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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6101505 No.6101505 [Reply] [Original]

In the U.S., it's very common to market something as quality based on European origins, i.e. 'French wine' or 'French cheese', 'English Cheddar', Mediterranean Salt, 'Italian Olive Oil', 'Italian Pasta', etc.

Is there anything marketed like this in Europe or in Asia?

List examples of 'Wow this is from X' marketing.

>> No.6101544
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American style hot dogs are also a thing.

In Europe we have a law that says that certain foods that are iconic to an area can only be called the iconic name if they were produced in the area it was invented. Things like Stilton cheese must be made near Stilton*, Melton Mowbrey pies must be made in Melton Mowbrey. Sangria must be made in Spain or Portugal. Stuff like that.

*But not IN Stilton, interestingly. It's called Stilton cheese because it was first sold there, but Stilton itself is outside the area that it was invented.

>> No.6101565

>Mediterranean Salt
Fuck that shit. Everyone should know that the best salt in the world comes from Redmond, Utah by now.

>> No.6101566

Pretty much this

There's more fixation to towns than actual nations. The only exceptions I know of are Russian caviar (from cod) and Swiss cheese.

>> No.6101583


Utahfag here. I have a secret. The best salt isn't "food grade."

It's the winter ice melt that's loaded onto snow plows and tossed roads and sidewalks.

This salt is obtained from evaporation ponds near The Great Salt Lake.

I put GSL ice melt on all my food. Everybody raves and says I should open a restaurant.

>> No.6101597


I have nothing to back this up, but I'm going to go ahead and accuse you of secretly poisoning/attempting to poison us.

>> No.6101598

reminder, Häagen-Dazs doesn't mean anything and was just made up to sound european

>> No.6101601

I want to fuck that young lady, really hard, in her vagina, if you get my meaning.

do you know where I'm coming from /ck/? I'm talking about fucking, hard and real. Serious fucking. The juice from the fucking would be used as dipping sauce, and there would a lot of it.

>> No.6101609

its nore an indicator of a specific style than quality most of the time

Or just as often association with a group of immigrants that used to like the product even if it is entirely american

>> No.6101618

Shut up, I'm not doing your homework assignment for you. Got a self hating American as a teacher? Tell the person to fuck off.

>> No.6101803

Not really, aside from >>6101544 . Although the food is usually labelled with it's origin (NZ lamb etc.)

Funnily enough, American-style {hamburgers|hotdogs|BBQ sauce} is literally all I can think of that would be held up as "American"

>> No.6102273

yurobro reporting in.
we do have international aisles at grocerie stores that are asian(soy sauce, rice noodles) or mexican(taco shells, pickled jalapenos) themed

the merica aisle usually consists of hot dogs, hamburgers, pop tarts, tomato soup, bbq sauces, mac n cheese, syrup, liquid cheese, marshmallows, popcorn and other types of brand sweets.
american themed restaurants tend to be burger joints

i like ranch dress but i have to order it online : /

>> No.6102425

and they're one of the few nationally found ice cream brands that don't use ingredients that i can't pronounce or understand

>> No.6102434


>> No.6102746

AMERICAN STYLE cheeseburger flavor chips

>> No.6102750
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>> No.6102784

That's one American-style bitch right there, anon

>> No.6102800
File: 94 KB, 200x200, preisvergleich-Original_Wagner_American_Style_Big_Pizza_BBQ_Chicken.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of /ck/ already knows this, but "american style" pizza in most of Europe means thick crust (like in Pizza Hut) and some weird toppings like BBQ sauce and corn. (guaranteed replies)

The marketing worked that way, still does.

>> No.6102801

gross ass hell

>> No.6102804
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in japan we have "american parties"

we get pizza and coronas

>> No.6102809
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>> No.6102810

That's cute

>> No.6102813
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>> No.6102814
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>> No.6102832

I was in Korea a few years ago and they were selling bottles of 'migukui insam.' American ginger. The bottles were labled in a stars-and-stripes motif. They were costlier than the native stuff for some reason.

>> No.6102912

Ass-hell is the worst hell

>> No.6102958

In most large supermarkets, Haagen Dazs is by far the best brand. Ben and Jerry's can be really hit or miss, and the quality isn't as high.
Blue is laughable, because they use so many shitty ingredients, although their basic vanilla is really good.

Also don't get me started on Gelato, which is worse than ice cream due to the lower fat content.

>> No.6102960

You are not in Japan.

>> No.6102964

Swiss or Belgian chocolate is typically seen as the best chocolate. That's all I can think of.

>> No.6102967

osaka bound, roundeye

>> No.6102976

Fuckin' weebs.

>> No.6102986
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In Norway, there has been a trend for local food the last 2-3 years.
As a result, you can now buy Roros Milk/Cheese/Romme/other milk products, all exported from tiny community in bumfuck nowhere, in the mountains.

Beyond that, we rarely attach origin names to wares. Mostly due a import barrier making import rare on wares we grow in green houses.
And because most special wares(i.E: FETA) already have protected names. If you make Norwegian FETA, you have to call it something else to sell it, commercially.
Inb4 somebody calls out the last one, and forget its fairly common, in some farm or variant in all countries.

>> No.6102996

>TFW /pol/ are raiding.

>> No.6102999

We have inter-European food fetishes.

I'm from the Netherlands for example, which is not necessarily known for its fine cuisine, but we also get French and Italian food and such marketed to us.

>> No.6103000
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In Britbongistan I often see shops selling imported American food. Things like silly flavours of soda or crisps that aren't normally sold here. The shops are always tacky and gimmicky, and also really over priced because of the import duty. These shops generally close within a couple of months.

>> No.6103003

Yeah, not. No evaporation involved. It is mined from UNDER the lakes.

>> No.6103009

Corn?!? What the absolute fuck? Never in my life have I ever heard of corn on a pizza.

>> No.6103014


We have the same thing with British import shops in the states. And it's funny because most of the stuff they sell can be found in any decent supermarket for a much lower price.

And that's especially funny because the other "foreign food" shops like the Asian markets, Indian/Paki markets, Mexican, etc. are usually the opposite: cheap as hell and highly successful.

>> No.6103022
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Nigga go fuck yourself

>> No.6103027

I like that pink Himalayan shit.

>> No.6103047

English cheddar, Italian Olive Oil, Italian pasta are most definitely not "things" here

>> No.6103054

Europeon here. It's not common to brand things like that. It might just be me, but I think there are connotations of low class products with that kind of naming here.

>> No.6103062

Thank you, Flyover Fred.
While I've never seen "Italian pasta" marketed in le US and "Italian olive oil" only rarely, I see "English Cheddar" pretty damn often. But then, I live in a place where stoplights outnumber cattle and not the other way around.

>> No.6103088
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In Europe it's region.
(Well sometimes it's just country if the product is just a conglomerate of things from all over the country e.g. olives from all over Italy to make olive oil. But generic Italian or Greek olive oil is nothing special "haute cuisine" where I live, it's staple).
Every food has regions that are particularly famous for it. Of course that fame varies a bit between countries, but they are often cross-country. E.g. Camembert cheese isn't just some category, EU wide the cheese literally has to come from the town of Camembert.

>> No.6103289

I'm in the UK. We see a few things listed as "Southern Fried" or "Southern Seasoning", but I don't really see anything referring to American food as such, or American style. I've sometimes seen deep-dish pizza called "American Pizza" because Italy doesn't have that deep thick stuff.

Ironically, the stuff you guys call "American Cheese slices" in the UK is just called processed cheese, or "cheese singles" or "cheese slices".

>> No.6103330

Wisconsin Cheddar, Maine Lobster, Florida Oranges...

>> No.6103341


Been looking for this image for a while.

You won't escape again, sweetheart.

>> No.6103373

Fuck you for trying to poison people.

Ice melt salt contains sodium and ferric ferrocyanide to prevent the salt from caking.

>> No.6103382

Not a thing in NZ. 'singles' can refer to various types including cheddar, coldy and even swiss-like variants. So for the stereotypical stuff, you would just refer to it as 'american'.

>> No.6103461

Unrelated, why do you people (or was it Australians?) refer to cheese as "tasty cheese"? You sound like children to an outsider.

>> No.6103485
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Reread his post, he isn't trying to poison anyone. He either is or he isn't.

>> No.6103606

It's a particular subtype of cheddar. There's also mild and sharp. I think it's an Oz thing but it is also sold as that in supermarkets here.

>> No.6105126

>ordering ranch dressing online
It's always the little things I take for granted. Like fucking salad dressing. It feels so good to be a burgerclap.

>burger joints
Not to play into the meme but why even go to a restaurant that doesn't serve cheeseburgers for days. I would eat 5 square meals a day at Johnny rockets if my arteries/wallet could handle it.

>> No.6105128

Is corona even american? Why not a Sam Adams or better yet a hard cider

>> No.6105131

>English cheddar
That's gross as fuck. Buy Vermont or new York cheddar or get the fuck out of my country

>> No.6105135

Shitty yellow American mustard

>> No.6105137


i was just joking. i wrote all that bs up when i was drunk 'cause i was bored and thought it'd be funny.

i see now how retarded it was. sorry guys.

>> No.6105152

That's hilarious because it's FRENCH'S

>> No.6105155
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>> No.6105156
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Also, there is this and ,yes, it's chicken.

>> No.6105164
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>> No.6105165

>Fertig gebraten

What is that, German? Didn't know they spoke that in Asia.

>> No.6105169

It's German, it's a German product. Why do you think it's from Asia?

>> No.6105182

>American cheddar
>implying such a thing is possible
Invent your own damn cheese.

>> No.6105192

>invent your own damn cheese
We invented a wildly popular cheese flavored product. Does that count?

>> No.6105205

European here:

We are a bit chauvinistic about food. Usually we may enjoy food from other continents as a culinary curiosity but it is definitely not a sign of quality. In contrast being European in origin is in itself a sign of quality due to the strict regulations.

Of course that we have stuff like "chinese noodles", american nachos and burgers, brazilian picanha, argentinian barbeque, sushi and other stuff but - with the exception of south american meat, which is unanimously regarded as awesome - it is not a sign of quality.

>> No.6105248

>Asian markets, Indian/Paki markets, Mexican, etc. are usually the opposite: cheap as hell and highly successful.

The difference is that Brit import shops are universally targeted at bored upper middle class Americans, whereas ethnic markets are usually targeted at a local expat community.

>> No.6105256
File: 267 KB, 958x480, aldi-ami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these all american products

>> No.6105266

You know now that I think of it, the only cheese I can think of named after a place in America is colby.

>> No.6105273

Why are those hot dogs in a jar?

>> No.6105274

The British beer company was the worst meal I've ever had at a restaurant. Idk why I thought it would be good like those sketchy Romanian places

>> No.6105278

I think those are pickles m8

>> No.6105279

The other jar to the right of the pickles.

>> No.6105299

I remember going to Germany and seeing literally everything being described as "American Style", like shit that we consider to be pretty much universal. Like "American Style Peanut Butter". Nigger, it's just peanut butter. Also, you faggots don't have Dr. Pepper.

>> No.6105305


That sounds more like "Japanese Style" to me. We don't fucking eat corn on pizza. If someone put corn on my pizza, I'd fucking smack them.

>> No.6105310

Idk I'm intrigued. I think I'll buy a za tonight and throw some canned corn on. I doubt a plain with corn is good what else should i add? Hamburger and some spices maybe?

>> No.6105311

We have things like "American-style" sauces and shit. Generally if a place has them though you know it's a shit-tier place to get food from.

>> No.6105312
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>> No.6105314

Put corn, BBQ sauce and American "Cheese" on it for the full American experience... apparently.

>> No.6105317

I can't take american cheese in anything but a sandwich. IMO american cheese requires an extremely delicate balance, to much cheese and it's gross AF, to much other and you can't taste the cheese. But when you get it juuuuust right, it's fucking perfect. I'll do BBQ sauce though

>> No.6105318


genius, a reasonable person could infer that he is "trying" to poison people by posting about this in a /ck/ thread, thereby potentially influencing others to try it

are you insanely literal?

>> No.6105322


it's good for two things, and only two things:

1. melted on burger to form cheeseburger
2. grilled cheese sandwich

it is very, very good for these two things because they are primarily about texture, not taste

un-melted it's fucking useless and there is almost always a better cheese

>> No.6105329


I was being facetious. Grilled cheese sandwich is bretty good, especially with tomato soup or manhattan clam chowder. If I'm making a fancy grilled cheese, or cheese de grille, I'll put stuff like havarti, gouda, provolone, and brie on it. Also, butting avocado, tomato, or arugula on it really add to to the sandwich, but make it less of a grilled cheese.

>> No.6105338

Tbh I hate american cheese on grilled cheese. I'm all about that pepper jack. I won't complain if it's on a burger though I prefer something sharper.

>Manhattan chowder
Putting tomatoes in clam chowder is so gross. How do you live with yourself? God I wish tomatos were never invented.

>> No.6105355
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>God I wish tomatos were never invented.

Where do you live, Iowa? Ohio? Tomatoes are fucking great. Tomatillos are also great. Deal with it.

>> No.6105366

I live in Massachusetts. Why else would I be bother by a new Yorker ruining our based chowder lmao

>> No.6105372

>I live in Massachusetts. Why else would I be bother by a new Yorker ruining our based chowder lmao

Oh.. I thought you were just against tomatoes... I like both chowders, just dipping my buttery bread with melted cheese into butter and cream seems excessive.

>> No.6105375


>> No.6105379

Yeah I would not want to dip into regular chowder, though it does sound good.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still totally against tomatoes.

>> No.6105385

How do you feel about barbeque? I'm from the south, so that's the controversy around here.

>> No.6105398

Barbeque what? Like barbeque barbeque? I like barbeque. I wouldn't want barbeque flavored clam chowder or a barbequed tomato if that's what your getting at.
However we also have hugely different barbecues if you have stereotypical southern barbecues.

>> No.6105401

There are actually 3-4 stereotypical southern barbeques. KC, Texas, Eastern/Western Carolina.

>> No.6105411

Well we don't usually go heavy on barbecue sauce or smoking, so by whichever stereotype you choose it would probably be pitiful in comparison

>> No.6105415

>he doesn't understand that pepperjack /IS/ american cheese, just with bits of chili pepper embalmed in it
>he gets scoville pungency confused with sharpness
Fucking Massholes.

>> No.6105431

Eastern Carolina: Pulled pork with vinegar-based sauce. Scrumtrilescent.

Western Carolina: Pork with mustard-based sauce... also excellent

Texas: Dry or wet beef brisket. I mean, it's barbeque, so it can't be that bad, but my least favorite.

KC: Sort of a melange, even includes sausage, what I think most people outside of the south think of as barbeque. Tomato/molasses based sauce. You probably have a version of this.

I was really hoping that this discussion would be more inflammatory.

>> No.6105433

... pepper jack is Monterey jack cheese but with peppers... hence the "jack"in it.

>> No.6105458

Get rekt fgt

But srs where did you think the heck
Jack came from? Wouldn't that just be american cheese with peppers?
Cheese game weak son.

>> No.6105463

>Cheese game weak son.
Sounds like a viking.

Chysgam Wiksson

>> No.6105469

... you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6105470

I typed out another thing idk where it went. Captcha ate it I guess. We don't really barbecue though. We do barbecue ribs. But it's not like a big to do we still eat it in the dining room. But when we do a cook out it's pretty exclusively cheeseburgers. Hot dogs get tapped in if it's a large cook out. And barbecue chicken makes a rare appearance depending who's going. But we don't get all up in arms about the seasonings and shit. As long as it's not raw. The food is rarely the main attraction.

>> No.6105477

We never do pork on the grill besides the occasional ribs. So no pulled pork.
I think we do sausage and others on a per person basis which I don't like sausage so idk about that.

>> No.6105478

Do I not?

The only thing you mentioned that was barbecue was ribs. None of that other stuff is barbecue, although it is delicious.

>> No.6105483

I sort of misspoke. it's uncommon to find a pepper jack made from actual jack cheese is what I meant, sorry. Even what's sold as 'Monterrey Jack' is seldom actually MJ. More commonly than not, it's just American with flavours added, both of them.

The US doesn't have any laws protecting customers from this sort of mislabeling, sadly, so it happens all the time.

If you buy deli pepperjack, it's likely just American with peppers added. Same with MJ. If you buy a hunk of the stuff, it's likely the real thing. It's one of the few, odd times where prepackaged is actually better than not.

>> No.6105498

No, you don't.

>> No.6105504

Well the chicken is barbecue flavor. And I do like it even if my family doesn't do it ourselves. And a barbecue is just a grill, it's just a different technique. Also I believe I mentioned the words cook out

>> No.6105538
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>> No.6105558

Explain. And cite where you are from.

>Also I believe I mentioned the words cook out
Yes, you did. I wasn't contradicting you.

>> No.6105564

Well considering that the Cheddar region is in England, you can only get Cheddar from England.

Looks like the green container "Parmesan" Mericlaps strike again.

>> No.6105568

...the four most commonly cited "major" styles of barbecue are Memphis, Carolina, Texas, and Kansas City. You fucked that up, fucked up the distinctions between the styles, and claimed Texas and Kansas as "Southern".

I'm from Fayette County, Alabama.

>> No.6105569

Because cider isn't American and nobody would even associate it with you.

>> No.6105571

>green container mericlaps
Excuse me but I buy Parmesano regiano from Italy for twenty bucks a pound

>> No.6105572

I don't know, I kind of like American mustard, it's so mild relatively bland compared to real mustard.

>> No.6105577

Maybe a retard wouldn't, granted it's not from America but I doubt the English invented having shitty teeth

>> No.6105581

>Well considering that the Cheddar region is in England, you can only get Cheddar from England.
Well that's hardly true. Science would dictate if it can't be duplicated, based on something like animal breed, diet, natural flora and fauna and if that contributes to some specific mold or other process. In the case of Champagne, sparkling wine can be just as good outside of the region even when soils differ. Same for lambic, which is more debatable. Truffles hopefully will one day be found nicely outside of Europe. I'm surprised it's taken so long, actually. Black pig Jamon Iberico, people can taste a difference if the pigs weren't on an acorn diet. But cheddar? NOPE. Just like spirits, these things are tasted by international experts, and the jury is in.

>> No.6105598

>Memphis, Carolina, Texas, and Kansas City
>Fucked that up

I omitted one.
>Texas and Kansas as "Southern"
Actually, it's Texas and Missouri, smart guy, and I said Stereotypically Southern, not Culturally Correct.

Alabama schools ftw...

>> No.6105619

Then look at the rind and tell me why you're wrong.

>> No.6105621

You didn't omit one, you fucking crapped out missing one of the oldest styles.
> smart guy
sorry, I don't bother with cornlandia to give enough of a shit to care which side of the river was more important to know bbq.

> stereotypically southern
yeah, no. Because they aren't. Texas is Texas (or Mexican) in stereotypes, and Missouri, fuck if I know what they are but literally no one thinks of them when someone says "southern"

>> No.6105625

I like it, too. And it /is/ real mustard, just not like European mustard.
My country has fuckawful mustard. It's either way too pungent or way too pungent plus sickeningly sweet. This is why I prefer French, German and American mustards. French and German are great as a condiment on tonnes of stuff while American mustard is my favourite for cooking. Vinaigrettes taste much better to me made with American mustard rather than traditional ones.

>> No.6105628

I think of Texas as southern

>> No.6105631

>I'm a eurofag - danish to be specific

We have plenty of products in our supermarkets that reference their countries of origin as part of their marketing.

>Italian, french, spanish wines... (because different regions produce different flavors of wine)
>same thing for cheeses
>a lot of olive oil is marketed as italian olive oil
>a lot of fish is marketed and branded according to where its caught. North sea haddock, or greenland shrimp

>> No.6105634

Isn't Missouri the "gateway to the west" or some such saying?
Not that other poster, but I most certainly think of Missouri as a southern state. Like Maryland. Technically the south but most certainly not the deep south, in any case.

>> No.6105639

I've never had anything from Greenland. Have you? How is it? I would guess the stuff is fairly easily available in Danmark?

>> No.6105646

Because hot dogs are stored in jars maybe?

>> No.6105649
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>> No.6105654
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>The British beer company
I just googled that and looked at their menu, there's about 5 things that are remotely British and they are all heavily Americanised with ingredient changes.

>> No.6105656
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>> No.6105658

And peanut butter is American...

>> No.6105660

Corn is an American crop, obviously an "American" style item would feature it.

>> No.6105666
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>> No.6105673
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And yet they are the best in the world.

The fact that you have to invent a new name for cider tells us you don't know the first thing about it and yes, there is no association with merica and cider what so ever. Oh, let me guess, muh microciedries?

>> No.6105675

We do have Dr. Pepper, I got myself a can a week ago. That shit is disgusting, seriously.
By the way, you fuckers invaded this country in the 1940's, don't complain that now we have to suck you dick all the time.

>> No.6105677

America is truly like China with your cheap knockoffs. It's sad.

>> No.6105684
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I never really liked vinegary mustard, I always preferred proper sinus clearing mustard.

>> No.6105698

Hi Anita

>> No.6105699

I've never had English mustard but what I understand is that it's just as strong as ours but that yours isn't made with pig-disgusting honey. Ours is sinus-clearingly strong but also comes in a sweet variety made with fruit preserves and/or honey. Both are disgusting to me. Gimme a good French or German mustard instead.

Do you use English mustard for cooking and vinaigrettes?

>> No.6105700


my nicaragua

>> No.6105710

Except no. It's a Canadian invention. French Canadian, to be precise. I hope you didn't think GDub Carver invented it or anything.
The guy who invented it spoke French as his native tongue. :^)
Don't believe me? It's okay. You don't have to. I'll take solace in the fact that I'm right and you're wrong.

>> No.6105714

There's no honey in English mustard, I have seen it combined with honey for a honey mustard sauce, but that's it.

You use it while cooking, in vinaigrettes and as a condiment. I would advise you use it sparingly if you aren't used to the heat of it.

>> No.6105722

Wow, someone's fucking defensive. I don't know who GDub Carver is and frankly I don't care. Peanut butter is heavily associated with America and no amount of rectum ravage from fake frogs will ever change that.

>> No.6105724

Yeah, I probably wouldn't like it. I detest horseradish for the same reason. I can eat the most arse-rapingly pungent chilies without so much as a flinch but stuff like strong mustard and horseradish I just can't handle.

>> No.6105736

GDub Carver = George (G) Washington (double-U, shortened to Dub) Carver. Americans seem to think he invented peanut butter.

>b-but... people will still think of it as American!!!!
Yeah, and? People think pasta was introduced to Italy from China by Marco Polo, too, that doesn't stop it from being entirely wrong since durum wheat pasta existed in Italy about six hundred years before Polo was a tickle in his pappy's sack and barley pasta another thousand years (!) before that. In fact, the word 'maccheroni' (macaroni) comes from an ancient Greek word for barley.
Stop trying to defend your ineptitude with argumentum ad populum, faggot, and learn something.

>> No.6105749

Ah fake frogs, all of the unpleasantness of Frenchies, with none of the culture, food or country status.

>> No.6105754


He's the guy who says "beeteedubs", he's a gay wannabe Asian not a wannabe French.

Too bad for him he's not at least a trannie or something, they can get their dicks chopped off and I'm pretty sure it's not officially considered a mental disorder anymore. Born the wrong race lol. What does that even mean?

>> No.6105780

they spelt lays wrong

>> No.6105786

That picture is annoying me. God I hate women.

Thread hidden.

>> No.6105813

In germany, we have "American toast" and "American pizza".

Its just bigger toast and pizza. I can't think of anything else.

>> No.6106195

You forgot Memphis which is the best of them.

>> No.6106213

No, this is not the appropriate packaging for a hot dog.

>> No.6106221

>Dr. Pepper

Why are Krauts so awful?

>> No.6106234

>I hope you didn't think GDub Carver invented it or anything.

It's really sad that he just gets pegged as the Peanut Butter Guy, especially since he didn't invent it. His work on improving soil and agricultural techniques via nitrogen fixing crops was actually quite good and important at the time. His work on products made from those alternative crops was just about giving farmers more incentive to plant them.

>> No.6106388

It's a pity.

We have a saying about "someone-or-other's violin" that matches this. I forgot just who someone-or-other is, but he was some painter. His paintings kinda suck but he was made famous and rich for them. However, he was actually a fantastic violinist. The fact that he played violin so beautifully is something that's not well known to most people, so we have this saying about someone's better, more important talent/accomplishment going largely ignored or forgotten as being like "someone-or-other's violin."

Really wish I could remember the dude's name, though.

>> No.6106436

i love this because its specifically a 12 year old as the criteria. of course the younger generation have better teeth, they havent been fucking them up for decades. add a selection, 10-30 year olds and compare all the places again.

>> No.6106481

Wow, its like they want everybody to take a huge dump while on the plane.

>> No.6106487

In the US we call our bigger toast Texas toast, its pretty much just slices cut 2-3 times thicker than normal.

>> No.6106500
File: 38 KB, 500x500, SGN0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes like pic related

>> No.6106510

the 9 hours of compacting the shit in your gut from sitting down in that awful chair removes any ability to do so. that said, whats the deal with whats the deal with airplane food? its not THAT bad. I find it usually sucks because its something i dont want, not that its literally inedible.

>> No.6106511

are euros so intended on coming off as better than americans that they rename "lays"?

>> No.6106524

we got these in aus but since australia is so expensive, these tacky american drinks and junk food end up being actually....almost cheaper then regular convenience stores. still expensive overall, but a gimmick can of dr vanilla pepper is cheaper then a real can of coke here in the city

>> No.6106525

It's only in britbongland. Everywhere else in europe has lays.

>> No.6106530

Back when I lived in Moscow I used to go to an "authentic" american diner with tons of burgers and milkshakes

>> No.6106533

ben and jerrys isnt good icecream, nobody eats it for the icecream. you buy it for all the wacky shit mixed in.
the icecream is the least desirable part, you are working your way through it digging around for cake and candy bits and just happen to put the icecream in your mouth at the same time

>> No.6106553

The only thing Dr Pepper tastes like is Dr Pepper.

>> No.6106667

>Russian caviar
>from cod


>> No.6106865

KC, Texas, Memphis, Carolina.
Speaking as an Amerilard from KC.

>> No.6106871

Confirmed for an east coast fag, who knows shit about BBQ.

>> No.6106878

Not knowing neither Maryland nor Missouri never left the Union.
Not knowing shit about BBQ, either.

>> No.6107163
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>> No.6107174

Because 'murica

>> No.6107175

Anita poop after eating all of that.

>> No.6107533

>tfw no qtpizza3.14 gf

>> No.6107592

nice double negative m8
>not knowing grammar
>you really are from the south

>> No.6107612

Is that Miley Cyrus in that pic?

>> No.6107802
File: 63 KB, 262x213, NewYorkTexasMadeInOhio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multi-Centric Food Labeling...This box is fun; it is New York Texas Toast. It is made in Ohio.

>> No.6107862

Maryland and Missouri are both firmly part of the south, Anon.

>> No.6108153

"American" hot dogs aren't stored in a jar... They come in plastic packages.

>> No.6108182

Czechbro here, in the supermarkets there tends to be German foods (like fries etc), but we do have some specific things from the US like Sriracha and stuff like that. It might be different in richer regions like Prague, I'm from the north and we ain't got shit here.

>> No.6108217

Hot dogs come in jars, it's as simple as that.

>> No.6108219

>of course the younger generation have better teeth
But the American ones don't.

>> No.6108221

Considering Walkers pre-dates Lays, you're a fucking idiot, but what is to be expected from a mere burger.

>> No.6108720

> Walkers pre-dates Lays


Lays founded 1932
Walkers founded 1948

>> No.6108849

i've seen "american" foods in filipino mall food courts

>> No.6109580


>> No.6109645

Yes, thank you!

I've been wrinkling my brain for the past year now trying to fucking remember it.
See, I live amidst a fucktonne of Algerians and Tunisians and while they speak French, using some French phrases to them seems to yield only blank stares rather than an understanding of the comparison, so I've stopped doing that about two years ago. Instead, I mostly speak literally when talking with North Africans rather than using turns of phrase.

I was trying to think of it last year when chatting with a French-speaking Canadian to see if he knew the term, but I couldn't recall the fucker's name, so the attempt was futile.
I've been trying to remember Ingres' name ever since. Thanks again!

>> No.6109693

It originates in North America, so yes it's American.

>> No.6109721


jenis ice cream is the best ice cream you can find

it isn't 'everywhere' everywhere like those brands, but it can be found and the quality is the best

>> No.6109726

also the best salt I've have was fresh from the south atlantic where it had accrued on large beach rocks

>> No.6110584

We should have dropped all the bombs on the gooks.

>> No.6110620

We did drop all the bombs on them. At the time of Japan's surrender there were no other operational nuclear weapons, though they were rushing to get a couple more ready to keep up the bombing campaign.

>> No.6110627

>the merica aisle usually consists of hot dogs, hamburgers, pop tarts, tomato soup, bbq sauces, mac n cheese, syrup, liquid cheese, marshmallows, popcorn and other types of brand sweets.
>american themed restaurants tend to be burger joints

No wonder we get so much shit from Euros about our cuisine.

>> No.6110646
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i'm from norwich where its made. its endorsed by the queen. they still have a store on the royal arcade. its the only english/hot mustard to use!1

>> No.6110651

I'll give all of my cheese onto her face if you know what i'm saying

>> No.6110692

>lettuce on the bottom

No. Just no.

>> No.6110713

>I would advise you use it sparingly if you aren't used to the heat of it.

This. As much as I am a fan of the ham & tomato sandwich, the tiniest lightest scrape of Colmans is MORE than enough.

>> No.6110816

This nigger watches QI

>> No.6110831

Doubt it brah. An alpha strike is what I'm talking about. Drop everything.

>> No.6110840
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>> No.6110841
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>> No.6112169

We did drop everything we had in WWII. We had two functional bombs and we were scrambling to build more as quickly as possible for a prolonged bombing campaign.

I suppose if you wanted it to be closer to a cold war style nuclear first strike we could have dropped both functioning nuclear bombs at once.

>> No.6112212


holy hell i laughed so hard

>> No.6112234

i don't know which is more depressing, the fact that yuropeens think this is what american food is like or the fact that they eat it.

>> No.6112281
File: 112 KB, 600x400, raver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude trust me, they don't rave nearly as hard as me.

>> No.6112284

>go to Lidl
>American week
>hamboiga patties and buns
>muffins and cupcakes
>peanut butter and marshmallow fluff
>cranberry juice
>"strong" cola with more caffein
>large tubs of Ben & Jerry's styled ice cream

>> No.6112712

Australia is the worlds fourth largest truffle producer. Truffles are also produced in New Zealand and there is a native truffle in the US.

>> No.6112721
File: 52 KB, 600x597, 1418859807748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordering ranch dress online

Omg, that is the definition of sadness. I feel you, eurobro.

>> No.6112740

>why even go to a restaurant that doesn't serve cheeseburgers for days.
because i'm a human, not a dog, and I can appreciate food beyond something mediocre being baptized by fire in salt and fat.

>> No.6112749

Boy, it's like they think that we still live in the 50's hamburger rave.

Captcha: Lambs

>> No.6112752

Post the chick. I need it OP.

I need to cum

>> No.6113440
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>tfw no ranch dress

>> No.6113468

lol what the shit is this?

>> No.6113503

Large parts of America don't even have Dr. Pepper. It seems to be a southern thing.

>> No.6113517

>It seems to be a southern thing.

I've lived in california, illinois, wisconsin, minnesota, ohio, new jersey, and new york, and I've never not seen dr. pepper in a grocery store.

Where do you live?

>> No.6113881

Not really, unless you count Mcdonalds and Burgerking.

>> No.6113901

no, gelato is tasty. you are wrong

>> No.6114133

Liquid cheese? So proud of us right now! XD

>> No.6114140

I usually buy Ben and Jerry because they don't use hfcs, but yeah, they make their flavors so chunky

>> No.6114154

Corona is definitely Mexican. It's their second best beer behind bohemia.

>> No.6114256
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+1 Memphis style dry rub ribs are the best.

>> No.6114262

Prune juice.

>> No.6114274

Its a Mexican brewery that was started by Germans, and may in fact still have Germans actually calling the shots. As long as a white man is behind the wheel, its going to be good. Unlike shitty Modelo.

>> No.6114303

I live in New England and i see that shit everywhere, mr pibb is more of a southern thing

>> No.6114420

tsingtao was also started by germans i believe. germans can't go anywhere without starting breweries.

>> No.6114539

In Poland we have all the wines from France, Spain etc. but this happens everywhere. American burgers for sure, Belgian Fries on every corner in Warsaw. We've got French mustard, Italian olive oil, Italian pizza and pasta

>> No.6114546

Oh, and German beer ofc. However Poles like to buy Polish beers from small breweries

>> No.6114549

>sparkling wine can be just as good outside of the region even when soils differ.

Yes, Champagne isn't the only sparkling wine that's good. There are really good sparkling wines from different regions, but they taste different. In fact many sparkling wine producers make sparkling wine using the same methods used in Champagne, but those sparkling wines still taste different.

Things like soil and weather do affect the taste of the wine as they affect the taste of the grapes. This is because soils contain different minerals which the grape vines feed on and the amount of sun the grape vines receive also affects their nutrition. This is similar to how pigs being fed on an acorn diet give a different taste. When you buy a champagne produced in Champagne, you can expect a distinct taste when compared to cava which is made in the Cava region in Catalonia.

>But cheddar? NOPE. Just like spirits, these things are tasted by international experts, and the jury is in.

Cows from the cheddar region graze on grass which grows on a certain kind of soil which affects the taste of the milk.

More on the factors which contribute to the unique taste of Cheddar from Cheddar

>The cheese originates from the village of Cheddar in Somerset, South West England. Cheddar Gorge on the edge of the village contains a number of caves, which provided the ideal humidity and steady temperature for maturing the cheese.[5] Cheddar cheese traditionally had to be made within 30 miles (48 km) of Wells Cathedral.[1]


You also have to take into account that cheese sold here is usually pasteurized which greatly affects the taste of the product.

>> No.6114576

>You also have to take into account that cheese sold here is usually pasteurized which greatly affects the taste of the product.

Well I am actually not sure how cheddar is produced here to be honest.

>> No.6115014

We don't even have "american peanut butter", we have your brands and your PB, but no, we don't make our own and call it "american".
Only popcorn, that's the only thing with the "american" label on even if it's a european brand made in europe.
But very recently I found more and more american food in stores, such as muffins and chocolate chip cookies, I think I saw the cookie dough too.
I want to try out poptarts though, we have similar things but not the originals, kellogg's pls.

>> No.6116784

>I want to try out poptarts though, we have similar things but not the originals, kellogg's pls.

Get the unfrosted kind, they are vastly superior.

>> No.6116795

yes because eating milk soup with fucking shellfish in it is not in any way the most disgusting fucking thing you can do. the shit our society just accepts is really fucking strange.

>> No.6119185

what is american food like then ?

>> No.6120886

I live in North Carolina and they can't get enough of anything Pepsi here. I know Pepsi was invented in NC but seriously. Coke tastes better, to those of us who can tell the difference.

>> No.6120894

Likely because popcorn is only native to North America and its growing conditions are pretty specific. It's hard to get the stuff to grow anywhere else. I imagine it's probably cheaper and easier to just import it from the US than to try to grow it in Europe.

>> No.6120922

North east: Pizza. Pizza is all that New York has going for it imo. Philadelphia has cheese steaks. Don't let anyone give you a sub with steak, cheese, green peppers, and onions on it and call it a Phili style cheese steak. A Phili cheese steak is a bun with steak and cheese. Anything else is an optional add-on. And in the Rhode Island to Maine area there's clams, lobster, and other shellfish.

In the south east, bbq, fried chicken, and in the deep south chili and gumbo. Also crawfish, which are basically big, fresh water shrimp.

Southern midwest has steaks. If there's one thing Texas can do right it's steaks. The northern midwest has its own style of pizza. Deep dish Chicago pizza. They're big on hotdogs too.

The central midwest is with corn the way Ireland is with potatoes.

The west coast doesn't really have anything going for it, in a culinary sense. Alaska has literal boatloads of crab though.

>> No.6120930

North Midwest has no clue how to season food and has a strong Nordic influence (shit like lutefisk is common). Really, there is no culinary identity here, just everything you imagine done poorly about American food and somehow managing to do it blandly too.

>> No.6121149
File: 152 KB, 1600x1129, johnny-rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak and potatoes

lots of roasted chickens


comfort food down south

we don't only eat burgers, even though they are quite good if you go to a good restaurant

>> No.6121161

>lutefisk is common

Fuck no it's not. Though I agree with the rest.

>> No.6121165

There is a lot of maize grown in Europe, I mean not as much as in the US or China, but still quite a lot.

>> No.6121173
File: 26 KB, 476x339, Hotdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upper midwest has random things thrown into a dish with a can of cream of mushroom soup then baked.

>> No.6121182

Growing up in Minnesota my only exposure to lutefisk was my great grandmother threatening to make it for my father whenever we went to visit her. So far as I know it's kind of a thing of the previous generations at this point.

>> No.6121184

>The west coast doesn't really have anything going for it,

burritos and guacamole

>> No.6121387

>The west coast doesn't really have anything going for it, in a culinary sense.

We have tons of Mexican-styled things that are really good.

>> No.6121388
File: 113 KB, 550x530, novita_pizzaAmericana_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in italy we have the american pizza

>> No.6121401



The Japanese eat corn on literally everything yet America is painted as the country who puts corn on random shit

I've never seen corn pizza in my life

>> No.6121415
File: 63 KB, 600x400, b1027-c2ea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corn pizza is often made with corn, mayo and canned tuna

>> No.6121424

I'm from MN and the only time we have lutefisk is Christmas and even then it's just one filet that everyone has a single bite from for tradition's sake.

>> No.6121425

>Unfrosted Pop Tarts
o i m laffin

>> No.6121429


>> No.6121430

>A girl will never look at your dick like that.

>> No.6121436

>in Europe, hot dogs come in jars

>> No.6121781

That pic is shopped there was mah dick instead of a cheezy pizza

>> No.6121832

confirmed for tourist

>> No.6122032

I love sweetcorn on pizza.

Tuna and sweetcorn, ham and sweetcorn, BBQ chicken and sweetcorn ... It's great.

>> No.6122068


I know a lot of people here are really knocking that picture for putting hotdogs in jars, but I must say that I make my own hotdogs and use a jar to store them... because the American way is best.

I have 17 hotdogs stiffed in a giant jar right now. I ate 3, so it was 20.

>> No.6122090

A bit late, but that doesn't apply to wisconsin. We've got beer, deep fried stuff, and the best cheese in the country

>> No.6122400

you can get hot dogs in jars or in bags here, but in jars. the baged ones are fresh from the refridgerator and not storable for langer than maybe 2 weeks, the ones in a jar are cheaper and storable for maybe a year or even longer.

as this ad is from a discounter it's obviously for the kinds of people you'd call white trash.

also, american hotdogs are usually known as the cheap alternative here, quality hotdogs should be danish.
though the sausages are best to be german.

>> No.6124909


>> No.6124936

In Korea some milk, cheese and Cake have written on them that theyre Danish even if they arent. Fuckin weird man.

>> No.6125788


>salt contains sodium

Thank you