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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6104074 No.6104074 [Reply] [Original]

how can I make my oatmeal less bland? I ate it with milk yesterday and couldn't finish the bowl because it just tasted so much like... nothing.

>> No.6104085

>brown sugar
>simple syrup made with any fruit
Pretty much anything what do you like what flavor are you going for?

>> No.6104086
File: 16 KB, 320x275, parfait1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make candies oats:

combine rolled oats with a bit of butter and brown sugar, then microwave for 30ish seconds, being careful they don't burn/scorch.

eat those candies oats with yogurt and forzen berries. wa la! you've got a parfait.

>> No.6104130

Try some good milk, like whole milk

>> No.6104641

Tank it. You'll get used to the blandness after a while and it will make you healthier in the long run.

>> No.6104648
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not a shitload maybe just a pinch

You'd be surprised how much just a little bit of salt will accomplish. But just a little bit. Not so much that you really taste it, but it makes you taste everything else better.

Oversalting sucks.

>> No.6104649

Do you not drink water either?

>> No.6104655

bit of cinnamon, brown sugar, apple slices, and raisins.
I find it sad so many people hate oatmeal because so many people can't cook decent oatmeal.
I was lucky to have a parent who could make some amazing oatmeal that taste great and filled you up.

>> No.6104689

>so many people hate oatmeal because so many people can't cook decent oatmeal.

It's slimy and bland

I ate a lot of steel cut oats for a long time. I have no problem with the taste, but I can easily see how they don't appeal to most people's palates.

>> No.6104696

nut butter

>> No.6104697

>It's slimy and bland
>I ate a lot of steel cut oats for a long time.
Spotted your problem. Steel cut are the worst and are really only suited to using with a protein smoothy.

If you want real oats then try rolled oats. Steel cut is just slop.

Also, cook on the stove. Thank me later.

>> No.6104726

I like oats best when they're sweet. Get your hands on some fruit, cheapest would be bananas. Add in walnuts too if you got the dosh, otherwise peanuts or roasted sunflower seeds

>> No.6104745

Steel cut oats are real oats

Rolled oats taste worse, like steamed paper

>> No.6104750

> taste different
no, no they don't.

There is no change on any level that would affect taste between chopping it up and squishing it flat. It just affects texture and cooking times.

>> No.6104752


If you don't like the taste of oat, you don't like the taste of oat. I don't see the point in trying to mask it up.

>> No.6104754

Prepare steel cut oats overnight in a timed rice cooker.
I like mine with a pat of butter and no milk. Sugar optional.

>> No.6104766

>It's slimy and bland
>I have no problem with the taste
Do you even know what you're saying?

>There is no change on any level that would affect taste between chopping it up and squishing it flat
Rolled oats are steamed before they are rolled. I think that makes for a better tasting porridge and the texture feels more like food than a drink, like steel cut oats.
Making it on a stove makes a big difference too. Steel cut was just a way for the industry to develop a way to prepare oats in a microwave, but once the novelty wore off most people went back to making porridge the way it should be made. With rolled oats and on the stove.

>> No.6104769

I use craisins

>> No.6104777

I did this and it was still disgusting slop.

>> No.6104784



What kind of oats are you using? Steel cut have the best texture

>> No.6104787

They're oats, what do you expect?

>> No.6104789

Do you work with food ever? Of course eating it with just milk will leave it bland.

>> No.6104798

use less liquid when you cook them. I like my oats pretty dry

>> No.6104804

Steel cut.

Only had them once when trying to eat some better food that I might be deficient in.

I'll try that.Thanks.

>> No.6104975

OP here.
yeah ,I forgot to tell you guys that I'm trying to improve my skin and to lose fat.

>> No.6105000

If your eating oatmeal that's not dinosaur egg your a soleless commie that hates fun.

>> No.6105096


>> No.6105102

this. i used to put sugar, syrup, etc. in my oatmeal but it was either too sweet too eat enough to be full or the sugar was diluted and bland. oats actually taste good.

>> No.6105115

>how can I make my oatmeal less bland? I ate it with milk yesterday and couldn't finish the bowl because it just tasted so much like... nothing.
Pinch of salt is mandatory.

I also like all flavors on top in like a casserole topping. Brown some nuts and butter, and spice. Add a little brown sugar or honey on top of that. Should have a texture filled biteful of topping with each spoonful of oatmeal.

>> No.6105118

You talking about oatmeal, or oatmeal porridge, huge difference.

>> No.6105119

>There is no change on any level that would affect taste between chopping it up and squishing it flat. It just affects texture and cooking times.
I disagree.

>> No.6105198

I pour tons of sugar in it.
Be honest, that's the best way to consume oatmeal.

>> No.6105201

You're retarded.
Porridge and oatmeal are used interchangeably.

>> No.6105207

How do you differentiate between plain oats with milk and the heated porridge then?

Is this another Literally vs Literally thing?

>> No.6105212

Simple: plain oats with milk poured onto them isn't called oatmeal. It's called plain oats with milk poured onto them.

>> No.6105214

>metres and feet are used interchangeably

But that doesn't make it right.

>> No.6105217

But isn't oats also the name of the unprocessed grain as well? And the de-husked but not yet rolled/cut oats?

>> No.6105229

>meters and feet are interchangeable

>> No.6105291


>> No.6105361

>sn't oats also the name of the unprocessed grain as well
Might be called "groats" as the way horses and cattle consume unprocessed oats.

>> No.6105370

This is a linguistic mess, glad germans have logical names describing things accurately, without sloppy inconsistencies.

>> No.6105499

Yeah but you can write a whole book as one sentence if you try hard enough in that silly language.

>> No.6106599
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>> No.6106656

Put whatever in it you want it to taste like
Or dont eat it at all

Things I tried: apples, berries, banana, seeds, nuts, spices, a dallop of greek yogurt, cocoa powder, milk, or even make it savory with whatever seriously just get creative with it experiment and you cant go wrong

>> No.6106663

nobody mentioned chocolate yet? a little qwik or some ovaltine?

shame on you /ck/

>> No.6106688
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Dont add sugar or use sugar ever again, if you want sweet, use fruit. cutting out unnecessary junk improves skin a whole lot and if your constipated often it could effect the appearance of your skin because of toxin build up so be generous but dont overdo your fiber and water intake and aim to go once a day at least. For your health.

>> No.6106693

Cacao powder. Bitter and chocolaty as hell but its like cocaine sex in my oatmeal

>> No.6106719
File: 771 KB, 1641x973, OATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn, does no one know how to make a real bowl of oatmeal anymore?

>> No.6106859

Personally , I do peanut butter and mix it until it is melted, take some sugar free syrup and put some on top and brown sugar and banana slices

>> No.6106977

In this case, use a natural sweetener like raw honey or real maple syrup, and add a generous amount of cinnamon.

>> No.6107710

thanks for the pic, I'll try it out

>> No.6107729 [DELETED] 

> implying sugar isn't sugar
fucking idiot.