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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6102555 No.6102555 [Reply] [Original]

Throw me your beef stew recipes ck!

This is what I do, tell me what you think:

1) In a big pot, brown beef chuck roast cut into small pieces
2) Add beef stock, bunch of minced garlic, onions, tomato paste, herbs, salt, pepper
3) Simmer for 3 hours
4) Add cut up potatoes, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes
5) Simmer for another 2 hours

how can the above be improved?

>> No.6102559

Oh and I also put a shitload of worcestershire sauce

>> No.6102564

The types of herbs you use do matter for the flavor profile. A stew made with tarragon and basil is going to taste different from oregano and sage. What do you use? Also, roasting your vegetables before adding them to your stew gives a richer flavor.

>> No.6102568

I use oregano and basil, I know it's kind of spaghetti sauce-ish of me

>tfw my oven doesn't work

>> No.6102592

Add tumeric or other spices ,kumin white peppercorns and ginger fresh minced or powder

>> No.6102627

Anon what you are making is called goulash and it was invented generations before you were born. Except the real goulash is made without cherry tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. Seasonings used are garlic, paprika powder, majoram, a bit of vinegar and cumin

>> No.6102651

Alright, here's one I got from /ck/ a long time back:

Kind of a simplified Bouef Nicoise

*Beef chuck cut into large-ish cubes
*an Onion
*a carrot
*some fresh garlic
*Herbs de Provence
*Red wine
*beef stock
*black olives
*some flour

*Let the beef marinade over night in the red wine with the herbs, the sliced onion and the diced carrot and garlic.
*Remove beef from marinade, brown it in a sauce-pan with some olive oil or butter, add the marinated onion and carot pieces and the garlic.
*Stir in some flour, add the marinade and the stock.
*simmer for however long you want - an hour will do, more is better.
*15 minutes before you want to serve it, add the black olives

I usually eat this with Gnocchi, but French bread is a good side as well.

>> No.6102683

>paprika powder
I've always wondered what the big deal is with paprika. Every time I've used it, I can't even tell it's there. Are my taste buds messed up?

>> No.6102686

it needs fat to open the flavour
also depends on the type of paprika you use
sometimes its only for coloring

>> No.6102696

I'm a big fan of Herbs de Provence, I highly recommend for people to try it out. Very balanced spice mix with some more delicate additions like lavender.

>> No.6102705

Beef 500g
Celery 2 sticks
Onion 1 big or 2 medium
Carrots 2
3 bay leaves
tin of chopped tomatoes
500ml of guinness or a good stout
flour if it needs thickening

Fry of vege and bay leaves for like 10 minutes or so, add it and everything else to a casserole dish with a lid, put it in the oven for like 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

>> No.6103895
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Not much to add other than I make it in a crock pot.

>> No.6103907


>> No.6103911
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You have a solid base there for a classic beef stew. From there you can either apply it to other cut/meat pieces (pic related) or try different shit (boeuf bourguignon, for one)

>> No.6104292


>> No.6104337

All I knew is you gotta add some dried lemons into the broth while it simmers for hours so the beef gets REAL tender. I personally like to add just a bit of cinnamon (not cinnamon sugar, very important).

>> No.6104373
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Did someone say goulash?!

>> No.6104400

2 medium yellow onions, finely chopped
2 small leeks, white and pale green parts, finely chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and finely chopped
2 or 3 cloves garlic, very finely chopped
2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon whole juniper berries
1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh thyme
3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh flatleaf parsley
3 12oz cans of dark beer
1 pound boneless beef chuck roast, cut into 1¼-inch chunks
1 pound boneless pork butt, trimmed and cut into 1¼-inch chunks
1 pound boneless lamb shoulder, trimmed and cut into 1¼ inch cubes
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
4 pounds Russet potatoes, peeled


In a large bowl or very large plastic bag with a secure seal, mix together the onions, leeks, carrot, garlic, bay leaves, juniper berries, thyme, parsley, beer, beef, pork, lamb, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, and 1 teaspoon pepper. Mix well, seal, and refrigerate for at least 12 hours and up to 24 hours. Mix the meats and marinade occasionally; if they are in a bag, just turn it over once or twice.

When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 350°. Smear the olive oil all over the bottom of a 6- or 8-quart Dutch oven.

Peel the potatoes if you like; using a mandoline, slice them thinly and season well with salt and pepper. Do not wash the potatoes after slicing. The potato starch thickens the broth. Cover the bottom of the pot with half of them. Strain the solids and meat from the marinade, reserving both separately. Spread the meats and vegetables on top of the potatoes and then top with the remaining potatoes. Carefully pour the reserved marinade over the potatoes. If the liquid does not cover the top of the potatoes, add more beer or beef stock until they are just covered.

Cover the pot and bring the stew to a gentle simmer on top of the stove. Place the pot in the oven and bake until the meats are very tender, about 3 1/2 hours.

>> No.6104432

holy shit that sounds amazing, sadly my oven broke :(

>> No.6106327

Can we get some more like this please, Definitely going shopping.

>> No.6106335

nice, i always have wanted to try this one, but haven't gotten around to it yet.