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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6072034 No.6072034 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs?

>> No.6072048

fertilized, hatched and fried

>> No.6072053

This guy

What he said, or over easy.

>> No.6072063

boiled hard, chopped into tiny cubes, then added to mayonnaise and other accoutrements, placed on tiny triangular pieces of bread.

Fried chicken sure is good though.

How do they fertilize that many eggs to make so many chickens?

>> No.6072066

I usually fry them in butter over-easy

>> No.6072133

Benedict. So I guess poached with hollandaise on top and such

Also like me a nice over easy

>> No.6072156

All of the ways, except soft boiled is kind of weird (I'd prefer poached if I wanted that texture). I love eggs. Hard boiled, over easy, over medium, fried, scrambled (American and European styles), it's all delicious. A velvety french scrable over some crusty bread is probably top, but I wouldn't eat it every day.

>> No.6072171

sunnyside with toast every time

>> No.6072212

It's difficult to improve upon huevos rancheros... lightly cooked eggs on top of two-three warm corn tortillas, then ladel on reduced diced tomatoes with chiles, theoretically to finish cooking the tops of the sunny-side up eggs, served with refried beans, tortilla chips and salsa. Maybe some sour cream on the side. Add a mug of hot coffee and we're talking Epic God King of breakfasts...

>> No.6072254

Over easy fried deep in bacon fat

>> No.6072286

I don't. If I eat eggs in any form other than as part of a sauce or baked goods, I get vicious, noxious, and un-ending stomachaches and gas.

>> No.6072371

Hard boiled with lots of salt.

For breakfast, scrambled with cheese and slightly overcooked.

>> No.6072378
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Soft broiled and liberally salted. I want the whites solid and the yellow runny, just like when over-easy.

>> No.6072380

Same deal here. I can eat eggs but I can't drink milk. It sucks.

>> No.6072381

>How do you like your eggs?

>> No.6072383

scrambled english style

>> No.6072402

Fried, overcooked and crispy white but runny yolk

>> No.6072409

Pretty much any way I can get them. Medium boiled is probably the best balance of convenience and flavor though.

>> No.6072410

>not american
well at least you dont like french

>> No.6072423
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>> No.6072429

You gotta get on that over medium game.

Nobody knows about that shit.

People just assume it's either easy or hard, but if you get it right in the center new flavors are unlocked.

>> No.6072433

I like hard boiled eggs, but when a fried egg starts to take on that flavor, it fucking sucks.

I want the yolk to be 100% gravy for my toast and sausages.

>> No.6072435
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Poached in lard.

>> No.6072448

What's it called when you fry the eggs, then when they're just about done you pop the yoke, let it spread for 30 seconds, then flip it over so you make them orange?

Did I invent a new way of cooking eggs? I've been doing this every morning forever.

>> No.6072461


>> No.6072465

It's called breaking the yolk, faggot.

>> No.6072468

it's called "ruining the egg".

>> No.6072470

No but y'all mother fuckers are letting that cook with the egg. I'm talking about getting that egg nice and crispy first then popping the yolk after that, flipping it over as you would over easy and getting a nice yellow topping on top of that shit.

>> No.6072474

Congratulations, you discovered scrambled eggs.

>> No.6072481
File: 730 KB, 2379x2373, BMFriedEgg_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mother fucker these eggs aren't scrambled mother fucker.

I'm cooking the egg til it looks like this

Then I take a fucking fork and I pop that yolk and spread it over the top of that crispy egg

Then I take that entire fucking shit and I flip it the fuck over

I let that cook for like 15-30 seconds at most, just enough to let it harden up a bit.

Then I flip that shit back over and I got a delicious gooey yolk topping on my whites.

>> No.6072483

Congratulations, you've learned to ruin eggs.

>> No.6072485

What the fuck are you talking about mother fucker

How is this any worse than over hard mother fucker?

Have you tried this shit? I bet I invented some new ingenius shit and you're just jealous

Go try it right now and get back to me.

>> No.6072488

best eggs are over medium-under well. yolk still liquid, but whites cooked enough to have a thin cripsy brown ring of caremelized egg around them

>> No.6072492

i too remember the thrill of cooking as a 13 year old

>> No.6072494

my nigga

look at this asshole

>> No.6072496

Eggs should have only one of two colors or both: white and yellow.

If they are brown, they are ruined. If they are green, they are ruined. No exceptions.

>> No.6072497

shut up

>> No.6072498

You're just jealous motherfucker. I'm sitting here eating my delicious orange eggs and you're sitting there eating your dumb ass eggs you cooked. HA Your eggs are SOOOOOO stupid.

>> No.6072500

But they do What the fuck are you talking about.
The orange I'm talking about is the yellow from the yolk. Maybe I'm color blind maybe you're color blind.

Mother fucker I'm going to make a diagram because y'all still don't seem to understand my shit.

What the fuck problem you got with me mother fucker go eat your dumb ass eggs

>> No.6072501

I'm talking about the part where you said you brown the bottoms.

Orange is fine. Any shade of orange or yellow.

>> No.6072506


read my posts

I'm still making the diagram it'll be ready in a minute so you know I'm not a motheucker like u are

>> No.6072542
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eggs diagram for new recipe that everyone is jealous of

>> No.6072556
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So you're burning the yolk after you pop it so it turns orange?

>> No.6072571

Cooked in the fat from the bacon I just removed from the pan. Or scrambled the good way.

>> No.6072583



You put the egg in the pan.
You let it cook until it's nearly what most people would consider a fried egg/sunny side up egg
You pop the yolk
You spread the yolk over the top of the egg
You flip the entire thing
You let it stiffen up
You flip it back over onto your plate.

>> No.6072584

i warned you about eggs bro

i told you dog

>> No.6072680


>> No.6072696

Posted on the booru in 2 minutes

>> No.6072709

Fried over-easy in bacon fat, hard boiled and made into salad or poached and served over cheese-and-onion grits.

>> No.6072711

>If they are brown, they are ruined.
Eat shit; the crispy bits on fried eggs are tops.

>> No.6072949

its just very badly scrambled eggs

>> No.6072963

that's the easiest method of cooking eggs "over hard"

>> No.6072987

I love huevos rancheros !

>> No.6073005

Just a basic 3-egg omelette in butter with a little browning. Also some green onion and cheddar if I'm feeling bored with it

>> No.6073055

Fried over medium, or scrambled, depending on how I'm feeling that day.

>> No.6073136

Sous vide .

>> No.6073140

Like I like my women, boiled.

>> No.6073158

Throw them in a fire.
J/k,rinse in hot water for about ten seconds, fold up a paper towel to hold the egg in place, nothing fancy it just needs to sit on top and not roll off.

Now, put it in the microwave in the towel so it won't roll and make a mess while it rotates and nuke the bastard for about a minute and a half for over easy and add twenty seconds for each step in doneness.
Voila! Simple and easy.

>> No.6073173

>browning omelettes, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>you mean your butter was browned, in which case the term is "ghee."

"But I didn't clari my butter before it browned so its not a ghee."

Fuck you for thinking you can have browning reactions below 221 degress .

Fuck you for thinking you can get above 221 to brown without first removing all water, thus clarying the butter

>> No.6073185
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Waffle House cheese eggs are the only eggs ever

>> No.6073190

Sous vide

>> No.6073209


>you can literally see the plastic "cheeze" slices they threw on top at the end

Those hashbrowns look even more horrifying than the eggs. Still, if I was hungover, I would probably down them both in a heartbeat.

>> No.6073215

all the ways

>> No.6073217

Poached is my shit

>> No.6073267


In the nest, where they belong, you fucking monster

>> No.6073276
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>being a vegan

>> No.6073278

>If they are green, they are ruined.

I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat!
And I would eat them with a goat...
And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good so good you see!

>> No.6073280


Add in the condition that they're cooked properly (no brown and crispy fried, dry scramble/omelette, blue/green boiled, etc.), pretty much this.

Eggs are versatile as fuck, and finding new ways to prepare them is one of the many joys in my life.

>> No.6073287

Whites must be cooked and yolk is either runny or "soft." Not sure what it's called when it's not runny but not quite solid.

>> No.6073659
File: 343 KB, 572x564, 1413690323593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga.

I make sure to get the sides brown and crispy and when it's eating time, I cut the sides off and save them for last.

>> No.6073668

over easy > poached > omelets > soft boiled > scrambled > hard boiled

>> No.6073676

Fuck yeah dippy soldiers.

>> No.6073692

Fried up in sesame oil and on top of hot white rice with a drizzle of soy sauce. My favorite breakfast when I have rice ready.

>> No.6073705


So I've never had anything other than scrambled, because I'm afraid of trying gooey stuff. I'm not a food snob and have tried everything from calamari to cow balls, but I can never bring myself to try like, over-easy or whatever. What are the appeals of cooking eggs this way? Please help because I'm open to trying stuff that tastes good.

>> No.6073706


You're a fucking idiot and it's clear you are a terrible cook. I'm glad you don't cook for me

>> No.6073710

It's practically just like any thick, rich sauce. Do you like bearnaise or mornay?

>> No.6073715

i do this too.

>> No.6073795

This. The crispy bits add another dimension. Also, cooking at high heat means your eggs are done in 1 minute and the white stuff light and fluffy rather than rubbery and congealed.

>> No.6075587


>What's it called when you fry the eggs, then when they're just about done you pop the yoke, let it spread for 30 seconds, then flip it over so you make them orange?

I think the word is "stupid".

>> No.6075681

Poached>over easy>scrambled(french)>omelette>soft boiled(has to be a massive egg or a goose egg)>scrambled(English)>scrambled(american)>hard boiled>everything else

Shits gotta have a runny yolk or I will just neck that shit and not take even attempt to taste it and appreciate the flavours.

Lurpack's clarified butter is amazing for anything egg related, I like olive oil for over easy because I like to baste a little of the oil onto the the yolk last thing to develop a lovely film so the yolk stays toasty until I plate up.

>> No.6075689

B-but his super secret brand new recipe Anon! Thousands of years of egg consumption and he cracked the code! You are just.....jelly.

But really, ruining the fucking yolk makes me frown like a motherfucker, worked at a cafe and would frequently watch this girl FLIP fried eggs over cooking them on medium high for about 2-3 minutes each side, shit looked like a god damn birds nest.

>> No.6075746

And how is this not over-hard? Because the yolk is only 90% cooked?

>> No.6076113
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I don't care. I'd just be happy if they don't have bits of shell in them.

>> No.6076233
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I like mine scrambled or hard boiled. Not much of an egg person so I don't like the stronger flavor of a runny chicken baby

>> No.6076241

Wow! Zero omelet love, eh? Mushroom and spinach or bacon and cheese. Fluffy scrambled, hard boiled. Not big on any of the fried variations.

>> No.6076242

Like my steaks :
Well done and with ketchup.

>> No.6076808

I kinda feel sorry for you because I feel like you have some embedded trauma or squeamishness towards food if you desire to completely alienate all the texture and taste of both an egg and a steak.

Won't say I haven't had a good well done steak in my time because I have but its never been my choice, and the only thing that was redeeming about it was the glaze that was used and the burnt crust, but in terms of 'did it taste like a steak? Did it have a cool spectrum of flavours interacting with each other?' Like, not nearly as much as a medium rare!

>> No.6076817

M: What are you doing
A: My scrambled egg
M: Well that is going to take ages, you are doing it in the classical way (au bain marie)
A:well michel this is the only way
M: You got to remember that the viewer,would like to gian our techniques as skill but they would like to do this very quickly in the morning
A:Well, i would say to the viewer if you not got time to do a proper scrammbeld egg, stick to a boiled egg
M:that is rude
A:no, it's not, it's a fact of life

-michel(snr) en albert roux

>> No.6076822

You posted a pic with the bottom brown.

Also... put a ring on it and you've invented the mcmuffin egg.

>> No.6076829

So in other words according to this guy there's no such thing as an over hard egg, since a "bad" scrambled egg is basically a chopped up over hard egg.

>> No.6076835
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Whatever people say, this is my soul food.

>> No.6076842

Kinda, if I dont have time for franch then I do over easy. Or poached, I like my poached eggs really gooey so 2 minutes is enough for me on medium high

>> No.6076843

>terrible cook
>doesn't burn the eggs

Yeah buddy...

>> No.6076889

One time I went to my Azn friends house and his grandma would literally crack an egg over soup as she would serve hers last, on a low heat. She'd ladle it up the White not set at all and the yolk obviously even less so. Shit was terrifiying to see then but I'd probably be less terrified now and even curious to try it.

>> No.6076899
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i do this but with my eggs either poached or over easy. and with hotsauce

>> No.6077033

I like my eggs three ways.

1. Over easy, I never let the edges get scorched (brown). I also never let them get rubbery. The key is start butter in a cold pan on low wait until it's bubbly then add the egg and don't flip until the white is set, then just let cook 30 seconds on the other side.

2. Eggs basted. Get a lot of fat in the pan heat it up medium then crack an egg in it and start spooning the fat onto the white. Works best if you have some clarified butter going in a separate pot.

3. Scrambled two ways.
a. Scramble the eggs in a bowl, get a lot of fat in the pan hot, then pour in the scrambled eggs and start moving them around with a spatula. They should be done in just a minute or so.
b. The Ramsay method.

PRO TIP> I did try the Daniel Patterson method and did not like as the eggs held quite a lot of water.

>> No.6077036

usually scrambled.
I cant replicate the fried eggs my mom makes. though, ive not tried that many times.

>> No.6077622

His scrambled egg dish in that show would sound like a joke if it wasn't there on video to see.
>first, scramble eggs
>then, decorate your scrambled eggs with quail eggs
>finally, top your eggs and eggs with a poached egg

>> No.6077625

>to fry an egg, first heat two inches of oil

>> No.6078172

Is it bad if I enjoy my egg a little crispy on the edges? Not cook the yolk so it hardens though. Almost like flash fry the thing, till the edges get crisp.

>> No.6078185

Nope that's fine, as long as the yolk isn't barbarised its a proper egg.

>> No.6078216

When i was a kid my grandma would come over every saturday to make us suny side eggs and serve it in a french baguette with soy sauce. The runny eggs with the saltiness of thr soy sauce went so well with the soft baguette. Whenever i try to make it, its just never the same. I dunno, maybe her love or some shit made it magical.