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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6103569 No.6103569 [Reply] [Original]

What are you coo/ck/s opinion on Food Wishes?
I can get enough of this goofy fucker

>> No.6103571

Fucking hate him

>> No.6103581

maximum pleb

I'll admit that his narration can get to be a bit much after watching a few of his vids in a row, but I've tried a few of his recipes and they're all turned out pretty damn well. Nothing mind-bogglingly good, but better than most any other recipes I've gotten off the internet.

>> No.6103593


He's an ethnocentric white supremacist home cook. He taught culinary students how to use excel in between Klan rallies and Aryan nation metal concerts.

What he's done to undermine and appropriate Asian and Indian culture is unforgivable.

>> No.6103598

He's only good with Italian dishes. His other ethnic recipes are absolute garbage.

>> No.6103603

Chef John rules. Eat shit.

>> No.6103611
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Loved his potatoes fondant, coq au Vin, grilled cheese, chicken piccata. Looking forward to his prime rib, his NY strip two part.

He's great at walking you through sauces too.

>> No.6103632

I like him.

>> No.6103646

i like the guy, but he really needs to stop making jokes. The guy just can't make a joke to save his life.

>> No.6104163

But...I like his jokes...

>> No.6104232
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20121223_220723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John is the patron saint of home cooks.

>> No.6106174

Chef John is a gentleman and a scholar. Also his videos got me to try new stuff, like baking in general. That goofy fucker is great.

>> No.6107982
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He deboned a turkey in the faces of tumblr

>> No.6108146

>Ethnic recipes.
lel who cares?

>> No.6108156
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he should stop recording the audio while somebodys tossing his salad

>> No.6108688


>> No.6108727
File: 100 KB, 806x562, follow your dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was legitimately impressed at that video. Would of said it was not possible if someone had asked me beforehand. I fully intend to try it some day.

>> No.6108734

Chef John is the latest food mentor for me and I think I've learned the most from him. I've gotten the most practice and tries the most new things. He's helped me consistently cook a chicken breast well (I had to learn to start at high heat but then reduce the heat). He has an amazing goose recipe that any novice could execute. His steak recipes look great too.

>> No.6108750
File: 3.75 MB, 4128x2322, 20150102_135836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for Ched John justice. Who are these soulless monsters who criticize him over the most petty and silly things. His SJW critics are so far off they are not even wrong.

>> No.6109781

He's funnier than you, goddamn tripfag.

>> No.6109795

CookingInRussia >>>> Food Wishes

>> No.6109803

cyka blyat comrade

>> No.6109814

Chef John is my boy. That mother fucker is funny as shit.

>> No.6109822

I don't even know what the fuck this is...

>> No.6109832

Are you too stupid to do a goddamn google search?

>> No.6109835

Don't worry about it. The Food Wishes guy is a limp-wristed faggot and so is the OP for even thinking about him enough to make a thread.

Next time, just don't post.

>> No.6109837

Chef john has mid tier recipes that come out really well and he explains technique very well.. its stuff anyone can make... is it he best version of each dish .. no... the chicken tikka massala ... is his version authentic?.. no ... is it fucking Delicious .. yes..

it's you isnt it....

>> No.6109846

btw cookingInRussia is a very good cook and is far superior to chef john but cj has his place.

>> No.6109850

>one of the best cooking channels on youtube
>/ck/ hates him

its to be expected

>> No.6109851

hes the epitome of
>the recipe demands cream but im gonna use white food dye and water

>> No.6109855


He repeatedly tells people that if they want to substitite x for y then they shouldn't because it won't be good enough.

Have you even watched any of his videos?

>> No.6109859

He can cook, sure, but he is a creepy faggot.

>> No.6109875

>best cooking channels

nice try shill

>> No.6109983



he reminds me of the best professors and teachers. his "silliness" is at least partially a teaching device

>> No.6109985

testing in shit thread

>> No.6110201


who the eff are you and where do come from and why is impugning chef john your goal?

this is so wrong-headed. his recipe design tends more towards deliciousness than ease.

>> No.6110262
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bumping for ba/ck/ up

>> No.6110585
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He's a wacky fucker that used to take a lot of "L"; I love his shit.

>> No.6110923
File: 75 KB, 540x302, Clara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John and Clara from the Great Depression Cooking actually got me into cooking and I learn a few recipes thank to him.

How is he creepy? 99% of the time, he never show his face. This is compare to most other youtube cooks that look HORRIBLE, whether they're fat or a house wives that tries to kill their free time in her miserable life.

>> No.6110946

His tone leads me to believe he enjoys the company of boys.

Having said that, I still really enjoy his channel, and find him entertaining and funny.

>> No.6110982

Wait he has SJW critics? What the hell did he do to get them all riled up misgender one of the carrots he was using?

>> No.6110988

How did the Depression Cooking vids get you into cooking? I mean, she's a sweet, somewhat senile old lady, but I wouldn't really think of her as inspiring.

>> No.6111000

She's somewhat dead now, as well.

>> No.6111374

It's her simple cooking and how we are already in a downward spiral into the next great depression.

>> No.6111397

I like how angry he made a bunch of brown people by referring to his flatbread as flatbread.

>> No.6111403

Exactly. You just squat over it and deficate followed up with 2lbs of curry spice mix. That's if you follow traditional Indian recipes.

>> No.6111431

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6111470

He needs to stop with the cayenne.

>> No.6111546

i love the guy's shitty recipes but god yes he adds it in the most inappropriate places.

juding by his viewcount i assumed i was the only one on ck who actually watched his videos... he is probably the best all around Youtube exclusive chef i know of.

>> No.6111569

annoying dumbass with a gay accent

>> No.6111571

You mean besides cookingwithdog, right?
I get that she only does Japanese cooking, but something about her videos makes me feel cozy inside.

>> No.6111592

people who want to cook?

>> No.6111623

oh i love cooking with dog i made one of her gyudon recipe last night. was gud

>> No.6111639

India needs to be nuked, literally all you niggers whine about is "MUH TRADITION!!"

>> No.6111647

/ck/ doesn't hate him, it's just one whiny south asian shitposter

>> No.6111935


>> No.6111943 [DELETED] 

Ha ha you sound indian. Sucks to be you shit skin. Also I like chef john, he has decent recipes and the show is easy to watch with a good variety of dishes. I hate how he try's to push his blog constantly. I give him a 7/10

>> No.6112310


Holy shit this is fucking hilarious

Literally every other poster and then some on that video is some angry indian raging at how he called water and flour flatbread and defaced their heritage.

>> No.6112792

that's what's so funny about his "jokes"

>> No.6112805

"but if you wanna use x that's ok" is one of his catch phrases ya fucking dummy

>> No.6112837
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Only if the recipe calls for it, rarely does he say its okay to skimp on important ingredients, the only time he ever really says its okay to change something is when its insignificant like adding cheese or overnight storing in a fridge, by no measure does he have a catchphrase like that.

>> No.6114355
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>mfw a southie opines about food

>> No.6114363
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Chef John is a gifted communicator and a lovely chef. Shame on whoever speaks ill of this fine man

>> No.6114368

I thought that was a Dalek from the thumbnail.

>> No.6114389

He never actually deboned shit.
Not on camera anyway.

>> No.6114396

there's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NboMW3othkQ

and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0TfYHzEOcs

>> No.6114443

First vid I watched was Swedish meatballs and being a swede myself I was wtf'ing over his unorthodox usage of cayenne and stupid jokes. Then I watched some more videos and he won me over. That was over a year ago and 'round the outside, 'round the outside, 'round the outsid is still amusing.

>> No.6114445

how can one man be so based?

>> No.6114524

He never is shown deboning that turkey though.

>> No.6114645

he's wonderful

>> No.6114668

I really liked his old stuff, but its gotten progressively worse. His videos are longer now than they were before, but only because he needs more time to tell his really stupid and annoying jokes that were somewhat funny only the first time.

"you are the xxx of your yyy"
"the oooooooold tapa tapa"
"freakishly small wooden spoon" omg, so random xDD

>> No.6114687
File: 153 KB, 462x435, 1401915407734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you that indian guy whos pissed off about the flatbread John made? It's just flatbread m8, relax.

>> No.6115093
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>chef john taught me X

>> No.6115098
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Would chef john say its okay to fugg these potatoes?

>> No.6115100


>> No.6115108 [DELETED] 

Scott Rea if you're into butchery and game-based recipes.


>> No.6115111

What fetishes cripple Chef John and kept him out of commercial kitchens? He's a NEET superhero with a YouTube money machine and its not even his hands in the videos.

If I had to guess, I'd say Chef John is an obvious candidate for clown sex, diapers and celebrity arm pits. Maybe scat when he's done a lot of drugs.

>> No.6115117

That's just dumb

>> No.6115123

This is really strange, because the last time I looked into this, nobody knew who he was or had any other pictures. And then this gets posted on /ck/ of all places. WTF.

Maybe I'm just out of the loop.

>> No.6115128

hate that dude tbh

>> No.6115149

this guy talks like hes beeing fucked simultaneously

>> No.6115249
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He's helped me go from not knowing to make a grilled cheese to being able to cook things that would at least impress an idiot which to me makes him respectable.

>> No.6115263

>why don't you like what I like!?

HOLY SHIT the only thing more disgusting than his recipes are the amount of people here trying to convince others to like him.

>> No.6115266

He is also the fat kid from Freaks and Geeks

>> No.6115369

he's a racist
he's a bigot
he's sexist
he's very rapey
he's a triggering carnist who thinks vegetarian lives are worthless
he's Privilege on top of Privilege, a layer cake of i justice
his baldness is pedophilic as most molesters and sexual assaulters have baldness

>> No.6115376
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how does a chef inspire this much vitriol? we all need to go outside more perhaps

>> No.6115378
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>> No.6115994

>mfw a Yankee forgets how shit it is to be a Yankee

>> No.6116008

I'm a Kentuckyfag, so I watched his KY Beer Cheese video like a hawk to make sure he didn't fuck up.

He did it ok, although I would have used a beer brewed in KY rather than PBR. Still, he's a good chef and got it right.

I want to see him take on the Hot Brown.

>> No.6118165


Ok, but seriously.

What did he do to make sjw angry at him?

>> No.6118174
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>learning something from others
>not just knowing how to do things
>not paying $30,000 for a degree in cooking