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6074479 No.6074479 [Reply] [Original]

What's a healthy alternative to chips/crisps that are just as tasty? My gf and I are trying to eat healthier.

We already replaced icecream with fruit sorbet :)

>> No.6074483

Chips/crisps are not a vital foodstuff. You do not need an alternative.

>> No.6074486

Air popped popcorn thats not drenched in butter

>> No.6074490

Baked pitta bread chips. Piss easy to do. Add a splash of olive oil.

>> No.6074491

but she need snackfood

>> No.6074495

>We already replaced icecream with fruit sorbet :)
Are you going to leave your gf for a man?

>> No.6074502

No, she wrote that part of the post.

>> No.6074518

roasted nuts

>> No.6074522

she don't consider nuts a crisps/chips replacement

>> No.6074525

Popcorn is pretty high in fat so unless it's some healthy shit I wouldn't recommend it.

Sunchips are pretty tasty and low in fat/probably calories as well. There are a load of other low fat crisps available but they might be expensive. If you're just in the mood for something crispy and savoury, just make some toast and put some butter and garlic salt on it. Ghetto garlic bread is more filling than crisps and tastes alright. You could also try making your own crisps. I've been meaning to make these for a while so I don't know how good they are.

>> No.6074531

>Popcorn is pretty high in fat so unless it's some healthy shit I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.6074532


Popcorn contains zero fat unless you add some.

The person above suggested air-popped popcorn, which would not add any fat at all.

>>Sunchips are pretty tasty and low in fat/probably calories as well.

Not really. They market themselves as a health food but there is not a lot of difference between them and normal potato chips. Read the label sometime.

Best snack? No snack. Drink a glass of water.

>> No.6074535


>Implying popcorn is not a snackfood.

Or make it on the stove and use flavored salts/seasonings (don't go overboard)

>> No.6074536

Apple chips, veggie straws?

>> No.6074538

then your landwhale will stay fat

>> No.6074539
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>pouring emulsified fat on it doesn't add a lot of fat

>> No.6074546


But that's not fat in the popcorn. That's fat in a topping, which is easily avoided by eating popcorn and choosing a non-fat topping.

>> No.6074547

Dried fruit (in moderation, with no added sugar)

>> No.6074548

Popcorn has no fat. There is no mandatory requirement to drown it in fatty shit.

>> No.6074566
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>eating bland ass popcorn

>> No.6074570

>Regretting posting a dumb ass answer.

>> No.6074582
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>not understanding the fundamental difference between an implication and the answer to a question

I'm out of armstrong pictures

>> No.6074586

eating healthier in this society means eating less, period. Though I'd avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat, like sorbet.

>> No.6074609



>> No.6074625

nuts, but be careful about mindless snacking because they're pretty calorie dense. but they take a while to chew (especially almonds) compared to chips and they're full of good fats, protein and fiber.

multigrain crackers?

also, dried roasted seeweed!

>> No.6074626


It's tasty and zero calorie.

>> No.6074635

Kale chips, nigga. Roast kale drizzled with olive oil, season with salt, pepper, garlic, and crushed red pepper.

>> No.6074642


no.. no, not all of society is one specific problem. not everyone overeats. a lot of people just eat like shit because shit food is the cheapest thing next to cooking your own rice, beans, eggs, making your own sandwiches, etc. but in either case, a lot of the food products we buy, if we eat them frequently, are terrible for us even if we stay around 2000 calories or even less. as are the habits of skipping meals or eating based on an 'artificial' craving like one for taco bell, candy, etc.

>> No.6074644


i think i fucked up making these because they felt like spikes in my mouth

>> No.6074646


I think the guy's point was that recent research has shown that a restricted-calorie diet prolongs the lifespan. That's true for anybody, regardless of what their diet is.

>> No.6074648

Hahaha, I did the same thing first time, you really need to remove the spines, because they become hard and needle-like in the oven. Really can't skip that step.

>> No.6074652


well, i restricted my calories and turned anorexic and basically my body is fucked up and the only way to get healthy again is to eat a lot of calories.

>> No.6074655


Sounds like you overdid it bro.
You can reduce calories without going full-on anorexic.

>> No.6074663

>i restricted my calories and turned anorexic

No, you were anorexic and you decided to restrict your calories.

>> No.6074664

Just don't buy anything with Palm Oil in it.

Check the Facebooks.

>> No.6074666

>Best snack? No snack. Drink a glass of water.

I thought snacking moderately throughout the day was healthier than eating all your food in 2-3 daily meals?

Also, water doesn't make you less hungry.

>> No.6074678


i'm just saying... it's not true for everyone regardless of what their diet is.

i along with a lot of others are prone to eating disordered thoughts and behaviors, and calorie restriction is a catalyst for unhealthiness, not health.

anyway, calorie "restriction" should come naturally if you're eating fresh, whole foods and getting all of the nutrients your body needs. it's hard to overeat then. calorie restriction might be necessary (at first) for someone who has never paid attention to nutrition labels and eats an excessive amount of calories. but humans are supposed to be able to eat instinctively. i think that paying attention to the types of food we eat and the nutrition that they provide can be a way to springboard ourselves back into natural, intuitive eating.

>> No.6074682




>i'm just saying... it's not true for everyone regardless of what their diet is.

>> No.6074699

>I thought snacking moderately throughout the day was healthier than eating all your food in 2-3 daily meals?

Kinda, but often misunderstood. It is true that eating food spread out as opposed to infrequent large meals does speed up your metabolism. But the difference is small. And that also assumes you're eating the same amount of food, which is a dangerous assumption to make. It's easy to accidentally overeat if you are used to constantly snacking. (though of course if you strictly track how much you're eating it is not a problem--but very few people actually do that). Another potential problem is the nature of the foods involved. It's quite common that a sit-down meal consists of a protein, starch, and a vegetable or two--a fairly balanced meal. On the other hand it can be more difficult to maintain a balanced diet when snacking--it's easy to end up eating a lot of junk food while missing out on the nutritious foods. Of course, like the portion measuring issue it's certainly possible to eat a balanced diet via snacking, but again, who actually does that? So it's the case of a minor detail in a specific situation being overblown and potentially false conclusions being drawn from it.

>>water doesn't make you feel less hungry
So what? Hunger is not insurmountable. Surely you can hold off from stuffing your face until the next mealtime? I happen to be hungry right now. But you know what? I can easily wait the 2 hours until dinnertime.

>> No.6074712

Why don't you try cutting things out instead of substituting?

>> No.6074716


what's the point in proving you can wait? and beside that, just because you can space out your meals so that you eat 2-3 and still feel energized and not want to binge eat... doesn't mean that's right for every person. some people do well to control their appetite and fuel their body effectively by grazing or snacking throughout the day. everyone is different.

>> No.6074733


i forgot to add, i am one of those people that grazes but tracks (when i'm not active in my eating disorder) what i eat to make sure i'm balanced. i also don't graze on junk food. i make exceptions for a little piece of candy here and there but otherwise it's grain toast, bran, fruit/dried fruit, veggies, canned fish, eggs, nuts, and beans for me.

>> No.6074737

popcorn, even lightly buttered and salted is better for you than chips

>> No.6074740

>pork rinds
No carbs, good source of animal skin, crunchy like chips
>celery and hummus
Low carb, good for you, makes you cum a lot
>Kale chips
Tasty, nutrition, good all around. Easy to make too and Kale is cheap as fuck.

>> No.6074747

>what's the point in proving you can wait?

To point out that snacking is optional, and that hunger can be addressed via willpower rather than food.

>>some people do well to control their appetite and fuel their body effectively by grazing or snacking throughout the day. everyone is different.

Oh, I agree with you about that. My point was that it's easy to accidentally fall into the trap of justifying snacking because "you read online that it was healthy" only to end up accidentally overeating. I have three friends who do this. They're all landwhales but constantly talk about how all the snacks they eat (in addition to meals) are "healthy". So yeah, if you snack throughout the day and manage to eat a healthy diet then that's great, nothing wrong with that at all. But snacking doesn't automatically equal healthy. And think that for most people (who don't track calories or nutrition) it will likely end up with a less nutritious and more junk-food diet compared to the alternative.

You're clearly doing things correctly (disorder aside), but that doesn't mean that applies to everyone. A lot of people hear that "snacking is healthy" and then use that to justify face-cramming candy bars and doritos throughout the day.

>> No.6074786

>Kale chips
Can you cook thjs with canola or something instead of olive oil? Gf doesn't like that.

>> No.6074788

terra's sweet potato chips

>> No.6074790


Of course you can. Most cooking oils are interchangeable.

>> No.6074798

Bread and cheese
Crackers and cheese
High calorie yogurt mixed with granola
Hummus and pita bread

Stanford Hospital Nutritionist.

>> No.6074804


cool, we're basically on the same page then. i was just trying to point out the generalization, not make an additional one.

>> No.6074891

>Stanford Hospital Nutritionist.
Which ward?

>> No.6074899

They came to me.

>> No.6074914

why do you need to eat chips, for fuck's sake
here's some suggestions i guess

>kale chips (w/ parmesan cheese, you also have to make them yourself)
>quinoa chips (you don't have to make these)
>eat a damn piece of fruit
>sweet potato anything that isn't fried
>make homemade hashbrowns w olive oil
>get a blender and experiment with smoothies (avoid bananas which are high in sugar and use chia seeds instead to make them thick, frozen fruit and veggies are acceptable to use)

>> No.6074939

wow do you also follow the food pyramid?

>> No.6074946
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>not following expert opinion

>> No.6074958


breakfast is usually juice or milk + [donut, bread, cinnamon bun today, english muff, etc]

lunch: juice + burger, fries or sandwich or leftovers

dinner: rice veggie beef or pork

try to eat fruit every other day


dessert: cake or ice cream daily

>> No.6074976

Make your own chips. Get a stack of corn tortillas, cut an X through it with a pizza cutter, arrange the quarters on a tray, salt, and bake til crisp

>> No.6074981


>> No.6074988


>Low carb, good for you

These things don't quite go hand in hand

>> No.6075005

>low carb
we memediets now

>> No.6075018


Go away, Atkins.

>good source of animal skin

Yes, that vital nutrient.

>> No.6075041

>use sparingly: potatoes
What? Oh no

>> No.6075045

>On the Healthy Eating Pyramid, potatoes don’t count as a vegetable, since they are chock full of rapidly digested starch, and they have the same effect on blood sugar as refined grains and sweets. That’s why potatoes are in the “Use Sparingly” tip.

>> No.6075062

You can eat doritos, dude. As somebody else pointed out, basically all prepackaged snacks are about the same, just start looking at the nutrional labels and PAY ATTENTION TO PORTION SIZE

calories are listed first becuase they are the most important thing. the easiest way to lose weight is to set a calorie plane, lets say 2500 Kcal a day for you and 2000 for your GF, and you can eat whatever you want as long as you don't go over that magic number.

next time you get a chance, look at what a single serving of Doritos is
>spoiler: it's 1 ounce, approximately 11 chips

that's 150 calories. you could eat 16 servings and stay under your limit, but that's literally the only thing you can eat in a whole day

>spoiler: family size Doritos bag is 17 oz

so you make a plan that goes something like this:

breakfast, 450 kcal

snack 1-200kcal

lunch, 650 kcal

snack, 1-200 kcal

dinner 650 kcal

snack 200 kcal

and you can eat whatever you want. but pay attention to those calories. you can have 1 serving of doritos or two large apples or 4 cups of nonfat popcorn or 2 cups of popcorn with exactly one TBSP of butter melted on it.

but the formula is simple- do not go over your calorie budget for any reason, ever, full stop.

this is guaranteed to work unless you have a medical issue

>> No.6075070


Why are eggs on the same level as fish? What do they have to offer? And what are eggs, fish, and chicken doing on the same level as beans and nuts? And why are nutrient-poor refined fats on the bottom with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables?

>> No.6075080

often people confuse thirst and hunger, so if it's actually thirst, you've solved it. Also it's something to do with your hands/mouth, so that could also add something... If delicious plain water is too boring, try soda water and lime or something.

>> No.6075101


OP didn't say he's just trying to lose weight, he said he was looking for healthier foods

>> No.6075103

Cucumber sticks and carrot sticks. Has the same crunchiness as chips

>> No.6075118

because going to science class in middle school doesn't mean you know what you're talking about
>see: your post

>> No.6075122


What do you mean?

>> No.6075132


No she doesn't.

>> No.6075242


They're Hamericans alright, i can tell everytime

>> No.6075276
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Entenmanns's Cheese Danish.
I like putting them on Firey Doritos!

They're kind of like nachos.

My mom didn't have a lot of money when my family was young but she always made Christmas special.

>> No.6075286

kale chips
or hell just make your own potato chips, and bake them in coconut oil rather than fried in w/e the fuck oil they normally use. you can add dried herbs for flavor variety.

>> No.6075288


>or hell just make your own potato chips, and bake them in coconut oil rather than fried in w/e the fuck oil they normally use.

And that will make it healthy?

>> No.6075289

Why not peanut oil?

>> No.6075290

It's not like one eats them everyday, but if a treat why not go for broke?

>> No.6075291


>> No.6075292


cuz dat aint paleo bro xP omega-6 will make dead

>> No.6075293


didn't you know man? coconut oil is the new thing. it's in. it's hip. it's the fad man. jump on the bandwagon and use coconut oil!

it's popularity couldn't have anything to do with the recent surge in advertising. no way. not at all.

>> No.6075294

i dunno, never used it myself so i can't really comment on it.

>> No.6075300

It's only a few times a year, so does it matter that much?
Two or three times a year, it's not going to matter. Get over your whatever it is. You'll have more problems with your life by not having some fun sometimes than the folk that do have some fun.

>> No.6075306

Keep eating delicious chips but get off your fat asses some more

>> No.6075316

People that have so many problems in their lives will have a lot more problems in their lives by being uptight assholes then some people that eat some chips a few times year. The former are the types are naturally uptight and need to put their bullshit on others.

I just ignore those types, they mean nothing to me.

>> No.6075540

Attempting to lose weight isn't the only potential reason a person can have for trying to eat healthier.

I've been trying to improve my diet lately as well, and I could actually afford a few extra pounds.

>> No.6076206

kale chips seems the best answer ITT i'll try it on her thanks guys

>> No.6076266

please respond

>> No.6076496

>Use sparingly
Fuck that.

>> No.6076900

Triscuits are pretty good. Or if you want something more chip like, try Sun Chips, they're whole grain multigrain but still chips.

>> No.6076905

>non-fat topping

Enjoy your anal leakage.

>> No.6076917


They're not low calorie, but they're way more filling than potato chips and you'll eat less overall.

>> No.6077849

make your own chips, use less oil, and eat them more as a meal than snack

>> No.6077865


>> No.6077908

Then she will die obese and disgusting ;)

Part of healthy eating/ fitness is learning self control. Do you think that those green/orange air-fried vegetable chips are actually good tasting? They taste like shit compared to conventional snack food, we eat them because we have the self control to abstain from high fat/salt bullshit until the cravings go away.

>> No.6078719

yeah but she might like the kale ones, i'll try it. nuts are a totally different category.

>> No.6078760

Eating Salsa with doritos has to be one of the most disgusting things I've seen.

>> No.6078859


>> No.6078877



shit like doritos shouldn't even exist. junk food is designed to turn the population into addicts, it provides calories but that's about it. your body will thank you if you just cut it out completely. it's not meant to be food. not REALLY.

>> No.6078880


and if you eat whole, natural foods that provide your body with the nutrition it needs, you don't even have to count calories. it would be hard to over-eat.

>> No.6078881

is yer gf a fat nigress? why does she need snackfood? is she fat?

inb4 shes not fat

>> No.6078884

>being a fat fuck

>> No.6078889

I've been eating frozen peas as a snack for as long as I can remember. They're sweet, crunchy, starchy, healthy, and don't make you feel like shit. Pretty much everything I want in a snack. Frozen corn is pretty good too.

>> No.6078909

>fat fuck dectected

>> No.6078950

Like frozen garden peas? They tell you to cook them on the back, I didn't think even defrosting was okay...

>> No.6078951

What's wrong with snacking? Also handy if you're busy studying and so don't wish to cook.

>> No.6080000

>The salt shaker should be used sparingly, based on extensive research linking high-sodium diets to increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Since most of the sodium in our diets comes from processed foods, such as cheese, breads, deli meats, spaghetti with sauce, and food prepared away from home, make sure to compare food labels and choose foods with the lowest sodium values.

>> No.6080021


>> No.6080027

... die fat.

>> No.6080033

>Drink a glass of water.
Then drink another one.
Then eat an apple.

>> No.6080065

Honestly, nothing is as tasty as chips. Doritos are the fucking bomb. Why don't you exercise some self control and eat less?
By the way, sorbet is loaded with sugar, just like ice cream.

>> No.6080067


>> No.6080077
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>fat is unhealthy

>> No.6080095
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bu bu muh cashews!

>> No.6080153

>By the way, sorbet is loaded with sugar, just like ice cream.
not if you make it yourself

>> No.6080596

Nori is a healthy crispy snack food. If you're just snacking because you like it and not because you need to eat, it's perfect because it has very few calories. Other seaweed is okay too, but nori is the snackiest.

Some people like kale chips because they don't have that ocean-life taste, but there's way too much oil and other shit on them.

>> No.6080599


>> No.6081645

Nori is much harder to get in europe than kale though.

>> No.6081654

I like to think crackers aren't as horrible for you. Plus they're baked vs. deep-fried in oil

>> No.6081776

>tipping intensifies

>> No.6082212

so kale chips
>wash in bowl until clear water
>dry in salad spinner or towel
>cut off stems
>spread over baking tray
>season with oil and salt and pepper
>put in oven at 190'C
>take out
>eat as crisps

>> No.6082367

Into le trash

>> No.6082964

how do you make sweet cherry sorbet

>> No.6082981
File: 34 KB, 500x257, cassavachips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic realted
> cassava chips

>> No.6083088


deserving of quads right here

>> No.6083092


i think those veggie chips taste good actually

it's not just about restraint it's about learning to restore your palate to appreciate natural subtle tastes instead of the chemical-laden crap we only like because we grew up to be addicted to it.

>> No.6083886

>it's about learning to restore your palate to appreciate natural subtle tastes instead of the chemical-laden crap we only like because we grew up to be addicted to it

>> No.6083963

prepare for disappointment.

>kale chips taste like hot fresh ass
>health nuts are lying to you

>> No.6083979

>didn't dry or cook them properly

>> No.6084383

>cooking oils are healthy

>> No.6084569

Eat grapes morons

>> No.6086873

olive oil is healthy

>> No.6086879

Frozen green peas have some kind of venom in them that disappears when you cook them. That's why they say everywhere that you have to cook them for a few minutes.

You don't even know what you are doing to yourself.

>> No.6086899

[citation needed]

>> No.6087114

I get unsweetened banana chips for my dog cause biscuits are loaded with crap , i don't like to eat a sand which without chips , had no chips so I used the banana chips really could not tell much of a difference

>> No.6087351

>chips on sandwich

>> No.6087364

... you feed your dog, a carnivore, concentrated fructose and difficult to digest plant fibers because what precisely in dog treats is "crap"?

>> No.6087487


How autistic are you

>> No.6087527

>Disliking chips on a sandwich

I'm actually surprised that there aren't chips specifically marketed for adding to sandwiches. That's bound to make some money.