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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6091784 No.6091784 [Reply] [Original]

Why do redditors hate this guy so much?

>> No.6091793

The same reason everyone else hates him.

He's a loud, obnoxious, try-hard douchebag.

>> No.6091796

I can tell you've never been to flavor town.

>> No.6091812

What subreddit do you frequent?

>> No.6091832

Take me there broski!!

>> No.6091838

None. I don't browse reddit.

>> No.6091849

people are buttmad because you can be sucessful if you believe in yourself :^)

>> No.6091850

So cool.

>> No.6091851

I'm not sure I even want to attempt to answer your question. reddit is the worst community on the Internet. Worse than tumblr and Facebook, even. That's saying a lot.

A quote comes to mind: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill

redditors upvoted this post to the frontpage: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/

Or to keep it relevant to /ck/ how about this: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/jkc1j/2am_chili

I wouldn't hesitate to shut that place down if given the opportunity. If a free and open Internet means having reddit still exist, then I would prefer the Government just take it over and start censoring everything and making everyone use their real identities. That place HAS to go.

>> No.6091867

I'd upvote your comment if I could.

>> No.6091868


>> No.6091874

Why so anti-american.

>> No.6091881

hes absolutely right.
redditors are the reason this board is shit

>> No.6091895


god is that where those stupid cooking comics came from?

between the retarded circle jerks and autistic white knight community, it makes it very hard to actually get into reddit, even the lesser offensive communitys.

>> No.6091909

I want to drown whoever made that chili in the pot he made it in.

>> No.6091913


>> No.6091927

>criticizes reddit
>posts reddit-tier quote
>cherrypicks years old samples from default subreddits
Any online community of that size will have good and bad parts. Get off of your high horse.
3/10 made me reply

>> No.6091931
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>> No.6091935

I reddit semi-frequently for the fate hate subreddit and a few other niche things and I just want to say.

That 2 AM chili that you posted is frequently derided and made fun of, people post it specifically to show obnoxious shitty cooking.

Not defending the main subreddits and the r/all section, those are cesspools equivalent to /b/ and /v/, but the beauty of the site is being able to choose what you see when you see it.

>> No.6091937

fuck off to reddit

>> No.6091943

you're a fag

>> No.6092003

I hate him as much as I hate Reddit

>> No.6092030

>Why do redditors hate this guy so much?
because they hate everything 4chan makes fun of just 2 or 3 years late, we get over shit and dont care about certain memes and they bring it back and spam it in a way that makes it not funny, same with tumblr.. they literally jut discovered sad frog meme and its plastered everywhere

>> No.6092055

>that chilli pic

Is there anything wrong with this aside from the gay ass drawings on it? Like is that the main issue or are people arguing the recipe? Oh and the crackers thing at the end is fucking weird

>> No.6092061

probably the use of the "like a boss" and trying to make maymays badass so yeha the drawings.

youve never seen crackers in chili before?

>> No.6092069

Guy's job is to be a hype man for every restaurant he visits on Triple D.
He's great.

>> No.6092076

Ive literally never seen crackers in chilli before, I thought it was some inside joke. Then again chilli isnt a big meal in Australia

>> No.6092102

never seen this guy before, but fuck him for pouring ketchup on shit.

>> No.6092136

>only 4 tsp. of chili
>all purpose flour
>green beans
>coconut oil

This is a shitty stew.

>> No.6092144

I love Dude Ferrari.

>> No.6092146

he's right tho. Reddit as a whole is as bad as /b/, the subreddits can be as great as it can get. Especially love /xcom/, no cancer at all.

>> No.6092394

I've always seen chili carb loaded before being eaten:
>crackers (butter, saltine, unsalted, oyster, cheezits)
> rice
> pasta
> bread bowl
are the most common I've seen, with served over hash browns/potatoes happening somewhat too

>> No.6092417

i think he's fun

if santa were a chef, tv host and drove a red corvette then it would be him

i swear to god i saw him in one of 3 dune buggies going down the street the other day since he lives here. there is no way in hell there exists more than 1 chubby guy with white sunglasses, a plaid tshirt and bleached spiky hair. it was like seeing a mythical creature. a unicorn if you will.

>> No.6092441

How are you gauging their response to him?


>> No.6092474

o my he wears so much makeeup ;3

>> No.6092489

>there are professional food "people" or whatever you call them

food is completely subjective. I mean, objectively, eating a rock isnt going to be good, but taste among real food is subjective. I like burnt popcorn. No one can tell me otherwise, but these jackasses would try and say regular popcorn is better.

>> No.6092502

yeah thats why food engineers fail so hard
because food cant be measured objectively

>> No.6092606

>objectively, eating a rock isnt going to be good
-is a subjective statement

>> No.6092647
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That's wonderful, but you're on 4chan right now, and you don't need to be discussing the merits of reddit. Much less on a FUCKING COOKING BOARD!!!!

>> No.6092727

have to add "i dont want this quasi-controversial opinion to get me downvoted, better make another account"

>> No.6092768

Well said, Ramsay.

>> No.6092769

>Had a friend who became a redditor
>He always had a shitty sense of humor (finds the highest rated images on imgur hilarious every day and loves the comments) and never liked anything that had a major flaw despite being otherwise enjoyable

He also hated fish, spicy food, thought beer was disgusting and ordered his steak well done.

>> No.6092835

Because he's loud, annoying, and dresses weird.

Like who the fuck wears sunglasses on the BACK of your head?

>> No.6092844

If you hate clowns then you hate Ronald. If you hate Ronald then you hate McD's. If you hate McD's then you hate America. I demand satisfaction. Pistols in the town square at high noon. Don't be late.

>> No.6092872

I'm most likely retarded, but am I the only one that can't navigate that goddamn site. None of it makes sense to me, the comments are out of order and even if you do put them in "top" mode, it's still a bitch to read.

The standard mode of the guy with the blandest, most PC opinion coming out on top is even more pointless. How anyone, let alone millions, can navigate this shit is beyond me.

That 2Am chili doesn't look that horrendous tho, but the edgy drawings and some questionable ingredients don't particularly make me want to try it.

>> No.6092883

but /r/ronandfez is bretty gud

>> No.6092887

One person I know basically uses it to keep up with certain things like you would use the digg

>> No.6093053

>I'm most likely retarded, but am I the only one that can't navigate that goddamn site. None of it makes sense to me, the comments are out of order and even if you do put them in "top" mode, it's still a bitch to read.

holy fuck you're not alone, breh

>> No.6093065

Although I see you use their new name for pepe.

>> No.6093072

Cornbread isn't near the top?

>> No.6093472

because he's too republican for them

>> No.6093961

I don't like him as a person, but let's not pretend DD&D isn't a great show.

>> No.6093971

He's one of those people that just looks punchable. I dunno.

>> No.6093976
File: 180 KB, 610x471, wpid-2010-07-21-hogan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy fieri is the NWO hulk hogan of food network

>> No.6093988


>I'm most likely retarded, but am I the only one that can't navigate that goddamn site. None of it makes sense to me, the comments are out of order and even if you do put them in "top" mode, it's still a bitch to read.

Same exact thing lel

I've actually heard several people say that 4chan is harder to navigate which is redic.

>> No.6093990

I'm not a Guy Fieri hater, but let's be honest, Hulk Hogan is legendary. They're not in the same league. They're not even in the same fucking ring, ya dig?

>> No.6094168

hes a qt :3
how can you hate somebody whos having positive vibes like him?

>> No.6094177
File: 83 KB, 512x384, The_Itchy_&_Scratchy_&_Poochie_Show_67[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's Poochie in man form.

>> No.6094240

>but let's not pretend DD&D isn't a great show.
he does eat food that looks pretty good

>> No.6094383

>sunglasses on the back of the head

Douches do this

>> No.6094475

you're right, i should've said he's a poor imitation of him

>> No.6096820

too much flavor

>> No.6096855

great post have a penny /u/changetip 1 penny

>> No.6096873

his presence ruins it

>> No.6096878

DD&D is great when Guy keeps his mouth shut and lets the guest talk, which isn't often enough. My problem with that show is that as soon as I start getting into whatever the restaurant owner is talking about and cooking, Guy butts in with something stupid and obnoxious.
If the show was hosted by someone else it would easily be one of my favorites, he just makes it that hard to watch for me.

>sad frog
>reddit name
Nigga, you serious? A good portion of 4chan used that term for years, way before reddit existed, mostly because it became more well known than the original 'feels good man' comic.

>> No.6096979

Idk his cooking show sucks dick but I fucking can watch DD&D fucking for days then fap to all the food on there.

>> No.6097426

>that gaming reddit link
>first post is a constructive criticism, not too horrible
>don't make an mmo if you've never made an mmo before
How the fuck am I going to make an MMO in the first place then? Worst part is I can't even find any tutorials that aren't "use this existing engine". I just want to learn how to make my own MMO engine, is that so wrong?

But, yeah, I have an account there due to some game giveaway years ago, he gave a heads-up that there was going to be a restriction of needing to have an account for a month before the giveaway. I think I used it all of five times to comment on things I was linked to by others (usually on 4chan oddly enough) but I don't regularly browse it because the community seems too...I don't even know how to describe it. Like, you can't argue with the hivemind or you're worse than Hitler even when you have a completely valid, scientificially-backed logical point with sources.

>> No.6097483

he was better when it was just "feels bad man"

>> No.6097486
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nah pepe was always shit
now reddits gonna overuse him into oblivion so i wont see him here again

>> No.6097504

The "feels bad man" and the one >>6097486 posted are fucking great juxtaposed against each other though

>> No.6097536

If you kept reading the poster was simply saying that developing MMOs would be a poor choice for a first project unless you have experience working on MMOs.

>> No.6097642

I think the only people who dislike Guy are the ones who don't watch his show. He makes good food and is fun to watch.

>> No.6097678
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Because reddit is a disgusting place.

>> No.6097916

No, no, I saw, I get that, and it's a valid point, but my point is that that's what everyone seems to say, instead of anyone taking the leap and being all "Sure, I'll help you learn how to make an MMO, this is how you get started".

So when nobody's willing to teach, how are you supposed to learn?

>> No.6097927

>Why do redditors hate this guy so much?

Fucking loud asshole cokehead. Don't call me a Redditor.

>> No.6098000

I can't name a modern American cooking television personality that isn't a loud annoying asshat. All they are good for are memes and celeb scandal hilarity like budda y'all and racism.

>> No.6098040

He's an annoying cunt

>> No.6098196

Nice trips. Alton Brown is good.

>> No.6098221

And Emeril and Giada.

>> No.6098229

He's just a douche. He tries too hard to be funny and always interrupts the people on ddd like he knows everything

>> No.6098235

It's beautiful. His show inspired thousands to do what he does.

>> No.6098242

That makes three of us.

>> No.6098247

Emeril's out of style and Giada is a childish bitch. I love Ree Drummond and Ina Garten (but mostly Ree Drummond)

>> No.6098450

Jealousy. They're mad that a goofy-looking fat fuck makes millions of dollars doing what he loves while the work terrible jobs in offices and restaurants for slave wages.

>> No.6098485

idk, man. I don't begrudge the man his success, because he's managed to tap into something many people respond to. That's brilliant, so good for him.

The reason why I hate him has nothing to do with his success. I hate him because he celebrates dumbed-down food, where excess replaces nuance and quality. I don't give a fuck about extreme anything. I like hole in the wall places because that's where you can (if you're lucky) find good food for cheap in an unpretentious setting. But I prefer not having my intelligence insulted as part of that experience.

>> No.6098493

Honestly, I feel like if he gets just one 'murican to step outside their usual chain restaurants and fast food, he's doing good. I would tend to agree with the notion that he celebrates dumbed -down food, but coming from a city full of pretentious food, I almost find this to be refreshing. Sometimes I get tired of artisanal this and heirloom that and want to stuff my face with a disgusting burger with all manner of crap piled on it (or, as the case often is: Grilled onions, pickels, bacon, and peanut butter...not just "not bad", but genuinely good, but YMMW.)

>> No.6098520

4. I tried going maybe 3 years ago to see what the hubub was, even though it sounded horrid. It was awful in the layout alone.

>> No.6098568

>I feel like if he gets just one 'murican to step outside their usual chain restaurants and fast food, he's doing good.
I suppose so. I never think about chain restaurants because I live in a place where the mom and pop joints are so good I never eat at chains. But I understand I'm lucky.
>Sometimes I get tired of artisanal this and heirloom that and want to stuff my face with a disgusting burger with all manner of crap piled on it
I don't see how the two are mutually exclusive. A burger will only be better made from good meat and put in a good bun. While being precious about every ingredient does often result in good food it sometimes comes with a side of pretentiousness, and that shit is tiresome. But that still doesn't inspire me to seek out foodservice grade meat in a reactionary way. Experience has taught me that I always regret binging on trash, so I try to avoid doing so.

>> No.6098873
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>why do people with half a brain hate this guy so much.

There fixed that for ya

>> No.6098880
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>> No.6098892


>> No.6099973

is this real?

tell me this is not real

>> No.6099985


Fuck me

>> No.6099991

Pizza eggrolls have existed for some time.

>> No.6100429

I don't think that it is the pizza eggrolls as much as there is a market for a food product that has Guy's face on it and that people would still be hungry after looking at him.

>> No.6100448

Didn't some cake boss guy have a product line?

>> No.6100574

That sounds like a really shitty person. How did you deal?

>> No.6100577

no i mean this product specifically.

>> No.6101048

>Reddit will corrupt Wojak, who has always been your favorite, within a couple of years
>They've already found Pepe
>Kat Perry and Snoop Dogg have posted Pepe macros on Twitter

>> No.6101055
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 7807674288_9eb9cc3dc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize perry and snoop are longtime lurkers

>> No.6101102

>don't discuss reddit
>in a thread about reddit
>after reddit was already brought up with an anti-reddit attitude
Hey m8, I don't go to that shithole, but still, your hypocrisy is pretty glaring. Only anti-reddit sentiments are allowed apparently. It's better to encourage differing opinions, unlike on reddit where they are suppressed by the majority.

>> No.6101189

Hearing guy on Opie and Anthony actually made me not hated him

>> No.6102030
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>> No.6102406

Got a link to a vid?
For the sake of my sanity I must confirm that this was done as a joke and not seriously how he drinks

>> No.6102482

just watch You Gotta Eat Here then.

>> No.6102716

He might be a bit goofy, but he seems to genuinely enjoy what he eats.

Reddit is awful.

>> No.6102725

What's wrong with the first thread? All the advice she was given seemed reasonable.

>> No.6102728

not that poster but he probably ate something spicy before doing this

he's terrible

hulk hogan just needs to kick his ass already

>> No.6103678

I fixed him.

>> No.6103838
File: 40 KB, 600x655, 1420018693970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

>> No.6103890
