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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6075487 No.6075487 [Reply] [Original]

Are these fuckers not the best? I've found that foodmax has the best ones for the price

>> No.6075492

How many calories are in a rotisserie chicken?
I eat several week, one half is a meal for me.

>> No.6075496

they really are, cheap and pretty healthy

i keep a few in the car so after i get out of the gym i can bite the breast right off

>> No.6075503

Markets often sell them at a loss in order to get people in the store. Most people won't buy a rotisserie chicken alone and will buy sides and drinks.

>> No.6075505

They are cheaper than a whole uncooked chicken from meijers. And oh so damn good. My go to easy meal

>> No.6075508

i love the fuck out of them.

i find eating them piping hot is too messy. i let them cool in the fridge for a bit, the juices and grease congeal.

>> No.6075509


Why are they healthy?

>> No.6075512

Chicken without much bullshit added

Don't eat the skin and it's even healthier

>> No.6075513

Piping hot is best to me that's when they're the juiciest and the skin is amazing

>> No.6075517

Whatever vegan claptrap you are about to start spouting, shove it right back down your banana hole.

>> No.6075520

this is cheaper than a combo meal and 3x as nutritious, fact

but kind of bland over the long run so need some sauces to change it up

>> No.6075523

It is literally the cheapest meat per pound where I am
Raw chicken is more expensive, but it's better because I can make it not dry and flavorless like that. It's just so convenient to buy this shit and use it in casseroles and stuff for convenience.

>> No.6075529

Costco chicken > all other chickens

>> No.6075542

i knew this place that used to fill the chicken with fresh herbs and olives
and you could buy the dripping seasoned chicken fat

>> No.6075548


how can i stop the stuff from congealing? i love rotisserie chickens but i hate the jello type stuff after i put it in the fridge for tomorrow.

>> No.6075583
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Once the chicken has cooled to the point where the juices start to thicken , you must penis the skin really fast to loosen the giblets from starchening.

>> No.6075588

>best ones for price

Aren't they all 5 bucks? I'm not trying to be a dick, but everywhere I've ever seen these sold they are always 5 bucks. PS Meijer ones suck but Giant Eagle ones are good.

>> No.6075591

that the drippings that have congealed. just scrap it off and save it for a gravy.

>> No.6075609

Yeah they're a great quick meal. I like using the leftover meat for nachos. Shred the chicken, put on tortilla chips, add whatever you want (jalapenos, black olive slices, cheese, whatever) then broil until it's melted. Throw some pico de gallo, guacamole, and sour cream on there. Some hot sauce if you want. Best nachos ever.

>> No.6075614

This. I buy them when I want to make chicken soup.

>> No.6075623

I buy a rotisserie chicken from Sam's club every Sunday for lunch. They're fucking great man.

>> No.6075627

I don't know why I never thought of that. Great idea.

>> No.6075628
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costco = sams = gigantic $5 chicken

everywhere else -> ~50-75% the size of a costco/sams chicken. also may be a dried out husk.

>> No.6075648

My wife buys these and we use it for lunch sandwiches or add the breast to a jar of Indian curry sauce and have with rice. I've always thought they must be bad in some way because they're so convenient and cheap.

>> No.6075660

unless it was a chicken raised naturally, it's going to be bad for you because of the fat

>> No.6075662

woah, let me write this stuff down

fat = bad

>> No.6075670

Bollocks and no I don't care a fuck about your organic times hippy magazine clippings.
Go and boil your bottom.

>> No.6075676

>thinking organic means anything
kek, if you don't eat it everyday it's not the end of the world friend
no need to get defensive

>> No.6075682

I love buying one of these when I'm lazy and literally tearing it apart with my hands and devouring it.

>> No.6075745

It's also not the end of the world if you do eat it every day friends.
Factory farmed chicken is not bad for you.

>> No.6075794

So how many calories in a half a rotisserie chicken?

>> No.6075831

This guy knows whats up.
Just had a costco rotisserie chicken, it was 2 whole meals, plus made chicken soup for 2 more meals out of the leftovers. All for $5.

>> No.6075847

sure sure, it's not bad for you
whatever makes you feel better

>> No.6075854

>I'm gonna back up my no argument with sarcasm

>> No.6075858

Depends on which parts you're eating and how big the chicken.

Honestly, it would be better to just weigh the shit out and google the pieces. Calories in breast meat is different from the calories in skin and dark meat. Just google that shit. Chicken is chicken and if you're worried about calories, you should already own a food scale.

>> No.6075863

i second the fuck out of this, costco chicken is goat.

>> No.6075864

>i'm gonna back up my no argument with muh uhpunyuh
there was no argument

>> No.6075869

You just said chicken was bad, why should anyone else bother if you don't.

>> No.6075870

chicken is bad
>if you eat it everyday
you got defensive because
>you eat it everyday

>> No.6075871
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>Once the chicken has cooled to the point where the juices start to thicken , you must penis the skin really fast to loosen the giblets from starchening.

>> No.6075872

>Chicken is bad

There you go again.

>> No.6075902
File: 2.46 MB, 1288x966, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm not against buying these, I've found it's cheaper to buy a 3 lb. bird and cook it myself.

Pic related.

>> No.6075913

its difficult to get consistent roast without rotisserie

>> No.6076013

Bullshit. Do you see that bird? Please tell me how 3 centuries of experience roasting a bird fails to get a "consistent" roast?

>> No.6076018

i agree with you OP. one saved my marriage and another cured me of my depression.

>> No.6076023

not trying to belittle your skills or insult you, but the inner tighs dont look crispy to me.

>> No.6076045

Flip that bitch over and show me how crispy it is on the bottom.
Oh, wait, it's gonna be pale and soggy, nevermind.
You can't compare a rotisserie chicken to a plain oven-roasted one.

>> No.6076055


Thank you! The legs look like they would be rubbery.

>> No.6076315

They are great. I should pick up one next time I go grocery shopping. You can make so many different things out of them. Salads, quesadillas, sandwiches, or served with a side of mashed taters and some corn. Pretty damn good.

>> No.6076318

Agreed with Costco has the best.

>> No.6076327
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I would buy these if I had any idea at all how to carve a chicken. :(

>> No.6076341

Lol, you wish that was you.

>> No.6076354

insanely high in sodium

>> No.6076361


You don't need to carve it. You can simply pick the meat off of it.

And if you do want to carve it all fancy-like, you can easily learn how to do that. Get on youtube, search for "how to carve chicken". See video demonstration. Easy.

>> No.6076363

how to carve chicken

>> No.6076373
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for about $6 American it's hard to go wrong with one of these chickens

>> No.6076400

Not a crazy amount. Even less without the skin

>> No.6076417

Rotisserie-cooked stuff is great, yes.

So all your meals are mostly just a lot of meat? Enjoy your gout.

>> No.6076423

No he got defensive because were all tired of you faggot assholes spreading disinformation and making people think that meat is bad for you. No one gives a shit that you are a vegan, but you need to stop telling lies to get other people to convert.

>> No.6076455

But eating meat is a decision that affects everyone anon.
You will cost society more in added health bills not to mention what meat consumption does to the environment.

>> No.6076456

>babbys first troll

>> No.6076463

Every time someone acknowledges meat is bad for you its a troll?

>> No.6076475


Your average semiliterate doesn't really grasp the connection between cheap CAFO meat and antibiotic resistance. I got into an argument about this once with a carnist who sincerely believed that "thoroughly cooking the meat" was a solution to this problem.

>> No.6076501

I want to assume troll because mental retardation is the next logical assumption

>> No.6076862

Say wut, mate?

>> No.6076873

i make sandwiches out of em and eat it with pasta salad

>> No.6076876

They're pretty good, but I hate how the skin is always soggy. You can almost never get them fresh, and even if you do, the steam within the container softens the skin. I like it when the skin is crispy.

If you can get the lemon pepper one, I think that tastes the best.

>> No.6076878

just pop it in the oven for a bit, the meat is juicy enough so it won't dry out

>> No.6076906

cmon m8. i'm not going to buy one of those chickens to eat at home, i could just bake my own chicken if that were the case. no, these things are awesome for like going out swimming and drinking with friends, occasionally coming to shore to gnaw on it a bit. they're good for when you need food now and a candy bar won't suffice.

>> No.6077680

thanks for dis thread OP

my first time was with one from western beef. so juicy and thick. i just took it all in me. damn i want one in me so bad right now.

>> No.6077761

God damn i need a spit-roasted cock inside of me now.

>> No.6078317

Love them for soups. The skin and congealed goodness in the bottom of the container is very flavorful. I get them for lunch a lot and pick what I want off them and give the rest to Billy, my garage pig. As a pig, he eats anything but he shows real zest for rotisserie chicken carcasses and I think it is funny so we eat it a lot together.

He is severely stunted or something so he gets to stay in the garage for winter which is good because he is a real nice fellow and has eaten all the mice that were infesting the garage AND the cat shit from the cat who was supposed to be eating those mice but prefers to shit everywhere and himself shits only in a corner on a trashcan lid. Anyway he loves rotisserie chickens.