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File: 23 KB, 300x414, Cola[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6074739 No.6074739 [Reply] [Original]

Coke or Pepsi?

>> No.6074743


Pepsi is too sweet and goes flat too fast

>> No.6074754

Are you American? I find the opposite, Coke is much sweeter than Pepsi here in Britain. When I was visiting America, I found both to be overwhelmingly sweet.

Also, you guys really need to start using ozone instead of chlorine in your water, fountain drinks taste like a swimming pool.

>> No.6074755

>goes flat too fast

Do you think that the laws of physics governing how CO2 dissolves in water work differently for one and not the other?

How is it possible for an educated person to hold that opinion?

>> No.6074757

do you even physics bro

>> No.6074762

I know people will kill me, but pepsi max.... i just feel like its the perfect ratio of sweetness

>> No.6074764


Not him, but other chemicals in the drink could affect how quickly the carbon dioxide escapes the solution, changes in in the total osmolarity or in the pH could both shift the chemical equilibrium.

>> No.6074768


>> No.6074779

it may very well just be me, but in my experience, Pepsi has always gone flat/tasted flat, way before Coke has.

>> No.6074795
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Which one?

>> No.6074802

Tap. Both of these are just filtered tap water anyway and they both taste like charcoal. Water shouldn't taste bitter

>> No.6074808

I drink the morning dew off of the wisps of the willow stalks that bloom over yonder, unto the dawn's lingering scent fades to the coming wave of daylight.

>> No.6074833


>> No.6074835
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This one

>> No.6074855

>Carbon neutral.

So the water was transported from iceland by magic?

>> No.6075543


way if there are different amounts of co2 there bro its okay pick up the pieces of our blown mind ill wate

>> No.6075555


>> No.6075566

Dr Pepper.

Jones Soda if you can find it.

>> No.6075568


If you want to keep soft drinks from going flat, don't refrigerate them.

I haven't put a soft drink in a refrigerator in years.

>> No.6075576

>human body inhales oxygen and expells CO2 as waste product
>some people think it's a good idea to consume this poisonous waste product

I just don't get it.

>> No.6075578

blue sky cola

>> No.6075582

Tea, you fat fucks.

>> No.6075665

they let some trees live and claim it offsets the damage they did

>> No.6075671

are you also paranoid about accidentally eating an apple seed because it has arsenic in it?

>> No.6075674
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>eating an apple seed because it has arsenic in it?
>apple seed

>> No.6075911

I kinda agree, especially from a can.

>> No.6075964

That's not the point. Apples are made by nature and you can easily avoid eating apple seeds.
But carbon dioxide is a poison that the human body expells. I don't see how sane person would think it's a good idea to reverse the natural order by voluntarily ingesting that poison.

We expell methane too. Would you suck the fart out af another person's arse?


>> No.6075988

We expel buteric acid when we vomit as well, something found in dairy products like parmesan cheese. I hope you're not eating that as well.
Or anything with fat in it, our bodies expel that too.
We also expel carbon, which is found in all living things, so I hope you're not eating any plants or meat either.

Or you can just say "I don't drink soda" instead of trying to apply shitty nonsense logic to it.

>> No.6076005
File: 58 KB, 461x720, dr pepper cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer this.

>> No.6076008

>We expel buteric acid when we vomit
It's butyric acid and the point your making is retarded. You may as well have said "zomg, we expell red blood cells when we bleed".

>> No.6076036

Yeah, I mean I might as well because that's the logic you're applying.
>gotta have that logic put in there so ppl don't call me names when I post about not drinking soda

>> No.6076042


>> No.6076056

If you honestly think that carbon dioxide isn't poisonous then test your theory by shoving one end of a hose into your car's exhaust and leading the other end of that hose into the car's cabin. Then sit in the car with all doors and windows closed while revving the engine. Close all of the vents too.
Report back in an hour.

>> No.6076070

That's carbon monoxide, it would take a significantly longer time for the carbon dioxide to reach harmful levels and you'd be gasping for air before that while carbon monoxide just makes you sleepy.

Anyway, it's all moot because almost any basic food you eat will generate carbon dioxide when it contacts your stomach acid and you don't breathe through your stomach anyway.

>> No.6076102
File: 95 KB, 492x653, co2-emissions-bike-vs-car-vs-bus-image.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's carbon monoxide
You're so wrong it hurts. I've deemed to you be too retarded to have a sensible debate with.

CO2 is poison. Both to your body and to the environment.

>> No.6076111

Sure, there's carbon dioxide in there too, there's also nitrogen but neither will get you before the carbon monoxide. There's less of it than there used to be but still enough to kill.


>> No.6076116

Yeah and if you eat 5 cans of tuna everyday you'll probably get mercury poisoning. You're so ashamed to admit what you said was retarded.
Anything can be poison in the right quantity.
You also seem confused on how a human body works.

>> No.6076123

>You also seem confused on how a human body works.
Go back to the beginning:

>>human body inhales oxygen and expells CO2 as waste product
Is that wrong?

>> No.6076127
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>> No.6076130

Not him but carbon dioxide in the stomach doesn't magically make its way into the bloodstream in any significant quantity and it's generated by a variety of basic foods. It's in no way comparable to inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide.

>> No.6076132
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OK, but CO2 is still harmfull to the environment.

>> No.6076133

it also occurs naturally in the air, do I stop breathing?
do I feel sick because it's there?
no, me and all the other 7 billion people breathing it in seem to be doing alright
the only time it can kill you is in high amounts in an enclosed area
youre probably going to have a worse time with the preservatives in food

>> No.6076134

I thought Dr Pepper was already cherry flavoured..

>> No.6076135

More carbon dioxide will have been released shipping your soda / bottled water to the store than is released during consumption.

>> No.6076136

So is that ugly carbon footprint you're making by existing.

>> No.6076137

>its cyanide :)

>> No.6076142

>it's bullshit :)

>> No.6076153

yeah, what's up with that?

>> No.6076154

You dolt, the digestive system and respiratory system are two different, unrelated things. For digestive system - water - good, for respiratory system - water - dead. Get it? CO2's not bad to eat/drink. We regurgitate or fart it out anyway.

>> No.6076160
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Well shit. I didn't think of it that way, even though it seems so obvious.
Thank you for making me see sense.

>> No.6076200


>> No.6076215


It is, cherry version just has a little more of it. It's great.

>> No.6076224

It's called diet you dumb fuck

>> No.6076227
File: 18 KB, 302x317, coke-zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bae. I've converted several people to it.

>> No.6076411

Coke, even though it's far too sweet. I haven't found anything that scratches the same itch since Red Bull Cola. Fentiman's Curiosity Cola is the only thing that comes close to the ideal.

>> No.6076459


No. He's correct. It is the carbon monoxide that kills you.

CO2 is not poison to the environment.

If it wasn't for the CO2 in the atmosphere, life on Earth as it is now would be impossible. The CO2 keeps the atmosphere comfortable. Without it, the temperatures would be below freezing year round.

>> No.6076460
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>> No.6076462


No. It is quite good for the environment.

>> No.6076465
File: 360 KB, 1160x960, ACS-Profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepsi, but my cancer of choice is pic related.

>> No.6076669

Coke, I like the acidity. Though a pepsi is fine too.

>> No.6078458

What's ozone? -Amarifat here.

>> No.6078460
File: 13 KB, 181x279, therealthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6078462

I like mine decaf

>> No.6078469
File: 161 KB, 550x405, implying thats one of the choices, implying you're not a poser faggot with your shitty tea bags, implying that's a saucer and not a plate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6078474

Dr. Pepper

>> No.6078692

coke if cold pepsi if warm

>> No.6078695

Preston makes me ashamed to be a tea drinking Brit. What a fag.

>> No.6078750
File: 167 KB, 900x1010, sp_cane4pkbttl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swamp Pop Noble Cane Cola.