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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6104448 No.6104448 [Reply] [Original]

>that one guy who says eating healthy is cheaper than eating like crap

Does this blatantly false shit piss anyone else off?

>inb4 rice and beans

I'm not talking about useless filler calories. I'm talking about micronutrients and actual health foods. Stuff like broccoli, kale, other leafy greens, berries, bell peppers, almonds/walnuts, salmon. All expensive as fuck and most offer negligible calories.

>Kale and kale are $2 a pound where I live and give virtually no calories.
>Wildcaught salmon is $15 a pound, ~600 cals
>Bell peppers $1 each and give 50-100 calories
>Carrots are $1 a pound, ~200 calories
>Most berries $3 a pint for a few hundred calories
>Almonds/walnuts $7 for a pound, ~1.5k calories, actually a pretty decent deal

I don't get this delusion.

>> No.6104462

Wow, you are really buttmad

>> No.6104469

>hurt carrots are so expensive per calorie how do I eat cheap

Are you really this fucking retarded?

>> No.6104471

kale and broccoli are just cultivars of cabbage. they all have damn-near identical nutritional properties.

a head of cabbage is dirt cheap. cabbage leaves are used as toilet paper in some third wolrd countries.

>> No.6104472

>Rice and beans aren't nutritious
>a dollar for a pound of food is expensive
>Berries are the only fruit worth eating
>Fruit even being needed for micronutrients
>Nuts being needed for micronutrients
>Salmon only good meat source
>Kale is the only provider of its micronutrient composition
>Bell peppers are a highly nutritious veggie
You are so fucking retarded it hurts.

>> No.6104475

no its le funny poorfag b8 xDDD

>> No.6104480

Yeah, a pound of carrots is only 200 calories! Why, you'd have to eat 10 pounds of carrots just to keep weight on! What a bunch of bullshit, I can't afford to eat 10 pounds of carrots every day!

>> No.6104487

your health is priceless anon. if there's anything you should sacrifice due to funds it shouldn't be your health.

>> No.6104502

if you want cheap and healthy calories, use healthy oil.

a whole bottle of extra-virgin olive oil might be $15, but there's like 5,000 calories in there.

dress your vegetables in a couple tablespoons of the oil. your salad is now 300 calories and plenty healthy.

>> No.6104526

Your cherry picking expensive products to harp on when you can easily find other substitutes for those things for a lot cheaper.
>Kale and kale are $2 a pound where I live and give virtually no calories.
Spinach. Fresh or frozen its dirt cheap and really versitile. Or cabbage, which is like $1 a head.
>Wildcaught salmon.
Who says you have to eat fish? Chicken and turkey are healthy and lean enough as long you treat em right.
>Bell peppers $1 each and give 50-100 calories
Yeah ive always thought they were a bit overpriced (but not by that much). But you can always either not use them and find some cheaper veggies (carrots,onions,celery) or go to a farmers market/ethnic store and get them for like .25 each or a few bucks a pound
>Carrots are $1 a pound, ~200 calories
and? Just mix it with other stuff.
>Most berries $3 a pint for a few hundred calories
Why berries? Just have some basic fruit; bananas, apples, melon, most of which are pretty cheap, or go to the farmers market.
>Almonds/walnuts $7 for a pound, ~1.5k calories, actually a pretty decent deal
Peanuts and trail mix dude. Why are you making cost per calorie comparisons though? Its really easy to up the calories in whatever your making (like adding more stuff to trail mix or adding more meat/sauce to a dish)

Eating healthy is not all fish steaks and couscous with organic salads and berry and lemongrass tea. Its eating more complex fiber, fruits and veggies, and lean meats than you're eating fat, sugar, and non redeeming carbs.

I eat decently for under $30 a week. A lot of stir fries over rice, stews, sandwiches, and eggs. When you first start eating at home the first few grocery trips are going to suck mentally, but soon youlll realize what to get. And then youll realize that dropping ~30 a week on groceries is way better than going out and spending 7-15 bucks a night or just eating frozen pizzas and grilled cheese.

TL:DR: I really dont know what im talking about. You're just a dumbass.

>> No.6104529

Animal fat has basically every micronutrient you need, hence why its stores in fat.
Just buy tubs of lard, you stupid cunt.

>> No.6104530
File: 116 KB, 609x607, 1413359797970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who says you have to eat fish?
>Who says you have to eat fish?
>Who says you have to eat fish?
>Australia’s leading health research body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), suggests that Australians should eat more fish. Fish is nutritious, providing energy (kilojoules), protein, selenium, zinc, iodine and vitamins A and D (some species only). Fish is also an excellent source of readily available long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are well known for their health benefits and are essential for life.

>Researchers worldwide have discovered that eating fish regularly – two or more serves weekly – may reduce the risk of diseases ranging from childhood asthma, cardiovascular diseases, prostate cancer and other diseases typical of Western societies. Healthy ways to enjoy fish include baked, poached, grilled and steamed.

>> No.6104535

this is where ethnic stores come in handy. Meat and produce is about half of what it costs at a "white" store. I bough 6 pounds of chicken legs for under 15 dollars.

>> No.6104538

That's a terrible price!! I can get 6lbs of chicken legs for under $3. No lie. They're 49¢/lb here.

>> No.6104540

Oil has no micronutrients. It'd be better to eat peanut butter or similar for calories.
What's more, vegetable fats like olive oil are nonexistant in omega-3 fatty acids, and have a lot of omega-6. This creates inflammation in your body if you aren't supplementing fish oil, as the ratio of 3:6 will be low.
This is pretty much a buzzword.

>> No.6104544

>oil has no micronutrients
But that's wrong.

>> No.6104549


What next, superfoods?

>> No.6104568

>900 calories
>0.5mg of iron
>little vitamin e
>little vitamin k
It's literally nothing. And it doesn't have any protein, meaning you'll still have to eat carb-heavy legumes and/or fatty meats (leaner is more expensive).

>> No.6104575
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>vegetable fats like olive oil are nonexistant in omega-3 fatty acids, and have a lot of omega-6
when sunflower, grapeseed, corn, canola and peanut oil exist, olive oil is the least of your concerns.

>> No.6104580

Maybe if you weren't thinking Luke a fat ass and only ate when you were hungry, you'd be able to save money eating smaller portions.

>> No.6104593

>same as EPA/DHA
No way, the conversion factor is less than ten percent to EPA/DHA. And as ALA, it's not utilized as "omega 3", rather just oxidized or stored as fat like any lipid.
>those ratios
Vegetable oil is nonexistent as an bioavailable omega-3 source.

>> No.6104671


except micro-nutrients aren't just some trend for bored housewives to latch onto

>> No.6104705

better sources of all that given how dirty fish is. enjoy your environmental pollutants

>> No.6104714

Flax has a shitload of omega 3. If you include it in your diet everyday the conversion factor is irrelevant. Or you can just take a epa/dha supplement

>Vegetable oil is nonexistent as an bioavailable omega-3 source
citation needed

>> No.6104717

While completely true, it in no way disproves the fact that calories = calories and poor people are fat because of their lack of education.

>> No.6104743

>Flax has a shitload of omega 3
>the conversion factor is irrelevant
Take 10g worth of ALA, which is about 20g of flax oil, and 180 calories.
Or, take 2g of 500mg omege-3 fish oil, total of 1g omega-3 and 18 calories. Hardly irrelevant.
>citation needed
This is standard stuff. ALA needs to be converted in the body. The conversion rate is low (5-15%, higher in females, lower end in males). You should know this if discussing omega-3s.

>> No.6104760


>> No.6104782

Are you really measuring by the pound? You'll never need to eat a pound of any of that shit in one sitting. The only expensive part of eating healthy is the meat, and that's just a fact of life and why all the unhealthy food companies use byproducts.

>> No.6104813


But meat isn't part of healthy eating

>> No.6104816

>Eating healthy
>Eating meat
Pick one, carnist.

>> No.6104820

I didn't exactly say you had to eat meat to eat healthy...

>> No.6104829
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>The only expensive part of eating healthy is the meat

>> No.6104830
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> Nigga ain't shoppin' thrifty AF

>> No.6104840

Considering most people eat meat, yea. If you want healthy meat it will be expensive.

>> No.6104845


Most people drink soda too. The point is that part of switching to a healthy way of eating means avoiding unhealthy food

>> No.6104859


Are you trying to say that meat is inherently unhealthy? Because that's not the case.

>inb4 link of the self-assessment "case study" that was essentially "are you fat? what do you eat?". Shocking, the fatties pound hamburgers. Clearly that mean that meat kills you.

>> No.6104876


Unfortunately it is bad for you, just as soda is, just as smoking is. Don't know what case study you're thinking of, it's just a generally accepted medical fact.

>> No.6104878


>> No.6104880

>it's just a generally accepted medical fact.

Please step out of your vegan hugbox, you aren't getting enough air in there.

>> No.6104885


Read it and weep, beef chuggers.


>> No.6104892

Your point?

>> No.6104895
File: 24 KB, 501x585, normal day in israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's right goy-excuse me, GUYS, the NHMRC is looking out for you! What? Parasite-riddled farm fish? Trace amounts of mercury? Over three-quarters of global fish stocks being overfished? What is all this tinfoil conspiracy nonsense? Just trust my unsourced opinions and witty reaction images. You don't want to look like a newfig to the other /ck/ooks, do you?

>> No.6104909

>$2 for a 1 meal can of soup or whatever
>$2 for a multi meal bag of baby spinach
>$3 for boxed rice meal
>$3 for 3-4 bell peppers
>$4 for 4 boxes of pasta meals
>$4 for 4 bags of frozen mixed veggies
>$3 for big box of cereal
>$3 for big sack of potatoes
>or sack of apples
it's actually not hard if you use your eyes, and even easier when you buy in season
the only expensive thing would be meat or other protien rich foods, not a total loss if you can't afford to eat it though

>> No.6104914

>thinking like a fat ass and only eating when you're hungry

What? Eating when you're not hungry sounds like the epitome of a fatass.

>> No.6104916


>> No.6104917

Fatasses are "hungry" all the time though, i.e. they eat when they're bored. Take it from someone with obese parents who used to be a fat kid.
I started getting it under control and stopped snacking by only eating every 6 hours. 12AM, 6AM, 12PM, 6PM. If I missed it by more than half an hour, I'd wait until the next mealtime.

>> No.6104920

What's wrong with the typical breakfast-lunch-dinner cycle?

>> No.6104921

Because I was a college kid that liked to stay up all night and had a circadian rhythm that ran longer than 24 hours.
After I started having a regular work schedule I stick to 6-12-6 breakfast, lunch, dinner now.

>> No.6104925

Ah I see. I have obese parents too and I've been lurking around here for a bit. I lost weight during puberty but I'm starting to get fat as I get older again.

>> No.6105009
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My weekly/monthly shopping list looks something like.... beans, chick peas, quinoa, brown rice, chicken, shrimp, kangaroo, elk, broccoli, kale, spinach... get some alligator when I'm in the mood/feel like paying almost $9 a pound.

Eating healthy is easy as fuck. Just make your own shit. Get a crock pot and a small grill and you're good to go.

>> No.6105029

Ha. Fucking this. Its currently 5:30 am for me. The typical meal schedule doesn't work for me and my whole life gets shitted up because I'm a retard that can't into consistency or discipline.
TFW all I had to eat/drink in the last two days because reasons was half a sandwich, two cups of coffee, one water bottle, and one pirouline (not in that order) and my sleep schedule is 7am-1pm ish it ranges.
It's so unhealthy and I feel awful. I can't wait to get back to college.

>> No.6105057

yeah that's all pretty cheap m8
just don't eat as much as a walrus

>> No.6105084

how fucking poor do you need to be to micromanage calories based on what you need

you realize most people count calories so they can have a purposely deficit and diet, right? not so they can get what they need in the day?

>> No.6105086

this, OP
even peasants in Afghanistan can manage rice, some meat and spices, some fruits and vegetables
it's really not hard dickhead