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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6081924 No.6081924 [Reply] [Original]

>food that you don't like

>> No.6081948

Organ meat/offal
Shitty fast food/chain restaurant food

That's really it, I'll eat damn near anything else.

>> No.6081960

Coconuts fill me with rage.

>> No.6081975

>seafood, don't care if people call me pleb I just can't deal with the texture and the bizarre fish flavor
>eggs with a runny yolk
>organ meat or shit like turkey necks
>Cheap hot dogs or lunchmeat made with questionable ingredients
>Cup o noodles or heavily processed junk in general. It's not like I don't like the flavor it's just junk
>a lot of mayo

>> No.6081983

>hand jive

>> No.6081987


You fucking children

>> No.6081994

Cavendish bananas.

They're bland mush and they're fucking everywhere.

I'm hoping to find someone that imports Gros Michel bananas to finally give them a try. Anyone in the Greater Toronto Area seen some?

>> No.6081995

green beans, ew

>> No.6082006


I love seafood, just can't enjoy shrimp.

>water chestnuts
>egg drop soup
>black people soul food
>artificial fruit flavors
>greasy chips

why u niggers eat this shit?

>> No.6082012

Second the egg drop soup. Got it at some restaurant years ago. It was god awful. Probably one of the most disgusting things I've had

>> No.6082048
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>lima/green beans

>> No.6082150

>Organ meat/offal

Those are all fucking great you god damn faggot.

>> No.6082182

mushrooms - it's a texture thing
black olives - they're black

That's pretty much it.

>> No.6082198

Any seafood that has shells

>> No.6082223


>muh inferior soap genetics

>> No.6082228
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Lemon unless its in a cheesecake. I just find it overpowers everything chefs tend to put it in.

>mfw Jamie Oliver ruins a good dish with all the lemon juice he uses

>> No.6082229

How dare anyone not like things that you like!

>> No.6082237

>this thread

pleb readings off the fucking charts

>> No.6082266

Strawberries and especially Cherries: A legit trigger for me after having those flavors of cold medicine when sick as a kid and vomiting them up repeatedly

>> No.6082269

Seafood and asparagus

>> No.6082277


>> No.6082278

I can actually eat anything but :

>pork,cow,lamb meat

>> No.6082288


That's a pretty common one. For some reason, 90% of the people I know who can't stand mayo are either Chinese or Vietnamese, though.

>> No.6082300

>mushroom texture
THANK YOU. The taste is eww too, but wouldn't be as bad if they had a better texture.

>> No.6082303

I'm Eastern European.
I just can't handle the smell and it reminds me of trailer trash for some reason.

>> No.6082306

Wut. Cherry and strawberry med flavors taste nothing like the real thing. I eat me a bag of cherries a day when in season. When my father started working at Sonic when I was 11, he brought me home a whole gallon of cherries and I ate them in 3 days. Then, the next 12 years of my life I would eat marachino cherries anytime I worked, since I worked at Sonic. Mmmm, cherries.

>> No.6082310

But Kalamata olives are so delicous.

>> No.6082311


IDK, man. Chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, lobster mushroom, chicken of the woods... A lot of mushrooms are fucking nice. Especially in a thick cream based sauce/soup...


Have you tried home made mayo? If you have a food processor, it's stupid easy.

Good Eats season 4 episode 10.

>> No.6082313

mayo only when theres too much, like a sandwich or kani salad dripping with mayo, makes me gag
green beans

thats it

>> No.6082315

Mayo is only good in teeny tiny amounts or it's disgusting. When a co-worker found out I wasn't a fan of it, they got the spatula full of mayo and slathered some on my arm and I freaked, almost threw up.

Butter is a big one for me too. I'm fine with both mayo and butter, but very light amounts. Butter makes me gag if there's a lot. The smell smells like legitimate ass to me. I was cleaning the bun toaster, ended up dumping the whole butter well on me (it was fll and I was a lazy cunt who didn't care to empty it). I flipped out like never before and the manager came to the back to check on me, thought I had injured myself, pft. I jutsreally, REALLY dislike butter.

>> No.6082320


I think the problem with eggplant is that people always prepare it the same way. Sliced and topped with mozzarella. Shit sucks.

Baba ghanoush is delicious. So is spicy pickled eggplant (I like to serve it on a bed of white rice to soak up the oils)...

>> No.6082325


>> No.6082326

my mom was from a shitty village in turkey so shit like green beans, eggplant, and spinach was legit all i ate growing up, she was a good cook i just started to dislike it more and more as i learned to feed myself

>> No.6082329


>> No.6082334

The smell is enough to kill any appetite I'd have.

>> No.6082341

>she doesn't like food

>> No.6082342

There are no bad foods, only bad cooks and picky eaters.

>> No.6082479

Onions. They oerpower absolutely everything they're in. And I mean like, decent sized pieces, not the small dehydrated ones, and not onion powder.

They're too damn pungent and unnecessary. Fuck off, all of you.

>> No.6082509 [DELETED] 

western-style chicken noodle soup. especially cwnnee

>> No.6082521

>Hey anon, what's your favorite film?
>I like all of them equally! I am true patrician :^)

This is how retarded you sound

>> No.6082532


no, no it's not.

>> No.6082534


are you me

>> No.6082545

>Beef liver
>Shitty supermarket bakery cake/cookies

There's nothing I wouldn't eat if hungry enough though. Well, maybe not mammal brain.

>> No.6082552

Persimmons. They were chalky and mushy and awful. Then again, I think there are two kinds and you're only supposed to eat one and bake the other. Maybe I had baking persimmons

Eggplant. Some people love it, but I've never found a recipe that actually converts it into food.

Vinegar, sadly. Can't stand the taste unless it's heavily diluted and mellowed; most ketchup tastes too vinegary for me.

American cheese. I've learned to stand the flavor, but it's still not good.

...and that's really the only foods I've actually hated so far.

>> No.6082556

On the subject of offal: The only true, "weird" offal I've had is cow stomach in a bowl of menudo. It was okay at first, but I couldn't finish all that stomach...It was just gummy and flavorless, kind of gross. The menudo broth was good though, just not the actual menudo.

Beef tongue, on the other hand, though not really offal (or is it?), is delicious.

>> No.6082560

Hot olives
Beans (as a dish)

All I can think of at the moment.

>> No.6082562
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>threads you don't like
this one.

>> No.6082567

raw onions
any crunchy, uncooked vegetable, really

>> No.6082733

Raw onions
Over cooked anything

>> No.6082783


>> No.6082827

Oh god persimmons are so awful.
I dislike shrimp for the flavor and the texture.
Melons, similar flavor to persimmon, but edible if I have to.
Any sort of organ meat.

My dad dislikes pasta because he saw a cat get run over as a young child and it looked like pasta.

>> No.6082831

I gag when I try to eat broccoli.

>> No.6082834

I don't like mussels

they're fucking native subhuman survival food why the fuck anyone like this? tastes like shit fuck maoris

>> No.6082839

Coleslaw (probably my least favorite food ever)
Fish (I dig most shellfish, though)

>> No.6082842

Rice (buckwheat is so much better)
Bell peppers (can tolerate in small amounts on pizza)
Melons (but I fucking love watermelons)
Oranges (I like the taste but they are so hard to eat)
Chicken, aside from chicken breasts
Cooked sauerkraut (but I like uncooked sauerkraut as a snack)

>not liking liver
Macaroni with liver gravy is food of gods.

>> No.6082843
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already gagging, will eat anything but this

>> No.6082847

I really hate tomatoes...I mean, tomato sauce, ketchup, tomato soup and other cooked tomato dishes are all great but fuck raw tomatoes.

>> No.6082857

You're me

>> No.6082859


>> No.6082868

exact opposite. I love how juicy and fresh raw tomatoes taste but absolutely fucking hate the overpowered taste of mushed up tomatoes.

>> No.6082871

I don't really like raw tomatoes, but I do like them in sandwiches

Pea soup with smoked sausages is great

>> No.6082884


>> No.6082893


>> No.6082914

Chocolate. And everyone gives me shit for it too. They treat me like I have the plague or something because I don't like how sweet chocolate is.

>> No.6083298
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>> No.6083622

>because I don't like how sweet chocolate is

Chocolate isn't that sweet on its own though.

>> No.6083631


>> No.6083644

Raw fish
Raw meat

Wtf learn to cook

>> No.6083647


>> No.6083648


Then eat dark chocolate, then.

70% and up is bitter, not sweet.

>> No.6083721

Very few.

Sundried tomatoes, they're like gross little oily raisins.

Yellow/summer squash, and zucchini. Just has this nasty flavor and texture that make me wanna puke.

But above all... fucking ranch dressing.

Here in Clapistan, people use this shit like it's the fucking water of life. Ranch on carrots, ranch on pizza, ranch on chicken. It tastes like distilled soul of a middle-aged white woman mixed with the distinct aftertaste of hospital food.

>> No.6083722


That's the astringents, m80. You ate a baking persimmon.

>> No.6083851


Sundried tomatoes are awesome. Love 'em on pasta with peppers, mushrooms, garlic, parm, and olive oil.

>> No.6083878

Field peas. I fucking hate field peas.

>> No.6084733

that was my point. i was trying to satirize le do not want man. oh well

>> No.6084751

You are a terrible human being.

>> No.6084765

Persimmons are truly awful. My roommate bought em once cause he was curious, and I've never had em before. FUcking smelled identical to jizz. Tasted like a jelly apricot and jizz. terrible.

>> No.6084841

Raw celery

I dont know how people eat this. The only way for me to actually eat this without gagging is to add a lot of peanutbutter onto it and even then its still not that good.

>> No.6084844

I find your experiences inexplicable and bizarre.

Raw celery doesn't taste like...anything. It's green, crunchy water. I cannot imagine a more mild or less offensive flavor.

>> No.6084876

celery has a flavour, youre oversaturated american taste buds just cant comprehend it.

>> No.6085049
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Cilantro and culantro.

>> No.6085084

It's a mild flavor and you probably the palate of a child if you cannot handle it

>> No.6085141

I use to feel the same way, until I discovered that fresh tomatoes are actually pretty good. I still wouldn't eat a raw tomato as a snack or anything, but they can make great additions to lots of meals if the quality is decent.

>> No.6085151

It might be a cliché, but I also can't stand broccoli. Everything from the taste to the texture is just so off-putting. Same goes for cauliflower.

>> No.6085152

i am sure to get some flak for this
chicken feet
bitter melon

>> No.6085158

Water chestnuts. Fucking gross little shits

>> No.6085161

Watermelon, or any kind of melon
All organ meats, or any food containing them (menudo, chitlins)
Heinz 57 sauce
Catfish (unless is heavily fried. I'll eat the hell out of that)
Tartar Sauce
Potato salad

>> No.6086261

Raw tomatoes and bell peppers. Their juice literally makes me gag and struggle to swallow. I absolutely love ketchup and tomato sauces though.
Butter on anything. It's fine as an ingredient, but I hate putting it on things.
White sauces

>> No.6086278

Sweet Potatoes
Canned Tuna

absolute will not, short of starving to death, consume

i havent tried most organ meats, i dont know if i dont like them because im too timid to attempt

>> No.6086287

sweet candy.

Everything else is great, because I'm not a fucking faggot.

>> No.6086339

Good dark chocolate should not be bitter. Cocoa is naturally sweet, but companies generally use low quality or poorly prepared cocoa and just load it up with sugar to compensate. If you ever get a chance to try good dark chocolate, jump on that shit.

>> No.6086344

>Raw tomatoes
I weep for you anon

>> No.6086349
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Raw Tomatoes
Raw squid
Sweet potatoes/ Yams
> a few other things

I try and keep an open mind when it comes to my diet though, I always try new things.

>> No.6086351

oysters that are not asian style
lobster but just the tail
melons, this includes cucumber even though it's not a melon
raw broccoli

>> No.6086389
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Fish balls

I'd rather starve to death than eat this crap.

>> No.6086397

90% of indian food I've tasted (will try eventually to identify the exact spices that are making me gag)

cilantro (tastes like soap)

mushrooms (fuck no no no no)

raw tomates (why do this when you could cook it and have it be delicious?)

raw celery (please don't do this)

artificial grape flavor (nothing like real grapes)

>> No.6086403

why isn't this thread deleted

>> No.6086405

Because it is more /ck/ related than angry Englard chef and amerifat slob fastfood inhaler

>> No.6086410

There are very few fruits I will actually eat. Bananas, tomatoes, and pineapples. That's about it. Apples are the fucking worst, second is grapes, third is watermelon.
Fuck fruit. Raspberries are okay though.

>> No.6086411

Do you like them cooked? Any fruit is better cooked. Put it in at 475 for five hours, then turn down to 425 for another 3 hours.

>> No.6086414

No. Grilled pineapple is alright. Cooked tomato is good. The rest can still fuck off.
Wait, I will eat fruit butters. I could eat apple butter by the spoonful.

>> No.6086435

Is it a texture thing? Or the taste? Do you enjoy sweets?

>> No.6086444

It's a mix of both really. I'm not the biggest fan of sweets, and I've had so many pieces of fruit over the years that was mealy, mushy, not ripe, etc. that I just said fuck it all.

>> No.6086475

Avocado/Guac. I won't throw it out if it's in my meal but I don't see why people like it.

>> No.6086804


nonsense. cocoa is naturally bitter and that's a good thing, ya dingus.

>> No.6086816


>being picky

Privileged fucks. I'll bet you all still live with your parents.

>> No.6086837

>they got the spatula full of mayo and slathered some on my arm and I freaked, almost threw up
not liking some food is completely normal, throwing up when touching something you don't like is full faggotry.

>> No.6086856

Slathering another person in mayo is full psychotic.

>> No.6086859

Raw Tomatoes.
Raw Celery.
Organ Meats.

That is all. The rest of you are picky little cunts.

>> No.6086877
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>eat eggs for breakfast
>eat hard boiled eggs
>eat egg drop soup
>eat deviled eggs (made yesterday for party ate 2)

>can't eat egg salad on sandwich or anyway

>> No.6086882

Have you tried taking the deviled eggs and mashing them up. Use that as your egg salad for your sammiches.

>> No.6086891
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>> No.6086896

It wouldn't be that different. The difference would be mustard instead of mayo and a pureed yolk versus hard yolk pieces.

>> No.6086912

I try to eat anything/everything. I used to hate coriander (cilantro) and thought it tasted like soap but I got used to it after repeated exposure.

I still can't handle pork though.

>> No.6086917
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I thought the whole point of this thread was telling foods you don't like

>I won't eat egg salad

drop the whole Green Eggs and Ham thing

>I don't like egg salad

>> No.6086918

... coriander is the seeds. Cilantro is the leaves. The UK is the only place that doesn't get this.

>> No.6086932

Cilantro is Spanish for coriander.

>> No.6086944

At least read the next fucking sentence if you're going to run to Wikipedia

>Cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander, also deriving from coriandrum. It is the common term in North America for coriander leaves, due to their extensive use in Mexican cuisine.

>> No.6086960

Australia we call both coriander (the seeds we say "coriander seeds") because we're not mexi-fuckers. I'm aware USfags don't though which is why I put cilantro in parenthesis.

>> No.6086964

I knew this and checked the etymology in a dictionary.

Only North Americans I know who use Cilantro instead of Coriander in the US are beaners and people cooking beaner food.

>> No.6086965

Coriander is the proper term in every Anglo-Saxon country, fuck outta here with your 'cilantro' you spiclover.

>> No.6087332

Canned vegetables. Peas and Green Beans especially.

Canned tuna is pretty fucking disgusting too.

>> No.6087355

Raw Tomatoes

>> No.6087369
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>most cuts smell like armpitts
>can't eat most foods that I enjoy without gagging if it has a fatty smelly piece of pork
>not even jewish or muslim
help, I want to like pork but I can't get past the smell and salty armpitt taste

>> No.6087385


That's exactly me. I'll eat anything but pork, legitimately the only food that I've tried and don't like.

>> No.6087430

there is nothing i don't like as long as its cooked/used properly
but ketchup by itself is awful its like tomato flavored sugar paste
also basic bitch bbq sauce is usually sugar paste as well

>> No.6087437

japanese food

chili without beans

>> No.6087443

Japanese food

>> No.6087595

I'm a picky ass eater.
>seafood except for decapods
>spicy food except for buffalo wings and processed snacks
>jalepeno in anything
>American cakes, except for chocolate
>organ meat
>white parts of green onions
>and looots more

>> No.6088050

Anything with bones still inside it. It reminds me that I'm eating something that was alive and sentient. That a living, thinking creature had to live out a life of pain and suffering just to be consumed and forgotten by me. It kills my appetite and overall ruins the next few hours of my day. Strangely enough, meat without bones doesn't do this for me at all.

>> No.6088055
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I will eat anything else on this planet except for bell peppers. Can't stand them

>> No.6088059


I hate food the next day. It never has the same magic.

>> No.6088063

Not even thanksgiving leftovers or pizza

>> No.6088072

Cherries are a legit trigger for me after being dumb enough to try dxm a few times when I was in high school.
Robitussin cherry vanilla is the work of satan

>> No.6088075

Meat and veg.

>steak and peas
>Steak and mashed potato
>every kinda of roast
>chicken in the oven with potatos

Doesn't matter how many veges you add it's still the most boring, uninspired meal ever. And gravy as a sauce you lazy fuck jesus christ i don't understand why it's so popular.

My fav dishes are burgers
>usually chicken breast patties (deep fried)
>hash browns (also deep fried)
>no lettuce or tomato though
Fucking perfect

Sweet and sour pork / sesame chicken on a bed of noodles or rice

>> No.6088080

I don't see the appeal of eating Thanksgiving two days in a row, and cold/reheated pizza is depressing.

>> No.6088085

I can only think of one at the moment, because I tried tasting it again just to see.


>> No.6088091

Am I the only one who doesn't really have a strong dislike for any foods? I can't remember the last time I just didn't like something I was eating.

I guess incorrectly prepared food? And shit-tier processed dinners & the like.

>> No.6088095

Raisins or any dried food really
Mushrooms (Can tolerate on a good pizza I guess.)
Cheap Luchmeat like chicken bologna or hotdogs
Grape or Blueberry Pop-tarts

>> No.6088126

Mashed potatoes
Poached meat
Potted meat
Fish. I love shellfish, hate fish.
White Chocolate

>> No.6088129

>Mashed potatoes

>> No.6088156

Okra. I immediately start to retch when I put it in my mouth.

>> No.6088160

quail eggs

>> No.6088684

I was moderately allergic to tomatoes as a child. However my family refused to believe either me or my doctor about it, and force fed me when ever there were tomatoes around. I am no longer allergic now, but my body still instinctively equates tomato-y smells/flavors with vomiting and pain. Even sauce covered dishes in the sink are disgusting to me.
It really sucks because tomatoes do taste good, and they're a favorite food of someone important to me.

>> No.6088717


If you eat any of those you eat dicks.

>> No.6088745

Man, I guess I eat a lot of dicks. I must be quite the cock connoisseur.

>> No.6088748

Same. Don't know how someone can't like any of those great flavors that's just picky

>> No.6088767

Is it weird that I can only eat garlic in the form of powder and onions only in the form of onion rings?

>> No.6088796

1. cooked okra (pickled is great)
2. sweet pickle (relish/butter chips etc)
3. sweet tea
4. boiled/steamed cabbage
5. root beer

>> No.6088821

You were more than likely a dog in the past life

>> No.6088826

Ham and sweet pickles

Also recently I have discovered that I can't eat macaroni & cheese without having to vomit excessively. I used to love it but I guess my body can't tolerate "rich" foods anymore.

>> No.6088932

>hamburger helper
>Fish tacos
>tuna melts
>fried eggs
>blueberry bagels
>blueberry yogurt
>fig newtons

I will eat all these things, but I wont go out of my way to eat them. it's mostly a texture thing.
Especially bananas, I gag fucking hard.

>> No.6088937

Chikfila's pickly chicken
Pinto beans
Lima beans

>> No.6088951


>bitches about roast dinners being boring
>worships a fucking chicken sandwich and sweet and sour pork

are you 10

>> No.6088952


no you aren't, i like pretty much everything. apart from ketchup.

>> No.6090142

i'm not a picky little baby

>> No.6090149

I feel you man, coconuts and pineapples are satans butthole.

>> No.6090152

yellow mustard
90% of olives
overly sweet ketchup
hot sauce that tastes of vinegar

>> No.6090170

cheese, chocolate, oil, butter,overly sweet things, frosting, cookies, ice cream with crunchy things in it.

>> No.6090246

Leftovers or things I've simply left too long and they've gone cold/unappetising.
Milk by itself.
Coffee doesn't agree with my stomach.
Vast majority of fast food - they'll go to McDonalds or something and I'll be the only one doing without because it's not my thing.
Mashed potatoes.
Anything with vinegar
Chunks of tomato or whole/sliced tomato in general. I'm fine with smooth-ish tomato sauce but otherwise nty

>> No.6090249

you know that sound when you order chinese food and something in the kitchen gets thrown into sizzling hot oil?
yeah i dont like that

>> No.6090263


Theyre the fucking fruits of HELL

>> No.6090275

>Seafood, especially shellfish and canned fish
>Bell peppers. Spicier chiles are fine, not bell.
>Beans, lentils, garbanzos, etc.

I'm pretty open about trying new foods and would eat the shit out of some organ meat, but open up a can of tuna and I've lost my appetite.

>> No.6090280

>chewy chips ahoy cookies
>pasta without sauce

>> No.6090281

im italian and you just broke my heart

>> No.6090290

>Cotto Salami
>Washed Rind Cheeses (I tried Pont l'Eveque, Tomme du Berger, Petit Sornin, and Trou du Cru. Are there any that are less pungent?)
>Bell peppers
>Sweet Limes (they are so bland)
>Extremely cheap chocolate where the first ingredient isn't actually chocolate.
>Any well-done meat.
>Uncooked marshmallows
>Ghost peppers/other extremely spicy peppers (I like spicy foods but these are just painful to eat. They actually hurt, even when they are cooked/used in food)
>Some blue cheeses (my least favorite one is Shropshire Blue)
>Turnip greens
>Mustard greens
>Black coffee
>Gum drops/candy that sticks to your teeth
>Any "hot cinnamon" flavored candy

>> No.6090348

Green Curry
Tom Yum
Kim Chi
90% of meat, especially with white jiggly stuff and bones and tendons, drowning in grease and tasting like nothing unless you put salt on it

I try to avoid meat out of moral reasons. It isn't really that hard when most of it sucks anyway. Smoked meat is pretty awesmoe though.

>> No.6090380

>>pasta without sauce

this is a thing?


>kim Chi

u missin out nigga

>> No.6090389

why would you include cucumbers with melons rather than list them separately? I cannot comprehend

>> No.6090401


>> No.6090422

Brussel Sprouts
The cheapest of ramen
Peeps/Marshmallows (peeps are worse than standard marshmallows)
Cotton Candy
Any form of raw apples
Arby's melts. They literally taste like vomit. I don't know what other people taste when they eat this
grapefruit juice. It fucking tastes like it has tylenol dissolved in it, what the fuck

>> No.6090438

water chestnuts
raw coconut(toasted is delicious)
baked beans

cilantro above all else. It's one of the few food ingredients that can automatically turn any dish into shit.

>> No.6090553

Mushrooms. I just can't do it, they just taste and feel so weird.

>> No.6090561


>> No.6090578

How can you big retards generalize pork like this?
Includes but is not limited to
>Different styles of ribs
>Pork chops
>Lechón and most other pig roasts
>Pulled pork
>Cuts like salami, pepperoni, baloney, PROSCIUTTO, etc
And so much more.

>> No.6090614

Plain Pork Meat (happy?)
Egg Whites
Dry Coconut (fresh is awesome)

>> No.6090644

Tomatoes and mushrooms, and im coming around to tomatoes

>> No.6090679



nigga, you serious?

BOLOGNA. you illiterate faggot.

>> No.6090698
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If you are picky, fuck you.

That is all.

>> No.6091387
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>eating food

>> No.6091500

Dauphinoise and pumpkin pie. No matter how many times you eat either, the texture is fucking disgusting and the taste is even worse.

>> No.6091524

>Boiled fish.

Fried, baked, battered, pickled, smoked or raw is just great, but not boiled.


One leaf will mess up my tastebuds for hours, can't taste anything else.


Reson I group them is, when used together, they actually taste nice, but either one without the others just ruins a meal for me.

>> No.6091542
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called 911 for you
hang in there, anon
there are many butthurt survivors out there

>> No.6091550
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>> No.6091558
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>> No.6091567

sea urchin

>> No.6091621
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>> No.6091638


>> No.6091769

I fucking hate baked beans

>> No.6091772

fucking die already

>> No.6091806

I don't like Mushrooms but I can stomach them
Olives just turn me away every time

>> No.6091821

>All these plebs saying cilantro.

For me, it'd probably be:
- mayo
- black licorice
- olives
- meatloaf ( bad experiences )
- beans ( it's really just the texture )
- anything watermelon-flavored, sans actual watermelon

>> No.6091836


Fucking gross

>> No.6091977

Pleb: The post

>> No.6092302

to the two guys who posted avocados, I despise you

>> No.6092308

Not sure if it's considered food but whipped cream. Fuck that shit, it is the most disgusting thing I've ever tried.

Also 99% of cake is shit

>> No.6092333
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Licorice omg ew

>> No.6092335

at least 90% of people who don't like eggplant have no idea what to do with it or how to cook it

dayum shame

>> No.6092354

I think it's pretty decent when fried in a pan with a shitload of other vegetables as a whole, but eggplant alone is just horrible in my opinion.
What would be a good way of cooking it in your opinion?

>> No.6092364
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i think the people who don't like it, eat it raw or grill it/fry it without adding any ingredients

it's amazing when you chop it up, add a bunch of ingredients and then slow cook it until it's soft as fuck

i'm lazy and picked a recipe off google. it looks promising though.


>> No.6092370
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>> No.6092376

literally the best

>> No.6092520

Tuna and potato salad have always been two of my most hated foods.

>> No.6092637

> mayo
> salad dressing
> vegetable oil / fried food
> added sugar

Yeah most cake tastes like fluffed muff.

>> No.6092747

I've gotten over most of my peeve foods:

>brussel sprouts

But I HATE peas. They still make me gag.

>> No.6092755
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>Onions in anything that isn't curry
>Almond Essence

>> No.6092765

Its actually good as a savory item. I made a paw paw/papaya Asian salad with noodles and it was fine.

Just not good as a sweet fruit.

>> No.6092894

beans, all kinds and cowliver.

the mere scent of cowliver makes me gag no matter how it's prepared, I simply cannot eat it and I'm by no means a picky eater.

It's a shame really when the things I can't eat are so great nutritionally speaking.

>> No.6092901

Don't you even like liver?

>> No.6092910

Dislike and don't eat

> avocado and stuff made from it
>olives and stuff made from it except oil
> moldy cheese
> some more stuff
don't like but eat
> broccoli
> tomatoes
> Brussel sprouts
> more stuff

>> No.6092911

Elso eggplant, it's disgusting

>> No.6092919

beef liver, lima beans, and buttermilk are pretty heinous

>> No.6092940
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>> No.6092960


>> No.6092973
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>melons, this includes cucumber even though it's not a melon
u wot

>> No.6092974

Probably referring to how cucumber tastes like unsweetened watermelon.

>> No.6092984
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do you even gumbo?

How do you not like root beer? What about the taste of that delicious beverage has offended you?

Cucumber maybe tastes like watermelon rind if anything

>> No.6093002

I find the taste and consistency of chicken thighs to be revolting.
Anything with a gelatine-like/slimy texture (jello, uncooked egg whites) is gross.
Also, oatmeal.

>> No.6093032
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>Strong blue cheese
>Garlic as pizza topping
>Canned tuna

I'm from Scandinavia so I haven't tasted much things like Avocado, Okra or anything too exotic

I have tasted Fermented Herring. It smells fucking horrible and putrid but it's actually quite tasty
>Fermented herring, dill, cloudberries, egg, potato, mayo and beetroot on bread is very nice

>> No.6093047

It's not like avocado is rare in Scandinavia.

>> No.6093081
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No, they're not. They're sold at many stores but here people rarely make food from it so I haven't tasted it

Also all exotic fruits and vegetables are kind of brought raw in here and therefor I have to wait to them to be ripe. I've bought mangos and papayas many times but they're just too woody or raw first so you have to leave them on table for couple of days to mature(?)

I love to cook, but people in here are so stuck on basic scandinavian dishes and most don't like anything new. We "spice" our food with salt and pepper...

>> No.6093082
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This is the only vegetable that makes me gag when I taste it

>> No.6093084
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egg salad

>> No.6093122


>> No.6093133

>you have to leave them on table for couple of days to mature(?)
yes , let them get ripe . it's the same here in north america