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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6102566 No.6102566 [Reply] [Original]

Where is your god now?

>> No.6102580

is it really? i though it was available a couple months ago, then disappeared again.

>> No.6102582

What goes into a mcrib makes me wonder why mcdonalds hasn’t been fucking around in the alchemy lab making pig brain nuggets.

>> No.6102583
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Feasting and fighting with the einharjar
>mfw pork is an inferior meat product

>> No.6102586

Price of pork has fallen, they dug up all the pigs:

>> No.6102595

mcrib sucks

>> No.6102596

>buying memeribs

>> No.6102629

Anything not halal is for me, pal.

>> No.6102644
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>> No.6102648
File: 10 KB, 462x308, He+did+what+haha+silly+muhammad+_6376d7237f72cd7b72f53bce2ef4d44d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying mudskins consume the burgerjew

>> No.6102657

And you are retarded.

>> No.6102699

It never comes to my area. Fuckers.

>> No.6102727

I think in Germany it was never away.

>> No.6102730

Considering walking 5 miles to pick one up. Or I could stay here and have eggs rice n veggies.

>> No.6102741

McRib in the UK this year, never seen it before, gonna try it today.

Wish me luck chaps

>> No.6102745
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some stores have these.

they're damn-near identical to the mcrib.

>> No.6102921

>comes back every half a year
>people still falling for this marketing horse shit

>> No.6103071

>that feel when you'll never eat a British McRib that's made out of actual pork

>> No.6103129

This shit never left in my town.

Feels good man.

>> No.6103146

new mcrib should be sriracha bbq

>> No.6103248
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I'd eat it again

>> No.6103254
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Utter bollocks really.
Does the rest of the world not consider McDs to be peasant food?

>> No.6103268

Germany has McRib all year long. It's one of our staples.

>> No.6103275

I don't even eat at mcdonalds, and I'm already tired of this fucking marketing scam. Either keep it as a permanent item, or let it fuck off for good.

>> No.6103282

I had a mcrib for the first time a couple months ago, I wasn't expecting anything and I was still disappointed with it 💩

>> No.6103899
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I wish they'd come out with a giant McRib. Like two quarter pound pork pattied with a center bun and another layer of pickle and onion. A Rib Mac.

>> No.6106406

why not just buy two ribs and discard half a bun from one?

combine and Wa LAH

>> No.6106411
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Eating yours

>> No.6106416




>> No.6106424

>Half a pound of pork

And a free McColon Cleanse with every order!

>> No.6106740

Doesn't this shit "come back" like every 2 months now?

>> No.6107305


I keked.

>> No.6107882

>live in Germany
>McRib All the year 24/7

>> No.6107899

Eh, I had one here in straya. Don't get the fascination with it, or the KFC double. I prefer the McOz.

>> No.6108769

McOz fuck yeah cunt sick ay

>> No.6108775

I'm 29, American, and have never had one. At this point I have two options, as I see it:

1. Don't eat it. Bragging rights.

2. Eat it to finally say I have. Mark it off the ol' bucket list.

Can't make up my mind, but right now I'm leaning towards 1.

dem nuggets tho

>> No.6108822

how does not trying a food equal bragging rights?

>> No.6108824

this. too bad it's shit.

i guess the mcrösti is our mcrib.

>> No.6108830
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big rösti i mean. i'm looking forward to my yearly dose.

>> No.6108846

Probably not the best term to use, I admit. EVERYONE I know has had one but me. It's usually the opposite where I'm the only person who HAS tried something.

When someone says they haven't had something really common like a Dr. Pepper, I will point out that I've never had a McRib.

>> No.6109461


>> No.6109469

You sound like a faggot.

>YOU haven't tried this???
>Well I haven't tried this!!!

>> No.6109563

>big rösti

Heh, jitz han ich e grund zum wieder e mal mac ga frässe.

>> No.6109564

wtf m8

>> No.6109568

I only read this on my monitor but my ears hurt

>> No.6109570


McOz is another one of those things they keep bringing back. Now, tell me more about this MCrib you had in Australia? Where the hell in Australia?

>> No.6109575



>> No.6109588


>> No.6109596

English guy here. Just had my first ever McRib today.

It was mediocre at best and I have no plans to ever eat one again. I do not understand the fixation with the McRib and I'm more disappointed in myself, for falling for the hype, than I am in the product for being a literal disappointment.

>> No.6109605

Beschta Burger überhaupt. Hopp Schwiz!

>> No.6109608

UK fag here, I have two friends who went to get one yesterday and said it was the biggest piece of shit ever

I'm going to buy one just to try it, but I'm not all that bothered

Kinda makes you think though, McDonalds have done good on getting the old hype train rolling - imagine how many of these will get sold simply due to the hype factor

>> No.6109613

no, thats not the way bavarians speak at all, if thats what u meant

>> No.6109618

Deutsch ist fuer mich ein Fremdsprache. Woher kommt dieser Akzent?

>> No.6109664

mcrib rules, go eat it

>> No.6110429

more like a RIP Mac

>> No.6110690
File: 30 KB, 514x297, da geh ich lieber ins gefängnis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schoaß Amis ned moi den Unterschiad zwischn Bayrisch und Schwitzerisch kennans, die gehörn alle mitm Globus daschlogn

>> No.6110722

he's shining down upon me, obviously. twice in so many months, he truly does live!!!! gonna go buy me one with a mcdouble, and put the mcdouble on the mcrib. awww yeah.

>> No.6110730


nigga the shapes don't match the mcrib is oval and the mcdouble is round

>> No.6110775

take out the patties and put them on the mcrib, if shape bothers you, cut them into rectangles. either way it's amazing!

>> No.6110848

My friends decided to get me one because apparently it was a crime that I had never tried one. It was mediocre as hell and now I'm wondering why the hell it is so popular. Is it really just marketing hype that makes people go apeshit over them?

>> No.6111652

I got to try it for the first time last month when my mom bought one on the way to my place.
Underwhelming as fuck. It even has a weird aftertaste.

I don't get the hype.

>> No.6111655

you are truly a cocksucker. wanna get on cam & e-suck my cock?

>> No.6111671

>Where is your god now?

That shit is inedible. Disturbing texture, more like a pork steak than ribs. The usual disappointing, squishy bread. Even the onions are bad on the McRib. A total disaster.

>> No.6111677


What is that? I'd try one of those.

>> No.6111681

I wish they'd stop making it a big deal when it comes back. It seems like it actually was kind of a big deal a number of years ago and now is just something they have for 1/4th of a year or so.

They're ok.

>Tfw that episode of the simpsons when they spoof the mcrib looks more delicious than actual mcribs

>> No.6111700

Yeah? Well, I never ate a Big Mac, and I've eaten at McDonald's quite a few times

>> No.6111703

I'd like to try a memerib but I've never seen them down under.

>> No.6111733

>Is it really just marketing hype that makes people go apeshit over them?

Probably. You can get basically the same thing year-round at any AmPm (the convenience stores at Arco gas stations) and no one cares about them.

>> No.6111734

Did McDonalds pay this pleb or is he just such an amateur that he enjoys that shit?:

>> No.6111749

Sk confirmed for subhumans
>mfw swinging by McDicks after a workout and copping 3 McRibs for dat dere dirty bulk

>> No.6111789

Some people like junk food.

>> No.6111796

>no pickles