you could keep simple syrup around and add that too

can't be arsed to do fresh squeezed myself

>> No.6105344

you're rotting his teeth. use one of those sugar free powder drink mixes if he must have something sweet.

>> No.6105349
File: 213 KB, 495x372, sceak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look sceak's permaban expired

>> No.6105423

confirmed hummingbird dick sucker

>> No.6105436

>You don't get it.

So explain. Is he disabled? Why can't/won't he take his medication?

>> No.6105443

Omg you just made my day <3

>> No.6105455

>also cheaper than milk
you make him pay for your dick? what kind of sick faggot are you?

>> No.6105465

Sceak is a girl.

>> No.6105466

No, not disabled. I happen to be dating a hummingbird. I have to disolve his vitamins and mix them into his sugar water/lemonade.
Please stop being so obtuse.

>> No.6105471

No, I am not a girl, I am a homosexual hummingbird fucker.

>> No.6105475


>> No.6105480
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 31b2311e2218af973586cd9899cf9fbf_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6105482


I fucking love 4 Chan so much right now

You guys are all still faggots though

>> No.6105487
File: 295 KB, 386x376, title629677784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know sceak?
Says he wants to be a woman now.

>> No.6105492

did i ask you mongoloid?
i want new pics

>> No.6105495
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, 1400807379350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think he looks terrifying wait until he post some of the food he makes.

>> No.6106863

ginger lemonade is killer man

>> No.6107554

>You don't get it.
Clearly I do. I'm sorry that you're a little slow.

>> No.6107574
File: 1.08 MB, 1011x759, sceakdrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Sceak.

>> No.6108480


He's not entirely...normal, but what I meant is that I can slip him some "herbs with benefits".

>> No.6108495

This, fruits and also herbs.

Mint + pepper or whatever, you can try lots of things.

>> No.6108512
File: 35 KB, 450x300, Iz3M4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you cant tease like that and not share details
feel free to talk
dont mind the bullies

>> No.6108637

>I make lemonade because it's cheaper and healthier than pop, also cheaper than milk.

>I tried adding the zest, but that's a bit lengthy considering the amount I have to make. Other than using quality ingredients, anything special to do with lemonade?

Notice the difference you attention whoring piece of shit? This isn't a blog and no one gives a fuck about you or your personal life

Captcha: uraPr

>> No.6108647

Lemonade is shit and ruins a perfectly good drink by watering it down and adding a bunch of sugar, just give him pure lemon juice.

>> No.6108652


>> No.6108661


I really don't know how you got from that point to that point. I guess this is what people call a bait?


I don't want to be "a woman", I just have to deal with the fact that I'm not wired properly. I have a chromosomal/genetic abnormality. When I sparked, something went wrong, and it gave me. What originally went wrong was my parents meeting.


Good idea.


I have to find things to do when he's away...

>> No.6108663

Goddamn. The amount of butthurt that comes out when someone is thought to be a girl is insane. There's like 40 threads and 300+ posts with unnecessary information but you choose this one to sperg out in.

>> No.6108672


I don't really know what to say about him... I haven't really told anyone about him yet, most people just know I'm with someone now, but there's no one I really had to introduce him to yet...


... They're two different sentences, I really don't see what kind of difference you want me to spot.


What would you like to know?

>> No.6111061

i think breast milk works just fine. if you're a grill tho

>> No.6111107

>I don't really know what to say about him... I haven't really told anyone about him yet, most people just know I'm with someone now, but there's no one I really had to introduce him to yet...

they were asking about what you use to drug your boyfriend, not the scumbag himself.

>> No.6113191

bump for memes

>> No.6113199

>thought to be a girl

Welcome to /ck/, you'll get settled in eventually

>> No.6113203

I had some random Japanese lemon soda the other day. It was in a tinny glass bottle, with almost no english (the ingredients were translated by the store however)

Shit was SO cash. Turns out used lemon rind and like lemon pulp extract to it. So it was sort of like Squirt, but more...lemony, without being too sour. Perfect drink.

>> No.6113551

Isn't that the shit you put on pools?

>> No.6113561
File: 35 KB, 615x409, 1234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting memes in your pool

>> No.6113697

Is OP Ame from /mu/? She talks like her.